Bad Day at Fuik Bay
This is the story of the infamous incident at Fuik,
where Isla refinery manager Jiménez and his bodyguard trespassed on a property owned by the Maal family
and started a fist fight before they were chased off at gunpoint.
(August 2008)
The story is largely told in Maal's own words.Jimenez and his boats were blocking access to Maal's property for the Maal family and guests; the Jimenez group had set up their own chairs, jugs, tables and parasols in Maal's own spot under the trees.
Maal's relatives had requested Jimenez to move his boats so Maal's people could moor theirs, and also to move his picnic equipment to the other side of the beach, out of Maal's own picnic area. Jimenez claimed not to "understand English", at which point his son translated to Spanish. Jimenez still yelled out "not to care" and that he could do as he liked.
He was then advised that owner Maal would be arriving shortly, and would order him to move. He claimed not to care.
When Maal arrived he was informed of the man's earlier actions, and Maal then personally approached Jimenez. He informed him that it was private property, and requested him to kindly move at least one of the boats (allowing Maal's boat access to Maal's property) and also to move their equipment a little further, since it was blocking Maal's access by car, and his own equipment.
Jimenez flatly refused, saying it was public property, and no one could tell him to move. Maal again informed him that it was not public, but private, and again instructed the people to move, allowing Maal access to his own beach, and to stop hindering his guests. Jimenez then started bellowing: "Doesn't Maal know who he's talking to?", and if "Maal doesn't recognize him." Maal informed him he didn't care who he was, and that now Maal, as owner, was instructing him to leave the Maal property. Jimenez here started yelling that he would call the Minister of Justice and the Prime Minister, and that "Maal would find out who he was!"
Jimenez then approached Maal, and threatened him again that "our people are on the way, and we have fusiles (carbines) as well," and Maal will "soon realize who he is fucking with!"
Maal informed Jimenez that he had two minutes to leave, or Maal would call the police, and Maal walked away to continue unloading his own truck with his guests.
Jimenez and his bodyguard approach Maal, and start threatening him while waving in his face that "this will not end here". Maal tells him NOT to threaten him, and NOT raise his arms in Maal's face. At this instant, in a coordinated attack, Jimenez punches Maal in the solar plexus while the bodyguard dropkicks Maal from Maal's left, knocking Maal to the ground.
They then proceed to kick Maal savagely while Maal is down on the ground.
Maal repeatedly tries to get up, but is constantly kicked and punched by these two trained military men (who were Commandos in Chavez' Army.)
Here Maal tries to draw his (LEGAL) sidearm in an attempt to stop the attack, as he suspects there are more people on the way, as Jimenez threatens.
Maal fires warning shots to his left, with Jimenez and the bodyguard again coming at him, and Maal already wounded. These shots stop the attack; Jimenez apparently decides not to get his gun (he seems to have had a gun in the pouch he ran to his boat to get.)
Within an hour Maal informed a prosecutor of the incidence, and next day Maal filed a report with the Public Prosecutor, and requested assistance in filing a complaint, after being treated at the hospital for his wounds the next morning. He was instructed to go file charges after being treated at the hospital. However, Maal was roughly and savagely arrested while having his fractured arm put into a cast, and while awaiting thorax x-rays for possible rib fractures. He was taken to the police station and subsequently detained for 11 days.
Jimenez was "invited" to come elaborate on his "charges", and was inside the police station for about 2 hours. The bodyguard was neither detained, nor questioned, nor even interviewed, notwithstanding Maal's charges, and Maal's severe wounds.
(Medical reports indicate Maal had two fractures in his hand, two fissures in his pulse, ruptured tendons, and severely bruised ribs, as well as facial and cranial trauma.)
Maal was detained, and next day was transported to and from prison Bon Futuro. He went 24 hours without being given any food. This combined with the stress and wounds(Maal had breathing problems and an arm in a cast), caused Maal to lose consciousness and to collapse in the holding cell. He had pleaded for a doctor since the night before, during that morning, as well as when being indicted by the prosecutor, who took no notice whatsoever that a "suspect" was repeatedly asking for medical attention. When Maal collapsed in the cell, it was the other prisoners who yelled for aid from the guards. It then still took the authorities another 3 hours (or more) to transport Maal to a doctor. (After being resuscitated, Maal was taken in front of the Judge, to have his case heard, and afterwards, had to wait for transport to medical aid. His schakles were not removed or even loosened during all that time.
Maal was finally released after the Presiding Judge got notarized statements from 6 witnesses, of which the police in 11 days had managed to interview only two, and had somehow neglected to include these statements in the initial file.
Maal, however, was 11 days in Bon Futuro, as a common criminal, charged with "attempted premeditated murder", "attempted premeditated manslaughter", "aggravated assault and severe battery" on Jimenez and his bodyguard. (Meanwhile it was Maal who had fractures, fissures and ruptured tendons.) Who knows what would have happened to Maal and his guests, had Maal not been able to reach his second gun and fire warning shots to stop the attack and restrain Jimenez from producing his own gun.
Four months later, Maal still was under medical care for the fractures to his arm/wrist, after having been in a cast for 8 weeks.
Meanwhile, Jimenez is walking around claiming "diplomatic immunity" and calling in political favors from his cronies and political employees.
That's "LAW AND ORDER" in Curaçao, anno 2008/2009. It may help explain why the political parties are so against Holland having a hand in the selection and approval of a Public Prosecutor.The week before the Jiménez Saga
180 Keys of drugs confiscated on Maal's Oostpunt property
The month before:
Burning 1300 keys of cocaine, 240 keys of marihuana, 40 keys of heroin
900 keys of coke were confiscated at sea
the rest (USA market value about $45,000,000 ~ 35,000,000 + 2,70,000 + 7,000,000) at Oostpunt
In that case the authorities were glad to have Maal's assistance.
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