Here We Go Again. Happy New Year!
and here they are:
maybe not so funny
"Hope for the best,
expect the worst."
nomen est omen: China
"Every nation has the government it deserves."
— Joseph de Maistre (lawyer, diplomat, philosopher).
From Letter 76 dated 13 August 1811, published in Lettres et Opuscules.
"Never, ever, ever apologise; always double down!"
James Dellingpole
Do We Have 20-20 Vision?
Good Question!
"You commit yourself and then you see."
Napoléon Bonaparte
Please don't forget to change your bookmark for one more year of tears and laughter.
Tell Us About It, Please?
Raad voor de Rechtshandhaving [law enforcement council] has had another look at the atrakos [voilent attacks]. While the number of them has gone down from over 600 in 2017 to less than 300 in 2019, the number of solved cases went down as well: from 12% to 9%. Says the council, the proposed measures haven't all been executed.
To prove their point, 2 tourists from Surinam have been attacked and shot at on December 12. Police is investigating it as attempted homicide, but "needs more infolrmation".
Boat Confiscated
A boat on her way from Bonaire to Curaçao was stopped by the Coast Guard, who were warned from Bonaire. It was overloaded with 17 passengers; the captain was drunk and his navigation license was not valid. All 18 were fined.
Even Worse
Than expected. In QII Curaçao economy shrank 30.3%. St. Maarten did even worse, over 40% shrink. Promising, because Central Bank expected a shrink over the year of 19.9%. All never shown before.
But inflation went down as well. Good? Our Leaders have already solved that for us.
Oh Yeah? Wait and See
Local company Corc is rumored to be the best candidate for the refinery take-over. Is to say, the "preferred bidder". But the process isn't over yet, not by a long way.
It's 51 Now
New Virus cases on December 30; that's over 10% of 483 tested. 13 inhospital, 5 in ICU.
You must admit PAR PM Bhillenaath has a point when he complains about the Dutch chutzpah, giving us code orange while they're doing much worse over there.
Now Go Waste It
Or has it been spent already? The Afpakteam has confiscated 46 million worth of goods between 2015 and 2017. It's supposed to be split, after the team has been paid, between Justice and Finance.
Five Groups Want to Green Isla
If they have more than vague plans, I really couldn't tell you. Anyway, they may be trampling with impatience, but the government is still struggling with efforts, attempts and intentions to get the refinery up and running again.
SER social-economic council also criticizes coming ABB to replace present OB. It will cause 1% inflation and result in 500 lost jobs.
Sinister Gijs & Bertha says he will work on it to submit them in the coming months. Before the elections? How hard a job can that be?
Approving the accounts' report on 2021 is ambitious, says the sinister, but he thinks it's "good to be ambitious." That's a big help.
28 New Virus Cases
507 tested (5.5%+, not too bad), 12 in hospital, 5 in ICU.
But here's the good news: Traveling to Curaçao will become easier, and airlines may transport their former quota. My, will the horekaffers be mad with joy!
If you have a company, you'll get support out of the Virus-fund to pay your mortgage, rent and loans. If you are a private person, no such luck.
Huh Heh Hah
Parliament approved financial statements for 2016, 2017 and 2018. Now sinister Gijs & Bertha is supposed to submit them, which hasn't happened since 2010. He says he'll work on them during the coming months.
How hard a job can that be?
28 New Virus Cases
507 tested (5.5%+, not too bad), 12 in hospital, 5 in ICU.
Dumb Dutch
Marguérite Nahar explains in her clear fashion how the recent quittance of Curaçao debt by Raad van State has effectively canceled the control measures stipulated in the Statuut.
Hold on for a rough ride, fellas.
So It was De-Activated!
Transport minister Jesus-Leito wants parliament to re-activate the Wegenfond [road fund]. That should explain a lot.
Let It Go
Some *$$ wants to reopen the Campo Alegre, closed to not everybody's dismay. He's started a fund-raising action and even got some money; couldn't say how much. If he succeeds, I'll let you inow.
That Shows 'Em
People of Lagun did what the government, after ten years of struggle and strife, couldn't accomplish: they just tore down a wall illegally built around a resort.
60, Not 40
During the Holy Days, 60 fines have been given by the Virus cops; not 60. 2 patients have died in the ICU.
We're Paying Soon
The account holders of Girobank will be receiving their money shortly. That's pretty quick, considering we will only be starting to pay.
3 foundations have received subidies illegally. Only 3? you ask incredulous. I share that thought. They are FFA (Fundashon Formashon i Alegria Despues di Skol) [after-school care] and those for Barber sports I reported already. It happened in 2010, now they found out.
That Looks Better
2 new Virus cases on December 26; 4 on 27. That's less than 5% of those tested. 12 in hospital, 5 in ICU, 14 dead.
The cops fined a total 60 people on both days, most for curfew violations.
PAR PM Bhillenaath is reported to have considered started a second lockdown, but CBCS central bank talked it out of his head: would be killing off what's left of the economy. CBCS thinks that the projected growth of 5% next year may well turn out to be only 1%. If that, I may add.
Tell Us About It
Journalist Dick Drayer, one of the few worth while following, writes in KKC that "Curaçao Health Care Is Sick". This against the background of the fights of general practitioners and medical specialists with the sinistry of health; then, the new hospital which is costing us more dearly than we dared presume; and he also refers to the departure of health inspector Huurman.
Drayer, as usual, makes some very good points but let me boil it down for you: most of the problems seem to be a result of Curaçao's endemic disease: secrecy and lack of transparency. Another one deserving mention is that Spanish speaking MDs tend to work on a much lower level than their Dutch-trained colleagues, but are tolerated (which Drayer does not mention) because of an old idea of ex-NLP PM Maria Liberia-Peters to recognize regional diplomas: sounds good until you stop to think it over.
Peace & Quiet?
Not much to rage about these Holy Days. The Fat Pigs all keep at home, fulfilled to the gills. Or maybe somewhere else, looking for other kinds of satisfaction.
Just saying that the restaurants want the same non-rules in these Virus days as the casinos. And come right down to it, why not?
And while we're at it, there were 39 new infections yesterday. 14 in hospital, 6 in ICU. Total deaths now 13. Oh, on Christmas day 1 more died: 14.
Celebrate Brexit
"All other European peoples who have voted against EU constitutions or treaties or austerity packages - the French, the Dutch, the Irish, the Greeks - have eventually been defeated. They were either just ignored or forced to vote again until they gave the 'right' answer. Britain is the first nation in the history of this anti-democratic, anti-working-class, neoliberal oligarchy to resolutely see its democratic wishes through to the end."—Spiked
But our impotent leaders, who got their plush seats after 3 referenda until we in our turn "voted right" are still considering closer relations to that same €U. No wonder calls for yet another referendum are getting louder here. Trouble is, it may get us even closer that that asterixed €U.
Before I forget
no more bad news this year?
Pay Back
The Barber sport center has to pay back 300,000 of the 1 million subsidies received. So the government canwastespend it somewhere else.
President of the sport center is David Dick, ex-justice minister of PAR, who first announced he'd leave politics and later decided to make a come-back.
Parliament has accorded the 2021 budget.
Such as it is; a supplementary budget has already been announced.
This was this year's Staten's last meeting.
Spoiled brats won't get a bonus this year, but they may take half a day off. As if that would make a difference.
Just Great!
We were all waiting for it. Well, almost all? We'll all get a new Sédula ID, now with our own island as country and our own flag. This will cost abut 50,000 guilders, which of course will be taken out of the Noodwet's funds. This is a dear emergency, after all.
If we'll have to pay to have our old ones replaced, and how much, we're not told. In any case, you'll have to spend some time to get to Kranshi and wait for your turn there.
Up and Up!
We have 48 new Virus cases again; one bloody foreigner. At least they caught hir/hem! 16 in hospital, 6 in ICU. This after Wednesday's harvest of 45 new cases and 1 dead, who died at home. Total dead now 12.
Here's Your Chance!
Pueblo Soberano™ is looking for candidates to eke out the, admittedly rather poor, choice you now have when voting on them.
A Good Read
No, not a book. Amigoe newspaper figures out what the effects will be of higher minimum wages. Put it snappy, it's no good. Especially combined with the Curaçao workers' low productivity; about the lowest in the Caribbean.
The article asks at the end if the government has finally realized that higher minimal wages are not the solution. It would be better to realize their promised 15,000 extra jobs.
But how?
Will Cost Us
The license fee for transfers to foreign countries will become 1.5%, now 1%, for the coming 15 years. One may well ask oneself if that's enough to pay the 267 million guilders Central Bank CBCS loaned to Girobank before it went down the drain.
Also, this will have a, maybe marginal, further effect on the prices we'll have to pay in the shops.
Hmmm... Seriously?
75 new agriculturists have followed a course on hydroponics and water saving techniques, and got their diplomas. So far so good.
What's more doubtful is the idea of the government that every year 5% of agri imports has to be replaced by locally produced produce.
Old Story Gets Older
The Barber sports facilities were given an over 1 million subsidy by ex-PM Shorty's goons. 3 foundations never delivered accountability on the project. Then, it took 9 years before anybody got the idea to check it all out.
45 New Cases
Up again. 17 in hospital, 7 in ICU.
Police raided a private party after tips from neighbors. All 14 there got a hefty fine.
As from December 29, passengers arriving at AMS Schiphol will need to show a negative test result.
The freezers necessary for the vaccin will arrive in January. The vaccin itself? Good question.
Once Again
It's habitual for our Great Leaders. Now, Pinhead Martina is advised of a possible conflict of interest because one of the Curoil board members, Moeniralam, is also acivil servantspoiled brat, which is against regulations. Moeniralam says he's not a spoiled brat, he just occasionally advises Martina's sinistry: "It's inevitable." Sorry Moenie, that 'inevitability' is exactly what we all want to avoid; see where it got us.
Pay UP!
Because the government utterly failed in controlling their own defrauded and now bankrupt Girobank, we all have to pay a higher license fee for foreign transfers.
But who else would have to pay, anyway? You, I and the rest of us suckers.
Sinister Gijs & Bertha says "the increase in the 'license fee' is an internationally common instrument of the government to generate more income." Too true; sadly.
Bad News
32 new Virus cases, source unknown 29. 18 in hospital, 7 in ICU.
I have always been a bit skeptical of all those "rightist" claims that the hysteria served to get us in the grip of ourbettersleaders, but now I read that Dutch police is entitled to raid private homes where they "suspect" more than 10 persons are inside a room. That's even worse than here; but then, it's always worse up there than down here. Great meddlers, they are.
Good Advice
In these difficult times what can I do
but offer us all some good advice
fearlessly against the government's no-good ideas:
Stay Negative!
We may get a vaccin next month. Then again...
Don't Laugh
People are ridiculing Aqualectra's claim that the cause of the recent blackouts was hypersensitivity of safety regulating mechanisms. But it does seem a distinct possibility.
In Australia 2016 they had the same problem, which ultimately was caused by the wind generators. Their operator has just been fined 1 million Australian dollars, and there are several more cases still pending in court. The generators caused a peak that the electricity net couldn't handle. Sound familiar?
Now there are geniuses around here who maintain that the surefire way to avoid future blackouts here is to install more wind generators. I merely point to the fact that, many hours after our fossil-fuel generated electricity had come back, those monsters were still out of service.
How Nice of Them!
M*F*K's Prick Pissass tells us that his party is prepared and willing to cooperate in getting a quorum in parliament, when credentials of a new MAN MP, Schoop will be discussed.
Earlier this year they refused to do so when PAR member Elhage was in the same position, and the judge had to summon Ms. Moses to turn up and vote. That same Elhage kept his trap shut during the budget discussions, just like Prick Pissass and K*NT dos Diablos. And Quackie Constancia (still free?!) but at least she'd announced it.
I've Heard That Before
The national debt, in the second quarter 3 billion guilders, will grow to 3.8 billion this year.
But it's not New Year's Eve yet...
No Surprise At All
ADSC Diagnostic Center has had a 7 million guilders loss last year. In 2018 it was 4 million. Just wait until they tell us how much it is this year!
That Computes
Or as some people might say, "figures". 27 new Virus cases, 18 in hospital, 7 in IC. Measures will remain in force until January 11. Maybe we'll get another lockdown, depending.
Of 77visitedraided places, 41 have been closed for violations, 3/4 of alcohol. 16 got a warning and 10 a fine. Only 1 in 4 businesses kept to the rules.
Oh Those Masks
I've quoted the line before: trying to stop a virus with a non-surgical mask is like stopping mosquitos with a hurricane fence.
Still, our no-good Leaders (don't get me started...) insist that we wear one. Here is a result from Florida: counties with a mask-mandate had 23 Virus cases per 100,000 people per day; counties without one had 11. Cherry-picked? Here it is USA statewide: 27 versus 17.
Dalnan ku Palu, Marguérite!
Our national resource Marguérite Nahar also comments on the criminal speech of transport sinister Jesus-Leito, in KKC. One of her remarks needs repeating: the sinister claims that maintenance (not building!) of a road costs 1 million per kilometer, or 1000 guilders/meter. Adds Nahar, "small wonder if there's no public tender."
That's $167/ft, gringo. Can patch an awful lot of potholes with that; if they only did.
Strangely, weirdly, I discovered in the past there are 6 places with a name similar to Curaçao in the world. At least; I now found a Curacoa island to the east of Australia.
This simple fact should put to rest all romantic concoctions on the origin of the name; like cura hasado [boiled priest].
The spelling often is all off, as quite usual in the days those places were named. In the Halifax Marine Museum I found mentioned a British Navy ship, also called Curacoa; after the Curaçao steamer.
Delays Sin Fin
The take-over or continuation of Isla Refinery is still hobbling along on rusty crutches. The final date for binding proposals of December 11 was delayed until 18; and lo and behold, 3 were received on that date.
Now these will be evaluated and on December 31 a final candidate will be selected. Then, negotiations are supposed to start on January 4; the idea is to sign a final deal end of February.
19-39; 20-27
Past week-end's Virus cases. 17 in hospital, 7 in ICU.
About those parties: during the week-end the gendarmeriecontrolledraided 12 locations of which 6 have been closed. These are exploited by the very same Horekaffers who keep shriek ing that the tourists must come back.
Don't Spoil the Party
There was a party going on in Piscadera, but when the cops appeared for a control all 100+ carousers started wearing face masks. As there were too many, it was decided not to fine any of them; they should have paid 2750 guilders each. Only the owner of the hall was fined and the place was locked.
What's the use?
The place was La Marina and (hold on) the guests were drinking ALCOHOL!
Howzdat Again?
We pay 35 guilders per month to Aqualectra utility, who administrates this for Selikor garbage service. Now that finally some serious attention seems to be given to finances, it's discovered 65 million has never been paid. Next year, the Tax Person (Ontvanger) may get the collecting job, plus we may be fined for non-payment. And maybe overdue payments will be collected.
Makes you feel like a fool for having paid up faithfully all those years. At any rate, it answers one question?
We won't be getting a new sédula ID, because there's no money. Who cares? Some people do because it still says, after 10 years, we are residents of the Netherlands Antilles.
I seem to remember that meanwhile we have had a new one already, but could be wrong. Sinister Kroket says a new one with our own wee coat of arms will improve feelings of togetherness and make for better nation building.
Some people also complain that our money says it's from a country that no longer exists. Much worse are the problems you have with credit cards and mail, where the same news hasn't come through yet, either.
Now We Get Action?
To fulfill conditions for a Dutch 170 million guilders loan to Curaçao, an unnamed accounting office will have a good look at Girobank, also to prevent future similar problems; it will definitely disappear, says Knops. 15% of the people have small to large accounts there.
IMF wants to look at the guilder and decide if we have to get rid of it and change for another coin unit.
And the parliament meeting on the concept 2021 budget has been postponed. Pretty late already, if you ask me.
Yes, Yes, Yes
Algemene rekenkamer ARC [general audit office] published their yearly report in June 2020. Several other government orgs should follow this example. Pardon me for dreaming.
Amigoe boils it all down to this: the report shows that for years past there's a lot wrong with government policy and internal control. Amigoe wonders if this will ever end. You have my permission to wonder along.
Can It Be Done?
More Potholes! There is a total budget of 9.9 million guilders for traffic next year. Of that, 4 million for conserving Julianabridge. Nice, that! So 5.9 million is left for road maintenance and repair, of which 1 million is for public transport.
Originally planned budget for all that was 23 million. So road repair went down from 18.1 million to 4.9 million; 27% of the original sum.
OK, we all understand Julianabridge work must go through!
Methinks, a Bit Late
APC Pension Fund is looking for support for redevelopment of the recently acquired Plaza Hotel. The old ruin of what started out long, long ago as the Waterfort and ended as a Van der Valk chain hotel, is described as a World Heritage Site (really guys?) where visitors and local yokels will meet and mix. It's supposed to become a combination of education, living, culture and public facilities.
Not Really
Aruba's jubilation on having found some people who want to take over Lago Refinery seems a bit too, er... optimistic. This guy Quanten who's mentioned has been looked up by Antilliaans Dagblad and, let me put it this way, they have their doubts.
Good Bye and Riddance
Jaime Córdoba, PS™'s last MP, has left the party. So has MAN's Elsa Rozendal; and it's rumored that PAR's Ayoubi will follow suit in a few days.
New Virus cases; 17 in hospital; 7 in ICU. Positive test ratio is between 10 and 15%. Watch out: we've now had 3881 cases in total.
Yes, We Know That
Aqualectra can't guarantee that we won't have another blackout anytime. We did notice.
Will Cost you
A list (in Dutch, everybody knows Papiamentu speakers always follow the law like sheep) of the fines you'll have to pay when they catch you not keeping to the Lockdown Laws.
Re Papiamentu, it was really amusing to read in a Dutch newspaper about not Otrabanda, which has become a no-no, nor Otrobanda, the new version, but Otrabonda
Indie MP Calmes (formerly auntie Sushi's PIN) wants to have a good look at agricultural projects. In his opinion "money is being flung away". I dare say. It still smacks like revenge on his part; if only he'd opened his trap while still with auntie. Who, just like we, may well call him a traitor.
Let's Blow Some More Money!
Curaçao is hardly, or rather not so you'd notice, protected against cyber attacks. Just ask Nardy cramm of Knipselkrant Curaçao. So now we'll all spend money to improve the island's security. I know the solution: let's first install a committee to look at the problem!
But it's even better: we'll get a Caribbean Cyber Emergency Response Team and a Cyber Security Incident Response Team. Both will have to be trained. Hey, a job for auntie's hubby!
May Be Better
Our CSBS central bank and Dutch Nederlandse Bank are going to cooperate. Could be good news.
We Were Waiting for That
A committee will be installed to look at the causes of all those blackouts, and how to avoid them in the future.
Gee, I wonder how much those committee members will get paid. On top of their salaries; you can bet your behind some Aqualectra people will be invited.
Maybe that committee, while they're at it, can have a good look at the tariff structure.
Now sports facilities will be used to get "alternative" (which is not green at all, really) sources of energy. This is the first time geothermal is mentioned next to wind and solar, so someone in Fort Amsterdam at least reads the magazines.
As exactly these sport facilities are a well-known way to deposit money in pockets of people who prefer to remain anonymous, it's just a continued trend.
Still Going Strong
56 new Virus cases, 17 in hospital, 5 in ICU. Total now 3767. In by far most cases the source cannot be traced. Active cases 1811, that'sbettermore than 1% of the population.
Germany will start vaccinating December 27, Belgium right after Christmas; Holland January 8. We here? Don't ask.
Less of That
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines have scratched half of their flights AMS-CUR (now twice daily!) and TUI is stopping them altogether.
That's Good, Too
A Dutch couple had been dining out in Willemstad, and tried to drive back home, when their car was obstructed by another car. The driver circumvented it and they were rewarded by being shot at several times. They still escaped. And I guess took the first plane back to Virus-ridden Holland.
Now the comments are all about what a shame this is; bad for the Holyy Tourism Cow! If it had happened to a resident, there would not be such a cry-out.
Oh How I Wish
KKC shows us a photo of a St. Maarten spoiled brat who says that under no circs his colleague civil servants must accept the 12.5% salary discount. This guy Emmanuel is as fat as a pig. As several pigs. Makes you think a bit: why not reduce the trough? Wish I could show you the photo, but hey, I respect copyright.
Oh wait, here it is.
Online Art Gallery
An online art gallery has been opened with works by local artists. You can also buy those online. Address is
I checked the link but found no works, let alone for sale. Only info on how to apply for subsidies. Okay, so that could come in handy.
Yeah, Sure... Why Not Try?
You can apply for a claim for damages caused by the umpteen blackouts by downloading a form at
And good luck!
When, Oh When?
It's anybody's guess, and even then extremely vague, when we'll get the first Virus vaccines. The Dutch health institute even declares that they hesitate to send us vaccines when they're not sure if they'll all be used, because they doubt the local logistics. Ain't that great?
Wait and See
Aruba government is jubilating because they've collected a couple of signatures under a letter of intent to continue work with the old Lago/Esso refinery. This thing is in much worse condition than Cura&cceduil;ao's Isla. The suckers are Quanten and Eagle LNG. Or maybe the Aruba government is the sucker here? Time will tell.
Things are looking up again... 68 new Virus cases, 18 in hospital, 5 in ICU. In contrast with last week, AMS Schiphol airport is chockful of kaaskoppen desiring to fly over here. Oh, will the horekaffers like that! I've been told people don't even need positive tests to get on the flight, but that's still unconfirmed.
At any rate, the Dutch kaaskoppen don't care a flying fart for Codes. Aruba, Bonaire and St. Maarten now have Orange too. But inside Holland, there's even more cases. Three snacks or restaurants have been closed for not keeping to the rules. Occupation of small tourist rentals was below 30% last month.
We're not told about hotels. I wonder why? Not really.
So Would I
Dutch parliament wants a meeting on the recent helicopter crash.
They are right. It stinks.
Not That's Funny!
The other way around: the Dutch are complaining that St. Maarten politicians don't show any respect for them. Is exactly what those guys here are always complaining about with the Dutch.
Aqualectra, or whoever, gets 3 weeks to find out what caused the recent blackouts. Pinhead Martina mutters darkly it may have been a cyber attack. But what does he know? Not much, that's for damn sure.
Forget It, Buddy
A complaint has been filed against KLM and TUI about cartel forming and price fixing, as tickets AMS-CUR, as always, have been raised for the December season when many people want to visit their families. It's a tradition.
Is has been declined because the complainer as individual has no standing as an interested party.
Huh? Pay up, shut up and fly!
New Virus cases; 19 in hospital, 4 in ICU; 11 died. Present measures will be valid until December 21; at least of course.
PM Bhillenaath has announced his support for Holland. That will help.
Just nagging of course, I know; it never helps.
He also wants us to be "creative" for the holy holidays. There will be no dance parties, business cocktail hours or pagaras and public firework shows. Leaves only private sex (fine with me).
At any rate, I myself as grouch am glad those stupid pagaras are forbidden: long strings of firecrackers that go off one after the other. Utterly boring.
How Many More?
A member of Curaçao Militia has been fined for having a fake driving license. He'd paid 1500 guilders for it, covering all vehicles from motorcycle to heavy transport, but there was one little problem: it stated he'd done all exams on the same day.
Makes you ask: how many fake licenses are there around that don't have the same mistake?
Another Good One
But not for us. An article in Amigoe newspaper asking in the headline "Is financial supervision sufficiently effective?" and ending with the remark: things go on like this, it's time for the very toughest measure: Statuut article 43.
So I guess the answer to the headline is "No".
Pinhead Martina says the cause of the black-out was a technical problem. So now we know everything. And it's "premature" to send Aqualectra director Jonis away. Gee, makes me wonder. How long must a total black-out last before we take that awful (for Jonis) step?
The last black-out lasted for 26 hours and 25 minutes. Total this week almost 50 hours; unless you live in Bandabao, west part of the island.
And from now on you may send damage claims to Aqualectra. Good Luck!
New Virus cases, 16 in hospital; 4 in ICU. Now the oldies are dying; 11 now.
No-Good Nincompoops
We've just had 3 or 4, one loses count by now, of power failures combined with lack of water this last week. Even worse, Aqualectra director Jonis assures us not to worry: there's plenty of water, only no pressure to get it to our homes. That's a relief to hear; we here have been without water for 36 hours.
People are really mad now. Letters referencing to the fact that we pay more than almost anybody else in the world are plenty. There are even suggestions it's been sabotage, so with the new elections we can get rid of Pinhead Martina—and then some. Now, an investigation will start (good luck!) and Martina, Jonis and Isenia (who was taken in by Aqualectra after the Central Bank debacle) all say they accept full responsibility. Walking the talk, but not walking the walk: they're still sitting on theirfatwell-fed asses on their well-padded chairs. Resting their brains, such as they are.
As Wodehouse remarked: "Kick them out and I want to see them bounce."
Good for tourism, too! Stay positive.
"Fat" of course is derogative, so I was Correct for once. Hoo boy, it smarts.
No-Good Nitwits
Am I repeating myself? No; it's not me but the government as Aqualectra is a SOE. This time it's about the introduction of the new "system" of charging sales tax, abb. I've already made several remarks about this tomfoolery.
Now a real accountant comments on the subject in Antilliaans Dagblad. He agrees with me, so maybe I was wrong? Never! Anyway, he desperately asks himself why sinister Koeiman, at this time with all these problems, would insist on introducing this measure which is sure to lead to still more economic problems. As if we didn't have enough of those already.
But I can reply the accountant: Koeiman thinks the government will thus get more money, which is the name of the game. And I agree with the accountant: Koeiman's in for a nasty surprise. And alas, so are we.
But Koeiman will surely be gone after next elections. Or won't he? Don't make no difference, mon.
New Virus cases over the week-end. Now 16 in hospital, 4 in ICU. 11 total deaths.
There We Go Again
Amigoe newspaper lists figures on the soon to be introduced new form of sales tax, ABB. Their final note is that, once again, our government tries to take care of its deficit by screwing us with more taxes.
Which just doesn't work. They still haven't heard of Laffer!
Shut UP!
Again, the horekaffers are screaming at the top of their voices that they MUST be allowed to serve alcohol and stay open longer, or they'll go kaput. They say their social distances, and other measures, are very well controlled and most Virus infections occur at the home.
Maybe, but a few pages later in the same Amigoe newspaper the latest emergency measures are listed and specifically mentioned are bars and restaurants, where social distance is NOT properly maintained.
May I add that, for me personally, the Virus has resulted in thousands and thousands of €uros of damage. Have you read any complaints from me? Just grit my teeth and plod on.
Friday Virus cases; that's almost 20% of those tested. 14 in hospital and 10 now have died. In total, 1853 cases.
Pinhead Weasel
Pinhead Martina finally commented on the Aqualectra black-out debacle. He said it was "Not good" and expressed his support to the utility's workers to help them "live through this difficult period". Sans blague.
Aqualectra falls under his ministry and he has the final responsibility.
I remember how the 1994 minister of health, MAN Stanley Inderson, resigned his post because a patient in the kidney dialysis center had died. He said he was ultimately responsible and took the consequences.
Final sarcastic remark: said patient died because of Aqualectra's (then Kodela) inferior water quality.
Another Bright Idea
Ex-MP Moses now comes with a new idea to relieve traffic; only now, on Bandabao, the other side of the island. She proposes a new roadway from San Willibrordo to Bullenbaai Oil Terminal, on which toll would be charged. This, if realised, would no doubt lead to congestion on the road via Landhuis San Sebastián. Even worse, the new road would get 3 lanes, just what we need with our utterly undisciplined drivers to kill themselves, and their oncoming traffic, off.
Let us hope she will not be re-chosen. It's improbable, but you never know.
¿Simpático, no?
That's the 4th time in 13 months the island had a total black-out, following on the heels of the last one. How dare they! with just about the most expensive tariffs in the world! Electricity failed at 15:15 and came back (here) at 19:45, only to fall out again later at night. Water isn't back yet, at 08:01 next morning. Boy, will those offices stink today!
And remember, with the Virus, don't forget to wash your hands.
Update: Water's back! 08:15.
In South Africa they have beurtkrag, power in turn, but we don't even get that: is more geenkrag [no power]
Aqualectra director Jonis accepts full responsibility. Does that mean he'll pay for damages? Don't be silly. Pinhead Martina said he'd react, but so far he hasn't. As expected.
The crash was caused by the safety system, hahaha.
They Couldn't Wait
The ink on the Noodwet isn't dry yet, but the first emergency has already been announced.
Several articles are quoted, but what I am really curious about is whether we will hear if Staten will hold the two meetings every day to discuss if the emergency measure is still necessary. Betcha, we won't; or it will be just an empty gesture; if they turn up at all.
By a coincidence? hardly, a report has been published by international civil rights alliance CIVICUS Monitor, accusing countries around the world of using the coronavirus pandemic as an "opportunity to introduce or implement additional restrictions on civic freedoms." Whatever gave them that crazy idea? Sick minds.
Granted, and happily, it's not that bad here—yet.
Still Alive?
We all were told they were dead already; many times. Many of the smaller restaurants will get the Death Blow with Virus Code Orange. They keep telling us the same thing over and over again, we'll just fall asleep.
Other Apes
You'd be forgiven to think that on St. Maarten, with the ape nuisance is meant the politicians. But no, they're real hairy Vervet monkeys, imported as pets who, as always and inevitably happens, escaped to breed like maniacs. They're oh so cute, recognized by an outstanding red penis and turquoise-blue scrotum.
A six month study is needed to get to know about their habits (hint: eating and fornicating) before measures can be proposed.
In Kaapstad it's baboons who are a pest. Yes, and the politicians as well.
Big Deal? Huh?
We are getting new "Smart LED" street lights at several locations. The only thing I know: that will save money. But why are they "smart"? Nobody seems tobe able toexplain that.
Other Meaning
Curaç has the headline "nog steeds forse belasting bestrijdings capaciteit", which translates to "still a substantial tax fighting capacity" (good!) but alas, what really's meant is "a substantial [Virus] load handling capacity".
Free for All
I understand 24 parties now consider participating in the elections. We'll then need a newspaper size ballot form; if they all make it, which is extremely doubtful.
One party has chosen the color black. No comment.
That's More Like It
79 new Virus cases yesterday. Outbreak Management Team now concedes that this ultra wave, coming after a very quiet period with hardly any infections, started when the border was re-opened for tourists. So there, horekaffers. And please shut up now.
Instead, they are accusing PAR PM Bhillenaath that he has not listened to the business world. What chutzpah. Take note: it's the Dutch government that changed the code from yellow to orange!—not ours.
Not to deny that our own people just asked for the wave. But Pinhead Martina immediately grabs for his new Noodwet powers by announcing that it's our own behavior that decides if we may move around freely during the December holidays.
Sad and Bad
Remember that defense helicopter crashing into the sea? It has now been figured out what caused that disaster: it was flying too low, so it couldn't increase power in time for a sudden gust of wind. The inquiry isn't finished yet.
I'm sorry for the victims, but I always suspected something like this. Those things' behavior sometimes seems absolutely irresponsible, running heavy risks. Maybe they were ordered to take that risk, flying so low under the circumstances. Then, they shouldn't have been ordered and they shouldn't have followed the order.
Only yesterday they dumped a wreath into the sea where it happened. A lot of good that does.
Yesterday we visited an old favorite, Boka Jeremi beach. Were there a few weeks ago, and since then the, admittedly crummy and beyond repair, benches with tables and palapa straw roofs have disappeared. Instead the beach was filled with beach chairs and beach umbrellas. To rent one of each, you had to pay $4; as every 2 chairs shared one umbrella, that would have cost the two of us $12. For a "free" beach visit.
There were two guys, each with his own car, sitting there waiting for no clients. As I recollect, there were maybe 14 chairs and 7 umbrellas; maximum daily revenue $168.
But wait: It gets worse. The alternative was 3x7.50 guilders (where's my trick?) or 22.50. $12 works out at ANG21,84. So tourists pay less than we. Ain't tourism great?
Needless to say? we didn't rent any. Another beach sacrificed to the Holy Cow.
Don't Get excited
On Monday we had 38 Virus cases, but yesterday 72. Holland gave us the Orange code, up from Yellow (or down, whatever you prefer) so kaaskoppen will stay away from now?
38 in hospital, 8 deaths (all 60-90 years old). Horekaffers are complaining, wot you teenk? It's the top season, or would be otherwise.
Pinhead Martina threatens with a new lockdown.
Those blasted wind generators stopped turning at once when the black-out started yesterday. Right now, 24 hours later, 4 out of 10 are still not working.
As far as I can figure, the net can't handle those irregular supplies when the least goes wrong, so they're just canceled out.
I got to ask you, what's the good of having those monsters around?
About Time?
The government is contemplating to declare the disaster situation on the Virus. This is just one day after the controversial Noodwet was accepted in parliament (11 for, 9 against).
There is reason to worry, to be sure. The people generally just go on acting like there's no tomorrow—they go on like this, maybe they're right. Still, stopping tourism would be a logical step as well; instead, they try to double the number of kaaskoppen coming in.
Tourists can easily get infected in the three days between testing and departure. Holland is almost drowning in cases now, and the Dutch don't seem to care more than our people here.
"Disruptive for Economy"
Look who's talking! Pinhead Martina comments with these words on yesterday's black-out.
You want to know who exactly is disruptive all the time? Our government, including Pinhead.
Little Nigeria Hits Again
Our National Pride, Aqualectra hits again! There were so many Virus sufferers around there, that last night one production unit gave up as well. This morning upon trying to start-up, it just refused. That was at 8:30. Clumsy nitwit no-good fools...
So now we're all stuck with full freezers and fridges, hoping for the best. It's a dripping shame.
Update: The first news we got from Aqualectra was it would last from 4-6 hours. Well, here, not even half-way from Willemstad to Westpunt, juice came back at ~18:00, so that was 9.5 hours already. God bless the people at Westpunt.
No water as well until they fixed Seru Grandi, again half way between Willemstad and here, where there's a pump station.
This is the third total black-out in 13 months. Another item to worry about: the doctors' offices these days send out verwijsbrief referrals for prescriptions to the apothecaries by email; which just didn't work all day yesterday. No power, no computer, no internet. Good luck to you if you have an urgent problem.
Please Excuse Me
Finally, after more years than I've lived, our politicians agree that Curaçao must get a rational water policy. I will not bore you with what they're proposing; for starters, it's often contradictory in itself.
One interesting aspect is that 98.8% of households is hooked up to the Aqualectra water distribution net, of which (? must be that but it doesn't say) 2% can't pay for it. Well, that's as good as nothing, we could easily support them. If only the tariffs were reasonable—about which I didn't find a word.
A problem which isn't mentioned, naturally! is that when you start giving people free water, you mainly give it to exactly those people who will abuse that gift.
Big Flop
Almost everybody in the know agreed a BTW/VAT arrangement would be much better than what our Great Leaders wanted, ABB. The last one is of course what we're gonna get, next month.
Virus cases (but only 477 tests). 15 in hospital; 95 source unknown.
Most of the controlled bars/restaurants do not keep to the rules; big surprise. Same goes for private parties, by the way. Arazziaraid has dispersed one where members of several different households came together where they were actually drinking alcohol! Such a shame.
Flamingoes Back
There are no tourists so to speak, and they keep to their hotels where they can wallow and swig to their bodies' content. So the flamingoes at several locations are back, as they are no longer pestered.
Ain't tourism great?
You needn't be told what. That's right. Total active, 1676; 13 in hospital. Grand Total now 2890; but who's counting? Not the tourist industry.
Upon control only 1 out of 10 restaurants turned out to keep to the rules.
Good. Do It!
PAR MP Pauletta wants the government to proceed with a criminal prosecution of Frädlein Wiels and ex-PM Arsjes because of their manipulations with the The Hague Curaçaohuis.
And ex-minister van der Horst makes it known that he did sign some necessary documents, as he was vice-PM at the time which made his act legally valid.
The parliament budget discussions have been postponed because the cabinet first has to give additional info. One interesting point is that Cft financial supervision wants the government to indicate how they think they'll keep within the 685 million/year deficit. (Spoiler: no way.)
The year accounts 2010-2013 have not even been presented yet; but 2014/2015 have been accorded. If you can explain this, go ahead. There was little interest in parliament for the accounts 2016/7/8 which Soab accounting bureau has not seen fit to approve.
Who cares, except you and me?
Relax and Take a Deep Breath
The 2.5% interest 10-10-10 loan by Holland to Curaçao has been refinanced at 0% interest. Otherwise this would have resulted in a default, causing the government to start borrowing on private markets (and eventually resulting in a total bankruptcy).
But Holland does not want to let the government off, as it our government's responsibility.
New Virus cases. 1591 active cases, 12 in hospital; total positive until now 2890. These days, 500/week are tested.
All bars, restaurants, beach clubs, snèks and cafés have to close at 17:00 and may only fill take-out orders; curfew from 21:00-04:30. Even casinos are closed! Hear them moan and wail.
But the shops may open up again.
Here's the Dope
No, not auntie Sushi's. But on this year's so-called record hurricane season. As NOAA explains: There has been a very pronounced increase in the number of tropical storms and hurricanes in the Atlantic since the late-1980s. But the density of reporting ship traffic over the Atlantic was sparse during the early decades of this record, such that if storms from the modern era (post-1965) had hypothetically occurred during those earlier decades, a substantial number would likely not have been directly observed by the ships.
In a nutshell: They weren't counted then, so it doesn't count now.
"Thus the historical tropical storm count record does not provide compelling evidence for a greenhouse warming-induced long-term increase."
The 2020 Atlantic season ranked 15th of 121 years.
As from some date in next year it will be impossible to receive snail-mail from or send it to China.
Would I even try to kid you? Would C***-mail?
Madly Milling Wings
There's 152.9MW total of power generation, with a spare capacity of 41.8. The vaunted windmills don't even supply that, about 17MW. About 10% of the total. Please stop your bragging!
Info supplied by Amigoe.
A Disgrace
How can Holland start insisting on better control of paying back our loans? Just when times are so hard. Inhuman, I call it. UNESCO should be tipped off!
Not the Virus! That's how, many m^3 of diabase were taken away, under the nose of daily inspections to make the Seru Corori terrain "fit for agriculture". Only Murray, sector director of MNB (environment and nature management) says the slope where diabase was dug is so steep, when you put top soil on it the rains will wash it away in no time.
The location will now be furnished with dams, 2m high at 3m distances, to stop erosion. "Too steep" indeed! A tractor would capsize. I'll give you one guess who will pay it.
Once again, all under the Leadership of auntie Sushi's worthy follow-up, sinister Jesus-Leito.
Not, not the Virus either, but the minimum number of votes parties need to inscribe for the coming elections. Closes December 22; actual elections on March 19.
Good Soup
The stuff wasn't offered in snèks but in regular bars; one on Mambo Beach, called Chilly Willy or something. This is not a tip: it's been closed. For as long as that lasts, sure.
PIN Pissed
Auntie Sushi is angry, because the present coalition, of which she's not part anymore, blocks the set-up of a medical marihuana farm. A report, we're not told by whom, claims that would give 2000 people a job, without estimating how much money'd flow into Auntie's purse.
Goes to explain why Auntie suddenly became interested in agriculture, promising water subsidies that never came. No wonder, they'll come when her weed farm starts—she hopes.
Algemene Rekenkamer [~accounting] advises to sic John Law on Fräudlein Wiels and ex-PM Arsjes.
Not New, We Knew
The Curaçao economy has shrunk this year with 21.4%. At least, that's what they figure; judging from past experiences, that's way off. Oh yeah, inflation will be 2.7%, but next year 3.7%; thanks to ABB sales tax.
But cheer up: next year, the growth will be 6.5%. But that's onlywhenif Isla refinery will start up again, and tourism will make a gradual come-back. And still way below what GDP was before our Glorious Independence.
Note how the term "negative growth" has been abandoned, for now. That's become just too plumb ridiculous, even for Planners.
One Exception
The Noodwet has had one amendment, inspired by SER social-economic council: what's the good of a curfew for shops? None at all; al kontrali, it means that spreading the public is canceled and instead, it's more concentrated. Good to know some people still can think.
Noodwet Accepted
Bad start: despite all protests, Staten voted for the Emergency Law, 11 for, 9 against. Who cares how the voting cattle feels about it? Not the precious people who're supposed to represent us.
And the casinos want exemptions because until now they have kept so nicely to the rules.
Not 459!
That's how many new Virus cases my dear wifuh last night dreamt were found. It's really "only" 82.
Compare with Taiwan: population 21.5 million, 7 deaths, 685 cases.
Seems that Curaçaowhoressex-workers; oops! sorry ladies; have largely moved to Bonaire. Good riddance, as far as I'm concerned. There's a market because the Colombian, Venezuelan and Dominican women have gone back to their own countries. That hole is readily filled by Curaçao women.
Always amazes me how fast a lot of women choose for that line.
I know I'm a freak, please don't write me letters.
Are You Fooling Me?
UNDP United Nations Development Programme has been accused of millions of fraud, caused by "alleged" misappropriation of funds meant to fight the infamous alleged Global Warming. Brice Böhmer, the head of climate governance integrity at Transparency International, said "The words 'climate' and 'corruption', people see these as two different worlds [sic], but there is a lot of overlap."
Hear hear.
There's a lot more words that fit that statement.
We Knew It All the Time
Fräudlein Wiels went beyond her rights when she sold the old Badhuisweg, The Hague Curaçaohuis; and when she bought the new one on Prinsengracht. Has become official now.
Question remains, we all knew that at the time so why wasn't she stopped? We all know that as well. But the Report doesn't dare mention that interesting aspect.
Lock 'em up! All of 'em!
Bigger but not better. 155 new Virus cases, Grand Total now 1433. 1 in 4 of those tested are infected. 14 in hospital, 2 in IC; 7 died.
K*NT dos Diablos says "the government has lost the battle"—people think the borders should have been closed. So do I, but the presentwavetsunami of infections can't be blamed on tourists. They may have brought it in, but our own people have shown a disturbing lack of discipline.
Big Is Better
We'll find a way! Nil desperandum. Since alcohol sales have been forbidden, except for tourists in their own hotels, you and I can still get it elsewhere. And I don't mean tokos or supermarkets where you can buy it for home consumption.
No, you order it at a restaurant and they will give you a soup bowl filled with the stuff. That's telling 'em! Brings much faster results as well.
Don't stick your greasy Virus nose in my soup bowl, cop!
Just rumors, sure. Like they say, where there's smoke there's a volcano. Meanwhile, it was confirmed by KKC; only, for snèks, not restaurants..
Dance on the Remains
The ramp for invalids at Kenepa Beach will be torn down (yesterday). Now CTB wanttheirour money back. Amigoe newspaper writes that, formerly, sinister Jesus-Leito and Pinhead Martina have expressed their feeling on how great this project was.
Funny, because a few days ago both Jesus-Leito and Martina denied they knew anything about it. Funny? Well, in style anyway... lying cowards! Maybe we could check their bank deposits? Fat chance.
Don't Brush Your Teeth!
Amigoe newspaper publishes an article listing how long plastic items stay around before they fall apart. Most interesting. The plastic bags and coffee cups have gone after 20 and 30 years. But plastic water bottles take 450 years. And absolutely worst are disposable diapers, coffee pods and plastic toothbrushes: 500 years!
Food for archaeologists. Draw your conclusion: stop brushing your teeth.
Not so long ago we were warned not to use old-fashioned reusable diapers, as washing them used up so much precious water. Next bordering-on-hysteria scare, please? I'm ready for it.
Just W.O.W.
124 new Virus cases, December 1; 105 source unknown. Active cases 1305 after 40 recovered; 7 died, 15 in hospital, 2 in IC. We have now reached phase 4, the top.
Thanks, My Friends!
You, my trusted customers (no doubt there's some real enemies in there as well, so who cares?): we passed the Magic 2 Million Mark of recorded visitors last month.
That's in 20 years' time, over 100,000/month. Thanks also y'all for not coming by in person! Would drive me even crazier than I am—can it be done?
Two kaaskoppen [cheeseheads; internationally popular derogatory name for Dutch tourists] made a fall on our highest hill, St. Christoffel. They had to be rescued by helicopter. Many people hope they'll get billed for that service.
How they even got in that park is anybody's guess; I read it was closed to all visitors because it was judged too risky.
Oil Spilled
A ship lying in harbor sank and of course the oil aboard spread around. We're told it has been taken care of; "only" quay-sides and other boats/ships still have to be cleaned.
It was the Atlantic Trader at the Antillean Scrapyard. Say, just a thought, didn't anybody see this coming? Must have been a real wreck. At any rate, couldn't the oil have been pumped out of it?
Say What You Want
You think we'd trust MAN's Cleopa? He says the budget deficit is not 1.1 billion guilders, as stated before, but "only" 260 million. He figures out how and why.
As if he'd know.
CFT financial supervision opines the deficit may not exceed 685m. And Amigoe Newspaper says it's caused by Curaçao's years of shrink. Oops, negative growth I mean. You ask yourself whatever gave them that idea.
That's Better
15 new Virus cases have been found, total now 1224. 12 in hospital, 4 in IC.
But the test results are lagging behind, sinister Jesus-Leito admits. That's why...
What's the Use
Virus measures have been tightened. From now on, bars, cafe´s and restaurants may not serve alcohol. They might as well close completely, am I right? Presumably, neither may sneks, as the good stuff may not be consumed in public. Prohibition is (almost) what we got.
All shops close at 18:00, public transport stops at 21 :00. Complete list here.
That's Rich
Ex-PM M*F*K Shorty, now that he's released from jail, is rumored to consider starting a new church, as he has no more interest in politics.
Too Late... Of Course!
We had a record November rainfall. Here, more than the average yearly total.
So now, sinister Jesus-Leito announces there's extra money for cleaning rooien [ditches] and perform overdue maintenance on buildings. The sinister has not noticed that we have had floods already, and buildings have collapsed as well. Normally, there's less rain in December than in November.
Number of virus infections on the two days of November 28 and 29. Total 1222, 163 unknown cause. 11 in hospital, 4 in IC; 4 died.
The parties' campaigns have started, but I don't even know how many are participating. Nor, frankly, do I care much. I'll give you a list when the dust has cleared, which will be after they have officially inscribed with the necessary numbers of votes.
That's the Way!
Mr. Porter Jazz Café has been raided and shut down. It was a noisy mess with clients not maintaining distance. The dummies had decided to open, even though their permits weren't in yet. But they were promised they'd get one and figured that was good enough.
One of the partners-exploiters has spent a night in jail. What I read, he wasn't too tactful with the cops.
That's only 1 out of 3 bars that were raided and closed down the same night. All were open after curfew, 20:00.
It's maybe worth mentioning that the bar clients in that neighborhood mainly consist of Dutch kaaskoppen over here.
Uh Oh, New Screening Law
The committee says it's necessary because presently info is requested on medical and fiscal details, and on unusual transactions; which invades the subjects' privacy. Which will open the way in for even more and worse crooks.
Crowd of 20
That's how many people were waiting at the clink exit when Shorty was released. At least, that's what we're told. Subtracting press, that'd leave about ten diehard fans? All those he helped to well-paying jobs they still have were c. by their a. as well..
One of the prison guards embraced and blessed hem. Everyone to his tastes!
Same Old Story
Refineria di Kòrsow has given the take-over candidates two more weeks to come across with their binding proposals. "They needed more time" so instead of yesterday it will become December 11. After one week of evaluation, by the 3rd week of December RdK will choose the preferred candidate.
Negotiations will continue in January and February; so don't hold your breath until March.
New Virus cases in 547 tests on November 27; of 90 source unknown. 13 in hospital, 5 in IC. 1040 active cases; except for those who haven't been tested.
Stay-over tourism this year has been 1/4 of last year's.
Black Sheep Shorty Back
Ex-M*F*K PM Shorty has been released from de tronk after 2 years. He was received by a throng of media and fans. We're not told how many, nor have I seen any but pretty close photos.
Shorty said he was glad he could return to his family huh?, and that he had found much support in his belief in god.
Amazing how religious all those crooks get while in jail.
New Virus cases yesterday, after 540 tests. Means 1 in 4 tested were infected. 12 in hospital, 6 in IC. Discounting cured cases, 965 active ones around.
Better, But Not Good Enough
Government announces the conditions for the Emergency Law have been changed. We have further guarantees—such as they are. It's still the government who'll decide when we lose our rights.
HRD Human Rights Defense agrees. With me, not with the government.
This thing has to be stopped.
One More
Still another spoiled brat working for DOW Public Works has been forced to take his leave, if only temporarily, and probably keeping his salary; because of the Kenepa Beach monster.
Peace & Quiet
Parliament meetings have stopped for the time being, because M*F*K Prick Pissass has been infected with the Virus. Good.
Tomorrow ex-PM Shorty will be released from jail. Keep you informed.
Actually, Better Not
The Dutch want relations with Venezuela re-established ASAP as well, so air connections can be resumed. To bring fugitives with the Virus here, I can only presume. The Dutch always have a well-developed money-sniffing nose.
Meanwhile, elsewhere we read that doctors (without borders) wanting to enter Venezuela to bring some relief are refused admittance.
105! Count 'Em!
Yessirree, 105 new Virus cases in one bloody day. First we here thought that was the result of two days counted together, but no: it's 105 on Black Tuesday. 10 in hospital, 6 in IC. 8769 active cases.
31 are linked to known cases, 74 source unknown. We can confidently look forward to a new lockdown. Goodbye, Tourists! Or... maybe... those unknown sources... might there be tourists among them?
The Virus measures have already led to more domestic violence. No laughing matter, no; but no surprise either.
That Figures
Pinhead Martina announces that enterprises will soon get more support to pay their fixed charges. By which, as he explains, are meant the exorbitant prices they have to pay for water and electricity.
So the government won't lose any money there. Sly, huh? Martina may be smarter than I figured (it's easy).
Remember? Aqualectra is a SOE.
That's Good to Know
Once again, we are reassured that the Noodwet is all right and that there's no way it can be abused.
You know who tells us this time? Etienne IJs, ex-PM. With his usual grimly sour face. Another confidence builder!
All You Can Say Is, "Good Luck"
Great plans with the Plaza Hotel. They want to start a van Gogh Museum there, and think tourists will come down for that like flies on honey. The initiators think this will give an economic impulse of 80 tot 100 million guilders/year.
It's not so well-known that van Gogh, who sold 1 (one_ painting in his lifetime, used the cheapest pigments he could get for his work. In the Amsterdam Museum, extra measures have been taken to avoid them bleaching away to nothing in the light. But no doubt this can be arranged here as well.
Not So Here
Because of the Virus, Israel Knesset parliament has frozen all (automatic) yearly pay raises for lawmakers.
How about that, you coin-raker Bhillenaath?
Just Great
54 new Virus cases, 9 in hospital (5 in IC), 781 active cases.
Curaçao and Aruba are in the highest risk zone for USA passengers. On coming back they have to be quarantined for minimal 1 week.
Invest Virtually!
'Cause then you'll only lose virtual money. The action "Invest in Willemstad" is having a virtual follow-up today to call attention to its economic possibilities. One of those, mentioned by name, is the monstrosity being built on Kleine Werf, against which protests are going on.
Jesus-Leito Again
An steel construction for 3 stories of apartment buildings, near Landhuis Stadrust, must be torn down. The allotment plan does not allow this, and the building permit has been given illegally; only 1 house may be built there; and not that high, either.
Escaped your attention again, sinister Jesus-Leito? It's a habit!
The government has started in information campaign on the Emergency law-Noodwet. Give you one salient point: "Staten can end the emergency any given moment; but if necessary, it can be escalated."
Obvious Conclusion
Quack doctor Rudolf de Wit advises everybody not to get a Virus vaccination. In that case, I'd say go ahead and get one muy pronto! He also says surgeon's masks are no good and unconstitutional. Well, I don't know if they help but I'm as much of a lawyer as de Wit; which means, not at all.
Good, Go
Chair and vice-chair of CGOA [consultation civil service matters] have taken their leave. They don't like the measures taken to get soft loans from Holland.
Only 24?
Yes, only 24 new Virus cases. But that's easily explained: it's because there have been fewer test.
Minds Are Set
A survey has been done to research the Local Mindset, "to get a clear grasp of exactly what about our mindsets needs to change." I wonder how many tomes it will take to publish the results. You'd better ask: "How much of our Mindset does not have to change?
Ho! Stop!
That noodwet? They not only can enter your home at their wish, they can also collect anything that tickles their fancy and take it with 'em.
No way, baby!
On the other hand, calling this a form of slavery makes me shrug my shoulders. Always someone's ready to throw that in. Justice sinister Girigorie states that right now, this law's needed more than ever. And a Dutch professor says it's all oh so kosher, it's provided for in the Landsinrichting [constitution], so there. Drown them! Burn the remains!
Just kiddin', heh heh. One can dream, or not?
By a coincidence, on St. Maarten there's a big commotion these days because the police drive around in and even rent out confiscated cars. Feeling safer now?
Keep It Up!
62 new Virus cases, 1 imported; 13 in hospital, 5 in IC. Total active 742.
Emergency Law
"Noodwet": they're working on a new Landsverordening [law] where the authorities may enter your home without your consent or even a search warrant. Only in exceptional circumstances—which they stipulate, of course.
Not to worry, they say there are enough guarantees against abuse. Even some of the media tell us so. The governor must sign, and will certainly refuse when there are reasons to. Sure. Now I'm all set at rest.
Back in Thought
Back in 2013, then minister van der Horst wanted to concentrate all civil servants in one building, the ambtenarenpaleis [spoiled brats' palace]; in so far that can be done of course. Costs were estimated at 119 million guilders; one location proposed was the old Amstel Brewery terrain that was first destined for the CMC new hospital. Until Shorty c.s. discovered they could make much more money by moving it to the present Otrabanda location.
Now that money is tighter than ever and they are even looking at the buildings the government owns and doesn't use, renting instead and wasting many millions, they're reconsidering. It would save on security and telephone costs as well.
Best part is, as the workgroup Clustering Government is making a new start, and admits they don't know anything about it, they are allowed by sinister Kroket to hire external specialists. And we voters thinking that had become a strict no-no. Remember Camelia, for one?
I have always thought van der Horst deserved better than being part of a no-good government like PIAS's.
New Virus cases, 691 active; need I say more? Maybe this: that's 1 of 235 people are infected.
Petes of Color?
A handful of fanatics, that's who: after years of their nagging, Sinterklaas will be accompanied by colored Petes, not Black ones (Zwarte Pieten). Now will you please shut up and let the kids have their fun?
Not that I as a kid was crazy about those types. In fact, they scared me—which goes to show that I didn't see any resemblance with real Negroes, excusez le mot.
Wasting Time
Staten/parliament have now accepted a resolution that the Statuut must be changed. They tried this before, but needed a 2/3 majority which they didn/t get. So they tried again, which trick involves they only need a majority now.
St. Maarten and Aruba voted for already.
Opposition parties K*NT and M*F*K are against because they say this gives Holland the right to intervene here unilaterally.
640 Total
Virus cases; 60 new ones; 13 in hospital, 1 in IC. Hospital has stopped patient visits.
There was a rumor we had Code Orange but I can't get it confirmed.
American Airlines will resume daily flights MIA-CUR on December 2. United has already started flights CUR-Newark, and December 19 JetBlue plans to resume flights JFK-CUR. Good luck, guys!
Dutch PM Rutte declares re. his advise to take your vacation in the country, that the Caribbean islands are part of Holland.
They're Right, But...
SMOC, reacting to the news that Isla Refinery is negotiating with three candidates to take over, emphasizes that it's unacceptable that pollution norms will be exceeded, even temporarily. They want answers to several old questions, some of which also handled in court, fast.
Yeah, Sure
The responsibility for proper maintenance of decrepit monuments lies with the owners. So if there's any danger because they collapse, which happens every rainy season, it's their liability. However, there are awkward angles. It costs much more to restore the buildings than to wait for the collapse them and then build anew, much more efficiently; even with subsidies. And the government may not demolish them as it doesn't own them.
Subsidies—Who Gets the Dough?
Amigoe Newspaper gives us more than half a page on the government susbsidies. Read it for yourself, it's an eye opener. To give you an extract of salient details (not more, you'd get sick and vomit all over your breakfast plate):
1. the sinisters don't keep proper track of subsidy request documents
2. 65% of all subsidies are illegit, total ANG475.3 million
3. from 2010-2013 (that would be when Shorty's M*F*K ruled) more than 14 million guilders worth of subsidies have been granted just like that
4. 60% of subsidies (366) granted never were justified by the receivers
5. 81 of these had over 300 million guilders subsidy
6. for 575 subsidies the amount never was determined by the sinisters
7. That's enough for now. You want to know the rest, take out a subscription.
Only M*F*K, Still...
M*F*K MP Prick Pissass asks questions, and he definitely may have a point. It's about painting the Julianabridge, a contract for which was signed with the company where, what a coincidence! sinister Jesus-Leito's son in law is working.
Pissass wants to hear more about the public tender and costs.
In 2019 one in 5 cars were involved in an accident. This only applies to insured cars. In 95 of cases only 1 car was involved.
You know what an insurance man once told me? "That shows driving is bad." Amen to that.
Throws more light on those RHD accidents?
On Rooseveltweg alone there are more than 2 per day. That's the road from the airport to Willemstad. Welcome, tourists!
17 Venezolanos have escaped from prison. They have been hammering on the wall to make a hall for days. Even the people living in the neighborhood heard it.
But the guards never noticed. The media call this a riddle. I think it's easy to solve.
Held Hostage
The country is held hostage. Not by Holland because of neo-colonial loan conditions; not by our own politicians: no, by them asses who gather for clandestine parties and thus take care the Virus gets spread like lightning.
Say Epi Izzy and cop Winklaar, so it must be true.
I ask myself, to hear those people talk about "neo"-colonialism you'd think, so what's "neo" about it? According to them it never stopped.
Now We're Getting Somewhere
New record, again! 79 new Virus cases in 1 (one) day! 590 total, 3 dead, 8 in hospital, 1 in IC. Epi Izzy expects even higher numbers in the coming days.
Dutch politicians now definitely want code Yellow improved to code Orange, but PM Rutte doesn't want any of that. Parliament vote next Tuesday.
They Actually Signed
The spoiled brats signed an accord with the sinisters on VVU [early voluntary outflow]. Only, as sinister Kroket comments, this has taken much too long. The intention was to start this on January 1st, but now the accord still has to go to RvA advisory council and then to parliament.
Look at That
The country's yearly budget will come out 400 million guilders more in the red: instead of minus 686.9 it will be minus 1087.3. That's 58% higher than the September original; which was adapted already. It's a record! In several ways.
But this is from September; wanna bet it will become still higher? Or lower; as you wish.
Heavy, Mon
67 new Virus cases; 524 active ones. 8 in hospital, 1 in ICU. Hey, this is getting out of hand.
More and more infected oldies (65+) arrive in hospital. Alas, we're not being told how many.
Better Move
Two houses in Otrabanda caught fire last night, and the Fire Brigade says the pressure in the water lines there is absolutely insufficient. Which they have been saying for years already.
Just going through the motions: today the yearly accounts for 2014 and 2015 would be presented to Staten, after 6 years. Should be 1 year max. They have been accorded, and today they will be accorded by the ministerial council.
That's a lot faster than making them up, and I use those words advisedly.
Oh No
Extra publishes that of 13.036 registered car accidents in 2129 cases RHD vehicles were involved. According to Extra, that's 10%. Methinks there calculator broke down; it's 16%. Be that as it may, that sort of statistics doesn't tell us anything as long as the %age of RHD vehicles isn't mentioned. It never is; I've been looking for it.
Still At It...
Sinister Kroket is looking forward to the meeting with the spoiled brats next Friday. To be discussed are the 12.5% lowering of salaries in the form of work conditions. These guys just won't take YES for an answer. Reminds you of the Soviet NYET mentality—which isn't far off either.
A VKC volunteer corps member wanted to fire a warning shot, but shot himself in the leg. What was he aiming at? What sort of training do they give these guys before letting 'em loose with live guns?
A good thing I'm an old fart who doesn't hit the roads these months because of the Virus. VKC is supposed to make us safer?! You might well call this a backfire.
Bye Buildings
Because buildings are crashing to the ground like nobody's business with the heavy rains, Monumentenzorg has put all new restoring projects on hold. Owners don't cooperate much anyway; it just costs them money which they'd rather use for building anew. And, in fact, who can blame them?
You understand, those old monuments are built of rocks held together with clay. A stucco layer is supposed to protect them from rain and hold them together. Once that cracks, ajó!
Don't Follow
Amigoe newspaper earlier published a table showing prices for sedula ID Ausweis must go up. People now pay ANG15 for one, students 1 guilder. So far so good. Now, they publish a corrected version, bear with me:
But the way I figure, the 15.00 befits should be deducted from the total; as it is, twice (because they're added in the first place). Which brings us to a total cost of 41.94-30=11.94. Which means we pay over 3 guilders too much already.
Benefits per ID 15.00 personnel cost 8.61 housing 4.08 automation 0.92 material 5.33 overhead 8.00 Total costs 41.94
Am I right?
Once again, I'm amazed at the precision of those amounts. Proof the spoiled brats are working!
Want But Can't
The Dutch government wants a Virus test for persons returning to Holland. Only, it's not so easy. May take months before it's introduced.
Keep 'Em Coming
41 more Virus cases. 467 active, 7 in hospital. 47 CMC hospital personnel infected.
That Could Be Done
40% of the people think the government should subsidize drinking water, a survey by the ombudsman shows. Only a minority... why bother? But 73% wants a free amount given to those unfortunates.
At any rate, that could be done. And not only for the less fortunate among us. We're all unfortunate, as we have to buy the stuff from Aqualectra.
Parking Paid?
Sinister Jesus-Leito does not accede the private requests to work with them on the Willemstad parking concession. No, she wants to continue with the PAC Parking Authority Curaçao; with public a tender first.
Please don't mind my evil thoughts that I think they've paid her. I couldn't prove it either.
We're Far Ahead
In South Africa, or Suid Afrika, the government is giving away free terrains to build houses upon. Only, people have to pay for the house themselves.
We've been doing that here for many years. Decades, in fact.
More New Terms
By now, if a meme is being changed, my neck hairs start crawling all over the place. Remember the many alternatives proposed to "global warming"? Now it's the turn of "lockdown", which is a procedure, not liked by many, in an effort to stop the Virus, but which has the unfortunate result of bringing the economy to a freezing halt.
So politicians have started to use 'dimmer switch', 'emergency brake', 'freeze' and 'retightening' instead. But what they mean, come right down to it, is a lockdown.
Not the first time global warming and the Virus seem to be linked, somehow.
Yes, But
PAR PM Bhillenaath declares loudly and proudly that "tourists are absolutely welcome here". Yes, but are they allowed to come? We're just a few infections away, in fact, we passed the 400 line from Code Orange, when the Dutch kaaskoppen stop coming. What then, Bhillie? D66 political party wants people tested upon return in Holland; wise move.
We had 33 new Virus cases yesterday (or 34, but who's counting?); 20 linked, 14 source unknown. 9 in hospital, 2 in ICU. 427 total active cases. 40 hospital personnel infected, 19 recovered.
In Holland, you can buy a fake Virus-free certificate for a few €uros, which is cheaper than a test. So much for safe tourism.
Sounds Good?
A petition has started to turn Curaçao into a province of Holland, just like Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius. Only Saba seems to really like that—maybe.
My personal opinion, for whatever it's worth: really, we are a different country than Holland.
Full disclosure: I got out of Holland screaming and yelling to come back here when I got a chance.
This time not the Holy Cow milkers in our catering industry, but airlines KLM and TUI. They have raised their prices steeply (about 3 times) and are now accused of cartel-forming. Says FTAC Fair Trade Authority Curaçao. I didn't know we had such a thing, where have they been all these years? Anyway, the airlines say it's a free trade mechanism which is true, of course.
I don't know if the Social Distance inside those planes is maintained, but in that case of course tariffs must necessarily go up.
No Surprise There
From 2021-2023 Curaçao will have a high financing requirement, says Central Bank CBCS. I'm no economist but we all saw this coming. Without further Dutch support the economy will shrink even more. I didn't even think it could.
The Bank has no good words for the Evil Plans to borrow on the local market. And, er... those Dutch loans are supposed to be paid back in 2 years. Forget it, says the Bank.
Over 400
In fact, with the latest batch of 33 we now have 410 active Virus cases. As far as I remember 400 is the magic number when tourism would be stopped. Forget it! 8 in hospital, 3 in ICU.
All CMC hospital "elective" operations are stopped for now. Whatever that means.
Curfew is extended to 21:00-04:30. Face masks have to be worn almost everywhere (Campo is closed anyway). No groups of 4 or more, not even on the beach. (Not a word about week-end orgies as at my neighbor's rent-out place.) Restaurants close at 20:00; they don't like that, huh.
We can now wait until Holland gives us the next code, Orange and stops all tourists.
Crash Cruise
Since the Sea Dream I was forced to return from a cruise to Barbados, because of a cluster of 7 outbreaks of the Virus, the USA is considering a Cruise Passenger Protecting Act and wants to look at continuing the cruise stop instead of the now planned phased re-start.
But stay positive: Curaçao harbor makes good money of all those empty cruise ships waiting here for better times.
All passengers had 2 negative tests prior to boarding, and the ship was cleaned daily. Good news for the Dutch tourists too!
Halloween Horror
This week's peak in Virus cases is rumored to be caused on Halloween parties; it's mainly 3 families. Extended, I take it.
Boy what fun.
After All Those Years
No, not since 10-10-10. It started long before then, that our government, stiff with our dough, just let empty buildings sit there without looking for new uses; worse, letting them deteriorate; worst, building new ones instead. But now it's announced they will try andget rid ofsell them. First, of course, their value (such as it is by now) must be assessed, which 3 assessors will work out between them.
Two examples: Bestuurskantoor, just sitting there since 10-10-10; the police post on Seru Chikí that has been empty and unused for longer than anybody can remember.
Global Warming Is Self-Sustaining!
So why bother? Scientific Reports says that melting Arctic ice and permafrost has already begun, and it's self-sustaining: it will go on for 500 years. They concluded this because the Virus lockdowns didn't make a difference worth a fart—not even what I've heard call a socks walker.
But control your joy, it's merely another model study.
Oh, here's the good news: that report has already been withdrawn for causing "unnecessary despair".
Sorry, I can't give you a link to their website: it's blocked because of a Trojan virus. Ironic, huh?
No So Fast!
Central Bureau Statistics will be privatized. They will start working on it in December. But PAR MP Obispo wonders why this has taken so long, as all plans to make this legal were ready in 2016. Maybe MAN sinister Kroket will have a good answer... maybe.
Kinda Innerestin'
Amigoe newspaper has compared the tariffs for water and electricity here and on Aruba, and wonders why they are so much higher here. A household using 9m^3 water and 250kW a month pays 38% more; one using 12m^3 and 350kW 100% more (twice as much!) and finally, using 15m^3 and 7590kW, 89%.
Amigoe advises our Great Leaders to try and figure out why this is so. (They won't.)
In the Caribbean, only Dominica and Montserrat reach the same dizzyingly high rates. Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago seem to pay next to nothing: about 1/10th of what we pay.
Nice: New Road
Smack straight through the mangroves, to the megapier for cruise ships. Who needs it? Except the contractors and the sinister, and who knows who else. Certainly not the passengers.
After all, we have plenty of money... plenty!
Money for Brats
The spoiled brats can take a breath: Holland is sending extra money: 181 million guilders to cover this year's budget's deficit. Maximum total support is 685 million guilders.
46 New Cases
8 in hospital, total 346 active cases. But Epi Izzy says they're not caused by tourists. As they stay away, while officially we still have code yellow, small wonder.
The beaches get special Virus rules; no groups larger than 25 persons, and crowd managers (appointed by the catering industry) will watch social distancing. And the Medical dept wants more corona-team members.
The actions of car agents/importers to stop the import of (cheap) RHD cars have been turned down by the government. No more talking about it.
Seems Parliament has looked through the laments that RHD is so dangerous, and pricked through to the fact that the dealers saw their sales tumble down to less than half. Similar things happened before, but then the dealers got what they wanted. (Maybe they paid? Sure is a thought.)
I've said it before: the argument that it's so dangerous, for example, to overtake is not valid if you buy a dash camera, mounted top left of your windscreen, with monitor. In fact, it gives you a better view than you get as LHDriver. About $20 on eBay.
I admit I never saw one installed here.
Incomprehensible, NOT
The first cruiseship making a Caribbean trip has returned to Barbados. Because of Virus infections aboard—how did you guess?
The cruise companies are all prancing to resume business, saying there's no risk whatsoever. What did you expect, anyway?
To Rule Is to Look into the Future
Is what Google says is the translation for Regeren is vooruitzien—the original Dutch is much snappier.
Is what sinister Jesus-Leito must have done, when she gave the contract for painting the Julianabridge (in blue and yellow of course) to her son-in-law. She says it's entirely kosher, because aforementioned son-in-law was still working in Holland when the job was commissioned in 2019.
So her son-in-law got the order even before he was in business? That's foresight for you!
Good Luck! You'll Need It
Fundashon Kòrsou Transparente will start an action against corruption next month. It will stop on December 9, the international dayto celebratecorruption.
Sure, Who Else?
CMS hospital deems it reasonable that specialists who are not working for the hospital have to pay for the use of a surgery theater. Without knowing more than next to nothing about it, I tend to agree.
Yay! It's a Record!
51 Virus cases yesterday! Best result ever. Over 30 linked to existing cases; and also, most people keep it in the family. 5 of them, 8.9% are over 65, HiRix. 8 in hospital.
39 hospital workers are now infected. Epi Izzy asks for people to help out in his team.
Welcome, kaaskoppen [cheese heads]! But not to worry, Epi Izzy says we're "within the margins". Nevertheless, by far most Dutch want the "Code Yellow" for Curaçao changed to Orange.
Who Cares?
Landhuis Zuurzak, the official residence of Curaçao's Gezaghebber [Lieutenant Governor], a really impressive building, has been abandoned since—you'll never guess—10-10-10. Ex-PM Shorty wanted the building as residence for the MP, but nothing ever came of that. He found another accommodation.
The 1725 building was restored in 1977 and again in 1991. Now the question is if it will just be torn down, or maybe set afire by some choller. (Or by a spoiled brat?) You think somebody will take action? Don't count on it. That costs money and we have to take care of invalids to reach the beach.
There He Is Again
Pinhead Martina also denies he knew about the invalid ramp at Kenepa Beach. So what do these people do all day (except counting their money)?
Slight Setback
Only half as many tourists as the Holy Cow Milkers hoped will come from Holland in December. But in Aruba it's worse, only 1/4 of last year's number are coming.
The Answer Is "No"
PAR PM Bhillenaath asks, no doubt rhetorically, if we have learned nothing from our past? No Bhillie, many of us here didn't. But this is about our new education minister Croes and that his name has been leaked. Invasion of privacy! Bhillie says. Sorry Bhillie, this is a good thing and avoids conniving behind a smoke screen.
For example, the guy has never had anything to do with education. Except when he went to school (I hope he did): Croes comes from the financial world.
That's What We'd Like to Know, Too
Dutch Parliament would like to have more details on how the accord between Holland and Curaçao will help reduce poverty here and "how to enable the people to provide for their own livelihood". Good questions. They also doubt if Curaçao will really execute all deals made. Where do they pick up those bizarre notions?
No Reason to Panic
Only 51 new Virus cases, so why worry? Total now over 300. More than 30 CMC hospital infected.
Good Advice
PIN, auntie Sushi's party, is looking for "creative alternatives". They want to make the citizen conscious not to be that dependent on government help.
As if we get so much now.
Sure, But What Then?
M*F*K party wants sinister Jesus-Leito to get lost, because of the hassles with Kenepa beach. They're quite right, of course. In fact, they all have to go.
Problem is, who to replace them with?
Stop Thievery
The people who have rented a home at Brievengat are still paying rent. However, it seems that by now they have in fact bought and paid for those houses; at least, that's what Komishon Bario Brievengat claims. The KBB wants FKP public housing to stop charging rent right away, as from now, at once and immediately.
Also, those who collect government housing benefits should get a lower rent charged by FKP.
Truer Words Were Never Spoken
Cft financial supervision says that, beside using the Dutch soft loans for budget deficits caused by the Virus, much more is needed, and all that is well known:
Needed are new revenue models in addition to tourism, removing red tape, modernizing the labor market, revising the tax system and improving the effectiveness of the tax organization.
On the other hand, the expenditure of the government apparatus will also have to be significantly and structurally reduced.
Well-known indeed.
Easy to Believe
Amigu di Tera's Raveneau points out that the sewage system is so bad and full of leaks, that the sea is dirtier when rains are falling. 20% dirtier in fact. At Klein Hofje sewage plant, the reservoirs are so full that seawage overflow runs straight into Piscaderabaai.
A DOW Public Works guy say that the water may stink, but that doesn't mean it's polluted. He kids us yes.
That same water is used for irrigation at Soltuna (where veggies for consumption are grown), hotel gardens and road planting, and the ponds at Blauwbaai/Bluebay.
Good Plan
Downtown business owners have requested minister Jesus-Leito to have parking fees only from 07:00 to 12:00. The rest of the day free.
And PAC Parking Authority has gone back to work. The same business owners don't like it: they want a private company to collect parking fees, and invest those in town beautification. As I understand it, it is correct that PAC have not paid their fees; at least, not to the government. After PAC stopped, there were 30% downtown visitors, which gives the lie to the story they stay away because with no parking meters it's a chaos.
Not Good At All
27 active Virus cases in CMC hospital; 20 out of total 47 have been cured. Some surgeries have been postponed because of that.
Most infections, 43%, occur at home, though.
No new count for yesterday.
Is That Good?
Or bad? Hard to decide. Maybe the future will learn. But ex-M*F*K Rozier, the traitor, has been voted into the Democratic Party; who, once again (I've lost count) plan a come-back.
When Rozier left M*F*K, his business trucks were set afire.
Not the first time either a guy who first announced he'd quit politics later thought better of that.
Elections Have Consequences
Venezuela's bus driver, upon the USA-elections, immediately announced that he wants "friendly relations"—a "decent dialogue" (like he has with his opponents, I guess) with president (maybe) Biden. Small wonder, as the first thing Biden wants to do is to suspend Iran sanctions.
This is one of the reasons, if not the main reason, why I keep mentioning what's going on with the heavily contested elections. You won't read it in the media, that's for sure.
Wising Up?
Even St. Maarten's parliament doesn't just accept the plans to pay some USA lawyer's outfit 7000/month for a vague idea to ask Holland for colonial compensation. Questions are asked to the PM.
5 New Cases
Virus, sure. 1 imported, 2 in hospital of whom 1 in IC.
Not one, but two spoiled brats have been suspended in connection with the invalid ramp at Kenepa Beach. Story is that the suspension may have to do with drugs as well.
I have no idea how that fits together. Maybe later.
At any rate, minister Jesus-Leito says the building has proceeded without a permit. Like many others. And her saying she knew nothing about it; isn't that her job?
You May Have Noticed
There's a fight going on between Democrats and Republicans on who has won the USA president elections. D Biden has been appointed president-elect—by the media, who have no business doing so. "Based on projected results"—I encountered that word in psychoanalysis.
Meanwhile, interesting items pass the revue. Like, Biden "in a glitch" got thousands of votes which, say the Rs, should have gone to R Trump. Hey, we'll see how all that works out, while I have my inklings.
But interestingly, the machines that caused that glitch are related to those used in our elections here from 2007-2010 when they were discarded. Think "Smartmatic". The last time they were used we had to vote on those machines and then, in fact voted on paper. The paper votes were counted.
Start Saving
You and I, because the government won't. Those lawyers ask for $7000/month from now up to the RTC which is planned (if Holland joins the fun) in March. So Curaçao may have to cough up$35,000. But take heart, Aruba is paying already.
The Virus
November 7, 24 new cases. 1 imported, 8 linked, 6 in hospital.
November 8, 20 new cases. 1 imported, 6 linked, 7 in hospital.
16 hospital workers are infected.
Money Gone
The work on the second phase of the Corendon Hotel has been stopped. No more money. They hope to get their 450 extra rooms ready in April 2021.
As good a place as any to report that 7% of the Virus infections are imports, and it's getting almost sure that you can get a second infection, which should make all the work on vaccinations very moot. Which makes tourism growth very moot as well.
Stopped and Kicked Out
Work on the Kenepa Beach invalid's ramp has been stopped after a protesting petition had collected over 3000 signatures in two days. Also, public works spoiled brat PS™ Melvin Cijntje has been suspended. He is the scapegoat held responsible for the decision to build that monstrosity, because minister Jesus-Leito knew nothing about it. Sure. She 's a worthy follow-up in that function of auntie Sushi.
Now the pillars and stuff must be demolished of course. Wonder if we'll get a public tender for that.
They're Fired!
Bhillie's cabinet has fired 7 people working for the health ministry. They're all members of auntie Sushi's PIN party. Auntie, remember, was the former minister of health. Figures.
Sue, Sue, Sue
The spoiled brats are suing the government for two reasons: this year's indexation and salary step, and non-payment of vacation money.
Boils down to, they want money. More money.
Oh That...
Amigoe newspaper at least told us the cost of those lawyers working for our Betterment. Their name is Chaoharis Law Group, not that it means a thing to me. They'd charge the three of us $7000/month (each!) and say that's a 90% discount. PAR Walroud says the money will be taken from "advisory costs".
But if Holland starts paying compensation, CLGroup wants a cut. How much? Again we're not told. Depends, I guess. Question is, will we get our cut?
Exquisite Timing
"Islamic Republic of Iran's foreign minister Zarif arrives in Venezuela to start a Latin America tour." Just now, when Holland and our own Great Leaders are moved to tears by that bus chauffeur's efforts to reestablish friendly ties. How willfully blind van you get.
Next stops on Javad Zarif's trip will be Cuba and Bolivia. To sorta rub it in.
Shut Up, CHATA
The October number of tourists from Holland was only 25% less than last year, before the Virus. But to listen to the holy cow milkers, they're all in danger of dying from hunger. Or thirst.
Makes you understand why they only threaten to close down; they're not broke at all.
Don't Feed the Lawyers: They Bite
Parliaments of Curaçao, Aruba and St. Maarten want to organize a round table conference next year, to ask Holland for compensation for damages done during the colony period. Amazingly, for once the three islands agree on something.
For this, they will soon sign an agreement with "an American lawyers office". Which we will have to pay for. First, of course, the money will be taken out of that loan Holland is giving us; to fight the Virus problems.
Several reactions submit the idea for us to ask to be compensated for the mismanagement by our own political parties since the Statuut.
Oh, How Great!
Hato Airport got a certificate, 'Airports Council International (ACI) Airport Health Accreditation' because of the supposedly great way they've handled the Virus.
And may I ask, be it timidly, how about the FAA upgrade?
Just Be Patient
UTS/Flow promises improvement; in fact, they say they've compromised themselves but that may just be Antilliaans Dagblad. Their internet falls away regularly and their image quality (I didn't even know they had any) is bad.
Their clients don't seem to have much confidence in these promises coming true. If you have complaints, there's a new service number: 9363. And good luck!
Good Luck with That, Too!
People are so pissed off about that new construction at Kenepa beach that a petition has been started: Stop constructie en verwijder de helling bij de Knipbaai op Curaçao. They have over 2000 signatures already. Sorry, I have no link. Thanks, Antilliaans Dagblad!
Oh wait, here's the link, thanks to KKC.
23 New Cases & New Measures
That's 1 of every 6 tested. 9 linked to known cases. 1 imported. From where? 7 in hospital, 1 in IC.
As from today, curfew from 24:00 (or 00:00, I'd say pedantically) to 04:30. No more than 4 people in mobs. No singing and playing instruments in church, but 4 musicians + technician allowed in public places/restaurants.
Max noise level "between 85 and 90 dB". What nonsense. 90 dB: "a" motorcycle at 7.5m distance.
Obviously, Epi Izzy seems to think that churches are dangerous places.
But Izzy says not to worry about all them Dutch coming over, even though more and more get the virus these days in Holland.
Tough, Shorty
Ex-PM M*F*K Shorty went to court yesterday, to go home from jail with a bracelet. No such luck: allegedly, no bracelets are available. An earlier request to go home free was not permitted either. But Shorty will be released November 27 anyway, so why all that brouhaha?
However, he may not be released anyway because he still has 3 years to go for not paying back the 1.8m guilders obtained from illegal acts.
And his moll Van der Dijs, who in theory still has jail time pending, has finally separated from him, so what "home" is Shorty planning to go to?
Rings a Bell
Another headline from South Africa, or rather as I prefer to call it, Suid Afrika. You may have noticed I follow the news from what almost is a sister country; only it's quite a bit larger. Anyway, here goes: Polisiediens vol kriminele [police dept. full of criminals].
You'll have to wonder if there is a resemblance.
Not Lost?
The West Australia Rowley Shoals was attacked, if that's the correct term, by coral bleaching. However, it has made a "surprising recovery". Seems all is not lost; corals may survive. "When a coral bleaches, it's actually just a sign of initial stress."
Just like here, the "most significant bleaching event we've ever recorded" bleaching was caused by a 'marine heat wave'. Meanwhile, the temperature here has dropped down as well. I'm certainly no expert, but it looks good.
Oh, Great Upgrade
Playa Kenepa Grandi, a top tourist attraction, has just been made accessible for buses. Now, they're working on a ramp for invalids to come down to the beach (and a fair guess: back up to the new parking place). The story is, that thing costs ANG200,000 (USD110K) which seems excessive at first and following sights. Maybe there's some kickbacks involved? I shouldn't wonder. In fact, I'd wonder if there weren't.
Besides, the thing's size is out of all proportions and hopelessly ugly. CTB calls it an "upgrade".
No-Shave November
The month in which "especially men do not shave" to help fight prostate cancer. I don't care about those women who don't shave and need to. I've joined the movement by half, shaving every other day.
Really, I completely fail to see how this will help except as a feel-good gesture.
Parking Fight
The government does not accept PAC's decision to close down and have everybody park freely. It will become a chaos! But a Parliament question if, after the agreement had lapsed, PAC should continue their "services", was answered by the minister with "No, but it was the intention".
Before you start laughing, remember that he was not responsible for that eleven-year-old agreement. Not that I expect it wouldn't have made any difference.
And come right down to it, they can only accept PAC's decision, right?
Crazy Criminals
The police ask 3 murderers to come report themselves; otherwise their pix and descriptions will be published in the media.
Who told them murderers are stupid?
Nine New Cases
5 in hospital, 1 in intensive care. Total of cases 1030, 260 active.
Come over here Dutchies, it's perfectly safe!
Because yesterday, we had 21 new cases; 5 in hospital, 2 in IC. And in that news we get a total of 1021 cases. Huh? Hey, don't blame me; I just copy the media.
If and When
In case of a tsunami hitting Curaçao, there's a high risk for 9,000 people, 5.5%. A Caribbean tsunami—always possible, but a pretty remote contingency—would reach the island in less than half an hour.
Too bad they don't mention where in the Caribbean this tsunami would start. Makes it all sound like panic mongering. We have had 3 tsunamis, 500, 1500 and 3500 years ago.
You can download Meteo's PDF here.
Asses on the Road
Not the usual two-legged kind, but those with four. Doesn't matter, they're just as dangerous and seemingly suicidal. Only, there are less of them.
Not So Sure
So we will get 20,000 tourists a month; all from Holland. Epi Izzy says that while it's not 100% safe, they will be monitored for 14 days after arrival (by 4 phone calls inquiring if they're feeling okay). I still say there's an appreciable risk: self-reporting is a no-no in all statistics.
CHATA and other holy cow milkers are besides themselves; this will save their industry. They say.
As for KLM, they immediately upon hearing the news raised their ticket price from €700 to 1200. Which will result in an extra cash flow of at least €10,000,000. Which surely will come in handy, but does not come close to enough to cover their deficit.
So Let 'Em
St. Maarten's parliament,such as it is, has voted for a motion that they still want to become independent. I'd say, let 'em go. There's no doing business, or politics, with that fraudulent mess. We here are innocent babes compared.
Trump or No Trump
Today's the Day! The USA, no matter who won the president election, is leaving the 2015 Paris accord, where all other signing countries committed us to go back literally to the Dark Ages.
Except China and India of course, who just signed; with their fingers crossed behind their backs.
As for that election, what a mess. Trump may sue "in every single state" and, as far as I can judge—not very far—he may have good points there.
"It is not the people who vote that count, but the people who count the votes."—Joseph Stalin
Viva Virus?
We had 6 positive cases yesterday, which brings the total to 1000. Many of those have recuperated, but one IC-patient has died, bringing the total to 3 (excepting the bloody foreigners who count for nuffin'). She or he was immediately replaced by a new patient.
Oh My
While the Dutch Caribbean islands are the only foreign destinations where the Dutch may go in December, we may foresee a wave of Dutch tourists. No doubt the holy cow tourist milkers are beside themselves with joy. Hey guys, for now it's only for once month!
And my fellow-residents (sounds like an official's speech) remember to be careful with those Dutchies. They may carry Virus infections like you wouldn't believe.
And the cruise lines won't resume activities before next year, contrary to earlier news.
Can't Help It
I wanted to leave it alone, but that's beyond my feeble powers. That "magic-realistic" movie Buladó that won the Golden Calf in Holland has now been selected to compete for a Best Foreign Movie Oscar.
Top Irony: It has been selected as the Dutch submission.
That's how I discovered what they mean with "magic-realistic": it may be magic but, to me, certainly is not realistic. It's about a single father whose daughter wants to make contact with her deceased mother.
Spare me. Give me a break. Is that superstitious nonsense the best we can do with all the political dramas going on around us all the time?
Now She Says That
Quackie Constancia has discovered that the Gretha has disappeared silently. Now she starts clamoring for a seizure of the oil platform, to compensate for the coral reef damage.
That's so stupid, I wonder if she has been paid. Of course, I'm free to wonder as long as I don't express my opinion as truth. Forget about suing me, Quackie!
Oh, and there is no trouble at all between M*F*K and Quackie, they both say. Good to know.
A Bit More
Amigoe runs a headline that we'll get one quarter of a million €uros from Holland for strengthening the rule of law. Peanuts! you say. But upon reading the article it turns out to be €25m. Good to trip up a headline reader like me.
The entire packet has to be ready for execution on February 1. Now I see why PAR PM Bhillenaath said they'd have to get to work right away.
Big Deal, Not
The taxi-drivers have been forbidden, again, to use agreed-upon-by-themselves tariffs for transport to/from Hato Airport.
But who will check this? Yes, some monitoring is supposed to take place. But, they'll get no fine, so who cares?
And where are the long-since (2016!) promised taxi meters?
Damen's DOK B has reopened after having been closed since September 21, when 2 divers drowned while inspecting a ship.
Seems there was no adequate inspection on the site to help prevent that disaster. It has been announced that, from now on, there will be.
We can only hope so.
Stay Healthy
6 new Virus cases. And good for the tourist milkers: Holland says the Caribbean islands are not foreign countries, so free to visit. Waiting for the December deluge...
Panic in a Caribbean Cup
A strip of coral reef between Jan Thiel and Mambo Beach has been subject to bleaching. It's the dreadGlobal Warminguh... climate change!
But first, the Carmabi director says it's not only happening there; and second and maybe more to the point, he says sea water has been cooling off recently. So maybe it's something else? Like, it happens all the time and then reverts? Maybe?
Free Parking!
Parking Authority Curaçao have locked their doors because after 11 years they couldn't reach an agreement with the government about an extension of their contract. So as from yesterday, parking in Willemstad is free.
A new public tender should follow after parliament discussions, but DMO Downtown Management Organization is a competitor to take over from PAC.
8 New Cases
Virus, what else? There are now 6 in hospital, 1 in IC and 296 active cases.
Goodbye Referendum
"Prime Minister Eugene Rhuggenaath and Undersecretary Raymond Knops of the Interior and Kingdom Relations have signed an agreement on Monday for long-term support and extra supervision from the Netherlands" I read in Curaçao Chronicle.
So that blows all chances for a referendum that might result in a distancing from Holland. Am I right?
PAR PM Bhillie held a discourse characterized by him saying "to work! right away!"; which would be a welcome change.
M*F*K and K*NT express their fear that the loan will fall through after the Dutch elections. Amparo dos Diablos has the chutzpah to say: "When you bring money don't give it to a bunch of crooks." Right of course, but look who's talking.
Good Start
SBTNO (spare you the acronym's translation, they're supposed to check on government entities) warns that the government doesn't keep to the regulations for new managers. They specifically mention the Gaming Board, interim-director for RdK refinery, Buskabaai, Tayer Soshal social workshop, language planning FPI, school materials FMP, educational guide SGE, eduction innovation Fide, neighborhood organization Sefa, culture house Kas di Kultura, and (finally?) there's FKA ambulance service.
And we here wondering where all that money went. It's the Virus!
Gee, I wonder how much that SBTNO costs.
And Now for the Dough
Holland will loan us 39 million for border protection, 62 million for school buildings and 102 million "liquidity support" until year's end.
Let's see if our government finds ways to spend that elsewhere.
Other media says it's 105, not 102 million, but who's counting?
No Such Luck?
The tourist milkers are all excited because the USA has permitted cruises to restart. But is that so? As I read it, it's a test with only volunteers on board.
Agreed, paying passengers certainly are volunteers. But to think cruises are back in business? I'm afraid not. For now.
And Dutch cabinet has advised not to spend vacations outside Holland. There you go.
How About That...
Israel, after research, advises all sewage plants all over the world to disinfect their product water before releasing it, to avoid infections of animals with the Virus, who then can pass it on to humans.
Somehow made me think of the mangrove wood and our beaches. Just a thought.
Maduro? That Almost Has-Been?
The USA has stopped four tankers on their way from Iran to Venezuela, confiscated them and sold their oil cargo. That will be over $40 million worth of crude.
A good question is how these two crook regimes will react. And makes it so ironic that we read how in the USA Trump is accused of over 400 crimes and will certainly flee the country when he loses the election tomorrow.
Hey, you wanna bet? He's not gonna lose, for one. Also throws up the next question: How will our Great Leaders react to this re. Maduro? Throw out FOL on Hato? (Hint: they can't.)
That Loser article was quoted by KKC from Dutch Welingelichte Kringen [Informed Circles]. I wonder where they got that information from. Must be reading the New York Times or so—plenty more where that came from.
Full disclosure again: I lost several what I thought were good friends because in 2014 I started predicting that Trump would become the next president. Even though I can't even vote in the USA, in their TDS [Trump Derangement Syndrome] they resented the fact I'd been right so much they didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore.
Sure! How?
The competitive situation of Curaçao must be improved by the National Export Strategy.
I'd say, first let's find something to export.
He's Right This Time
FLK Godett is afraid the retraction of subsidies for ABC bus company will result in lost work. He figures it's better to raise tariffs.
He certainly has a point: wherever I go, I'm amazed how much I have to pay for public transport. The price here is ridiculously low.
Excepting some democrat-socialist towns in the US states of Washington and Oregon (maybe elsewhere too), where it's free. Which explains thepeacefulriots?
Long Gone
The Gretha oil platform has taken off for China. Who cares where to: it's out of the island's jurisdiction which blows all our chances to collect money for the ruined coral reef. (Not that that would have helped: the money would have disappeared in some other hole.)
Next question: everybody seems to have known about that deadline date, but Gretha was still allowed to take in fuel at the Megapier and split? How is that possible?
We have jumped to the conclusion some money has changed hands; less than the reef damage, you bet.
Daily Inspections
The diabase digging at Seru Corori was inspected daily by spoiled brats, says the minister. But they have a shortage of personnel, because of little money. "But we don't give up!"
So those spoiled brats go there to collect their daily bribes? (They don't give up!) It's a thought that might occur to people with evil minds. Slander! Defamation!
In another vein, that same minister Jesus-Leito has been talking to the guy responsible for the trees cut down to make room for parking spots. However, the citizens living around there wonder, as they well might, why the guy isn't just fined and forced to restore the trees. The answer is simple, if slanderous and defaming: he may pay better than they do.
Now We'll See
Holland has stopped all travel to foreign countries for December. Which, according to the restaurant business, will result in half of them going bankrupt. They have been saying that for a long time, though, and many if not most of them are still around.
Which reminds me of the story where a boy called "wolf!" once too often.
Today, the long-awaited loan accord with Holland, OHO[!], will be signed. But Staten/Parliament will only discuss the spoiled brats' salaries next Tuesday. So don't exhale yet.
Tell Us About It
SMOC's Peter van Leeuwen casually mentions in passing that the present state of Isla prohibits a restart. First the general condition must be improved, which costs; then the use of pitch fuel must be stopped. This is conform the Texas E&D Technologies 2017 report.
Foundation Clean Air Everywhere, Amigu di Tera and Defensa Ambiental have joined SMOC, who also refer to the court's decision of August 2019, and to the government's promised transparency and sustainability.
The pitch fuel comes from the asphalt lake, of course.
There Goes KLM?
Don't count on it. The company wants €3.4 billion from the government, which it will only get when there's a wage freeze; which the pilots won't accept. Now the government refuses in turn.
As the Dutch learned to say from the Indonesians (Oost-Indiërs) "Tabeh!"—what we'd use is "Ajó!"
KLM-Air France got one billion before; all gone.
Twenty a Day Keeps the Tourists Away
On October 31, we had 13 Virus infections, and yesterday 17. Keep it up! We now have 4 in hospital, 1 in IC. Total active 302.
One more week of curfew. Things go on like this, betcha it'll be extended.
Sounds Like It Is
Several laws presented to SER social economic counsel are not worth the memory sticks they're recorded on. Especially mentioned are fiscal laws and regulations where confusion has only grown further which is not good for investments nor the economy. Hear hear.
Maria Liberia, Continued
Civil servants are not allowed to talk to the media any longer. This is several steps further than ex-PM MLP took when she forbid one of her workers to answer questions on the solar lights she wanted to put all over the islands. She must have had her reasons.
Anyway, with minister Jesus-Leito this changed. Media may only ask the minister questions. Jesus-Leito no doubt has her reasons as well. Amigoe newspaper complains that the ministers don't know a thing in the first place.
But that's transparency for you.
Three guys, guilty of a series of atrakos got theirs yesterday. Plus a fence. Solid jail time, plus they have to pay hefty amounts back. Two others went free and another one has his case reopened for proof.
The total gang arrived in the deep of night in a pickup, knocked windows to shards to enter houses, threatened people living there with 2x4s and baseball bats and gagged them on the floor. Very brutal.
Let's hope there are no more of those gangs.
I do know that there was a robbery like that right next door to us which is not on the list of what they were convicted for.
Tell Us About It
The medical sector's financial problems, about which much is ado these days, are largely caused by CMC, the new hospital. Costs are 1500 guilders per patient per day, which is rather exorbitant. Caused, as we all know, by the constantly rising building costs. At least, that's the official story. Not that they didn't rise constantly, but a river of money was flowing long before that; rumors which I can't confirm (hey, next they'll sue me for slander!) are, into the pockets of politicians like ex-PMs Shorty and Arsjes. Und viele andere, like the German movie trailers used to say.
A fuel station worker who kicked a harasser to death has been acquitted on appeal. He got six years in jail first, but he was judged not accountable.
My question is, what happens to him now? Nobody seems it worth to tell us. Will he keep his job? I mean, I'll certainly not start harassing him, but I'd still like to know.
Who Would Care?
Not the Horekaffers. They want more and more tourists or half of them will go broke. Too bad kids; I'd rather have y'all go broke than us all sick.
We're told RdK refinery has reached a new stage (again) in the take-over of the refinery. 3 companies have been selected to sign a letter of intent. Which means that before November 27 they'll submit a "binding proposal" (binding like SPS's?), after which on December 4 negotiations with a preferred bidder will start on management and exploitation.
This goes for the whole package: oil terminal, refinery and CRU facility.
Dutch Knops and our Bhillie say they've reached a deal. Almost. Our precious economy is better guaranteed now. Too bad.
Knops will visit Curaçao next week to finish some details. Question: will he be quarantined?
The conditions for the second loan of three have now been fulfilled. But the money has gone already.
14 New Cases
4 Virus cases in hospital of which 1 in IC. 4 imported (from where?) Total 297 active cases. Call the epi team at 9345—during office hours.
We also seem to get new measures to fight the virus, of which I can only tell you that they'll be less stringent during the December holidays. That's promising! Present measures (mainly curfew) will apply until November 6.
Begroting bied geen hoop nie
"Budget offers no hope": this is from South Africa but might as well have originated here. For almost as many years now. For the same reasons? Saka bo som.
The More Parties, the Merrier
Media star Mavis Alvertina joined the fracas; by now you might say fricassée; with a party of her own: Partido Maneho Asertá, Visibel I Sigur [Party for a Surefire, Visible and Safe policy] acronym (you'll never guess) MAVIS. A social liberal party, with a focus on education, input from citizens and businesses and the economy.
I'll give you the total number of parties later, when the dust has cleared; but as far as I can count now it's well over 24. That's about 1 per 3000 people.
The captain of charter boat Miss Ann drowned last week near Klein Curaçao while diving. Now, a toxicological test has been asked for.
Like in "intoxicated"? Captains have a certain notorious name for imbibing. Doesn't make the event less sad, of course. Doesn't take away either from the fact that your life may be at stake when you buy an expensive tour on these boats.
Gretha's Gone
The oil platform aptly named Gretha, which caused such damage to the Samihí coral reefs, is getting ready for a trip to China. Let's hope it's permanent. Good riddance.
The government has not even begun to charge the owners for the damage. After all, they have plenty of money... plenty. Our money.
Fairy Tales?
Pinhead Martina announces we'll get two new yacht harbors. This will result in 300 new jobs.
Wow! I'm impressed. That's better than 10,000 cows, maybe. But not so impressive when you count the Virus fall-out.
My Pills.... Get Me My Pills!
Car gas will go down next month! Will miracles never cease? By one whole cent per liter! And water goes 13 cents/m3 down. Small thanks to auntie Sushi.
Watch It
Venezuela dictator Maduro says he wants to re-establish contact with the Dutch islands. MAN MP Cleopa thinks that's "a golden opportunity"—to get in trouble with the USA, he means? Otherwise you have to conclude Cleopa has been kicked in the head by a mule when a baby. PAR PM Bhillie sees it as positive as well, but by now we all know he's not the sharpest tool in a pretty dull box.
All this apart from the fact that it's always better to be friends with your neighbors. Depends on the neighbors, tho.
About trouble with the USA, I fearlessly predict, just like 6 years ago, that Trump will win the elections. It cost me friends, even though I can't even vote there. But not only in that case, keep away from those communist tyrants.
37 New Cases
300 active, 3 in hospital, 1 in ICU.
Just My Idea
Must be that HNO or CMC or just New Hospital, don't you think?
Think That's True?
That guy who's been digging diabase, Randolpho Betrian, says he's had a license to start agriculture there since 1975. But now he plans to actually go ahead, so he wanted to remove "a bit of" diabase to replace it with tera pretu [black earth]. He claims he has a deal to swap a truckload of diabase for black earth.
He also replies to the remark that he needs a license "I know nothing about that." Where the diabase goes, he doesn't know either (he says), nor seems to care.
The work has been stopped, finally, but just went on after a short while. Most interesting, especially since the road the trucks use carries clear signs: forbidden for trucks. Betrian says his trucks have to use the road, as it can't be done by air. And he's in a hurry (now, after having waited for 45 years).
People living there are now considering to file a court complaint.
Open That Door!
Oh... it's open already. Still, Marcos Cova wants to kick it open: the island needs a decisive business and commercial approach to get the economy on its feet. Sigh. Cova (relation of Bakoba?) never wanted anything to do with traditional politics, but now he's joined Vishon.
Just Sign...
The State Coffers have less than nothing now: -533 million, and in December 300m more (or actually, less), so we'll start next year 852.7m in the red. That's almost half a billion USDs.
23 New Cases
Virus, of course. Yesterday. 3 staff members of Advent Hospital.
Still Struggling
Remember auntie Sushi promised cheap water for agriculture? We do.
Well, it's not there as yet. And the rainy season has as good as started, so why bother?
Here's Another One
Plenty in a big fat tree—with roots in Holland. A guy Osepa made a movie called Watamula, paid by Roterdam World Museum. Maybe it's great, at any rate, he got a prize somewhere. He says he needs missing Curaçao to be able to produce work. The word is chutzpah.
Translate: he needs Dutch money. There are many people from Curaçao living in Holland, who every once in a while come over and shoot footage here for a script written and planned in Holland; then, they go back to Holland and finish the production.
The thing here is, that's in fact money reserved to have people here make films here. But, granting some exceptions, they don't get any.
Very Good Question
People living in fear of the diabase digging wonder why the police don't fine the truck drivers, coming by fully loaded every 5 minutes.
Dolphins Stay Home
The planned Dolfinarium of St. Maarten has, for now, lost its promised rights on a beach and water. Thanks to demonstrations.
I guess this is what Bhillie meant when he said we here far ahead of the region?
Sinterklaas won't be making his grand entrance in Curaçao harbor this year. The tradition is in a steamboat, but in fact it never was more than a (Diesel driven) tug.
But this year, he'll come in virtually. Accompanied by not Zwarte Pieten (Black Petes) against which howls of discrimination allegations went up; no, they will be virtually painted in different colors. Each color has its own, no doubt symbolic, significance. Too bad I can't find out what they in fact stand for.
Next, the Little Green Men from Mars will start protesting.
Yes, of Course
Part of the negotiations for a loan from Holland is 170 million guilders. You know what for? To compensate the account holders of Girobank.
All the Girobank problems, after all, have been caused by the Virus! Just like all our other problems. Mismanagement and malversations, not to mention criminal theft and fraud, have nothing to do with it.
But 170 million is not enough to pay all account holders their money back. Like Pension fund 110 million and the government 110 million. Serves them right, you say? Yes, but we'll have to pay up. Loan or not.
The codeword for a good comedian's performance. And our government + tourism promoters don't miss the trick: right now, TUI have started a campaign where the Dutch are treated on 270 screens in 20 shopping malls showing them how nice and carefree a Curaçao vacation right now is!
If you don't count the Virus, of course. Dutch Outbreak Management Team has just advised negatively to visit here. Dutch cabinet will decide Friday.
Spare Us, Kindly
PAR PM Bhillie holds a discourse where he brags that we here are the prime example for the region. A "living lab". We have the smartest people, so there. Lots of blah-blah and hot air. Reads like a high school composition of which the writer has no idea what he's talking about and tries to hide it in a Niagara of words.
For one recent example, all laws accepted last year have nothing to do with the vaunted Growth Plan. Good, you say and I agree; but what's the fornicating use?
SPS, leaser of Bullenbaai oil terminal capacity has gone with the wind. After all, he doesn't need the extra storage capacity.
One more agreement that ain't worth the ink on the paper. I would advise the refinery in the future to hire lawyer Sandra in 't Veld. Full disclosure: no relation of mine! (In sharp contrast with the predominant Curaçao habit.)
Would Fit
Medical specialists complain that the government is working to make their independent jobs impossible. They must work in the new CMC hospital, or else!
What do I know, but it fits. Not nicely, but fittingly.
Meanwhile, Curaçao spends 13.2% of the GDP on medicine, only beaten by the USA: 17.6%.
Curfew Longer
There were 15 new Virus cases on Sunday; 11 on Monday; the curfew has been extended for 2 weeks; that's until November 14. Don't worry about it.
Pulling Back
PAR PM Bhillenaath wants us to know that the higher scale for Sinisters will be delayed until July next year.
Wiser than Our Leaders
Private apartments were occupied for 25% in September. Tourists don't trust the Virus and they're right. Also, they don't like the PCR-tests and flying with masks on. Weirdos.
Who Cares
PINner auntie Sushi has filed a complaint against K*NT Monki for insult, defamation, slander and filing false complaints. I'm sure the lawyers will like all that.
Forgot to Tell You
Then again, they forgot to tell me in the first place. That 300 million guilders plan for a new road? And bridge, don't forget the bridge. It's right plum through a conservation area.
Only marks on paper.
You May Doubt That
Minister Lopez-Tromp of Aruba has been fired. She says it's just because she was fighting corruption.
Possibly. Then again... No, seems she's right.
Logical Reasoning
The musicians say that, because the number of Virus infections has kept the same even while the entertainment sector has gone phut, it's clear that the Virus is not spread by them. So they want all limitations on performances canceled.
Big surprise when that happens and infections go up.
They'll hold a demo tomorrow 17:00 on Wilhelminaplein.
Girobank Finis
All account holders with a balance up to 10,000 can "freely" use their money. That's about 27,000 of them. The remaining 2000, not so much. Good luck, you all!
Personnel's concerns will be regarded "as much as possible".
Bloody Boring Virus
October 23, 15 new cases; 24-19; 25-21. 3 in hospital.
Oh My!
When UTS was sold to LLA, a condition, or so we're told, was that schools and universities would get free internet.
They didn't.
Poor Suckers
My heart bleeds, really, for the Dutch family who spent 15,000 crowdfunded guilders for their daughter, who has the metabolic disease NKH [non-ketotic hyperglycinemia as far as I can make it out], to visit the Dolphinarium "Therapy". The way it's reported, at least the kid had a good time. Which of course could have been achieved much cheaper. But then, the quacks and Dutchie wouldn't have made any money, hey!
No way you can convince me that spending time with dolphins will cure metabolic diseases. It's all superstitious quackery and makes you ask how this is tolerated. Huurman, where are you?
Big Help
The illegal diabase digging was not done by a member of CHEA heavy transport union. Wow! what a relief to know. The people living downhill will surely be happy to understand that, if those giant water tanks come tumbling down upon them, it's not CHEA's fault.
Shallow Island
Paraphrasing the Deep State: all those liars knew about the Fontilus letter in advance.
Thank You, Bastards
The Pedro Luis Brión School has been set on fire during "peaceful demonstrations" (yes, we too have had them; only backwards when it counts) asks for help. Fundashon Chabelita still needs 150,000 guilders. You can help by transferring money to MCB account nr. 32499604, PO Box 3117; thus proving you're not one of them bastards.
KTK tow company has to fire 23 of the 107 workers this week. Well, that's better than 37.
What Profit?
Buskabaai, another SOE, has been making heavy losses for years: 2017, ANG993K; 2018, 134K. It was an administrative mess, imagine that. But since they built an asphalt factory using the material dumped in the infamous asphalt lake, it's going better, says pinhead Martina.
Too bad Martina doesn't mention how much profit or, more probably, loss has been made in 2019.
What do they do with that asphalt? One thing's damn sure, they don't use it for roads. Oh, sorry, they're selling it on the "international market".
They'd Like That
The board of Isla/CRU last June wrote a letter to the government asking to indemnify them in case Kresh Group wanted to hold them personally liable. Also, there is talk of an arbitration committee to work on the Kresh-Isla conflict.
Both Kresh and Isla want money; I'd like some as well!
Gee, I wonder how much the committee members will get paid.
Back to Badder
Friday, 15 Virus infections, 7 source unknown; 5 in hospital. Now for the week-end. Yesterday the government was supposed to decide on longer curfew or not.
Please Contact Me!
When you get robbed in an atrako, the Tax Person allows you to subtract the damages from your income.
Hey, please, crooks out there: please come and rob me? We'll share the profits.
Back in Business!
After two days with single-digit Virus cases, Wednesday showed 26 new ones. For 21, a cluster could be found. 1 in hospital.
Not Funny? Depends...
GermanKresh? Klesch Group, who have been negotiating about Isla refinery take-over (remember? one in a long series) but retracted because of the Virus, now wants compensation by Isla. On the other hand, Isla wants financial compensation from Klesch.
This can go on for years, and only lawyers are sure to get their money.
Curfew Stays—After a Fashion
The curfew where we may not hit the streets after 23:00 (11PM, gringo) will remain in force until October 30; at least of course.
It's not even legal, so go ahead and hit the streets; you won't and can't get fined. But no panic, Bhillenaath says it's just an "advice" to the people.
First Flights
In December, 3 American airlines will resume flying MIA-CUR. Only, they won't fly directly to Curaçao. For reasons of their own. Also, no mention is made of frequency.
They are United, American and JetBlue.
This is only as I understand it, sorry. Media are not so clear.
Look in the Mirror, Auntie
Auntie Sushi comments that Peter Fontilus doesn't understand what's going on. That's pretty rich. I'd say he understands perfectly what's going on—which is something auntie may want to hide.
But the Bhillie-government still wants to save 70-80 million guilders on the health budget. See?
They May Well Be
Isla refinery workers worry about their future, and specifically about continuation of their jobs in 2021. Maybe more to the point, they don't trust the refinery's efforts to find a company which will overtake the refinery activities.
Does anybody trust those efforts?
No Matter
Even though SER social-economic council has advised against it, there'll come a new law (Landsverordening] where presenting plastic bags and polystyrene containers will be banned. RvA advisory council does question its use, because of the limited products it will apply too. Also, it should not negatively influence the country's finances because of expensive extra control measures.
In what may have better results, Israel has introduced a deposit for bottles, be they plastic or glass.
New Bridge! Why Not?
Some genius devised a plan to build a new bridge (over Cornelisbaai if you want to know), and so relieve the traffic on Caracasbaaiweg. All in all, it would cost a mere pittance: 300 million guilders. Toll would be charged for, [MP Moses: ik zeg maar wat ["just a wild guess"] 20 years, which means most users would prefer to stay on the old road. Or it might be perpetual?
A good thing we don't have that amount available. That's why not.
Oh wait. Moses says it wouldn't cost the island one cent. Anything you say, Moses.
Parking Problems
The 11-year-old deal with Neuman's Parking Authority Curaçao has to be renewed. PAC doesn't seem very interested as most payment automats would have to be renewed, which would cost money. And the rumor is, they never paid a cent to the government. Unverifiable but utterly believable.
Who did they pay, then? Ah, good question!
No Such Luck
MP Calmes, who after running away from auntie Sushi's PIN started his own party, is now trying to get the trùki pan [snack cars, lit. bread trucks] licensed to have seats, tables and lights. This was never permitted because it would give them an unfair advantage over restaurants who must comply with many other requirements. Like decent toilets.
But Calmes says the trùkis are such a great tourist attraction, so of course!
The motion was rejected.
A Loud Stink
We'll have to go back a bit here: K*NT Monki lodged a complaint against CBCS bank's Isenia, who hit back with a complaint against K*NT. That case was transferred to Aruba's public ministry, where it was finally dismissed in a 3-line letter for "insufficient proof".
People are wondering and so am I. It's not clear at all what's going on here.
Oh! There We Go
What Peter Fontilus said is all rubbish. It isn't like that at all. We read in the media that auntie Sushi tells us so, so it must be twice true!
Quite possibly Fontilus doesn't care so much about keeping his job. My guess, he's had it by a jugful.
The Real Question
How is it possible that this leaking tanker near Trinidad has been in trouble since August and nobody even got the idea to pump its contents, 1.3 million barrels, out?
Answer: the socialist Bolivar state of Venezuela.
Not only is the government talking about our sustainable future, there's a webinar on more sustainable flights between the islands as well. They're talking about electrical planes.
This gets really boring, fast. Even if they'd find a clean source to charge those batteries (hint: go nuclear and forget about the rest), they are extremely heavy and can't compare with Aviation fuel in power versus weight.
Oil Spill Coming?
A tanker used to store crude near Trinidad is getting ready to capsize and sink, upon which the contents will bubble out and up and be transported along the North coast of Venezuela. Touching our beaches in its stride. Just what we needed withalmosteverybody wanting more tourists coming in.
The badly maintained beast is owned by PdVSA; they didn't only let our refinery go to waste.
What a Relief
We will have no X-mas decorations in town next December! No money; how did you guess? Also, so many people come to watch those beauties that they will infect each other with the Virus.
Stay positive: we'll be spared from those prime kitsch monsters.
Don't Ask Why I Laugh
Selikor has started to get rid of car wrecks, of which the island has a nice collection. Proud owners can go to the community center to report their wrecks. They get a kliko filled with manure to put a plant in as a reward.
I checked their Fakebooc page but still have no idea what that thing is.
Kip Your Deestance
In the USA it started with a distance between persons of 6ft to keep the Virus away. And good luck! The €uropeans, always striving to be on the top and being metric, made that 2m, 17cms more. Here, where we're both, it now has become 1.5m; not even 5 ft.
Strikes not only me as bloody arbitrary nonsense. May give some protection outside, but hardly inside.
ABB, the new form of OB sales tax, is supposed to be introduced in January 2021; put off from July 2019. But will it? They're "still working on it." Everybody is against it, especially now, as it will cause more inflation. Who cares, as long as the ministers' and MPs' salaries can be paid?
You do maybe, but again, who cares? shut up and vote.
Oh Puhlease...
Present Medicine inspector Fontilus has written a letter in which he expresses his suspicion that the government is slyly and covertly trying to get rid of wholesale medicine distributors and have SVB social security take over. Also, the number of botikas would then be reduced to 4 for the whole island.
Fontilus remarks that SVB has no funds and that the importers/wholesalers have advanced another and more advantageous suggestion, which has been disregarded by the government.
I'm afraid Fontilus may soon lose his job.
Much Better
As long as it lasts. Day before yesterday we had 7 infections, yesterday 8. But Epi Izzy can't possibly say if this is a continuing trend. That's what I like in the man, nu billshut.
Very Important?
All the same to me. MAN party has changed its name, but the acronym and the people remain the same; so who cares? They say from now on they will elevate the nation; in contrast with pulling it down?
"If we had more money, we could do more" is the road minister's comment on parliament questions. Get a life,Ms.Your Excellency.
You Can't Mean That
Hato Airport has had 65% passengers than in 2019. At least, they predict a total number of paasengers of 500,000 this year. Let's raise those taxes!
Know Your Enemies
Former minister of Injustice Martha lodged a complant against Cape Verde because they allegedly violated human rights there. You know theirallegedcrime? At request of the USA they arrested a Maduro goon when he made a stopover landing there.
So Martha is another Maduro bozo. Am I stunned!
Good for Knops
I didn't even know he could, but he did: he forbade St. Maarten to borrow money on the private market and, oh miracle, St. Maarten agreed at once.
In Curaçao Nu you can find a great explanation of how this system works: real estate owners lend money to the government at 8%, on which they make a hefty profit. A good question is next: how did they come in possession of that real estate? Better not ask.
Nice Going
We may soon run into a shortage of medicine. Because of, make a long story short, SVB social security austerity measures. You never saw that coming, did you?
Course Not!
The Spoiled Brats' Trade Union ABVO doesn't agree with the reparatiewetgevingsvoorstel [legislative repair proposal—who thinks up these names?] for civil servants' pensions.
They think it's too low.
Within a month we'll have a new minister of education, promises PAR PM Bhillenaath. He has been standing in there for nobody remembers how long. He can't guarantee if the new minister will be an education expert.
But who cares? Neither is he. And look how swell education is running!
A Bit Better
7 new Virus cases, 1 in hospital, 25 cured (458 total).
More and More
On October 17, 17 new Virus cases; October 18, 29.
They Actually Noticed
Parliament members are asking why the roads are in such a deplorable state. The answer is quite simple of course: the money is spent on other things.
It's a tradition.
Aw Sh*t!
PAR PM Bhillenaath will remain in function as political leader. I agree, as long as we can tar and feather him. And why stop there?
Oh yeah, Curaçao can't pay what's called a "bullet loan" back to Holland. Two days before the 124 million loan expires, minister Gijs & Bertha has asked for a month delay.
As if we have the money then.
Sorry, No Sports
The local soccer world is in a state of agitation because some Dutchman has been hired as coach, bypassing a local guy. They've even gone to court. Very important. No more from me on this.
Damn That Virus
Yesterday 25 new cases, today 18. Total now 324. 76 to go before Epi Izzy has promised to lock down.
National Debt
Things go on like this, Curaçao's debt will grow next year to 3.4 billion guilders ($1.87b), which is 72% of GNP. In 2010 it was 0 (Zero), and before then it was 82% of GNP. Ain't independence great?
That Figures
SVB social insurance pension funds get more and more in the red. Raising the pension age from 60 to 65 helped, but with the Virus, premiums just don't come in as they should. Of course not.
God Help Us
Because Epi Izzy doesn't. Borders will be opened for New York (really!), New Jersey, Florida/USA, Aruba, St. Maarten; and of course Holland. No wonder Germany does not allow people to visit Curaçao.
Yesterday we had 25 new infections resulting in 306 active cases; 4 in hospital.
So Much for That
The gaming industry is surprised by MAN minister Koeiman's anounced plan to pluck them for almost 100 million a year. That would mean 1000 registered gaming offices would have to pay 90,000 guilders each/year. For starters, there are not that many on Curaçao. And if they had to start paying 7,500/month, they would get out in a hurry. The max. Koeiman could get is some tens of millions/year. Dream on, Koeiman... in your koei?
Also, these enterprises are not permitted to have a bank account, so they couldn't pay in the first place. The Gaming Head adds, "the government doesn't know what they're talking about." No news there.
But in fact, I wonder if he knows what he's talking about: see here and here.
koei, kui, cui: Papiamentu for a home away from home where you entertain your female friends. Now that's entertainment!
We Knew That, Now Do Something!
Interest paid on goods bought with part-payment are much too high. On a refrigerator, it may easily double the list price in the course of two years. So says lawyer Barbara Nagelmakers. Of course, it's well-hidden in the agreement when you buy.
What I personally detest, and always avoid paying, is the 18%/year interest charge you pay on credit card debts.
We'd All Like to See That
There were many questions in parliament about the budget of SOAW social welfare. For once MAN Koeiman had a good one, when he asked about a list of instances who got a SOAW subsidy. Makes me wonder if such a thing even exists!
Right place to mention that number of unemployed workers went up from 8,555 (2014) to 12,992 (2019). Funnily (?) the number of employed people went up in the same period from 59,295 to 61,547. This while the total population went up from 153,234 to 153,545.
I think I need a good stiff drink now, and it's only 08:46. Working on the Circus often has this effect on me. Good thing my wife hides the whisky! Wise guy.
I know where she hides it, though. Talk about empty gestures.
Who Cares
The guys watching the mangrove woods in Rifwater see how a very expensive road through there is still being built. While CPA port authority wants it, it's paid by the government; which has no money.
Also, the water is now supposed to be clean but nobody notices: it still stinks and about mosquitos, ho boy! But the minister swears they have checked it and it's limi limpi [clean clean]. She also says total costs will be 4 million, but it looks more like 20; one contractor alone must be paid 8.
Saved for Perpetuity!
Aren't you proud? Gives me a warm tingling feeling all over. The 9m model of the Lynx spacecraft, that never even made it to a full-scale mock-up, will be included in the permanent Dutch Lelystad Aviodrome exhibition. So everybody can share our costly politicians' foolish dreams of Space Trips from Curaçao.
Dutch BZK (Interior and Kingdom Relations) minister Ollongren says it's not possible to make Papiamento an official language in the Kingdom: the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages does not extend to the Caribbean.
This is surprising, rather, as the BES islands are considered to be a province of Holland. And last time I was there, Bonaire largely spoke Papiamento.
Defense's Doom Scenario
(Dutch) defense has published a scenario where they predict how we may go down the drain. What with Russia and China getting more and more power in the regio. Venezuela strikes a familiar chord? Then Cuba, Trinidad... the list grows longer almost by the day.
Also mentioned are the drug kings and refugees. A problem for defense is the islands are not €U and NATO members.
The report says "The first main task of the Dutch army is 'protection of its own and allied territory, including the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.'" Hope they'll manage.
One More Hot-Air Artist
He will fit in nicely with the rest... Miles Mercera of new Vishon party wants to turn us all into world citizens, but first he's crowdfunding for money to get himself and some more elected. Party program? Forget it. Not that it matters, right?
True Enough
DCNA Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance wants more attention to sustainable tourism. They even have a plan. All present milieus are disappearing, they say.
Would the tourists care? No. Would we then care?
Well, Imagine!
I'm afraid that's exactly what MAN finance minister Gijs & Bertha does: he estimates the new sales tax, abb (which will lead to 3.4% inflation), will pay the government 361 million guilders next year, which will gradually go up to 529 million in 2024.
As for online gaming, that may become 90 million a year with the proposed changes where every license holder pays 20,000/month directly to the government. Hey, it's only a proposal and will it ever make it to law? Good question.
But next year, the budget (such as it is) closes with a negative balance of 235.8 million.
What Made You Think That?
The petition to the UN is not a complaint against Holland, says auntie Sushi. As she says it it must be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the unadulterated truth.
Just makes you ask, so what's the use?
Good for Prick
I almost hate to admit it, but M*F*K Prick Pisss is quite right for putting the questions: how much has the InselAir adventure cost us?
Apart from a 33 million government loan (gone), the tax person had a claim of 28.4m and SVB social insurance bank 16m. Altogether 77.4 million guilders, almost USD43m.
Then the many enterprises who have not been paid; we even don't know how much Hato Airport should get. InselAir's wasted wrecks are still sitting there.
And how about cTex, UTS... the list is too long to delve into here.
Oh Me, Oh My
Carl Hiaasen, in describing a Florida town in Lucky You remarks, "it must be a radiation leak in the maternity ward or something in the water supply" commenting on the many superstitions flowering there. Same here, Carl! Now a center has been opened, where the owner visited all attendees with a smudge stick (where do you buy those things? eBay! I checked) to remove negative energies. Whatever those are. The space must be energetically clean, and people shouldn't take over others' energies.
The place now offers meditation, Thai massages (I always thought those were given by them kind of girls; or boys... let it go), acupuncture, foot reflexology and yoga lessons. Later an obstetrician, GP and psychologist will join. I don't know their names to warn you to avoid them.
A welcome addition to our other institutions. You can never have enough of them! Keeps the loons off the streets.
Out of human compassion, I spare you the name of center and initiator, and address.
The CTB tourism budget has been cut by 2.7 million guilders. Plenty left over. Why they still get any money at all is everybody's guess.
But then, it always was.
Rejoice With Us
Recently the day of Prison Guards has been celebrated. It used to be a whole week, together with prison guards of Surinam, Aruba and St. Maarten. But because of the Virus that has been aborted.
They were all treated to a lunch and a mask.
Gee, I wonder who paid for those celebrations. But not for long: you and me is a safe guess.
New Virus cases yesterday. A Bonaire MD transported to our hospital died and was replaced by a new patient. 8 of the 26 infections could be traced; the rest unknown. Not good. We now have 277 active cases.
... And Then There Were Eleven
Of the 13 announced earlier, 11 companies are still interested in a refinery take-over. Our old Venezuelan client PdVSA is one of them! They're all non-binding.
Deadline for them to deliver a definite exploitation plan 15 November.
Other sources say 3 out of 14 fell away, remain 11 anyway.
New University
MAN minister Pinhead Martina announces "well advanced" plans for a new international university, here, offering transnational education. Whatever that means. There will be room for 300 to 500 students, later possibly growing to 2000.
That's twice the number as in that earlier mirage of his, the steers. Or maybe 1/5th, quotes differ.
Pinhead also counts on 1500 new tourism jobs next year. Dreamer.
Who Needs an Upgrade?
Aruba seems to think that air traffic won't come back until 5 years from now. Which makes me think a bit (dangerous!): so what if our airport isn't upgraded before then? Saves us money.
Oh How Fine
Next year, the education budget deficit is reduced with 8%. So that budget will not shrink with 18, but "only" 10%.
But don't worry: our Great Leaders are trying to use gambling funds to let Sports continue as usual. First things first, after all.
Way to Go
Government is talking about those 60-year old trees, rücksichtlos cut down by a guy who wanted more parking space.
You'll never guess who they're talking with! Oh, how did you guess?: with that same guy. People who live there can go to hell. They have politely asked the PAR minister to get a word in. But how much will they pay? Good question, huh?
Congrats! A Record!
Yesterday we had 34 new Virus infections. 16 links to known cases; 18 unknown. Total active now 275. Only 125 to go, Izzy!
Really? Seriously?
MAN minister pinhead Martina thinks economy growth is possible next year.
If he goes home and leaves it alone, maybe.
Smart St. Maarten
The island, at least, the politicans, decided to borrow money on the private market against 5% interest, skipping the free soft loan by Holland. Because independence, you know; even if you don't understand.
Got It...
In St. Maarten there has been a demonstration against a new dolphinarium. 200 people turned up. But of course, they didn't demonstrate against the government granting permits for an illegal dolphinarium. It was all about real estate.
It's an Idea
K*NT Rojer says it's no use discussing a budget in parliament. It's all nonsense anyway. Sometimes, even ***-***** are right.
The Ship Came In
With 172 million guilders from Holland all small Girobank creditors will get their money back. Too bad MAN pinhead Martina doesn't define "small". Too bad as well that the negotiations still aren't finished.
At least minister Gijs & Bertha says the search for alternative financing has been stopped. But being a politician, he hasn't choked on his first lie, as the Dutch expression is.
If We thought It Once...
Dutch staatssecretaris Knops deplores the fact that Holland didn't work more closely with the islands in the past ten years. If he means, Holland should have intervened sooner; and before then too; we could all agree. Almost all.
Holland is definitely on course for a new relationship, where reforms and investments are combined with significant reduction of government costs, so that the tax burden can be reduced to stimulate investment and domestic consumption.
If not, we'll have a Algemene Maatregel van Rijksbestuur [General Measure of the Government of the Kingdom] which means our Great Nitwits might as well stay home as pretend to reign from Fort Amsterdam, AKA Ali Baba's Grotto.
With an 11-5 majority parliament has voted for a motion to complain with the UN against Holland's neo-colonization, but extra-parliamentary—huh? Good luck, dummies!
Unions "Fear"
A 4th strike by Isla workers, worse than the former ones. That would be bad; really bad.
But why do these hypocrites say "fear"? As if they wouldn't organize and promote it themselves.
Weekends's Over
Monday, only 2 new Virus cases; 252 active. Total cured 332.
Happy Columbus Day
That was yesterday, in fact. No matter how brainwashed you are, I am brainwashed to celebrate. He definitely opened up the world.
They Lost
St. Maarten has lost the court case against the Kingdom, started by Pro Soualiga. It cost St. Maarten 2000 guilders, not to mention what the lawyer(s) may have charged.
Hopefully, Curaçao and Aruba will forget about that foolishness now. But 15 parliament members want to go whine at the United Nations anyway. More money wasted.
The "4 parties" whose members have signed are not listed. Wanna bet that they include M*F*K, K*NT, and auntie's PIK? But it's extra-parliamentary; figures, because parliament has already agreed. From what I understand, hey!
Bad Luck? Maybe
After the Aruba-Citgo contract had elapsed, AUA started searching for a new leaser of the storage tanks. They found one! Only, the rent doesn't get paid.
Aruba is now looking for a new leaser. A warning for Isla and Bullenbaai?
Just What We Need
Last Saturday, October 11, 22 new Virus infections! And yesterday 12. That's 51 in 3 days. Grand total now 267 active, 2 in hospital. 27 linked to known cases. Epi Izzy says with 400 cases we have to take more stringent measures.
Izze says it's a small group who just don't care and keeps spreading the Virus; he requests us all to snitch on 'em: call 917 or WhatsApp 5297280, 5297281 and 5297283.
Now You're Talking!
Yet another marihuana plantation has been discovered and duly destructed last week. There were almost 4500 plants growing there; the media even give an exact number, like 4493 plants, but I tend to think that's nonsense. Who on the island can count that far and make no mistake? Just look at our recurring budget dramas!
I've said it before and I'll say it again: this would be the one crop that we could export! Alas, it would be all turned to ashes in the ready local market. At least that'd save a lot in foreign exchange.
That Explains It!
Yesterday was our ten years of independence day. So no media.
Nobody seemed to celebrate.
Who Said That?
It's Shorty-goon Osepa! He says a new state structure is no solution to our problems. "We must tackle lack of budget discipline, and also maladministration and mismanagement."
Listen who's talking! To repeat, he was a Shorty follower.
17 New Ones
Virus cases, bringing us to 257 active cases; total now 549. 10 recuperated, making that total 219. 2 still in hospital. No new measures are deemed necessary.
And now for the week-end!
Strict control measures have been announced.
Lying Is the Norm
While Bhillie keeps assuring us that negotiations with Holland are over and done with (translate: We Will Get Matoozas), the Dutch are of a different opinion: RMR Kingdom ministerial council has not taken a decision on liquidity support.
Some GOOD News
"For a second year running Greta Thunberg has failed to win the Nobel Peace Prize."
But will Trump and the Arabs making peace with Israel get it? Guess not.
No, they didn't. Instead, it was awarded to the World Food Programme (WFP), infamous for rampart corruption and trading food for sex. Maybe even Greta would have been a better choice.
Of the 323 public tenders between 2011-2015, only 95 met requirements. That's 175.7 million guilders (say 100 million USD) worth. Gone with the Trade Wind; $20m/year. Then, you have to take into account that only public works worth more than 100K guilders need any tender at all; the others are free for the minister to decide.
Uh oh.
Even worse: civil or architectural works have a bottom limit of 250K.
Trying to Fool Us?
Amigoe Newspaper shows a photo of a stand on former De Ruyterkade/now Sha Caprileskade, AKA the so-called Floating Market, where somebody is selling piska korá [red snapper] fish. See how well this is going? Pinhead Martina must be proud!
Too bad the next stand is completely empty, and we can't see any further.
I Forget... Maybe Better
The economy grew by 9.6% in thee first quarter of this year. Only, negatively. Tax receipts went down as well; good.
Who Needs That Sh*t
Now, after the special coins, it's a book, celebrating, if only after a fashion, the ten years of Glorious Independence. Better shut up und get to work.
Possibly you might find even more ways to waste our money. Yeah, we know you do your best.
But hey, it's free! There's also a book with photographs of Important People. Download here. If you care...
"Artist" Impression
You can just make out part of the Maritime Museum
in back to the right
Fine with Me?
VVRP ministry had a great plan to make some money on turning Kleine Werf into The Wharf, a location to have yuppies buy newly built 7-stories apartments. It would turn the now impressive buildings of Maritime Museum and those surrounding it into very modest affairs, completely ruining the monumental aspects of that neighborhood.
So ProMonumento has gone to court about the building permits for this new monstrosity. In the EOP island development plan (only marks on paper) it is stipulated that buildings may not be higher than what's there now.
150 More
Izzy, our tame epidemiologist, warns that we now have 250 active Virus cases; if this goes up to 400 "we'refuckedin a danger zone". So for now we'll have to stick to "phase 3", meaning curfew.
As for Germany, Curaçao joins Aruba, St. Maarten and Dutch province Limburg on thedanger list.
All tourists are welcome! But if you fly from CUR to New York, itself a Virus hotbed, you must quarantine there for 14 days.
Look on the Bride Site
There's always one. Aside from the fact many of those sardine tins full of tourists won't be coming here any more, the Turks make a lot of dough dismantling them. In Aliaga, they gather to be turned into scrap. The scrap iron is expected to grow in volume from 700,000 tons (January) to 1.1 million (December).
All Ready!
The tourist industry is getting ready for the Great Influx of cruise tourists next month.
Only, that seems a bit premature: USA cruises will start only a month later.
So Which Is It?
Dutch staatssecretaris Knops tells us that no accord on the Virus-loan has been reached between Holland and the Islands. But we were also told by Bhillie they'd reached one, and that Parliament agreed.
Hold your breath till you turn blue.
Just What We Need
CBCS central bank launches a special coin to commemorate the ten years gone by since we became independent, rah rah rah! The thing has a nominal value of ANG5, but you can buy 20 of them from CBCS for 100. It's full of colored flags.
I guess it does have some curiosity value. Dutch parliament sees no reason to celebrate, either: "It failed."
Getting Serious
We had 29 new Virus cases yesterday. Twenty-nine, right. Total now 234 active cases; 8 have recovered, 3 are in hospital.
What we need is more tourists so we can start exporting.
Now, How Is It?
Weeks ago, we were told the mangrove sewer was connected with the sea to be flushed out. And now, look and behold, we get the very same news again.
Hot Wind
In Germany they got rid of nuclear and switched over to wind energy after the tsunami non-disaster in Japan; wise because we all know Germany is pestered by continual tsunamis. Only, they ruined their industry and economy in the process; and then, they had to start digging up coal again anyway, ruining the Schwartzwald at the same time.
Net result? A kW of electricity now costs €0.3088 there, equals ANG0.66, while we pay "only" 54 cents. In Denmark, the windmill capital of the world, the price is 0.2984 or ANG0.64. When you want to emigrate to Europe, skip Belgium, Ireland and Spain as well to get lower prices. Or go to Holland, there's an idea.
Ain't free wind power great?
14 new Virus patients, 20 cured; active cases now 213. 2 in hospital.
Who Needs That
The consumers' union wants a conversation with FLO/UTS on the internet problems. Go ahead, waste your time.
Not a word about the scandalous way they suddenly changed their conditions for mobile phones. Shows you who's king: not the customer!
That's It!
To solve the problems with diabase stealing, we need a new committee to look at regulation. Not that we need any, it's all arranged by law and the thieves can be fined just like that. Only, somebody must go out and fine them. Always the same.
Like, the government wants to have a conversation with the guy who cut down those trees. Lock him up instead.
Gee, I wonder how much those committee members will be paid!
Songs and Dances
PAR PM Bhillie announces the Dutch conditions for a soft loan are accepted; after three months of delay. Hey, what else are politicians for, anyway?
Some conditions have been adapted. Big deal.
The number of tourists allowed will be doubled to 20,000; but the anti-Virus measures will be extended by 2 weeks; max. mob 50 persons. Tourists from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Canada are welcome again without 14 days of quarantine.
But Royal Caribbean cruises will not reboot until November 30.
New York! No kidding?
The Virus
As from yesterday: 11 total positives added, 11 cured, 3 in hospital. Active cases 219.
What we must do is, get rid of the weekends.
Piss Off
Marlo Regales has stared a signature action for a letter to the UN asking the Kingdom to fulfill its obligations as former colonizer. And I here thinking it did; and more, in fact.
Another instigator of the idea is auntie Sushi Römer, which is enough reason not to go along.
The obligations seem to be: just give us money, no strings attached.
At any rate, nice surprise that Holland for once is not accused of neo-colonialism by that gang.
Tiens... Remarkable
"The PCR test was invented by Kary Mullis in 1985 but it was never intended for detecting disease."
So that's what we all over the world, and here, depend on to detect the Virus: a Fraud?!
FLOW/UTS Promises Reformation
So there was something to all those internet complaints! No matter how that is, we're awaiting the course case against the same company who all of a sudden changed the rules for mobile phone payments.
Sure, Sure, Why Not?
The HNO hospital survey commission needs more time and got it, until May 21. Plenty of time to erase the spoors of fraud and corruption?
I'm not so sure. Just goes on. And on.
Not So Good
On October 3, 18 new Virus cases; on October 4, 23. That's over the weekend, you think that could be a cue?
Anyway, the Grand Total is now 18 cured (?), 2 in hospital, 220 active cases. Of the new cases, 3 are imported, 12 are linked to known cases and 8, source unknown.
Knipselkrant Curaçao says the total of 18+23=42; is not what I learned at school. But that's a long time ago, maybe I should take a refresher course? Or Knipselkrant, there's that.
Help! They're Coming Back!
Shipping Agent S.E.L. Maduro & Sons announces that cruise companies are preparing to restart their activities. The USA CDC Center for Disease Control has stopped all cruises from USA ports until October 31 and the companies foresee a slow reboot in November. Capacity will be reduced to 1/3. Cruise passengers may probably be allowed to visit 1 reserved beach. Boy, what fun!
Cruises may just as well remain all at sea during the entire cruise, because "they have everything on board." Like, food, drink and sex. At any rate that would blow all income from mega-piers, tour operators and restaurants.
Also, it remains to be seen how the Virus situation develops this month.
In fact, restaurants don't make much money on tour passengers; these are extremely well-fed onboard, so why pay to eat in a restaurant?
Maduro claim that Holland-America Line is owner of Carnival. It's just the other way around.
Reminds Me
Way back when, at the time when businesses hesitatingly switched over to computers running the deal, if something went wrong the computers were blamed. While of course the humans were to be blamed, who couldn't handle the computers.
Now, Flow, who took over UTS, tells us that the many internet complaints they get are caused by a switch-over from copper to glass fibre cables. This is downright silly: UTS started installing fibre cables many years ago. At least ten.
Song and Dance
So that's what Bhillenaath was going on about: Curaçao will have something to say in applying the conditions for a Dutch loan. Wow, color me impressed. Only, Holland will check that all measures will be executed. Color me relieved.
The Dutch CHE proposal is gross, rude and nasty: "onbeschoft", says ex-politician and trade union Wini Poulo. It's against all democratic principles as it will take power away from Staten/parliament. Right Wini, you got it.
He adds somebody has told him an ex-colonial country will always try to keep influencing its ex-colonies. It was a real professor, so it must be true. And it is: just look at Indonesia, Brazil, India and New York. All (at least in part) Dutch ex-colonies. Q.E.D.
Strangely, Wini doesn't use the word "respect" they're always ready with. He can't imagine a Curazoleño will accept all these conditions. Try again, Wini.
So Tell Us
PAR PM Bhillenaath comes out with a statement where he tells exactly nothing, only that negotiations with Holland are going on. So what about your own Evil Plans to borrow money elsewhere—and we paying interest? Come on, Billie, tell us!
Virus Progress
14 have been cured; active cases now 213, 7 new cases.
Looks Bad
Deadline for interested parties to come out with a non-binding proposal for the take-over of Isla refinery Plus has been extended for a week.
Gee, they really must be interested, don't you think? All 14 of them.
HM Groningen has caught two drug transports again. In my opinion, as long as they keep catching them, the smugglers keep trying; and if they all got caught, they'd stop. So as long as some are caught, many more succeed.
Water Problems
Ombudsman (yes, it's not a person but a mere male) has called attention to the drinkwater problems. Aqualectra keeps cutting off the supply of hundreds of families.
Maybe they're lucky! Later today I'll upload a picture of a pail of water straight from the net. The very sight makes you sick.
Aruba Too
The Oduber Hospital on Aruba, if things go on like this, will soon not have enough capacity to treat Virus patients. But that may be the least of their problems: to finance a rebuilding, a construction has been found where the government as owner rents the hospital to its management. With the result that politics enter into the management.
Masks Off!
Longer ago than I really care to remember, my father, who was a frik [derogative for teacher] came home with a book he'd confiscated from one of his pupils. It was called Maskers af! [masks off]. As was our habit, us kids started reading it; but before I got it finished, it had disappeared again. (I strongly suspect my parents.) So I can't tell you what it was all about. Gangsters entered into it.
Anyway, now MAN MP McWilliam wants to force us all to wear masks against the Virus. Maybe she means well? Anyway, I said it before and I say it again: mouth masks are of as much use to stop the Virus as a hurricane fence is against mosquitos. And what do you know, you ask? Point taken. My answer is, a politician knows even less.
If you want a more scientific explanation, please check here. "Professional" N95 masks stop 95% of particles of 3 micron size while the Virus is .125 micron; 24 times as small.
That's Telling 'Em
CFT financial supervision has sent a letter to minister Gijs & Bertha reminding him, once again, that the yearly accounts 1914-1918 still haven't been delivered. CFT now gives Gijs & Bertha until December 15 to come across.
Or else? Good question.
A YdK homosexual complains that whities are permitted to be gay, but blacks not. He's been living in Holland for 8 years, so I have my doubts. I look around and see something different; but what do I know.
The mere fact that he feels that way may be telling, though.
Whitie gays may not marry here, either.
Spent Less, Got More
Although less accounts were checked by the Tax people, the receipts were higher last year: 61 million. May that be a lesson to those Nosey Parkers.
Daily Dose
7 positive Virus cases, total 399; 14 cured, T 185 (still doesn't fit); 2 in hospital, T 10.
Oh Yeah
It's impossible to stop the guy digging diabase at Hanenberg. The regulations are a total mess so it's not even clear which instance would have the legal power to stop him. Nos mes por!
It All Fits
The date for signing the convenant for VVU [early voluntary outflow] for spoiled brats has been delayed. Nobody knows until when.
So Do We
VBC Curaçao Business Association worries about "Plan B" where the government tries to borrow money elsewhere than from Holland. They then don't have to follow the neo-colonial dictates which attack our precious freedomn.
In fact, their precious freedom where they can continue doing as they like.
Following Aruba's example, they will borrow on interest conditions, leaving the voters (you, me and all the rest) with the enormous future debts. While ministers sit back and enjoy their pensions.
Forget It
That begrotingskamer [budget chamber]. It should be part of the Staatsregeling [constitution] but for that, a parliament majority of 2/3 is needed. Which it won't get.
Fine, saves us more spoiled brats.
22 New Cases
Of the Virus, right. One of them in hospital was flown in from Bonaire. 220 active cases, 14 cured. Something stupid going on, on September 26 124 were listed as cured.
Positive test percentage is about 11%, while the international norm is 5. For what that's worth, of course. Epidemiologist Gersthenbluth says more tests are needed. He's right.
Golden Calf!
The media are all excited because two Curaçao movies are shown on the Dutch Film Festival now going on; hey, may not be the proper name. They will also be shown in 100 Dutch cinemas, although it doesn't say if that's for 1 night or 1 week. In the best case, 1 week, that will in these Virus days mean 20,000 visitors absolute theoretical max.
They call the movies "magic realism" which, as far as I can figure out in my extensive if desperate research, is a term for "weak surrealism". Nice and vague, quite fitting. But I hope they'll get the promised Golden Calf price, why not?
In fact, we're told the movie had 80,000 visitors; which these Virus days is a lot for Holland.
9 new Virus cases, 6 cured. Total active cases 212; 2 in hospital; 3 source known/3 unknown.
Aruba calls the New York decision "disappointing" and "a blow to tourism". They got that straight.
Could Be Worse
Much worse! But also better... We have had 2 Virus cases per 1000 people, which is by far the best of all 6 islands. Aruba's had 36, St. Maarten 15. Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba (BES islands) 4, 4 and 3 cases.
But it's not much better than the USA, 2.2, and much worse than in Holland, 0.7; and hardly better than Israel where they talk of a disaster: 2.6.
Electoral Council
New jobs! The main polling station has to become autonomous, which of course means private personnel will have to be hired. Parliament accorded it, so there we go.
Only Now?
KTK Curaçao Towing will have to economize with 30-40%, and 37 of the 107 personnel may have to be fired. Because there's no working refinery and Bullenbaai Oil Terminal is as good as dead as well.
The only thing that's surprising here is, how did they keep going so long?
After all...
The purchase tax payable on import has been changed. From now on, right of deduction has been canceled.
The government admits companies' cash flow will be less, but the government will receive 28.5 million more per year.
And that's what really matters.
I confidently predict the government will receive less than now estimated.
On Aruba, Bingo nights have been forbidden. Virus, you know. Tourists are welcome, even with some 500 new cases in 6 weeks, but hotels are empty anyway. Maybe even worse, upon arrival in New York passengers from AUA have to be quarantined for 2 weeks.
The Master Plan—Flop
The 2015 Tourism Master Plan, for which we still don't know how much has been paid, has definitely flopped. And it's not only the Virus that caused it; even if, but naturally! it gets the blame.
To give you some idea in a jiffy (for the complete image, buy an Amigoe newspaper):
- The 2% economic growth was not realized from 2016-2019; instead, the shrink was 1.7%. For this year, the Virus can be blamed, shrink 20%.
- Unemployment went up from 13.3% tot 21.2%; in 2020 50% may be expected. The prognosis was 800 jobs would be added per year.
- The total number of visitors went down (2016-2018) from 441,356 to 431,701; 2019 we had more again, 463,685. This year 127,261 are expected.
That's also largely blamed on the Venezuela problems, which is exactly my point. You just can't rely on tourism.
It Takes an Effort
Near Knip/Kenepa Beach, the bus company complained that visitors had to walk 2 kilometers from the last stop to the beach, because their buses couldn't make a turn-around closer to it. So a lot of money was spent on making a turn-around close by.
Net result, the buses still stop at the old place and the beach visitors still have to walk. Plus a lot of parking places have disappeared, so now cars are parked wherever.
It obviously takes an effort to think it through.
It Just Goes On
Near Hanenberg 200m3 of diabase have been dug away illegally. The guy working there was stopped but after a while restarted. And why not? He wasn't even fined as far as we know.
The government has legal "diabase pits" where the stuff can be taken away—for a price. There's the rub.
People living around there worried about erosion when the rains (finally) come down again, especially because two giant water tanks are sitting on top of the diabase hill.
Safe Enough
PAR MP Obispo demands that the MPs' salaries over July and August are reduced with 25%, just like happened over September. (Really?) I'm afraid Obispo knows damn well, just like we, that it's not gonna happen anyway.
PMO Changed Management
You want the new names, buy a paper. PMO is all about the continuation of Isla refinery. But how? For some reason, they call the project Arawak (the old Caribbean Indians which were all removed from the island centuries ago). The choice is between lease, joint venture, selling, tolling agreement (please explain) or a combination. But since the Chinese and Klesch enthousiasm in the population for selling has gone down a bit.
They say there are 13 interested candidates of which 11 may be really interested.
One More to Party
This one is called Trabao pa Kòrsow [work for CUR] and was started by that guy Calmes, who ran away from auntie Sushi's PIN. Calmes says the people are fed up with the old faces with the same politics. Oh, he thinks he's a new face?
We'll see how far this one, and all the others, get in the pre-elections where they have to get 800 votes or so.
Bright Idea
In South Africa where Utility Eskom seems to have the same problems we experience here since OGEM went away, plans are to have private companies take over during beurtkrag [load shedding], where your electricity supply is cut off as long asAqualectraEskom wants. 11,900MW is available just like that; alas, only in 2022.
That's Some Lawyer!
Sint Eustatius lawyer Denicio Bryso, representing foundation Pro Soualiga (whatever that's supposed to mean) is satisfied with the court case he's started against the Mighty Kingdom. He says the 1954 Statuut is not legally valid.
Next, he wants to represent Curaçao and Aruba in similar processes. Plenty government suckers to start out with him... I expect, win or lose, then he'll retire.
Verdict October 9.
The Horse Has Gone
Now the government thinks it's important to establish a begrotingskamer [budget chamber]. It was meant to function instead of Cft financial supervision, but will instead operate next to it. What it's supposed to do I can't discern. Another "advisor".
Ain't that fine? More spoiled brats!
What Do You Know
An opinion poll for Antilliaans Dagblad and Extra claims that 37% now want a direct connection with Holland, but 45% wants independence within the Kingdom. 7% chooses complete independence, and 10% has no opinion.
But we also read that of 873 pollees, 70% wants no independence and 20% does. Kinda contradictory.
Most want a new referendum. Hopefully the last. E kos ta kansa hende and costs money as well.
The poll was done by Kenniscentrum Curaçao, of the UDC university.
Going Well!
24 new Virus cases on Sunday; total 360, active 218 (1 in hospital), 14 cured. 11 source unknown.
The streets were busy during the week-end, and the Multi-Disciplinary Team closed down 11 businesses. Because too many people, too small social distance, too loud music, "etcetera". Makes me curious... They will have to remain closed for at least 3 days.
One of them had shut the doors and covered the windows with paper, with clients remaining. I guess the music gave him away.
Must Mention
One of the former initiators of Green Town, Andrés Casimiri, was removed from the board in a political struggle, and he has nothing to do with the new set-up, he wants us to know. Got it.
Harvesting the Harvest
The agriculturists are choosing eggs for their money, as the Dutch say. Police found 2 weed plantations the past weeks and duly destroyed them. Precious little is heard from food producers, tho.
Oh, Those Media
Saw a first page article on how the Caprileskade, formerly de Ruyterkade/Floating Market, is back in business with a "flowering trade". Well, sorry kids, I happened to drive by there a few days ago and there were maybe 2 or 3 of the stalls open. Really sad, in fact.
To rub it in, a Pinhead Martina project. A lot of money was spent to renovate the Market, which isn't floating at all. Last time that was paid by Venezuelan socialist dictator Chávez, who decorated it all with Venezuelan flags.
But not so many happy returns... Today is World Tourism Day. Not that there's so much tourism going on, with the Virus and all.
Will it make a comeback? Some people hope so; others, not so much.
New One (to Me)
The Virus is not designed, built and distributed by the Chinese Communist Government. No, it's a logical result of—you'll never guess—Global Warming!
Nos A Skapa!
I said it before and now I said it again. We escaped China's communist tyranny when all those obscure deals for overtaking the Isla refinery, our harbors and Bullenbaai Oil Terminal fell through.
Here are some instances of what's happening in the Caribbean. But many more can be found in Asia, Africa and even Europe.In 2018, the Dominican Republic was rewarded with and [sic] estimated $3 billion in loans and investments for cutting ties with Taiwan, as did the island of Grenada, which got a new $55 million cricket stadium.Come to think of it, I shouldn't wonder if Suriname got its wish there as well. Although China is in great financial trouble, aggravated by the ongoing floods.
After spending $2.6 billion on the Caribbean's largest seaport, in Jamaica, China took full control of the Jamaica Kingston Freeport. They're doing the same in Cuba with investments in the Santiago de Cuba seaport.
Other "investments and loans" include $600 million to the aforementioned Cuba, $450 million to the Bahamas, $490 million to Barbados, a billion to Barbuda and Antigua, and $1.9 billion to Trinidad and Tobago.
But our Great Leaders are still thinking about refusing Holland's generous loan offer and going it on their own. Or China's own.
That's Discrimination!
Who can explain that all those black faces adorning food packages have to disappear? Is it now somehow a shame to be appreciated as a good cook of good food?
First it was Aunt Jemima (and her family is protesting it); then followed Uncle Ben. Now it's the face of Cream of Wheat (a chief whose name was Frank White). Where will this madness end?
Also make me wonder, will they be replaced by honkies? East Asians? Muslims?
Drug Fight
The fight over drug prices between boticas and importers on one side with the minister of health is still going on. I'll let you know when who won.
Better Than Nothing
The past year's Financial Statement must be delivered by August 31. So minister Gijs & Bertha delivered a concept financial statement on September 8. For which he was complemented by CFT financial supervision. Really! They thought it great that with the Virus around he managed that.
Now we all wait to see that concept, and start betting how much of it turns out to tally. Or how little.
They May, But Will They?
That's the question on those spoiled brats' salaries.
Almost Nobody Gets Married Anymore, Anyway
PAR MP Walroud wants to introduce a law enabling homosexuals to marry, but it doesn't look like he'll succeed.
Pardon me for not really understanding why homosexuals crave marriage that much. There should be a sort of arrangement to legalize their relationship, of course. But hey, less and less heteros seem to get married, am I right?
MAN MP McWilliam, who originally supported Walroud, has retracted. Elections coming up! But she hopes the law will be looked at again in the next ten years.
So There, Saints
Dutch staatssecretaris Knops says it's St. Maarten's own fault that rebuilding after hurricane Irma is going so slow. The Virus has very little to do with it. In three years they didn't even succeed in opening a World Bank office, which is an essential factor in distributing € 500 million. And repairing the airport will only start next year.
Shades of Puerto Rico? where they blame Trump.
Sustainable Development
My apologies, but when I read those words I get sort of nauseous by now. Don't let that stop you from paying a visit to Curaçao 2030, where it's all explained. After a fashion. The site is paved with good-sounding but, in style, rather vague intentions, among which is included a commission! How could we think things could be achieved without one?
It doesn't say how much the members will be paid.
14 New Virus Cases
Total cases 329, active cases 204, cured 124; 1 still in hospital. 9 new infections have been traced, 5 source unknown.
Up and Up
Costs of living have gone up wih .8% in August. Things go on like that, that's 10% a year.
Now we get why spoiled brats, ministers and MPs, in short, the government, don't want to have their salaries cut.
Easy Does It
The NOW arrangement, where Virus-affected entrepreneurs get subsidies to continue paying their workers, has delays in those payments. But minister of economy pinhead Martina denies it; he says over 50% of advances have been paid out. More than half!
But many have not received those advance payments. Says the minister, that's because they have to be checked.
Come on, Pinhead, tell us: are there delays or not?
Greentown Ready to Go
Greentown initiators announce they're ready to demolish Isla Refinery and replace it with their plans. That will generate 2000 jobs and 40 million guilders per year in government income, "say those who still believe in the idea"—to quote Antilliaans Dagblad.
Suri Smart
Suriname has found €43 billion worth of oil deposits, so they want to borrow €1.72 billion now.
That money will be gone before it's pumped out. Suriname's history, to be continued.
Got That? Now Shut Up
The government is perfectly entitled to cut spoiled brats' salaries because of the Virus. Says RvA advisory council.
No word about the ministers' and MPs', though. Oh wait, that is the government.
Is It for Real?
A building that has been subject to court fights for years must finally be torn down. Now wait and see if it happens.
The first building stop was ordained in 2012, with three following, the last one in 2015. The order to demolish was given by auntie Sushi in 2016.
Builder must also clear the remaining rubbish.
No Wholesale Electricity Failure
Well, that would be fine. If only we could trust what Aqualectra promises.
Only, mentioning in passing, the wind is down; so no relief from those *&%$-generators.. For longer than I care to think about. And then came October...
Spare Your Breath
Farmersagriculturists complain that there are not enough seeds available on the island. They also want the government to give them a terrain, free (which means you and I pay) to set up an agricultural education center. They will pay the rest of the costs.
They also claim to have a system where the plants need less water. Sure; when I see how much water is wasted my heart flinches.
Finally, they ask when the promise of reduced water prices for agriculture will be fulfilled. Hey, you're on Curaçao here! Besides, it was only auntie Sushi.
Farmers say they will search for opportunities elsewhere. A wise thought.
Their main argument is, we need to grow more food because of the Virus. Agreed, it all helps. Better do other things that enable you to buy food elsewhere, like we always did. At least since Shell arrived and ended hunger and poverty.
Like dealing in drugs? Another 80 keys of coke have just been grabbed. The general estimate is, about 10% is caught.
Grab Back
The Public Ministry will start a case to force Quackie Constancia to pay her stolen money back. As she says she has made no money at all on the deal, and her sumptuous MP salary has been confiscated already, this is gonna be fun. For us.
Total ANG 365,000.
14 New Cases, 14 Cured
The Virus, what else? 10 cases source unknown. Just what we needed.
Aruba needs to borrow more money after all. What a shock! We all saw it coming, but the Leaders not. Total now is 325 million, which is coming close to the 400 originally needed.
PM willtry toexplain Monday. But she does say the florin will not be devaluated. For now. Yet.
Somebody wonders how she's gonna pay her clown lawyers Peppi & Kokki. I'm sure they thought that over before they started "helping" her.
Going Too Far
The Dutch requirement that CSBS Central Bank gives them figures on the accounts of several persons goes too far, says our government. It's against the law, they say. Invasion of privacy, they say.
Sue the bastards!
But here's the update: the central bank is perfectly allowed to give out info on insurers, banks and financial institutions. Another cry-by-night by the howling wolves for nuffin'.
Anything You Say
Gasoline goes up in price, diesel down, water up, electricity down, cooking gas remains the same. Can you explain?
Progress! Por Fin!
An undertaker introduces something quite new (for here): a drive-thru window to say goodbye to the defunct ones. The source adds "loved" deceaseds, but I don't think we have to make that restriction.
It's because of the Virus.
Crook Chong Back
Ex-deputy of Tourism (!) Ramon Chong was forced to abdicate for involvement in a bribery affair. No matter, he's back on the PNP list of candidates. And what's the difference anyway? Right. Join the gang, Chong!
They Keep Trying
That's what we have a government for. Not doing what we want, but what they want, as long as they have the power. Ministerraad [ministerial council] announces there are 3 options to continue just like we are if the negotiations with Holland fail. Which to us, by now thoroughly paranoid—but only it's not an illness, it's common sense—they're planning to make the negotiations fail. They call it Plan B, but it really is their Plan A.
Must be Aruba that gave them the idea? Crooks, all.
Nardy Does It Again
In Knipselkrant Curaçao our very own refugee in Holland Nardy crammm opens up about our very own gaming world. Only, it's not really ours; it's just our government facilitating it. Which resulted in the murder of Helmin Wiels on May 5, 2013—coinciding with Dutch Bevrijdingsdag [liberation day] commemorating the end of WWII.
Between the lines, she mentions how UTS got a license from then justice minister Navarro, all to enable the Dutch narco-criminals to launder their money via us.
If you didn't know yet, they're all crooks. Every single one of them.
But Will They Get Any?
There are 40% more requests for onderstand [welfare] now, compared with March when the Virus burst out. Small wonder.
That Will Help
Not much. The online gaming license holders must from now on pay the double fee, 240K/year instead of 120K guilders. I hear them laughing all the way to the HSBC and other, maybe less infamous, banks.
Figure, the total amount flowing to the banks is estimated at over €3500 billion/year. There are five of them, they themselves say, but minister Gijs & Bertha says there are seven. Wow! That's almost half a million extra/year to cover the deficit! Plus, they can work on for that fee for some more years. And they don't even have to launder... It's all legal.
The biggest fish in the school of predatory fish is Gregory Elias. Yes, the guy who could afford to treat the Cubans to a Rolling Stones concert; and them thinking Castro had paid for it. We got fobbed off with the North Sea Jazz Festival... while it lasted.
10 New Cases
Virus, what else? Total 301, active 196 (1 in hospital), 104 cured.
"Announcement: Aqualectra again has problems with electricity supply"
Need I say more?
Bon Bini! Welkom!
Holland now has 10,000 new Virus cases per day. Time to shut the tourist flow off? Is what you and I may think, but what do we have to say?
So What
APC pension fund, not de Boer, after all is the proud owner of the Plaza Hotel wreck. APC wants to develop the property, while guaranteeing the Unesco world heritage character.
Which to me means tearing it down. Not that I have any problem with that; and it has to be done anyway.
The Dutch SP socialist party wants to turn the kingdom, including the Caribbean islands, into a republic. Which will take some time. It will entail cutting the king's fat salary to not higher than the PM's. Now that may take even more time!
And don't let the door smash your ass on your way out. Quackie Constancia has announced she will not take part in the next elections.
Not that she could.
With her impressive criminal record, she's still been an MP and even minister for 18 years.
Murders Galore
We now have more murders than traffic deaths. This guy, no more than a statistic by now: nr. 2020-14, was sitting in a parked car when two other guys came driving along and shot to kill him. He's rumored to be a gang member. Ya think?
The last guy before him was "riddled with over 60 bullets".
14 More Virus Cases
They Must Be Joking
Again sparing you the ugly details (read Amigoe Newspaper for those): the government has published budgets up to 2025. According to those, in 2024 financing requirement will be 0.00.
If this is meant to be a joke, it's a pretty sick one. Using their own figures, it would mean they'll have compensated a total negative balance of 3010 million guilders in 4 years.
Without explaining how, need I mention it?
There Are Ways...
Ex-CHATA boss Mercera turned politician says he has no problem with CHE, code name for Dutch checking of the way their loan is spent.
My sarcastic view? I guess he figures there must be plenty of ways to sideline some of that stream, regardless.
Ex VNO-NCW (Dutch) employers' union padrone Hans de Boer turns out to be the sucker who bought the Plaza Hotel ruins.
"We are going to turn it into a cultural center with a little bit of tourism. In this way we do something beautiful in return." He doesn't specify in return for what, leaving it to us to fill in. Bribes, perchance?
OK, Who Cares?
No Sinterklaas entrance this year. Point 1 is, no government money. Points 2-100, people are protesting the Zwarte Pieten; points 101-160,000, people are okay with them. Who needs that needless fight? Maybe next year.
Tell you the truth, I never cared for Zwarte Pieten, let 'em go; was afraid of them even though I never was afraid of real blacks. Why should I?
Worthless Predictions
Mine as well, duh. The hurricane season may not be very harmful, but it sure is intense. Name-wise, we are up to the second alphabet! Only 2nd time this happens.
But the extreme heat, we got that alrighty. The folk belief here is, have a long period with hardly any waves on the North Coast, and you'll get an extreme rainy season. Great chance to check that this year. Just what we needed by now, too.
Crazy Woman
Aruba PM Wever-Croes doesn't like Dutch Knops's comments on hercountrygovernment trying to borrow 400 million on private markets, paying interest which Holland wouldn't charge. In the first place, she claims, they will only try to borrow 60 million florins plus 60 million dollars. A total, which she doesn't mention where I read it, of 168 million guilders. Further, she says, working herself into a ridiculous argument, the total debt will be the same whether the money comes from Holland or elsewhere—conveniently "forgetting" the interest to be paid will be a part of the total debt.
Knock Me Down with a Toothpick!
Last week-end was World Clean Up Day, and on Curaçao over 193,890 kilos of trash have been collected by at least 1,300 volunteers on 80 locations. Reason for my inviting to be knocked down, 4 of these were "appreciably cleaner" than last year.
To wit, Barbuquet, Las Almas, Nieuw Nederland and Scharloo. Looks like 100 volunteers didn't turn up after considering.
Who's Next?
One bank after another going down. Girobank is kaput, Postspaarbank PSB has experienced a run-for-client-money over take-over by APC, and Ennia hasn't been doing very well either after it was taken over by USA-Iran billionaire Hushang Ansary. The total damage is 700 million guilders, which Central Bank, working on restructuring Ennia, wants Ansary to pay back to Ennia.
Betcha he won't. Not just like that, anyway.
Get It?
The Virus—I hope not. But on Saturday there were 19 new cases, and on Sunday 20. Total now 268, 171 active (1 in hospital), 96 cured.
We're supposed to snitch but I won't; which doesn't change the fact that next door to us, 4 or more couples thought it a good idea to spend last week-end together in a rented house. Just asking for it.
Bonaire has asked the Dutchies kindly not to come over for a while. But here...
Creative Thinking
PIN (auntie Sushi's party) has several ideas to help the government to more spending money without Holland checking on how it's wasted. One of them is, financial institutes should take over debts to the government, so the government can spend that money.
You don't need to hear more, I presume.
For How Long?
1400 volunteers have been cleaning up the island a few days ago, in spite of the extreme heat. Now we only have to wait for the 140,000 other people to fill the empty space up with new trash. Nature abhors a vacuum, as they say.
Wait and Don't See
Mr Pennycrook oops Pennicook of CTB says 3 times as many airlines will start flying to Curaçao as from next month. He adds it's not sure, they just plan too.
We all wonder how much we all will pay all those airlines. If they come.
Durable Housing
That doesn't mean they last longer. You have to keep up with the new lingo! It means they somehow use less energy.
Mainly in building though: they're based on written-off sea transport containers. 4 haven been assembled now, with 19 to follow. Price ANG140K/USD77K. They use solar energy, which by now is even more expensive than Aqualectra, and "can collect rainwater". So can I.
Always Up
We now have 18 more Virus cases; total 228. 144 active, 83 recovered. 3 imports and 19, cause unknown. Hmm. Curfew is hoped to help.
I know, you add all those numbers and arrive at different totals. Don't blame me. Please?
Yes, We Felt It
In the period 2010-2020, put another way, between our Glorious Independence and now, the average family income has gone down with ANG22,000 [USD11K] per year.
That's what we read. Sounds outrageous, that would mean the average family income would have gone down from 220,000 to zero. I can only guess, that's the total downturn over all those years. Bad enough.
Good! But?
The extra levy on medicines has been canceled, so prices will not go up, and the shortage may not not come after all. This after intense protests by drugstores and importers. Good.
But why did those dumb mules in the government try and force it through in the first place? Especially in these times. Fine; they fell flat on their fat faces.
Bhillenaath's Preferences
PAR PM Bhillenaath says the 14 (I must have missed that somehow) private interest groups who insist on accepting the Dutch proposal are all wrong and sowing discord. "It's undesirable that another country interferes in our development, starts companies and invests" [where we politicians have nothing to say nor skim].
Another hypocrite.
Step Up
Miles Mercera, CEO of CHATA hotel club, has given up his position and is moving into politics. A smart decision, as it presently looks like that with the Virus, all CHATA money will come from the government = politics. As they say, cut out the middleman!
Mercera wrote an open letter in Curaçao Chronicle to explain his position. As you may have noticed, I have my doubts on the sincerity of his expressed feelings.
But first, he asked the government to open the borders for 20,000 tourists/month; double of what we get now.
His political party is Kòrsou Vishionario [omitting translation], with which Mercera denied any connection a short time ago. Menno George (Norbert's brother) in it as well.
What do those Arubian politicians care! Or rather, they do: anything to avoid checking on their practices by the Dutch to get an interest-free loan. Much better to have the people pay umpteen millions in a few years, after they've gone themselves (and sit counting their money at home).
Aruba finance minister Maduro says the Dutch threaten with a psychological war.
One consolation is, will they succeed in borrowing on the market? My guess is, NO. But I've been wrong before. Pray for the next island generation I'm right.
Dutch Knops calls the Aruba decision "unexplainable". Come on Knops, you can do better than that.
Corona Counter: 210
Total 210 Virus cases; 16 local infections, 11 source unknown; 2 foreign.
135 active cases; 2 isolated in hospital; 74 cured.
And it wasn't a choir, but a group of musicians.
Of Course?
Importers of medicines are against the Health ministry's new price list. It will drive up prices and may result in a market shortage of medicines.
Aruba Going for Broke
Aruba announces a bond loan for 400 million florin, duration 8 years, interest 5.5%, as the islands keeps thinking Dutch conditions are unacceptable. So, 8 years from now, if they get the sum together and if they don't go bankrupt, the Arubianos will have to cough up 576 million florins.
The Dutch loan is offered free of interest.
Hurrah Kids!
Despite the fact that Holland is in an even more precarious Virus precision—until now, right— than we are here, PAR PM Bhillenaath announces the borders will remain open to the Dutch.
But no worries, the risk on infections will be kept as low as possible. Bhillie doesn't explain how. Not that he could.
What? Really? No Kidding?
In the third auction, the Plaza Hotel ruins have been sold for 6.3 million guilders. Which is appreciably lower than what it brought up in the first auction, USD 9 million. Only, it didn't; the guy never paid.
The new owner will be APCCivil ServantsGeneral Pension Fund, is what some rumors say. Others say it's a foreigner.
Hope it Will Work
The agreement with SPS on leasing Bullenbaai terminal capacity has been signed. Too bad this may concern (nobody seems to be sure) Venezuelan oil which may lead to serious trouble because of USA sanctions; and eventually, in non-payment of bills.
Prepare for Thy Doom
Boticas [Drugstores] insist on a meeting with PAR health minister Jesuz-Leito, since SVB [social insurance bank] suddenly came with "ill-considered and ineffective measures". I'll spare you the details, but this will result in higher drug prices for everybody, which in many cases will not be covered by SVB. Also because substituting cheaper generic drugs will not go through.
The best part is, the ministry stipulates selling prices below buying prices.
Singing in the Choir
A choir rehearsal last week, against all advises and supplications, has resulted in 23 new Virus infections. Praise the Lord!
In fact I don't know if this was a religious choir. For all I know they rehearsed for a sex show.
Meanwhile, more tourists are lured in with propaganda that Curaçao is a safe destination.
Oh, that Virus
107 active cases, 61 cured, 2 quarantined in hospital. Grand Total 169 cases (say 1 in thousand of total population). (8 worked in CMC hospital.)
Sister Islands
Aruba is hopeful it will be possible to borrow money privately, "without a gun to our heads." Good luck kids, especially in the hereafter. Beware: they may be looking for money but haven't even decided on the loan duration or on the interest they plan to pay. Details today.
And on St. Maarten, the ~200 folks who live in/on the dumping ground will be forced to move somewhere else. In a way, that's progress?
Pandemic Response Handbook
Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) has published a Pandemic Response Handbook, which serves as a framework for any conservation organization to develop their own tailor-made disaster plan. You can download it here.
They're Hard Already—for Us, that Is
Dutch King, what's his name again? oh yeah, Willem-Alexander, warns in his yearly troonrede king's speech that we can look forward to hard times a'coming. Gee, he must be a clairvoyant.
Grab It While There's Some Left
RdK Refineria di Kòrsou and CRU Curaçao Refinery Utilities yesterday have seized a bank account and properties of Refineria Isla. Yes, all these things are different entities. The properties are tanks filled with oil products.
The money is to guarantee continuity, which, as far as I figure, mainly means personnel will go on getting their money.
Earlier, the refinery had written out a check for 15 million guilders, but that was impossible to collect as it was on Girobank.
So Do I
Reps from the private enterprise world have written a letter to PAR PM Bhillenaath, that if the country refuses help from Holland that help should go directly to the private hemisphere, by-passing the government. Which is good for nothing but spending it on itself in the first place.
They explain, so possibly even Bhillenaath might understand (will miracles never cease?) that this help could be arranged like the food help from Holland.
Good or Bad?
The mangrove wood's 2-channel connection with the sea was (re)opened yesterday. The water in the lagoon presently looks what in Dutch is called gifgroen—poison green. So the poison will be flushed out, which in turn means it will arrive in the open sea. Will take two weeks, depending on tides and wind.
I wouldn't advise swimming or even feet paddling on the beach for quite some time after. Health dept. says that brown water may flow into the sea, but we're guaranteed this is of no concern to health of people or maritime organisms. Sure, anything you say. Who wouldn't trust our Leaders?
Hah! Lotteries Are Legal
The banks, to wit MCB, who closed accounts of lottery organizers, will now be forced to reopen them. After all, lotteries are legal and everybody should be able to open a bank account. Says finance minister Gijs & Bertha.
Aren't you touched how the government wakes for your welfare? And raise a glass to Robbie dos Diablos's welfare: he can get a bank account again!
That Helps to Explain
Can't check this, but the story is that when Aqualectra took over from OGEM/Kodela, the 1 director was replaced by 6 persons, each with a higher salary.
No matter, we can't do anything about it. But while we're told by Aqualectra that they are saving a lot of money by now, too bad but they can't lower tariffs. Because of the higher fuel costs.
Got it? Anyway, people's payment habits are much worse than last year. Small wonder.
Good Thinking
APC pension fund is not interested in taking over the bankrupt Girobank, ruined by fraud, mismanagement and corruption. To make it clear: APC is the pension fund for civil servants. Why should they start banking?
If you still counted on getting your Girobank account balance paid out, just forget it. I'm really sorry.
We can only ask ourselves what this means for the continuation of Postpaarbank PSB.
Get Lost
Shell is not interested in discussing the stuitingsbrief on pollution with Bhillenaath. Sent him away with a flea in his ear, just like he deserved.
You Call that Better?
We get to hear the hotels are doing "slightly better" since tourists are again allowed to come in. That is mean to say, occupation rate is 25%; which is 1/3 of 2019, 76%. Which as far as I am informed already was not enough to break-even; let alone make a profit.
I have little doubt this will get even worse while infections go up.
Don't Laugh; a Subtle Smile Is Enough
Finance minister Koeiman has asked Central Bank to come up with alternative plans for re-financing. Just like Aruba, and with asmuchlittle chance of success.
Koeiman thinks the deplorable financial situation will last until the end of the year. If the government keeps refusing the Dutch conditions, it will surely last much longer. Wanna bet? No? Is what I thought.
Pinhead Martina says that, if they get an accord of CFT financial supervision and RVM kingdom ministers, the government may start borrowing again. They'd like that and leave us, once they're enjoying their fat pensions, with the pay-back deluge.
As from today, the total Virus cases count 157, 99 active, 57 cured.
2 origin unknown.
Curfew has been reintroduced starting tomorrow night, from 23:00 to 05:00. But no worries, tourists are still welcome!
In Israel It's 10%
In Israel, the hidden ("informal") cash economy is good for 10%. So don't feel too bad, Koeiman. You really can't help it. Of course, 10% may be called pretty immense as well. Even if it was 14% in 1996.
Sure, (at Least) One More
PAR PM Bhillenaath thinks it a good idea to install a special ombudsman for children. This while the past week the ombudsman has been complaining that nobody listens to him! So what's the use?
Except of course helping some more people to a government job.
What's Going On?
In the mangrove wood, where entrance is forbidden so nobody can see what's going on in there, 4 big trucks filled with cement have been observed going in there. Also people report healthy mangrove trees have been removed by a loader. Why? is anybody's guess.
Looks like there's things going on that do not fit in what has been officially announced: turning it into a natural park.
Going Well
Corona counter yesterday: 145 total cases of which 88 active, 10 new ones (67 in 8 days). 7 infected in known clusters, 3 unknown, 1 cured. 83 have been quarantined at home, 5 on their cruise ships, 56 total cured.
Waiting for the next lockdown. As for closing the airport, forget it. Tourism must go on!
It's now official: tourism on St. Maarten and Aruba has definitely ground to a standstill, and the devil only knows how long this will keep up. There have been efforts in the last few years to turn to a less tourist-oriented economy, but in fact, they kept looking for more.
Here, just to rub it in, the government is still working on the tourist Master Plan, dating from 2015.
Excepting the Illegals
Between 2014 and 2019, 20,609 preople left the island, versus 25,807 immigrants. Difference 3262 (I didn't check). This does not count illegal Venezuelans and others coming in. Aruba estimates 25,000unofficialillegal inhabitants; and who knows how much we have here.
We All Saw That One Coming, Too
Things go on like this, as they have done longer than I can remember, AOW old-age welfare and BVZ sickness coverage will have to be trimmed. Big surprise! NOT.
Cft financial supervision predicted the point of no return will be reached in 2028, with a deficit of 1.2 billion guilders. Looks like this will be reached before then.
This while the AOV as far as I can check has never been increased; only age limits.
Harbor Activities
More and more ships come to the island to stay here for a couple of months, also to catch up with maintenance. Right now there are 27 cruise ships. Only, empty of tourists; just crew, complete with Virus cases.
No Netherlands Negotiations
Dutch PM Rutte says there will be no negotiations on the loans' conditions. They have proposed them, but the islands did not move; so now they have to swallow it or forget it. Like with terrorists: you don't negotiate.
Aruba is "disappointed and angry" and will try and find the money on the private markets. Good luck, you're gonna need it!
Knops explains that, if you don't do a thing in two months, you shouldn't be surprised that the conditions remain the same. Rem acu tetigisti.
Only yesterday Bhillenaath said we made an important step forward, because there's still room for dialogue. Once again, there he stands with his pants down.
Halved—for You
The NOW arrangement, where private enterprises got a subsidy to pay their salaries, has been halved. No word about lowering the public salaries, are you kidding?
Koeiman Woke Up
Minister Koeiman has discovered (as you did a long time ago, so you don't need the figures) that there's an "immense informal economy" on Curaçao. Right. And they don't pay any taxes. I and maybe you do.
If you want to do something illegal, like cutting down trees without a permit, do it on Sunday. The police can't do a thing and the spoiled brats who could (if they felt like it), don't work on that Holy Day of Rest.
The neighbors of that guy who cut down ten trees found out.
In Style
PS™ wants to take away voting rights for "European Dutch" (it's slightly more complicated than that; but that's the idea). This while I, born and registered here, have voting rights in Holland.
The ghost of Helmin Wiels can't be murdered!
Need I Say More?
131 Virus infections, 3 source unknown. 4 cured.
What Savings?
The government has until November 1 to fix the "savings" on salaries for ministers and MPs. PAR PM Bhillenaath has announced there will be savings, but this has to be arranged by law.
"What savings?" you ask. Good question. I don't have the answer.
Illegal Venezuelans arriving here will not get a period of grace any longer, but will be sent back immediately, stante pede and right away. Because of the Virus.
Recently a boat was intercepted with 43 men and women aboard, 1 (or 2) monkeys and 445 keys of coke. May be have been 2 boats and 455 keys, it's not crystal clear to me.
That's Better
The Central Bank adapts the advice to stop newspaper subscriptions. You are perfectly entitled to take one out, or to keep it running, if you wish.
That's good to know. Also for the papers.
We Saw That Coming
Reaching an an agreement with Holland on the next installment of the loan our Leaders act like they are entitled to, is deemed "out of the question" this week.
Which may mean the spoiled brats will not get a salary this month. Keep your doors locked and your fire extinguisher ready.
SER social-economic council advises the way the 12.5% lowering of their salaries isn't worth a flying fart. The way it's done, it will not result in 12.5% less money spent.
Quackie Loses
Ex-health minister Quackie Constancia, who has been accused of fraud in the surgery masks affair, has lost her appeal. She's now good for 21 months in the calaboose (1 more than originally), plus may not be a minister for 5 years. As if. She may still appeal in Holland.
She's still a Staten/parliament member, though. M*F*K, what else? Well, I could mention some other possibilities.
"We're Sick of This Little Virus"
Read it somewhere... Ain't it true. We now have 116 cases, total; 51 cured, 63 home quarantined and 1 in hospital.
Howzit Possible?!
The refinery will show losses over 2018 and 2019, they publish only now. We knew it all the time.
43 Venezuelans tried to get in here, using a small boat. The word on the streets over there is, we will keep them; but we do not need more Virus cases so they're all sent back.
So There
Headlines. "Dutch Parliament: No money to Curaçao, Aruba and Sint Maarten without strict conditions." "Agreement will certainly take weeks."
Got it?
MAN pinhead Martina doesn't. He keeps looking for an "alternative". Good luck [***-****].
Knops opines that it's only the politicians who keep yelling about losingtheir salariesour precious autonomy; the people couldn't care less.
This morning, 9 new Virus cases; 2 from a cruise-ship's crew. Total 64 active cases, since 3 have been cured.
They Don't Like That
And you can't blame 'em. Amigoe and Antilliaans Dagblad newspapers protest Central Bank's advice on how to save money in these hard times. One idea is, cancel your newspaper subscription.
Agreed, it will save you money. Especially if you cancel both.
What a Bore: Five More
As from yesterday morning, 107 total. 58 active Virus cases. Epidemiologist Izzy says, it's because of more testing. He should know.
What For?
The country budget for next year will not be adapted. Even though government income will go down, why worry?
They figure next year's deficit will be 681.3 million guilders. I won't give you that in USD, it won't come out that way so why bother.
Governor Wout says help is needed as well as reform (she got that straight); too bad the government has declined the Dutch proposals while, they say, keeping the dialogue open. Well, Holland does not.
People write letters that they've gone on a tax strike, supported by lawyers. Their argument is, it's forbidden by law to support a criminal organization [our goverment]. But here's the good news: the government still plans to proceed with the Growth Plan (for them, but not for us). How, is not explained. Course not: can't be done. They still stick to the tourism Master Plan (from 2015!) and reopening the refinery. Would I kid you? Hey, I'm not a politician.
Auntie Sushi Will Like That
Two people have set op a company called Wawuya to start trading in one of the latest miracle plant products, benbom/benboom [Moringa oleifera]. If you search for it, you find all sorts of praising references from, to me, rather doubtful sources. In Nigeria and elsewhere it's called "a wonder tree". Wacuya calls it a "super food" but I think the leaves smell rather musty. Bark and roots are used in ayurvedic medicine; grist for the mills of auntie Sushi, Quackie Constancia and Dinah Veeris, to name but a few. (There are plenty more.)
Hey, and there's chlorophyll in it! Remember that hysteria, in the 1950s? We got over it fast; maybe because it was even put in toothpaste. Great color effect!
But as for the virus? Tough, no joy there.
Wawuya pays 20 guilders per kilo of the seeds. If you read biologist frater Arnoldo, he mentions the "Oil of Ben" is used by watch makers. Hint: a Moringa seed weighs next to nothing, so don't get all excited.
That Beats All
Sparing you the filthy details, which lawyers and accountants don't agree with anyway, the ministers have raised their salaries with almost 22,000 guilders (USD10K). Because of the Virus, get it? Needless to say Dutch Knops does not agree and tells us so. It's not known yet if this shameless trick will stop the next Dutch loan. The decent folks hope so.
Which does not include the people who have stolen all the beds out of Campo Alegre.
On Their Toes!
The stuitingsbrief [bounce letter?] to Shell, which prevents the lapsing of the Shell pollution claims has been duly sent. They probably wet their pants over there. Good to see Bhillenaath did his duty!
Coming Close
If the government, for reasons of their own—definitely not ours— decides not to accept the CHE reform entity, they will have to find ANG846million/USD465m for 2020-2021 on the market. Somewhere, somehow. They will not.
Really Really?
Threesuckersinterested parties have made a private offer for the PlazaruinsHotel, which is supposed to be auctioned off September 17. That's the third time. The first time, owner Girobank forgot to ask for a guarantee for the auction costs, which enabled the top, because only, bidder John Burcham to escape without having paid a cent of the 9 million dollars bid.
In KKC, Tico Martina (as he himself keeps explaining, disgusted by his MAN family) reminds us that one of the first things MAN PM Pourier did was to heighten government salaries, "or nobody would want to go into politics". He just may have had a point, but I still doubt it.
Pourier I never trusted one bit, anyway. Like his follow-up Uncool IJs, he used to work for the Tax Person.
Seems over 9000 tourists have come in last month, almost all from Holland. And we now have over 100 infections. Where are you, Izzy?
We now have 102 cases, 55 quarantined, 46 cured; 4 cases unknown source.
But you can visit your by-side safely, groups of 2 people are not considered a cluster.
A Bit Late
St. Maarten must prepare itself for an "active hurricane season", they're warned. That's pretty late in the game; here's the famous hurricane rhyme:
June - Too Soon
July - Standby
August - You must
September - Remember
October - It's all over
In actual fact, hurricanes have been known to occur in December.
If Only...
In Diergaarde Blijdorp Zoo, Roterdam, the first Antillean iguana has been born. We read how this animal is "highly endangered". If only... they're a pest! The baby is 25cms long (10") which makes it a monster in size.
Miss Managed
A number of botikas [drugstores] have been mismanaged and is in danger of going bankrupt. This management, or lack of it, has been by CuraCare Health & Beathy Holding. Hold that beauty!—sorry, couldn't possibly let that one pass by.
Shares may be taken over by CCS Caribbean Convenient Stores Corp., AKA "Grab and Go".
My Heart Bleeds
Top salaries in SOEs have been adjusted down, from ANG290,000 tot 256,00/year, as from September this month. Let us hope they won't all commit suicide, even if it would be a temporary relief.
And PAR PM Bhillenaath now complains that Holland leaves little space in negotiations. Good. But he has confidence in more discussions with Knops. So do we.
The Other Side of the World
In New Zealand, the public service has taken a pay cut of 20%.
But in Australian Victoria, where the population the last five years grew 12%, the public servants wages bill grew by 40%.
Total number of cases in NZ 1,386 with 9 deaths so far in a population of 5 million. Virus was eliminated in April 2020. Tourists are still not allowed in.
Sweet Oil Flowing
A tanker near Trinidad, which only serves as a floating container, is in trouble. Possibly, it will capsize and release a blob which may then come our way. It happened before and it can happen again.
In Venezuela, a refinery that much to my astonishment is still working, is in trouble as well. The Parque Nacional Morrocoy mangrove park near El Palito, right to our South, is in danger of being polluted. With a bit of luck we'll escape that one.
10 More
Nine new cases are linked to previously found ones; 1 cause unknown; 1 has recovered. Grand Total now 102 cases; 55 active, 46 cured.
If you suspect being infected, go to your own MD/GP, not to the hospital. Now, a guard in jail has been infected as well. Nowhere safe!
So, Why Bother?
CDC guidelines say wearing a mask during prolonged exposure to coronavirus won't prevent possible infection.
"Guidelines from the [USA] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that those who come in close contact with someone with the coronavirus for more than 15 minutes could spread the virus regardless of whether either party wears a mask."
Another instance of the barrage of contradictory information coming at us all the time from all sides.
Only One Word
"Obese." Hóben Goberná, working on youth formation, is preparing for the next youth cabinet. We get to see a photo with 8 women, if I count right; except for 2, maybe 3 I would call them all obese. The men do better.
Not Good, No Surprise
District checks by the police, civil servants of economic development, health and tax departments in the past week have resulted in the following list:
9 police reports for illegal trash dumping
15 warnings for garages and paint shops
20 for trash dumping on own terrain
4 for destroying Domeinbeheer [Domain management] warning signs
8 unhygienic situations (like this by any chance? Or this?)
8 stray or aggressive dogs
11 car wrecks on public roads
7 illegal occupation of government terrains
10 letting waste water run away on public roads or other people's terrain
15 illegal delving of gravel and soil
18 smoke nuisance by burning trash
3 dangerous traffic situations (here I'd like to know more)
5 dumping trash in rooien [ditches]
5 organizing activities with permits
3 illegal building activities.
All in one week. And except for the first item, they only get warnings?
No Money
In one month, there will be no money to pay the government workers their salaries, so Knops informs us at a press conference. He also says a growing government does not mean the economy grows (so much for Bhillenaath's Growth Plan); private companies create jobs, and jobs create income. Hear hear.
10 More Cases
Of the Virus in the last 24 hours. Social home activities are forbidden as family gettogethers, birthday parties and drinks with fiends are the main causes of infections.
The total count as of Friday evening is 88 patients.
It's a Start
One third of Bullenbaai's Oil Terminal capacity has been leased to SPS Drilling ESP; that's 5.8 million barrels. An agreement has not been signed; yet, we're told. Alas, we've heard that before. Keep your fingers crossed.
Meanwhile, infrastructure and fire fighting capabilities have been ruined by standing seawater after three years of non-use; oil spill response system maintenance is overdue, tanks are leaking and some have no roofs. Owner RdK wants to repair all that. Now.
Big Bus Bothers
Not only the mini buses are in a quandary because of the high fuel rates. The big konvoois need to raise their prices as well. Hasn't been done since 2012.
Company income has gone down with 40% since the Virus as well. Plus, government has lowered subsidy from 9.4 million guilders/year to 9.1. Total deficit 800K/year.
Prices will become 30 cents/ticket higher. Which still is peanuts compared with everywhere I've been the last 20 years.
Konvoois? Yes, that word stems from WWII.
That would be a real change. M*F*K Prick Pisas says his party has no problem with the CHE reforms; only, they last too long.
More Sushi for Auntie
The skepsis club's Eric de Brabander has published a letter about more dirty tricks auntie Sushi has pulled. He, almost casually, mentions 2 million guilders that have been spent on her Wellness program.
Wellness for her and her hubby, that is.
If I understand de Brabander right, there's more coming on the subject.
Cute... Really Cute
Four high functionaries of Wit-Gele Kruis [White-Yellow Cross, home care provider] and SVB social insurance bank have been arrested for fraud, money laundering and abuse of subsidies.
A fifth arrested person has been arrested before, reason: corruption in the search for a take-over of Isla refinery.
Hit Them Hard
In what's started to look like a series, Amigoe newspaper publishes an article wondering if the vervroegde vrijwillige uitstroomregeling [early voluntary outflow scheme] will save money.
Amigoe's conclusion is, No, this will not result in lower government costs.
I asked myself before and will ask it again: who thinks up those awful terms? The same person(s) who devise(s) those acronyms?
Knops Explains
Dutch undersecretary Knops, here for a short visit, would like to explain why and how to the people protesting Dutch measures. They come from the trade unions, need I say more?
Knops also says he can't understand why the ministers raise their salaries after cutting them by 25%. Is what he says, but I'm sure he understands as well as we all do: the ministers do not want to cut their salaries.
Too Late, They're Gone
The government has filed a complaint against Melly Bergland for unallowed cutting down of ten trees; he himself says to put in a children's playground, but everybody else thinks it's to get more parking spaces.
Bergman's business name is Piramid [sic] Top Wellness Center. Another member of auntie Sushi's club?
What's Next?
The so-called "Free Zone" in the harbor may be closed. Shouldn't surprise anybody; the whole idea was for people from, mainly but not only, other countries to come there and buy stuff to export to their country. As, with the Virus, we have no people coming in, that place just costs dealers money.
Yes? Sure?
PAR PM Bhillenaath says that Dutch Knops, at the very last moment, still offered a way to adapt the Reform Entity.
Frankly, I don't believe a word of Bhillenaath. Except when he says that even pinhead Martina agrees that the government needs money to continuerobbing usand that an agreement with Holland is necessary.
And Knops says, repeatedly, he will help Curaçao to become stronger. Interpret that as you like; I sure do.
Step back! Several LED traffic lights will be U/S today, as they will replaced with halogen lights. Huh?
More and More
We now have 78 Virus cases, 38 active, 39 cured. That's 3 more in one day: 2 connected with others, 1 still unknown.
When Knops was asked his opinion on Kumun's idea for Curaçao to join Holland, like Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius, as a gemeente [municipality] his reply was, "that depends on what the voters choose." See? Neo-colonialism!
He added that it wouldn't solve the island's problems just like that.
Finally, he expressed the fact that "the conditions can't be changed."
Correct translation for Knops's function Staatsecretaris seems to be "undersecretary". Fine with me.
Get Lost, Already
The trade unions are discussing how to refuse Holland's, Knops's, conditions. Go home kids, it's all over. We all see, and most of us like it: Knops won't budge.
Same applies to a motion parliament voted for yesterday. They won't accept the so-called consensus Kingdom laws. Tough. Go pound sand.
The private organizations, in sharp contradistinction, are all for an accord with Holland: "it's crucial." Funny how hardly anybody used that word 20 years gao.
In That Case...
John Leerdam has joined the chorus of protesters against colonialism and loss of autonomy. In that case, let's just go for the money. Leerdam has this solid tradition of being in the wrong.
Wise Up, Dummies
By the end of October Curaçao will have 19.5 million guilders left in the state's coffers. But the liquidity deficit by then will be 340.7 million.
Making Progress: 75 Cases!
4 more Virus cases; 3 connected with known clusters; still 1 unknown. 39 cured.
Question for Izzy
Remember that epidemiologist Izzy Gerstenbluth assured us that if one tourist came in with a Virus infection, the airport would be closed again? I do.
Well, several did come in, and the airport is still open.
Please do tell, Izzy, what's going on?
Oof... Holland Is in Trouble
COPPAL has declared they will go to the United Nations, Caricom, OAS Organisation of American States and the UN commissary of Human Rights to complain about the neo-colonial conditions of the Kingdom.
They already did so with Dutch PM Rutte of the Rijksministerraad Kingdom ministerial council. We are not informed if and how Rutte reacted.
Stay Positive!
Not only with regard to the government—they'd like that, wouldn't they?—but in these troubled days, mainly with the Virus test results. Protest against the lockdown and get it, already! Hardly anybody dies from it, anyway.
There now are 71 cases, 35 active ones. Of the 2 new cases one is from a known cluster.
Keep 'em Dumb
MAN political party would prefer to keep the schools locked down, because of the Virus, instead of giving kids, who are not susceptible, a decent education.
You may have a sarcastic remark ready for my last sentence; sure. But MAN seems to prefer making it sure.
Heard That Before
Every so often, somebody comes with the idea to clean up Curaçao. This helps, within limitations, for a limited period. Then we're back again at trash heaps all over.
Now it's a minister. You really want to know her name? Who cares.
Oooh... I'm Impressed
The parliaments of Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire have "made a fist" against the consensus kingdom law and the Caribbean Reform Entity as proposed by Holland. I'm sure Staatssecretaris Knops is shaking in his boots.
Knops has been clear enough: accept or no more money. They can't seem to get that through their, admittedly dull, brains. But they say they have the right to look for other solutions. Sure. Now go and try to find them.
And PAR PM Bhillenaath says he's sure they'll find a solution, now that Knops is visiting the island. The solution is there already, Bhillie: accept or forget. Besides, Knops has declared he has no time for a meeting with Staten. You oughta hear them whine.
Not Funny
Amigoe newspaper publishes another interesting table, from which they conclude that "for years, illegally high salaries have been paid to civil servants." I wouldn't put it past that corrupt stinking mess.
"For years"—in fact, since 2006.
Make them pay back!
Clean Up
Auntie Sushi's follow-up PAR minister Jezus-Leito wants to break through the cicious circle of pollution, in September.
She means rubbish; trash. Better she starts looking at the filth inside the government, first.
So What's the Problem?
Prison personnel complains there are no materials available to them to fight the Virus. They have been on strike for a week over this. But there is no virus in prison, we're told! Why waste it?
Same Here
In Aruba, politicians are regarded as the most corrupt group of people.
Whatever gave the population that idea? Maybe that 1 in 5 knows someone who has paid bribes.
And Dutch PM Rutte gives as his considered opinion that the government of the islands "needs some attention". Du merkst aber auch alles.
More Virus
69 cases now, 33 active, 35 cured.
The teachers' unions want to close the schools, but PAR PM Bhillenaath thinks it unnecessary.
Transparent Crude
When they use that word, expect it to be opaque. We've learned our lesson by now. Anyway, Isla Refinery's PMO Project Management Organization tells us there are 13 candidates to take the show over.
Elsewhere, we read there are 2 parties interested in Bullenbaai's Oil Terminal, where a new LNG terminal will be built for USD20 million; may be lower, they add. Renovation of the tanks, total capacity 5.8 million barrels, is ready. But as it's said they've spent only 5 million guilders, this sounds like, er, doubtable. That would only be the first phase.
Non-binding proposals will be evaluated before end of October.
By mid-November, a short list will be selected of parties to submit a binding proposal.
Negotiations with preferred bidder will start in December.
And will be finished in the 1st quarter of next year.
Finally, we will be kept informed. Promise!
Well, Maybe... Just Maybe
A British company is developing software to stop sexually explicit images being sent. I know lots of people who don't want them being stopped. But if this can be installed on kids' phones, it may help. Should be available next year. It will also stop pics of guns and violence.
Then, we may confidently wait for another program to undo that.
Just Like That
Awaiting the new loans from Holland, Curaçao government has started booking in 540 million guilders as if they have already been promised. This while they keep refusing the conditions.
Not they mention the Cft conditions have not been fulfilled.
That We'd All Like to See
The Central Bank expects a positive growth (AKA a negative shrink) of 6.6% next year. This in contrast to the, still only a prognosis, shrink of 20.4% this year; which is 2.7% worse than what they said in April.
This is because of the new form ABB of sales tax, which will lead to 3.4% inflation. Good news?! Also, the bank figures tourism will make a slight come-back, and even Isla refinery will start producing again. Well, they've been wrong before.
And we have a lot to make up for. Stay positive!
There We Are
Holland, following the Statuut, is obliged to help the CAS islands financially. If necessary, the mini-countries can be forced to accept the laws enabling this. Holland should not use the money to force the islands to conform. So says prof. Kunneman.
What he doesn't seem to mention is that the islands do not wish to conform; the politicians wish to keepourtheir precious independence. So Holland, in my opinion, is quite wise to try and force them to accept, thus avoiding later empty remonstrations.
68 Virus Cases
They keep coming now? 32 active ones, 35 cured.
Aruba now has 1200 cases and 10 deaths. Cause unknown for 1/4 of infections.
Two More Days
The Day is approaching rapidly: the government has 2 days left to sign the agreement with Holland for a new loan.
If not, tough: no more money will be left, not even to pay the spoiled brats. Let alone the top. Estimated budget deficit by year's end is 687 million guilders. That's almost 5000 for each of us: man, woman and child.
MAN have announced they will not sign.
This Has Been Going On for Years
The sewage installation at Tera Kòrá is leaking and raw sewage is overflowing, just like that. This is nothing new; has been that way for years if not decades. And when will we finally get a replacement for Shute/Chute Hato? Eventually, all that shit makes its way into the sea.
Carnival Lines is getting rid of ships, fast. They had a total of 26 ships when the cruise business collapsed, and 3 of them have already gone to the wrecker.
Carnival has other lines, sure; total of 8 lines. Still, how long can they keep those up and running? And it will take years and years before new ships have been built—eventually.
To sum them up, Princess Cruises, Holland-America, Seabourn, Cunard (Queen Mary 2), Aida, Costa, P&O UK and Australia.
Chutzpah Squared
That guy who started cutting down trees without a permit? After the complaints started flowing in he just went on the following day.
It's 10 trees, not 6.
Will It Work?
K*NT Monkee has started a court case against the Raad van Ministers ministerial council because they have enlarged their sumptuous salary by moving up to the top scale.
Car fuel, water, cooking gas and electricity tariffs are going up again.
But relax: the FTAC Fair Trade Authority will start fining "hard core offenders". You may never have heard of FTAC, and neither did I. They control economic power positions, such as monopolies.
Like Aqualectra? Selikor? Curoil? Curgas? The government, to make a long story short?
Do Tell...
Amigoe newspaper gives us a most interesting table. Sparing you the rest (go subscribe), there's a yearly total of ANG1.1 billion paid out in salaries in the public sector versus 2.6 in the private sector; number of public employees 12,000, private 46,000; yearly salary per head 91,666 public and 56,222 private.
Now we all can understand that it's impossible for those spoiled brats and ministers to cut their salaries. See? 91,666 minus 12.5% results in 77,916. Hey, that's still 1.4 times the private average. Now, it's more than 1.6 times.
We all understand, of course, that those government "workers" deliver a much higher performance than the private loafers.
Safe Place
The prison is free from the Virus. Just a hint.
So Don't Pose for Them
Public ministry is worried because more and more nude photos are being distributed on the internet, without the subjects' permission. So-called revenge porn. Not a unique problem for here by any means. This must be stopped.
Some women actually like posing for porn, let's face it.
Good, Knops
Staatssecretaris Knops, here on a visit, says that it would not be opportune to include locals in his reform entity. Maybe later.
He adds that the entity has nothing to say in the legislation of the islands, so doesn't effect our precious autonomy.
Still Silence
CFT financial supervision remarks that the optimized business case, and the second opinion on that, for the new hospital CMC have still not been received. Only a year late by now. And we can't even blame auntie Sushi for it. Unless she took the papers home with her when she left. Wouldn't put that beyond her.
Yeah, Sure, Bhillie
PAR PM Bhillenaath opines that, if they wish, spoiled brats may go one step down on the scale. As if. But not the ministers! No, they have to keep their top-scale salary.
Bhillie also says that this does not result in a higher salary; that would be unacceptable. He doesn't mention that to us, not reducing their salaries is just as unacceptable.
Not varieties... Virus cases. In other words, 2 more. Then again, other sources say 4 more. Total they agree on, somehow: 57 of which 21 active. Three cases origin unknown, as yet; one from the CMC hospital.
Restaurants may operate at half capacity, and register all visitors. Hand sterilization is obligatory when visiting shops, and so is using a shopping cart. Max. 2 persons per household at the same time; total clients allowed 250 max.
Looks Good
A third cruise ship owned by Carnival, the Carnival Imagination, has been undressed here on Curaçao and is now on its final journey to the wrecker in Turkey.
Cruise ship owners are in great trouble. One thing's for sure, once those ships have gone they can't be replaced in a jiffy. Will take years.
Thought So
The forced departure of health inspector Huurman was because he didn't agree with auntie Sushi's quack ideas to make more money, fast.
He's So Right
M*F*K MP Carolina tells his story about all those illegal trash dump locations. Sigh. We all know about that, Carolina. Please do something about it; talk is cheap (even though we pay him exorbitantly for talking).
Carolina says it's bad that tourists see those dumps. What tourists?
If Only
CTB organizes the first virtual Curaçao tourist fair. Nice timing! CTB seems to have plenty of money... plenty. Which makes me think, we have even less left.
Now for only virtual tourists!
Two More
We now have 55 Virus cases, 19 active. 1 has been cured.
And those 24 USA medics? Their stay has been lengthened now that we finally may need them. The good thing about it is, Holland pays.
Aruba now has 1165 cases with over 70 new ones per day. Of which 1/4 is of unknown origin. 8 deaths.
Just Like That?
Makes won oneder... Some vandal set The Niffo Huts restaurant at Boca Sami afire by throwing a "burning object" onto the roof. Total loss. Restaurant had been open for 2 months; not insured.
Hey, seriously: opening a restaurant 2 months ago, in the midst of the Virus lockdown? Didn't the owners take note of the horekaffers' problems?
Hey, They Can Write?
Parliaments of Curaçao, Aruba and St. Maarten are working together on a letter to Holland; on the loan conditions I'm pretty sure. "It should be a clear message to Holland, which keeps saying 'No!'"
Oh, and I here thinking it was the other way around.
Dem Damn Dogs
They are a pest. Not to mention the godawful noise they make. The police have now grabbed two who a few months ago attacked and shred to pieces another dog, out for a walk; a small one, right.
Nice doggies. Why did this take so long? Hope you didn't run across them... Man's Best Friend.
Girobank can definitely not survive. Quelle surprise! We all knew that years ago, but now even minister Gijs & Bertha found out. The only way account holders can expect (some of) their money back iswhenif the outfit is sold, or can borrow money elsewhere.
Good luck with that.
Oh Yeah; the Show Goes On
Isla topman van Haren has found a new haunt: he'll become a board member of Aqualectra. I guess, because he did so well working for the refinery?
Good. Fine. Great.
Former PIN minister of health auntie Sushi is nominated for the Dutch Quack 2020 Master Kackadoris prize. She deserved this with her efforts connected with the Wellness Center, meant to integrate Ayurvedic medicine, of the Unani system and of the Siddha medical system, in our health dept; making her hubby earn some extra money.
Good thing she's former minister; but she announced participating in the next elections.
Count 'Em
We now have 53 Virus cases, 18 active, 34 recovered. Thirteen local cases; the last 4 are all members of one family. They "may have" visited Aruba or the USA. Faugh!
Epidemiologist Izzy once again asks us all to wash our hands frequently and to keep a social distance. As we are metric, not 6 feet but 2 meters. Makes all the difference! And those who want to hold a party can expect a police visit as well.
We are all cordially requested to snitch.
Please Shut Up
The restaurant keepers still have not understood times have changed and we'll just have to change our habits with them. They want their outfits to keep open until 24 o'clock. A restaurant is the right place to learn to keep your distance, is what they say. A lockdown would be disastrous. So would a pandemic, okay?
Listen, you horecaffer whiners: we all have our problems. And by the way, you know, that up there is how they advertise: "Come with me".
Aha! Oho!
A guy running a business decided it would be a good idea to get rid of 6 trees by the roadside. So he did. He now says a DOW public works cooperator told him the trees were in bad shape; but he doesn't say if the same guy advised him to cut them down. Which is forbidden—which may amaze you. Maybe not for Aqualectra? A complaint has been filed against him.
Seems, he planned a parking space for his business where the trees were growing.
Reserves Gone?
Not completely, but SVB will have to use 120 of the 170 to cover a deficit of 130 million guilders. No money coming in; small wonder. At any rate, director Martis emphasizes the reserves can only be used to cover the effects of a pandemic, disaster or epidemic. Sorry, Mudbelly!
Two More Cases
Of the virus, but no new measures. Now 14 active total, and 13 local transmissions. Total not told.
Aruba has 60 new cases, total 1160; 23 in hospital, 23 in I.C.
St. Maarten 12 new, total 244; 8 in hospital.
47 passengers arriving in AMS from AUA were infected.
Come On, Make Up Your Minds
Such as they are... Now, PAR PM Bhillenaath sees no reason to retract the earlier decision to raise salaries to the top scale. He mentions plenty of weak excuses. Or maybe not weak, but excuses they are.
And parliament is looking at the SVB "reserves". You'll never guess: as it's an emergency (true enough in itself) why not cut and use them? I'd say, wait until it's unavoidable.
Oh That's Why
Now Aqualectra says, it's because of the Virus lockdown that repairs and maintenance are behind schedule; so that's why there's insufficient capacity.
Remarks somebody, he'd think that with all those hotels and restaurants having no customers, there's be plenty capacity.
4 Cases, 3 Clusters
47 Virus cases total, 12 active, 34 cured. First child case. 1 died (pretty long time ago already). As far as known, all cases have been quarantined.
Aruba now has 1160 cases total, 8 deaths; St. Maarten 231 active cases, 12 in hospital.
Watch Those Shops
More and more it's the case that stuff you buy has expired (just like our government) and worse. Often, the expiration date means next to nothing, not even to the producer; but when you open up a pack of butter and there's mold on it—hey! It happened several times to us recently. And not even past the expiration date. What to think?
We're getting there. Slowly—but surely? There are now in total 39 Virus cases, 2 of which recent and local. It's unknown where they got it. Not so good, that.
Epidemiologist Izzy orders all music and dance activities to stop. I take it, those where you have to go out to join them. Church choirs are a no-no. In retirement homes masks are mandatory; so I'll keep away. In bars and restaurants you have to leave your contact address; so I won't go there either.
Food banks still get 400 requests for meals per day.
I Signed!
Didn't need to think it over: a petition to request the government to watch the fastly growing pollution of the island. It has grown much worse since the Virus. They want 8000 signatures according to KKC, but when you go sign at they say, 500. (When I signed just now they had 231.)
Will it help, with a government like this? Do what you can and keep your own place clean.
Promises, Promises
CBS Central Bureau for Statistics is supposed to become independent from the government, as Transparency International advised. Great. Only, it hasn't happened and there are only 260 days left to go for this government.
The salary raise of parliament members to the highest scale there has been canceled. So their salaries will be cut after all.
So much for their maintaining this was irreversible. It may be news to you: you just can't trust those guys and dolls.
What a Joke... On US
Once again, Aqualectra has capacity problems. They have had what in South Africa is called beurtkrag: temporarily switching some barrios off. Aqualectra says it's because there's very little wind, so the wind generators don't deliver; and some working fossil fuel units are being serviced.
Then they start nagging once again that there still are no solar generators; some citizen has lodged a complaint, whatever, to stop their being built. So, not enough power.
The problems were from 22:00 to 01:00. Maybe the Aqualectra geniuses can explain how solar power would have helped. Betcha they won't even try.
Forget It, You Bore Us
PS™ Ex PM Whiteman reminds PAR PM Bhillenaath that it's about time to renew the claim against Shell Oil, to pay for the pollution they left on the island. He's the one to talk. He says the claim has to be renewed every year before September 9 or it will expire.
Please stop throwing lawyers' fees away on this? You have not a chance to win.
Today is a "day of shame", officially designated Earth Overshoot Day (EOD) — the moment in the year when our demand for ecological resources and services exceeds what nature is able to regenerate.
For the 130 days that make up the rest of 2020, we will be draining the planet, living off its capital rather than taking the natural yield. To put it bluntly, we are about to steal from the ecosystem.
The Herald of Scotland. They published it, I don't know who figured it out. Not so easy...
So enjoy it to the hilt. Nothing lasts forever. Let us throw a beach party, Virus or no Virus. By a coincidence, yesterday was "zenith day" when the sun was straight above us. I stoked up my airco, doing my bit to help the stealing along.
Beyond Me
According to Amigoe newspaper, Curaçao has 500 million guilders of financial reserves. Hey, I can't possibly check on that. But it makes you, with Amigoe, wonder why all those songs and dances to get Holland to loan us 1 billion. "The government, for unknown and unclear reasons, has decided not to use the option of 'putting in financial reserves' to soften the economic blow"—to quote the newspaper.
That salary scale change for everybody in the government? It should have been done in 2007, they now conveniently discover, but all the time it was somehow overlooked. But now, minister Kroket tells us, it's irreversible.
Let us all sue them for not applying it when they were supposed to!
Meanwhile, MAN wants parliament to vote on a motion to retract the scale change.
We now have 37 Virus cases, one of which seems to have been infected locally; it's not known how or by whom. Bad news. Izzy, our tame epidemiologist, advises to kip your deestance; which I plan to do.
Especially since the Aruba outbreak, no parties or happy hours; not even on the beach. There goes the horeca again. I read that they are closing down in large numbers all over the world, but in spite of their complaints, here hardly.
Then, a new restaurant, Senang, opening is announced on Bonaire.
So Don't, Already!
Raad van Advies advisory council wants the government only to agree with the Dutch loan conditions when Curaçao's autonomy is guaranteed. All that makes me so fornicating tired. You have no money and want to borrow? Agree to the conditions, wherever you go, or you won't get any. Capisce? B'a komprendé?
After Wimco, a century old company, had to close earlier this year, now it's Little Switzerland's, part of a chain all over the Caribbean, turn.
While you can blame the Virus and the lack of buying tourists for Little Switzerland's closure, Wimco just had to go because not enough people had the money to buy appliances and such any more. Except the spoiled brats, sure.
Did You Notice?
All those riots, complete with arson, vandalism and looting. Here as well. Many if not most of those people carry a cell-phone and carefully record their criminal actions for prosperity. And for the cops. Several have been found, prosecuted and convicted already because they carried their own proof around. Or proudly uploaded them to a-"social media".
If you didn't think them dumb already, well, do you need any stronger argument?
Watch Out Yourself
... because the police is impotent. They warn how totry andavoid atrakos [violent robbery] in the street. You're on your own. Good luck!
"Only Option", My *$$
The decision to raise the salaries of ministers and MPs is the "only option" to fulfill the Dutch conditions. Is what we're told, at least. The weak excuse is, in 2006 the salaries ought to have been raised to scale 17, but it has never been done. So now they raise them to scale 18, the very top. And all lower scales then go up one number as well: logical, isn't it?
But minister Kroket assures us that the decision hasn't been taken for "self enrichment". He sure had me fooled there!
If the "mistake" isn't corrected, salaries must be reversed to 2010 and all spoiled brats' salaries must be lowered. Which was the Dutch idea.
But no, those salaries will not be touched and will not get a 12.5% cut, which was the Dutch condition. I am really curious to see if staatssecretaris Knops will fall for this bullshit. If he does, the government will have money to pay next salary round. Not only I hope he doesn't; then we'll see.
An employee of Maduro-Curiel's Bank has an active Virus infection. The bank has been closed for 14 days for desinfection, with employees quarantined at home. I guess total count now is 36?
That's supposed to be a local infection. Yesterday, the schools have reopened. We here off to the beach later on the day...
Crookery? We'll See
UTS has changed the tariffs for Chippie Prepaid. Used to be so, you account went up when you put in extra money, which you're supposed to do every 2 months or so. Now, if you haven't used it, you lose: the money goes to UTS and your account is empty, except for the new deposit. Some people are going to court in protest.
I must add that this is exactly what Skype does. So good luck; even if I fully agree. They can use your money all the time and then they punish you for it? Same for Skype of course.
If you want to join the fun and share the costs, please contact mios99[at] or WhatsApp 522 0429 to get a form to fill out. Depending on the number of supporters, you're expected to pay between 10 and 25 guilders on Griffiekosten [court fees].
Why Bother
Average hotel occupancy in July was "between 18 and 22%". Can't they count any better than that? I'm sure they can, and can also think of plenty reasons they won't.
No matter, is it worth it to try and exploit a hotel with that sort of non-occupancy? Everybody in the business will assure you a big fat "NO".
Is What I Said
Randy Neuman, not that I'd trust him implicitly, agrees with me that the Plaza Hotel ruin should be dismantled. "It's the only solution." Too bad he wants to replace it with apartments.
Lets wait for the 3rd auction and see if somebody buys it at all. Only then we can start talking.
Sly Shameless Swindlers
"Accidentally", before the 25% salary cut for ministers and MPS was announced, they all were promoted from salary scale 17 to 18 (the highest). Really, it was an administrative mistake! And it means they're actually paying more than 25%, they say; only, they get to keep more as well.
Spoiled brats and opposition members are pissed off.
Just like we.
But will this be rolled back? My guess is, Holland/Knops will insist and right they are. And remember, it also means that the Bhillenaath-norm of 130% max of his salary for consultants will go up.
There's a movement Habri Wowo [open your eyes] that's pointing out to the public the advantages of going along with the Dutch conditions for support.
M*F*K asked questions in parliament and now PAR is checking if this is not foreign interference in our elections. They must have picked that expression up in the USA media.
Don't We Know It
During the last 5 years, 500 cars have been stolen on Curaçao. MAN MP Plat says this is exorbitant and mentions almost in passing that surely, many people know where these cars go to be stripped for parts. Only, they're not talking.
When your car gets stolen, of course! you have to go on paying the bank loan back. And since the arrival of the Virus, the number of cars stolen has gone up "enormously".
Tough, Old Farts
People who have moved from the Caribbean to Holland at a later age will not get any higher old age welfare than what they'd get here in compensation. In fact, this has been decided for Surinamese people, but it surely will work out like that for us here as well.
Hey, you need more money in Holland to get around... Much more.
Leave It to Pinhead
Pinhead Martina figures it all out: we lost 15,000 jobs because of the Virus, and we need an extra 15,000 to fight the unemployment that already existed. He also says that Curaçao was going well before the Virus; what he bases that extremely original thought on the devil may know.
Where he'll get those 30,000 jobs from is anybody's guess. That's 1 in 5 people, after all. But Holland should help us to get over it, says pinhead. (Only, not on Dutch conditions, right?)
Then It Must Be So
UNWTO, which I had to look up, says a safe restart of tourism is possible. That's good to know! On second thoughts, I did look them up and it means United Nations World Tourism Organization.
They would say that, wouldn't they?
Keep Trying! Money Galore
The sea-bottom around Aruba will be mapped by some automatic undersea vehicle. No doubt it will do a good job—but what for? The idea was to register suitable anchorages for oil rigs and ships.
Let's hope this was ordered for before it was discovered there's no oil or gas to be discovered.
Where Do They Find These Guys?
I mean, there must after all be some sort of selection process for the USA medics coming over here to assist us in the Virus fight. The first batch was returned to store because they spent their time here partying. Now, from the second batch, one has been arrested for stealing medical supplies from CMC/New Hospital. They're now checking if he had any cohorts under his USA colleagues.
Two More
Virus cases. Total now 36. One from the Philippines, another partner of 34. Both quarantined.
Four international experts tell us that the islands are highly vulnerable. Thanks, guys. And we need more intense cooperation with Holland. The Trade Unions won't like that. Finally, to fight the danger, more use must be made of data and models. Just like for global warming, oops climate change (since it doesn't get any warmer)?
Aruba now has the highest pro capita cases in the world. Long live tourism!
Of course! That's It!
Auntie Sushi must have figured like this: three crooks supporting each other stand more of a chance to get each other's crooked schemes realized against one who's not that crooked.
The more reason to forget all about that letter, inexplicably signed by some people I thought better of.
Tabeh Carnaval—For Now
It was fun while it lasted; I guess not for everybody. At any rate, next year it won't go through. No money from private sources, we're told, is the main reason. I think health considerations might be of more importance.
No doubt it will come back later. After all, many participants wear masks, if not condoms, anyway.
Now for the Owners?
A database has been opened where identities of all former island slaves can be looked up. Splendid of course! But a similar database for slave-owners does not exist. Maybe, most probably, just as well.
One More, #34
He (yes, I checked) also came back from Aruba, on August 3; before the current Virus explosion took place. There they now have 1102 cases, that's about 1% of the entire population. St. Maarten has 176. Kudos for Izzy Gerstenbluth, our tame epidemiologist!
That'll Teach 'Em!
The spoiled brats who participated in actions against the 12.5% have to declare the hours they spent there, and will not get them paid. Good, PAR minister Kroket! He says "No work, no pay."
Help! That Settles It
Auntie Sushi thinks a Reform Entity is just fine, as long as all 4 Kingdom countries are part of it. Which gives us a very good reason to forget it; not that we needed one more.
Can she really mean AUA and SXM must be part of an institution that controls CUR? And the other ways around, of course. I know she's a crook, but I didn't think she was stupid.
Remember Those Docs?
Those Virus Fighters from the USA; the second batch I mean. Ten of 'em have now been flown to Aruba where they're really needed. With now over 800 cases.
I guess you didn't realize either that they were still around here.
Sounds Great!
"Untangled Curaçao" has presented itself. It's a homework counseling institute, with support by psychologists, therapists and experts on sports and well-being. Hmm... rings a bell. They will sell sensory aids for children and adults; whatever that means. Glasses? Hearing aids?
They will also offer rest areas where the nerves will be stimulated by sound, smell, light and feelings. Just like in my garden when the motorcycles shut up. The reason I mention this, like many of those things it all sounds so vague. But I may be wrong.
The 4th search for candidates who want to take over Isla refinery if harder than the ones before. That's promising, seeing those all resulted in nothing but more waste of money and effort.
There are 30 interested parties, some of which are also interested in taking over Aruba's former Lago refinery. And they tend to be small operations.
As Expected; Who Cares?
COPPPAL is angry with Holland! Decolonisation reversed! Violation of human rights! Italy gets loans just like that but we here... Aww, let it go.
That's Good
Bonaire gets 25,000 kilograms of hay from Holland, to feed the donkeys. But our proudly independent asses get nothing.
Color Me Corrected?
Amigoe newspaper does tell us more about the mangrove wood. Ground sanitation has been finished and the rest of the project will be finished in half a year. Cost, 10 million guilders.
For now, twice daily seawater will be pumped in to refresh the heavily sewage-polluted water. What the effect of this will be is not mentioned. I mean to ask, where does the rubbish go? Will it just overflow? Will it be emptied into the sea? Both would be really nice...
Good Advice!
The police advice us all not to become the victim of atrakos. Great! How?
To be fair, they do give some hints, some of which may even help a bit.
No Money
Curaçao and Sint Maarten won't get a penny from Holland until September 1—if then. Bhillenaath thinks that's just fine, because he now has more time to negotiate with Holland. Sure Bhillie; you may try and fool your colleagues but you can't fool us.
Judging from the photos, "our" plenipotentiary ministers do have understood all right; they look glum, gloomy and ready to burst out in tears.
The Reform Entity Bhillie and others want representation in may not get that. As staatssecretaris Knops explains, the money is loaned by Holland and Holland wants to control it. The idea is for the money to arrive at the citizens.
"Aruba has met all the conditions and is therefore eligible for a next loan but must still agree to the conditions attached to it." Maybe you understand what that means; I don't. At any rate, Aruba parliament has just rejected the Dutch conditions; so there.
Time to Eat the Reserves
SVB social security is getting in a worse and worse position. Got it. So they figure it's time to start consuming the legal reserves.
How can that be? If they're legal, they must remain in reserve.
There's more: in 2019 they had 293 personnel with an average salary, incl. social charges, of ANG126,775 or USD69,726.
Number 33
That's how many Virus infections we've had. Totally. Not bad, considering how Aruba had 96 yesterday only; total 776.
Leave It to Them
Partido Nashonal di Pueblo found out entrepreneurs who get the so-called NOW support for the Virus sometimes abuse that. One instance mentioned is an employer asking for support for an employee who had been fired long since; with the result the employee lost his welfare. Other employers receive the support but don't pay their workers, or fire them anyway.
As usual, if it's true, which I hardly doubt, very bad control by the government. Not to mention the employers' ill will.
Aww Get Lost
The spoiled brats have gone to court, and the judge will have to deem if their 12.5% salary cut is legal or, as the unions maintain, not.
The unions are still collecting signatures of their members; up to now only 1500 have signed, which is less than half.
Questions Galore
A new pump station will be built for the mangrove wood, destination Klein Hofje sewage plant.
We're not told when, and from what I read it didn't occur to the newspapers to ask.
The grey water quality of Klein Hofje will be "somewhat reduced" by the extra capacity, we're told. Money has been given in 2009 for Klein Hofje's upgrade, but this never happened.
Why not? Wasn't told or asked either, but doesn't matter: we all understand why not. The money went elsewhere.
Spoiled Brats, Cont'd
Yes, the civil servants continue their actions. They don't care what we all think and what the legal bozos say, they do not want to give up their precious 12.5%. So they stop working for... yeah, how long?
As somebody remarked, nobody will know the difference.
Corendon Corona
Dutch passengers for Curaçao and Bonaire will get a free Virus test from Corendon airline/hotel chain. Seems in Holland it's illegal to require this of passengers to Bonaire before they leave. Now really!
Spare Me
First we got the warning this would be an extreme hurricane season. Only last week this seemed to be confirmed by the prognosis that we'll get three months of extreme heat; which of course would result in high ocean temperatures; hey! good for hurricanes!
And now we learn that we'll get a heavy El Niño season, which results in winds churning up the oceans and bringing cold water to the surface. Result, less hurricanes.
Take your pick, but quick!
Let Holland Do It
VBC entrepreneurs' club, reacting to reports that SVB social security's funds will be exhausted by year's end, wants the whole business transferred to Holland; let them worry about it.
Truth be told, SVB has been going down for years already.
Fuel Protest
Truck drivers have barricaded the entrance to downtown Willemstad with their vehicles, in protest against the recent exorbitant fuel price raise by Curoil.
But pinhead Martina told them there's no reason why those prices should be adjusted. "It's done every three years, which was last Friday; so go to hell."
Remember, Curoil is owned by our government; always working for you!
About 40 teenage girls have become pregnant recently, for which a link is suggested with the Virus lockdown. Sure; you get bored, what else to do for entertainment?
Sure beats suicide, like in other countries.
Too Little, Too Late
The government has published new standards for air pollution. especially in connection with Isla refinery. Just in case it ever starts up again, I'd guess. Be that as may be, SMOC tells us, and it sounds like they're right, the "new" standards are several years old and as such long since outdated and obsolete.
Try It, Brats
The civil servants have announced they will start actions to stop the 12.5% salary cut. What actions have not been specified yet.
But the Raad van Advies advisory council says the cut, seen the circumstances, is legal and kosher. On the other hand, the same RvA feels that the Hervormingsentiteit [reform entity] interferes with Parliament's budget rights. (Good; but that's only me?) So do the trade unions protest against accepting it.
What the...
Many many protest against Curoil's decision to raise fuel prices; not a little bit and not for a short time. What it means, Curoil has a monopoly and this position should be canceled. It's turned into sheer abuse.
Their excuse is, high storage costs.
Curoil uses a 1961 price regulation as legal basis. However, this is meant for a price maximum and is used here the other way round.
Meanwhile, the refinery burns 20 million guilders a month just to keep it turning. For what?
Maybe Later?
KKC is unreachable just now. Hope it isn't permanent. Even though that would be, judging from the past, only temporarily permanent.
Update:Phew... they're back, only with yesterday's version.
She Lost
MP MP Moses lost the case started by Elhage and was in the parliament meeting yesterday. So PAR Elhage now is a parliament member, the coalition has a (minimal) majority and we can go on as usual.
Just Like Here
The South African civil servants are among the best-paid in the world. As if the country is better off than ours... NOT! But doesn't matter, spoiled brats are spoiled brats; the same all over.
Be Careful What You Wish For
The Curaçao government wants better contact with Dutch media. Asking for trouble that is.
Some Good News
The container harbor cranes from China, which arrived in February, have finally been installed and are actually working. That's only 3.5 years late.
Here's Your Chance!
Next Friday, August 14, is the last day you can make your interest known in taking over the Isla refinery. Isla says this will be a transparent process. That would be a real change!
Third Time!
The ruins of the Plaza Hotel will be auctioned off for the third time, on September 17. At least, it will be tried: the 1st and 2nd times, the buyers turned out not to have enough money. Present owner is Girobank.
If they sell it, it's peanuts anyway compared with their colossal deficit.
Sinusta? Rings a Bell
It's the name of a new taxi drivers' union. Sounds very close to "sinister". They want to drive you to your destination for a lower tariff than the official one. That is to say, they warn their members not to charge more than that.
Good Day Friday
Maybe. Bhillie has told the spoiled brats that they will get a 12.5% salary cut, no matter how much they protest. Minister Kroket says "it's not responsible to respond to their wishes".
And Friday is the day when the Kingdom will decide if AUA-SXM-CUR will get a further loan.
Bhillie asks for a dialogue. The Dutch answer should be "nyet": past and present Curaçao governments have proved time and again that they're just a bunch of nitwits; if not crooks.
And the spoiled brats have started an "action group" which will discuss with the 5 (count 'em) trade unions how to come to a solution. I suggest riots, their by now usual reaction.
Explain? No, Got It
The number of criminal activities has gone up again since the lockdown was stopped; especially atrakos and burglaries.
Police announces more patrols in response.
Howzdat Again?
The crashed Navy helicopter's wreck has been found. So I retract my earlier post. How the hell could they declare that the machine was A-OK?
2nd Hairpin Turn
MP MP Moses again switched directions and now announces that she will not attend the parliament meeting to vote in PAR Elhage. So the judge has been requested to come with a verdict after all, to force all those opposition goons to attend.
Better Hurry Up
The refinery plus party announce they've started looking for new partners, now that Klesch definitely fell through. They expect to start final negotiations with the preferred partner in December. You read that right: December! If and when; right again.
Lick Your Wounds, Times Are Hard All Over
Now the musicians and, of course, horekaffers, are complaining that the lockdown on clubs and bars is costing them their oh-so-dear money. Tough, kids. I'd rather get sick of you than of the Virus.
Horekaffers, as I explained before, is the popular condescending term the Dutch are wont to use for the hotel-restaurant-bar industry.
A guy who, reading not even between the lines, must be a "consultant" himself writes an article in KKC where he says that those poor guys in fact must deliver not 12.5%, but in fact 40% of their fat fees. He calls himself organization advisor; name of Michiel van der Veur.
For all I know, he may be right. Firstly, nobody says they ought to give up 12.5%; that's for the spoiled brats. The consultants are much more spoiled and must turn in all income exceeding 130% of Bhillie's salary. Look mon, if you can't easily get around that problem you're not worth a fart as a consultant. Especially not for that sort of money.
Secondly, who cares? Get your snout out of the trough, and make it snappy.
He got me too with that word "must" in the first line, which he uses in his own headline. Me thinking they "should"; no, he means, they're "forced to".
There She Goes Again
Now MP MP Moses says she may be at that parliament meeting. Then again, she may not be there. She makes me dizzy, or in fact, nauseous.
Mark Your Diary!
World Tourism Day will be celebrated this coming September 27. Ain't that great? A day to celebrate. By whom is another matter.
Even the Vatican is worried and warns of a 1.2 trillion revenue loss. You must remember, the Vatican makes pots of money on tourism. Cardinal Turkson tried to strike a hopeful tone, insisting that the pandemic "must not paralyze us and deprive us of a positive vision of the future." You must pray, mister Cardinal.
Really, This Is the Future?
Do you really believe that from now on people will walk around with masks all the time, washing/sterilizing their hands when they've touched any foreign object... you name it. All to avoid the Virus.
No way. We're much too touch-addicted for that. It's only human.
Sure, Pinhead, Sure...
Pinhead Martina has sent a new proposal to Holland. His problem seems to be that the Kingdom is not prepared in invest in local companies.
And why should it? Or why should it set up a GO-Regeling, Garantie Ondernemingsfinanciering [Company Financing Guarantee]? It's this sort of nonsense that in 2012 helped to get the whole world in a depression, when the USA thought it a good idea forcing the banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't possibly afford them.
But, Seriously...
Recently, a Dutch army or navy helicopter crashed near Aruba. Two deaths, who were transported to Holland at enormous cost with "military honors". Now, we get to hear from two sources this was no technical failure.
So we ask ourselves, what did cause the crash? Was the pilot drunk? Stoned? Filled to the gills with coke? Or do they just routinely take enormous risks as a regular matter of course? This urgently needs clarification.
But knowing the military, I'd be really surprised if more comes out. That would be telling!
Come Right Down to It
Willy sez, why not fire 12.5% of the spoiled brats and get it over with? Nooo, their unions still insists on retracting the entire salary cut and has told the government so yet another time. Thankfully, no riots resulted for once.
What's the Use?
With MPs like that. Now, before the judge in the Elhage court case, MP MP (no typo) Marilyn Moses suddenly declares she will attend the next parliament meeting, so there will be a quorum.
Why then waste all our time, and money, by acting up first? Stupid bitch. Sorry, but she richly deserves it. Imagine, she's supposed to be a qualified MD.
The rest of the opposition says the parliament head fails to appreciate them. There's a lack of "respect"; I'm sooo tired of hearing that word. As if they don't ask for it; not to explain the coalition's attitude away.
No More Corona?
Thanks, Izzy Gerstenbluth! There is not a single infected case known on the island anymore. Makes one wonder why the USA will not allow their people to come over. Not that we'd want them to.
Still, Izzy ordered all bars and clubs closed for at least two weeks (hear them holler), and everybody who's been in Aruba should be tested. Figures, they've had 119 new cases in 1 day making the total ~300. Here, no indoor parties and festivities either.
Oh, the guy who had escaped from quarantine has been found. He's virus-free.
The Soup Thickens
Ex-union leader Bishop is digging into the way 10 million guilders disappeared from pension fund Vidanova when it gave a loan to Blue Factor, auntie Sushi's company which conveniently went bankrupt later, after she got out. Bishop is worried because he built up his pension with Vidanova.
We all watch future developments with considerable interest.
No! No! No!
Bhillie still does not agree with the conditions put by Holland, or rather, the Kingdom. But he says he accepts them anyway. Oh well, half the time you get the idea he doesn't understand what he's saying in the first place.
Judging from the conditions put for the financial sector, it sure looks like Holland is totally mesmerized by the gambling sector's shenanigans. Say, wasn't that what murdered Helmin Wiels was fighting, and who financed M*F*K Shorty?
They Keep Me Busy: More Riots?
The spoiled brats do not agree with their 12.5% salary cut—which isn't even that. They will all march to Wilhelminaplein downtown to deliver a letter to the government. I have little doubt that we go on paying their salaries, even when this should evolve into riots, looting and arson. Should take place this morning. No further news yet.
For Once
I'm sure M*F*K really couldn't care much less, but they have a point when they say Bhillenaath's cabinet is fooling us all on Klein Curaçao by always referring to reports without doing anything. Commercial developers do as they want while the island, one of our protected RAMSAR areas, is in effect being trashed.
Economize... or Else
SER social-economic council says that SVB social insurance bank must economize; they're spending money like maniacs and there's much less coming in.
Small wonder.
All of a sudden, PAR PM Bhillenaath declares, now that August 14 is coming near fast, that our government will accept the Dutch conditions.
But he still says they are going too far. Weasel. "Crisis support and structural reforms must be separated." How?
Something in That
A letter to KKC explains the problems with the so-called limited consultants fees. One hang-up is, nothing stops them from declaring more hours than they really work, and there is little doubt they will have found that out themselves already.
We Pay for Meeting
The spoiled brats have planned another meeting to discuss their salary cuts. It's in work time. Doesn't really matter, they don't work much anyway.
Oh, That Virus
Aruba has 92! new infections, after 49 in the past 3 days, and St. Maarten is going strong as well: 76 active cases. The USA has advised people not to visit Aruba, St. Maarten and Curaçao. But we don't want them anyway. We have 31 infections, 2 of them just returned from Aruba.
But Holland doesn't mind the Dutch going to Aruba. After all, it may be even worse over there.
Those AUA numbers may be wrong, I only know what I read in the media.
MAN wants a parliament meeting on the NOW subsidies, and wants them all published. For transparency's sake. Seriously. Would I kid you? Anyway, the list has been leaked already.
More Hurricanes
They keep contradicting themselves and each other. The last warning is, we'll get 15 more tropical storms, of which 10 will grow into hurricanes this year. "Extremely active season" they say. Because the sea is so hot.
I have my doubts. Still, remember the Boy Scouts' motto: "Be Prepared!"
Just a Quote
Serves as a warning to PAR PM Bhillenaath and all others who are flirting with China:
"China has for years attempted to get Lebanon to join its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a global plan to rebuild the world's most important ports, railways, and harbors and bring them under Communist Party control. The plan offers Chinese government loans at high interest rates to countries that cannot afford them, which are then used to pay the Chinese government for construction projects. When the countries involved fail to pay their loans on time, China seizes their assets."
And there you are: nowhere.
Good! Now We're Getting Some Action! You Think?
Minister of Transport and Traffic, Zita Jezus Leito, again warns that the public transport system must be overhauled. She has installed a committee to look at the problems and solutions. Gee, I wonder where she'll get the money from to pay those committee members.
Banana Boss
Just finally voted out Suriname's ex-president Bouterse left behind a €2.55 billion debt, and 6.8 million in extra salary costs for 3600 new spoiled brats. Yes, they have civil servants over there as well.
All you can say, Bouterse did better for himself than "our" Shorty who made less than 1 billion guilders disappear in a much richer country; or than his hangman Prick Pisas. This is an occasion to remember that PAR PM Bhillenaath's promise was to fire those Prick hired; he didn't.
Poor Dears
The higher energy tariffs are a real blow for horecaf, they complain loudly as usual.
Well, it's like that for all of us. Shut up and close down if you can't make it.
Or try to collect subsidy?
Let's Hope So
MAN minister Kroket tells us that the Hoofdstembureau [head voting station] will be turned into an Electorale Raad ER [electoral council] which will be independent and impartial. The law will be presented this week to parliament. Good luck with that.
Especially since the law is meant to avoid problems caused in 2017 by the present opposition.
Auntie Will Like That
Dolph van Stapele, who gave us the flop movie Tula, The Revolt, and his partner Nephtalie Demei have started a new permanent spiritual retreat in Dinah Veeris's herb garden. It's called Ashram Curaçao and is (I quote) "an ideal place to evolve spiritually, specifically focussing on self-inquiry and inner silence. Dolph's teachings focusses on Advaita Vedanta and Zen and are recognized as the main understanding of this ashram." Dolph is now a spiritual teacher on Hinduism and Buddhism.
Fits in nicely with auntie Sushi's wellness project, though I don't know if she's financially involved.
That Goes Well?
According to CHATA hotels club, Curaçao has had 8195 tourists since reopening. Over half aren't really tourists, just family visits. We have two more infections; these were crew-members of cruise ships, flying in.
Much less than the 1 0,000 in July alone which CHATA bargained for.
Aruba: No No
The border with Aruba is closed again. Not so much because of the Americans slipping in here via that route, but because the number of Virus infections has gone up spectacularly, also among below 40 age. People have started large-scale partying. Nightclubs, bars and rumshops (typical Arubian phenomenon, that) must close. Weirdly, not gym clubs although those have led to a number has well. Sports are good for your body, right?
To Be Expected
SVB social security foresees financial problems. Who doesn't? Because there's no work, they have no income. They'll be forced to start using their legal reserves.
A good thing MAN Mudbelly Cooper didn't get his claws on those reserves.
Still Worth It
Government consultants will get less as from July 1, which they learned in a letter dated July 20. Minimum and maximum fees are still pretty rich, but max is 130% of PAR PM Bhillenaath's salary. Which is 16,383 guilders/month + vacation 1092, transport 738, representation 950 and telephone 350. All together 19,513 (USD10,732). All together doesn't leave him in the altogether.
Hey, got reminded of former PIAS's Rosario who after the 2017 elections was hired as Asiatic Consultant. Probably a job trying to lure the Chinese over here; just what we needed.
Nine Cruise Ships
Four more! Only, no tourists in them. Well, count your blessings.
Help! Where's My Mask?
A Person (just kidding: it's a mere man) escaped from his quarantine at the Trupial Inn Hotel. Security did find another guy in his room, and the cops took him along for questioning. They're also searching for the escapee. No info on where he came from. I definitely have my suspicions, though.
So where was auntie Sushi's son-in-law whom we all together gave a Very Fat Fee to control this?
Not for Now
Damen shipyards, who've taken over DOK/CDM, has made a record loss last year, €287 million. That was well before the market floored because of the Virus, remember? They have fired over 1000 workers.
Here not. Yet?
They Will Not; They Won't
The Curaçao government has indicated, in a letter, "that they cannot fully agree with the form proposed by the Netherlands for this and the associated conditions."
They see "added value: in a Caribbean reform entity", the misguided idea for which was delivered by a number of citizens. But they're confident that they will reach an agreement in the August 14 meeting.
Good for them. I am not so confident.
Staten opposition members who do not want to follow the law, which says that they have to do your extremely well-paid jobs, now want us to pay for the lawyers defending them in court in the Elhage case for not doing it. How like that bunch of no-goods.
PAR parliament president Pauletta says they're free to hire a lawyer, but at their own expense. Another item to kick up dust and bringing us nowhere fast.
The opposition's lawyers are Chester Peterson en Sheldry Osepa, both well-known for their ex-PM Shorty support and their multi-flops in court.
A Good Laugh
Ex-PM M*F*K Shorty is complaining with ombudsmanperson that he should be free, as from June 24. The story is that probation "threatens" with a negative advise, but prison authorities advise positively. As I understand it, probation advise is most important and binding.
Harbors Full!
And even with tourist ships. Only, no tourists. There are 3 or so moored at refinery piers and 2 more at Bullenbaai; plus maybe at the worthless mega-piers. But they're only here for storage and maintenance. Well, I guess they have to pay in any case.
Plastic Ban
Ex-minister, now MP McWilliam says that the plastic ban, supposed to be introduced last January, is now planned for next January. Only a year later. But a lot had to be updated, she says. I bet.
So Everybody Can Understand It?
I'm not so sure about that, but it's a good thing of course. The Staatsregeling constitution will be translated into Papiamentu. So everybody can at least read it. Well, maybe not everybody. Apart from understanding, that's one step too far maybe.
Never-Ending Saga
SONA (Foundation Development Neth. Antilles) has charged the government with more costs, among which 2.2 million guilders. SONA originally assigned the building of the new hospital, until MRT took over. Doesn't matter, we will pay both. Nice...
Secret List Leaked
The secret list, not so secret any longer, lists the companies that received a subsidy because of the Virus. In Holland the more-or-less same list was not secret, because of transparency, you know.
One of those listed is Santa Barbara resort, where 300 personnel were fired shortly after the company got ANG658.413 support (USD362K).
Danger! Keep Away!
Antilliaans Dagblad runs a story warning for the dangers with China's interest for the Caribbean. We have been on the verge of being run over several times, and as long as our Leaders are desperate, the chance is very real they will sell out to keep their precious autonomy.
Then we'll really be up the creek.
Both Bad
The, not yet bankrupt, Girobank has been divided up in a "Good Bank" and a "Bad Bank". The trick as I follow it is, the Good Bank keeps going as if nothing has happened; the Bad Bank gets all the debts of depositors who know where they can put it.
Shameless Hussy
Auntie Sushi's PIN party plants to win 3 seats in the elections next year. Never mind the scandals; I only mention CMC/HNO, no matter how you call that septic tank of corruption. For all I know, she may even get those seats.
Ghetto for Old Farts
An elderly committee has written an advice to be handed to minister Koeiman on how to improve the oldies' lot. They have some good ideas, but also a very bad one. While they say participation of old folks in society should be promoted, they also state that a village for seniors must be built. Sounds contradictory to me.
Then, they say there are 26,000 old gents around which means a minimum of 13,000 houses or apartments. Forget it, right?
Gee, I wonder how much the government has paid that elderly committee.
... Continued
The spoiled brats' trade unions will have another meeting to discuss their 12.5% salary cuts demanded as a condition for Holland's soft loan.
Also old: the trade union central CGTC does not and will not accept flexibilizing the labor market.
They Keep Sprouting
New political parties! This one is UKN, Un Kòrsou Nobo [a new Curaçao]. They are led by a guy who's worked for the police for 32 years, and will join the election fun next year.
Can't Even Blame Auntie Sushi
Anymore, that is. I still feel like it. SOAB government accounting still hasn't seen fit to release the feasibility analysis for the new hospital; which itself has been up and running for quite some time now.
You think that's funny? I think it's pretty sad.
Suspicions Confirmed
CTB tourist board has produced a series of 10 mini-shows to lure tourists to our island. The probably well-paid job went to Ramsay Soemanta, who after all is without a job. He used to accompany ex-PM Shorty as his photographer all over the world (for which we paid) but these days, locked-up Shorty is flying nowhere.
Soemanta is supposed to convince tourists that Curaçao is Virus-safe. A tourist who'd trust his face asks for it.
Goes to show where CTB is at; not that we didn't know already.
Some Delay
The court case by Elhage against parliament members will serve on August 7. Till then, we're stuck without a parliament. Don't make no difference, mon.
Journalist Dick Drayer says Holland will take a decision today whether they will take over or not.
Public transport is a goldarn mess. The law regulating it is hopelessly outdated because of recent years' developments. Oh. At any rate, PAR minister Jezus-Leito thinks so and she has taken the proper action: a new committee!
The mini-buses are supposed to become part of the Autobusbedrijf Curaçao NV, which exploits large buses (konvoois, a name dating from WWII). Good luck, Jezus, or Leito, or all three of you! The mini-drivers have repeatedly declared, and several times as well, they do not wish so.
One Virus Case
That is, from Europe; out of 10,000 passengers arriving. Total now 29. All quarantined. There are more cases, but those came from the USA from Aruba (One Happy Island!).
Didn't Come
The opposition has not appeared in parliament for Elhage's voting in.
Keep Them Coming!
Another new political party: HiMA - Hende i Medio Ambiente [people and environment]. They, at least, seem to have been at work by providing school bags, setting up a budget restaurant and handing out food parcels.
They will join next year's elections. We'll be needing a newspaper size ballot paper.
Corendon Complaints
Workers at freshly opened Corendon Hotel complain they're treated like slaves. "Labor abuses" is the term they use. That is to say, they don't get enough compensation for overtime and all. Also, Corendon has Turkish personnel! But minister Gijs & Bertha says these all have a permit, and no doubt he's right—or will be shortly.
Amigoe newspaper publishes a comparison between social insurances of Holland and Curaçao. I guess you, my proud if select readership, are smart enough to figure it out. Otherwise, take out an Amigoe subscription, right? They'll explain.
Our SVB pays out 1 billion guilders/year; Holland's 90. To accomplish that, Holland uses 3500 personnel; "our" SVB 293. That's 12 times as many, or 7.5 as many per guilder spent.
Are you by any chance surprised we're in a rut? Hey, not to mention the salaries.
Old Song, Not a Hit
All fuel costs will become still "considerably" higher. This includes car gas, diesel, cooking gas, electricity, water. If airlines, such as still touch down here, and ships will have to pay more we're not being told.
It's because we have to use our own refinery to produce the stuff. If you don't understand that, I forgive you: neither do I. Aren't we both glad we have our own Isla?
In Styleless Style
None of the three islands has as yet given a hard reply to the Dutch demands for a new load. Deadline is August 14. They'll have to hurry: according to what they say themselves, all their money is gone tomorrow.
And the Spoiled Brats' unions are still waiting for minister Kroket. They say that "a large part of the Curaçao community [meaning themselves] is slipping down the abyss". Methinks they'll be quite well off, compared with the largest part of same community.
They'll Need That
All superfluous personnel, that's more than half! of Kas di Kultura will get reschooling and will be taught to develop their talents. Also, they will get instructions how to start their private cultural companies; and, no doubt, how to apply for subsidies.
Stubborn Stupid Mules
All opposition members maintain their shortsighted refusal to vote in Elhage as a new MP. If his court procedure doesn't work, there's very little doubt left Holland will jump in. So much for the autonomy they are supposed to want to defend.
Today's the Big Day: parliament is supposed to open 9 o'clock to discuss Elhage's candidacy. Keep your fingers crossed and your breath going.
How Long Do You Use Your Car?
Our cops ruin them in 5 years or less. Sure, many of those guys are quite heavy, physically and mentally. No mental heavyweights, though. So now they have to get new ones. Which do not come cheap.
Small problem: there's no money. Hey, let's ask Holland! Or raise taxes.
Uh oh... my welfare pension hasn't come in yet. Are you by any chance short, boys?
Aww Shut Up
PS™ has a just great idea: let the Chinese take over our refinery! They want to invite the Huayang group for discussions on the refinery's continuity. The group's representative is Bingyang Chen, who also spoke for GZE, a former Chinese PS™ candidate; remember?
Mosterd na de Maaltijd
Dutch expression: Mustard after the meal, freely translatable as shutting the barndoor after the horse has bolted. The Bullenbaai oil terminal renovation, first phase, has been finished—cost 5 million guilders. As far as I can find out, the oil glut where the Isla guys wanted to make some money on is over and done with already. Still, the first tanker is expected next week; almost 2 months later than originally announced. Business as usual.
We'll get 2 more phases; phase 3 will take 3 years, cost 100 million guilders.
Helps to Explain...
... why the Dutch insist on having strict control on how the loans are spent. Now that they have a look at it, they discover that many (how many?) people who make ANG3000 a month or more also receive onderstand welfare.
I can't help wondering how many of those arespoiled bratscivil servants. Nothing would dumbfound me anymore.
Reorg Kas di Kultura
Superfluous personnel of Kas di Kultura [house of culture] will be fired; 13 out of 31 will stay. Reason: all money was spent on salaries, not on subsidies. Even social security and taxes could not be paid. Also, two more buildings were rented last year for which there was no money; government subsidy was lowered as well.
Exemption will be asked for non-paid taxes. I wish I could do that! Except, I always paid up. Or else!
Will It Help?
As from August 1, it's possible to have your car tested again. Makes me ask myself, how did those car owners pay their second yearly half of car tax, for which you have to show an inspection card?
Answer: they didn't. Or they didn't pay that tax.
Fan Turns... What Will Hit It?
PAR Elhage has started a civil procedure against all parliament members to force them to assist in his joining.
What's Not to Like?
The Central Bank asksthe KingdomHolland to turn the loans into gifts. I asked my bank to do the same with my mortgage, but for some reason, they gave me a flea in my ear instead.
Fine, Just Fine, Córdoba!
PS™ Córdoba, stubbornly, says his party will not give in. They will go on boycotting parliament. What they think they'll achieve? Don't ask me.
OK, so let the Dutch take over. We're ready!
Brought a Smile to My Face
The oilrig moored at Boca Samihi, which damaged the coral reef there not so long ago, has now moved to the mega-pier for giant cruise ships. That hardly is of any interest. (Except, that pier is now getting some business.)
No, my smile was caused by reading its name: "Gretha".
Just Remember
The Curaçao, Aruba and St. Maarten governments did not agree with the 10 July conditions of Holland. So no money? Next meeting is August 14, by which date our government's money is finished.
The Netherlands (this is a quote from certainly does not wish to tamper with the supervision by a "Caribbean reform entity". So there, Bhillie.
Let 'em Have It. Please?
The governor warns Staten/parliament that, if they don't end their foolish games, the Mighty Kingdom will come with a aanwijzing. Which means they'll just be put offside, as soccer fans use the term.
M*F*K Prick Pisas says that would be the first time in history. But what does he know?
Next Friday at 9 o'clock, they'll have another fling at voting in Elhage. But both M*F*K and K*NT have already declared they'll persevere in their childishness. They all want new elections pronto.
Viva Turismo!
A brawl broke out between a Dutch guy (it's not clear if he was a tourist or not) at Playa Piskado, where he judged a Yu di Kòrsou was making entirely too much noise with his ghetto-blaster. The YdK obliged by moving to another location, but that was not good enough for the makamba. Although bystanders tried to stop him, he went up to the YdK to teach him a liddle lesson, upon which a vulgar ruckus ensued where two Dutch women got themselves mixed up in, attacking the YdK with fisticuffs.
They got hit back. They've all been arrested for maltreatment.
Pray He Won't Get It
PAR PM Bhillenaath wants to have his government not only less controlled by the Dutch on keeping within the budget; no, he wants his government having a say on determining the budget!
Let's hope Dutch Staatssecretaris Knops is too smart for that.
More Demands
The balance of payment, which had somewhat improved last year, will go through the floor in 2020. To maintain the coupling in value to the US Dollar the Central Bank has introduced a "temporary capital restriction", and will also ask Holland to, next to the loans promised. give a balance of payments support.
Which will probably result in more Dutch demands as well.
Forget It!
Those 4.5 billion in uncollected taxes? It's only 1 billion; the rest is uncollectible. I'll spare myself giving all the reasons. Just mentioning it to show that there too our government really is a total mess.
They Waited Long Enough
In fact, much too long: the police will start controlling license plates. Many cars and truck/trailers drive around with self-made license plates; or with none at all.
Nice, Even Cute?
One of the guys arrested for arson during the recent riots is the well-brought-up son of a cop. His father is so ashamed, he's taken sick leave. The boy got 2 months.
Now That
The calculations made by the government about reducing spoiled brats' salaries with 12.5% are all wrong. Big surprise:
— calculations are based on basic income and not on the general conditions package
— the 3% salary step has not yet been introduced and forms no part of the general labor conditions
— reducing vacation days by 3.5% doesn't save a nickel.
Doesn't matter; their unions have not accepted anyway.
4.5 Billion Guilders
That's how much the Tax Person yet has to collect on the island (2.5 billion USD). Meanwhile, our Impotent Leaders are crying their false hearts out for more Dutch money.
Remember, that does not even include the uncounted m/billions from the black labor market.
Some Dreams Will Come True
Jandino Asporaat, a comedian who is about the only one making money producing movies in Holland (and Curaçao) these days, has a dream: he wants to build a Curaçao city, together with Aqualectra, for 2.5 million guilders. Name: New Korsou. "Digitization, sustainability, inclusivity and education" will be the most important pillars of the city. Whatever that means.
He himself says, "in many cases dreams don't come true at all." Amen to that. Building is supposed to start in 2023 on a 123 hectare/304 acres terrain. They don't say where. Oh wait, Amigoe does: Wechi.
According to, his personal fortune is 0.7 million dollars. They also say he's white. Well, his teeth certainly are.
They Don't Work Anyway
The law doesn't allow parliament to force everybody to wear masks. Good, for several reasons:
There is no virus on Curaçao (granted, this can be changed any day by a carrying tourist);
the masks only serve to protect other people, they will not protect the user;
the virus is physically much too small to be stopped by a mask; it's like "trying to keep out mosquitos with harmonica wire".
There's a Law, But Who Cares?
Not the MPs who, for the second time, refused to join a meeting, thus taking care there was no quorum to vote in new PAR MP Elhage.
The good thing is, PS™ Whiteman announced his party member Cówould be present, but the latter decided not to; so what's still left of that party now seems to be split up.
Elhage himself considers running to the judge to get his due. He'll be a fine MP in the best of local traditions.
Moses's MP party is splitting hairs and say that Alcalá-Wallé is technically still a member, so there's no vacancy at all. So why doesn't she turn up and vote "NO"? Because then there would be a quorum.
Letter to Mom
A bunch of people has written a letter to Holland that it is advisable to use Curazoleños to work together with Holland in keeping watch on the implementation of Knops's announced measures.
I thought this up myself weeks ago. Personally, as our Great Leaders have capitulated (granted, not the spoiled brats—yet), by now it looks superfluous. Still common sense.
It's a strange mix of people I'd trust implicitly (as far as that goes) and others, well, not quite that much.
Not to mention it will take more time; which we just don't have.
Right On
SER Social-Economic Council thinks SVB Social Insurance Bank might well economize themselves. Good idea! Especially after reading that document...
One More
Join the fun and make some easy money: welcome, another new party. This one's called KAS, Klaridat Akshon Soshal. Ex MP, deputy and PNP leader Davelaar has been asked (by whom?) to be its leader.
More News!
New PM to-be-sworn-in Elhage says that obstructing his voting in is against democracy. Yawn. What else is new? They're all doing that full-time.
Staten will have a second try Monday.
Hurrah! Let's All Celebrate!
Auntie Sushi announces she will not leave politics. She says "I love Curaçao. Nothing will stop me from helping my country."
The best way for her to help us is her getting lost. And then some several others.
Take That, You Bastards, All
Vox Populi
absolutely nobody gets over 43% confidence
Trust in institutes or organizations (in %)
very little neutral much/very much N/A Church 21.5 33.7 42.9 1.8 Police 35.4 37.3 26.5 1.8 Health system 40.5 32.3 26.2 0.9 Education system 41.1 34.4 21.2 2.7 SOEs 31.7 46.0 16.7 5.6 Judicial system 40.9 38.8 16.0 4.3 Business world 36.1 45.7 15.6 1.0 Government services 56.1 31.3 11.6 1.0 Press 49.0 38.5 11.0 1.4 Trade unions 50.1 36.6 6.5 6.8 Parliament 69.7 24.4 4.1 1.9 Government 73.6 21.6 3.8 1.1 Political parties 78.6 17.6 2.3 1.6
Source: CBS-rapport Sociale Cohesie 2015/2016
Wise Words
14 commercial organizations supplicate the government to fer crissakes accept the Dutch conditions. "Autonomy doesn't fill stomachs" they say.
Join the Club
One more new party: Kumun, Kòrsou Un Munisipio Ulandes Nobo [Curaçao a new community of Holland] will join the 19 March 2021 elections.
By now I've lost count, but it doesn't matter: more will come and go before then.
Old Song
And we're tired of hearing it played: the opposition did not appear in a parliament meeting, so there was no quorum to accept new PAR member Elhage. This trick has been tried too often in the past, and while by now it's a Big Bore, it still works. A new meeting has been planned and it's hoped at least one MP will come to hir senses. As if they have any.
For Better or Worse
The economyshrinknegative growth will be 20.4%. Again, one is full of admiration for that precision. But hold it, it's only the Central Bank saying so. Not even a month ago, they predicted 23%.
Anyway, they also expect agrowthnegative shrink next year of 6.6%. We will then have shrunk 13.8%. Count your guilders, count 'em one by one. Won't take long...
One thing that gives some confidence in their statement, they say that tourism may have brought in 41% of foreign currency last year, versus 14% twenty years ago; but that's mainly because other sectors went down by as much.
A Horses's Mounthful
Atilay Uslu, sho started the Corendon Group, now thinks they might better have waited one or two years before rebuilding their just opened hotel. I guess he's got a point. Not even to mention the mangrove wood.
You Don't Say
This guy Calmes who walked out of PIN, leaving auntie Sushi bungling from a leaking hot-air balloon, arranged a press meeting where he complained that everybody had to do what auntie ordered. He remarked then that he was not allowed to discuss the theft of 400 kilos of coke out of the police station, which later became 500; only, he said it was 600 kilos. Well, well.
Really? Oh No!
The Pride manifestation for this year has been canceled and delayed until next year. But will we have Carnival next year? They may say "yes", I still say "maybe".
That's Serious
More and more cars, upon checks, turn out not to be insured even if they have a "tax-paid" sticker. Also, more and more don't bother to pay their taxes and drive around without that sticker. They probably won't be stopped and fined anyway. It's a safe bet they have no insurance, either.
Good thing our traffic is the safest in the world by now! Bhillie promised so it must be true.
More Mud
Stanley Betrian is beside himself now that, following shortly after revelations about auntie Sushi, bills have been published signed by him and auntie to company HNO Transition and Exploitation, the official name for CMC Explotation (once again, le mot juste). These invoices are for about 143,000/month each, plus. All that money arrived at MRT, ministeriële regisseur en toezichthouder [ministerial director and supervisor] — Betrian. This has been arranged (just) before Bhillie became PM.
Gilbert Martina (another relation?) says we should not only look at what mister MRT is paid, but also at what he does in return. Correct; we are all very curious about that. So should Rekenkamer be, but never a peep out of there. Another shady suspect is Ivan de Windt of HNO Transition and Exploitation.
Final fling: nobody is ready, or better say prepared, to tell you how long this "transition" with accompanying bills will still go on.
No Doubt, Jardim
Ex-minister Jardim, now interim president of the Central Bank CBCS, says some of the Dutch conditions for support will have negative consequences. Granted that, who are you to talk, Jardim? As if you did so well.
Oh, Sure, That Will Work
A number of refinery employees want to continue exploiting the refinery on their, its, own. First, they want PAR PM Bhillenaath to resign, as he has failed in finding a new exploiter, and to give the refinery portfolio to pinhead Martina. Then, they want parliament to vote Bhillie out with a motion of no confidence, and form a new government with a new PM.
Upon which the refinery must enter into a contract with GeoPetroleum N.V., registered as managed by Hubertus Heinrich Grebe. An 2018 offer by Grebe to pinhead Martina was declined by RdK's de Lannoy.
This looks much more like a political game, not to say a coup d'état, than like a business proposal. Especially at this time.
Gee, I Wonder
No, this time not about a committee's salaries. No, what happened to that 2017 prosperity plan? Who knows or even cares; except, again, what did they pay the professor?
By now, like Clementine, gone and lost forever...
For Kicks
A guy was acquitted of the crime of breaking a billy-goat's front legs. He was attacked in his kitchen by the animal, who had put aforementioned legs on the sink to search for comestibles. So he took an iron bar to fight the animal off.
It worked. So the owner filed a complaint. Talk about chutzpah.
Don't underestimate these beasts. They're much more dangerous than depicted in animated cartoons, where they just knock you over in a most amusing way.
How Cute
Selikor is still running behind with their garbage collection.
Standard Cure
We all know Girobank has gone bankrupt, under enormous dust clouds of scandals. It's been taken over by APC pension fund. But now minister Gijs & Bertha has come up with the solution where to get the money to balance the Girobank's deficit (you'll never guess):
Raise taxes!
How did you guess? In reality, he used the word "surcharges" which essentially means just the same.
Here It Comes Again
Ihe more difficult the times, the greater the chance gurus will be called for to help us out. Once again, we're reminded of Vishon Korsow; a thing set up by a number of naïve idealists, sorry boys. If we all want the best, no worries, we will succeed. Too bad not all of us want the best! Here are two more recent ones; this one was hauled in by ex-PM Shorty. Fancy that.
God's Little Children
Looks like M*F*K will boycot the parliament meeting where PAR member Elhage would be installed, so they'll have a minimal majority again. This has to be avoided at all costs, "in the interest of the people". Prick Pisas wants to show everybody they're worthy MPs.
Just asking for a Dutch maatregel van bestuur—administrative measure; the one thing they all want to avoid.
Lock Her Up! [BIS]
The public ministry will prosecute ex-minister Alcallá-Wallé for a conflict of interest. Good. They all seem to think they can get away with it; and only too often, they do.
Doesn't Matter
The police is not available via the usual phone numbers; they've got switching problems.
Do you want to know what numbers do work? Aw, who cares.
Come On, Already, Now
We have heard several times from Selikor that they had almost caught up with their schedule again. Remember, they got behind because of demonstrations and riots—and don't forget the looting involved. Be that as it may, we now hear again that they're working hard again to catch up—again.
But keep your patience, Selikor will get a management agreement, as soon as a committee has looked into it.
Gee, I wonder how much those committee members get paid; and for how long.
Still There
Bhillenaath has asked auntie Sushi to stay on as minister until Friday. What is that magic date of July 24? Oh, hang on, then there's a 4-country-conference of the Mighty Kingdom (1 small and 3 minute countries).
Goodbye and Good Riddance
Ex-PAR minister Alcalá-Wallé is leaving the party. Apart from earning the nickname of alKLM-Wallé because of her many business class trips to Holland where her children live and to other places (at our cost of course), just look at the deplorable state she left her education department in. It will be take over by Jesus-Leito of transport; another real confidence builder.
A complaint has meanwhile been filed against her for conflict of interest, and a prosecution will follow.
Her role in staten/parliament will be taken over by Shareen Saad Elhage; member of a political family. They're like flies searching out putrefaction. Bhillenaath will then have a minimal parliament majority again.
Can't Even Count
M*F*K Prick Pisas thought he had a parliament majority with 10 votes wanting to have PAR Bhillenaath's cabinet to go away at once, but on recounting them, there and then, he discovered he had only 9: Calmes, who'd said he'd sign, didn't—yet. He wants more money? And parliament has 21 members so e lolo di Soto really needs 11 in the first place.
A complication here is that with the death of one PAR-member the government really has only 10 seats in parliament, instead of 11.
Auntie's Wellness
For our English readers, I have prepared an excerpt of the anonymous PDF-document that started the whole crisis we're now in. It concerns the wheels and deals of Suzy Camelia-Römer AKA auntie Sushi, our (still?) present minister of Health, who has finally taken her leave.
Here it is.
Aunti Sushi has announced she will react "in a later stage". You bet: we all understand she'll need some time to collect. In this case, her thoughts. Money, she's collected in bins already.
Auntie: Too Smart by Half
Read the theory that the Calmes affair is just meant to make the cabinet lose their majority, thus forcing them to abscond, thus not being able to accept (or decline) Knops's demands for a soft loan. An interim government can only handle internal affairs.
This won't work: 1stly, the government has accepted already; 2ndly, it will leave Curaçao where it was before: no more money.
The Latest
PAR PM Bhillenaath has requested auntie Suzy, who has taken her leave as minister with the departure of Calmes from her party, to stay on a week longer as she is needed in next week's meetings with the four Kingdom countries.
As an old friend used to say, "Like cancer we need her."
I am working on a shortened version of that published PDF so English speaking readers can enjoy it; will upload tomorrow or this evening, depending on further developments.
Lak's Back—Maybe
The Movemiento Patriótiko Kòrsou MPK, led by Rignald Lak,formerFOØL, wants to take part in the next 2021 elections.
To refresh your memory, LAK was the guy who back in 2003 had made a deal to supply all dignitaries with a luxury ANG 80K Mercedes car. It didn't work out, tough. Last elections he appeared in, 2006, he got 315 votes. Or maybe 152.
Get Sick! Take a Trip!
The eight boat charters working on Curaçao do not stand a chance to survive if the 25 PAX max. Virus occupation must be upheld. So they ask for a minimum of 50%. If not, we lose 120 jobs.
Dirty Laundry, Fleeing Rats
During the week-end, a 75 page PDF document has been circulating on auntie Sushi Römer's activities. More on this later.
First notable result, her PIN party member Rennox Calmes has resigned from his party membership and will go on as an independent MP. Calmes lets it be known "there is no support from his own party for his work in parliament, there is no respect for him". If he stops supporting the Bhillenaath coalition, their parliament majority has gone; but up to now he will go on supporting. Especially since Alcalá-Wallé's seat is still open, for now.
Further news is, auntie Sushi is expected to step down as Health minister today.
Methinks Calmes is lying about his motives; all the time he must have known damn well what was going on with auntie and cohorts, or he is much more stupid than he looks; and now he is taking the fastest exit he sees, while keeping his MP salary.
Oh! There We Go
Because the Kresh Group will not take over Isla Refinery, Curoil has got a problem with the guaranteed delivery of fuel to the island. So Curoil needs 10 million guilders a month for 6 months, which Curoil will borrow from Holland.
Meanwhile, we'll have to pay an additional 5.1 cents for car gas and diesel, plus 5 guilders for 100lbs. of cooking gas. Collection of these amounts has started in March this year, already.
Ex-minister Alcalá-Wallé will not become a parliament member. For now. She didn't present her geloofsbrieven [credentials] to governor and parliament.
But other sources claim those credentials have meanwhile been approved by a 2-member committee (are you ready) consisting of M*F*K and PAR.
Gee, I wonder how much those committee members have been paid; and by whom.
Kresh Out
It's now definite: the Kresh Group which was supposed to take over Isla Refinery, and about which both PAR PM Bhillenaath and pinhead Martina havingassuredlied there was a definite, hard agreement.
But we have escaped a lot worse than death, because Bhillie was hoping we could learn how to exploit the junk heap ourselves in the future. Nos mes por! And Pinhead still says, without explaining how, the refinery must carry on.
Also, you and I have been paying the refinery workers' salaries for the last six months, ibn the vague and misplaced hope the Kresh deal would go through.
Break It Up
The monstrous Plaza Hotel's bankruptcy has been suspended. There's no funds anyway, says the curator. Girobank, itself just having escaped bankruptcy, holds the mortgage.
The building has been sitting there empty for 3 years now, after Dutch van der Valk concern left it, and by now it's actually dangerous to walk by it. After several efforts, no more auctions.
Tear it down!
Lock Her Up
M*F*K Quackie Constancia, in her appeal, says she knew nothing about the surgeons' mask affair; it was all done behind her back, boo hoo. Prosecution still asks for 20 months in jail and 5 years of no minister's post. She says she's getting out of politics anyway; good. If true.
Nr. 28
Like 27, a smart-ass who thought it would get here from the USA via Aruba. A relation; both quarantined.
Say Izzy, how about stopping it? As promised? Instead, borders have been opened for 44 countries.
Here, Slavery's to Blame
For everything that's wrong, right; colonialism (same thing) is good, too. But in South Africa, it's Apartheid. Hey, you must blame Whitie (in Afrikaans ligvellige), or where are you? Can't very well blame yourself, can you?
Proof how bad slavery is and has been: after 150 years, it still works. Apartheid has only been gone for 30 years. Have patience and give it some time: it will still work 120 years from now.
Times a'Changing
Used to be so, when we were the Netherlands Antilles, when a cop misbehaved, at least in his bosses' eyes, he was sent to St. Eustatius to do duty there.
Now, we read that 300 Curaçao cops have applied for jobs in Bonaire. Not really: 300 Curazoleños have sollicited.
(There are 20 vacatures.)
Dutch Doubts
Dutch parliament has a lot of questions about the demands put by Knops, especially the reform entity. D66 party asks if there has been enough dialogue with the island governments. Stupid question: present them with a fait accompli or they'll keep twisting and turning. D66 also wants islands to have more influence in that entity; thankfully, that has been avoided.
PvdA wants to give the island governments more time. Shows how their politicians are not necessarily smarter than ours.
VVD asks if the entity is responsible to the Dutch government or to Knops, but (good!) says faster results can be had by improving tax collecting instead of setting up new laws and rules.
SP worries if the measures won't bring more difference between rich and poor, and wonders if the government members will pay up as well.
Shut Up and Swallow the Medicine
The government announced they did sent in a proposal, whatever you call it, that confirms to the demands put by Dutch staatssecretaris Knops. They finally, on the very brink, wised up. Which means all spoiled brats will get a 12.5% salary cut.
Now for the protests and the running to court. More riots?
However, I distinctly had the impression that Knops wanted the top salaries to be cut, leaving the lower classes alone. No way of course. Let them eat cake.
Shit Flies
No, not the verb, nor the politicians. The troubles in the mangrove wood have grown still worse: the place is now pestered by buzzing clouds of shit flies [strontvliegen]. Wonder how Corendon's guests are coping. And no end in sight.
Before I Forget: Forget It
The Kresh group was supposed, just like the government, to come with a definite proposal on take-over of Isla refinery yesterday. Nothing was heard. From either, as far as I can figure.
So pinhead Martina has got his work cut out for him: start negotiating with that eager crowd of other candidates.
Today's the Day
In actual fact, yesterday was the final day for our government to come with a definite proposal in reaction to the Dutch demands. As far as I know, they didn't deliver; so we'll be soon beggars indeed—forget choosers. And the coffers are empty 2 weeks from now.
The Spoiled Brats' Unions still are not accepting the 12.5% salary cut, which the government has introduced regardless. This is not over yet by a long way.
Don't Push
In Bonaire, a law is all ready and accepted to stop using throw-away plastics.
Only, the pilot phase was supposed to start this month, to be ready for the final introduction in January 2020. (I take it that's a typo for 2021.) Nobody knows why not, I gather.
Out are the usual culprits, among which the all-time favorites: plastic straws and shopping bags.
Another One
Since tourism was, after a very modest fashion, restarted 2 weeks ago, there now is one new infected Virus case; in fact, the second. He, she or whatever has been quarantined. I know no further details, like, where it came from. Total count now is 27.
How Like Him
One again, PAR PM Bhillenaath sets out to prove that my moniker for him is entirely correct. He sees great possibilities in future cooperation with China instead of Holland. Of course he's already forgotten the GZE Chinese Oil disaster, and doesn't seem to be informed about the grandiose Chinese "Belt and Road" plans.
Where is he well-informed? you ask. You got me there.
Grandiose for China, that is: they lend you as much money as you need, or more; then come in with their own crews to build harbors and roadways. And when you forfeit on your payments, it's all theirs: and so is your country.
Ho! I'm So Impressed
COPPAL condemns the violation of human rights by the Dutch. They want the UN to stop it. Who is, or are, COPPPAL? You might well ask.
"Made up of more than sixty progressive parties from 29 countries." Methinks they're just making more trouble, of which we've got plenty already. Better watch your back, Knops!
So There, You Greenies and Warmists
"A 2018 study published in the journal Nature Climate Change announced tourism alone—that's nonessential pleasure travel—is responsible for 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions."
New Republic
So please, read it and don't give me no more bull manure on how much CO2 Isla refinery used to produce and how eco-tourism is so great. It's all getting very, very tiresome.
My impression is, they're not talking about anything but flights, not including taxis, car rentals, airco etc.
You Don't Say!
Kura Hulanda, the from-the-beginning doomed hotel enterprise of Gelt Dekker, who expired not so long ago, is for sale now. According to Pinhead Martina, there are 6 interested parties.
Just like for the Isla oil refinery, Plaza and Otrabanda Hotels?
Easy Compromise
Just another prediction: Dutch Knops will, as a gesture towards our Leaders, accept island citizens in his reform entity. Fine, as long as they don't have the final say. Then our Leaders can swallow their discontent and tell us all they've saved our democracy (and go to a very hot place).
What a Club
One of the "intellectuals" who signed that open letter is lawyer Rutsel Martha, a faithful follower of Shorty; as we're informed Rutsel has been hired by Venezuelan president Maduro to defend one of his goons.
Need I say more?
Taxi drivers are complaining as well. All arriving tourists who do have a hotel reservation take a bus to get there, made available by those hotels. They say the tour operators have formed a cartel.
Which is exactly what they have been doing all those years, themselves. I don't know a single person who wouldn't be glad to see them go.
Not So Good
About 3000 tourists (CHATA hotel club says 4000) have flown in from Holland since July 1; hotel occupation is between 10 and 15%. Better say, 85-90% empty. That's what they tell us, so highly doubtable. Come on guys, close down already as you were threatening all the time; and abolish, or better use a these days popular world, cancel CHATA, CTB and more of those clubs that only cost us money. And don't forget the vexation.
Curaçao wants to limit the total number of July tourists to 10,000. That looks to be easily accomplishable.
Grate! Let's Celebrate!
Next Carnival, 2021, will go through regardless, Virus or lack of funds notwithstanding. After all, who cares about a little Virus when you can get pregnant or HIV?
But the 350,000 guilders government subsidy will be lowered to 175K or max. 250K. The carnival groups, full of enthusiasm, got the musicians' bands to give them a 15-20% discount, and "other suppliers" 10%.
But if we get a hurricane or a second Virus wave, it won't go through.
What a Pity!
Ex-PM and president of the Central Bank CBCS IJs explains that it is impossible for the Curaçao government to borrow on the local market. He comes with the following gem, springing like a toad from his lips: "Normally you pump money into a failing economy instead of economizing. We call that anti-cyclical. By trying to save you make matters worse."
Don't try this at home! This is straight Keynes, 1883-1946. That's how up-to-date IJs is.
IJs expects Holland not to allow us to borrow from foreign countries. At least, he agrees the proposed loan with its conditions is out best way out.
Kudos for Izzy
Our daughter arrived here last Friday from a short vacation from Holland. Yesterday, we got a call to inquire if there were any Virus problems.
A welcome change from the usual government depts. indifference.
Sushi Snaps
In more than one sense. Auntie didn't like the reactions to her earlier letter where she (yawn) compared Holland's proposals to lift us out of the mud with the West Indian Company WIC. So she wrote another letter with more of the same. So she got more of the same back.
She really doesn't get it. Doesn't want to, sure.
Auntie's Health Ministry was one of the two specifically mentioned by Knops as needing supervision. (The other one was Education.)
They Must Be Joking
Seat of the government Forth Amsterdam, AKA Fòrti, better known as Ali Baba's Robbers Cave, will be open for a dialogue with the Curaçao people. There'll even be a live TV-show, the only fitting word I'm afraid, where ministers will reply to answers from the public.
I have a few questions but won't bother; pretty sure they'll be canceled out. Such mistrust! But I'm not the one who should feel ashamed for that.
Fancy That!
What a surprise... We don't have to wait for September for the government's money to be all gone. There'll be nothing left after July. That's two weeks from now.
Howzabout agreeing with Knops, Bhillie? No, the plan is to raise taxes.
We Can Afford It
The government has started a new company, Grond en Vastgoedbedrijf [Land and Real Estate Company], GVB. It is supposed to help the government manage its real estate possessions better.
A committee has been installed to guide the project. Gee, I wonder how much those committee members will get paid. Not to mention management and staff. It's part of the Growth Strategy—that was cut off by Knops.
MAN Mudbelly Cooper feels left out and asks why there hasn't been a public tender.
Thought I'd Mention It
Those face masks. They may and probably do work well for bacteria, but a virus is many times smaller. Read somewhere it's like trying to keep mosquitoes out with chicken netting; no, even better: harmonica wire.
Good or Bad? You Say It
Until it's decided otherwise, there'll be no savings in the most vital components of the constitutional state. Meaning police corps, customs, criminal investigation, public ministry, court of justice, coast guard, prisons and security.
Mark the Tax Person is not listed.
Not News
Most, 23 out of 42, government entities have not conformed to the Code Corporate Governance, we're told now. They've only has since 2010 to comply, but mon, that's work.
Who Cares What He Says
Willemstad bishop Secco asks Holland's PM Rutte for solidarity as well. They keep using that word, don't they? It's not a luxury but a necessity, the bishop says. So the Dutch government, which at least has a semblance of integrity, must be solidary with the corrupt gang here.
Why don't you shut up, bish? Nobody listens to you anyway.
Great Timing!
St. Maarten wants to enlarge the spoiled brats' pensions with 11%. I didn't bother to click to read the rest.
Try Not to Laugh; It's Easy
One of the things Finance minister Gijs & Bertha uttered was, "persons and companies that have made tax arrangements must comply again." Oh, and of course, not only direct taxes will go up. All taxes will go up, to put it in a nutshell.
Good Question
PAR MP Obispo wants to see how much money has gone to Selikor since the monthly tax went up from 20 to 35 guilders. So would we.
Tough, Kids
The 1st of July is a flop for tourism; it's expected they won't return en masse before end this year. By then, and I quote their own expectations (evenespecially if they may be lying through their teeth) most hotels will be out of business. Families cancel their planned trips.
Problem is, other than Aruba and Bonaire, all kids coming over have to be tested and the poor babies find this a "traumatic experience", say their GPs. Well, I think it more traumatic to get the Virus.
December doesn't look so good, either.
There It Comes Again
Minister Gijs & Bertha, even he, finally sees that the money will be finished in September. He's talking again about a "solidarity levy". Translation: we have to show our solidarity with our no-good Gang of Goons, while they go on enjoying their fat salaries. It's the old and boring song. Taxes will go up to bring more money into the empty coffers.
You know, Gijs & Bertha, when nobody makes money you can charge them a higher tax percentage but that won't result in more money flowing in. Got that, or shall I explain more slowly?
He is mentioning government bonds and things like that as well. As if anybody would buy them.
There's nothing left to do but accepts Knops's conditions and thus save something from the ruins you built. Got that? I don't even have to explain again: it's as transparent as you love saying you are.
50 people from what's by now called the CAS-islands, replacing the former ABC, are protesting in an open letter against the, let's call them, Knops measures. They call themselves "intellectuals", I wouldn't know why; they may be that but that doesn't necessarily mean they're intelligent. Several Römers are on the list, interesting.
"With reference to the Dutch role in colonialism and slavery, the group demands that the own identity, feelings, dignity, opinions, self-determination and autonomy of the Caribbean communities must be respected." They make me tired. The Caribbean politicians, they mean maybe?
At any rate, not to worry: it's to no avail. Wanna bet?
For once, they're not all of them living in Holland.
So What?
PAR ex-minister Alcalá-Wallé, who had to leave her post because of having fiddled with the screening law, is now trying to get a seat in parliament. Just like that. Her party can't stop her as she was voted in, personally, during the last elections.
Water: Update
Aqualectra has set the water price for auntie Sushi's new project at 3.50 guilders/m3. So an amateur farmer with a 50m2 plot for vegetables would spend about 100 guilders/month on water alone. For the farmer this is feasible. But how much impact will this really have on the import of fruits and vegetables ad 160 million/year?
Count On It
Staatssecretaris Knops says the islands must make haste with their plans for a new consensus kingdom law, so that a start can be made with the Caribbean reform entity; which, for now, only Aruba seems to have accepted.
The entity will work for 5 to 7 years. That's telling 'em, Knops. But really, the man is very polite, reasonable and tactful.
The reform entity is supposed to keep a check on the way our Gang of Goons freely has been, still does and hopefully will stop throwing our money away. Or, as is widely suspected, stealing it.
Reading between the lines, Knops took my advice; without even having read it. 2020-07-11
Aruba Wised Up
After having thrown all their tantrums, Curaçao and St. Maarten keep rejecting Holland's conditions for a new loan. Aruba's PM wants a couple of weeks to increase internal support.
My prediction? In a couple of weeks Curaçao and St. Maarten will eat pie and climb down from their high and mighty standpoint and accept the conditions as well. Knops just has to wait for a while.
Why this spectacle, then? As if many of us don't agree with Knops, but with our phooey leaders.
Acting Tough—Again
The government has given the Kresh Group time to July 14 to provide total clarity on their refinery plans. If not, the negotiations will be stopped. "Our patience has gone." I'm sure Kresh is shaking in his boots.
What then? Pinhead Martina says, "we'll start negotiating with other interested parties." He doesn't mention any. Well, neither could I, let's face it.
Asking for It
Aruba is expecting 4000 USA tourists this weekend; also from Florida.
Tip for Knops
PAR PM Bhillenaath reports from The Hague that no decision has been taken on the next loan from Holland. But it was a good conversation, he said, and he hopes on results in one of the next few weeks. Aruba's PM is still fighting the Dutch club.
Here's the tip for Knops: just don't give the money to our government! Instead, establish an institute like you planned to anyway, and distribute the money privately.
I know it won't work, somebody has to sign promises it will be paid back. But what's the worth of our government signing promises, anyway? And at least, then you'll know it will go to the purpose it's meant for.
More Bad News
If they're in trouble, it's really getting serious... MCB Maduro-Curiel's Bank announces 5 branch offices and 7 ATMs will close down. But no personnel has been fired. So far.
If you live in Banda'bao, tough; the Barber office will be closed, so you'll have to take a bus or drive for 20 minutes (and back) to do business with MCB.
Help Catch Them
The police have released a video on which rioters, vandals and looters are clearly recognizable. Plus car license numbers. They are requested to come report themselves, and everybody is requested to report them if they recognize any of the rioters.
Somebody commented, "it's obvious they're civil servants, just look at those bellies." Also, the grins and sheer joy of running amok of those guys is obvious. Protesting, my arse.
Come September
Wasn't that a movie title? (Looks good.) What I meant is, if Holland doesn't pay up the government's money will be finished and they'll have to borrow from our central bank CBCS.
This is serious: payments of civil servant salaries, pension contributions and payments to the SVB social bank as well as subsidies and benefits will then stop.
FYI, SVB handles health insurance and welfare pensions.
Over 2600 Dutch tourists have arrived already since July 1; at least, 2600 tourists have arrived from Holland.
Hold your breath when you're near one.
Aruba expects 2800 this weekend alone; includes USA tourists.
First Time?
All Arubian political parties agree; maybe for the first time in history. They even had a meeting where they were all present.
This stinks. Now there's no free money coming anymore, suddenly they can talk.
Throwing Temper Tantrum
Our PAR PM Bhillenaath (for how much longer? good question) has left for Holland to throw yet another tantrum. This time, he's angry because Dutch Knops suddenly presented him with an all new set of conditions, with only 4 days to discuss it with his rogue cabinet and his just as rogue parliament.
Only, those same conditions were known since May already, as not only ex-minister and MP Leeflang subtly reminded him, and us. We're not being told: conditions are still kept secret. Hey, doesn't concern us after all, right?
Others deny this; who the hell knows?
Rijksministerraad [kingdom minister council] meeting where Aruba PM will be present as well is tomorrow morning. St. Maarten's PM is aloof and won't go; maybe she's more realistic. Just maybe.
Hold Your Laughter
Parliament has agreed to spend 25 million guilders on the mangrove wood, roads in there and expanding the sewage system. Ain't that great? Only, unless the Kingdom agrees to send more money, there's no money to execute all that.
Free Water!
A 400 hectare (1,000 acres) terrain at St. Joris has been reserved for horticulture. Only, water is too expensive. So they'll get it against lower tariffs, which means the rest of us will paystillmore. We're not told what tariffs—of course not! Too much knowledge is dangerous—for auntie. Tellingly, pinhead Martina signed the necessary documents as well.
Hobbyists get a terrain of 50-100m2 to grow their own veggies. 1 hectare of horticulture asks for more than 30m3 of water/ha per day, probably closer to 50. At current Aqualectra household minimum household price, that's 500 guilders per day, easy. A "hobbyist" growing on 50m2 would have to pay more than 10 guilders/day, at present prices. That's a lot of money for a day's supply of vegetables, not even counting seeds, fertilizer, irrigation pipes, fencing and all. Unless, of course, you get it cheaper; or better still, steal the water and use it in your own household. Plenty of ways to use it: flushing toilets, washing cars... don't need to go on. Be creative!
More interesting is, auntie Sushi sees possibilities here for cannabis growers. As if they need cheap water!
Complaints Filed All Around
Now K*NT Mènki Rojer has got one (unknown) person after him, for inciting to riots. Rojer wrote on Fakebooc: "They must be liquidated and filleted. Cut throats and throw them on the ground." Talking about the cabinet, I presume?
He went to the police on his own and was let go. He said he was "quoting someone else".
No Way!
The cabinet doesn't agree with the conditions Holland puts for the third soft loan. It comes to a total of only 1 billion €uros for all islands, so that's sheer pettiness of the Dutch. It's the end of our democracy and our autonomy! It wrecks havoc with the Statuut! Coalition parties describe it as a motion of distrust; they got that straight.
Auba and St. Maarten are against as well; that is to say, the politicians.
Knops has already announced, "take it or leave it."
According to PAR PM Bhillenaath, the top salaries of SOEs have already been adapted to 130% max. of his own, per July 1st this year. I'm really curious what creative accounting trick has been used there.
Doesn't matter what Bhillie thinks, the spoiled brats, the ones really in power, repeat that they won't agree with the 12.5% cut. So all deals are off anyway.
The refusal to accept Dutch terms will result in no 10 million for education, nor for the mangrove wood. Thanks, Bhillie.
Interestingly, we read that Knops told Bhillie about this on May 12, but Bhillie only now told parliament. Can't check this, not really.
The Sting
Of course the government doesn't want the Dutch to have a control mechanism installed here. The whole stinking cesspool of the last 65 years, since the Statuut, will be broken open and the smell will come out, for everybody to enjoy.
Let's Poll Here
3 out of 4 Arubians say they're glad when Holland takes control analog to Cft financial supervision. Nobody has asked us here, though. Not that it has helped us or St. Maarten much, either.
Note, it's in fact worthless as a poll because it's a free-participation thing on FakeBooc.
So That's Why
People have started wondering what pinhead Martina has such a large head for. It can't be because of his brains, as he hasn't enough to fill that void. Here's the answer: it's because his big fat mouth has to fit in there.
He now says that, if the loan from Holland is canceled, it's easy for the government to get the money elsewhere. We just sell bonds!
To whom? Whom to? Here's an idea: China!
Oh Jeez, Pleez!
Auntie Sushi accuses Holland of neo-colonialism and a "WIC (West-Indische Compagnie) mentality" because they don't want to give money away just like that, without stringent conditions. Sure auntie; won't you please shut up, go home and countyourour money?
Lock Him Up!
Ex M*F*K PM Shorty now has been given the choice by court: pay back the 1.8 million guilders (1 million dollars) he made disappear, or spend 3 more years in jail.
All the time he insisted he could not possibly pay up. Let's see.
Tasteless? Disgusting!
Of course the suggestion came from an ornery tourism developer: as we have the oldest still functioning synagogue on the island, why not append an annex Anne Frankhuis and make some more money by attracting tourists?
Remember: back in 1959 Audrey Hepburn refused to play Anne in George Stevens's production The Diary of Anne Frank. She did not want to earn money playing her.
It largely ruined the movie because Stevens had Millie Perkins play Anne as he thought Audrey would have played her. Impossible and embarrassing, of course.
Out of Their Minds
Hato airport wants to increase the international airport tax, already very high, to $210 per departing passenger. It's $42 now; the average over the world is $40.
Good for tourism!
PAX to AUA and SXM would have to start paying $150; to BON $75. Why the distinction is not explained.
Hear Them Squeak
The new measures introduced by Holland yesterday corrode our fundamental rights as established in the Statuut, impair our democracy and do not agree with our laws. Says our government. They're nice ones to talk. What laws?
"Implementation will drastically affect our country's wellbeing and stability." Hey, that might just be the idea: scratch "country's" and insert "politicians'".
Go to Court
Go directly to court! Aqualectra and RdK refinery have a problem; Aqualectra thinks RdK should pay 'em some 8 million guilders, but RdK, naturally, thinks not. Judgment August 17.
Feels Fine
Dutch Staatssecretaris Knops is working on a proposal to take even more power away from the islands. There should come an entity to keep more control not only on the loans, but also on the Growth Accord, and more. The same entity could also lend money to private instances.
Bhillenaath will hold a press conference about it this morning. Won't help, Billie.
Le Mot Juste
According to Curaçao Chronicle, pinhead Martina didn't say "The Hague acts if we're all corrupt"—he said "pretends". But that's a translation as well; indicating pinhead ascribes bad intentions to Holland.
One traveler from AMS to CUR was refused because his test result didn't come out. The rumor was, two had been refused because they tested positive, which caused a panic.
Rekenkamer audit office produced 6 (six) reports last year, but Staten/parliament didn't bother to look at more than 1 (one). This while 2 (two) of them were produced at the specific request of Staten.
The 'forgotten' reports were among others on CMC new hospital and Parliament's yearly accounts.
Who to Thank?
Izzy, I guess. We were one of the first countries that closed the borders for international traffic; much against the wishes of Bhillenaath c.s. I must add. On March 14, which was 4 days before Israel, one of the first as well, did the same. Long before the USA and Italy.
Just Returns
It was not only auntie Sushi who not so long ago was yelling that we needed twice as many inhabitants. You see, they'd pay twice as much taxes. If you'd collect them, that is. And from twice as much money, you presumably can siphon off twice as much for... whatever. She never took the trouble to consider what to do with, naming just one, the over-crowded roads.
Would be very ironic if people started to leave en masse now. If they don't, that might very well be because auntie has left instead.
Not So Fast?
Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten say the Kingdom wants reforms much too fast. At least, our governments say so.
We say, it has taken much too long already!
And the spoiled brats' trade unions here agree with the government. Of course. In fact they are the government.
The Focking Limit
The story is, those guys with top salaries? They will go to court to keep them and not go down to 130% of what Bhillenaath makes.
Sorry, Bopec
The Bonaire oil terminal, as you might say abandoned by PdVSA, will have to be empty and closed in October. Dutch Knops said ["firmly"]: 'Bopec does not receive state aid. Retaining employment is not a task for the national government.'
But Knops guarantees a supply of fuel for energy generation.
Let It Go
I am not going to bore you with all the weak excuses both PAR PM Bhillenaath, auntie Sushi and even Antilliaans Dagblad think they should come up with for the money they don't have but need to borrow. It's not their fault, they're doing so fine, blah & blah! But Holland has the temerity to ask even more, and more.
You know, better we say "Let them go!"
Six Years Later
What was almost standard in Israel 2014, we finally have achieved here. Thanks to the Virus! but we could have used it it long before that.
Watch Them Come Now
Looks like the USA plans to confiscate 4 tankers loaded with gasoline, on their way from Iran to Venezuela. The shipment violates sanctions against Iran; a former shipment was permitted. Of course, Iran protests this is illegal and must be stopped.
The result will be that conditions in Venezuela will get even worse (remember, that's always possible) and more people will try to come over here.
Pinhead Martina says that the period of negative stress caused by the Virus is over. Not everybody would agree. He was spouting at the occasion of TUI reopening flights. Now it's time for "positive stress" he says.
What's he on? you have to ask yourself.
You'll Never Guess
The fast ferry between Aruba and Curaçao won't come. You'll never guess why: there's no money.
That's pretty strange, as pinhead Martina brags that there are several companies interested in running it. But another story sounds more believable: it's because Martina recently replaced McWilliam as minister that "insufficient attention" was given to the project.
Our Future? Canceled
That would be thanks to intervention by Holland; ironically enough the drugs capital of Europe. But for us, in a vise between Venezuela and the Virus, otherwise the future would go in the same direction. If we aren't far gone already.
And how about Tourism, you ask. Sucker! You know as well as I do, many tourists come here to enjoy low coke prices.
It happened in Santo Domingo, an island generally considered friendly. That has turned into a narco-regime as well. The Modern Revolution Party candidate and her husband have been arrested in an operation by La Vega Prosecutor's Office, which also confiscated hundreds of documents that compromise their criminal liability, 2 helicopters, an undetermined amount of cash, several properties in real estate valued at hundreds of millions of pesos and dozens of high-end vehicles. The party's presidential candidate... why go on? Read it all here. Sounds only too familiar.
Yes But
A petition "Nederland, laat Curaçao niet stikken" [Holland, don't abandon Curaçao] has been started at It has collected 552 signatures; not mine. Even though the initiator takes care to explain that this should not be taken as requesting support for the Bhillenaath government, she does ask to retract the measures and thus enable our government to implement reforms.
She ought to understand there's no way they'll do that, and we get that confirmed on a daily base; by our leaders themselves.
Watch the Mosquitos!
The Corendon Hotel, where the Holiday Beach after the Holiday Inn resided, has been opened. Softly, whatever that means; makes me think of that song Killing me softly, sorry. It now has 399 rooms, which will grow to 800 beginning next year. They don't say how many guests it has now.
The hotel is situated next to the mangrove wood.
Lucky Number
Selikor workers held a peaceful demonstration in Willemstad. They made a tour around Fort Amsterdam, circling it 7 times. Good luck kids!
This is referring to the Jericho story in the bible. But Fòrti's walls didn't fall downeither.
Look Who's Talkin'!
Pinhead Martina comes with the remark : "The Hague acts as if we're all corrupt."
So do we think, if he means the politicians; he might as well include many spoiled brats. But some of them may not be corrupt; like, in education?
Maybe, just maybe, PAR PM Bhillenaath is not corrupt; some people still give him the benefit of the doubt. And maybe some others. But if Bhillenaath is not a criminalyet, he is criminally naïve.
Martina promises an "extreme budget discipline". That would be a change for sure. Then, he "guarantees" the loans will be paid back in ten years, "or so". By that time, he himself will hopefully be out of politics.
Not So Fast
Our government does want to reform (they say) only not so fast as the Dutch want them to.
Like, a century from now?
And PAR PM Bhillenaath wants "more consultation" with Holland.
Now That?!
Dutch staatssecretaris Knops says that not all spoiled brats' salaries have to be cut by 12.5%, as long as the total post comes down. So go ahead swindlers, cut the garbage men's salaries and go on collecting.
Instead, Knops may have meant only top salaries have to be cut, not the garbage men's. Be careful with what you tell those scoundrels, Knops! They'll go out of their way to "misunderstand".
Educators Strike
They think more must be invested in education, instead of a cut. Good point; if only we could be sure it would be used wisely.
Interestingly, a teacher writes in KKC that the teachers' salaries here are generally higher than in other parts of the kingdom.
Let us hope we'll never have to use it: Emergency Law. Finally? Well, some have taken longer... much longer. This one dates only from 2018.
Our Wise Leaders have chosen to follow the St. Maarten legislation instead of the Dutch one, which "is difficult to understand".
No Comment.
Bad Luck
Newly reopened KLM and TUI flights were full, but 80% of the passengers stay with family or friends. ("Tourists", huh?) So the hotels might as well, better, close down anyway. And, what about Virus control?
They still hope that will change, though. Sure.
"We Can Do It"
Said PAR PM Bhillenaath at the Dia di Bandera festivities. "We're a strong people and know how to work together." One thing's for sure: we all know what he can do. And take your goons along, okay?
Bhillenaath has the chutzpah to refer to the discontinued food packets as an example of how strong we are. Not a cent was supplied by the government; it was all private initiative.
That's Half Done
The people of the islands must now sacrifice, and the government must show leadership, says staatssecretaris Knops. Well, the first part has been arranged long since. As for part 2, we have our doubts.
Dutch parliament will not decide today on more support, but Knops will present his new conditions next week before parliament starts the summer break. As for now, PMs tend to be just as pissed off about the "prominents'" letter as we are.
And the spoiled brats' trade unions still hope for "a solution out of the Hague". Grow up, brats.
But let us be honest, the situation here is still not nearly comparable to Tchad, Zimbabwe or Nigeria. To name but a few. Our leaders have a long way to go yet!
Peace and Quiet
It's the Dia di Bandera or Flag Day, so no media are appearing. But there's plenty left-overs from yesterday. Have a nice day and don't fret too much.
Remember Those Two?
They were arrested for public violence, destruction, sedition and arson. Turns out, one of them is board member of BTG, government workers' trade union.
The spoiled brats' trade unions once again declare that there's no way they will accept Dutch conditions; but minister Kroket thinks they do not think, as he does, that Holland will keep to those conditions. And then what? Those unions have another meeting next Monday; which is probably too late: Dutch parliament meets on this tomorrow.
Shameless Crooks
The garbage collectors' salaries will be cut to arrive at the 12.5% demanded by Holland. But those spoiled brats with top salaries, some over a million/year, don't have to worry: they'll keep them until June 1, 2022. This has been decided by the rakers in the government.
They really want to keep squeezing till there's not a drop left. Judging from reactions in KKC, there's a lot of resentment and people express the hope, like I do, that Holland just won't go for it. July 3 is the day of Dutch parliament discussions. To quote staatssecretaris Knops and make us feel some hope:
"There are very large income differences and there's too little tax paid. Top salaries must be reduced, the tax authorities must be overhauled, the economy must be 'more diverse' than tourism or the oil industry. [All] things that should have taken place [long ago]."
"There's no room for delay."
Please Shut Up and Go Home
Ex-PM Maria Liberia-Peters comes out from under her stone to tell us Isla refinery should sign an agreement with PdVSA, if only for one year". That will help; we all know PdVSA hasn't delivered any crude oil here for, as I remember, longer than that. Nor could they.
He's Complaining?!
PAR PM Bhillenaath complains that the reactions from Holland "weaken his position". As if his has any strength at all. He wants a "righteous approach" to the problems without "compulsion". He makes me sick. If only we'd gotten that from him.
PIN (that's auntie Sushi's party) Calmes has asked his Dutch colleagues for "solidarity and understanding":—which we all hope he'll get, only some more than he bargained for. Meanwhile, here K*NT has asked parliament head Millerson to investigate Calmes's travel to a Traffic Safety fair in Holland, only he never went there; instead he flew on to London and had some fun there hopefully, so our money was not wasted.
Number Six
Monki, K*NT, has filed the sixth complaint against auntie Sushi. This one also concerns the screening law.
Not only that, the companies where she took her leave, too late, were Blue Factor and Blue Liaison, both having to do with the PSB problems.
Hear, Hear
Writes Curaçao Chronicle: "... the only way to relaunch travel is to guarantee safety for travelers." "Until we have a vaccine any guarantee of safety is a hoax and will remain a hoax."
We also have a new Virus case. A good start for the reopening of tourism. We can only hope epidemiologist Izzy is as good as his word. El Al canceled all flights. Just saying.
Pick 'em Up!
Police have arrested 2 more guys, both 40, for taking part in last weeks' riots. For public violence, destruction, sedition and arson. Nice list, huh?
Many more ought to follow.
The spoiled brats' union's proposals will not lead to a 12.5% salary shrink. So the government wants more meetings and discussions.
To what avail? Rub their noses in the hard facts (and kick them hard while you're at it).
Prick Pisas Protests
Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant wrote about Pisas, that he "possibly by accident" was present at the start of the riots. He wants a rectification because that's "incorrect, careless, misleading and therefore illegal". Are you really curious if he'll get one?
Look at it This Way
Parliament members get a salary of 14,000 guilders per year. That will now be cut with 25%, which will be achieved by several measures leaving the salaries intact.
Which means they in practice didn't get paid 14,000 but 17,500 guilders per month.
We now have 25 Virus cases, all import. We're not told the dates of the latest infections. Today the border opens.
Now That
After weeks of protest against the shrinking of education the government announces that, if you put it that way... nothing has been decided yet. Quality must be enhanced, is what they're working on. They want "more efficiency but that shouldn't be at the expense of quality".
Good luck!
The teachers plan yet another demonstration against cuts next Friday. If you see me there, please thrown a stone at me.
Haven't Checked
I read that at Kranshi civil register there are rows of people wanting to check out before leaving the island. Can't guarantee it's true; we'll know soon enough.
As long as there are plenty of spoiled brats in that mix.
Why Not We?
Virus-free Taiwan proudly announces they will have a Gay Pride Parade for the World! Come enjoy! Here, just as virus-free up to now, it has been canceled.
I won't miss it, not really.
More Military, Less Arson
That tells it all.
Cops are still going around arresting inciters, rioters and looters.
Surprise? Not Really
Staten/parliament accepted a 25% salary cut demanded by Holland. That is to say, transport costs of ANG600 will be cut, and so will vacation money and representation cost for 500 guilders. The base salary will be cut as well, only we're not told by how much.
Now for the spoiled brats.
K*NT dos Diablos told the other MPs that they could very well let go 50% of their salaries; there'd be more than enough left over. We can only agree. Finally, the 2 K*NT votes were counted as invalid because they wouldn't say what they'd accept.
The cut will not last for more than a year. Shortsighted selfish bastids—they still don't get it.
Not Yet
The dreaded avalanche of tourists from Holland will not start on July 1st. Hotels count on 20-25% occupation. Max. It has nothing to do with the riots, they say. September-October will be the months they expect the White Niagara to start.
Aruba Doesn't Like It
Dutch Staatssecretaris Knops last weekend told Aruba that they will get a CFT [financial supervision] as well; or no more money. Says MEP MP Wever-Croes, "I find it improper and I don't understand."
On the other hand, we do understand all too well.
Wever-Croes says "we will not, like Curaçao and St. Maarten, allow a foreign power to destroy our economy." She's right, Aruba and the others don't need Holland for that; they've destroyed their own economy without any outside help.
Holland a foreign power? My my.
Good. Fine. Great.
Dutch PM Rutte will not change direction after the letter sent by "prominent people". He says it's not government shrinkage; the money just has to arrive at the proper places.
I read that "most" of the signers of that letter have second residences in Curaçao.
Did the government actually plan, for once, to reopen the airport for tourists while the second Virus wave is showing its teeth? "Swift and dangerous." How like them, sorta sums it up.
No Money, No More Meals
The warm meal distribution prepared for the poorest in society will stop. There's no more money.
Up to now, 18,000 meals have been prepared and distributed, worth ANG150K, mainly financed by catering wholesaler DeliNova.
You'd think the government, with all those loans from Holland, might have taken care of that. You'd be wrong.
Keep Those Meetings Going
Our Great Leaders don't have an inkling. They're still negotiating with the spoiled brats' unions, while these have declared several times they will not accept the Dutch conditions (12.5% less payment). Go on wasting your time and our money, like you're used to. Just like we are.
That's Interesting, Maybe
The appliance shop Bon Prijs [good price] that was fired by rioters, is the main competitor of M*F*K Dos Diablos's shop Gosel. Must be a coincidence. The owner emptied the stockroom before it was ruined.
No More Riots
Well, "largely". 27 more cases of arson and VKC (volunteer corps CUR) has been shooting guns near the van Dis fuel station in Brievengat. They wanted to talk to a guy in a car, but he got away. Next a guy close by that car was harassed, but he turned out to be a member of the fire brigade. There were complaints about the VKC's coarse language; fireman's family members and bystanders say it's a miracle nobody got hurt.
Nothing about all this in the official reports, and no mention or comments by the police. Apologize? The idea!
Too Bad, Bhillie
PAR PM Bhillenaath does not agree with Knops' idea to stop the Growth Accord. That's tough, Bhillie. Swallow your medicine and shut up. Please?
A bunch of "prominent" people living in Holland have written a letter to the Dutch government not be be too hard on our poor Great Leaders (sob), who can't help it that they have had hurricanes and no oil industry and now no tourism.
Let us hope the Dutch won't listen to these damnfoolscrooks and put a stop to what has been going on here for ten, or fifty, or even more years. Well, that hope has been fulfilled: Dutch government sticks to the requirements.
That Will Help
There'll be a special parliament meeting on the riots, and M*F*K has announced they'll submit a motion of no confidence. Against themselves?
And the newly installed parliament president advocates restoration of the public order. How, she doesn't say. My advice has been heard before: "Lock 'em up!"
And not because of the Virus: not only businesses in Punda and Pietermaai were closed today; the entire neighborhood has been closed for people who don't live there. But justice minister Girigorie didn't think it necessary to prolong the curfew.
Aw, Just Redu
Rumors are that the rioting horde will proceed to Nos Futuro prison this afternoon to liberate, you'll never guess, ex-PM M*F*K Shorty.
I shouldn't wonder, really. Buf if they'll succeed, woe is us.
There have been 120 cases of arson, 55 people have been arrested and leader Mutueel is still in prison for 8 days of imprisonment before trial.
Police guy Zwerver speaks about "terrorism" but justice minister Girigorie says they're groups of paid "criminals"; I thought terrorists were criminals anyway.
Police are checking videos and photos circulating on "social" media. Those *$$es (I don't mean the cops) freely record themselves looting and destroying and then proudly upload the sorry results, turning themselves into sittings ducks. No wonder the cops predict "many more arrests will follow".
Photographers have been threatened to stop taking pictures.
M*F*K Denies
M*F*K party denies allegations that they have anything to do with the riots. The idea! Too bad that one of the main instigators, Raisa Francisco, was on their election list in 2017. But Raisa says she's left the party in 2018.
Still, in a film of her own she, with Mudbelly Cooper, she calls up people to join thedemonstrationsriots: "Go to Forti. It has to happen now. It's a matter of life and death. Curaçao is for Yu di Kòrsou." So they can ruin it some more.
So Are We
Dutch PM Rutte is "concerned" about the situation here. He says Curaçao needs to be reformed, just like Italy and Spain. Gee, he finally noticed; we knew it all the time. Since 1969, in fact. And staatssecretaris Knops ended the Groeiaccoord [growth accord] our PM Bhillenaath only yesterday was still going on about.
Dutch parliament is "worried", how nice of them.
Here Come the Marines
Military personnel are deployed to support our proud Police Corps, at the request of PAR PM Bhillenaath c.s. Police from Aruba and Bonaire have been flown in as well.
I hope they check those for the Virus.
Ad Hominem
One of my faithful readers, of which there are preciously few, took exception to my remarking on Greta Thunberg's lack of mammary glands. I gently tried explaining that I couldn't let it go (it's quite remarkable, right?) because that girl in her foolishness went on a hunger strike at age 14 and thus ruined her body, and now wants us to follow her foolish advise. And I added I blamed her parents most.
Nevertheless, I'll stop refraining to Greta and her glands, or lack of them. They bore me anyway.
Blame Holland
After 10 years of worthless government, the last 3 years led by himself, PAR PM Bhillenaath says Holland plays a role in the present discontent. He "feels pain in his soul", poor baby. I feel pain, er... elsewhere.
It's Started
The first annulments of Curaçao vacations are coming in already.
K*NT Mènki Rojer thinks the kabinet should not die; no, "they must be liquidated or shot dead. Their throats must be cut and they should be thrown down on the ground." But that's incitement! What does Rojer know about the law, anyway, you say; good point.
But in fact, come right down to it, as a layman I'd say that's treason. Off with his head!
But PAR PM Bhillenaath says he's really well aware of what's going on among the people. He doesn't act that way.
A group ofboy scoutsyouths showed up at justice minister Girigorie's home to throw stones. The Pedro Luis Brion school in the same neighborhood was burned down.
They want Mutueel, arrested leader of the riots, freed; and new elections. Mutueel's lawyer is Sulvaran, one of the Peppi & Kokki Team favored by Shorty. Please don't laugh.
Got that wrong, sorry: may be Sulvaran's daughter.
Half Mast
Private enterprises will fly the flag at half mast as from yesterday, to express their sorrow about the mindless destruction during the riots, resulting in tens of thousands of guilders damage. Despite the curfew (since extended), the fun went on at night. People threw stones at the fire brigade, who are working at full capacity with 9 fire alarms. Almost 100 rioters have been arrested.
Corendon announced they're back to accepting tourists per July as well. Only they book you for a certain place and then just put you in another one. Also, they test for the Virus; which they'll do in Holland as well after returning from, say, Turkey. But Holland isn't glad with that. It's just a snapshot which doesn't mean you won't show symptoms later.
Shat Hats Fin
From Post 5 at Isla Refinery a number of spoiled brats walked to downtown Willemstad, about 10 kms/5 miles, joined on the way by refinery, Selikor and Aqualectra workers. Kennedy Vrutaal of Asosashon di Curaçao Heavy Equipment joined them "to show them how you can protest peacefully". Famous last words.
Once the mob arrived at Fort Amsterdam it escalated pretty quickly, because PAR PM Bhillenaath, on advice of Security, refused to show himself. He did agree on seeing a 5-person delegation, but that wasn't good enough. The riffraff, who in my opinion quite rightly wants the government to step down—and then what?, was joined by opposition leaders Prick Pisas (M*F*K) and dos Diablos (K*NT), no doubt to lend their support. Windows were thrown in and ministers' cars were ruined. No matter, we'll pay for the damage. Police then wiped the Fort Amsterdam square, upon which the horde moved to other downtown locations, overturning a police car, smashing shop windows and firing planters and garbage containers. When they were driven away again, the throng moved to Otrabanda where more shop windows were broken and telephones and appliances were taken away. The canaille must have been watching footage of the recent USA and €uropean BLM riots.
I'd hate to be a shop-keeperthese days, wouldn't you? Many shops have decided to close down, ABC-buses are not riding today and ATMs are blocked. We also have a new curfew from 20:30-06:00.
They also tried a demonstration before the PAR-building in Saliña, but had to give up as there was nobody present in it. "Youths" joined the fun to loot around there, but were arrested at once.
Demonstration leader Mutueel blamed the police for what was planned as peaceful getting out of hand. He has been arrested.
Later, arson was committed in Otrabanda and Marchena plus 4 other locations.
Welcome, dear tourist! 1 week from now.
The police have had 50 guilders extra per hour, so for once they do their job. But chief Sambo has offered his resignation.
Hold That Sarcasm
The theme of the July 2 Dia di Bandera [Day of the Flag, in Dutch Vlaggetjesdag] this year will be self-sustainability. Look who's talking: PAR PM Bhillenaath.
No Money...
UTS telecommunications has cut off the phone lines of Sowa (social development) BPD (government, planning and service) and Customs. They haven't paid their bills.
Makes no difference to us, they never pick up their phones anyway.
Educators protest that their pay shouldn't be cut, not by 12.5% like the rest, but certainly not the entire budget by 18%. Some, maybe many, of them pay food for the pupils and other stuff. They have now applied for help to Holland. If I were Dutch I'd say, "fer crying out loud, stop teaching in Papiamentu—now. Will save you lots of money."
They'd say it in Dutch of course, so by now the question is if our educators would even get the message.
About Selikor
Please explain: not so long ago they even published a book telling us how good they were, then last year the tariffs for home garbage pick-ups were almost doubled from 20 to 35 guilders/month, and now we hear that they have no money?
That's easy: Selikor is supposed to get paid 54 million by the government right now.
Say, Interesting
Read in a 1961 book on Curaçao Hydrology, by P.C. Henriquez, that "Food produced by irrigation is much too expensive for animals bred for meat. Moreover, as irrigation water is so scarce, only a limited number of head could be kept alive in this way."
So much for MAN pinhead Martina and his grandiose plans to keep 1000 cows here. They were supposed to arrive last year, but it never happened.
One Question
The Titless Wonder, Greta Thunberg, has visited Australia. Nobody tells us how she got there, and back.
A big deal was made of her travel, and back, to the USA: she went on a plastic (=oil) sailing yacht and came back on a Diesel-driven boat because she didn't want to pollute the atmosphere using fossil fuels by flying.
You know, I really think she's really crazy. Just an opinion.
Uh Oh
On July 1, the border will be reopened. That is to say, for Dutchies and people living in several other European countries. Which ones, we're not told.
Relax a bit, epidemiologist Izzy Gersthenbluth says that if 1 Virus-patent comes in the borders will be closed back. I hope that's correct.
Meanwhile, all those hotels threatening they'd have to close if the airport wasn't opened before then are are still open. But now the restaurants are complaining that they need government support; or half of them will close.
This sort of behavior made the Dutch give Horecaf (hotel-restaurant business exploiters) the sobriquet horecaffers: a pun on the name and kaffir, the islam name for infidel turned into a swear word for "stupid black".
Watch Your Ass, Auntie!
Auntie Sushi has asked for protection because of various threats made against her. This is as she's thought to have made millions on a suspect bank deal.
We also read that the "Blue Factor" debt collection company, involved in that deal but safely sold by auntie, has now been declared bankrupt.
The Kresh Group take-over of Isla Refinery was planned for June 31; butwhenas that's not gonna happen, it will be December 31.
You think?
Selikor tells us all that, as the government does not pay what it's supposed to, they will shrink their services. Like road cleaning; and you'll have to pay for picked-up bulky waste.
That's easy, throw it in the mondi [bush] as many of us do anyway.
How times change! A few years ago they were bragging they were doing so well.
Changed Their Minds
While the roman catholic church was one of the pushers behind Campo Alegre, now the pastors are against it and want to forbid all prostitution. (They got themselves quite a job there.) They say prostitution fosters criminality, and certainly have a well-proven point there. They also say it advances homosexuality; to which you can reply "so what" or "huh?" to taste.
Sure, Campo did have a "ladies' night" which sounds pretty homosexual to me.
Not Very Much
The arctic cruise ship Resolute has been auctioned off for $600,000 only. That's not very much. Maybe because Venezuela has seized the ship? At least tried to, I wouldn't know.
That's Too Bad
53% of the restaurants they have to close in 3 to 6 months if (here it comes, you'll never guess) they don't get government support. 17% say they will close within a month.
So give them the money, right? After all, Holland is giving us millions upon millions, just like that; and otherwise, it will go to the spoiled brats.
Big Deal?
CTB will be turned into CTA, Curaçao Tourism Authority. So who cares, even if they say it's very important. And we even care less that it's been delayed by the Virus.
We Think We Know Why, Auntie
Both national resources Margué(rite) Nahar and Dick Drayer write good and clear articles on why auntie Sushi is spouting rubbish to ensure that she can't get caught on her manipulations. But we can take that as read: of course auntie feels the coming storm and is desperately trying to protect herself. Worst part is, she may well succeed with this bunch of crooks.
Stands for Kòrsou un Munisipio Ulandes Nobo [Curaçao a new Dutch municipality]; a new movement that wants to explore that possibility. It is emphasized that it's not political. So far so good.
Like a Flash!
The first 8 houses on Wechi will be ready "soon". Building of the rest of the houses will start "at short notice". No dates are mentioned, nor how many "the rest" means.
That's fast! Remember how FOØL Godett had the terraincleaneddenuded of practically all vegetation in 2008? Who knows how much he made on the deal! By now it's so long ago, you can hardly see anymore it ever happened.
They Well Might
Isla refinery contractors "demand clarity" on what's going to happen. Which I can follow. All contracts expire this month.
But if there's anybody who can supply that clarity is another question.
Only Marks on Paper
Those top salaries in SOEs? The Bhillenaath-norm where they may not earn more than 130% of his salary is just a code; there's no way to force them to apply it.
Shrinking and Shrinking
The economy will shrink somewhat more, with 23%. The 2019 level, which was nothing to write home about anyway, will not be reached again until 2023.
If then, you're so right. It's only what IMF says. Because they're not so smart there: they seem to think a gift from Holland would be better than a loan. Really? If it's a gift our Great Leaders will spend it before you can blink.
Last estimate was by CBCS: a shrink of 18.6% this year.
They Can't Help It
The Curaçao Tourist Development Foundation has taken on a new manager, Pinedo. They can't, there are rules. Who cares? Worst is, there's a possible conflict of interest as the guy works for another setup as well. Those outfits just do these things...
More on Popo
People living there started complaining, but in fact illegit building activities have been going on there for some time already. Rumors are that building permits have been given out, regardless of legality, after building had started..
Getting Cute
The government has appointed ten contractors to fix defects in private houses. Total value 300,000 guilders.
No public tender, are you kidding?
If You Put It That Way
The parliament meeting on the screening law had to be adjourned for two hours because it turned into an even more vulgar brawl than we take for granted. There's a concept motion introduced, which was written by auntie Sushi herself. Remember the screening law "must" be adapted because of her malversations, alleged or not. But auntie says there's nothing wrong with that, as she's a lawyer herself.
More debates will follow, is to be expected. I expectorate.
It Just Goes On
The water catchment area of Popo is being filled up with diabase, transported there by a series of giant trucks. Amigu di Tera is worried because this may mean a water nuisance for houses downstream.
It goes without saying this is illegal and a first step to building on that diabase; also illegal, sure.
In That Case
The spoiled brats' unions still won't accept the 12.5% salary cut, even if their members will. They have a new proposal, but even MAN minister Kroket figured out that it is not conform the promises our government made to Holland.
What Say, Maduro?
The FOL forces from USA will be temporarily expanded with 150 people, because there's an increase in drug transports. They're not after Maduro, what made him think that? But he does seem to have to do with those drug transports.
So, What About Carnaval?
Seu harvest festival (what harvest?) has been canceled for this year, and probably next as well. The Virus, you know.
So what about our Great Cultural Manifestation? There's no money for that anyway, the way things are going. But tourists! Boy, will they get infected.
That'll Teach Her?
There are now 5 complaints filed against auntie Sushi. I know, all by Monki from Hustisia pa Un i Tur [justice for all] and K*NT, which makes you stop and think. Still, the complaints make a pretty solid impression, no surprise.
Something in That
Many share the opinion that all the public protests and semi-riots are controlled by ex-PM Shorty from jail. Lock him up! Oh, we did that already. Take his phone away!
Bullenbaai & Isla
Oil prices keep going up and a spike is expected next year; for what that's worth. Let's hope the Refinery won't spend all our money on fixing the terminal!
We've now been told Isla will fire 400 workers and keep 500+ at half salary; well, part of them will go on full-time..
Good, Fine, Even Great
The hurricane season, contrary to earlier expectations, will be less severe than usual. Because of the enormous quantities of Sahara dust. Hey, I'm no expert, look it up for yourself.
Then again, this is nothing more than another prediction.
Blow Me Down With a Toothpick!
Or did I get confused? Well might... Got another fan letter, number 7 reacting in all those years since 2003. Maybe because I recently quoted another one? Many thanks anyway, faithful follower!
Reminded me of this item. That was when in 2007 MAN Health Minister Smith was moved out by Mudbelly Cooper, then MAN, and replaced by Shorty; then MAN as well—as long as it served their intentions.
The Idea!
VBC entrepreneurs' club says the government lacks vigor. What is blamed on the Virus has been going on for 3 years already; and then some, I add. K*NT MP Rojer called the government a bunch of mafioso [sic] and specifically spit his bile on how they are protecting auntie Suzy's misdeeds at all costs.
Relieved to Know That
Pinhead MAN minister Martina says it's about time the Kresh Group comes across and opens up on their refinery plans.
He also says there are plenty more interested parties in a refinery take-over; but names no names.
It Starts?
Fire brigade had their hands full extinguishing small fires, lit all over the island in protest of the government.
Also, a mini-bus was parked on the ramp of Julianabridge so no cars could pass. Took hours to relieve the jam.
Oh, How My Heart Bleeds
Ex-PM Shorty says there's no way he can pay that 1.8 million back. What with alimentation money for his first marriage and all, it's all Gone with the Wind.
So he'll probably get 3 more years in the calaboose, just when he figured he might get out if there only were ankle-bands available. Poor baby. Life is full of disappointments. You're telling us?
Shorty, you may find comfort by reminiscing on those golden days when you were spending it all, as The Big Boss in Fort Amsterdam, traveling around over the island in big black limousines. By the way, these have long since disappeared.
Enough, Already
CRU/Isla wants to keep all workers in their jobs, and give them a 50% salary cut. The union boss says there's plenty of work for all 911, must be a coincidence, workers; "everybody must be productive" and if nobody snitches on a lounger, that person (see? I'm PC!) will figure that's okay. So we need more snitchers, right?
What they will work on is anybody's guess. The first oil tanker will arrive at Bullenbaai oil terminal later this month. Seems nobody there has realized oil prices are going up again. Don't they read the papers? Time enough for that, I'd say.
And we'll go on paying their salaries, if "only" 50%.
The sales tax will become not 9% but 7% all over. Thus says the Curaçao Bridging and Reform Program, which Bhillie just said is not so new. The Plan should lead to "healthy government finance" and an "efficient and decisive government apparatus". Sounds rather new to me; in fact, revolutionary.
Indicated are 58 actions in 6 "focus areas", of which normalizing top salaries is the only one that has been executed for now. Except the ministers', you got it.
Nice for a Change?
PAR PM Bhillenaath acknowledges that the new Curaçao Reform Plan is not so new, in fact it's all old hat; but it's now a matter of turning plans into actions.
That we would all like to see, for once. But relax, Bhillie says they're talking it over every week! Don't hold your breath; you'll turn all blue.
Too Bad It's There Already
The Court has decided that the location of the new hospital is illegal; it should have been built on the old Amstel Brewery terrain, as PM Shorty planned.
But doesn't matter, some people have made lots of money on the deal.
EOP island development plan and zoning regulations were overstepped... Monuments have been torn down... why go on?
Don't Blame Me
People tell me they don't enjoy visiting the Circus, not what you'd call enjoy. I can see that already, but can't help it. Only wished myself I could stop writing up all this bull-shit, but the amount of it dragged to my attention just keeps growing and growing.
Stop Worrying, Already
The 400 or so workers left at Isla refinery, who can't have much to do, will keep getting their salaries. From the government. Aren't you proud you help pay for them?
About 500 workers have, finally, been fired.
Makes Me Curious
The local industries claim they make substantial contributions to the island economy: 10%. Pinhead Martina confirms this and says they're very important in the National Export Strategy (capitals theirs), with 6 priority sectors: education (hah!), IT services, maritime and harbor activities (oil and tourism), tourism services, creative industry (whatever?) and financial services.
Fine With Me
KLM and TUI airlines will not be able to get 10,000 tourists over here next month.
Now let's see if the hotels will close, as they keep saying they will.
"No Respect"
Dutch Staatssecretaris Knops turned of his live feed during a discussion with St. Maarten's ministers. We only get to know their version, but they say Knops showed "no respect" and was "uncooperative", while implying that "communication with her cabinet is 'difficult.'" All sounds only too familiar.
But Knops isn't talking, and the meeting was not recorded.
PM Bhillenaath's cabinet wants to get rid of a 2/3rds parliament majority now needed to abolish the screening law. The same people who were then, 2012, for it, are now against. Weird? Not so weird when you think about it. They feel safe because ex-PM Shorty's in jail and cannot join next year's elections.
Also, the present requirement that a candidate may have no other functions (think of pinhead Martina and auntie Sushi) will be abolished.
Finally and maybe best, the Public Ministry may only start proceedings against ministers after the government has permitted this.
The parliament debate on all this will be held today.
Better Education?
Don't make me laugh. While the ministers' so-called efforts to lower their salaries amount to nothing, at least not anywhere near the 25% demanded by Knops, education will be shrunk by 18%. Really promising for the future, but if you think our Leaders care...
Oh, and the teachers have decided to start yet another trade union. I thought they had one already, but we can always use another one.
Militia Member
Has been picked up because he'd built up a trade in selling confiscated goods.
Much Ado About Nothing
FYI, that's the title of a Shakespeare play. At any rate, the guy who escaped from quarantine and was brought back has tested negative for the Virus.
Someone put the question if auntie Sushi's son-in-law has to pay at least part of his 3 million guilders back, now that the police have taken over. He should, but won't.
Aww Shut Up
M*F*K has strongly criticized the government because they lack integrity and transparency. Look who's talking, even if they have a point.
Go Home Now
The guy who knocked about a woman after she'd complained about his hitting her with his care has gone to the police himself—accompanied by his KEM party leader brother. Too late?
Good Luck! You'll Need It
Curaçao government gets another chance to object against the aanwijzing. Alas, we can't enjoy the meeting as it's secret.
About Time
This is the time and place to remind ourselves that the only one who was against higher salaries and pensions for MPs was the much-vituperated Norbert George. Honor where honor's due!
Look at It that Way
The government calls its own measures to reduce costs "ambitious" and in a way they are. For example, parliament members and spoiled brats will not get a cent less; they'll just get more days off (which we pay for). Would I kid you? No, but the government will kid us—and themselves. And try to kid Holland.
Let's see if it will work. Hope and pray it won't, so the whole furshlugginer mess will collapse.
Parliament now says they can't help it, it's Finace Dept.'s fault. The way they figure, the discount would total 8%, so salaries will have to go down after all.2020-06-17
We now have Virus infection nr. 23 in our midst. And the tourist influx hasn't even started yet.
Quarantine for people arriving from Holland has been shorted to 8 days, after which they'll get tested.
Bright Idea
Only, at least ten years late. M*F*K Mudbelly Cooper thinks the 3 islands Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten should cooperate more closely and form an economic union. So they'll be stronger together.
If you care, you can send your comments. If not, leave it be.
Old Fanmail
This one dates from 2007, sent by greg santos.
It goes: "I would really like to work your bottom with my curassoweck cock. You will enjoy it because you are already a sissy. You love dushi Curassow, right? Well then, Currassian cock in your ass."
The original is in Dutch, if only after a fashion, but the mistakes are in there already.
No Cruises
No cruise ships will visit Bonaire until November, and probably not after that date either. So we're sitting here as well, with our expensive mega-piers. Or do you think they will still come here?
I don't. Maybe later... much later. But you never know.
Not So Good
The latest political party, KEM (Kòrsou Esun Mihó) is falling part. Members are leaving in droves because the Great Leaders' brother started knocking a woman around after she dared to complain he hit her with his car while sloppily parking at a supermarket.
Who does she think she is, anyway?
They're Guilty as Hell!
The appeal of quackie Constancia in the surgeons' masks fraud will come to court on July 16. Wanna bet the only people who'll win are the lawyers?
The Winner!
Arctic cruiseship Resolute, which has been sitting in Willemstad harbor after its fight with a Venezuelan warship (which sunk), will be auctioned soon.
Troo Enuff
Campo Alegre, our national pride, the giant bordello, still has a function in our society, says that fount of Wisdom justice minister Girigorie. He also says "we're far ahead of other countries in the regio."
So why did it go bankrupt? Sure, the Virus. But with a 7 million tax debt?
Oh, That's Just Great
Since the escaped quarantined guy, who complained there was no adult channel on his room tv, so there you go, has been found and brought back, the police has been ordered to keep an eye on those quarantines.
So everybody's now asking, "what did we pay auntie Sushi's son-in-law 3 million guilders for?" We all know the answer, but it has precious little to do with quarantine.
It was his family who brought him back, not the police as claimed.
3/4 of the spoiled brats turn out not to be so spoiled after all; they indicated they'll go along with the savings and not with their trade unions.
I herewith retract 25% of all my snide remarks. There's enough left anyway.
Snappy statement from across my desk: fire the rest. There's enough left anyway.
Big surprise: the Bhillenaath norm will be the thing right away, not a year from now. The Wimps must be feeling the pinch.
We Do, Though
PAR MP Obispo "doesn't recognize himself" in Dutch Knops' criticism that Staten/parliament fails in financial control. He sent 22 letters to minister Gijs & Bertha without receiving answers. Which he now expects to get in 30 days.
Good luck with that, Obispo. Can't you see right now Gijs & Bertha are busy as hell? Give 'em a break!
We'll See
The government tells us and Cft financial supervision, "we're in a deep crisis." Because of the Virus—and then some, we are allowed to add, if they don't. They call their packet of measures "ambitious but realistic." The second part would be a change we could go for.
It will be delivered today. Some highlights:
The salaries of spoiled brats will be cut by 12.5%. This could get amusing... So will salaries of ministers, 25%, and the Bhillenaath norm will be introduced for SOEs: no top salaries higher than 130% of his. With a year's delay.
Costs of medicines will be lowered by buying more generic stuff. Good luck with that shrew auntie Sushi in charge there. Education will be cut to the bone; good and bad, that could turn out.
For now, taxes will not be raised. Good, as if they could. As Dutch staatssecretaris Knops stated a long time ago: "When you don't collect taxes and pay such high salaries you'll get in trouble."
And former plenipotentiary minster Comenencia, now staatsraad [state council] warns the Dutch should keep a careful eye peeled for those governments here: "It's an illusion that they will do the job." He oughta know.
Sorry, I Think That's Funny
The "floating dock" of CDM/Damen Shipyards sank, for "reasons unknown" when they wanted to release a ship sitting on there.
They All Want to Be the Exception
Workers in the care sector do not agree with the 12.5% salary cut; if it will proceed, they will "take action". Hoo boy. Too bad the theater has been burned down already. I propose Isla refinery as a good substitute.
They say they are not civil servants: they work for SVB social security instead. Is what the Dutch call miereneuken [ant fucking].
Not Yet
People are not leaving for Holland in streams as happened several times in the past, up to now at least. Maybe they still hope Knops will make a difference. I also read there are 25,000 Venezuelans on the island. That's 1 in 6, if correct.
Check, Re-check
The source I found was behind a paywall, but the total 2014 tax revenue of Curaçao was just over 1.4 billion guilders. Which raises the eyebrows as it's not really much more than what the gambling houses are supposed to pay.
The Great Escape
One of the Virus-infected quarantined Curazoleños escaped from the watchful eyes of auntie Sushi's son-in-law's company TExperience. The police found him, we're not told where, and brought him back. Hope for the best. It certainly is a bad omen.
You may well ask how much the guy paid TExperience for enabling his escape but nobody's talkin'. Or worse, even askin'.
Tough, Auntie
Auntie Sushi filed, with a year's delay, a complaint against Knipselkrant Curaçao for "alleged", as the saying goes, smaad en laster" [defamation and slander]. But last week the Public Ministry sent her away with a flea in her ear.
She now follows up with yet another letter to KKC in which she attacks Lichtveld for his article of last week. In which she, rather interestingly, blames Lichtveld for the higher costs of the new CMC hospital. MP's MP Moses is still waiting for the business case for CMC, which auntie Sushi has promised umpteen times.
The Joke's on Us
Don't know who owns the copyright on this photo. But I guess it was made for free distribution to the media. It serves to illustrate a press release that PIN party (=auntie Sushi) wants better control of island finances.
No wonder they're laughing! Except for the guy left who prefers a threatening look.
Do It, Now, Please
There has been a movement going on, winning more support these days, to turn all the islands into 6 Dutch gemeenten [townships, municipalities]. There may be just as much opposition against this in Holland as here; the more reason to end this giant blunder.
We'll then get Dutch laws and (as long as it lasts) the €uro.
I've been commenting here on all this, without really knowing anything, since 2003; and it is of great satisfaction to me now to witness them all looking for a stone to crawl back under. Those who are smart enough to see it coming, that is.
For Once
I give you the gist, but this time would advise strongly to visit Knipselkrant Curaçao and read the original articles. I include the links; page top left you can find the Google translations.
First is George Lichtveld, who gives a lot of info on auntie Suzy's dirty tricks. It's a long read, but then, there are a lot of tricks; and a lot of dirt as well. Many of them have passed the review here before, but there's a lot more. The translation of Tirannie van de Onmacht reads "The Tyranny of Powerlessness" but what Lichtveld really means is "Impotence".
Our 3rd national resource Nardy cramm, who was forced to move to Holland after getting threats, writes an article "Where are the billions of Curacao?". A much shorter version can be found here. What it boils down to is, the island has long since become a hub for gambling and money laundering. Most taxes the mafiosi are supposed to pay on their activities never arrive in the country's treasure chest; they should total ANG 784,000,000 tot 1,140,000,000/year; about 1/6th of our GDP. No shit, mon! cramm maintains that the gambling sector is the main economic pillar of Curaçao, far bypassing the refinery and tourism. But only a small part helps the country's finances.
Obviously, the Dutch have been just as guilty here in maintaining the status quo.
Final Act?
Would be great, but don't hope for too much. The spoiled brats have decided that they will not agree with a 12.5% salary cut. In case you forgot: the private workers get a 20% cut. But the spoiled brats tell us that cutting their salaries will cause poverty.
We now hear that all ministries will have to shrink their budget with 10%. Our esteemed government will have to reply this weekend.
The politicians who took part in IPKO ask the Dutch to please consider "our" situation. Obviously, that's exactly what the Dutch are doing. Finally, after all those years. Let us hope they will not weaken.
Wait, Moses
CFT financial supervision has been waiting for Government accounting SOAB's report on CMC new hospital as well. Minister Gijs & Bertha promised it would be ready the first week of June, a delay from end May. Only it isn't. Actually, auntie Sushi promised it last September.
The minister announces it's the intention to start saving 70 million per year. During the year it will be checked if that's enough. Promising!
Can't Be So
Amigoe newspaper tells us people have been repatriated from the USA with Eastern Airlines.
Huh? Eastern Airlines has been kaput since 1911, after a take-over and following sell-out of assets by a Kresh-like group led by Frank Lorenzo.
How Like Them
The Spoiled Brats had a meeting, declining in total the 12.5% salary cuts. Not only did they violate the "social distance" rule, as expected: "It's for you but not for me"; no, it was in office hours. So, for example, there was a big delay at the car inspection facility. Everybody had to wait for hours until the Spoiled Brats had confirmed the decision they'd come to long since, and could make it back to work.
Time to Start Anew
"Education is bankrupt" say the teachers, because of the 18%, or maybe 21%, cuts. Our heart bleeds, but it was rotten anyway. Fine chance to get rid of it.
Of course the teachers complain that the government has the priorities all wrong, a good point. Doesn't take away from the fact that, in general, education is a mess made by the teachers.
They want more money instead! So would I.
Say, Tico M.!
Can't help noticing from your comments in KKC that you follow the acts in the Circus. Maybe we ought to get together and have a good laugh. Or several belly-laughs. It might even help fighting the bad taste in our mouths. Just a suggestion.
All's Bad That Ends Badly
Isla refinery expects the first tanker in Bullenbaai this very month, to store oil. They expect to make some money there so they can continue paying salaries, and keep the refinery in working order for the Kresh Group—if and when. However, the COT installations are in such bad state of repair that only 1/3, 5.8m barrels, is usable. Thank PdVSA but of course also Isla for that.
Apart from that, the idea that crude must be stored because the price is so low has been super ceded: prices have gone up again several weeks ago. What does Isla management do, in fact? Don't they even read the newspapers? Time enough for that, you'd think.
Could Well Be
The rumors are, since Central Bank CBCS put curators in charge of ACU, there's a run on the bank by people retracting their money. More bad luck for the spoiled brats, who are the only ones who can use the facility. In theory, that is; plenty of people use them anyway and get discounts you and I wouldn't get.
The Same All Over
Amigoe newspaper announced they're in trouble as well; they're firing some personnel.
Hang On
Dutch staatssecretaris Knops has not yet had a clear reply to his demands, so the next soft loan will be delayed. It was planned July 1.
All Caribbean islands at IPKO heavily criticise the measures Knops has taken. But his come-back is, "all governments and parliaments fall short in financial management."
No Kidding?
As there are no more ankle bands available, ex-PM Shorty will have to remain in jail for now. I hear there are 20 knaves ahead of him. Prison director Florán explains to the scum they must understand it's a facility, not a right.
Almost Forgot!
A letter writer to KKC, reacting to auntie Sushi's article, asks how matters stand with the Seaquarium coke trade. And also, how about the laundering of Merkel's insurance money via the Dolphin Academy? Maybe he means Markel?
Interesting questions, both. I wouldn't know—but would like to.
Nr. 22
Izzy Gerstenbluth announces we have a new Virus infection. Naturally, again one of the YdKs who returned.
But don't worry, Hato airport says it's ready for a "safe reopening". Good to know.
Yoohoo! Surprise!
The Spoiled Brats' trade unions announce they will not accept the 12.5% salary discount. Big surprise! Tough; the government has already announced they have accepted. So there.
You know what? Run to the judge. Or go on a strike and burn Fort Amsterdam. Or maybe better still, resign en masse. Or the very best, go jump in the sea, and don't forget to take an anvil along. If you can't find an anvil around here, try an anchor.
They had a meeting to discuss all this. In work hours, naturally!
At Request
For some reason, people keep asking me what I'm reading these days. So here goes again.
You may not like this one; many people wouldn't. But it happened before:
BLITZ: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win
Better watch it.
For those who care, here's the former read.
We Heard That One Before—Often
PAR PM Bhillenaath has to tell us that the new education measures entail solutions for problems that have been around for years.
So why did the Dutch need to put conditions to solve them now? These guys in Forti are worse than worthless; except when it comes to fill their own pockets. And their colleagues'; no, I didn't forget their colleagues'.
The teachers have sent a petition to Dutch staatssecretaris Knops to explain their problems. "Their commitment is invaluable"; is what they say.
Who Cares
The Curaçao delegation will join IPKO kingdom government consultations with feelings of irritation, because of the way the soft loans have been arranged. Hold your nose and swallow, kids. You still haven't learned a thing.
Besides, you already said you agreed.
Central Bank CBCS has placed ACU Ambtenaren Credit Union [of the spoiled brats) under guardianship. ACU needs a "thorough reorganisation" but nobody has been relieved of their posts. Yet.
Aww Shut Up
Dick Drayer's story (from another person who's turning into a national resource) on auntie Sushi's manipulations to make even more money from our collective mishaps didn't agree with her and her PIN party. (Rather express it that way than the other way around: auntie Sushi did not agree with it.)
She and her cohorts write a long come-back (but not snappy) in KKC in which she shows how smart she is by insinuating that Drayer thinks 3000 spoiled brats and Wimpies are all corrupt and fraudulent: 80%. Well, come right down to it: put it that way, judging from the reactions most of us think Drayer has hit the nail on the head. Once again.
Shut up auntie and go count your money. The very name of her party is a dead give-away: politics for her are an ATM-machine.
Not That I Care
But make up your minds once and for all, okay? Please? Maybe we will have a Sinterklaas arrival feast after all. Great. Can't wait until it's over. And then we get Christmas... New Year... Carnaval... it just goes on and on.
Oh No, Please
Rumors are the Dutch penose [criminal underworld] is interested in continuing Campo activities. Just what we needed—like cancer we need them. We already have a government, and enough is sufficient. More than enough.
What's the Use
Theoretically and legally, ministers can be held responsible for mismanagement.
Only, that never happens. Not because there's no mismanagement, huh.
Sushi Does as Sushi Thinks
Auntie Sushi has given her son-in-law a contract for 3 million guilders, to check the quarantaine of visitors. Needless to say by now, there has been no public tender. They were in too much of a hurry—to grant the cosy deal.
Starting July 1, tourists from Belgium may come in, while Belgium has on of the highest Virus mortality rates in the world with 84 deaths per 100,000 people. Back to the lockdown...
Oh, wait: epidemiologist Gersthenbluth wants to have more info on Germany and Belgium before he will admit them. But Dutchies don't need no quarantaine, mon. Just a so-called PCR-test. Still, the hotels are not satisfied: mass firings if the border doesn't open before July 1.
Did You Notice?
The CO2 number measured in Hawai'i set a new record: 417 ppm.
However, except for the heat (mainly in the USA), global temp is still going down.
Now That, Sure
To quote: "The Council of Ministers (RvM) has decided to deviate from the advice of the Bureau of Supervision and Standardization of Government Entities (SBTNO) and the serious objections to setting up an entity to include TeleCuraçao (Antillean Television Company, ATM) and Dataplanet."
So we'll have a continuation of what already was a government propaganda outlet. Just whatwethey need in these hard times.
Now we wait in suspense what friend or relation of those in power will become Big Boss there. Paul de Geus?
It's in the Blood
The way it goes now, who arrives here has to pay almost 2000 guilders to stay in a quarantine hotel. There's one case (known, surely there are more) who did so, paid almost 4000 for him and wife and was put in a boutique hotel; regular tariff $45/day. Figure along: 45x14days=$630 or ANG1134.
This is arranged by TExperience, an outfit run by the partner of auntie Sushi's stepdaughter. Nice work if you can get it.
The quarantine costs are "pre-financed" by CTB. It is not explained what this means. Will the guy mentioned above get his money back? You can't help thinking it's kept vague on purpose. Once again, we may well pay for the tourists, instead of the other way 'round.
Is the quarantine, and the lockdown, legal at all? Even that's very doubtful.
What the Hell, Pay Him
The new Central Bank director will get a salary that's much higher than the so-called Bhillenaath norm: not more than 130% of what the PM makes. But this is all arranged by the Nederlandse Bank DNB so I guess it's unavoidable. Or maybe Knops thinks different.
Kein Deutsch
Education has to economize with 45.8 million guilders. First, free education will be scratched, finally. And we thinking it had been scratched already! No, it still costs 18 million/year. Then, the ministry is over-occupied with personnel (an exception?) but not effective and functional (that's the rule in government). School meals will be ended because 'this hasn't worked for years', 600,000 guilders' worth/year. Amazing how all and more of those things, now that the Wimps' hand is forced, can be done after all.
One more item on a long list is, German language lessons will be canceled. This while pinhead Martina wants to open air traffic with Holland, Belgium and Germany. What that will save is not mentioned.
From July 1, borders will be open for tourists from Holland, Belgium and Germany; and also from the other 5 islands as long as St. Maarten and Aruba don't admit USA-tourists.
Hope for the best, what can go wrong? Well... they must be tested for the Virus. How long does it take before the results are in, again? And that for 10,000 tourists/month; for starters.
One thing seems fairly certain, prices for air tickets and hotels will have to go up by a substantial amount, as the occupation should be only about 50% of maximum. In fact, as far as hotels are concerned I guess that's pretty close to the standard norm around here.
Oh, Great, Pinhead!
Pinhead Martina states that tourists do not want to stay quarantined for two weeks upon arrival. It's "tourist unfriendly". So just let 'em loose?
He's studying "other possibilities"—wow, just what we need, Martina. Study on and let us know what you have decided as almighty minister of economic development. Not of health, for that we have auntie Sushi. What a crew!
Come On Now
Two articles on agriculture in Amigoe newspaper. One describing the great advantages of hydroponics; the other ones goes completely in the other direction and tells us how we should use old refrigerators as containers for soil and grow produce in there. Talk about primitive.
Boring & Tedious
The traditional arrival of Sinterklaas here a week after he gets to Rotterdam, Holland, has been canceled. The idea to have Zwarte Pieten [black Petes] in all colors did not really work. The committee arranging the festivities say it's discrimination! Slavery!
Funny enough, on the same day they say in another article that the boys who play Zwarte Piet are not really fond of the other colors; they much prefer being painted black. Makes me think a bit.
Free Again!
Ex-PM Shorty may be released from jail later this month; staying at home with an ankle band. The idea is, he has the same rights as everybody else, so why not? Not everybody takes that attitude.
My personal opinion, for what it's worth: he hasn't behaved well in his prison séjours, sowing discontent, and for that reason might well be held longer.
At any rate, he may be locked up again soon when the matter of his paying back some millions has been appealed successfully; or rather, not.
Not all islands think it a great plan to tone down the measures to limit traffic between with the other ones. Especially those that are virus-free are not enthusiastic. Meanwhile, pinhead Martina wants to open up tourist traffic from Europe ASAP.
Listen, You Wimps
SER social-economic council has advised as negatively as they could on the new ABB which is supposed to replace sales tax. Would help to finance the Girobank deficit. In fact, SER doubts if the new proposal really is legal!
The government will try again next year, maybe. At any rate, purchase tax is going up right now. As if that would help.
Beach Fun
Another short visit to another beach. There were two pelicans, coming quite close to fish and just relax, and one frigate bird as well. Two honkies and 5 YdK, one of them wading into the sea and throwing out a net quite close to the shore. And catching fish!
Unimaginable, all that, with the horde of tourists you'd find there the last couple of years. Tough on the snackbar holder, there's that.
A guy Middelhof wants a new referendum. His idea is, we should look for a closer relationship with Holland.
We have voted for that 2 times, until our Great Leaders got what they wanted: less contact with Holland. So there we are now.
12 Dummies, No Saint
As always, some people thought it a fine idea to imitate thedemonstrationsriots in the USA. Under the title "Curaçao Can't Breath" about 12 of them came together on Brionplein.
They can't even spell. Then again, most of their USA models can't either.
The good part is, no looting resulted. After all, why bother with all those atrakos going on?
Oh yeah, afore I forget: the Sinterklaas festivities will be canceled. Because some people living in Holland think they're racist, you know.
Sorry, I recounted: there were 13 of 'em. For luck.
Forgot to Mention It
Because, as the French say, ça va sans dire: ex-minister Alcalá-Wallé's salary keeps getting paid. You think she'll have to pay it back when she's found guilty? Better think again.
On the other hand, as long as Barbara Resort is not declared bankrupt, personnel must keep receiving their salaries as well.
Take Care
OMT Outbreak Management Team advises the Caribbean Dutch islands to "build up experience with a relatively limited number of tourists." Opening the borders means the virus will surely be re-introduced; the question is not if and when.
Got it?
Pinhead Martina blah-blahs on about how a "responsible" reopening of the borders is called for; but fast! It's of the greatest importance for the economy!
Meanwhile, here the curfew has been ended but gatherings of more than 25 persons are still prohibited.
Never Knew That
Finally, the giant Campo Alegre bordello, our national pride, has come to an end. It's bankrupt. Seems to be the fate of all our national prides. Remember ALM?
A cleaning company went to court to have their debt paid, but Campo can't. Also, 7 million worth of taxes have now to be screwed out of you and me.
Turns out, the Catholic church was among those who started the bordello. Not during WWII, as you might expect, but in 1949.
At least personnel has been paid by our Wimpies in Fort Amsterdam.
The Dutch are allowed to go and visit "the Caribbean islands" starting June 15. We're not told what Caribbean islands, so I take it meant are Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius.
But the decision is not final yet.
I was wrong there: all 6 islands would be free to visit. Hurrah!
Because of a criminal investigation against ex-minister Alcalá-Wallé she has been denied admittance to her ex-ministry for three months.
She omitted to declare she had a function in some enterprise when she became minister. It isn't mentioned in the press, but I have the distinct impression K*NT is behind this one as well.
We went to the beach last week. There was nobody there but a guy hoping to rent out chairs—and finding no takers. Took us 40 years back in time. Splendid.
And now we read that on Aruba, nature is already getting restored because there are no tourists around to ruin the place by crossing around everywhere. But there, entrepreneurs are complaining as well, of course. This is the advise the nature lovers give them:
"They will have to adjust the range of their products and we can think along about that. We need to work here in an innovative, creative and educational manner with the involvement of all involved."
Forget it. They will come back en masse and be welcomed with open arms. For them, there is a red carpet!
Trying to Get Away with It
The conditions Holland puts for a second soft loan entail lower spoiled brats salaries. What do Bhillenaath c.s. do? They discount a percentage here and a percentage there and finally just add up those cuts, arriving at 12.5%. Which of course is not how it works.
In fact, somebody figures in KKC it's only .35% in total (I haven't checked myself, there's no need).
As if the Dutch wouldn't notice.
There's a chance those dummies in Fort Amsterdam really think this is the correct way to go about it. They're stupid enough, let's face it.
Kick Them Out
All hotel keepers are complaining and agitating that the harbors must re-open for tourism before July 1. Or else...
Yeah, what else? Get lost. It is with much satisfaction that I note more voices are joining what I thought was my one-man choir: get lost! and look for some real work. Like, become a civil servant?
No. 21
A new virus patient; also a repatriating case.
The Kingdom announces that from July 15 travels from Holland to the Dutch Caribbean islands will be allowed again, under the "Code Yellow" terms. If this includes Curaçao is not mentioned where I read.
At any rate, Israel has announced there's a 30-second test now. When it will be available is another matter.
Sigh. Here come the tourists...
Good Questions
Dutch parliament has several. For starters, whatever are the results of that probe into criminality around here? Another good one is for an overview of all politicians, civil servants, government companies and institutions, but also private enterprises that have been or are subjects of criminal investigations. That would be some list!
They're also interested in the reasons why the aanwijzing has been returned; and how matters stand with the financial management.
We have the answer to that last one: nobody knows.
Why No Committee?
Aqualectra has been forced to reopen distribution to bad-paying customers; so they can wash their hands. The Virus, right. The results could have been foreseen by anybody: the water use by those guys went up immediately! Now there's another action to educate them. "Butter on the gallows" as the Dutch say. A workgroup has been appointed for that.
Gee, I wonder how much the members of that workgroup get paid.
Going Fine! Let's Open the Borders!
Communist Party Virus case no. 20 has been found and quarantined. Maybe it'll even keep to it?
Meanwhile, more yells from the hotels that they absolutely must re-open before July 1.
Camera Chutzpah
As the government has to economize, there's talk of stopping the surveillance camera project, which has been going on since 2014. The traffic cameras still have to be installed and made operational (which was promised to have been done early this year). Minister Girigorie is against this: it would mean extra government income coming to a halt. Also, it's capital destruction!
You know what has been capital destruction? Starting this project in the first place. For one thing, because the law that couples license plates to the owner has still not been implemented. So, what government income is Girigorie talking about—through his hat?
Goes for Most of Us
The Curaçao musicians are worried because many of them are out of jobs. There's this Virus around, see, which means many cafés are closed; no customers anyway so no music needed.
They want to protect "our culture"—translate: go on playing much too loud and making a nuisance of themselves to the neighbors.
The Attack of the Wild Drones
Sounds like the title of a SciFi movie! But it's what's happening: 5 drones have been shot out of the air the last couple of weeks near the Nos Futuro prison, trying to deliver smuggled stuff.
I know, I have the same question: how many did get through? Nobody knows of course. They carried drugs, razor knives, cell phones and alcohol.
The anti-drones installation was ready end 2019, but has only been operating for about 6 weeks. Why?
It's Come to That
Van der Valk (still around after having wasted the Plaza Hotel and getting out of there) says, the only way to save the economy is to open the borders completely, just like that. We'll have tolivedie with the Virus until there's a medicine or vaccin.
For "economy" read "tourism".
Forget It!
Turns out, Kresh Group needs more time to come to a decision. Until December this year; if then and if at all.
So the Isla Refinery workers think it a good idea to demand they will all keep their jobs, and their salaries (don't forget their salaries) until then. Presumably; this is for now only, you got it.
Who's gonna pay for that? Good question. Nobody has the answer.
If this is not granted, they'll all get out. Hey, good idea!
Big Deal
Prick Pisas will become the new leader of M*F*K. Probably. He's the only candidate.
Good Excuse?
There have been elections in Suriname; but after they were over and finished, counting the votes has been stopped "because of the Virus".
Last of Our Worries
Today the hurricane season opens; it's official. Negotiations have started to open the harbors for rich yacht owners to seek a refuge here.
Which remains a gamble, let's face it. At least the harbors may make some money.
Go Figure
A committee is looking at what must be doneifwhen the Kresh Group will not take over Isla refinery on July 1. Most personnel will then not get a salary any longer; until some miracle happens. So the committee is looking at what options there are.
What options, indeed.
Gee, I wonder how much those committee members get paid.
It's Not a Crime!
People paying a visit to Play Abao Beach have been attacked and robbed. A good thing is, they were just local yocals; not tourists. Now that would have been a crime.
Of course, tourists are scarce these days so those criminals have to make do.
A subplot is, at least that's what's told around, is that the car they stole was quickly found back, as it had a GPS-tracker built in. Now the spouse is angry with hubby because he never told her.
More Bad News
Santa Barbara, about the most luxurious resort around here, has been closed for at least a year. 300 people fired. But don't worry, the golf course remains open so the politicians can go on making underhanded deals there.
A letter in KKC comments, true or not, of the first Dutch soft loan 70% has been spent on paying the spoiled brats. Way to go, Bhillenaath!
No. 20
Another imported Virus patient. Se is quarantined... if it keeps to it. Let those tourists come!
Oh... Not Good
Ex health inspector Huurman is out with his keyboard again. This time it's about some surgeon or doctor who's been kicked out of the hospital for alleged mistreatment. Knowing Huurman, he's probably right in stating that the man should not have been removed from his post. But that's all I want to or can say.
Another thing pops up, through. A letter to Knipselkrant says that the present inspector of health is listed as "friend on the facebook page of so-called 'wellness centers' that sell products with medical indications that are absolutely prohibited for these outfits."
Wellness centers huh? I smell the stench of auntie Sushi, who presumably has hired the guy.
Huurman's main idea here is, this shows Curaçao is not an "adult country". No problem with that, Huurman.
Nice Going
Two headlines right next to each other in Amigoe newspaper: "There's hardly any tapwater in St. Eustatius" and "Repatriating Statians is in full swing."
Have fun, friends—and remember to wash your hands!
True Enough; Too True
MP Party is getting excited about the old-and-never-seen yearly accounts. So have we here, repeatedly, but who cares?
MP says it's unacceptable companies are threatened with death by 1000 drops and castration while the government just doesn't do what it doesn't like.
Oh No
KLM will resume flights to Curaçao and other islands on June 3, next week; only half as much as before the Virus hit. It all depends on what our government decides on quarantine measures.
TUI wants to resume flights on July 1 as well, but nothing definite is announced yet.
The hotel business is besides itself with joy, of course. We'll have to wait and see.
Remember that our only Virus-infected patients were imports are infected by imports.
As for now, tourists have to be quarantined in their hotel for 2 weeks; expensive! with no chance to pick up cheaper meals outside either.
Poor Babies
The spoiled brats will keep getting their baseline salaries. The 12.5% demanded by Holland's deal will be deducted from holidays, the loontrede will be canceled and pension premiums will not be changed.
If they don't like it, they know where they can put it.
While the foolish ideas of promoting agriculture keep being rolled out, the cops have mopped up several marihuana plantations the last couple of weeks.
Ironically enough, these guys do make money. And save on foreign exchange, think about it!
No subsidies, either; you bet.
Maybe This Works
K*NT Monkee filed a complaint against auntie Sushi, for transgressing the Screening Law in 2015, when she was registered as director of Blue Liaison Finance while being sworn in as minister (VVRP). That also indicates a possible charge of fraud.
That name does ring a bell.
I may detest Monkee, but anything to get rid of auntie.
Utter Nonsense
Pinhead Martina makes it known that, in his un-esteemed opinion, export and investments are the new pillars for the economy. What export? What investments? Is there any place on earth that has money available, even if they'd want to fight the red tape here?
Concrete proposals to get done with that red tape were supposed to come 6 months from August2019.
Whatever happened to that woman who was supposed to get movie productions going over here? I guess she's still at it, and who knows what else in the famous Hollywood tradition... 'nuff said. Maybe next she'll get paid 12.5% less. What an infernal waste.
I mention Doubleplay and Tula, remember? guess not... at that link. Both were gigantic flops as well.
PEPs Galore? You Must Be Kidding
The Central Bank, "some time ago" but we're not told when, has started registering some people as PEP: Politically Exposed Persons, who hold or have held a public function. This sticks for life: you've been a government leader, minister, MP, member of a political party board, prominently active p[ersons, high-placed civil servants, member of the judicial corps, ambassador, commissioner, or high defense official. Plus their parents, children, siblings, spouses or partners. For all these it's difficult to open a bank account or get a loan or financing. It comes from the €U and should help avoid laundering and fraud.
Strictly between you and me, this must be a farce.
Promising Note
We are now back at 19 Virus Victims, even though tourism hasn't started yet, as much as it is wished for. The last one, 18, dates from May 25. Quarantined #19 is a Curazoleño as well. I wish hir all the best and also wish it'd stayed away.
Says Izzy "This is the reason why we cannot return now to 3 flights a day from Europe or daily flights to and from the United States." Right on, Izzy. Don't give in.
Things go on like that, I'll have to move the timeline back up.
In Style
Admittedly, "style" may not be the right word. Fizzled, flopped and floundered [in Dutch gesjeesd] actor, filmmaker and politician John Leerdam writes an article what a shame it is how Holland treats us. This asks for another May 30! He himself has been residing in Holland for longer than anybody can or wants to remember.
One of the last times he was here was to make a movie on that May 30 happening. I had occasion to contact some of his crew members, who told me they all shared a bungalow at what now is Floris Suite hotel near Piscadera, but the great socialist himself occupied one—alone and by himself.
She's Not Worried
Auntie Sushi is not worried because of the investigation into her company's 5.5 million debt with PSB. And Mudbelly protests he's not accusing her. I'm sure she has been just smart enough to get rid of that club in time and has nothing to do with it anymore.
What meanwhile happened with all that lovely money is, then, none of our concern.
How'z That Possible?
Taxes on profits and salaries have gone down the last couple of months.
What Else Is New
The trade unions are against paying less salary to the police corps. And ABVO spoiled brats' union is giving (surely positive) information on the 12.5% salary shrink.
Huh. Sure, Anything You Say, @$$
The hotels say they must open up July 1, without restrictions. Otherwise, the economy will be ruined.
I maintain the This is the reason why we cannot return now to 3 flights a day from Europe or daily flights to and from the United States.only thing that saved us from the pandemic is the stop on all incoming passengers, but they say their money is much more important. Besides, hotels will be inspected for safety by Chata hotel club, CTB, Tourism Management Curaçao (real confidence builder, all that) and as an afterthought, the crisis team as well.
If not, the large hotels will remain closed until December or even next year. It's no use opening up in the low season, that'd only cost money. Hey, and me thinking it was low season right now!
That's how PM Bhillenaath figured before Izzy intervened: tourism must go on. These guys are just as smart!
In Aruba, as I understand it, arriving tourists will be given a quick test. Sounds very similar to what was judged not acceptable in Holland.
It Happened to Me, As Well
YouTube took down a couple of films after I claimed they infringed my copyright. (Alas, not all: a Guggenheim woman got away with it.)
But now it happened to Michael Moore's Planet of the Humans because it used 4 illegal seconds of video, and the copyright owner rightly complained. Not before 8 million people had seen it, though. And in fact, this is just censorship.
And you can still see it on Bitchute.
I still say Moore, whoever, ought not to have done it. It's a very sore point with me. Especially, but not only, my Kinks and Kusama photographs are getting ripped off so often, you don't even have time to follow up. Twitter, FaceBook, Tumblr and then some are just as bad.
"CO2 is still rising (NOAA), but Earth has cooled since 2016 (Met. Office)."
Research in Paris, Israel and Holland has shown that, a week after the Virus level goes up in sewage sludge, you can expect a new outbreak. Amazing, it's not.
Brings up uh... some questions... Say, Izzy?
Tell Us, Man!
Virus patients 17 and 18 have had mutual contact, says Izzy. Quelle surprise! How? What? Izzy won't even tell us what country they came from.
Now That
Cft financial supervision wants to have more insight how UTS telecommunications was taken over by Dataflow. Don't panic, Paul de Geus! You're okay!
Not Really Ready
The course Kla Pa Turismo [ready for tourism] organized by CHATA hotel club has ground to a halt. (Virus.) Now some students want to follow further lessons via internet, but CHATA must first help out with laptops, then start looking for a place where there's WiFi (free, of course, right).
You know what? It's a flop.
So Fall Apart, Already
There are tensions in the coalition because our Wimpy Leaders now think they can't adhere to the conditions Holland put for the soft loan. Please, oh please let em go! Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Consider: what we may get instead can't be much worse and will be under strict control.
But rest easy, parliament has now accorded the deal.
Leave It to Her
One of the problems with PSB/AVC is that auntie Sushi has a 5.5 million guilders "bad debt" there. For a company called Blue Factor.
What we all ask ourselves, why did we need, of all people, M*F*K Mudbelly Cooper to call attention to this?
Aw, Shut Up
Five (thankfully ex)-PMs will be paying a visit to the governor, in order to express their worries about the deteriorating feelings between Holland and the island.
If they only had worried about that when they were PM!
The (thankfully ex)-PMs are Maria Liberia-Peters, Don Martina (Pinhead's daddy), Ben Whiteman (of GZE Chinese Oil) and Mirna Louise-Godett. Quite a crew. Emily de Jongh-Elhage will join them, but Shorty won't; he has obligations elsewhere.
No, honest, it's no joke. At least not of mine.
Update: Emily slithered out.
Watch It
The €U is all for China taking over Hong Kong; they see a Hot or Cold War coming on between the USA and China and have already chosen China's side, as they think China will win. Next, they'll be telling the world we've decided to join the Bolívarian Republic: Venezuela!
Think I'm kidding?
Number 18 and Still Counting
We now have 18 virus-infected persons. The last 2 were Curazoleños living elsewhere and coming back to spread the good news, so we can all enjoy it to the hilt.
Run on Bank
This time it's PSB, after the news that they will be taken over by APC. However, while this was the final reason Girobank had to close, in this case it didn't work out that way. It well might have, indeed.
But the parliament vote has to be redone as there was no quorum. Which goes to confirm our suspicions that nobody there can count.
Nos a Skapa; Again
Up to now, at least. You just can't trust the Chinese promises. Look at what happens in Hong Kong right now: the city was supposed to keep an independent status until 2047—which was effectively ended by Beijing decree yesterday, just like that.
Democratic protests broke out immediately, to be brutally beaten down by the police at once.
Next worry for us of course is the Kresh Group deal.
So Am I
The Curaçao fishermen are skeptical about grandiose plans of auntie Sushi to enlarge the fleet. "There's just not enough fish around" they say; at least, so does a guy called Hans Eikenaar. And so do I.
You Betcher
"Reducing the apparatus is a better strategy" says the Central Bank. Better than reducing the salaries, they say.
I'd say, both are welcome.
Hear, Hear
USA Quote: "The Hardest Thing About This Lockdown May Be Admitting to Ourselves That It Accomplished Absolutely Nothing." I, for one, don't find it so hard to admit, at all. Don't know about the USA; talking about here, here.
It was locking down the ports that has been effective against the Virus. Agreed, it ruined tourism; which was ruined by airlines and cruise ships quitting, anyway.
Wonder Where the Rest Went
After the truly devastating 2017 hurricane Irma, St. Maarten got €550 million for rebuilding.
Only 6% of that amount has been spent by now; that's €31.9m. The spending is controlled by World Bank, which has got almost half of that, €14m, to supervise the use of the funds.
Now whom shall we blame, St. Maarten or the World Bank? Most probably both.
Great and Typical
A new Virus patient, returning to Curaçao, has arrived and been quarantined. This is nr. 17. 6 are still being monitored. According to epidemiologist Gersthenbluth, 1 in 4 of those in voluntary quarantine didn't bother.
To quote a well-known president, "Lock them up!"
So Let's Have It, Already
Parliament still hasn't received the business-case of CMC hospital, although auntie Sushi has declared twice that it was ready and would be delivered muy pronto.
Uh Oh...
While MAN Pinhead Martina has now taken over as a minister from McWilliam, the court has asked for the documents connected with his case. But others say that K*NT's request to look into the affair (again) isn't legally tenable. What do I know...
Shares of PSB formerly Postspaarbank will be transferred to pension fund daughter APC bank. Both are government owned. This should mean continuity of PSB is now guaranteed. However, don't jump to the conclusion this also applies to account balances.
But We Don't
A poll has indicated that, if we had elections now, PAR and MAN would be the largest by far, with auntie Sushi's PIN nr. 3. Only, we don't have elections now. Also, this is not what you'd call a random sample.
Even better, 28.5% of voters say they wouldn't vote on any of the parties. Best of all, you could send in your answers as often as you wanted to.
Employers Agree
All 15 employers' organizations agree with the conditions put by the Kingdom for support of our economy.
Going Down
Economy is now predicted to collapse with 18.6% this year. That's 2.1% more shrink than the April estimate.
"Will Take a Year"
The reduction in CO2 atmosphere levels will take a year to show up in Hawai'i, it is claimed. It's too small too show up.
But why it keeps going up, then? is not explained.
Look Who's Talking
It's abuse of power by Holland to demand their conditions for a soft loan. Says Girigorie, one of our esteemed ministers. Holland has no reason whatsoever to interfere with Central Bank.
A pity the Wimps already agreed, then.
The spoiled brats have had a meeting on their 12.5% discount. I haven't heard the result yes, but I can guess: they'll just have to accept; just like the government.
Say, That Agriculture...
Curaçao can have better results developing agriculture if the government invests more money.
Where from?
That's Easy!
Dutch Staatssecretaris Knops totally agrees with the Antillean governments that the help from Holland should follow the law. He offers an easy solution if it doesn't: quickly adopt emergency laws!
As if they could do that here, "quickly". (I guess he's kidding.)
Apologies Wanted
AMAK musicians' club has demanded apologies from the exploiter of Miles JazzCafé for his remarks in FakeBooc. His non-excuse was he was drunk.
Say, wasn't Miles Davis black?
Cute News
With virtually all the air and cruise ship traffic as good as gone, and the lockdown on cars, you'd expect CO2 atmosphere levels went down, right? So they did in many towns and cities. But, maybe surprisingly, not at the most trusted Mauna Loa observatory in Hawai'i, according to NOAA. Just keeps climbing.
Hmmm... something else must be going on?
He Got That Straight
Koeiman announces that Curaçao accepts the Dutch conditions for a further loan. He says "We have no choice" and calls it abuse of power. That might better describe our own governments, and their spoiled brats.
But Dutch staatssecretaris Knops says the loans will not be condoned, as the islands ask, unless there's real progress. St. Maarten still says the conditions are unacceptable.
Update: St. Maarten says the conditions are "a slap in the face" but, after the deadline, accepted as well.
These are the conditions, which will be looked at every six weeks:
— Government costs must be substantially reduced, and all salaries must go down.
— Prisons must become more humane.
— Freedom of the press must be enhanced.
— Tax reforms: higher incomes must pay appreciably more, lower incomes as little as possible.
— Tax collecting must be improved; undeclared work must be tackled so more people pay taxes.
— Economy has to be diversified so islands are not dependent on tourism and refineries.
Oh Yeah
The spoiled brats are having meetings on their 12.5% discount, and are still acting up about their loontrede; and the Central Bank says all that will promote poverty. Bloody nonsense; high time for a new management there.
Big Help
Imports must be reduced, so what's offered as a solution? Propagate agriculture. And fisheries.
Now really.
V-Day or D-Day?
Today, 17:00 Dutch time (11:00 local) Holland's minister Knops wants a reply from Curaçao on the conditions for a second soft loan. From St. Maarten as well, which makes it more interesting.
Because Curaçao government has already said that they'll meet the conditions "as long as they're legal." For one thing, there's a deal with St. Maarten on the Central Bank which has to be arranged in mutual agreement; and St. Maarten has already said they won't accept the conditions.
Tough for Bhillenaath and his Wimpy Gang? CBCS has already declared they see no problem in working with DNB.
Also, the 12.5% discount on the spoiled brats' salaries can't go through, there are CAOs you know [collective agreements]. Presumably, these also exist for private workers, who'll get a 20% discount, but that doesn't seem to be a problem.
On the other hand, the cabinet says the conditions are acceptable; press conference at 09:00. I'll follow up as soon as that comes through. If the conditions are not accepted, no more money until July 1. Which would mean the government has to fall—but will it? Would cost them 1 month of salary, hey!
08:41:41 2020-05-20
Owner of the Miles JazzCafé Punda, in the very street where several years ago Helmin Wiels instigated an anti-makamba riot where, ironically enough, a Yu'i Kòrsow had to be taken to hospital because he was inadvertently knocked out by a thrown stone, published an item on FakeBook where he used expressions like "monkey island" and "get the typhus". He has apologized and excuses himself by saying "he was drunk" when he wrote it.
Meanwhile, he's shown his true colors (mainly, white with a definite braun edge), and we all know where he's at.
They'd Like That
M*F*K requests a "national government" to fight the problems. In such a government, the opposition parties would be represented. (I see several potential problems here.) Decisions would be taken by consensus; that would be a new one! The government should cooperate, says M*F*K... if not...
Good Luck, Why Not?
A plan for tourism recovery is introduced. If I got the details right, in Phase I tourists from Holland will have to be quarantined for 2 weeks upon arrival. Boy what fun!
Culture Crime
The police confiscated "a large number" (we're not told how many) motorcycles. Not, as you might expect, because they were a noise nuisance or didn't wearsafety beltshelmets; no, because they were on the road after curfew had started at 21:00.
Reminds me of what happened to a friend of mine, whose car was towed away from an illegal parking spot. Paris in the 1970s. She had to pay a 400 NF fine to collect it; but when she went to the depository she bought it back, cash, for NF50 from the guard.
Same Old
The opposition parties didn't appear at the meeting about the RMR Kingdom demands. They declared it was superfluous.
MAN Plet said that the mess we're in was not caused by mismanagement. May well be his first ever original thought.
Great Plans
M*F*K Mudbelly Cooper announces they want to make Curaçao "the pearl of the Caribbean". Ain't that fine. It's based on "economy, education and labor". To achieve it, the local banks must tap into their "overliquidity" (and give it to the government, one presumes), we need to change over to the US Dollar, and we must join Caricom.
Forget it, Mudbelly.
And Pinhead Martina, accepting leadership of MAN, says "we must start thinking differently." Go ahead, Pinhead; show us!
FAA degraded 6 Caribbean islands to category 2 status: Antigua & Barbuda, Grenada, Dominica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, we're told. And of course Curaçao. They do not conform to the safety conditions of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
It's a Start
Ministers have decided to lower their salaries with 25%.
And APC pension fund announces it will take over PSB postspaarbank.
Just a USA Quote
43 Republican lawmakers from Wisconsin have sent a letter to the state's congressional delegation in Washington asking them not to support any coronavirus relief bill that gives money to states with a history of "reckless budgeting".
Which reminds of something... Can't put my finger on it...
St. Maarten's PM, Silveria Jacobs, calls the Dutch conditions for more money an "indecent proposal". She's very disappointed about Holland's demands, without any space forforeplayforethought.
Unions Persist
The spoiled brats' unions want a reply from the government when their infamous loontrede will be paid out. As if the government knew...
You'll never guess what they'll do if not getting their reply. Yes, correct, they'll go to court. How did you ever guess?
What Really Matters
Dick Drayer in De achterkant van Curaçao [Curaçao's backside—say, does he by any chance mean our esteemed PM?] analyses what staatssecretaris Knops really means with his "drastic measures": tackling the financial sector and the gambling world.
The CBCS central bank must, to quote Drayer, "provide the Nederlandse Bank (DNB) with insight into the situation in the financial sector in the broadest sense of the word. Also those parts where potential losses are suffered and where they have an effect.
This concerns at least the insight into the current capital and liquidity position of the main financial institutions (banks, insurers, pension funds) and the forecasts for the next six months."
Knops is especially interested in what's going on with Girobank, Postspaarbank, Ennia and AVC civil pension funds, and the consequences for government finances. CSBS must appoint 3 high quality directors (as required anyway) as counseled by DNB. All this has to happen before July 1.
Almost as an afterthought Drayer mentions that Knops wants CBCS to provide insight on the flow of money from the gambling circuit. "The responsible man at the Central Bank never asked the letterbox companies about the money flows for macroeconomic statistics, so that the money flows from the gambling sector can remain underground. The nominal values of the trust sector have still not been charted at the Central Bank."
Did we get this from our Wimpy Leaders' blabbering about reducing our independence? No. To quote another writer, "The rest is silence." But that may end soon, forced by the Virus—that then may have caused something good, after all.
No Reply
Dutch Staatssecretaris Knops sent a letter on April 19 that much would have to be done before Curaçao got a second soft loan. Cft financial supervision advised on May 6 that in fact nothing had happened, notwithstanding the politicians' protests. Cft let it be known that no Curaçao proposals had been forthcoming.
In Antilliaans Dagblad a zaftig lady, director of political party PAR, opines that Holland is going much too far now and that "we were working on it already" ["nos ta bezig kune", an expression used much-to-often] to reduce the government and its budget.
I suppose with that she means the infamous Growth Strategy, where the government was supposed to get still heavier.
And I wonder what motioned, for crying out loud, a newspaper to present that as their opinion.
Aruba Wised Up
Aruba will accept the Dutch conditions for another loan. PAR PM Bhillenaath is in hospital now (maybe he wants to become a Bonairean?) but the cabinet will discuss it in a meeting Monday afternoon. And about St. Maarten? I don't know and really don't care.
Realistic vs. Unrealistic
PAR PM Bhillenaath, Aruba and St. Maarten do not accept the Kingdom's (read: Holland's) "unrealistic" demands for a second soft loan. Bhillenaath says he's not Holland's errand boy! That's tellin' 'em, Bhillie!
Holland demands concrete measures on salaries of politicians,civil servantsspoiled brats and managers of SOEs. Curaçao must show unconditional transparency about the financial sector's situation and that of the government enterprises. As if they could; they hardly know what's going on.
Ministers and MPs must let go of 25% of their salaries (and not for just 2 months either); spoiled brats and personnel of government enterprises 12.5%. Top salaries in the civil service and consultants may not be higher than 130% of the PM's salary. Government maynot use Social Security and pension funds to cover shortages.
Bhillenaath, Aruba and St. Maarten say these demands are unacceptable, with the result that they went home without any support at all.
Prepare for hard times, fellas!
The next kingdom meeting is early July. It has been made known that DNB Dutch central bank will then control eventual loans and compliance with the conditions. This also has to do with the plans to fuse bankrupt Girobank and Postspaarbank. DNB will control appointment of the top of CBCS Central Bank as well.
The clowns may just as well go home right now. Oh no, I forgot, they still have salaries until July coming in. And their pensions, don't forget their pensions... they won't!
One synonym for "errand boy" used in the printing industry is "devil". Bhillie may not be Holland's devil, but he has long since turned into ours.
We Can't Wait
Those spoiled brats who are about to go anyway will be able to leave by June 1st. They'll get a golden handshake plus a monthly payment until their pension starts. One, maybe over-optimistic, estimate is that over 500 of them will make use of the opportunity. How much that would save we're not told.
NVJ Dutch union of journalist is not at all content with the fact that Rick Hart was thrown out by his boss, Radio Hoyer, because his questions didn't agree with PM Bhillenaath's finer feelings. This is a straight infringement of freedom of the press, NVJ states.
But you knew that already, only you may not believe it. Greta, the Titless Wonder, has been selected by CNN as an expert for a forum—on the Virus! She says "listen to the scientists!" (as if she did, dropping out from school).
Another Petition
Take that, Bhillenaath: a petition has started collecting signatures to stop the 25 million guilders loontrede for the spoiled brats, with 15,000 people (10% of the total) dependent on food packets.
Just now there were 683 signatures.
You're Telling Us
The impact of the Virus here is much larger than should have been necessary, concludes the Economic Bureau Amsterdam, and this is because of a "lack of economic maintenance", whatever that means. Well, if I translate this as "nobody in the government cared a fart about finance" that's close enough.
But the Bureau still thinks the future is sunny. They must be as blindly optimistic as Our Leaders.
Hope That Works
Epidemiologist Izzy Gerstenbluth announces drive-in tests for the Virus. The very same day, the president of Tanzania complains that test samples from papaya fruit and a goat came out positive. Of course, this was denied by the labs.
Corendon has announced they're stopping their plans for a quickie test before passengers board on Schiphol Airport.
No Reply, Piss Off
After PM Bhillenaath's press conference the journalists wanted some more answers to questions about loontrede and vacation bonus for the spoiled brats, and about the Kresh Group. But Bhillie didn't want to discuss that, switched their mikes off and closed the conference.
Journalist Rick Hart was then made inactive by his boss, Radio Hoyer. Really. Power Politics supported by the media.
Bhillenaath describes this a "lack of respect"—for him. Of course, it's the makambas' [European Dutch] fault! Talk about wimps.
Sure, Send More Money
Minister McWilliam wants Holland to send more money, to develop tourism with. This of course following PM Bhillenaath's ideas-NOT.
Strong Talking
PAR PM Bhillenaath has held a discourse in which he wants us all together to "make a fist" and ask for less dependence and a stop to the rigorous, "unrealistic" conditions Holland sets for the subsidies.
You'd like that, huh, Bhillie? Too bad many people agree with Holland.
Seems Wise
Holland will give Curaçao a second subsidy of 141 million right away and 63 million for salary subsidies—after Curaçao has shown these have been paid out.
Until now, they haven't.
Plenty Suggestions
Minister McWilliam (soon to be replaced) asks for suggestion from the people how to end the present crisis.
She must beevendumber than she looks. Honest, she looks smarter than most of 'em. Not that it isn't easy. But if she follows the media, she must have seen plenty pretty good suggestions: Throw out the spoiled brats. Get rid of recidivist criminals in the government. Cut down on salaries and free business class trips.
That would be a good start.
Let Us Celebrate
It's official now: political party MAN, started by Don Martina around 1970, has now as leader Don's son, Pinhead Steven. From "socialist" party to a family affair in 50 years.
And on May 22 Pinhead, the man who tried to saddle us up with space travel, 1000 cows and InselAir, will be reinstated as minister of economy. Then he can really start making money.
That name is actually too good for them. In the words of Popeye creator Segar, "Wimpy has to win!" but they're champion losers.
Not counting their Grand Cayman or Switzerland bank accounts.
Now PAR PM Bhillenaath says the loontrede will be paid out to the spoiled brats; just not now. And they will get their vacation premium as well.
Small wonder that Antilliaans Dagblad figures it out: of the enormous soft loan, 35% will go to fight the Virus consequences; 65% will disappear (le mot juste) into the government coffers.
Sorry, Corendon!
The Dutch minister of health has his doubts about Corendon's plans to test their clients on the airport before departure, to guarantee Virus-free visitors. Will this stop Corendon?
Not if you leave it to our people-in-charge. Money is money.
Really? No!
The 2020 supplementary budget has been submitted, but K*NT Rojer says it's completely unrealistic; it's as if there has been no Virus at all.
Are you surprised?
No-Good Weaklings
PAR PM Bhillenaath and his worthless weaklings have given in to the spoiled brats and will pay out their loontrede. They only ask for compassion and understanding that it doesn't come at once.
Snitch Along with Sushi
Auntie Sushi thinks it a good thing when people snitch to the government when they notice somebody doesn't keep to the "social distance" rules.
Hah! I Say Hah!
Police raided bordello Campo Alegre, because stories were going around there was prostitution going on, while the place has been locked down. But the cops say nothing untoward has been found.
Let's Throw a Party
After Isla refinery has invested 5 million guilders in Bullenbaai oil terminal it will be ready for use in June. Partly.
A Bit Later
Corendon Hotel will open "before the end of summer" now; not April 1! Fooled you, huh?
Passengers flying in will get a Virus test before boarding, for which they'll pay €50. They may not leave the hotel at all. Hopefully, there's a casino on the premises.
Masks and social distance will ruin your vacation, the management says. Hey, how about condoms?
Goldarned Fools
Carnival Cruises will restart operations in August.
Plenty of suckers... they already have booked twice the number of passengers of a year ago. 200%!
They'll all have the time of their lives.
Aww... My Heart Bleeds
The spoiled brats don't like the way they are spoken about. They feel they are being stigmatized.
Tough, guys; you've been asking for it for many years.
Their unions didn't even bother to appear at an information meeting with minister Konket on the consequences of the Virus. Go boil your heads.
Back to the Drawing Board
Advisor corporate governance has sent the concept profile sketch for the board back to Aqualectra. They have to redo the shot. For example and starters, there are no expertise profiles for the commissaries. In other words, they just figured they could continue as is.
Glad to see that at least the advisor works.
At Request
For some reason, people keep asking me what I'm reading these days. So here goes again:
By [Dominic Frisby] Daylight Robbery (Paperback) 2019
It's about taxes.
For those who care, here's the former read.
Time-Line Curaçao Communist Party Virus
Nobody else has taken this trouble, so here's another free Public Service.
please read and mind the copyright © notice
So far, we haven't done badly at all. My own personal private guess is, because of the border closure. The lockdown may have been totally superfluous and in that case served only to ruin the economy. Plenty of questions and nobody, as yet, seems to have a real answer. Keep in mind, we have about 160,000 inhabitants, give or take. 2020-05-11: unless there are dramatic new developments, this Timeline will be moved down.
03-12 KLM inbound flights welcome 03-13 Blue Seas and Film Festival canceled 03-14 Flights from Europe canceled 1 died (import) 03-16 schools closed for 1 week 3 reported cases 40 monitored USA starts 8-week lockdown 03-20 3 infections 67 monitored 03-21 hotels closed; est. 2 weeks of quarantine (until May 5) 03-23 4 reported cases 03-25 5 reported cases 2 cured Trump hopes to open up April 12 03-28 8 reported cases 03-29 borders closed completely 03-30 general lockdown 11 reported cases 03-31 spoiled brats work at home Trump extends to April 30 04-01 Izzy Gerstenbluth says "200 days" (until May 13) 11 monitored 3 cured 145 tested 04-07 2 new cases 04-12 14 total cases 8 cured 4 monitored 04-14 lockdown prolonged 2 weeks (April 28) 0 new cases 04-18 lockdown partly relieved 0 new cases 04-19 14 total cases 1 monitored 291 tested 04-21 14 total cases 11 cures 1 dead 292 tested 2 retests 04-23 lockdown partly relieved 14 total cases 11 cures 1 dead 304 tested 04-25 16 total cases 12 cures 2 in hospital 315 tested 04-25 16 total cases 12 cures 2 in hospital 343 tested 05-04 lockdown further relieved Schools will reopen coming 2/3 weeks 05-08 back to "normal" except for curfew 21:00-06:00 restaurants only take-out
Just Forget It
PAR Minister Gijs & Bertha is still going on about rebuilding the tax office, last year the victim of an arson attack. As if Gijs & Bertha have 60 million guilders available these days. At any rate, last year he promised the decision would be taken this year's first quarter.
Then, let's not forget Ir. Hodgson figured out last October that a new building would waste 80 or 90 million guilders.
Gijsbertha is also wasting more money he doesn't have to pay again for external advice (are you ready?) he's already paid for. And he doesn't follow practically anybody's advice, like IMF's and Central Bank's. Makes you ask yourself, can he even read?
Beeg Shaim?
The police feels we have misbehaved on our first day of freedom. Lots of car accidents. But from now on, they say they'll be on the look-out for traffic violations and crimes again. Again?
And the military will continue to support the police. I may be paranoid when I smell a power grab. Especially since it mainly concerns the curfew.
That's Funny! Haw Haw Haw!
In New York State, 66% of the people who were infected with the Virus didn't leave their homes during the lock-up.
Makes you think a bit...
More Money for Marius
Lawyer Marius Römer has been proposed as candidate for the board of CDM Holding. Römer got a certain name asFOØLnow FLK Godett's lawyer.
The Campo Alegre bordello personnel has been paid 80% of their salaries. Since the management was arrested as the place was used to launder money and smuggle drugs, the idea was to auction it off. Nothing more has been heard about that.
Remember, part of Campo is government owned. (I may be wrong there.)
Figures. Logical?
Now that the lockdown is almost canceled, a second group of US medics will arrive today. They will be used in case there's an "explosive" outbreak of the Virus now that we're all more or less free to walk around again.
In case there's none, it's all a big fat waste of course. But maybe they can help with victims of traffic accidents, that have come back in full force right away.
Oh Wait! That's Even Better
Remember how PAR PM Bhillenaath proposes to end those superduper salaries for GOE functionaries? Plum forgot to tell you: these persons will get five years to think it over. As far as I know, while keeping their salaries all the time; then, they may decide to keep their jobs. Or retire.
Catching Up
Say, about those spoiled brats who have been sitting at home for 6 weeks, fully paid. They'll have to catch up—by working overtime.
Pierrot Is Back
After a stay in Colombia, because of "several" drug rehabs and who knows what else, ex-politician Pierre is back in town. Deltha radio station has even given him a daily 90 minutes talk show (yawn).
He used to work for several SOEs (which makes the question pop up: what price his salaries?) and has been a member of Curaçao Eilandraad government and of the Antillean Staten/parliament.
So Do I
The Kingdom Institute for Health and Environment RIVM thinks a second Communist Party Virus outbreak on the islands is a real possibility.
Can't Be Much Worse, True
The Trade Unions want to take over Isla Refinery management. They say that they can do much better than the prsent directors do.
The way it looks now, out of 900 personnel 600 will be fired. 200 will remain for maintenance of the refinery, and 100 for the oil terminal.
Oh, Sorry, Correction
Those people who must be quarantined for two weeks in a hotel after arriving here, have to pay for that themselves. ANG3500, ouch. At any rate, I wrote earlier that we would have to pay up; not so.
Makes One Wonder
More and more people, here and in Holland (except for our Leaders, of course), start to realize that, after the gigantic flop of our 10-10-10 independence, it's about time to turn that back and make a Dutch province out of the 6 islands.
If only. There's one little problem here: this really is a different country.
But think about it: after Holland paid off all our debts back then, the Kingdom may now have to cough up 1 billion €uros.
Oh Those Plastics
British Universities, maybe the same who gave us Climategate, now send out alarming news about hermit crabs, what we call soldachi [little soldier]. The microplastics hanging around everywhere, we're informed, make trouble for the poor beasties by doing something bad about water retention. Soldachis don't make their own shell but have to hunt around for old unoccupied shells.
On the other hand, I have often noticed soldachis making good use of old plastic bottle caps, as a perfect substitute for shells. So...
Good, Even Great
The so-called Solidarity Levy of 10% during 6 months, proposed by the sick brains of our Leaders, has been scratched.
Some Joke—On Us
Remember the almost 180 million soft loan? The government has been looking for a law regulating how that money should be spent.
Well, there ain't no such law. Which leads to lots of "confusion and ambiguity". I bet. So the government is now working on such a law which will come into effect retroactively. When? Don't ask me.
There's a website Fondo di Sosten where it's all explained. If only after a fashion.
MP Marilyn Moses wants to see a detailed account of how that money has been spent. We would all like that...
Good for Them
Campo Alegre personnel will get their salaries paid, plus 9.5% AOW pension premium, by SVB social insurance bank. The money will be taken out of the Noodfonds.
The money had been paid to Campo already, but the bordello preferred to keep it for other purposes. Now it has been paid back.
Oh and by the way you know, Campo was considering bankruptcy because they couldn't pay up. You ask me, a bunch of crooks; and I just wish they would go bankrupt and get lost.
We're assured there are no prostitutes among those who get money.
Bad Luck...
CMC Hospital can only perform acute and essential surgeries for a while. It's impossible to get PPE supplies. I looked that up for you, it means Personal Protection Equipment. You're welcome.
Medicines aplenty, though.
Compare and Weep
In the, compared with us, heavily-Virus-hit USA the number of jobless people has now broken all records since the Great Depression: 14.7%. Must be Trump's fault!
Here, it was 41% two weeks ago.
Good Idea
A search will be made among undocumented persons to check if there are no Virus cases among them. That would ruin all end-of-lockdown plans.
Make 'em Work
The spoiled brats will have to go back to "work" next Monday. Tough, guys. My heart bleeds.
But schools won't reopen before June.
Let's Take a Breath
Tourism will remain very limited for one or two years. However, Princess Cruises announced they will restart activities by, say, September. Very doubtful.
57,000 crew members are "prisoners" on 74 cruise ships and waiting for a chance to go home. But no harbors want them. So maybe we will open our harbor to them and make a quick buck.
An internal letter from the Klesh Group states they will try to finish the negotiations on the overtake of Isla Refinery before the end of the year. Very promising.
The Kresh Group say they wanted to exploit the refinery, but there's no money to be made in refining oil for now.
Finished, Over
Not the Virus, alas... No, the cops won't get that ridiculous overtime payment anymore (while the rest of us is going hungry).
Passengers arriving by KLM did not know (nobody told them) that they would have to stay quarantined for 2 weeks here. So they went home with their families first, where they were picked up and taken to hotels; paid by the government.
Is dissa sytem?
Will Fit in Nicely
Paul de Geus, ex-director of now-thankfully-sold UTS, with one of those extravagant salaries, has announced he will start working for the Tax Person.
Way to Go!
The trade unions neglected to appear on a meeting to which they were invited by the government to discuss the Virus and other problems.
They'd rather run to court.
Stupid Trick?
MAN Minister Gijs & Bertha seem to have presented a new law, limiting salaries paid by SOEs/ONVs. The idea was, these guys would not earn more than the highest paid spoiled brats, to wit 290,000 guilders/year. However (you saw this coming):
They will be able to earn much more by taking trips to foreign countries, using luxurious service cars privately, need I go on? you get the idea. In short, nothing will really change. The law hasn't been signed yet.
Dutch CDA party wants to see a review of public finances on Curaçao, Aruba and St. Maarten since 2010. So would we. CDA is curious if the yearly accounts are presented on time. (They're not.) It's all because of the exorbitant loans PAR PM Bhillenaath, and the other islands, want from the kingdom; other parties show acute interest as well.
First we heard that car fuel would go down in May, by about 10 cents; then we're told that price will go up with 22 cents/liter. But wait! Car gas will still go down with 10 cents/liter. We are now paying for stocks bought in March, before price collapsed to less than nothing.
Curoil and Aqualectra say they need the extra money or they'll go bankrupt. Say, maybe a chance to buy up their assets, kick personnel out and start anew. Just to make sure: I'm not serious, but wish I were.
No Problem, Mon!
In the USA, airlines are flying at 10% of capacity. People don't seem to trust their half-assed measures.
Sure, of Course
FMA addiction management tells us about a maybe unexpected consequence of the lockdown: more drug use, especially during curfew hours. Caused by stress and loneliness.
You Don't Say
Building activities at the Corendon Hotel (formerly Holiday Beach, formerly Holiday Inn) at Rif have been suspended.
Maybe they're waiting for the promised new mangrove trees? Just kidding...
Get Lost, You All
The SSS spokesperson declares he doesn't care about all criticism leveled at this new who-needs-it union. "It's our democratic right" and that settles it.
Bridge Repair
The "Swinging Lady", Emma pontoon bridge, is in repair. To cross the harbor pedestrians will have to use the ferries.
Er, how about "social distance"?
Big Bully Blue
KLM announces their way to fight the Virus. Masks are obligatory; and "where possible" seats will be left empty. Contact between passengers and cabin crew will be minimized [read: less catering].
It's no joke, not even a bad one.
Air Travel
Popular Mechanics sums it up. A minimum distance of 6 ft results in a 737-700, capacity 149 seats, carrying 18 passengers max. All passengers and cabin crew wear masks.
A TUI 787-8 Dreamliner has 291 economy seats, with 44.5cms/17.5"/seat you could fit 2 pax. per row of 9 seats. KLM 787-10 is about the same, only KLM has a Business plus Economy Comfort Class, leaving 270 Economy pax. crammped, to be sure.
"With over 1 million confirmed U.S. cases and an incubation (asymptomatic) time of up to two weeks or more, even a 737-700 with empty middle seats—holding about 99 passengers—is likely to contain one COVID-19 carrier."
Enjoy your flight and Happy Quarantine!
Now It's Done
The salaries of ministers will be cut with 10% (for 2 months only) and those of SOEs bosses will be adapted by the end of this month. Oh, the hardship! We're not told by how much they'll be adapted.
What we do hear now is, the idea to adapt those salaries was introduced in 2016, but thanks to trade union (really!) Bakoba's protests it bounced.
Tax Flop
A praatstuk [discussion piece] by finance minister Gijs & Bertha has been presented. Everybody who mentions it also mentions the many grammatical and spelling errors in there. Gijs & Bertha must have followed a Papiamentu school, other than most politicians' kids.
There is more to the point criticism as well, all boiling down to the question: what does the minister thinks to achieve with this? If he has thought at all.
PAR PM Bhillenaath found the solution: instead of attracting international tourism, we must propagate people taking their holidays in their own country. Sheer genius! I can see the hotels fill up already. And don't forget the taxis, car rentals and the tour operators!
Oh yeah, and restaurants giving away free meals, and others offering free services, will not be taxed.
Bhillenaath asks for suggestions. This is mine, Bhillie: you know where you can put it.
Hoo Cairs
The government is deliberating what to do with the UTS-owned companies that were not included in the deal with DataFlow. There was an advice from Finance, but that's a year old by now and "perhaps obsolete". Ya think?
Liberty Latin America stated they are not interested in ATM/TeleCuraçao. My free advice: get rid of that rubbish right now. Blame the Virus.
Parliament elections, planned for March 19 next year, will go through regardless. Unsurprisingly, politicians have tried to use the Virus as an argument to delay.
If it will change anything? Good question.
Still There
The cruise-ship Resolute that was attacked by the Mighty Venezuela Navy, is still in Willemstad harbor. The agent swears the shipowners can pay up. So, why don't they?
What Now?
Wisely, for once, the government hasn't reacted to the trade unions' ultimatum. They're now getting together to figure out what's next. Good luck, spoiled brats!
Update: they'll go to court, as predicted.
Campo Is in Trouble
The 83 workers at our national pride (now that InselAir has gone), giant bordello Campo Alegre, haven't had their salaries. Now they're considering what to do. Hey guys, why not go on strike? Won't help one bit...
No! Really?!
The Kresh deal has been delayed again—"probably". Because of the Virus, of course. Maybe we should have dealt with the Chinese instead?
So the Isla refinery workers, including management, are the only ones who get their full salaries until... yeah, when?
Much Too Late
PAR PM Bhillenaath wants to regulate ASAP salaries at SOEs and government subsidized institutes. This will have to be done by MB ministerial order. It will be based on the national ordinance optimization government-affiliated entities, which has been around since 2016 but was never realized. Because of the unions who organized strikes and riots.
Salaries will be based on maximum scale 18 of civil servants, AKA spoiled brats, which entails a maximum of 14,563 guilders/month.
Just Try This, Auntie Chutie
In Israel, sewage is analyzed all over the country to find Virus infections before they can cause a second wave.
What can we here do for a follow-up? Analyze contents of trucks dumping shit at Shut/chute?
Different Approach
Just over a century ago, the world was ravaged by Spanish Flu, leading to a recession all over. Sounds familiar?
President Harding halved the USA budget and cut all income taxes, and his successor Coolidge continued that policy. Which led to the Roaring Twenties.
Musta been a coincidence?
Much Better Than Expected
Hotel occupancy went down 54% last month. Virus, you know. Two in 3 rooms are unoccupied; which makes me think there are far too many rooms. Before the Virus occupation was below the minimum, is what you have to conclude. And that was High Season.
Makes me think, do we really need tourism? Or, much better, less hotels?
But CHATA hotel organization wants the borders open again ASAP. Thus ruining the one measure that saved lives.
Seems to Work
Since Royal Marine/Navy ship Karel Doorman is honoring its name by helping out with controlling the border, there have been no new debarkations of Venezuelan refugees. At least, that's what they say. If they missed out, who'd know?
Bakoba, Go Home
There's a new syndicate of trade unions, just what we needed. It is led by Errol Bakoba, the guy who keeps popping back up, Till Eulenspiegel like. It's called SSS (that's one S too many), and it will fight against "everything that's against the law." Among which zzp-ers: people who work for themselves; among half of the total people is a fair guess.
One comment calls this "trade union terrorism" which doesn't sound far wrong.
They Can't; Just Like We
Aqualectra utility has asked the country to pay taxes and social premiums a bit later, as their profits have gone down and they don't have the funds. Too bad. Now try this yourself.
Maybe Aqualectra can try cutting their outrageous board salaries first.
There is no base in law for the deal to support people who have lost their jobs, and income, because of the Virus lockdown. Hasn't stopped minister McWilliam to have paid out on a "grand scale" to 18,000 workers.
Think About It
Airlines, once they start flying again, most probably will not only force passengers to wear masks in-flight, they will also eliminate seats between window and aisle. And, I take it, 2 seats in that middle wide-body row as well. (As if that, 54cms/18"—if you're lucky, would insure social distance. You'd need 4 empty seats between you and the next passenger.) That's about 1/3 loss of capacity. Now, consider: do you think that will not influence price per ticket? Sure it will.
You think that will not influence number of tickets sold? And number of tourists flying in here? Think again.
Look at That!
As climate plans are so costly, they will result in loss of millions of jobs, leaving European countries wanting to recover from the Virus no choice but to give them up, if they want a strong economic recovery.
Maybe that's the real hint Mother Gaia Earth wanted to give us?
Don't you love those things? The spoiled brats' trade unions have announced yesterday was the last day for the government to announce when their loontrede will be paid out. Or...
Yes, or what? Run to the judge of course!
Is What They Think
The budget is 766 million guilders short. Because of the virus, you know; not to mention the rest. Cft financial supervision comments, it's about time to look at ways to increase income and lower expenses.
The good news here is, the ABB new version of purchase tax has been postponed and lowered to 9%, and OZB real estate tax over 2019 has been lowered by 25%. But MPs' salaries have not been lowered; yet? Their excuses is, first it has to be clear where that money will go to.
Minister Gijs & Bertha comments, "it's obvious that further Dutch support will carry conditions."
In the words of Erich Kästner, "Du merkst aber auch alles."
Let's stop inviting people in who are stupid enough to go on cruises.
But They Won't Listen; As Always
Twelve employers' organizations representing companies with a total of 50,000 employees call for a series of urgent government measures. They quote not less than 9 reports that advise the same.
Too bad one of those is that of the Unwise Men, the same fools who gave InselAir 30 million, as everybody else knew à fonds perdu.
Their advice should be followed up within a month; so forget it right away. It entails modernizing and flexibilizing the labor market; normalizing top salaries; less salaries and secondary conditions for civil servants; digitizing the licenses/permits systems; normalizing government entities as regards service continuity and quality; and last, eventually a crisis levy as an indirect tax measure, only to be carried through when all other measures have been applied and the economy is growing ("again" they add. Since when?)
You might as well, probably better, wish for the moon. Which doesn't mean they haven't got their points.
Good! Get Lost!
The Central Bank also disapproves of the solidarity tax. It would result in an "even greater contraction". Quite so. It will as well lead to what economists call "deadweight loss". That doesn't mean less politicians, but less prosperity.
But it doesn't matter, as long as the spoiled brats get their salaries. But they won't, as the levy/tax will automatically result in less taxes. Any more bright ideas, you there in Fort Amsterdam?
No Way, Dummy!
Johnsel Diamoen, head of CBV (union for nurses) tells us all that "Health is more important han freedom."
Please go tell that to the Wuhan Chinese; or the USSR Russians; or the Nazi Deutschland Germans... why go on? there are far too many examples. Shut up, spare us.
How did it go again? Right, "Give me liberty or give me death." Far too many got death.
Ke Alivio!
No media today, it's Labor Day. Saves me a lot of work just scanning those headlines. Pffft.
Now They Found Out
Political parties PS™, K*NT and M*F*K want an extra parliament meeting to discuss the 81 (or maybe 85?) medics who arrived here from the USA to help us fight the Virus and were kicked out by return of mail. Those parties are really with it: the medics have been returned long since.
Death Threat
Minister McWilliams, interim until pinhead Martina returns, has filed a complaint against somebody who allegedly threatened to kill her. Allegedly according to McWilliams; I can't find it. Maybe I'm just insensitive.
Reason? How I read it, it's because McWilliams figured that lottery boss Dos Diablos had to pay taxes, even if he paid his personnel. Suckers just love Robbie!
And now I read that it was auntie Sushi when she was minister of Justice, under whose leadership the present infrastructure for lotteries and all was arranged. Wonder how much she got paid there.
Old Name Back
Anthony Hollander, formerly PAR member who said goodbye to politics in 2010, has now become a member of MP (that of Ms. Moses). He says this is because the people always comes first place at MP. Sure, Hollander. Got any more good ones?
Good Job
A spoiled brat working for Customs was sent home, because she lacked werklust [appetite for work] and was a bad influence on her colleagues (really?). With full salary, mind! She had "worked" from 2005 to 2010 when she was finally fired, but went to court to fight that. She appealed and now has been definitely, explicitly and unequivocally fired.
Once again, what chutzpah.
Can't Open Anyway
The Netherlands (=Holland) and Switzerland are reopening schools, as it has been discovered that children below 10 years age can't transfer the virus anyway, so why bother?
Here, it can't be done; because of those toilets, remember?
Nice Try
Supermarkets are obliged, after all those years, to disinfect shopping carts and customers' hands. Hope this sticks around after the Virus passes; those carts are often too filthy for words. One of them tried to make do with using vinegar for this, but got rapped on the fingers.
They were closed because there were other supermarkets close by; otherwise, they'd have gotten away with it. No kidding.
Government Invites Trade Unions
Those of the spoiled brats, who still insist on getting their loontrede on May 1. They just can't see reason.
Aqualectra is in trouble. Because of the virus it was expected that consumption, what with home-workers, would go up. But in reality it went down by 15%. Then, people just pay as it occurs to them (and you have to think, they have much less money to start with), which results in a restricted cash flow.
Schools, hotels and restaurants of course don't use anything at all.
Hey, let's close them all, change over to home schooling and drive the parents nuts!
Nos A Skapa
The 187 Cuban medics who last Sunday arrived in South Africa for 12 months to fight the Virus will cost the country "honderde miljoene rande" [tens of millions of guilders—or dollars]. But the media can't get this confirmed by the government.
Reminds me of a certain Caribbean island... the name escapes me; begins with a "C" and it's not Cuba.
Meanwhile, there are plenty of unemployed medics in South Africa. Problem is, they're the wrong color.
For How Long?
Got our meagre welfare pension the day before yesterday. So they still have some money left. For now.
If we had to live off of that, we couldn't even pay the OZB [real estate tax].
The medical specialists don't agree with Izzy Gersthenbluth's tactics on combating the Virus; to wit, the general lockdown.
But the GPs ["huisartsen"] do not agree with the specialists and are "200%" behind Izzy. Count, they can't. That is to say, part of them; another group does not agree with Izzy.
If you can figure it out, please do tell.
So Original
The "Honk If You Agree" with ending the lockdown has blown over from the USA. But it got stopped before it even started.
Here, those honking processions only work at elections. No comment.
Great. Fine.
The judge has decreed that Kadaster [land registry] is quite right in not paying 15m guilders to the government, which it was supposed to. The Tax Person called the money "over reserves". Now, at least they will remain reserved.
Central Bank sends out a warning against crooks approaching people to participate in pyramid schemes, connected with the Virus.
Best advice I can give: if it sounds too good to be true, it is.
Hotels and restaurants are preparing food for those who can't afford it these days; among which 15,000 Venezuela refugees. That many by now? 10%! Well well.
Maybe Not Exactly That
VBC entrepreneurs' club wants Curaçao to follow Aruba's example, where the government and spoiled brats at least have given up part of their salaries. They can afford it.
More to the point may be, VBC wants the 178 million loan from Holland to be deposited in a special fund, so it won't be used to cover budget deficits. Ouch. Touché!
Watch Those Jokes
When I first heard about the CP-Virus and the risk for old farts like me, my first reaction was to joke that it was an Evil Plan to get rid of them and start the welfare-pension Ponzi scheme anew.
Now I discover some people are seriously looking at that. But after all, that's politicians for you.
Faster, Please
The economy is gradually opening up again after the lockdown. Schools will be reopened; only, first ruined toilets which have been ruined for years will have to be repaired, which will take a couple of weeks. Even hardware stores may open op again after May 4. Sure comes in handy when you need to fix toilets.
Protests are appearing that the whole lockdown deal is illegal and, like they love to say in the USA, unconstitutional. Won't help us.
Forget It
Those 100m worth of bonds? Has been stopped. Good.
A Thought
It's the World Health Organisation whose lockdown recommendations the Western world, and we, are following to fight the Communist Party Virus; in the process ruining our economy.
Meanwhile a petition to relieve the director general of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, from his function has collected over one million signatures. The guy was pushed into his job by instigation of China, where the virus came from; as far as I know just about the only country that doesn't keep to the recommendations. And sending defective equipment and drugs out all over, nicely lethal combination.
It may be just a bit paranoid to assume all this has been done on purpose; but knowing Red China, maybe not so much. At any rate, if it was, it worked like a charm.
Fully Agreed
The trade unions declare together that the time is not opportune for a solidarity levy. They think, and who's gonna blame them, first the economy and then the government of the island must be adapted. (To me, that's the same thing.)
In other words, you know where you can put it, PM Bhillenaath/Ass-Crack!
What a Farce
Remember those 81 medics flown in from the USA? Well, this turns out to be the story behind it.
While a group of Curaçao medics living in Holland was getting ready to fly over and help in the Virus fight, they were suddenly canceled and replaced by the Americans. The Yanks' salaries and trips were paid for by Holland, as part of the deal we would be supplied with equipment and medicine. We were supposed to pick up the tab for their stay here, .5m guilders or $275K.
The Americans were selected by an employment agency. So the group was sent over in a plane, together with those meant for Aruba, and duly arrived here. Welcomed at Hato airport by auntie Sushi, masks and all, maintaining the social distance. But either nobody told them about the lockdown (very professional) or they didn't care (even more professional). The same evening the medics arranged a cosy party in the hotel bar. Social distancing? Don't make me laugh.
Which is why they were kicked back pronto, with the delegation meant for Aruba. They will all be replaced soon by yet another party, but this time it will explained this is not a paid holiday on a sunny Caribbean paradise island, but that they're supposed to do some serious work. The first group didn't seem to get that.
Sour note: I know a bit about employment agencies, and that tells me it's quite usual for them to charge their clients double the paid-out salaries. Makes one wonder.
Oh yeah, one of the medics who was tested positive decided to hop onto the plane, even if she hadn't had the results yet. Very professional.
When We?
From Independence Day, April 28, Israel will be open for business: all of industry, most retail trade and services are released from coronavirus closure, with malls, markets and schools to follow after Independence Day events. Face masks, social distancing and strict hygiene are mandatory.
Israel now has 139 hospital cases and 1,125,814 unemployed; total population about 9 million. Australia and New Zealand both are doing much better and may shortly open their borders to each other.
Michael Moore Misses
There's a lot of panic among the Warmists and the Greenies about Michael Moore's presenting Planet of the Humans, directed by Jeff Gibbs. The panic is caused because Moore & Gibbs show how all that green talk is total bullshit. It's one big junk feast of capitalists out to make a quick extra buck and leaving us with the resulting mess. Surprisingly, former choir-members Moore & Gibbs finally found out how this really works.
I'm giving this some attention because there are plenty, too many, folks around here who have joined the panic-screaming chorus; even blaming the Virus on our mismanagement of Mother Earth; without offering proof of course.
Moore and Gibbs show how wind generators, solar panels and all those other "sustainable" energy replacements are much worse in their effects on the environment than the fossil fuels they're supposed to replace; supposed to, because they can't do without them. So far so good. If you're a regular visitor here, you know that agrees with my opinion.
Where they make their fatal and usual Neo-Malthusian error is that they figure the world population will keep growing inexorably. It will not. The most dependable projections are, by 2050 world population will start shrinking to a more sustainable, to use that term, level. In fact, the developed world is already worried about shrinking populations. All doomsday predictions as presented until now have not come true; far from it. Also, naturally Moore c.s. want nothing to do with nuclear energy; don't even mention it.
But I do have to remark that this is the first time I've seen Moore taking the trouble of shaving for his publicity pictures. Not that it helps much.
Keep Looking
There is no progress in the search for the thieves who stole 500 keys' worth of drugs out of the police office. It's a "complicated matter" we're told. "Looks like an inside job" we're also told. You think?
But minister Girigorie says he's been assured by the research team, in which he has great confidence, that the thieves will be found. Sure takes a long time, though.
More Needed
Spoiled brats? Yes, indeed. These would be for Politur, so they wouldn't be directly on the country's list but in fact, working for CTB. Politur is there to protect tourists and tourism. There are now 12 people working there, but by the end of the year there should be 20. They also need bikes and drones.
Of the medical team sent over from the USA to help us with the Virus, one member of the 81 was infected and was sent back at once by return of mail. I kid you not.
Sorry Boys
And Girls... The order of Lawyers has written the government that it's about time they paid the outstanding bills at about 25 lawyers' offices, totalling 1 million guilders.
My take is, wait a bit longer.
That's Fine
USA medical experts have arrived here to lend a hand with the Virus. Even better news is, the Cuban experts have not come, but not to worry: they're still available. If auntie Sushi wants them.
If we want them is a very moot point.
Personally, I'd really enjoy a vulgar brawl between those two groups of experts. Won't happen...
The lockdown has been relieved again. As from today, restaurants and trùk'i pan [mobile snacks] may open: only for drive-thru or delivery. And times are from 17:00-19:00; was 20:00. Don't ask how this is a relief.
Car tire services may open as well, on condition they work in an open space.
PAR PM Bhillenaath says the schools are "not ready" for reopening next week. He doesn't (and couldn't) explain why not. Because Bakoba says so?
And, another surprise: fuel stations are in trouble.
About Sweden and no lockdown there, they're expecting herd immunity in a matter of weeks. While I have my doubts, one thing seems sure: we won't get that here.
Makes Me Curious
There is now talk about spoiled brats getting fired voluntarily, of course with a grant from the government; who's kidding whom here? Holland would be interested in lending a hand, it seems.
Gotta tell you, if I were one I'd stick it out.
Oh No, Come On!
Letters to KKN start clamoring for a new referendum. Really. This time to get back in the Kingdom as a Caribbean province. We have had enough of that! More than enough.
The Usual Opposers
Because of the Virus, the employers, united in Chamber of Commerce and VBC entrepreneurs' club, are clamoring for shorter work times and correspondingly lower salaries, but are getting nowhere because the trade unions are against.
These'd much prefer to get workers fired, or to see companies go bankrupt.
In the USA, Republican McConnell "refuses to bail out bloated blue-state pensions." These states should instead consider bankruptcy; like all enterprises that find themselves unable to fulfill their obligations.
It certainly is a thought.
Just Imagine!
There's a tanker in the harbor! This is news these days. It's a Liberian ship which first visited USA St. Charles and then St. Eustatius to deliver oil. Why it's here we're left to guess at.
That's Great!
Discussions with the Kresh Group on the refinery take-over continue unabatedly, we're reassured by PAR PM Bhillenaath. But there's some delay because the airport has been closed. And also, the collapse of crude prices is a factor. Really?
So the take-over will not take place this month, as announced earlier by our ever optimistic Leaders.
If Bullenbaai Oil Terminal is ready to get to work, workers' salaries may be guaranteed after July; even if Kresh Group keeps out until then.
And later?
What Profits?
MAN Mudbelly Cooper thinks profits from exploiting oil reserves should go the people. It's very safe for him to say that, he'll be gone before there are any profits. If there will be.
But the amendment has been included in the new law.
What the...
Errol Bakoba says the Curaçao schools are not ready to reopen yet.
But what does he know, except how to yell and incite rioting.
For what they're worth. As they get adapted from month to month, not very much. Now it has been adjusted from a 17.7% shrink to possibly 25.4% if the lockdown continues for 3 months.
Difference is, formerly only closing the harbors had been figured for. Now the general lockdown is included. Boy, those guys are on their toes, you have to admit. So that new percentage seems much too low. But hey, I get no Central Bank director's salary, so my opinion is pretty worthless.
Afore I Forget
Happy Earth Day! And no public gatherings or disturbances, please.
The Titless Wonder says "listen to the experts"—experts like Greta, the 17-year-old school drop-out?
More of the Same
PAR PM Bhillenaath has announced support for enterprises. But the media are excepted, which they don't like. Fits well in Bhillenaath's ideas, though.
Forgot to Tell You
That ex-PM Shorty and his moll have lost their case in court, implies that Shorty gets 3 more years in prison and has to pay 1.5 million guilders back.
Naturally, first they'll appeal and so on und so weiter...
Still Hope?
Don't count on it. Isla refinery signed a contract with Kresh Group, we're told, but "have no deal". The mind gropes in vain for what that could even mean.
Tough, Not Bad Luck
Before Isla/RdK can turn some money out of COT-Bullenbaai oil terminal, they'll have to invest 5 million guilders. Problem is, PdVSA hasn't been using COT for 2 years so it's turned into a junkyard. Presently, only 6 out of 18 million barrels can be stored.
Isla hopes to hold an auction for Bonaire's BOPEC storage capacity, while that as we have been told is completely unusable. Dream on.
BOPEC doesn't even have lightning arrestors.
Good for Them
The Central Bank will not supply the government with the dollars and Euros in reserve. They're meant to cover imports, so get lost.
There was enough to cover 3.8 months' worth of imports, but now, thanks to Dutch support, there's for over 4 months. Not so great either.
Even Worse
China's ratio of corporate debt to gross domestic product end 2017 was 160%. Only Confucius'd know how much it is now.
Much as our Leaders try to, they haven't been able to beat that.
No Difference
Parliament elections in Venezuela will "possibly" be postponed because of the Virus. Don't make no difference, mon.
Let's Spend It!
M*F*K's Mudbelly Cooper has discovered that SVB social insurance bank has a Reserve Fund of about 130 million. If you ask Cooper, not that we do but he tells us anyway, that money should go to the government so it can be spent. Too bad if you're ill or over 65, or 67, whatever.
No Matter
Ex-PM Shorty and his moll have lost yet another court case, this time against the government because of the damage they claim to have had because of... who really cares? They lost.
A Drop in the Bucket
The oil price has crashed, you may even get money to relieve producers from their crude. Problem is, storage options are running out. So now RdK/Isla are looking at reopening Bullenbaai's Curaçao Oil Terminal and make at least some money. Let's figure: Bullenbaai has a capacity of 17,750,000 barrels. One VLCC tanker carries about 2 million barrels; so COT can store the volume of 8 or 9 of those.
LR2s (Long Range 2) carry half of that and ULCCs double that.
That COT will be filled to capacity before you know it.
BOPEC Bonaire could be used, but is in absolutely rotten condition and of no use at all. Used to be owned by PdVSA but Isla took over because of a bad dept; when it was too late.
Only Aruba?
The Aruba government can't go on paying civil servants' salaries, we read. A fair guess is, shortly we' ll hear the same thing from Bhillenaath about our spoiled brats.
Swimming in the Sea
We may swim in the sea between 6 and 9 in the morning. You won't catch me there at those times, freezing! No reason is given why this restriction. Also, no groups larger than 4 persons. That is just as logical; as if you can't get the Virus from 1 person.
Not Until 2023
It's expected, for what that's worth, that tourist levels then may be back at 2019 levels.
Not a word about cruises.
Wish, But Won't
You can read more and more how it's time to get rid of the Statuut and turn the islands together into a province of the Netherlands. Good idea, but you can be sure our politicians will do their utter best to thwart it. For some reasons (see below).
Meanwhile, in Parliament
There they're working mighty hard on the Petroleumlandsverordening zeegebied Curaçao, which will regulate the exploration and exploitation (hah!) of petrol deposits around the islands. It has been around for 12 years, but now they're in a godawful hurry to turn it into law.
Most geologists agree there ain't no such thing, and most people agree that this is just another vehicle to help some favorite friends to one more well-paid job.
Update: Parliament accepted, big surprise.
There He Goes
Kevin Jonckheer, president of CTDF which is the board of CTB has taken his leave from the function. He is disgusted by the fact that monopoly SOEs Aqualectra, Curoil and Curaçao Airport, and all the rest of them, have not built up any reserves.
A familiar note is that he got flooded with negative reactions to his article in Antilliaans Dagblad, and most of those really took exception to the fact that he wrote it in English, not Papiamentu. So everybody could read and understand it. "Hanging the dirty laundry outside"; yes, it happened to me as well. Much better to keep it nice and cosy around, stinking up the place.
Especially Mudbelly Cooper and Godett (is that has-been still around? oh yeah) were disgusted with Jonckheer.
My personal opinion? Jonckheer must have known about all this a long time but carefully kept from making waves. While his salary kept flowing in. "Snout in the trough" is the popular expression for that.
New Law
In fact, the correct word is Landsverordening but who cares? Question is if the present lockdown is an infringement of the rights to freedom of movement and liberty to work. You want to know what I think, it certainly is.
Keep It That Way
Dutch Staatssecretaris [that literally means Secretary of State but isn't the same thing at all] Knops declares that for the coming months, the Cft Financial supervision's recommendations will be followed. So there, Bhillenaath.
Not for You!
The Noodfonds [emergency fund] that serves to guarantee workers' salaries does not mention the press. It is well known that PM Bhillenaath doesn't like the press; he'd rather have the government tell (or as the case may be, not tell) the people what's going on. That's our culture!
What a Pity
Koningsdag [king's day] will be canceled this year.
Just like the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade.
Shameless Disgrace
Curaçao Chronicle publishes an article "Tourism, a brave wounded soldier" starting with "Our industry has proven to be a heroic fighter in the war against Covid-19." And continues to ask for government subsidies so they can go on spreading viruses.
Compare with what Bloomberg writes: "Carnival Executives Knew They Had a Virus Problem, But Kept the Party Going." That's more like it.
So There
An article by 3 Cuban medical researches in NGO Cuban Prisoners Defenders concluded that the communist regime's Interferon alpha-2b, which it claims can cure Chinese coronavirus, is a "serious crime against world public health."
Isn't that what auntie Sushi was promoting a few days ago? We have to get rid of that woman, muy pronto. She's not only a thief, she's actually a danger to public health.
A Lesson in There
We have a prime occasion to see the result of what the Greenies and Warmists would love to see: a permanent lockdown on air and car travel. Mark, for some obvious reason they haven't been protesting road and sea freight transport recently: that would make it even worse. No economy left! Hurrah! Too bad if people die from hunger?
Which is going on already.
Wait a Bit?
Several states in the USA refuse to annul the lockdown. Mind, it's much less severe than here. Rumors are (hey, rumors) that the Democrat governors do this on purpose to boycott Trump's economy. Be that as it may, or not, citizens are starting to protest. They've had enough.
That's not the way we approach such conflicts here. We just go out and let the authorities figure it out. After all, they cannot lock all of us up. But we've had enough as well. Keep the borders locked and let us go free, okay?
Haven't seen my Girl Friends longer than I care to remember; let alone touched them. Who knows what they're up to, missing me.
That's Fine With Me
Because of the Virus, probably there will be no celebration of Labor Day this year. So who cares? Saves us a lot in spoiled brats' salaries.
About them, they are looking into alternatives to guarantee they won't lose because of the Virus.
We Need More—And Then Some
Rekenkamer audit office has rejected the 2018 Financial Statements. They do not follow the rule of law, and the financial image of end 2018 is distorted. The total balance is not according to the budget. Difference 278 million guilders. Short, of course, did you really need to ask?
Hey, that's 102 million more than the "soft loan" Holland just gave to PM Bhillenaath! And which we'll have to pay back.
Auntie Sushi's ministry takes care of 65% of that. You have to give it to that woman: she really knows how to spend money! Our money, right. Finance collected 110 million less than expected.
354 million has been spent unlawfully, of which 262 million "subsidies", also with no valid grant decisions. The amount of which it's doubtful that it has been spent lawfully is almost 3 milliard guilders. Or 6 milliard, take your pick: nobody really knows anyway.
What a disgrace!
Cops Get Fat
We all have to shrimp and save, but the cops get as much as 50 guilders an hour extra for checking if we keep to the lockdown. Overtime, you know. Which of course comes out of the 178 million loan from Holland; where else?
No Way!
KKN Chamber of Commerce has several proposals for After-the-Virus. Most are just good plain thinking, but. The last one is, the expected lower fuel prices after May should not be transferred to the customers, but instead put in a "solidarity fund". Presumably so the government can spend it when, not if, they are short.
The Other Side
... of the World. Hong Kong exams go on as usual, late this month.
They have less infections there—not, like we, zero.
Cool, Thanks Auntie!
As from today, we are allowed to go jogging, walking or cycling early in the morning and late afternoon. I don't care what are the exact times. And swimming is a no-no. After all, who can see, much less control! what goes on under water? Heh heh. But we must keep minding the Social Distance!
If I'd meet auntie Sushi, to name but a few, that would be no problem for me.
If you didn't know this yet, those rules we are forced to follow are just outrageous compared to most of the rest of the world. Shutting down the ports combined with random testing would have been quite sufficient. But we have to make do with an authoritarian government, who cannot see other solutions than to follow the dictates of the medical world.
Nation of Sheep, to coin another phrase. In California, people have had enough.
Fine With Me
Because of the Virus, Earth Day will not be, er... "celebrated" this year. If you want to complain, send an email to Beijing. Good luck with that!
But the Hollywood nit-wits will hold a 3-day celebration, with the Virus as a central theme. Not discounting the business-as-usual goings-on against, what's the latest term? Climate Hysteria covers it nicely.
Boy what fun! Plenty of plastic tits and coiffured eyebrows. I hope we'll get direct TV links. At least, we do get a LiveStream. Oh, sorry, not here.
Sticking on Top
You can, and in fact, should sign a petition where the Kingdom government is asked not to heed the ridiculous request for a €400 million loan by our government; and before this is granted, take measures to lower the outrageous salaries of ministers and parliament members, SOE functionaries, and of course of the Spoiled Brats.
Here is the link: Nos Mes Mester Por!
They aim for 10,000 signatures which I'mafraidsure they'll never get. That would be 10% of all voters, including the spoiled brats.
425 signatures now; opened on Tuesday, April 21. As that's hardly growing, from now on this item will move down in the Maelstrom of History.
A new plan, Curaçao 2.0, "the next level" (hopefully UP for a welcome change), by the ministry of economic development, will take a look at the future of our economy. We've had several of those already, all rendered worthless (if they weren't to start with) by the virus.
We will still have tourism as a solid foundation. And we'll get an export policy. Exporting what? Oh, "tourism" will be exported. Quite a trick, that.
Oh Yeah
That loontrede has been delayed again. But what adds an extra punch, the idea was that the spoiled brats would get it after a positive review. However, somehow there has been an oversight and there have been no reviews at all, so they all got it automatically. Not that, let's be fair, those reviews would have made much difference; we all know how it works.
Rumors are going round that the Virus is caused by 5G towers. Admittedly, both come from China; but methinks therefore a tinfoil hat would work fine.
Anyway, minister Girigorie lets it be known that there is not a single 5G tower on the island. In other countries, towers have been burned and vandalized.
Wonder If They Work
The Bonaire Chinese community has donated 11,000 mouth masks. As we most probably, almost certainly, got the virus from China, that's the least they can do. Not that I blame the Bonairean Chinese.
Now we can only hope the quality is okay. From what we read, that's a good question.
To prevent unemployment going up from 41% to 64%, an emergency pack Alivio 2 has been announced. As from Saturday you can download forms to request support. When sales go down by 25% the employees will get their salaries out of the 177 million loan. So they're not unemployed, they merely have no work. That money will be gone soon, it's expected to total 42 million/month. Maybe that's why employers can only request the money during half a week or so.
Translated, all unemployed workers will get a salary so they don't get registered as unemployed. Only marks on paper, and we'll pay. Later.
SOEs are getting in trouble already; like Curoil (no car traffic) and Hato airport (no air traffic). Not that they will have to fill out those forms.
Why it's called Alivio 2 I wouldn't know. Has there been an Alivio 1? Nobody told me.
Minister Gijs & Bertha announces in an ad that turnover and payroll tax had to be paid yesterday. This contradicts what he said beginning this month, that it wouldn't be necessary because of the Virus.
Entrepreneurs are "confused". Just like the minister.
Take Heart?
An Israeli mathematician has figured out that the Virus peaks after 40 days; with or without economic lockdowns. But we're warned by the MDs "he's no doctor!" As if they know the first thing; not even if we will or will not build up immunity. Looks like not, but that's what they count on. Anyway, for all practical purposes, here we've been in a lockdown since 10-10-10.
The Inter-American Development Bank IDB predicts an economic shrink in Latin American and the Caribbean of 1.8 tot 5.5%.
Fancy that.
In Style
While I keep getting warnings not to use Zoom because it's full of spyware, naturally Staten/parliament has chosen to use that program for the meetings. It's a talent!
So They Want More Money
About that Aqualectra board. A smart guy has looked up their salaries in their very own yearly report. Those salaries have already gone up between 2017 and 2018 by a factor 3 or more.
Also, as I understand it but may be wrong, the salary raise has not been asked for in 2018 but only after the CPVirus hit the island.
Update: I was wrongly misled there. Date was 2018.
Watch It, Auntie!
Huurman is back! He writes an article in KKC in which he makes it crystal clear that we can't make it on our own, and that absolutely everything has gone downhill, DCA-like, since 10-10-10.
Huurman specifically mentions three things: 1-failure to introduce the preference for generic medicines (cost 300 million total),2-failure to bring into force the National Ordinance on the Healthcare Professions (Lvo BIG), which has sabotaged quality enforcement; 3-failure to register the cause of death statistics as of 2007. And then of course there's the new CMC hospital.
Auntie, call your pest control!
How Like Them
While the government is full of nice talk about helping the economy and supporting enterprises, the Tax Person has been acting up and asks those same enterprises to cough up their taxes over the last few months. Not that there's much to cough up: no sales means no sales tax. But payroll tax? No work means no payroll, except what the government pays in compensation.
Sone fiscalist (a new word to me) described it as kicking a player in the field who's down already.
PM Bhillenaath lets us know he's proud of us in the virus affair. Wish we could be proud of him!
Congrats, Kids!
Or, tough! School exams this year will not be held. Instead, PM Bhillenaath says, pupils will (or will not) get a diploma based on how they performed during the year.
Actually, and in fact, come right down to it, that's not much more than half a year.
Would have been extremely bad news for me.
We Knew That Already
Students from Holland have now scientifically proven here that mosquitoes will breed in empty coke bottles filled with water; better still, dirty water. Especially if you paint the bottles black, which the Coca-Cola plant obligingly did for them.
Wonder how much all that has cost.
Solidarity Levy
On top of higher sales tax, import duties and whatever else the robbers in Forti have thought out, they are now looking at a "solidarity levy". We will all have to cough up even more to help the country fight the virus crisis.
As if we could! Bhillenaath c.s. not only don't have a conscience, they even must show once again they lack all sense of reality.
I imagine they plan that levy to help pay for those Cubans. Which reminds me, does auntie Sushi gets a kick-off there from Cuba? I shouldn't wonder.
Budget Broke Down
We now have a financing gap of 1.1 billion guilders (USD0.6 billion)/€0.56 billion). National debt will be 90% of GDP. And hey, remember that salary step for the spoiled brats? First we heard it would not be paid, but now a ministers' meeting is announced where it will be discussed.
90%! [BIS]
With the new "soft" loan from Holland our national debt will grow to 90% of GDP. Remember how it was zero less than 10 years ago. But now the ministers have decided to give away 10% of their ample salaries as well. Just like the MPs, but for how long (the MPs have now decided 3 months)? Howzabout the spoiled brats? No such luck.
Holland is getting good and disgusted. So are we. Minister Knops also refers to exorbitant SOE salaries.
Excuse me for calling that country, e tera friw, Holland. Many Dutch people will resent that: it's really called Nederland, the Netherlands; but so is the Kingdom.
Spare Us: Sushi's At It Again
Extra help against the virus will come from the USA and, are you ready: Cuba! Thanks to auntie Sushi. God help you if those Cubans try to. Even in South Africa people are protesting against the same new influx.
But leave it to auntie.
You may well ask what Izzy thinks of this Evil Plan.
Would Be Nice
But... the Chamber of Commerce feels that, with the new impetus which doesn't satisfy PM Bhillenaath/Ass-Crack, we could make a fine new start. Let's begin with reducing the government! Dream on...
Except for the meager 10% for 2 months given up by parliament members, everybody in government, from ministers via spoiled brats to SOEs doesn't feel a thing. They just sit at home instead of on their plush seats.
The Chamber also feels 2 weeks longer locking down is too long. But then, they have their priorities.
Too Much?
It has been decided that the general lockdown will continue for 2 weeks, even though no new virus cases have been found. But epidemiologist Gerstenbluth feels not enough is known to take a well-advised decision yet. I get the feeling he just may have his priorities wrong; there are economic considerations as well.
This may mean the definite death-knell for many enterprises that are still more, or less, alive now.
Then, there's this funny business: Sweden didn't lock-down, but is not doing bad at all. Until now, sure. I can't explain it—and, more to the point, I'm sure Izzy can't either.
Come On Now, Izzy
Epidemiologist Izzy Gerstenbluth lets us know that, again, there have been no new virus cases. Total is still 14, of which 8 have been cured, 4 are being intensively watched, 1 is inconclusive (and 1 died). But that doesn't mean we can relax, oh no, says Izzy. That could result in new cases.
How, Izzy doesn't explain.
I, a mere laymanperson, can't help thinking the cure may be worse than the disease. Enough is sufficient. Compared with the measures taken in the USA, ours here are much more stringent. Already riots have been starting.
A woman has been thrown in jail for inciting on "social media": she wants to kill Bhillenaath. She's not the first case either.
And in El Salvador, MS-13 gangs are reportedly using threats of violence to enforce compliance with the country's lockdown measures. Is that what we want? Not even close!
2020-04-12This is how Israel plans to reopen:Campo Empty
—According to the outline recommended by the committee, the economic restoration will happen in four two-week stages. The transition from stage to stage will be subject to metrics set by the Ministry of Health.
—In the first two weeks after Passover, from April 19 through May 3, the number of employees in the workplace will be raised to 50 percent (up from 15 percent currently) and a limited number of street shops and open-air shopping centers will return to business. Special education schools and kindergartens will reopen and the public will be able to leave their homes for reasons other than essential purchases.
—In the second phase, from May 3 through May 17, half of elementary school students (grades 1-3) will return to class and malls and open air markets will reopen, under restrictions. In the third phase, which begins a month after Passover, starting May 17, recreational spaces that can maintain social distancing like gyms, nature reserves, libraries, and museums will be reopened. Densely crowded leisure spaces like stadiums, theaters and cinemas will remain closed.
—In the fourth phase, from May 31st onward, all closed businesses will be opened. One subject that was not broached in the plan was resuming international flights to a pre-corona situation.
Looks good, why don't we?
The women working in partly state-owned bordello Campo Alegre, our national pride, don't make any money these days. They can't even get food and have to go on paying the rent. Oh how humanitarian is our government, abusing them like the best of their customers.
Now JetAir has repatriated (some of?) them to Colombia and Santo Domingo. 13 who were staying on Aruba have joined the fun.
"... information of any kind, even newspapers, would be acceptable."
Hornblower and the Hotspur — C.S. Forester
At Request
For some reason, people keep asking me what I'm reading these days. So here goes again:
Hornblower and the Hotspur [Hornblower Saga 3]![]()
—C.S. Forester
For those who care, here's the former read.
Poor Babies
About 100 people who escaped virus-ridden Europe with their yachts are now whining that nobody in the Caribbean wants them. Oh how does my heart bleed.
That's a Relief
The Government will take care that during the coming months the people will get enough to eat. It's guaranteed! Good to know.
Of Course Not
PAR PM Bhillenaath says the Dutch loan is a start but not enough. As if it would ever be enough. We have to do our own part as well, he says; like implementing the Growth Strategy?
Bhillenaath rejects CFT financial supervision's conditions because "the conditions are too stringent". What blind chutzpah. Either that or he's too stupid to see what rotten politics "his" government has pursued. If you can even call it "politics"—just more of the same.
Our national resource Marguérite Nahar calls it "the summum of arrogance" and, as usual, she hits it.
Bhillenaath and his Gang of Goons got a loan of "only" 177 million guilders. God bless.
Vox Populi
The people, who in the first few days kept off the road as per instructions, on Wednesday had enough and started hitting the roads again.
These guys may be ahead of minister Girigorie; USA Attorney General Barr pushes for an end to "Draconian" measures on May 1st.
Here's an Idea
Stop the lockdown now, but keep the spoiled brats at home.
Yes, I know.
The RMR kingdom ministerial council has finished deliberating, and agreed an amount will go to Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten. Not as a gift, though—it will have to be paid back. In two years from now. Oh my.
How much is still unknown.
"The money serves to keep the governments operating." Oh dear. Not a word about shrinking them in numbers and salaries.
My Pills... Get Me My Pills...
Curaçao parliament members have agreed to take 10% less salary. Because of the virus.
Only over April and May, though!
Quackie Constancia(PS™), Gisette Seferina and Menki Rojer voted against. Besides, Rojer wants to receive his daily allowance for a visit to a European traffic fair (which has been cancelled). At least, that's what I read; but I wouldn't put it beyond him.
Interestingly, the Beijing-clique ruling Hong Kong, much against most Hong Kongers' wishes, took the same 10% cut.
IMF's Take
IMF is "most gloomy" about our financial prospects. The economy will collapse by 15-18% and the financing gap will be 1.1 billion guilders or 22% of GDP.
Which is why the local yokels have distanced themselves from CFT's advise. I figure exactly the other way round: don't give those governments more money, by gift or loan, doesn't matter. They'll spend it all and come back for more. It's a tradition. "It's our culture!" Naturally, our Greats Crooks prefer a gift.
Today RMR kingdom ministerial council will take a decision. I for one am holding my breath; one minister (Bosman) has publicly stated that "solidarity" can't come from the Dutch side only. PM Bhillenaath is looking at orther financing possibilities; good luck with that.
By the way, I apologize; I made a decimal failure in figuring out what we all would have to pay back. It's 500, not 5000 guilders. Bad enough, on top of the rest.
Tough, Spoiled Brats
The legally prescribed salary step for the spoiled brats will not be paid, the government has decided. Wait for the whining howls. But the public feeling probably was too heavy to run the risk.
See? Now all of a sudden [?] they don't have to keep to the law. Hey, wouldn't the same apply to salaries and pensions?
Tough, Bhillenaath
Central Bank advises that now's the time to build up buffers. One way and thus consequence would be, SOEs will not pay dividends; which torpedoes the government plans of using those to fight the financial crisis.
Whose side is CBCS on anyway? Ours, for a welcome change?
As If I Could Care
The Koninkrijksspelen [kingdom games] have been canceled for this year. That's sport, supposed to bring us all together. As if it works. At least, this will save money now.
We All Saw It Coming
The tax returns received so far are much lower than expected; that is to say, expected by the government. Profit tax 2019 is 50-60% less than budgeted. Minister Koeiman says the government can't fulfill its obligations without enough money. Bad luck, Koeiman! There's no more money, but you'd be the last one to notice. Explains why you're a minister—here.
They Well Might
The Public Ministry is keeping an eye on social media, to interfere when there are cases of sedition. To coin a phrase, the wick is in the powder keg already. Auntie Sushi says the solidarity levy ought to have been considered long since. Gee, auntie, for once we can agree with you.
First instance is a riot, which began because the cops wanted to arrest a guy illegally riding a crosser motor bike. This resulted in a protesting throng, also illegal right now. One cop got his head damaged by a thrown bottle. Which was all shot and shown on social media (oh, they're so social!) after which the bottle-thrower could be identified and arrested.
Solidarity: Better Late Than Never
A solidarity levy is a "serious option" says auntie Sushi, and they're working on a law to accomplish that. This time, it will be the spoiled brats, ministers and MPs who will have to cough up. Also, the Growth Strategy will have to be adapted; to me, a negative growth is in order. I can hear them squeak already. Even SOEs are being looked at. More later, no doubt. I guess.
There's a Committee Emergency Fund that's looking into it. Gee, I wonder how much those committee members are paid! But they have already discovered what we've all known for years, if not longer: government salaries are much higher than in business.
We will also get an National Plan Bureau. Gee, I wonder how much those guys will get paid.
They Want a Gift
CFT financial supervision has advised RMR [kingdom ministerial council] to loan Curaçao 177 million guilders; and now all local members have left the outfit. They don't agree. It must be a gift or we'll never make it out of the pit. True enough, maybe, even probably; but you should have thought about that long before.
Let the Dutch tax-payer pay!
Doesn't Matter
The USA has started an action to cut down Venezuela's drug traffic in the Caribbean. We were promised the island wouldn't be used as base. That's bad for our drug trade of course, but as not a cent of that money arrives in the government coffers, it doesn't really matter.
Don't Count on Me
The government wants to issue 100 million worth of bonds to fight the CPVirus. They also want the SOEs to come across with 85 million of dividends.
That's another debt of 62.50 guilders for each of us.
2 New Cases
Just mentioning it because it means the lockdown will be continued for 14 days? 2 weeks? Longer? Take your pick.
And then?
People Get Angry
Since PM Bhillenaath AKA Ass-Crack has applied forourhis €400 million loan, people have started writing mad letters asking why he and the other robbers in Ali Baba's grotto, AKA Fort Amsterdam, don't hand in some of their exorbitant salaries. The same would go for the spoiled brats. Lubidá!
In St. Maarten the ministers and MPs have agreed to hand in 10%. They can afford it: they still make more than ours! Also, they were supposed to have done that years ago when applying for help from Holland because of some heavy hurricanes; but it somehow slipped their minds.
Oh No!
Made a small mistake there. Those €400 million? Means we all have to pay back 5000 guilders. Every single one of us.
As if it wasn't bad enough already.
More and more voices start clamoring for the public sector to give up part of their exorbitant salaries. You wanna bet on that? Funniest, after a fashion, is, PM Ass-Crack keeps asking for solidarity. Pshaw.
As there are no new cases, might as well—better—end the local lockdown. But tourism won't come back in the foreseeable future, that's for sure. Even if they want to come, they won't be able to afford it for a long time.
New name for the Communist Party Virus: Shanghai Shivers.
Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish
Ira Einhorn died, in jail. He was locked up there for killing his ex-girlfriend. He's also notorious for starting "Earth Day" 50 years ago (April 22, mark it in your diary to celebrate). To complete the image, that's Lenin's birthday.
At least he was consequent in his love for Mother Earth: to get rid of her body he tried composting it.
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet
The United Nations wants a 10% "global tax" (at least, of GDP) to fight thecoronacommunist party virus, as the Hong Kong Free Press baptized it.
That would be almost 3000 times greater than its present budget ($3 billion).
Extremely small consolation: grabbers galore all over the world; not only here.
That Explains It
PM AKA Ass-Crack asked to borrow 400 million €uros! Judging from the comments in the media (by citizens; journalists hardly seem to dare criticize) people are getting really mad because nothing is planned to curb the outrageous government apparatus.
Especially as we are supposed to pay it back. What with? But PM AKA Ruggie says "we all must make sacrifices"—except he and his cronies.
References are already being made to a new May '69. That would come on top of an already ruined economy. Ouch; just what we need.
The good news is, there haven't been any new cases here for several days now. Maybe we can open for business shortly again, if Izzy agrees. Forget tourism, though.
In all honesty, PM Ass-Crack is not worse (but most certainly not better either) than many of his colleagues all over the world.
Real Pros
Portuguese cruise ship Resolute, according to the captain 1 mile outside Venezuela's territorial zone, was attacked by a Venezuelan war ship. Maduro says it was inside the territorial zone, you figure whom to believe. (Virtually all ships all over the world are monitored all the time so that shouldn't be hard.) At any rate, the Venezuelan ship first fired and then rammed the Resolute to force it to change course. After ramming again, it sank.
Don't laugh, it's not polite. But the Venezuelan crew was unharmed.
Resolute now is in Willemstad harbor. It has, admittedly pretty heavy, scratches on her bow.
But not really—if I'd thought. I run several websites and since the almost universal lockdown, the number of daily visitors has gone up with 50%, for all of them. People are bored out of their minds, is a good guess.
Neat Trick
Police is on the look-out for fake license plates. Not because these still owe tax, but to avoid the Sperrzeit lockdown. Meanwhile, the consequence of that is the chaos in and around supermarkets is much worse than last week. Personal observation.
No new cases here, we get to hear.
Oh No, Please Don't
We all saw it coming: Curaçao has asked Holland for 400 million guilders of support. We may even get it: as a loan. Then, at some date, we'll have to pay it back. That's 2500 guilders for each of us persons: man, woman and children. Here's an idea: higher taxes!
3.5, later maybe 40 million, is meant for small enterprises. As a credit facility.
Not a word on shrinking government expenditures, not even those which were promised; are you kidding?
PM Ruggie says we can't borrow this on the capital market. Big surprise! Ought to, but won't, open your eyes, Ass-Crack.
Other media say, 300 million or even 765.5 million. Who really cares? We can't afford it.
Why? Why Not!
In several locations, like South Africa, purchase and transportation of alcohol is forbidden now. Can anybody explain? For tobacco, there's at least some reason, although very long-term.
The result of the alcohol ban was that long lines were waiting in front of the shops waiting for their turn, thus inviting infections. Grocery shops may be allowed again to sell cigarettes but tobacco stores must remain closed. Sounds logical?
Re. the bag ban, San Francisco has made a complete U-turn and forbidden reusable bags. No doubt more will follow.
In Israel, a two-day workweek is proposed. This would fit in nicely with our car-use scheme here, but... Yeah, but.
I've heard people complain they had the bad luck of, in a 2-car family, both cars had an "A"-number plate. Tough.
Maybe not my original thought, but I fully agree: thecrackdownlockdown forced upon us by the government is unsustainable, to use the greenies/warmists' favorite word. Can't possibly go on for more than two weeks. Sorry, Izzy!
Also mention in passing that the flu, at least as far as I know in "temperate" zones, results in many more deaths.
When I say "temperate" I mean extremely, unbearably, cold of course.
I hope not, but we may get riots—just like in China. Then we're really nowhere.
What a Pity
In 2008, there was this big noise about an action "One Laptop per Child" (in education) that was never realized, but it is now supposed to be very useful; what with schools closing down and all.
Only, 2008 laptops wouldn't be worth a fart anymore now.
Replaced my own last year after it had grown 13 years old.
Then, there has been talk in 2016 about "Very Expensive" (you bet) digital blackboards, proposed by PS™ minister of education Dick. Nothing came of that (bad luck, Dick!) but the amount reserved is still on the budget. So scratch it, already, please.
As if that would be of any help now; something the media forget to mention. If they noticed in the first place, you're right there.
Sure... Yawn...
The Caribbean Weather Center expects an "active to possibly very active" hurricane season. They never, as I remarked oftentimes before, predict a less-than-active season. Occasionally, they're even right!
How Many?
Green Phenix and Ba3dprinting have started turning snorkel masks into ventilators. This is based on an Italian concept. They say they hope the things will never be used, but "they have plenty of them."
As usual, the media don't mention how many they have; an interesting question, or not?
Six California counties now have banned the use of reusable shopping bags. In other places, supermarkets packers refuse to touch the reusable bags customers present.
Not Clear
Say, with that lockdown on traffic: how about delivery services to replace shopping? Can't find the answer to that one. Nor, I guess, can our Leaders.
In order of numbers of deaths, here are the primary causes all over the world:
— Cancer 1,909,000
— Smoking-related 1,162,000
— Alcohol-related 581,000
— HIV/AIDS 391,000
— Traffic 314,000
— Suicide 249,000
— Malaria 228,000
— Seasonal flu 113,000
— Coronavirus 21,000
I do not know if "Cancer" includes "Smoking-related" or not.
Also, the Corona numbers may be much higher, seeing how China manipulates the info. Even then they would probably at the bottom of this list.
How Strange!
The two-month lockdown has ended in China. Now that those couples have been forced to stay together, with their kids, in a small Chinese apartment, the divorce rates have increased by 25%. Can you explain it?
Don't bother, I got it.
Average Chinese home is 500 sq.ft or about 45m2
That's Funny?
Not really. Just goes to show what worth those prognoses have: none.
If the borders reopen 6 months from now, the economy will shrink 14.2%. (Such precision!) But it may also be between 8.8% and 19.4%. So CBCS's Jardim says in his god-given wisdom. But this is for Curaçao.
For St. Maarten, the originally foreseen growth of 2.9% will be only 0.8%. But if it takes 1-6 months the economy there will shrink from 5.7% to 29.6%.
I call bullshit.
Weak Panicking Politicians
Because more people than our Leaders like do not keep to the "social distance" measures, those guys in Forti have found the solution. They will take still more measures! Which amounts to impotent abuse of, if not lust for, power.
From now on, private cars are allowed to hit the road 2x per week, with just a driver; no pax.
Will work really well, I heard a motorcycle farting away loudly and clearly this morning; they are only allowed on the roads on Tuesday and Friday. Today is Thursday.
Hardware stores now will have to close down too. bad luck if your toilet leaks, or if you have a short circuit. Only supermarkets, botikas and gas stations are open. Gas? Who needs gas when you can't drive?
At Request
For some reason, people keep asking me what I'm reading these days. So here goes again:
The Green Ripper: A Travis McGee Novel![]()
—John D. MacDonald
For those who care, here's the former read.
"Then There Can't Be Much To It"
As Groucho Marx once remarked: "You think so, huh? &c."
Ex-USA president Obama says, that whole viruspandemoniumpandemic is caused by "climate denial". That's at least one type who agrees with Green Force's unwise words. Obama conveniently forgot 2009 and H1N1 with over 1,000,000 cases in the first 3 months.
Blessings Counted
What the cops could not achieve, the virus did: criminals have mostly stopped their activities.
And continuing in this vein, Aqualectra's Supervisory Board has been denied the umpteenth raise of their fees in the last few years.
200 Days
Epidemiologist Izzy Gerstenbluth is quoted as saying the term for ending the Virus threat is 200 days. My bet is less; much less. We'll see.
145 cases have been tested, 3 have been cured, 11 are under observation.
True, I may be content with not-much-of-a-threat while Izzy wants it completely eradicated. Who's more realistic?
Differing Opinions
The (soon to be recycled?) manager of Green Force writes a long long letter in Knipselkrant Curaçao, blaming our "rape" of Mother Gaia for the Virus. And the more humans die now, the better the future will be—for the rest. Reminds you of burning witches because of the plague, or because of a bad harvest, or just because.
Meanwhile, the Dutch government has, in a way, come to their senses and "will not come up with new measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions before April 1 as planned." Economic affairs minister Wiebes says they have more urgent problems.
And Sweden has decided to prefer keeping the economy alive instead of locking down. Makes me really curious how that will work out.
Won't Happen Here
Thomas Schaefer, finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide; apparently after becoming "deeply worried" over the economic fallout from the virus.
Sure looks like Schaefer had more conscience than... let's leave it at that. No vulgar remarks, please.
What Else?
The spoiled brats are supposed to stay at home as well. They're also supposed to do their work there. As usual, I suppose.
Nothing but Virus wherever you look. This hysteria just can't go on; bound to bleed out. Trump has tentatively postponed end of the USA measures until April 30 and I guess that, for once, we won't be far behind.
There is a phone number [CENSORED] where you can report people not keeping to the, by now Nazi-occupation like, Sperrzeit Diktats. I have to tell you, I won't. Unless they set foot in my garden, that is. Aruba is at 50 cases now.
Sic Him, Judge!
A recidivist atrakonist has been given 8 years. He appealed and got it again.
Ten (10)Eleven (11)
Cases, you'll never guess of what. The last two were living here. Watch out now.
Aruba, with 2/3rds of the inhabitants, had 28 yesterday. Everybody, here and there, must stay home; they may only leave for shopping and sporting. Man's Favorite Sport?
Even ministers, MPs and the governor must remain at home. Good! I feel much safer already.
USA Dr Fauci expects 100,000 to 200,000 cases, on 330 million people. Figuring it out, would mean about 100 here. One has died already, so at death cases <1% not to worry. Overly. Go wash your hands.
On Bonaire, the disaster is complete: even casinos and sexclubs must close.
As pharmacies, supermarkets, minimarket, gas stations and hardware stores may remain open until 19:00, I'd guess you may go shop there. Or what's the use?
Forget It
You probably didn't remember anyway. Today is Earth Hour when everybody is asked to turn out their lights at 20:30 local. To Save the Planet. Never noticed any effect here, and right now, we've got more serious worries. Maybe next year? Keep tryin'!
Last Thing We Want
At least, most of us. "When you begin to shut down factories and condemn to closure every shop that is not 'essential', you are playing with the very fabric of the country and making of Italy the next Venezuela." The most important, may as well say only, factory we have on Curaçao, Isla refinery, is as good as closed already, true.
There are more factories; they make paper and drinks, among other things.
The borders are now closed down for inhabitants with a sedula as well. A curfew from 21:00-06:00 has been announced. Students are returned to wherever they came from. We now have 9 cases.
Everybody, this goes for countries as well, wants support, what else is new.
Lockdown will last 2 weeks. For now.
At AMS Schiphol airport, all passengers from Curaçao and Paramaribo are "high risk". Not because of the virus, but because of drugs. But there's only one unit available to check, so personnel is panicking. (So stop in-flights already, simple, huh?)
Ban the Bags Ban
As long as they're reusable. Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire and Maine joined the club. Shops there may not even charge for single-use bags.
Amigoe headline: Students get out yesterday by KLM - stricter control for snacks and illegal brothels.
Recovery of hotel industry will take at least 3 years.
An accident has caused the entire guardrail to be ruined completely (near Parera if you really want to know). Must have been some accident. Speeding, anyone?
All Together Now: Haw Haw Haw!
Cuba has developed a "Wonder Drug" against viral infections, together with China. (Hey, why don't they use it themselves in Wuhan?) But those USA bastards stop them from distributing it all over the world—even toshitholesucker countries.
Too bad Quackie Constancia has been relieved from her "duties"; but not to worry, auntie Sushi is just as bad.
An earlier Cuban meningitis B "vaccine" was sold to Brazil, where they say they wasted $300 million on it.
Be Prepared
The Boy Scouts' motto (I'll refrain from remarks about what to expect from pedophile schout-masters, but it ain't easy). Holland will help the islands with their financial problems, but it won't be a gift. As if our Leaders cared, they don't have to pay it back. Give you three guesses who do have to. Right first time, you cheated!
Let Them Pay Import Duty
There are now 8 virus patients, almost all import. One has died, two recovered completely. The best way to stop this import of course, government think, is to have 'em pay. Won't work, sorry stoopits.
But epidemiologist Gerstenbluth says further statistic research and testing is useless, because "all [possible] measures have been taken." If we get 500 cases, there are just not enough facilities.
On the Happy Island of Aruba, there are now 33 patients.
Not Here, Though
The gasoline price in South Africa, was 15.52 Rand (ANG1.59) earlier this month, is expected to be lowered to 13.47 (1.38) soon. This while price will go up there at the same time with 3 cents because of the blasted brandstofheffing.
Hey, we pay that as well! Only, here the price will be ANG1.859.
You think it's because South Africa has no money problems? Think again.
Kinda Inneressin'
It occurs to more and more people that the ways to fight the virus pandemic are contradicting what the greenies have been telling us for longer than I care to remember. Like, use disposable plastic bags; don't use public transport or car pools; stay in the suburbs at a safe distance from your neighbors.
Of course, they want to stop all air traffic as well. Nobody's perfect.
One More, Lucky Number
Total virus patients now 7; the last one worked at ADC diagnostic lab, but we're not told (yet) where he got the infection.
In Aruba, everybody has to stay home. Here, entertainment is closed; even Campo Alegre if I get it right.
A USA professor says Gerstenbluth should sample test the entire population, but at least is smart enough to add "But that needs personnel and money." Right, professor: a cigar or coconut for you.
Now Cft financial supervision is advising the Kingdom to forget about budget discipline for Curaçao, Aruba and St. Maarten. The poor whiners in the government can't help it.
God help you when you've had a bad year. Vote and pay.
Besides, it's us who'll have to pay later anyway.
Whiners galore: Van der Valk hotel businesscomplains that they want money to keep turning. What for? They have no customers anyway, let them shutter up and shut up just like we all do.
Gas Price Up
2 cents per liter next month. This while the crude price has tumbled in a deep empty hole. It's because we have to pay for Kresh's refinery take-over.
Drug Terrorists
The USA will pay you $15 million if you help them arrest our next-door neighbor president Maduro. 10 million for his fellow goons, among which Hugo Carvajal Barrios. Who was arrested in Aruba in 2014 but had to be released on Holland's orders, if my memory serves me right.
Just now, when we really need the drug money to keep flowing!
It I were Maduro, I'd have flown out with an Antonov full of gold a long time ago. But he probably, like most dictators, figures he is untouchable. Sadly, most of the time they turn out to have been right. Look at Stalin... Mao... Pol Pot... Kim Jong +... Castro... Chávez... Hitler was one of the few caught up with.
Don't hear much comment from Errol Bakoba or other guys who wanted to keep PdVSA going, cost what cost.
"Don't Touch Your Face"
Guess I'll have to stop shaving... Grow a fungus, not a virus!
Good Plan
The Massachussetts governor has prohibited reusable shopping bags. So has New Hampshire. And New York state has put its recently passed ban on single-use plastic bags on hold.
You may say it's not the government's fault that we got the virus, but the fact that they now say 60 to 70 million per month is needed to sustain the guilder comes to their miserable account. Anyway, Cft financial supervision advises to let go of the budget norms. And there we go.
The government intends to introduce a "solidarity levy", percentage not known yet. But nothing planned to reduce government costs. In short, they haven't learned a thing yet.
"Because of the virus" the food safety exams have been postponed. Restaurateurs may go on doing whatever they were doing without controls. Sounds like the world on its head to me.
Losers, We All
The syndicate of unions complains that no money is going to the workers, but it all goes to the employers. And the minibus drivers complain that they get no money, although they're entrepreneurs just as well.
The supermarkets ask for armed security to prevent hoarding.
The Integrity Bureau, part of the 2017-2021 government program, still isn't working. Doesn't even have a director. Reason, there's no money budgeted; less than 1 million guilders.
Guess Why
The signing of the agreement with the Kresh Group will hopefully take place before the end of June, we're told.
Because of the virus.
That's Good
The number of daily traffic accidents has been reduced to 20% since the anti-virus measures were taken. But the number of cars hitting the road has only been reduced by half. Interesting.
Almost Over
The general expectation is the USA will be open for (internal) business again by Easter, April 12. That's even faster than I expected. Very little doubt other countries will follow soon.
Now, 69 drugs have been identified that "may be effective" in combating the virus.
Emergency Measures
Now that we have a total of 6 Communist Party Virus patients (2 have been cured), the government has announced a solidarity package with emergency measures for mitigating the effects of the crisis. Says PM Ruggie there are three keys to our economy: "the government, workers and employers." Mark which comes first. An Antilliaans Dagblad editorial puts the employers first, like is done in Europe and the USA.
One proposal is not paying sales tax for a while. As if there are any sales to tax.
Bottom line: "It's inevitable that Holland subvenes."
Then, There's This
The USA is reconsidering its economic shutdown, as the cure it seems to offer may be worse than the disease. President Trump says he's looking at weeks rather than months.
That certainly would be good news, especially in combination with drug tests just starting in Minnesota and New York.
Sure, Anything You Say!
The Central Bank, now under new management by ex-finance minister Jardim, figures Curaçao needs 125-155 million guilders per month "to keep society turning". Which amounts to 1 billion per year. My highly educated guess is, the society mentioned is the government complete with Growth Strategy.
Curaçao is nowconspiringdiscussing with Holland how to form an emergency fund from which Aruba and St. Maarten can borrow cheaply as well.
And pay back later. Not you and I, maybe, but our progeny for sure.
Good Advice
From Laffer: does not only apply to the USA, but just as much to us here. "Just a payroll tax cut and liquidity lending;" not support that won't accomplish a thing.
Another Laffer quote, just for kix: "Whenever politicians make decisions, whether they are panicked or drunk, the consequences are rarely attractive."
Ex-Central Bank director Emsley Tromp estimates the economy shrink can go up to 25%. I shouldn't wonder. What we definitely don't need is more money to be spent by the government to save "too big to fail" businesses; money that will have to be put back in the till in the near or far, what's the difference? future. We've had plenty of that already. One thing's for sure, the gambling "industry" won't lose money...
The coast guard is taking extra measures to intensify the control on illegal boats carrying refugees from Venezuela.
Aruba now has 12 Communist Party Virus cases; we're still at 4. A new symptom has been discovered: loss of taste and smell. Well, that could work out fine; depending.
Our government is looking at a curfew. I don't see any advantage in that; just enter bars etc. and fine those partying en masse in there.
Don't, Ruggie
PAR PM Ruggie is, like Aruba, contemplating a total lockdown for who knows, he certainly doesn't because what does he know? how long. That's what's called panic football... won't accomplish a thing and completely poison the economy. What he and his goons left of it already.
What Else?
It's so bad, they don't even talk about "negative growth": the Central Bank "preliminary" predicts an economy crimp of 4.5-19.4%. That is, unless we get a real communist party virus outbreak on Curaçao and St. Maarten. Then, all bets are off.
There are now 4 cases on Curaçao and 9 on Aruba.
AA Flights Stop
Today we'll have, for now, the last American Airlines flight CUR-MIA. TUI has also announced stopping all flights; those tourists still here will have to try getting on a KLM flight.
Don't Count on It
RdK refinery has seized the Bonaire BOPEC oil terminal property, to sell and use the proceeds to pay PdVSA's debt. They think they'll find a buyer. I'm not so sure, the tanks have been rejected and the oil market is, putting it mildly, sorta disrupted right now.
Can't Wait
All hotels are closed, nobody is allowed in without quarantine, so epidemiologist Gerstenbluth thinks 2 weeks from now the panic will be over. I give it three weeks, and the Communist Party virus, except for some pockets, as good as eradicated all over the world in 2 months.
I made a bet on this, heh heh. Any more takers?
Hopefully, this will hit the Chinese government hardest of all. They needed a little lesson; like Russia with Chernobyl. Too bad if you have to live there.
Everybody (not only) here wants government support because of the virus crisis. We'll have to pay up later, don't even need to bet on that. One way to avoid is to open a credit line to those in need, and have them pay back later—themselves.
Goodbye, Mini Bus!
Our Great Leaders have decided, among many other things to against the Terrible Virus, that public transport drivers may not allow passengers to sit closer than 2m from each other, and, I guess, hir/hemself. I checked one of the popular brands, Toyota HiAce, and it looks to me like not more than 1 (one) passenger would be allowed.
Guesstimating somewhat more, even the large regular buses (konvoois) would have their capacity reduced to 1/4 or 1/8.
(Some) media carry items that an anti-malaria drug, Resochin or chloroquine, works fine in preventing and curing the Communist Party virus. Problem is, it is not approved for anything but malaria. President Trump wants the FDA to approve this ASAP; he has promised immediate supplies to all USA citizens and Bayer is giving away 3 million tablets.
Resochin was developed in 1934 (ominous year, that) and has since 2005 been known to work against SARS-like diseases. However, as it is a generic drug and thus not much money can be made, the pharmacological industries were not interested. At least, that's the possibly paranoid story.
Another anti-viral drug Remdesivir is reported to show great promise as well. We'll have to wait for the results—which could show almost immediately and end the whole scare. On the other hand, some call it BS; and for all I know they may be right. Hopefully not.
Then there's Japanese Favipiravir, developed by a Fujifilm subsidiary, a new anti-flu medicine that promises to be highly effective against Wuhan virus as well.
60 Tests
3 infected persons of whom one, the first case, has died. 67 people are being "monitored". Vitamin C is sold out in Bandabao. Many of the tourists still here don't seem to think the "social distancing" rule applies to them. Well, tourists will be tourists.
St. Maarten people are requested to use the Antillian guilder for payments, which is pretty revolutionary. As long as I've been visiting there, in practice only US dollars were used and accepted. These are now needed to pay for imports.
Just a Feeling
I'm getting the idea that the Wuhan virus panic will be over before it gets a chance to really set in. There is an overreaction if I ever saw one. We can only hope the economic damage will not be a much greater disaster.
And giving credit where credit's due, the Hong Kong Free Press proposes an end to all PC-nonsense telling us not to call it the Wuhan or China virus: Let us call it the Communist Party Virus!
At Request
For some reason, people keep asking me what I'm reading these days. So here goes again:
Rumor, Fear and the Madness of Crowds![]()
—J.P. Chaplin
For those who care, here's the former read.
For Now
The Kresh refinery take-over will not occur before May, a month later than optimistically planned. Corendon Hotel will not open on April 1. Plenty more like that going on.
Fer Chrissake, Give Me a Break
Not only did we have a National Day of Prayer yesterday, our auntie Sushi also requestedagriculturistsfarmers not to export their produce but to keep it for ourselves.
What export? What produce?
Let's keep this serious and refrain from stupid jokes.
Proposal: Let us all, even the Leaders, behave like responsible grown-ups (may be asking too much) and just protect the vulnerable ones from the virus. All the money lost just is not worth it. Just keep the borders (airport and harbor) closed for countries with the virus. Which means no tourism, right.
Don't think, as many seem to do, that you're immune if you're young. It's anti-social anyway, but who cares? But of 508 hospitalized patients 38% were 20-54.
Take It Easy
PM Ruggie is either lying or has a very short memory. Hey, he's a politician so probably both. But now he's saying that it's thanks to the fact that travel from Europe was shut down immediately that we have, so far, escaped. O yeah? I remember differently; in fact, I made a note.
For the rest, nothing but virusteria in the media. Remember, unless you're an old fart and sick anyway there's nothing to fear, except for passing it on. Relax and have a nice day!
On the Other Hand
Just possibly, that Wuhan virus isn't so dangerous at all. Who could say, right now? Break down the economy just to avoid a few lives is worth it? I can't answer that.
Too bad if it's you or especially me, true.
Imagine That!
Income from OZB [real estate tax] will be lower than expected. However, this was expected by anybody except the government, who blame it on "several factors". And then some. (Our property went up in value 3 times in 4 years, according to the inspector.)
Also, income from omzetbelasting [sales tax] will be lower than estimated (as again, everybody else saw coming), and the higher receipts from income tax last year will not be matched. Same for higher tobacco tax ("for our own good", sure); will be lower instead.
Now what, Great Leaders? Panhandle in Holland for more money? (Forget it!)
The government has, finally, announced measures that really should work. We're not allowed to visit foreign countries ("for our own good," sure) or go to parties, sports events or religious activities (not to worry). Not to mention restaurants, entertainment, bars and snacks. Even funerals are maxed out to 10 visitors. Watch those supermarkets! Stay away 2 meters from everybody! Hey, I estimate there's no more than 1m between you and the cashier; if that.
Tourism is out. Now that's a real life changer!
PM Ruggie says "life will change"—well, for me, it started changing 2 weeks ago. President Trump estimates all this will go on until July or August, while Ruggie still thinks the schools may reopen 5 days from now.
All this is so obvious, one wonders why it's necessary to talk about it. But then, keep in mind how Ruggie and Auntie didn't have an inkling themselves just a few days ago.
But St. Maarten doesn't worry: all schools remain open. Even there tourism is locked out.
Don't Panic—Hah!
Because of the Wuhan virus, the schools will be closed for one week, starting Tuesday. Why not Monday, or longer? Hey, don't ask me. There are now 3 reported cases, and 40 people are under observation.
(According to the USA Center for Disease Control, the isolation measures may have to remain in force for 8 weeks. Israel, starting yesterday, "closes down" for 5 weeks; for starters. Schools will remain closed until April 16.)
KLM and TUI will pick up 30,000 plus (that's only TUI) passengers and take them back to Holland. So we'll get a chance to enjoy a good old empty beach these weeks.
Good riddance too: Zanzibar had a happy hour on Saturday where 200 (I guess not only) makambas turned up, regardless. Hope the nitwits enjoyed it, and even more passing it on. In contradistinction, in the Hague the police forcibly ended a giant marriage feast—held by Turks. Here? Oh no, don't let us stop your fun.
Some free advice: If you feel a sneeze coming on, pinch the bridge of your nose. It really helps to stop the sneeze! (Then, take out your paper hankies, just in case).
Compare: Taiwan and Israel
As from today, Israel will shut down large segments of the economy to contain the spread of Huwan virus. Also digital surveillance measures used to counter terror will be used to track coronavirus cases and the disease's infection and spread. This entails some invasion of privacy but been used in Taiwan with success.
"Pre-schools will be closed as well as all other institutions of education. Non-essential places of work with a staff or more than 10 will be closed for next five weeks. All places of entertainment: cafes, restaurants, malls, halls and fitness gyms, will be shuttered. Public transport services are to be reduced." Say, how about casinos? Just a thought. And those minibuses here?
We can hardly blame our government for not having a counter-terror system in place, but there it stops. This boils down to cellphone-tracking of victims, but we don't have that either.
A week ago, El Al was one of the first airlines to shut down; the company plans to suspend 80% of personnel.
Just What We Need
The government may, after all, borrow thirty million more from Holland. Condition was theSpoiled BratsGrowth Accord would have a broad support in Curaçao politics. And the coalition was for, while the opposition was against; so there we go.
Meanwhile, 2017 had a budget of 117 million in the red; 2018 of 60 and 2019 of 20. Curaçao must reduce spendings, Holland says. Sure, but how?
Nobody has the faintest clue on what will happen in de future with these deficits, plus the new hospital, girobank and Crash's Isla take-over. And don't forget Wuhan and tourism dying with it in our hands.
I do have a clue: we'll pay, as always.
Rem Acu Tetigisti
Aruba is discussing if the flights with the USA must be canceled, and they say: "We have to choose between the economy and health." So of course they choose for economy, not for sanity. Leave it to the merchants (or politicians).
And it's not necessary for Curaçao schools to close down, for now. Only when the situation gets completely out of hand, I guess.
Watch Them...
It's going to be interesting what our Great Leaders will do now that tourism has come to a total stand still. Little doubt that they'll apply to Holland for more help, whining "we can't help it [they can], just like the Venezuela problem!" But the Dutch are not in an ideal position to give any; even if they wanted to.
Too Late
The government has announced a stop on all flights from Europe. Which comes more than a week after the first Wuhan patient has arrived. Only the devil knows how many he's infected, and how many more have still been undiscovered.
The to-be-expected run on the supermarkets started immediately. Hold your breath and stay at home as much as possible until the crisis has passed; probably a matter of 2 or 3 weeks. Don't go to the GP waiting room; rather, call 9345 if you have a sore throat, cough or a fever.
Bottom line: the government has been criminally negligent in first admitting extra flights and should be held responsible for eventual deaths. Forget it, sure.
Airlines are supposed to ask passengers if they've recently been in any countries where the virus is rampant. Haha. Ever heard of liars?
There We Go: Wuhan's Here?
A 68-year old tourist, arrived last Thursday, felt ill Friday, went to the doctor on Wednesday. So he may have walked around for 5 days infecting everybody around him. Not to mention his fellow passengers.
A press conference has been promised soon. But PM Ruggie says, "no reason to panic." He may even be right there, but he can't possibly know that.
Meanwhile, Princess cruises have suspended operations; for two weeks (don't make me laugh, this is serious).
Auntie Denies
Auntie Sushi denies she has illegally signed for the police academy to be run by her hubby (for a 5.6 million budget), but M*F*K wants a parliament meeting on this anyway. Eventually we'll see. You ask me, I don't trust any of that bunch.
For Starters
The Blue Seas music festival and the Curaçao Int'l Film Festival (Rotterdam) have been canceled. Virus, you know.
Don't ask me what Rotterdam has to do with it. I actually know but won't explain.
An interesting advice how you should sneeze into a paper hankie to avoid spraying your surroundings with Wuhan virus. Then, discard the hankie in a trash bin. A lined trash bin. "With what shall I line it, dear Lisa?" "With plastic, dear Henry!"
If you care, it's well worth checking out this report The Truth Behind the Plastic 'Crisis'
While all air travel from the European continent to the USA is suspended for 30 days, because of the Wuhan Virus, we are welcoming more KLM flights. What could go wrong?
Here's Your Chance!
You may apply for a seat in the Petroleumraad [petrol council] which has as task to look into the possibilities of finding and exploiting oil and gas reserves around the island.
Geologists maintain that's just empty hopes, so the council will be another fine way to "redistribute" our incomes to other parties.
Remember Aruba.
Forget It
Coalition parties MAN and PAR say the extra income of airport safety charges must be reinvested. That's what we'd all like, but what probably won't happen. We've seen it before: to name just one example, car tax.
Bloody Nonsense
The government and SER (social economic council) tell us that the influx of working immigrants makes the AOV welfare pension slightly more achievable—for the time being. But as it's a Ponzi scheme, in the long run it will inevitably grow worse. SER says the minimum age has to go up from 65 to 67 and the payments lowered. Which, as they have not been raised for umpteen years, in practice is the case already; what with inflation etc. And, SER adds, it won't help anyway.
But for a 4-year gig politician it's more than good enough.
It's a Conspiracy!
I figured it all out. That Wuhan virus... just a dirty governments' trick to get rid of all old farts and save, so they can start afresh with their Ponzi welfare pension schemes. How like them!
Are We Supposed to Believe That?
Justice minister Girigorie is fully confident that the theft of 500 keys of coke from a police station will be solved. The investigation is in full swing which is supposedly proven because they have lots of meetings.
Let 'em Come
Because KLM has extra capacity, as many countries have stopped flights altogether, the company has decided to put in some extra flights to Curaçao. All Wuhan virus patients are welcome, as long as they bring money. Hey, tourism! Tourism must go on—at any price. Which we'll pay.
But personnel of CTB are worried they'll get infected.Serves them right.
Sue the Bastids!
Hustisia Pa Un i Tur announced they will shortly sue auntie Sushi, and not before I was ready for it. She was until February this year registered with the Chamber of Commerce KKN as director of SR Holding & Investments bv, which cannot legally be combined with her minister's function.
This is the third minister this club is schlepping to court. Started with AlKLM-Wallé, then pinhead Martina and now auntie. I may not like the club, but must admit they seem to be quite right here.
Update: Auntie Sushi claims that those companies are not active, which she says make all the difference. I wonder.
Don't Hurry Me
The court case started by Amigu di Tera, Fundashon Rif and other groups united in G6 (Group of 6) concerning the mangrove-wood is still pending. Reason, auntie Sushi's GMN ministry keeps sending, or rather not timely sending, statements of defense which of course causes delays. Meanwhile, the dirty work just continues.
Not Yet, Pinhead
Martina will only become minister again on May 22. Nobody's talking, the reasons are a Big Secret. But it just might have something to do with a new complaint lodged by K*NT party: Martina has been accused of a crime and this needs looking into.
Correction: it wasn't K*NT but Hustisia Pa Un i Tur; same difference.
Pay Up, Suckers
Isla refinery needs to pay 110 million to (ex)-workers because of the redundancy scheme. What I really don't get (and what nobody tries to explain), I though Krash Group was taking over? So, Already?
Anyway, much of that sum swill be paid by us by way of higher ABB (sales tax) and what we have to pay in foreign transfer costs to cover Girobank's deficit.
Methinks I'll try and go broke and have the government (this means you) pay for me.
The Wuhan virus is now offshore here, and kept there; for now. AnEnglishNorwegian cruise ship is not allowed to moor because it has been found on board. Of course it's inevitable that one of these days somebody will slip through. Especially since the Wise Guys of Health say it's "premature" to stop influx from infected countries now.
But please relax: auntie Sushi has just released the health plan 2025, so everything is under control. Hopefully, by then we'll be rid of her.
Bring It On
Cft financial supervision has had no reaction to the 2019 20 million deficit, which is supposed to be corrected this year. So they have given the government until March 19, when they will ask the Kingdom for an intervening aanwijzing [instruction].
Holy Merchants!
You there on St. Maarten, you have seen nothing yet. The Israeli health minister wants all arrivals to be quarantined. This is expected to start today.
Don't think Israel has no tourism, either.
No More Mangroves?
We're assured that the roads now crossing the Rif mangrove wood are temporary and the trees will be planted back. Later. The roads were needed to make the area accessible for heavy material (Amigu di Tera disagrees, saying they're much wider than needed). The idea is we'll get a sewage plant and lots more. For now, the place stinks like a hell-hole and if you want mosquitoes, no need to look any further. This while the next door Corendon hotel will open in April.
Forget Tourism
Airlines all over the world are already feeling the negative results of the Corona scare. Goes to show you how bad it is to make your economy dependent on one fickle resource.
And even cruises.. hah! Would you join a cruise? Those ships are as full of meat as an egg... In St. Maarten, cruiseship Aida Diva was refused admittance because the necessary papers came in too late. Now the merchants there are pissed off, saying that's over 750,000 dollars worth of trade lost. They'd rather be sick than miss a penny.
Anyway, they must belyingexaggerating. Crew and passengers total 2629 people. Do they expect us to believe that every single one of them spends $285 ashore?
The 2020 budget is still not balanced. Curaçao's financial situation "remains worrying" says Cft financial supervision. The budget is 20 million short and that does not include the amount in the red over last year. Despite the government having lowered the estimated incomes from raised taxes, they're still much to high.
Now We Pay
Antilliaans Dagblad found out that there has indeed been a criminal investigation into Girobank, but it has been stopped because the public ministry had "insufficient funds". The process had the name "Pretoria", very fitting. What was discovered is that there were "internal malversations"; now they tell us.
Auntie & Hubby
Auntie Sushi's and her hubby had a nice (for them) idea: set up a well-paying (to them) police academy run by hubby. Auntie then was VVRP sinister and supposed to abstain from voting but voted nevertheless. (I bet she voted "for".) Mark, this was the former cabinet led by (if only after after a fashion) PS™ Whiteman; not Shorty's.
Dear reader, I have a terrible pain in the neck caused by other things, not politics for a change, and will continue tomorrow. Have a nice day and a great week-end!
There were plans already for two (2) police academies at the time, auntie's was the 3rd. None of them knew about the others. Talk about organization! Just our usual government mess. The plans were scratched in 2017, which saved us 5.6 million guilders.
But not to worry; the money eventually spent for the academy was taken out of the Bientu money paid by Robbie dos Diablos; even though that was illegal, it was accorded by then minister of finance Jardim. Do you want to know more? No? I thought so.
Shorty's Chutzpah
Now the criminal ex-PM wants compensation from workers at VDC (Security Service Curaçao) because they allegedly "purposefully leaked information damaging to him and his partner." VDC's lawyer even claims that Shorty himself tried to remove incriminating information (he didn't succeed).
Another Super Charge Coming
You may have figured those 2.3 cents/liter on car fuel weren't too bad? So we'll get another one on top, because more costs have to be paid for. By us, who else?
Total costs to find a new exploiter for Isla refinery were over 31 million, almost 17 of which has been spent by Wiels c.s.
McWilliams will take her leave as sinister to make place for pinhead Martina. She's been offered foreign gigs with lots of business class travel and stays in fine hotels.
"Even tourists would have been welcome."
Algernon Blackwood—The Willows
Too Expensive
There was a new arrangement where you were advised by mail that your car had to undergo a vehicle inspection. But they stopped this because it was "too expensive". (The banks charge you 2.50 guilders for a paper statement.)
So now people have to stand in line for hours, with no shade provided, to make an appointment. They don't like it.
Gammon and spinach
In Dutch, smoesjes. PM Ruggie says the Growth Strategy progress report has been sent to Staten on February 26, but for some unknown reason it never arrived.
(Both cabinet and parliament are working from Fort Amsterdam.)
But it's safe to blame C***-Post: yesterday I received an invite from Tokyo which was airmailed a month ago. That is, if the government uses the mail; don't they have fat well-paid couriers?
It's a Viewpoint
A motion to introduce maximum prices for anti-Coronavirus medicine has been voted down in parliament. Naturally: can't those boticas profiteer by making extra bucks?
But interestingly, the PIN-guy Calmes who introduced the motion had as comment: "The economy is not really marching"—which is putting it very mildly indeed. If it marches at all, it's backward.
Terrorists? Now Come On
People who attack tourists are now to be called "terrorists" says soon-to-be-gone sinister McWilliam.
As long as they attack you, me or her, that's supposedly fine.
"Soon to be gone?" Seems to be a hang-up there. As long as McWilliam doesn't submit her resignation with the governor, pinhead has not a chance.
Used to Be Called "Bathing"
Now we say "swimming". Maybe because, according to Carmabi director Verweij, 86% of our sewage is deposited in sea unfiltered.
But it's all in style (maybe the wrong word?); illegal trash dumping is now going on right in the city center.
Extra Airport Tax
Will be increased by ANG4.51/passenger, excluding collection costs, bringing the grand total to—we're not told. But it's for our safety!
No doubt it will soon become 5.86.
For the Better
By 2100, half of the world's beaches will have disappeared: "more than 100 meters" will have been lost. Because of climate change, or whatever, you know. You ask me, we have not one single beach that wide. Well, as long as half of our hotels will be under water as well, that's jes fine with me.
Nature Loving Tourist
He was attacked why walking around in the salt pans of Jan Kock, no doubt to get a closer look at the flamingoes and disturbing them in the process. Then he himself became the victim of an atrako, was wounded with a machete and robbed.
You are tempted to say "serves him right" but that's maybe a notch too far.
What Else Did They Expect?
In a Staten-parliament meeting on the gambling industry not a single rep. of that "industry" took the trouble to attend. What's the use, anyway? So the meeting was disbanded after 5 minutes.
Wasted Money
Justice sinister Girigorie said it himself, all that money for tourist promotion is wasted. (Alas, if you may trust CTB the statistics show different.) But Girigorie takes exception to the messages on criminality that appear on social media; they tend to scare the tourists off. Good.
Girogrie says the island is safer than 15 years ago. He could have fooled all of us.
Next, he might try and fine us for uploading a message like that. Stay positive! or else...
The safest Caribbean country, he says, is Barbados with 16.9 murders per 100,000; we have "only" 11.4, which makes us the 3rd safest country. Huh? Something amiss here. Oh wait, that's what Girogorie says he figures himself. The BBC figures differently.
As we all expected by now, pinhead Martina is back in his function as sinister of economic development, so he can go back to work on developing his own economy.
"Nos Mes Por"
Not now, but eventually "we" can run the refinery ourselves. Says PM Ruggie; and it's thanks to what we'll learn about management from the Krash Group. Not now, but in the future. A good thing that he'll have disappeared from stage by then.
Better believe it: a TUI plane has just like that sunk through the Bonaire Flamingo Airport asphalt. Tssk tssk. Nobody's been hurt (except maybe the airport's contractors).
What Else, New
Isla Refinery and Refineria di Kòrsow are fighting in court again. RdK wants 150 million dollars (so would I). No doubt some party will win and another one will lose.
But personnel is really enthousiastic about the Crash Group developments. Well, fine.
KKC Back
Knipselkrant Curaçao had some troubles the last couple of weeks, caused by what they say is over 500 cyber attacks per day. Has been going on since 2013.
Boy, somebody must really hate them.
KKC claims an average of 1 attack per second, but that sounds a bit much: 511 a day would be 0.35/minute or once every 3 minutes. Still respectable.
What's the Use
VBC entrepreneurs' club calls, once again, attention to the fact that the government, against all advice freely given, is only busy getting more out of the tax-payer instead of reducing costs. To the contrary, the government is only growing. VBC refers back to 2013 when the same thing happened, and look where we are now.
Right On
Cft financial supervision has torpedoed the 30 million PM Ruggie was supposed to borrow. Good for our kids.
On the other hand, now the budget has a deficit of 20 million. Which might mean, forget the grandiose Growth (for the government) Plan.
They Again
The spoiled brats just can't take subtle hints: they demand the government pays them the indexing sum, plus the 3% lumpsum for those who are collecting the maximum already. Which they won't get, as it's not guaranteed by law. But the government is prepared to adapt the budget (which is in the red already) to raise the wage rate.
Carnival is over; good. But still, not much is happening in politics; better. Maybe next Tuesday—keep tuned.
Let's See Auntie Sushi Adapt This
Singapore shows how to stop coronavirus: "It is virtually impossible to enter any building in Singapore without being offered a sanitising hand wash, a simple expedient for limiting the spread of the virus. Similarly citizens are encouraged to conduct regular checks of their temperature, thereby making early detection of potential new cases more likely."
Sanitising hand wash? How many families here you think even have a thermometer?
At Request
For some reason, people keep asking me what I'm reading these days. So here goes again:
The Island at the Center of the World:
The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan
and the Forgotten Colony That Shaped America![]()
—Russell Shorto
For those who care, here's the former read.
So There
The fuel charge of 2.3 cents/liter has been approved for 4 years, over 10% more than originally suggested. It's supposed to ensure fuel distribution, but in fact serves to cover extra costs caused by the refinery transition to Crasch Group.
But this is only an estimate. After it's all over, the real cost will be figured out. You wanna bet it will turn out to be lower than the estimated 54 million guilders? I thought so; neither do I.
More Trouble Ahead
The US Senate is proposing changes in the FAA certificates. Which, putting the crap in a nutshell, that could mean "banning U.S.-certificated commercial aircraft to operators in any country that does not pass the FAA's International Aviation Safety Assessment (IASA) audit." We share this honor with 5 countries, Costa Rica, Ghana, Thailand and Venezuela. Talk about backward.
Taking the bright side, would maybe (but not probably) mean no coronavirus can come in here. At least not by air. Plenty cruise tourists, though.
Beers 'R' Us
Israel is the first country smart enough to advise all citizens to stop traveling abroad. Also, El-Al flights to Italy and Thailand have been suspended, and the inaugural direct-to-Tokyo flight has been delayed until April; for now.
Here, we get soothing texts by auntie Sushi about the Coronabeerus, although epidemiologist Gerstenbluth seems to be on his toes. It's only a matter of time, he says, and what can you do but agree?
What we really could use are Quackie Constancia surgeons' masks! You almost start to think she was ahead of her time and, too boot, smarter than she looks—not hard, that.
Good News?
Only for those who haven't got a digital CMC/new hospital pass yet. You can now make an appointment on-line to pick it up.
Too bad, if, like me, you've had to go over there and wait for hours: not on-line, but rather in-line.
Even Worse
DOW public works has analyzed the new hospital's sewage and concluded that it's unacceptable for it to be deposited in the sewage system.
So the solution is simple: it goes straight into the sea. The sewage is collected in trucks and transported to Shut/chute where it is dumped.
Insane & Irresponsible
The Curaçao government may borrow 30 million more. This is hard to believe. Our children will have to pay up.
"A Good Start"
That's what we read about the fact that more tourists than ever have come over here last month. Depends on how you look at it.
45,000 stay-overs were counted; if this trend continues that's over 3 times our own population per year. But no explanation is given for the fact hat hotel occupation went down.
This is readily explained when you think about all these apartments where tourists prefer to stay; not only because the general trend is away from hotels, but also because they don't pay any sales or whatever tax. Everybody must pay tax, do you hear me? So we can spend it all.
The number of cruise ships went down as well, but as those Monstrosities of the Sea get bigger and bigger, more cruise tourists came in. Total almost 125,000. As these hardly spend a thing that's no big deal; except that all those &%$#@ buses hold up traffic.
Who Cares...
PAR MP Obispo does. He calls attention to the fact that the yearly accounts from 2014 to 2018 are still missing. Let alone they've been approved.
The law states quite clearly this should happen on a yearly base.
Why Not? That's Why Not!
The minister of Transport and other matters wants to install an "aviation safety charge" that passengers must pay on top of the existing airport tax. The new charge can be increased with 30%.
This shows real chutzpah, considering that we still don't have an airport upgrade.
ABC Gets Money
ABC Public Transport is dependent on the government for 2/3 of its income. Last year's loss was 1.9 million guilders.
I must add that, compared with what you pay in many other countries, tariffs are very low indeed.
Ex director Kwartel of RdK refinery has been convicted (with 36 months of jail) for asking a bribe of "at least" $ 5 million for the sale of the refinery. 3 others got 30 months.
These guys are responsible for the deal with Aramco falling through so we're now saddled with Krasch Group.
As If We Didn't Know
It's the low oil price that caused the problems with Isla refinery and PdVSA, and also the fact that crude oil supplies virtually came to a halt. In 2005 the refinery produced 205,000 bpd, which was the total production of the last 22 months.
Now the refinery, in court, wants 150 million dollar compensation from PdVSA. As if PdVSA could pay that.
Pay Up, Suckers
Girobank will, more or less, be taken over by APC pension fund; and everybody will get their money. For which we pay. The only good thing is, for once visitors pay as well as part of the ABB+. Still more sales tax.
Bad News All Over
For this one, I would advise you to go straight to Knipselkrant Curaçao and check it out yourself. It's a scribd article by Isla refinery (in whatever manifestation) protesting that they have a really fine, fantastic, excellent deal with the Klesch Group. Then, our national resource Marguérite Nahar takes it all to pieces and shows what an awful mess they've landed us, and our collective future, in.
Sub Rosa
After the public ministry first denied a complaint was lodged against Garcia of Girobank, now they admit that, yes, as a matter of there was one filed. The spox just "misunderstood" his boss's words.
The complaint was filed by Central Bank CBCS in 2015. No information is forthcoming on what has been done with it. I'd call it sub rosa if it didn't stink so much.
Oh, There Were More
Not 3, but 5 boarding schools had their subsidies reduced and hastily restored. Rose Pelletier and Casa Manita weren't mentioned in earlier news.
Hint for Hoogstraat?
In Amsterdam, after years of attracting tourists to the sex and dope scene, they've had enough. It's so bad, 30 tour buses an hour are stopping at Oudekerksplein (yes, there's what used to be a church there). Their maximum load is now restricted to 15voyeurspassengers, down from 20. That's still a total of 450 peepers an hour.
The sex workers say all those tourists are "bad for business".
Funny? Depends.
Japanese policy makers have made the same mistake three times. Last October, Japan raised its sales tax to 10% from 8%—and spending tanked. Household consumption fell 11.5% in 2019-IV, fueling a 6.3% fall in yearly GDP. Sales-tax increases in 1997 and 2014 likewise knocked the economy off course. The three worst quarters for household consumption in the past quarter-century were those in which sales tax was raised.
"The thinking that led to such destructive behavior is bizarrely resilient." Not only in Japan, I may add.
Why Bother to Star With
The subsidies for caretaking institutes have been pulled back up to its former level, after protests.
Fed Up and Disgusted
People living in Hoogstraat have had enough of all those touring buses coming by in their street. The more and larger those tourist-carrying monster ships come in, the heavier their vexation.
Ain't tourism great?
Today? That Was Yesterday
Cft financial supervision has given the government until "today" to adapt the budget. Cft thinks 100 million more coming in from sales tax is "not realistic". The original deadline was February 12, but has been postponed.
However, the morning news is terrifyingly silent... More later?
Maybe It Helps?
Seven people have been arrested for their involvement in a series of atrakos. However, I very much doubt if these are responsible for most of them. Would be physically as good as impossible.
Judging from the location photographs, this must have caused heavy delays on the road to Westpunt, or rather, from there. Let us hope it was worth it.
Another suspect has been arrested on Hato airport, trying to escape to another country. I can't tell you if he was one of the 6, or 7.
Excuse or Reason?
The multi-annual SOFA agreement between the USA and the Kingdom of the Netherlands serves to enable joint trainings and assistance in case of a hurricane. Dutch SP (socialist party) doesn't like it, nor do several island parties and president Maduro.
The way I see it, any excuse is fine.
Forensic Investigation
The complete council of sinisters has decided to request the Central Bank CBCS to investigate the causes of the problems with Girobank, Ennia Insurance and CSBS as well. That last item makes me go "hmmmmm".
FYI, two synonyms for "forensic" are "judicial" and "juristic". No stone will be left unturned! we're promised.
More of the Same
Not only the boarding schools have had their subsidies cut; the same applies to Foundation Birgen di Rosario, Kuido Integral Banda Bou and Foundation Wit Gele Kruis voor de Thuiszorg 'Prines Margriet". Next to the Koeiman cuts of 6.5% to over 16%, auntie Sushi cut 'her' subsidies by almost 2%. All this on top of earlier cuts.
Reason seems to be, the new hospital is so expensive and needs money. So let the old farts whine and see where that gets them, fast: nowhere. Or, just maybe?
"Temporary", Huh?
There will come a "temporary" extra charge of "a few cents" (maybe 2) on auto fuel. This to pay for Curoil's transition costs of the refinery to theCrashKlesch Group.
As we all know from experience, those charges share a distinct trend to run on into perpetuity.
Sound Crazy to Me
Relatives of Venezuelans who were on their way to Curaçao or Trinidad, but went missing, demand the Maduro government to give them news about the fugitives' lot. No matter what you can say and think about that government, how could it possibly know? Those people board overloaded crummy boats and hope for the best. If there's a mishap and they drown, that's just that.
Yes, they do try to escape from the tyranny at home. That's bad enough. But those demands are a waste of effort. It's all desperation.
Does It Matter? No!
C***-Post [International] has raised the tariff for keeping an arrived package in store for you longer than a week. Now it's ANG8.50, 1 guilder more. Doesn't matter how large or heavy it is, which is interesting in itself.
But it's all rubbish, as the persons behind the windows know darned well that you get the "Notification of Receipt" days later than the date on it, if not more than a week. So they don't bother charging you.
Still Electricity Problems
After last week's total black-out, the electricity supply has remained constant. That is to say, the Aqualectra engineers have to keep adjusting the supply manually, which, they say, means the cause hasn't been solved.
The boarding schools' subisidies have been reinstalled; 15% has been added back to them. The same applies to Casa Manita and Kinderoorden Brakkeput.
Oh No, Another One
The Project Regenerative Biological Agriculture has finished its first learning project. This is part of auntie Sushi's "Wellness Bureau" hobby; the same that has cost us at least 8 million already, taken away from the GGD public health budget. We now discover that the project is run by the Institute for professional excellence, run by CHATA hotel club and, are you ready? the Maharashi International University of Iowa. This was set up by "the Giggling Guru" Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, in 1973. You could learn to levitate there. I kid you not.
Where does auntie pick up all those idiot contacts? First Chinese alternative medicine, then India mystics, and now this. Kick her out.
Perfectly Safe
The Julianabridge will get a major overhaul. This was supposed to be done in 2019, but... well... At any rate, it doesn't have anything to do with the crane crash. The bridge is "perfectly safe" we're assured.
It's All Gone
There's definitely no more asphalt available for new roads or repairs. As if it matters these days.
Which reminds me, don't we have an asphalt lake?
Just Like That
Three boarding schools have had their subsidies cut for the 3rd time in 4 years, and were only informed of that as a fait accompli. Successively, 2017 -5%, 2018 -15% and now again -15%. Meanwhile, all costs go up.
The government promised them all in 2019, no more cuts.
But sinister Koeiman says this is not correct, the institutions should have been told. He will check why that hasn't been done. Sure, Koeiman. You're a great help.
Truer Word Was Never Spoken
"Government attempts to stimulate economic growth by increasing government spending end up discombobulating and misdirecting production, thereby impeding rational economic growth and making the population poorer."
Now for our nitwit leaders to understand the message. We read that the total tax receipts, expected to be slightly more than 1.5 billion guilders, turn out to be slightly less than that. It doesn't qualify nor quantify "slightly".
PAR Obispo doesn't get it: he says everybody must pitch in and the government must do more to collect taxes; what we all need is solidarity. Like the Dutch say, "you cannot pluck feathers from a frog," Obispo. Try and get that through your thick skull.
A demonstration has taken place by Union pa Kòrsou to protest the take-over of the refinery by the Klesch Group. Better we start calling it Clash Group? First they want openness in the deal. Good luck with that! As if these guys were so open when they wielded power. 4000 signatures have been collected.
Except M*F*K, PS™ and Action Group Kas, remember that René Rosalia is the guy behind Union pa Kòrsou; then you know enough.
Other clubs sound more serious; like those who insist that the refinery will have to keep to pollution standards. There's talk of it not having to in the start-up period. Just like old times, say 1985 to 2018.
Holland's help is asked for; but that country has been ordered by its High Court to reduce warming gases (among which our old friend CO2 without which life as we know it is impossible) to 20% in 2050, compared with 1990: an impossible task. But then again, judges are no scientists (and neither is Greenpeace).
Fundashon Bon Intenshon's Percy Pinedo confirms that the Curaçao International Blue Seas festival will proceed as usual this year, unlike the canceled North Sea festival. 10-11 of April.
For How Long?
Auntie Sushi tells us all not to worry, the SVB social insurance premium will not go up because the new hospital is so expensive.
Means, for now, we'll have to pay some other way; then, it will go up anyway.
Well Done!
The CPA container-handling cranes arrived yesterday. Too bad they were heavily damaged because, after weeks of careful preparation, they hit the Julianabridge. No info forthcoming on when they'll finally be put into service. Oh well, they're three years late anyway.
We've been told they came from Finland, but now I read they're from China.
Nos Futuro
The name of the prison may have changed (couldn't tell you what it is now) but the principle still applies. Youth criminality is getting worse and worse, and as we all know, as the twig is bent the tree is inclined.
Especially atrakos: 44 of the culprits were between 10 and 19 years old, 73 from 20-29 and 18 from 30-39. One of the measures proposed is to have youngsters enjoy a year of military service, where they'll learn discipline. At least, that's what minister Girigorie thinks.
At Request
For some reason, people keep asking me what I'm reading these days. So here goes again:
Song of the Sirens![]()
—Ernest K. Gann
For those who care, here's the former read.
Who Cares
Nobody but organizer Elias... The Curaçao North Sea Jazz Festival (don't ask, I didn't think up that crazy name) will be scratched this year. 'No suitable main act could be found.'
That's the excuse. But others say it's because the off-shore business has collapsed since the Panama Papers, which leaves Elias with less in his pocket.
Fine, Action
La Rivera, British Virgin Islands, demands that the building in Penstraat that just got a building permit against court orders, is demolished, torn down and salt sown on the foundations. La Rivera asks for a penalty payment of 5000 guilders/day, total maximum 3 million, to be paid by Jewel Investment and Curaçao country.
But naturally, Jewel and theirresponsible Sinister Jesus-Leito claim it's all kosher and La Rivera is just twaddling. Can get interesting. Good clean family entertainment.
FKP, Again
FKP public housing has got media mentions again. As usual, not so good. This time it's their yearly accounts: nobody has seen them since 2012.
Goodbye and Good Riddance
231 spoiled brats have opted for early retirement. This means only they'll get 6% less pension for every year before their 65th that they leave their jobs.
Are You Awake?
Translated popular Dutch expression; "Ben je wakker?"
Cft financial supervison and CVBC entrepreneurs' club completely agree on the fact that the government's efforts to turn the economic tide are valueless. Nothing has been done to lower government expenses; but the tax-payer has to cough up more and more.
Need I add I agree? No, did that before. Often.
There We Go—Again
Auntie Sushi is on a trip to India, where WHO organizes a conference on "Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha Systems of Medicine"; so-called alternative medicine. There is no alternative medicine: there's medicine and there's quackery and, as Kipling wrote, never the twain shall meet.
This isn't the first time auntie shows an interest in this nonsense, but we were then saved because there was no money for her to set up a business importing Chinese products.
WHO is to blame, as well, of course. They are still claiming Cuba medicine is so great. Maybe, if you are a member of the ruling communist clan; otherwise, not so much.
I Wish
Amigoe newspaper complained with Fakebooc against a post by journalist Yves Cooper, which he had ripped from their pages. It finally came to court—here, local, that is. Fakebooc had blocked Cooper's account right away. Really?!
This may not be the place to tell you how many of my pictures appear illegally on Fakebooc, Google Plus or YouTube, but I'll start nagging anyway. They get away with it because they say they're not publishers, they just publish content uploaded by users. If you upload a complete copyrighted film, let the copyright owner complain. Which, I have to tell you, is much more difficult than uploading ripped-off material. Then, if you're lucky, they'll just block that specific photo.
Laws are in the make, both in Europe and the USA, to put a stop to this; if that will make Google etc., who make money on those deals with ads, pay up, is another question. Meanwhile, as Ray Davies sings: "If I ever get my money, I'll be too old and grey to spend it."
100 dB Max
The maximum sound level for carnaval's Gran Marcha has been fixed at 100 dB. That's the equivalent of "disco, 1m from speaker"—which is pretty loud. It now seems to be possible to measure this from a distance, so the musicians can't use their old trick of turning down the volume when approaching a measuring point.
And, for once, M*F*K party's Quackie Constancia is content about the measures taken by auntie Sushi to check Hato arrivals on the Coronabeerus, now named Covid-19 (as if that will help). This is supposed to isolate us from infected carnaval visitors. Keep your fingers crossed—and clean!
BTW, that could be really good for tourism: at London Heathrow, eight arriving planes were locked down for hours because some passengers... may have had a cold. It occurs on a daily base.
Join the Fun!
The movement Union pa Kòrsou will organise a demonstration on Wilheminaplein to demand the agreement with Klesch Group must be scratched. I don't know if that's possible at all.
But I'm sure it will work. Anyway, don't count on me.
Like Father, Like Son
Pinhead Steven Martina is now candidate for the political leadership of MAN political party, which was found around 1970 by his father, Don Martina.
There are no other candidates.
Por Fin
The container harbor's new gantry cranes will be arriving tomorrow. They're supposed to be operating this month (only 3 years late).
So What
PAR Minister Jesus-Leito has granted an entirely new building permit for Pietermaai 30, which the High Court explicitly forbid in the past. So what? The law is for citizens, not for the government. For those citizens who don't pay up.
Fine With Me
Jesus-Leito has to say, and you can taste her disappointment, that's it impossible to give out extra permits for small-scale tourist transports: there's a maximum stipulated by law.
But no such maximum exists for large touring buses.
Do Tell
The CMC/HNO, whatever tickles your fancy, costs are even higher than expected: 81 million guilders more than the old SEHOSpital. Which is 500 guilders per year more per population head.
Then, says CFT financial supervision, certain tax receipts have been estimated too high; and dividends of GOEs may not come in at all. CFT has advised emphatically to lower government costs and a budget adaptation is necessary; which the government has promised. When turtles have wings.
What Did You Expect, Anyway?
Minister Gijs & Bertha has visited the Gaming Control Board ICE LONDON. He wants to legalize gambling ; as if that isn't legal already; mark Wega di number and Landsloterij; plus the tolerance started under MAN PM Martina (father of pinhead). And don't forget the casinos, without which I read it's impossible to run a hotel.
He also wants to have more international gambling. Our government thinks it's just fine to have that; anything for a buck.
To quote KKC:What does actually Gijsbertha do about now:The 25 years have elapsed since auntie Sushi, that great jurist, was THE factor in passing that legislation in conjunction with then-PM Pieters and governor Saleh.
After 25 years, no supervision, investigation, enforcement and regulatory licensing requirements, the Finance Minister seeks the online gambling sector and offshore games of chance legislation veiled regulate terms too, but wants to lift the online gambling sector no back taxes and also delegates on January 28, 2019 monitoring in MOT messages at Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) way to the Gaming Control Board (GBC). A body that has no experience since the beginning of its existence in 1999 in monitoring online casinos.
At Request
For some reason, people keep asking me what I'm reading these days. So here goes again:
The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity![]()
—Douglas Murray
For those who care, here's the former read.
People living around a newly built mini-roundabout are getting worried, and wonder what these things actually serve for. In fact, despite being sold as improving traffic safety, they seem to work the other way around. Hear hear.
Makes Me Sick
A photo on the first page of Amigoe with the caption "Curaçao is flourishing because of tourists visiting the Bandabao beaches. At Kenepa there was hardly a chair available."
Too bad if you were looking for peace and quiet.
But the government hasn't paid out the 2019 wage rate for the spoiled brats yet, and there you are. Or go.
Now That
FKP public housing assumes there's a 200,000 guilders yearly theft of building materials. Such dedicated workers—to themselves.
It's unknown for how many years this has been going on.
One More Time
Electricity failed all over the island yesterday for nine hours. Started, just like the last one of 4 November, on the Isla terrain. But that was a totally different problem. Good to know maybe, but of no help.
Traffic lights expired. Schools and businesses just closed. Good for the economy, too! The wind generators on Tera Korá are still not turning, one day later. But they are the cause of the problem: because it blows so hard, the diesel generators have to compensate and, as a safety measure, the whole system was switched off automatically.
This is how it is explained in the paper, no doubt nonsense. The diesels have to produce less, if anything. What's correct is, the net voltage fluctuations can't be handled; a well-known problem with "green" energy. Look before you leap...
Take Your Time
The screening committee will have an evaluation report ready by the end of March.
Gee, I wonder how much they pay those committee members.
We'll Miss Her
Marjo Nederlof, who has made a real impression in our media, has alas expired at age 66. Her journalistic career came to an end when she preferred a job with ex-minister Omayra Leeflang above that for Amigoe newspaper, who then let her go.
She leaves a real void. Our best wishes for the family members she left behind.
That, Too
MP MP (sorry about that, it's the case) Moses again asks for the HNO business case. Auntie Sushi said on September 4 (which reminds me) that it was ready, but we haven't seen it yet.
More Wechi Woes
A mr. Ferero has filed a complaint against PAR minister Jezus-Leito. While FKP is building houses on the Wechi-terrain which FKP doesn't own, Ferero doesn't get a building permit on another terrain, part of Malpais—which he does own.
At least, that's what he says. He also says that the minister is complicit in hostage-taking and murder. We share your curiosity as to how all this will work out in court.
There's an Idea
It may only be Córdoba who asks for more financial info on the Klesch Group who are supposed to take over Isla refinery; but the Dutch parliament would like to see that as well. Only, it isn't forthcoming. Would it be too much to ask if our leaders have any inkling themselves?
By now, we are getting very curious on how much the island has invested in that take-over. But it's a safe bet we'll never know. Same for Aruba, of course.
The X-Team, installed March 2018 by auntie Sushi with much fanfare, does not have near enough members to react on complaints. They receive 400 complaints per year, but say it can take some time before action is taken.
After all, we're quite used to that.
Don't Rush Us
The Curaçao government was supposed to have presented an investment plan for the Growth Agreement by last September. Almost needless to say it has not been forthcoming. Holland doesn't like that. Curious...
Meanwhile, our government has been growing all right.
Spare Me Your Sarcasm
The Catholic schools conclude that the "free education" plans of Wiels's PS™ have failed. The only result was that well-to-do people had still more money available.
Also, all schools have too little money because the government doesn't pay up what it's supposed to.
A Voice of Reason
Because these days children get their first four years of schooling in Papiamentu, they have a backlog in understanding Dutch. Which is a problem, as there are relatively very few books in Papiamentu, which prevents the forming of a lifelong reading habit; essential for further development of language and other skills.
Education expert Juanita Kibbelaar sticks her head out and pleads for a higher level of Papiamentu in education; and also remarks that with the small market for the language, this situation will not really change in the future.
"All I know is what I read in the papers."
Will Rogers
Drunk Dutchmen
They started being a nuisance at Mambo Beach, 4 of them. Shitfaced and pie-eyed: "stomdronken". Picked a fight with a security guard who had his eye damaged. Then the cops came and arrested in total twenty.
Wherever the Dutch go, they are well known for this sort of thing. Loudly singing low-caliber songs and spoiling for brawls.
Now tell me, "not all Dutch are like that"—sure, it's still a national characteristic.
Selikor Doesn't Do It—Again
Selikor publishes a schedule when you can leave bulky items on the sidewalks (where these exist) for pick-up. Only, they don't come and the rubbish just keeps lying there.
Roll Guard Rail
They were supposed to be installed on Julianabridge last night. There was a problem because some materials, stored at OW public works were not accessible. Fine organisation! The guard rail comes from Korea.
During a visited to that country in 2015 I didn't see a single one. Doesn't mean a thing, true.
Easy Solution
FKP public housing has instructed Algemene Rekenkamer [general audit chamber] to stop their lawfulness and efficiency research. FKP claims ARC is not authorized to do this, and ARC has already stopped. The judge has agreed. A pity.
That's not FKP's only problem: they also went to court to end a 3-day strike in protest of a new warehouse worker, which personnel says was hired illegally. But the management says he's only there temporarily. But the function doesn't seem to exist, temporarily or not.
Keep Trying or Give Up
I thought they'd given up by now, but Aruba is still looking for asuckercompany to take the Lago refinery over. Experts are very pessimistic: the refinery is heavily decayed, and the oil market is in a slump since the USA turned into an exporter. But the government says there is a list of 25 interested parties. It's years old, though. All very doubtful, which makes the chance to reopen the refinery remote, especially now.
Very Vague
The costs of several banks have been compared and don't bother, it's a mess. One has cheapest transaction costs, another one offers more interest... no need to go on. It all depends on what you need.
Maybe you should go to Fundashon pa Konsumidó or Fair Trade Authority Curaçao. The last site says the report is downloadable, but I couldn't find out where.
Now They Tell Us
That's not all of Damen's problems: they also struggle with a shortage of orders for three shipyards they recently acquired in Rotterdam, Romania and Curaçao.
Not Good: Bad!
Ex CBCS central bank director Tromp says in 2016 there was a buyer for Girobank, who was prepared to guarantee bank balances and deposits. Tromp has a confidentiality obligation and can't name the buyer, but he does not understand why things went so wrong later.
But we have our ideas.
CBCS did file a complaint with the public ministry against Eric Garcia, and he can't understand why nothing was done with that.
Goodbye Damen? At Request
For some reason, people ask me what I'm reading these days. So here goes again:
Walt Disney's Donald Duck: Christmas in Duckburg (Vol. 21):
Complete Carl Barks Disney Library (Walt Disney Series)![]()
—Carl Barks
For those who care, here's the former read.
Dutch Damen Shipyards, who took over Curaçao Dok recently, is in serious trouble. Not because of the bribery system to get orders, but because they underestimated costs to build ships.
We'll have to await what consequences this will have for the old Dok/CDM.
Does It Matter?
There's no asphalt available for road building. There is plenty of asphalt, but it's stored in Isla refinery tanks and owned by PdVSA. What a mess.
Well, it wouldn't have been used to fix potholes anyway.
You're Telling Me
The government says they have 4000personnelspoiled brats, give or take. However, if you include people "working" in foundations, GOEs etc., turns out it's more like 6000. Tiens, c'est intéressant, ça.
Also, another occasion to remark to PM Ruggie still hasn't made good on his "Promise!" to have all those extra clowns hired by Prick Pisas fired. Come right down to it, they're all still there drawing their monthly envelope.
Repsol is stopping exploration of possible oil/gas fields in Aruba sea territory. Their first try, Bon Bini-1X, resulted in a dry hole and Repsol thinks it's financially too risky to continue on other locations.
We have been wondering why we heard nothing on this; surely, if it had been a success, the Aruba government would have triumphantly trumpeted it around, but all we got was silence. In fact, this was published on December 4, 2019, by Noticiacla.
With what looks like the finals for the Lago refinery, Aruba has nothing left but tourism. Just like us? Let's hope not.
Count Along With Me
It will costthe governmentyou and me 19 million guilders/month, total 115 million, to keep the Isla refinery running until Klesch Group takes over. This was planned for April, which is now considered "optimistic".
Do They All Get a Pension?
Entrepreneurs' club VBC has figured it out: since 10-10-10 we've had 74 ministerial changes. Champ is education with 12 ministers, more than one per year.
Won't Make Much Difference
The workers of FKP public housing have gone on strike. They don't agree with the government appointing a job for somebody, who mysteriously remains unnamed, as "warehouse administrator"—a function that does not exist.
Just What We Needed?
MAN party has submitted a draft bill to give employees more protection when they're in danger of being fired. This will surely help in attracting new foreign investors—NOT.
Another Approach
Like us here and many other countries, the graying population is a problem. Who'll pay the taxes for keeping up the Nanny State and its army of spoiled brats? In Japan, plans are to keep people working until they're 70. I am long past that age and, as I hope you'll agree, still going strong. If you don't agree, I kindly submit you get lost.
A quite different approach from auntie Sushi's, who wanted medics to stop working at 65. It bounced back badly.
Too Late, Too Little; Too Much?
Roderick Kwartel, former director of RdK Isla, will be hit with 5 years of slammer because he (with 3 others) wanted 750,000 dollars from a company for taking over the refinery.
That's peanuts! Much less than many others made and got away scott-free. The total demand for all for is 17 years.
Backdoor Trots
AKA Montezuma's revenge, flux, and tourista. Or diarrhea. Is what I always warn you may get when you drink a batido [fruit shake] at a street stand. Now we're told there are 89 of those stands, but only 33 have a license.
Weirdly, it's the ministry of economic development MEO that wants to do something about it; I'd have thought it would be auntie Sushi's (health, haha) turf. The secret is, I guess, MEO now has a loss of income.
Did Not Work So Well, Did It? At Request
For some reason, people ask me what I'm reading these days. So here goes again:
Lost in Time and Space With Lefty Feep:
Eight Funny and Fanciful Fables of the Forties,
Plus One Brand-New Parable of Modern Times
—Robert Bloch
For those who care, here's the former read.
M*F*K Mudbelly Cooper says that the 2012 screening law was "occasional legislation" which was just meant to prevent Shorty to become PM. Well, Shorty did become PM, as we all remember and still pay for; if only for a while.
Reading between the lines, so Mudbelly thinks screening is a bad idea? How like him.
Oh Yeah, Sure
K*NT party blames MAN minister Koeiman for the fact that the fight against more unemployment has been lost, because he lacks policy and vision. True enough; I just don't think K*NT would have done any better.
M*F*K Quackie Constancia joins the fun. Why does she still walk around free?
Up, Up, Up We Go
Brings me down. The ABB may be still higher than formerly proposed: instead of 7, 9 and 12% it will become 7.49, 9.63 and 12.84%. You may well ask what genius figured that out to 2 decimals and convinced other [the word fails me] that this would work out.
A popular expression for this is spreadsheet juggling.
Rolling Barriers
A big deal is made of the fact that the guard rails, to start with at Julianabridge, will be replaced by rolling barriers. These are supposed to be kinder to cars, as long as these don't hit them frontally.
Problem is, they're also much more expensive; according to a letter writer 4.5 times so. That only matters to us, who have to pay, but hardly to the minister: the more we pay, the more she can make in bribes. Theoretically. Of course she doesn't; saying so would be slander!
Okay, Got It
De Andrade, who filed complaints against minister AlKLM-Wallé and PM Ruggie (both PAR) has never appeared on K*NT's election list, he wants us to know.
So what?
At Request Narrow Escape?
For some reason, people ask me what I'm reading these days. So here goes:
The Palestinian Delusion:
The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process
—Robert Spencer
Santo Domingo's MP Peregrín Castillo is complaining that, by China's "Belt and Road" plans, his island is in danger of being overrun and taken over by China, so China will get a harbor close to the USA.
It might have happened to us, but that was prevented. But now we run the same real risk again: once Klesch Group has finished selling out Isla's and Bullenbaai's assets (a very real risk when you look at their history) they still have the ground lease for both terrains, which they can transfer to the Chinese. For a hefty fee of course. Just like that.
Mutual Back Scratching
The FKP [public housing] licensee is selling diabase from the Wechi-terrain like crazy, and Chea [Curaçao Heavy Equipment Association] thinks this is dishonest competition and wants FKP to stop it. To top it all off the way we're used to, PAR minister Jesus-Leito of VVRP (traffic, transport and spatial planning) has stopped reacting to Chea's letters.
This Can't Go On
PAR MP Walroud declares that the way public transport is arranged can't go on. The regulating law is 60 years old and needs adapting. He has a good point; problem is, the army of mini-bus drivers does not want change. They like it the way it is—except when diesel price goes up.
What Will They Spend That On?
Economic development minister Mc William (still there) is interested in introducing an Eco-Tax (ecotaks), where tourists pay a "nature fee" for the management of underwater nature. Just like the car tax, supposedly to maintain the roads, it will no doubt be applied to more urgent purposes. More urgent, meaning, where there are leaks in the budget.
As long as we don't have to pay our share... But no doubt, that will come.
Doesn't Matter for Maduro
The last two working oil refineries on Venezuela have been closed down for repairs and/or maintenance. Well, president Maduro makes much more money on drugs so who cares? Not he.
A couple of decades ago you were often presented with the theory that oil was speed for the earth. But cocaine is a much better paying drug.
What a Relief
Eleven Venezuelans, locked up in jail, will soon be released. Great! or in fact, not so great.
What Else?
The Catholic schools complain that they, too, will feel the negative consequences of the economy crisis. It's even worse because the government doesn't keep to the deal with Sitek teachers' union.
Just what we needed, with all the blah-blah about how we have to improve education to fight the crime wave.
Past Weird
Broke but probably saved Girobank made a profit of 26,5 million guilders in 2012, but in 2013 there was a 339.4 million loss. Activa went down with 626 million from 1.7 billion (2012) to 1.051 billion (2014). Where did it all go so fast?
Answer: that was the result of a clean-up, where bad debts were scratched. Those debts were served out by the corrupt board led by Garcia, who has been declared bankrupt himself.
Before I forget, I understand Garcia was in jail but he complained it was too noisy in there for his frail nerves, so he's sitting at home now for the duration. Has been extended until May.
Success Stories
Colombian tourists staying in the On Vacation Hotel paid for an all-in stay, but haven't had a single meal yet. They don't like it. Personnel hasn't been paid either. Requests for the government to do something about resulted in nothing; what else did you expect?
CTB tourist board says it is carefully monitoring what's going on, but can't give any info at all. How like them.
But the Protestant schools announce that they will include lessons on tourism in their schedule. Like, they will pay visits to hotels and restaurants. Ain't that great?
Not Here, Though
Line from an article debunking the Coronavirus hysteria: "In America, we use the little disinfectant cloths that stores provide every time we grab a shopping cart."
Good Luck!
Always Lying
Auntie Sushi assures us that the rumors are false: there is no 48-year old Chinese woman on the island who carries the coronavirus. But then again, auntie is well-known for her lies, so...
Old News
It happens almost every year: the yearly account of Curaçao arrives much later than it should. This year, it hasn't been received yet at SOAB tax accounting, who are supposed to send it on to Rekenkamer, who are supposed to have checked it on February 11. Forget it, that's next week.
You try this with your tax forms and you're in for enormous and ridiculous fines. But remember: you pay, they spend.
There are complete networks who arrange trips to Curaçao for Venezuelan refugees, however you want to call them. They all get a SIM-card upon boarding one of the boats taking them over here, and upon arrival they have to call a certain number, and they are picked up and taken further.
A few years ago the price was USD500, but it's probably more now as the market has grown. There's no fighting this; and think: all estimates about the number of refugees here are bullshit.
Now She Knows
It was Elvis de Andrade who lodged a complaint against AlKLM-Wallé and also against PM Ruggie. The guy has been a member of 3 parties, MAN, M*F*K and now K*NT.
So, sorry Elvis, I'll skip the brass band.
They Figure
About 30% of tourist vacations are spent in private rooms and apartments. This hurts the hotels, who have had less visitors last month while number of tourists has gone up.Serves them right.That amounts to a total of 50 million guilders per year, on which the owners are supposed to pay taxes. They often don't; or so we're told.
Nobody seems to know how many of those non-payers there are.
Follow the Leader
The Somali militant Islamist group al Shahab, with links to al Queda, announced that they have banned plastic bags, due to the "serious harm to both humans and livestock". Logging of rare trees has been banned as well.
Al Shabaab was responsible for a deadly terror attack at the Westgate shopping mall [Kenya] which killed 67 people in 2013. Last October, twin bombings by the terror group in Mogadishu killed more than 500 people.
I'm sure it's all for the best.
Yes, I agree, because this is a bad example banning plastic bags isn't per se a bad thing. However, there are other arguments as well.
New Club, Old Names
The Union pa Kòrsou consists of people who are against the Klesch Group taking over the refinery and oil terminal. You have to admit, not even grudgingly, that they have several good points.
Still, to mention some of those guys: René Rosalia and Sheldry Osepa sort of eats away my confidence that this is so kosher. Money and power grabbers.
Watch Out
China wants to develop closer ties with the islands. They say their economy is going great and growing. Not everybody agrees; to the contrary. Apart from that, there are plenty of countries who stepped into that trap and now are bloody sorry.
Who's That Citizen?
Minister AlKLMá-Wallé has taken her leave as minister, because it turned out that she, just like pinhead Martina, overstepped the screening law when she was appointed. It all started rolling because a citizen filed a complaint, which resulted in the public ministry starting a criminal prosecution. This avoids a cabinet crisis.
Now we want to know, who's that citizen? so we can hire a brass band and give him a serenade.
I have my suspicions but am just as transparent as a politician: not a word!
Hate to Say It
But I can follow the alternative vacation lodging, who refuse to join the action having them pay sales tax. The campaign used animation movies, radio, television and newspaper spots; all to no avail. One asks, what has all that cost? No info on that, of course.
What we're told is, the more people refuse to pay sales tax, the more the rest of us have to pay. Now pull the other one.
How Can That Be?
That woman from Angola, a Dos Diablos relative? seems to have done her main business with a Curaçao bank. Has something to do with that guy Elias. Quelle surprise!—if true. Hey, I only repeat what I read, so, guarantee nothing.
But according to Dutch newspaper Het Parool the phenomenon of so-called mailbox companies ("brievenbusfirma's") is falling apart. No doubt Gregory will think of some new tricks.
Good Point, Bad News
Our national resource Marguérite Nahar wonders how the Klesch Group, by borrowing 150 million dollars from the Curaçao government, could possibly reduce the economy'sshrinknegative growth. It can only mean the government has still less money at disposal.
Then she mentions other government debt problems: 775 million guilders missing at Girobank plus 600 million for the Hospital Nobo, total 1.25 billion; which will have to be generated out of the growing economy.
Which will not grow at all, to the contrary, because of the new abb-tax.
Shut Up!
Auntie Sushi makes it known that the underwater park bordering Oostpunt will go through, not withstanding the Maal family's protests. Let 'em sue, already, is what her attitude boils down to; as usual. They did. (In the past, the Maals mostly won.)
The underwater park, to be run by Carmabi, is supposed to be in compensation of the damage to the coral reef caused during the building of the second cruise terminal pier. No news on the even worse damage done at Boca Samihí; I mean, where would we put that park? But I forget, no one was held culpable for that disaster; so no compensation is needed, am I right?.
In China, where as you may have heard, there's started an outbreak of a mysterious disease that, as far as becomes clear, may kill us all, building a new hospital to care for the patients will take 6 days. Here, it would take 365 times as long.
We're also told that the Air Authorities keep an eye peeled for travelers from China. As if. Many patients have no symptoms but do carry the coronavirus—which meanwhile has been found in more countries than China. For just that reason.
TIP: It's more use to wash your hands than to wear mouth masks. Oh Quackie, where are you now that we really need you?
That'll Teach 'Em?
Maria College has announces a new measure to fight habitual late-coming: regular late-comers will get a strafmiddag [punishment afternoon].
Students sent to Holland have been complaining that "our culture" didn't fit in there; among other things they were expected to turn up on time.
They Did It—Again
It's a talent, you can't deny it. CMC (HNO) has hired Germaine Gibbs as manager Communication and Information.
Ms. Gibbs was formerly associated with Ctex and Girobank.
Good Tip
Thanks! I'll keep it in: Germans have decided that the term "climate hysteria" is an "un-word"—à la Bram Stoker's undead Count Dracula. Good. From now on, that will be one of my fav. expressions.
If only as a welcome antidote.
But wait! Aussie journalist Faye Flam (really!) after 20 years of propaganda wants to go back to "Global Warming" because it sounds more scary than "Climate Change" which is too vague. Apparently, a Yale Study has concluded this after devoting five years to the problem.
MAN-PAR Troubles
The two political parties do not agree on the come-back of MAN pinhead Martina, and the opposition agrees with PAR. That is to say, PAR would agree on Martina's return if MAN will vote against a vote of no-confidence against education minister Alcallá ["KLM"] Wallé.
Alcallá Wallé has earned that nickname "KLM" because of her many work visits to Holland (business class, of course) where her children reside. Nice work if you can get it.
Doesn't Matter?
Driving instructors are fed up with the problems of the exams committee. Right not, you have to wait four months before you get a chance to prove you can drive.
Does it really matter? Judging from traffic controls, many people don't bother applying anyway.
Sint Maarten Is Out
Sint Maarten will not join Curaçao in raising the transfer rights with, what is now stated, 1%. They figure Girobank is Curaçao's problem; and I tend to agree.
Those Things Run in Families
The richest woman of Africa, who got that way by stealing and robbing in Angola, is called Dos Santos. Strikes me we have some people with that name around here.
Dark Skies
As if we here will ever get them. Especially with that Isla refinery, which you can use as a beacon if you're all at sea on a dark night and wish to find the island back. And the police advising us to light your house and garden to scare burglars away. Both my neighbor and the botica 500 meters away absolutely blind me; which is unnecessary.
Please check out how to avoid this. It's really simple.
We're the Champ!
Well, not really. There are countries far ahead of us. But the BBC has us know that we have more murders per 100,000 people than the USA—they have only 14! Not bad, huh? Keep it up!
Very Doubtful
The US Coast Guard is retracting from the Caribbean, and will concentrate on the Pacific drug smugglers. But don't worry, the Dutch sinister says cooperation of our Kustwacht with Venezuela is great.
You think? The minister of one narco state assures us that they work fine with another one?
Does This Mean...
Minister Gijs & Bertha tells us that all Girobank clients will get their money back, soon. Also, all employees will keep their jobs. Seems anothersuckerbank will take over.
Does this mean no higher transfer rights?
Heavy, Mon
M*F*K MP Carolina asks nasty questions about how many guns and other weapons are imported in Curaçao. As if anybody could answer.
His reason for asking is that a while ago a hand grenade was thrown to a residential house, and it took three days for a Dutch expert to arrive and defuse it, while the neighbors sat there in fear. North Ireland situation.
Look, Don't Leap
Tax expert Julian Lopez Ramirez addresses himself to the government, and especially to the Ruggie-cabinet. "Higher abb [sales tax] will not help the economy in any way, nor will it result in the intended revenues for the country."
If they've said it once... But wanna bet? The Government will proceed with their Evil Plans anyway.
Right, Sarah—Late, Gijs & Bertha
Sint Maarten MP Sarah Wescot-Williams states there's no reason why inhabitants of her island should pay extra transfer rights to cover the Curaçao Girobank problems. St. Maarten had nothing to do with the Girobank.
And Gijs & Bertha finally announces that an investigation will be held who are the culprits of Girobank's failure.
Get 'em All
A guy has been convicted to pay 3000 guilders for illegally selling diabase excavated from a government property. This is properly peanuts compared with what he made on the deal[s].
How Long?
The police say the number of life crimes has been halved since the start of this century. Oh yeah? They could have fooled all of us.
Parkinson's Law
Politur, the people who are supposed to check on crime against tourists, say that they are down to 11 people from the supposed 15. So they need 20 extra persons. Maybe you can follow.
Oh yeah, hint for tourists: if something happens to you, you can lodge a complaint at the Westpunt police station. And good luck!
No Progress
Greta Thunberg, the titless wonder from Sweden, has meanwhile grown 17 years old—but still no titsinout of sight.
Did you follow that revelation that it was her father with some UN-guy who wrote her Fakebooc texts? As if we didn't suspect that already.
Poor chick is being exploited. Now that's what I call Climate Sadism. Meanwhile, in Sweden most people are protesting the enormous amount of their tax money beingspentwasted on fighting climate change.
Habit Has Formed
Even though a building permit had been retracted, builders went blithely on building in the Ladronchi street (which means "little thief"). That's not an exception.
Good Work!
The number of car thefts last year went up from 197 to 283, which in fact is less than most past years. 733 cars were broken into (666 in 2018). Robberies reached 407, up from 336; which includes 237 overvallen [invasions, say atrakos] and 170 street robberies. There were 649 burglaries, up from 562. That's in private homes; for businesses it was 248 versus 275. Guns were confiscated as well... ah, why go on?
Look at it until your eyes cross, there's not much of a trend discernible. "Just as bad" nicely sums it up.
Hey, That's Great!
Starting in March, you may, if you can afford it, fly directly in a private jet AMS-CUR. That was possible already, but they had to make a fuel stop which has come to an end by changing to another aircraft, the Dassault Falcon F70, max. capacity 14 seats.
Meanwhile, hysteria on the global warming disaster and higher sea levels continues unabated.
Not Really Good News
The 2000 people who had a balance of over 10K guilders at the Girobank will get their money yet. Of course, we are the ones who'll pay them.
There is now talk about a deposit arrangement (depositoregeling) that guarantees the balances; but that has to be fixed by the no-good ministers: so forget it.
As Always
The Maal family has started another case against the underwater park bordering their Oostpunt property. But auntie Sushi says, it doesn't matter: the government will proceed with the plans anyway.
Just like with Wechi; and other examples. "Shut up and pay up, we'll do as we like."
Only a few days ago, Holland was complaining that the Curaçao government hadn't done a fart to stimulate the Growth Plan; and now, it's announced we'll get 30 million guilders of the 180 that "we are allowed to borrow additionally". Gurroan.
Murders vs. Traffic
We had as many deaths in both categories last year: 17. Only, those killed in traffic accidents tended to be in the age group of 18-28 or so, and male.
Of the murders, "almost" 60% have been solved.
Fort Amsterdam Pravda
PAR PM Ruggie announces that the government will start their own information service, thus bypassing the regular media. We have only seen objections in Amigoe newspaper.
The government will open a Fakebooc page, just what we needed, where thevoting cattlecitizens can offer suggestions, complaints and comments. Sure. As if that means they'll be listened to. This dirty joke on us will set us back 2.8 million guilders more from 2020-2023. All in the light of more transparency? And don't forget the Growth Plan! Government grows, we pay.
Klesch, Pollution, SMOC
SMOC is worried because, as far as we've been told, Klesch Group may continue working the refinery under the same environmental conditions as PdVSA has done all those years. And we all know what a disaster that was.
Ho There!
The government reacts to VBC's remarks on the higher transfer license fees, that this is no devaluation. Because, our governmental friends say, the rate of exchange versus the US dollar remains the same.
Technically, that's right. But our money does decrease in value, just like VBC says.
It's Even Worse in California
Well, we may have our share of fecal bacteria in the sea, but thanks to the homeless population in California, it's a problem there as well. Only here, the shit first goes through an (often) worthless sewage treatment installation; except of course when it's dumped straight in "Shute" near Hato.
VBC entrepreneurs' club is worried because of the higher transfer license fees. This means, in effect, a devaluation of the Antillean guilder. It's not only that: there's a deficit of the SVB social security funds, and the transition costs for the refinery have to be coughed up as well. VBC has little or no confidence that our government will find solutions for these problems.
Also, VBC wonders why Girobank and refinery workers get salary compensation, but other people don't when their employer goes bankrupt.
Less Private Flights
The number of private flights using Hato airport last year has gone down by 52%. This is partly because there is much less traffic with Venezuela, but also seems to be because we are judged unsafe because we're so close. What do those dummies know... Also, the island is avoided in the hurricane season. Same comment: used to be so that the airport was full of DC3s and other smaller aircraft when there was a hurricane around, because these hardly ever touch us.
Of course, this is bad for business.
But For What?
IPKO has announced more training for tourism functions is needed; but ICUC has a legit question: training for what exactly? Maris Stella SBO has other questions: do we need more schools or more cooperation?
FYI: IPKO stands (translated for your convenience) for Interparliamentary Kingdom Deliberation; ICUC for Inter-Continental University of the Caribbean. A prime oxymoron, that.
SBO stands for BeroepsOpleiding professional education, but what the S is supposed to mean? Don't ask.
Allez Hop, Auntie!
Raad van Advies [advisory council] says the country must find 6 million guilders more to balance the Health budget. Don't look at me, auntie Sushi: I haven't got it and you wasted it.
Sounds OK
The agreement on overtaking Isla refinery by Klesch Group entails that Klesch, in contrast with RdK, will have to pay for new pollution norms themselves. But SMOC would like to see a digital copy of that agreement. They have some experience with that.
Meanwhile, in Hong Kong
We hear a lot from there these days, but this is good: Ocean Park will axe its dolphin shows.
What are we waiting for?
Modesty Becomes Marie
The beach at Marie Pampoen, between Willemstad and the Seaquarium, will be smartened up. However, compared with earlier plans it's a very modest effort.
Especially compared with the dreams of ex-PM Arsjes of turning it into a second Copacabana, after he'd paid a visit (paid by us) there. I have little doubt that his dreams mainly consisted of how much money he'd catch in bribes.
Weird Is the Word
Now Refineria di Kòrsow (or is that Kòrsou? who knows or really cares) claims that PdVSA want to hang on a bit longer, because they've still got products in the Isla tanks. They're a real bunch of muddle-heads!
Remember they announced that in 2012 they'd be opening new refineries all over the region? Chávez was still alive then; after a fashion.
Still took much too long: Glenn Camelia will finally, after two full terms, say goodbye as president of the law enforcement council, which has existed for eight years. This corrupt clown should have left that function long since. It's only too gradually that he's relieved of his so-called functions which mainly serve for him himself.
So That's How We Will Pay
To "solve" the problems with Girobank, the license fee for all transfers to foreign accounts will be raised from 1% to 1.7%; or maybe as good as doubled to 1.9%.
How this is supposed to solve those problems goes beyond my comprehension. I only understand that, once again, we will have to pay for the dumb moves of the goofs in charge.
Yes or No?
Aruba Airlines announces that the flights CUR-MIA have not been canceled. But in fact, they have been canceled. Only temporarily, says the management—which, in fact, may be illegal.
Bate your breath.
Making Waves
Mudbelly Cooper has sent a letter, signed by 600 citizens, to the governor. They are worried about the Klesch deal, and especially the lease part of it.
Won't help a bit.
There You Go
The price for a room in the CMC new hospital is twice that of one in the old Sehos. So Guardian Insurance have decided to raise their price as well; naturally.
Now we all sit back and wait until SVB social security premium goes up as well.
A PAR MP has been attacked by two dogs, belonging to his neighbor. He had to go to the hospital. The dogs have been killed. Correction, it was only one dog. Sorry, there were two dogs. Hey, I said it before: I only read the papers.
That's an Awful Lot
Read that how you want: end 2020 there will be 21,000 Venezuelans on the island. That's over 10% of the total population. No way we can handle this.
Because of the introduction of the 15% ABB-tax next April, inflation will grow to 4% this year.
That's Better
The Klesch Group may start operating the refinery in April, instead of June-July as planned. Which will save RdK a lot of money in salaries, earned by not-working workers. Crude will mostly cvome from the USA.
In 18-24 months, the refinery will undergo a "major overhaul".
But That's There, We're Here
"In response to ongoing court cases, the German government recently introduced a measure stipulating that wind farms had to be built at least 1,000 meters from residential estates. These were defined as five or more homes." [News Item]. The plan is to start paying those who live closer.
If you check Google Earth, you'll see that practically all FKP houses on Kaya Diorit, Kaya Diabaas, Kaya Porfido, Kaya Pomez, Kaya Piedra Machu and Kaya Andesit are closer than that to wind generators nr. 3 and 4 (counting from the South).
Going Dutch
27 people who chartered a luxury boat which was supposed to take them to the yearly Fuikbaai floating party, discovered after flying over from Holland there was no such boat. They had all paid ANG750 in advance via a website, which showed a California boat.
Court has decided that Girobank cannot be forced to transfer money to other accounts, even if they were instructed to do so before the moratorium of December 10, 2019. It also doesn't matter of Girobank has delayed the transfers while executing other ones.
This is tough for the workers at SOAB (government accounting) who can't be paid their salaries.
Another interesting aspect here is, how about Isla-PdVSA? Will we get new strikes after all?
Interesting, But Not Cute
The average yearly wind speed here is 7.1 meters/second, which is 25.6 km/hr or 15.9 miles/hour. Say it's 8 m/sec-28.9km/hr-18mph from February-July. For convenience's sake let's assume those velocities are steady; in fact, they're far from it which makes the outcome optimistic.
A wind generator produces only 40% of its rated power at the 8m/s wind speed; at 7.1 it's only half that, 20%. Check here. So all the giant monsters Aqualectra has put on our North coast together only produce .2x30MW=6MW over the year. Interestingly, Aqualectra claims it's 7MW.
Aqualectra also has a PV (solar) system at Mundo Nobo, peak capacity 20kW. As the sun shines only 70% of the (day)time, this system delivers 75kW/day—enough to feed 4 households. Aren't you impressed now? You may be when you hear what it cost, but we haven't been told.
I have figured international miles, skipping Nautical, US and UK miles.
New Taxes Approved
Doesn't matter if practically anybody is against it, and has pointed out good reasons why. The government, consisting of our Great Leaders, has decided taxes must go up tohire more spoiled bratsfulfill the Growth Plan, and so up they must go. Voted through in Staten/parliament, coalition parties for, opposition parties against.
Prepare to get hungry and poor.
Booby Trapped
Refineria Isla Curaçao, daughter of PdVSA, refuses to pay the over 900 personnel their redundancy money, as long as the PdVSA Girobank balance is not made available to PdVSA. All account balances over 10,000 guilders were frozen on December 10.
So there.
Mind, if PdVSA get their money, how about all other Girobank account holders?
You're Telling Us
"Overtourism is a threat to Aruba" we're told by a report commissioned by the Aruba Central Bank. Gee, I wonder how much that report has cost. I also wonder how long it will take before somebody "translates" it for Curaçao. For Aruba, it took 50 years since tourism really started taking off.
Icy Silence
It has been two months already since it was announced that pinhead Martina would be screened, before he could accept his minister's post back. Since then, November 2019, nothing. Hmm.
Martina's post was that of Economic Development. Mainly, his own.
Drones intensely visit the prison, delivering cargo like drugs, weapons and (also illegal) cell phones. This was told to journalist Dick Drayer by an inmate, in an illegal cell phone call. By the way, if you haven't guessed: like anybody else in prison the inmate claims it's a misfire of justice: he's innocent. Just like Shorty and Imalootin.
Somebody misses a drone? I found a dead one under my kenepa tree the other day. Battery and camera were missing, and who knows what else.
The oil workers' trade unions, after their useless demonstration, have now advised their members to sign the contract with CRU; which at this time more than half of them have done already. So much for Big-Mouth Bakoba.
Not the First Time
Fundashon Kas Popular [public housing] says it's been a bad year. They haven't been able to build the desired number of houses. Also, they still don't have a new CAO [collective workers' agreement], which doesn't help.
Is this supposed to be news?
He Well Might
PAR PM Ruggie asks us all to collaborate and make the best efforts so his Growth Strategy (for Them but not for Us) a success. And, of course, we must be Positive!
My best effort is, I'll refrain from pointing out all his further clichés.
Our national resource Marguérite Nahar does it again. She explains how, if you give somebody a ground lease on a terrain, for all practical intents and purposes it's not yours any more. The leaser holds it in perpetuity and can even use the lease to pay off debts, or sell the rights to another entity.
So this is what our Great Leaders want to do with the Isla refinery and Bullenbaai oil terminal terrains: lease them to the Klesch Group, which means the government has lost asgoodbad as all control.
Nice, dummies. We can only hope, probably in vain, that the final agreement has not been signed yet.
Sure, I know this is an oversimplified view. Still, it's what it boils down to.
Not a Good Start
The fireworks display from our porch, looking out over the Tera Korá public housing project, was very meagre indeed yesterday night. People just lack the money to buy the stuff. Beeg surprise!
Just for the Hell of It
I checked how large all these year files are, Kb-wise. Except for the first few years when my mind really wasn't at it yet, the trends are obvious:
2003 - 14.4; 2004 - 59.3; 2005 - 72.4; 2006 - 180; 2007 - 166; 2008 - 239; 2009 - 177; 2010 - 199; 2011 - 301; 2012 - 643; 2013 - 475; 2014 - 449; 2015 - 504; 2016 - 704; 2017 - 597; 2018 - 434; 2019 - 503.
Mark how the figures more than double after 10-10-10.
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