Good Riddance
Don't know about you, but I'm glad that year is over.
Welcome to 2023!
And please don't forget to adjust your bookmark. Thanks!
Ho Boy!
Food (note the ominous pun) for our health ministers, present and past. From Auntie Sushi via Jesuz-Leito to Pietersz-Janga, they all want a higher tax on soft drinks, because these drive the people to obesity. And besides, it will bring more money into the coffers; a mere afterthought.
But now, Scientific American writes that it's racist to call black women "obese" and refer to "The Racist Roots of Fighting Obesity"—and as 90% of our, grantedly well-fed, population is beautifully black, watch your mouth! Anyway, or so we read in SF, "social determinants have been shown to be more consequential to health than BMI or health behaviors."
Some Wouldn't Agree
PM Prickie ask everybody to remain calm, now that there's talk of dozens of documents having been forged. He says "the goal is to reopen the refinery, that is the priority for all of us."
He forgot about some groups there.
In a KKC reader's comment, Pisas is said to wear a 65,000 guilders' worth Rolex watch. I wouldn't know, it's not in my range. But even with his PM's salary, how did he afford it?
Structural Recovery
Just imagine: the economy's growth has been 5.9% this year. That's more than expected!
But as we've gone down 20% first, it's not enough by far. Antilliaans Dagblad thinks we're on the right road. Not so fast...
Also, life has become 9% more expensive. Count your blessings.
They're Grateful
But how about us? After 1.5 years, PM Prickie is content that more taxes are being collected; that fuel prices went down (finally, after they kept going up for most of that period) and that the ministers, MPs, SOE managers and Spoiled Brats will get their sumptuous salaries back.
As if Prickie and his gang have any influence on those fuel prices, anyway.
And then he goes on to say that temporary work organizations must have more understanding for local circumstances when the reform measures are delayed. "Local circumstances"—does he by any chance mean our rotten government and its rotten apparatus?
Why Stop There
Mudbelly Cooper wants the country to get 500 million guilders in one fell swoop, by selling all SOEs companies to "the strongest one" which would borrow the money from a bank, just like that. As if they're so profitable.
The snake in the grass is, they would still remain SOEs.
He mentions the energy sector: Buskabaai, Curoil, RdK and Aqualectra. In the logistics business, there's CPA port authority, KTK towing and CPA Hato airport.
A good thing we have no airline anymore... Or rather, not yet.
And he doesn't like the way the country's budget is handled. There, we can only agree. If not about the way he'd want it changed.
They May Well Worry
Curaçao's government is worried about the Dutch Woo (open government) law. They're afraid their deals will become more public. Last thing they want! The "sensitive and confidential" matters must remain covered up. You betcha.
That's Good?
Isla refinery RdK tells us that they are very careful and check all documents for fraud. And that all communications with CPR's investor have now been halted.
But they still 'continue negotiations to reach a Heads of Agreement as soon as possible.' With CPR, we can only assume. Who maintain that it was CPR that instigated forensic research of the falsified documents.
To repeat: CPR wants a 30 years lease with a possible extension of 10 years, and is prepared to invest $650 million in upgrading during the first 3 years after take-over. It's still very much the question if that amount is high enough.
Take That, Silly Vain!
Dutch minister of legal protection Weerwind sees the Curaçao gambling law as a risk to the regulated Dutch gambling market. He wants an independent supervisor in Curaçao, analog to the one in the Netherlands.
That sounds like a serious problem for our finance minister Silly Vain's plans. But hold it: Weerwind still sees the reforms as a positive developmen.
Poor Doctors
The Tax Person, because of outstanding tax debts, has placed a lien on doctors' bank accounts. Who are now in all states, as they're afraid they can't pay the invoices of their practice.
And I can think of other reasons why they got their panties in a wad.
Tell Us About It
Life in Curaçao has grown 9% more expensive during the past year. In October alone it was 6.7%.
Who Else
A guy called de Curaçao kerel [the Curaçao chap] was involved in smuggling drugs via Schiphol airport. The plot was discovered when customs found 11 keys of heroin in a suitcase routed from Johannesburg to Boston, and the kerel admitted he had got a description of the suitcase, the container number, flight number and all that to take care of the shipment; which he was in a position to do.
He got off scot-free, for some reason? (makes one wonder...) but 3 others got hefty prison charges of 36, 87 and 92 months.
Very much so. Especially if correct. (I don't entirely trust the source.) But it says former Dutch PvdA minister of interior affairs Plasterk states that when Suriname grew independent, all its debts to Holland were canceled; and apart from that Holland gave Suriname €3.5 billion in cash, for about half a million inhabitants. This on the "explicit" condition that it served as compensation for slavery.
Plasterk said so in Dutch Telegraaf newspaper on December 16, 2022.
That's €7000 per inhabitant. Of which many are Indians and Amerindians who never were slaves.
Where did all that money go? I have my ideas, beg pardon. Surely, it did go to some of them.
Be Warned
The police warns us, as if we hadn't noticed, that traffic is very intense these days. We have many tourists, plus many families over from Holland, and most of them rent cars. (Watch out for those Kia Picantos!) Our traffic rules are different from most other countries; hey, adapting takes time and we here keep inventing new wheels all the time, too. It's our culture!
Then, many are under the influence of alcohol or even better drugs, and tend to drive too fast. If they care about traffic rules at all.
That's One
Social affairs minister Larmonie-Cecilia makes it known that she's satisfied with her own performance.
Not everybody else is, to put it mildly.
Wise Words
Trade union boss Muelen advises members not to put their hopes on the refinery reopening. We have to look for other sources of income instead of expecting a 6th, or 7th, round of negotiations will be succesful.
He must have seen it coming. Well, so did many of us.
There Go Their Bonuses
It's impossible from now to pay your taxes cash at the collector's office. Maybe because the Tax Persons stuck to some of it like glue? It certainly is a thought.
This may not even be strictly legal, for all I know. It says on the paper money that central bank guarantees payment for the amount printed. Paper money should be acceptable and accepted anywhere.
Hey, First Things First!
What's more important, the future of Isla refinery disaster or Dutch apologies for long-past slavery? For our parliament, ever on its toes, it's obvious: there will be an emergency meeting on the apologies!
What we were waiting for: the group that was supposed to take over Isla refinery operations has been falsifying "tens of" financial documents that served to confirm its solubility. There were 2, one for USD2.5 billion and an additional one for 3 billion, allegedly supplied by London (?) financial institute SHBC. But SHBC declares them falsified.
Brazilian Risa, a 40% participator, was out in August. Bar Trading Japan and Holding Campomarino plus several other investment partners are out of the game as well.
Isla RdK has refrained from comment until now. We await further news with, er, considerable interest.
SHBC stands for Shanghai-Hong Kong Bank Coroporation, so what London has to do with it is anybody's guess. Anyway, SHBC has not such a solid name itself; just a few years ago it was fined $1.9 billion because of fraudulent manipulations with money laundering on an enormous scale.
How Could They?
A "positive manifestation" has been held by Isla refinery workers. They want the government to be more transparent and come across with news on the take-over negotations.
If they'd ask me I'd have told them, "don't waste your time. As if the government knew more than you did."
Auntie's Chutzpah
Auntie Sushi comments on Dutch PM Rutte's apologies for slavery that she agrees: nobody presently alive can be held guilty for that. But, she goes on, the effects of slavery are still obvious in our people. And that's also the fault of our own politicians.
Dot dame's got a noive. She herself has enthousiastically been part of that gang of crooks and robbers for many years.
That's Heavy, Mon
At Daaibooi beach, two guys committed an atrako on a Dutch tourist family. They threatened them with a knife and wanted the keys to their car, in which their possessions. Which they got. The car was found back later, still intact. Sans possessions.
You have to know here, Daaibooi is one of the most popular beaches because it's free (always an attraction to the Dutch), and the family was lucky, or not, to have it for themselves. Plus the thieves, yes.
Endemic Pandemonium
Now the central bank CBCS got a court order that they have to prepare and motivate their charged supervision costs to SVB social insurance bank more carefully.
Mulishly Dumb
M*F*K minister Mudbelly Cooper is now trying to remove the old Cinelandia building from the monument list. This has always been one of the most distinctive landmark buildings of Willemstad. But Cooper thinks it has lost its impact these days. He got that straight: with the monstrous hotel that will arise at Marichi across the street, you will hardly notice it any longer. It has to go.
And, adds Mudbelly, what's one monument more or less? Unesco surely won't remove us from that famous World |Heritage list because this one has disappeared. But Mudbelly is too blunt to notice that this comes on top of the criminal citysight raping of Werf, Waterfort... I'm too disgusted to go on.
Photos here.
No Cure
A few years ago, Selikor started a facility at the entrance of Malpais ladfill, where you could dump your assorted trash. There were several separate containers for plastic, glass, paper, metal, and electronics. You just drove up and selected one.
But now, you first have to pass by the official entrance used by truck dumping large lots of garbage. Which is a hassle and results in waiting for your turn. One of the guards explained: "We had to, because people came in to dump dead dogs and that sort of filth in there, which we can't use, of course."
There's just no cure for filth spreaders.
Your Own Fault, Silly
PNP MP Gerard tells M*F*K finance minister Silly Vain that he himself is to blame for getting the name of being "minister of everything". It's Silly Vain who often stopped other ministries of realising their plans. Like subsidies for sport, money for road maintenance including traffic lights, and more Gerard could mention.
Is That Right?
No, it's wrong. According to a cartoon in Amigoe there's more tax money that should be collected, than our national debt is worth. The fact is right, that it is so is wrong.
Tough, Manuel
The Hague plenipot. minister Manuel filed a complaint against 3 journalists, among which Nardy Cramm of Knipselkrant Curaçao. But the prosecutor turned him down. Maybe he was of the opinion that the journalists were right when they were "offensive and disrespectful towards him and his family" and "guilty of slander and smearing his good name by stating that the minister plenipotentiary hired family and friends and by doubting his ability to do his job." Which many of us can agree with, of course. A worthy successor to the unworthy Fräudlein Wiels.
Good to see KKC back online. Keep going, Nardy!
Gott im Himmel!
The Soiled Rats got almost all they wanted: their 12.5% salary cut will be canceled as from June until now.
But wait and see them go on protesting for even more.
See What I Mean?
1.8 million guilders has been given to Barber to finish the FDDK multifunctional sport complex.
Just goes to show you how much the 1.2 million/year for education and sports out of the new gambling law means in practice. Almost nothing.
Let's Go for a Joy Ride
Next January, gasoline is going down to 1.98/liter and diesel to 1.79.
The Skeptiko group opines, voiced by Eric de Brabander, that the appointment of Sirving Keli as Health Inspector, giving us, finally, a successor to Huurman after he left in dust-storm raising quarrels with first Auntie Sushi and later Pieters-Janga, is replete with problems. Mainly, the conflict of interest of government and inspection.
I must say, I'm curious how that Huurman court-case ended. Is it still on? Did I miss it?
Of Course They Did
Parliament accorded the 2023 budget. PAR Girigorie mentioned in passing that there's no indication how in 2024 the debts will be paid back. How could it, Girigorie? We'll have a new government by then.
Will it be any better? Don't ask me...
M*F*K Thodé says that at any rate, this time the budget is comprehensive. We'll see about that—in 2024. Or later.
Good for Him
KEM MP Martines resigns from the Parlatino committee and donates the amount spent on his trip to Santa Clara school in Jan Doret, to install air conditioning in all classrooms.
Guess, what meant is "money otherwise spent on his trip" but I'm not sure.
Oh, Those Face Masks
In Holland they seem to have the same troubles. Some firm made a €100 million deal with the state, but there was something rotten there. Question seems to be, did some minister exert political pressure on behalf of the firm?
Why not? That's Power at work, folks!
Bonaire Reactions
Bonaire's gezaghebber remarks that the slavery problem didn't exist there like on the other islands. By which he can only mean Curaçao, in fact. When he was a kid, they didn't mind race and color, he says. Well, same here. The now often despised fraters let you have it when you went in for discrimination. Times have changed. I saw that coming when Roots was released on television.
Makes me wonder who, if he's right, did all the work harvesting salt.
In a video by Mark Severijnse, he opines that the people do not care much, either.
Neither do the unions, we're told; although in that article there are several contradictions.
Not Very Much
There's only 5 million in next year's budget for road maintenance. He says 1% of what's needed—per year. For what it's needed, he doesn't make exactly clear.
Who Cares?
This was the 2nd parliament meeting on the 2023 budget where not enough MPs were present to reach the necessary quorum. They were all celebrating (maybe the wrong word) Dutch PM Rutte's slavery apologies, near the Tula-monument.
After all, it's only the budget.
So Who's to Blame?
Finance minister Silly Vain complains that he's seen as "minister of everything." He's supposed to offer solutions for all problems, he says.
He's not responsible for jumpstarting the economy, raising minimum wages and pensions, creating more work opportunity etcetera, he wails. Pardon us all for getting the impression he gives that he is.
Thanks, Appple
They're suspected, accused, whatever to have warned Mafioso Corallo (ex-PM Shorty's padrino) that the authorities were hacking his phone. Funny how those guys always protect their clients, rather than us. But after all these crooks pay Apple's income.
Upon arrival, future tourists must give out their address (quite usual) and info on their invoices (not usual at all). To ensure the government gets the OB sales tax. Seems the Tax Persons can't figure it out for themselves.
To improve compliance, one suggestion is to lower OB rates. Yet another way to make the tourists pay less than we have to.
It's a Record!
Curaçao has had 25 traffic deaths until December. Wait for the rest.
But we did even worse in 2003/2004 with 27 and 30 deaths. However, the year isn't over yet. We're right up there with the worst in the world: Africa, 27/100,000.
In fact, it's not that bad; to get to the top, with 150,000 people we should have 40 deaths.
It's not for not trying....
Remarked is that "most accidents are caused by speeding." As the official maximum mostly is a ridiculously low 60kms/hr, that doesn't mean a thing.
It's Official!
Central bank CBCS's director tells us that Curaçao now is the poorest country in the Mighty Kingdom. And after WWII we used to be richer than Holland itself! How did that happen?
Read on, and don't skip the former years. Then you'll know... I always try to keep it light, but the effect is overwhelmingly sad. Not my fault. Amigoe quotes the reasons he gives that led to this situation. (They put the descriptive word "unwanted" between parentheses. Tell us about it.) But the big bank boss forgets to include our government apparatus. Maybe sideways, by a reference to unequal incomes.
Another boat has been stopped by the Navy/Kustwacht, on its way to Bonaire. 1280 keys of cocaine on board.
Let's Protest Some More
Now that Dutch PM Rutte has offered Holland's apologies for its slavery past, followed up by staatssecretaris van Huffelen in a speech at the Curaçao Tula monument, we're all waiting for the reactions.
Rutte has already declared there will be no personal compensations, but a funds of €200 million will serve (half of it) for social inititatives, and the other half to fund measures in the field of awareness and involvement. Like research into the effects of slavery. I can imagine all our Bleeders rubbing there hands while thinking up projects. For what doesn't stick to the diaspora's fingers, that is.
PM Prickie said we'd have to wait for parliament's opinion.
In a comment by George Lichtveld, he quotes a video where some fool body says "every inhabitant of the island should get 100,000 guilders" from Holland. If Crackers and Chinese should get it is not mentioned. Oh, another one in the diaspora. Maybe he'll move back for the occasion? Temporarily of course.
St. Maarten announced in advance (!) the apologies will not be accepted.
Bonaire was more positive: "We can go on, further from here."
Aruba, which has been trying to fool us that there never was any slavery there, will still get a monument. They talk about slavery of Indian natives; which in fact was a Spanish thing.
What to call those Caribbean natives? It gets harder and harder not to step on somebody's toes. Suriname... but who really cares or ever cared about Suriname? Sorry.
Suriname calls itself Caribbean, for some unfathomable reason, and for years has been trying to get a cut of the pie to be shared by "low-lying countries" because of presumed sea-level rise. Now they have oil, much better. Too late, you say? I'm not so sure at all.
There was a call for demonstrations on December 19 by hotheads who don't like the date apologies were offered. Hard to please. Fully thirty (30) protestors showed up.
There already were apologies from the Netherlands' four largest cities - Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, and The Hague - for their role they played in slavery; Dutch central bank DNB and ABN Amro bank already apologized. Hoorn, Middelburg, Veere and others we could mention are the silent tomb.
Who to Pay "Reparations" to?
Kamala Harris's Black ancestors owned Black slaves. She's not the only one. Should they all get money, just like their former slaves?
I think not, but who'll listen to me?
You Said It
Public prosecutor Niks says that the past few years enforcement has improved in Curaçao, but as regards speed and alcohol it lags behind. Reason is, there's no possibility for automatic enforcement and few to none means of enforcement.
You're so right, Nix. Whenever you hit the road, you encounter several maniacal idiots seemingly out to commit suicide. That would be nice, if they didn't take others with them.
Nothing has been done with the 2016 law meant to improve traffic safety. Sounds familiar.
There are no breath analyzers and no laserguns available to the police.
Who Said "Peanuts"?
The new gambling law is ready, we're told. Let's rejoice! But it's not in force right now, it first has to pass through all the usual stages. The government can expect revenues of 40 million guilders.
Is what I call "peanuts". It's ridiculously low compared with what all those gambling bordellos make. But maybe... possibly... No, that would be slander.
So 3% will go into education. That's 1,200,000 guilders. That's not even peanuts; more like maishi chikí (sorghum). And mind, that includes the holy Sports cow.
Sharp Point
Prick the balloon. Dutch historian van Galen wonders out loud what the people in the ex-colonies think about all that clamoring for restitution. It's mostly the diaspora living in Holland that makes itself heard. Loudly. And, to continue, he asks what will happen with all that money. Will it actually arrive in the ex-colonies? Or will it for a large part remain in Holland to be distributed, in mysterious but well-known ways, to the diaspora?
You hit the bulls-eye, van Galen.
Before you start foaming at the mouth: van Galen is one of those who recently made the slave-registers available on line.
Here's One
A guy Vaarnold, president of Ubuntu Connected Front wants, no, demands that the Dutch government gives every descendant of a slave €40,000 for starters. Only then we're prepared to start talking, he says.
You must know, Vaarnold is living in wellfare state Holland. See what I mean about that diaspora?
Need I Say More?
"Climate negligence"—term to use for suing oil fossil fuel companies. It's in a proposed New York bill.
In contrast, there's also the term "Climate Bedwetter". I won't mention names.
In the announced LOK law on gambling, 3% of the forthcoming money will go in support of education. As always, sports are included automatically.
Like horse races?
We Need More
All ministries have a shortage of personnel. How cute.
And if you hadn't seen it coming: the government wants to get rid of the salary cuts for civil servants (12.5%) and ministers (25%) in one fell swoop. As part of the new budget (Hah! excuse me if my sarcasm is showing) that will be voted on in parliament, December 20. And the spoiled brats will get their indexing, lumpsum and wage step as well.
Tell You Later
When? Can't say. There are now 3 possible locations for a new national theatre. One in the present FKP building, one the present Punda post Office, and one of course where the former Sentro pro Arte stood before some rioter(s) burned it down.
Maybe one of these years they'll have fought it out.
Next Round
In the seemingly interminable Kingdom COHO match, round number 5 will be held in January. Don't ask what it's going to cost, because I have not been told.
Update - Ouch!
Here's another one: charging an electric car in Oslo, Norway was made twice as expensive as driving on fuel fossils, hah (joke).
That's about time: before 2019, the government let 'em charge at No Charge at all. From then, the rate changed to (equivalent) $2 per hour. But now, it became $3.94 (night) to $4.90 (day).
Charging per hour? you ask. That sounds insane. Well, it's not the only thing about it that sounds insane.
It seems Oslo town has again reduced the price, now to $1.92 - $2.73. I guess the taxpayers make up for the difference.
What Else
Although the former cabinet approved a lowering of OZB real estate tax, the present one chose never to publish it and so, says M*F*K finance minister Silly Vain, it's not legal; and thus, OZB will not go down in January.
See how easy it is to destroy legal decisions when you hold the power?
Hey, Silly Vain says that means 8 million for the government less to waste. Would be a shame! Still, he keeps saying we have plenty of money; plenty.
He'd Better
According to Amigoe, M*F*K PM Pisas consciously doesn't give any comment on the situation re. the reboot of Isla refinery.
I think that's giving him too much honor. He doesn't know a fart, like all of us, so what could he possibly say?
Ambulance Price Up
Or did you think it'd go down? But rest assured, "at this moment" everything is being done to keep costs as low as possible. Imagine. Good to know.
As for me, I always carry my insurance card because, if you don't, it has been known to happen the ambulance refuses to take you along without cash payment.
Can You Read?
Minister Silly Vain is full of joy, because Holland has said that it's possible to discuss refinancing all those loans they gave us. So he's sure they will be refinanced.
Hey Silly, that doesn't follow at all!
Sorry, Something in That
All sorts of protests against the court's decision to make gay marriages legal, and protests against the protests. Hey, I think they should be able to marry, if they want to, as well. But it is a valid point: the law seems to say, for all I know, that a marriage is between 2 persons of different genders. And we may think that it's rubbish, but the court is supposed to follow and to apply the law; not to change it.
That's another consequence of the Trias Politica. 2022-12-17
Two Ss
No, I don't mean the Nazi Waffen SS, but "Stupid and Shortsighted" for our social minister. She insists on raising minimum wages to more than the economy can bear, because it's heavy going for the poor as it is, already.
What she doesn't see is that this may mean a temporary relief for the poor, but as it's so bad for the economy, on the long run it will get even worse. For them.
Ain't that Great
Economy growth expectations has been adjusted to 0.4% higher for this year. Because we had more tourists than expected. This comes nowhere near covering the setbacks in previous years, not to mention inflation.
And for next year, economy will continue to weaken internationally. You know, this I think they got right.
It's a Raid!
An illegal gambling house, not to be confused with "gaming", was raided by the police. It was run by a Haïtian licensed for a restaurant/coffee house. (The latter term means, you can sell all kinds of alcoholic beverages.) "Large amounts of money" were found on the table and, a good guess, confiscated.
Oho, So
While the makuto básiko is being evaluated for six months, it will be re-introduced. Regardless.
Not Worth the Digital Paper
... it's written on. If it's digital at all. That's about the government's salary administration. What a surprise! They don't get anything right, it seems. As Amigoe reports, ARC Court of Audit discovered two ministers' salaries for over 90,000 guilders have been paid without any legal base. That's only for starters. Total amount disappeared, or made to disappear, between 10-10-10 and now is 170 million guilders.
Don't try this at home or in your business when dealing with the Tax Person.
And keep in mind, this doesn't come close to cover the amount stolen in bribes.
Was Waiting for It
For the first time, electric vehicle sales in the UK have gone down. People have (finally) figured out that their electricity is more expensive than gasoline (which they call petrol over there, for some reason). Let alone the price of the cars themselves, even when heavily subsidized. Also, for some reason.
Here electricity is even more expensive.
As If JetAir is stopping the flights Curaçao-Santo Domingo. One of the reasons given is the extremely high costs to land there.
You mean, higher dan Hato Airport?
What Else
CBCS central bank agrees with SER that raising the minimum wage will result in a light negative effect on the economy's growth. Plus an upward pressure on inflation, nd higher unemployment. Finally, it will be bad for the government finances. Mark: This is about the raise to 10.70/hour and doesn't even consider the minister's idea to go up to 13.67.
More good news: the projected 2022 inflation of 4.4% (already bad enough) is adjusted to 6.3%. Told you so.
Central Bank advises the government takes structural measures to protect the economy from shocks and to increase production. That's an easy one: hire more spoiled brats and attract more tourists!
A Task Force, Goodie
Minister Cijntje will install a task force to check what can be done about the makuto básiko and to look at possible alternatives. It will take six months. Nil desperandum, Cijntje!
Gee, I wonder how much that Task Force will be paid.
Lock Them Up!
The Hague supreme court has upheld the conviction of former Minister of Public Health Jacinta ("Quackie")Constancia and her ex-husband for fraud with face masks. Both will go to jail for 20 months, and Quackie may not become a minister again for 5 years.
Yes, We Know
There's a list of "Fragile States" maintained by a Fund for Peace, who select them from 178 countries. Whatever. They will shortly publish the 2022 list. Will we be on it?
As for me, I don't care if we are or not. We should be.
Finally Staten/parliament has accorded the salary deal for SOE managers. Top salaries will be 295,000 guilders/year for large companies and 227,000 for small ones. I couldn't tell you what the criterium is. And the poor babies get 5 instead of 2 years to get used to it.
And the 12.5% salary cut for Soiled Rats will shortly be abolished, in one fell swoop. We They are promised.
Aw Come On!
Now the Curaçao government has appealed the court's verdict that homosexual marriages are permitted. It's not supposed to be legal. Oh hell, we'll have to wait.
That Bad?
The technical condition of Damen Shiprepair/CFM-DOK is so substandard, upgrading has to be advanced by a year. It's now supposed to be done end 2024.
Can't help this reminds me of Isla refinery.
Yeah Mon, Let's Delay Some More
Parliament seems to agree that the adjustment period for SOE managers' salaries must be adjusted. Longer, not shorter; wot you teenk, mon? Five, not two years says the majority.
If ever.
Doen't Matter
CBCS Central Bank director Doornbosch warns about the need to diversify our economies and so reduce our vulnerability for economic shocks.
Sure Doornbosch, we hear you. So let's have more tourism!
In a Nutshell
Wish I could say, a peanut shell. It''s about the 2023 budget, analyzed by Amigoe newspaper. To quote, "However, the question is how realistic, complete, substantiated and reliable the estimates of benefits and expenses are."
To step over to the peanutshell, Amigoe doesn't think much of that. Personnel costs and expenses will go up (again) and Amigoe wonders if it wouldn't be preferable to start paying of debts. (My take, YES, it would be. Much preferable.)
#We Too! Selikor garbage utility wants 3 million more than the 4.9 the government has (finally) transferred to their account. Selikor claims the conditions put have been fulfilled, other than finance minister Silly Vain claims.
Hey, what do I know? Except that I'd like more money too.
What Else?
The gambling clubs have appealed the appeals court's verdict that their sub-licensing system is illegal and has to be abolished. This time they go to the Supreme Court. Cyberluck claims the formation of law and legal unity in Curaçao will benefit from a reversal of the verdict.
I don't know about formation of the law and legal unity, but agree Cyberluck would benefit.
Oh, and before I forget, the announced LOK gaming law will be delayed until July 2023.
No or Little Doubt
Workers at the Dutch ministry of foreign affairs complain about racism: "Verbal abuse, derogatory treatment, cultural racism and various other accusations and allegations."
Slavery apologies and renaming Sinterklaas's servants won't help much. But there's hope. Or is there? "The ministry will adopt the report's recommendations, including a structural change of culture." Sounds nice, huh? Good luck with that structural change, ministry!
Hold It
SER social-economic council warns social affairs minister Larmonie-Cecilia that the minimum wages should not be raised any further. The 2023 plan was 10,70 guilders/hour, but the minister wants to go to 13.67 (USD7.51). Hefty. It would then become about the highest in the region, yet further worsening our competitive position.
SER reminds the minister that if she really wants to fight poverty, it might be better to look at AWW (widows and orphan help), onderstand (unemployment assistance) and AOW (old age welfare). Hear, hear!
Another One Nationaal Historisch Archief now is in trouble. Because of budget cuts resulting in 189,000 guilders less subsidy next year. Join the club!
Meanwhile, finance minister Silly Vain keeps crying out we have plenty of money, plenty!
Not Suspect At All
That's what the Arubian OM public ministry wants us to believe. A young woman was found dead in the residence of an ex-politician (who remains unknown for now) and it has been declared a suicide. But her body was covered with bruises and scrape wounds, her nails are missing and so is her phone. OM thinks an autopsy is not needed, but family and friends think otherwise and are trying to collect the 8000 florins that would cost.
What Else Did You Expect?
The UoC, AKA university-with-the-longest-name-in-the-world, will have a budget deficit of 1.1 million guilders. Costs have gone up, and there are also less students. But mainly, government subsidy has gone down. With 1.46 million guilders, we read; maybe a typo? Also because the 2022 subsidy has gone up with 1 million guilders, 7%, it's said. Go figure.
There Goes the Neighborhood
What was left of it, you're so right. To quote Iran International, the Islamic Republic has started negotiations with its Venezuelan allies to ensure they'd offer asylum to regime officials and their families should the situation worsen, and the possibility of a regime change increases.
In one way, it's good news, actually. For the Iran people. But for us?
Good One, eh?
"Climate Collapse"—you can't help having respect for the creativity in thinking up all those Names of Doom.
It was mentioned in the first Warmist article I read where it was admitted that the Egypt conference was one big flop: COP27 has earned the nickname of FLOP27. What we have to do, the article tells us, is end toxic algae growth. That's a new one, too: these micro-algae thrive on CO2, which was the reason for proposals to seed the oceans with iron to promote their growth. It flopped where tried: Good! Because now, we read that the algae produce toxins.
You just can't win with those guys.
In the coming collapse, watch out for those falling beams of sunshine before they knock you down.
All We Need Is Dough
Sure, let 'em pay. The government is looking at a dive tax, similar to the one in Bonaire, where non-Antillian visitors pay $40 (a year) so they may dive and visit natural parks. Also, the purchase tax on rooms may be raised from 7% to 9%. Combined with the extreme airport tax, this will be sure to make the island still more popular with tourists.
We ourselves are screwed, as well: MEO ministry of economic development gets 11.4 million more because of the subsidy paid to CTDF tourist development foundation.
Update: it's estimated the dive tax will total 9 million/year.
That Would Be the Day Fundashon Kòrsow Transparante wants Curaçao to sign the UN treaty against corruption. Yesterday was the international day against corruption.
Good idea, even swell! but I don't think our Bleeders feel much like cutting their own throats.
Tough Luck, John
Arthur Sealy of Dialooggroep Bonaire finds that a slavery museum belongs in the Caribbean part of the kingdom. I don't necessarily agree; but if so, it's tough luck for John Leerdam.
But he'll find another way to keep involved, no worries.
After all, a museum here wouldn't exclude one in Holland. And by the way, we already have a Tula-museum here.
Sealy, other than other people, thinks the date for apologies is not important; much better to look at what happens thereafter. He's definitely got a point.
But Why?
Five Surinamese foundations have started a lawsuit to prevent the Dutch apologies for the slavery past. They feel the ex-slaves must have their say in the apology.
I'm sorry, I agree there really shouldn't have been any slaves. But why and how should the ex-slaves have a voice in how the apologies should go? Methinks that's a matter for the ex-slave dealers to decide. Really.
If you decide not to accept apologies, that's another matter. One definitely for you to decide.
Minister Cijntje wants that, for tourism. "Sand, sea and sun is not selling anymore" he says. With outdoor activity, nature, beach and diving, he said, coupled with excellent service and hospitality, Curaçao differentiates itself from its competitors. Er... how about crime and traffic?
Too bad Curaçao Chronicle goes on to mention Sandals resort as an example.
Defund Them
More, how many we're not told, police corps members have been suspended, bringing the total to 7; which we are told.
The 3 women and 4 men are all high-ranking and have more than 25 years of duty in the corps.
Right On
The only remaining nuclear power station of Holland, in Borssele, which was supposed to shut down in 2033 and supplies 3% of total Dutch electricity, will not be shut down after all. To the contrary, 2 more units will be built, expending capacity to 13% of total power. They will come on-line in 2035.
Somebody must have been getting to climate minister Jetten, who announced this...
Pretty Slow
It seems technical inspections of the Isla refinery are going on. Can only be to see what CPR (or another take-over candidate, who knows?) would have to fix before reboot.
If you wonder how they could possibly know how much they will have to spend, so do I. Remember? they said they had $650 million.
Could Be a Long Wait
Spigt lawyers say that, legally, it's not really sure if the gambling sub-licenses are illegal, even though Cramm and Bijkerk were judged by court of appeals to be in the right when stating "there was no legal basis." We have to wait for the new gambling law and what's in it, say Spigt & associates.
That would not be before QII 2023.
Oh, LGBT is lhbt in Dutch. But judging from the lack of capital letters, they're not held to be as important there.
Our national debt is now 81% of GPD. Congrats, Silly Vain, with your bragging!
Of course, all; well, okay, make that "most of", our past Bleeders are guilty as hell here as well, especially considering we were as good as debt-free on 10-10-10.
Mainly the new hospital is blamed, which amounts to the same thing. Here an audit is sorely needed, and I mean a real one, by financial detectives: who got enriched there?
Aruba is still worse off, and they didn't even build a hospital there! Meager comfort.
The expectation now is that Suriname will have 10 billion barrels of oil available, and the plans are to pump over 1 million barrels a day, starting in 2027.
Isla refinery used to have a capacity of 230,000 barrels a day.
Aren't You Jealous?
Minimum wages on the BES islands (Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba) will be 1/3rd higher in 2023 than in Curaçao. I do have to add that, here, they will be raised but by how much I couldn't say.
As regards AOW welfare pension, not raised here since 2013 and predictably, not so soon either, those on Bonaire will get twice as much.
For St. Eustatius and Saba, differences will even be larger.
More Waste
Sixteen (count 'em: 16!) MPs are on a worthless trip to Panamá for a worthless meeting of Parlatino. That's 16 out of 21; they don't even all fit in the Amigoe photograph.
Excuse me if my misgiving shows.
KEM PM Martines expresses himself much stronger. He calls the trip "thievery" and has not joined the club of crooks; in fact, he wants to stop it. But PNP Marcelino, who did go, accuses him of cheaply trying to collect votes. Maybe; but she doesn't even seem to try.
My self-control does show, at any rate: I omitted the word "worthless" connected with "MPs".
Once more I must blush and admit I was wrong. (At least, I admit it, you'll have to admit that.) There are black Jews and Asian Jews; maybe even Indian oops Native American Jews, why not? Still, walking around in Israel the definite impression is, most are Whities.
Then also, I forgot Finland, Andorra, Austria, Luxembourg, Hungary, Romania... I'll stop there... as countries that are obviously "white" but never had anything to do with colonialism.
On the other hand, these people are white—so make 'em pay. Which is the name of the game.
Look Who's Talking
The Dutch Kansspelauthoriteit [gaming authority] is full of justified criticism on minister Silly Vain's attitude. But then, they're not so kosher themselves. Then again, that doesn't take away from the validity of their remarks.
Interestingly, they mention Curaçao and Malta in one breath as illegally offering their services in Holland. No wonder Silly Vain wants to stay friends with Malta.
But hey, KSA also is not really clean. To quote KKC: "Not only the KSA is accused of not sufficiently acting, the government in Curaçao does not supervise and the Public Prosecution Service is looking away, while there are also doubts about the way in which the Central Bank performs its supervisory task on the trust sector." Pecunia non olet as Ollie B. Bommel used to say.
That's Telling Him!
PAR ex-finance minister Jardim has a snappy come-back to M*F*K successor Silly Vain: Bearing Point is okay, it's just the Tax Persons who are not smart enough to work with it. Guess he may have a valid point there.
On the other hand, so why didn't Jardim do anything about that backward and retarded department while he had a chance?
This Will Never End
Now it's Colombia's vice-president Francia Márquez who in the UN demands all ex-colonial countries pay reparations to all people of African descent. In the name of "Racial Justice". And expectedly, she immediately follows up by blabbing about "Climate Justice."
By "ex-colonial" she means "predominately white nations." Which in a few more years, immigration going on like now, may give the UK, France and Holland a nice escape clause. Not to mention the Arab countries, where slavery is still tolerated by Islam; are Arabs white? Jews are, sure! but Arabs are semites as well, so?
Also, I see a few problems here. What about Switzerland? Russia? Australia and New Zealand? Betcha she never thought of those.
And shouldn't Spain pay to all people of Indian descent, in Colombia? Now that you mention it, sure! Pay double!
Could Get Interesting
If it won't be a white-wash. The Dutch king has commissioned a study into the royal house involvement in colonialism, and thus, slavery.
For starters, it's not entirely clear if these Oranges are even really related to Willem de Zwijger, William of Orange, who was the Big Name in the 80-Year independence war with Spain; that could be an easy way out. What does build some confidence is, the study will be led by Gerrit van Oostindie, author of the 2006 book De Parels en de Kroon [The Pearls and the Crown].
In fact, the East Indies, now Indonesia, were much worse off with the VOC than the West Indies with the WIC West Indische Compagnie. Besides dealing in slaves (which the VOC exported to South Africa) they made Big Bucks with dealing in opium. Just like the English did, which ultimately led to the Chinese Opium War. But the VOC got away with all that until the Japanese occupied Indonesia.
Remember those Cameras?
We all do. PAR ex-minister Navarro bought them from China, to reduce crime. They were meant to be installed as observation cameras in public spots and, as far as I now figure, for traffic control as well. Almost superfluous to say, a bad flop.
580 cameras were planned, but only 474 bought (and hopefully, only that number paid for). Of those, 187 are operational, 24 fudzed out and 262 have not been installed. Yet.
21.6 million guilders have been spent, and the budget has been exceeded by 1.8 million guilders. Remarkable, but not for Curaçao.
Rekenkamer accounting suggests to check how many cameras are still useful. My suggestion? Just throw 'em all away, they're obsolete anyway. Saves you the money to check 'em out.
Money Laundering
A sport for everybody? On appeal, the Leeuwarden, Holland, court has reduced the verdict for the brothers Grynzstein, who claimed to have made a deal with the public ministry. "Everybody did it [laundering] in this way, which was tolerated by the Central Banks and all local banks."
The way it worked, the brothers wrote out invoices for |Venezuelans, who instead got paid out cash in US dollars. I admit this sounds like rubbish; if the Venezuelans had sent the brothers invoices, I would get it. Anyway, this way between 2010 and 2014 almost 323 million dollars have been laundered via swipe-transactions. For a while, it was so bad, the locals couldn't get money from the ATMs as they often were empty.
The Venezuelan government gave out dollar-credit cards for foreign transactions. Means, money-laundering? Hey, this is Venezuela!
Of course, this was gambling money (which just about equals drugs money in my biased view). Burning Question: How in hell could InselAir miss out on this and go bankrupt? It stank already...
Why Bother?
Finance minister Silly Vain wants to renegotiate the contract with Bearing Point. Why, is anybody's guess. Maybe the software is not as bad as is claimed, after all?
Maybe the claims are bad, just to have a point against the former PAR minister Gijsbertha and his daughter. Sure is a thought.
5 More Tons
Marine ship Groningen found 5000 keys of drugs just swimming around in the sea. Must have been thrown overboard by escaped smugglers, the Navy figures, and I guess that's right.
Well, Maybe...
M*F*K Education minister van Heydoorn is not looking for money yet. Not for himself, he's okay, thank youm but for education. This while the whole system is going kaput for lack of lettuce.
He says he wants to look into the matter carefully first: "If you only have 1 guilder, you can't spend 2." If only all our Bleeders thought like that? But meanwhile, pupils, schools and teachers hang on by their nails.
64 million is needed, is the word. Let us hope he gets it together before we have new elections.
OK, Fine
As from today, marriages between homosexuals are legal. I understand the first ceremony will take place today.
No, that's wrong. It's March 7, 2023.
Finally, these guys and dolls will have the same rights for their partners as heteros. You may well wonder why people have to get married at all to get rights for their (semi)-permanent partners. A simple registration should be ample. So OK, make that a marriage.
Another question is, while less and less people go through the marriage ceremony, why would the homosexuals insist on it? For the same reasons some or even most heterosexuals still do as well, I guess.
Funny thing is, in some countries more females are getting divorced these days than males. Funny at first sight; until you realize that these days that includes gay marriages. Where two female partners seem to break up more often than two male ones.
English Immersion
The RKCS catholic St. Antonius College starts next year with a "total immersion" system, in English.
In two kindergarten classes.
FYI, "college" here does not mean what it does in the USA.
Keep Counting
We have now 297 deads total by the Covid virus. If the count is correct, that is. I have my doubts.
No Kidding
Tourists are much more often involved in traffic accidents than local yokels. They don't realize rules are different, we're told. What we're not told is, the local yokels don't keep to the rules, which the tourists don't acount for.
Now a brochure is planned to hand out and tell 'em about it. It's on hold because of the Virus pandemic. And I here figuring that was largely over. So, now they plan to pick it up again; second half 2023.
That will help, don't you agree?
Everybody agrees it's so, but nobody took the trouble to actually count those mishaps and compare.
Meanwhile, CTB tourist office is bragging that we have as many tourists as before the Virus started its work.
Not a New One
The SOE managers, still fighting their salary cuts, compare their functions with those in countries like Holland and the USA. So that is how much they should earn as well. I would like that too, but I work both in Holland and here and when I ask a local unit the amount the Dutch pay me for production work, even down here, same locals understandably start screaming for help.
And you know what? I can understand that. Those SOE managers, deep down, probably do as well. But grab what you can get, folks!
Won't Help One Bit
Is my highly educated guess. The Monument Council has advised gainst the plans to demolish yet another old landmark, the Penstraat PNP Kas di Pueblo and replace it with a new monstrosity tourist hotel. They have very good reasons, but hey, it's only an advice.
What Else Would They Say
CPR is complying with all USA measures and sanctions in handling the Bullenbaai Oil Terminal. Of course! What happened was, Venezuela paid off an outstanding debt to a third party (which is not mentioned by name) with a shipload of crude oil; which CPR says is not sanctioned.
You know, it may even be true. Legal-wise.
Oooh... Our B. Leaders Won't Like That
Dutch Gaming Authority KSA is giving Curaçao entirely too much leeway in managing (after a fashion) the gaming licenses. Meant is, on-line gaming operators from Malta and Curaçao are still operating inside Holland, which is supposed to be a big No-No.
Will our paranoid Beirded Weardo PM like that? Will the sun rise in the West tomorrow? Neo(?)-Colonialism strikes again!
Hey, Where's Our Share?
PNP MP Osepa asks in parliament what's the governments viewpoint on the Dutch apologies for slavery. To be more precise, he reacts to the news that Holland is spending €200 million in projects in the context of promoting awareness about the slavery past. He asks if our government has participated in that, and how much of all that lovely money will arrive here.
Part of the answer is, my take, that as usual a lot of that sum will stick to the clutches of the Antillian diaspora in Holland.
More Gambling
Just what we needed! The realization of the Hippodrome, which has been struggling to get started for many years now, has come one step closer!
It is hoped that will attract many heavy gamblers from Colombia and Venezuela. To make that possible, the gambling laws had to be adapted.
Another step to fulfilling of minister Silly Vain's dream, our nightmare.
Prices Up, Inflation Up
We all couldn't help noticing: prices in September went up by 0.4%, which resulted in a yearly inflation (by then) of 6.3%. It's official, CBS Statistics says so.
Quarreling, They Can
A meeting between the Spoiled Brats' unions and the government was finished in a jiffy: 3 of the 4 unions left, leaving only ABVO behind, fuming at the mouth. No info about the rest of the Bloki di 5, or maybe 6. Or 3?
It was about the 12.5% salary cut, what else? One-track minds. Go on like this and you'll never get anywhere.
ABVO's decision to quit the Block of 6 was because the other 5 were too fixed on procedures.
Snide Side Remark
In that Doom Saying article on how sea level will drown most of Willemstad by the end of the century, there was a link to a map. If you look at it, note that it says "the elevation map is old." The color codes are not very clear, either. Maybe on purpose.
Thought I'd mention it. So much for scientific accuracy. "The actual rate is 3.1 ± 0.4 millimeters per year" I find elsewhere, which is a rise of 80*3.5mm=280mm MAX. by 2100, or 28cms. I'll give you some homework: check it out yourself on the Werbata maps.
And don't worry: the asphalt lake is shown is above the surrounding terrain. Huh?
Oops, Miss Take
Not only a mere Dutch 3000 farmers will be forced to quit their work, a few days later that turned out to 12,000 of 'em. Because of nitrogen pollution, got it? German farmers will be forced to use 20% less nitrate fertilizer; resulting in smaller crops of course. Who cares (except those who want to feed themselves).
And then, fisher persons will be forced to leave their boats, as their fishing disturbs the wind generators in the North Sea. I don't know how, but there it is. Stay in the harbor! Fake News: the €U will next forbid thunderstorms, as it's a well-known fact that lightning delivers nitrogen, which will fertilize crops. And nitrogen is a polluting poison, as we all should know.
We can all see that around here these days. It's not the rain that causes all that vegetation; it's the nitrogen.
No Greenie cares what effect those generators have on the fish; but it's not good. This contradiction turns up again and again: raptors and bats killed by wind generators; cutting down forests to build wind "farms" or just to use the wood as fuel...
I'm Wrong! Really?
The Curaçao Meteo has quite a different view on the past hurricane season. It was relatively active with no less ("whopping") than three tropical systems threatening the region. The first, Bonnie, passed us by, after having given our PM one more opportunity to show himself a fool. The other two gave plenty of rain which was a nuisance.
But hurricanes? Not so much.
Wait for It; a Bit Longer
M*F*K PM Prickie breaks his silence after having kept us in suspense for months on the future of Isla refinery. He says there are signs Holland is counteracting all deals that are advantageous for Curaçao (like gambling?). Sounds like conspiracy-paranoia, especially when he goes on about "puppets and their invisible hands."
CPR refinery overtaker should present "proof of funds" before year end. And if they don't? Prickie doesn't say.
Dutch prof van Gestel still maintains that the refinery will never fulfill the new environmental norms. I wouldn't and couldn't know, prof.
Why Holland would want to counteract reboot of the refinery is anybody's guess. To keep us enslaved, the Bearded Weirdo may honestly believe.
That's the only word I can find to describe APC's plans for Waterfort-Plaza. It's only me, you say? So much the worse.
Masochists may see more here. Curaçao's Montmartre, forsooth.
We're told it's not a final design, thank the good lord. Admittedly, it's different from what they showed us a year ago. But it does make you expect the worst.
Don't Make Me Cry
Only with laughter. The 2nd group of the SVT [social education traject] have just received their barets in the Marinierskazerne Suffisant [marine barracks], having finished their 4 months first phase training. It concerns youngsters without a starter qualification (whatever is meant by that) or who have been in contact with justice. They learn discipline, self-respect, structure, resilience, trust and sense of responsibility. All this is a military manner.
My, talk about a contradiction in terms; or an oxymoron if you prefer. Either that or things have changed miraculously since I was in the Dutch Army.
No doubt they mean well. Sure.
Just Rumors
Selikor garbage collectors went on strike because of stubborn rumors that Selikor wouldn't get the agreed upon money next week. But finance minister Silly Vain doesn't understand it (we do, though); the money will be transferred. He says.
Update: it has been transferred, 4.9 million guilders.
Ya Betcha
Dutch state secretary van Huffelen opines that a geschillenregeling [dispute settlement arrangement] between members of the kingdom "remains necessary".
Better Sell It, Fast
If you're the maybe not-so-proud owner of a monument, get rid of it, quick. If you can. Minister Mudbelly Cooper tells us that the owners will be forced to fix overdue maintenance and, if need be, just restore the building. "Under certain circumstances the government may give financial support"—in other words, don't count on it.
Mudbelly even has the chutzpah to add this is important for our Unesco status. Yeah, sure.
Construction of the hotel at Marichi, fought against by Pro Monumento and everybody else with a grain of sense and taste, will now start. Sic transit gloria Pundae. 2022-12-02
If ever. Antilliaans Dagblad takes note that no news has been forthcoming about the Isla refinery's take-over. And only six weeks ago PM Prickie was so optimistic!
What to say here? Quote Shakespeare: "The rest is silence" or Edgar Allen Poe: "Nevermore"? Maybe both.
Oh When?
We had to use the Helmin Wiels Boulevard yesterday. Still no sign of road renewal, as announced long ago by Mudbelly Cooper. In fact, this was supposed to have been finished by now.
No Water
Part of the population has no access to clean water. Cause often is they live in illegally built houses with no connections to the supply, or their debts are much too high. What to do?
First step, start counting 'em. Which is finally being done.
Not to forget the many who don't have access, officially, but just get out of the problem by stealing it. I've visited some who just kept the tap running all day and all of the night. Why not? It's free—for them. Not for us.
"Too many civil servants in the Curaçao government"
We couldn't agree more. But wait! the headline continues "have resigned this year." Oh. That makes a difference. Problem is, instead of 10 million of pensions this year already 17 million guilders have been paid out. Which hasn't been budgeted for.
Maybe this will put a stop to the MPs' trips? Don't count on it.
Why it can't be taken out of the necessarily lower salary expenses is not explained.
Don't Bother—Is What We All Saw Coming
CBCS central bank has adjusted the 2023 expectations. Downward, of course. But they're still positive: 2.7% for Curaçao and 3.3% for St. Maarten.
If that.
Oh, It's Like That
Finance minister Silly Vain may wel strut around like a little cock, bragging how much the country has in cash; but we're also 4.2 billion guilders in debt. And then the backward tax collection.
And Maybe They'll Transfer Funds, Too
That would be a change for sure! Aqualectra announces collection of unpaid garbage-removal fees 2018-2021. I, sucker, paid all the time. While word has it incoming payments were not transferred to Selikor.
Next, people who have moved but didn't pay on their former address will be approached.
To Be Frank
According to teachers' club DOEN, 85% of teachers is "burned out". So would I be when I had that job, let's face it.
As If
Rotterdam University teacher Daphina Misiedjan warns that the Caribbean people must have a choice in the measures to fight climate change. "Just like in Europe" she's quoted.
That's news to me. I didn't know the Dutch farmers were consulted when the High and Mighty politicians decided many of them have to look for other jobs, which resulted in an enormous uproar. Just like in Sri Lanka.
Found Back!
In a chase by the KM Marine/Navy to the South of Bonaire another drugs transport was intercepted. The smugglers threw their bales into the sea, but they were found back and collected. This time there were 630 keys total.
They were delivered to the Curaçao police. Hmm.
The smugglers themselves got away.
Something in That
SER social-economic council thinks the higher minimum wage should be realized in stages and not all at once. But the minister thinks different. Wanna bet who'll win?
Makes Me Think a Bit
Our M*F*K PM Pisas is in Suriname to discuss future possibilities of helping that country to process their new-found oil. Two questions: hey, Prickie, did you discuss this with CRP?; and isn't this some years in the future?
Not yet, just maybe: the bloki di 5 which used to be a block of 6 threatens to fall apart further. Which spells an end to the eternal lamentations of the soiled rats to get their 12.5% salary cuts reversed? I wish—but don't think so.
I know, I know. The hurricane season is not over until next Thursday. Or even later. Still, no "activity is expected the coming 48 hours" which makes me figure it is over.
tropical cyclone activity 1980-2022
This year, then, has been about the lowest ever. And what did the predictions say? Right, it was gonna be bad. Like last year. They never give up, do they.
Of course the king is supposed to offer his apologies for slavery as well. What does he think, anyway? But Dutch PM Rutte says the matter is sensitive. To me, that doesn't explain much. Does he feel guilty and shrinks back from admitting it? Your guess may (easily) be better than mine.
Anyway, it wouldn't cost him a cent. Not that he can't miss some. He may not be the richest king in the world, but I read the Oranje-House is the costliest of them all.
Collect It, Spend It
Five billion guilders are still out in the streets, waiting to be collected. There are some problems; like, there are problems with many CRIB numbers (you don't really want to know what that means) and there are more hassles. The solution? You'll never guess: more civil servants.
Shon Arey
Got that wrong. As I remember it, slavery was ended (here at least) in 1863, ten years earlier than the media wrote. What do they know... Don't trust 'em!
But while researching that I hit my ingrowing toenail on King Willem III of Holland. His nickname was "Koning Gorilla", because, er, there was a certain resemblance. Behavorial rather than in appearance. Read about it here. Sorry, it's in Dutch (because who else cares?) but there's always Google translate.
And this man freed the slaves? Let's hear a big Hurray for the Mighty King!
Well, Whatever
Money is moola, after all. And who cares where it comes from, as long as it comes in. So Barbados seems to think that slavery reparations money is too long in coming, and they jumped to the next source in line: Climate change! Even better... "... the Bridgetown initiative would mobilise more than US$1 trillion from the World Bank among other development lenders and US$500 million from the IMF."Now you're talkin'! Why waste time on begging those notoriously pichiri Dutch?
Barbados occupies an area of 432 km^2 and has a population of about 287,000. So we should, in area, be getting more than that or, counting people, about half.
What are those no-good-bums in Fort Amsterdam waiting for?
NOT! The latest versions of the SOE top salaries is now a max of 290,000 guilders/year. Formerly, 295,000. Big Deal!
And the government is free to decide otherwise when the function is "hard to define." With a new max of 130%. To save you, and the media because they didn't, figuring, that's 377,000 guilders/year.
Wait for the Third Time
PAR ex-PM Bhillenaath announces his farewell to politics. That's the 2nd time. Maybe he's serious now?
And Now, for the Dinero
On December 19 it will be 150 years ago that the kingdom of the Netherlands ended slavery. (In 1873, long after the French cried out Liberté, Égalité et Fraternité and proceeded to make most of Europe a victim of dictator Napoléon—just mentioning it in passing). On that day, 7 Dutch government members will visit the 6 islands and Suriname to make apologies for something they never did, and so will PM Rutte in Holland; presumably to those descendants of slaves who decided Holland is a better place to live than where their ancestors lived.
But that's not enough! We want money.
Beat the Drums! Blow the Trumpets
And don't forget the flags. Sports gambling company 1xBet/1xCorp, the largest online gambling setup in the world (and residing in Curaçao, where else?) will probably be declared bankrupt. Originally Russian, it had acquired an illegit sub-license from Cyberluck, which will be held responsible for the bankruptcy as well. We are talking tens of millions of guilders here.
1xBet/1xCorp's failure is caused by the process started against them by Stichting Belangenbehartiging Gedupeerden Online Kansspelen, SGBOK, [foundation advocacy victims online games of chance] and won on appeal by SGBOK. Principals of SGBOK are Nardy Cramm of Knipselkrant Curaçao and lawyer Roelof Bijkerk. More power to them.
1xBet didn't think they needed to pay out gamblers' wins.
This is the sort of business our finance minister Silly Vain wants to get to the island so we'll be the top enabler in the world.
Not that the island has seen any income from all those licenses. Maybe somebodies in the government have, but not the government.
Oh. Not So Good.
According to news from Japan, LNG is "sold out" until 2026. Which (if true, these things have by now shown to have a habit of making U-turns) rather puts a brake on the plans announced by Aqualectra to use it for power generation.
Oh, wait, for "future" power generation. Right. Got it. When Aqualectra thinks you and me can afford it.
We may not agree, but who asks us?
A YdK living in Holland (I guess) over for a visit complains that... Yeah, what exactly? First he says that on visiting Cas Abao beach part of it was shut off, "reserved for cruise-tourists". Get used to it. We all did since long: tourists are more important than we are.
But then, he goes on to complain that locals often get a discount. Why should a tourist pay more? he asks. Because he's a tourist, that's why. This is quite usual wherever you go.
What I wanna point out, there's a contradiction here. Suck it up. Enjoy your stay.
He Was Right!
For once. CMC director Martina confirms that PM Prickie this time spoke a mouthful when he said the hospital is bankrupt. You better believe it. Something has to happen soon, Martina adds.
In 2020, deficit was 42 million guilders.
This Never Ends
Once you start apologizing for things you never did, you may never stop. Now Alex Rosaria (once PIAS party leader and government member) wants the Curaçao bishop to apologize for how the RC church has treated Doktoor da Costa Gomez, who started PNP political party. This is not to dismiss the (ridiculous) fact that the bish forbid his body to be enterred in a Catholic cemetery in so-called sacred earth, because Doktoor remarried after a divorce.
It's not enough for Rosaria that padre Amado Römer has apologized already; noooo, the bishop must do it again. Say, Rosaria, don't you have anything better to do?
Had to take a look at my car tires. Only now, after several years, noticed they carried a symbol indicating they were "winter tires". But that's ridiculous!
No doubt the importer got a nice deal, late in the season. That's Curaçao for you... If you don't get robbed by the government, private enterprise takes over.
Dirty Trick
The government is working on a law to reduce the use of plastics, a Great Black Sin as we all know; or rather, knew. But what do we read? This will result in higher import duties received.
And paid, of course. What a pity they have been slower than almost all countries around us!
What Debt?
Abvo civil servants' union has left the "Block of Six" unions, all fighting for their 12.5% salary cuts to be canceled. But that doesn't mean Abvo will stop fighting for the same thing. Hey, don't ask me to explain.
Abvo also claims the government has to pay the soiled rats a debt of 90 million guilders—without giving details on how that debt was built up. Maybe like this?
What's the Difference
For the rest of the year, no governmental deliberations between the countries if the Mighty Kingdom will take place. You ask, like me, "what's the use, anyway?" Good question. Maybe in January.
Who Cares
Of 10.8 million guilders in the government salary administration it's not clear where they went. If we look at all years since our great independence, the total is 170 million.
You and I may have our ideas where all that money went, but Rekenkamer [court of audit] says in 2019 it was overtime pay, improper use of reimbursements and renumeration without legal basis. And also, it's unclear how many workers over 65 years have received money.
Remember this, because it's the last time you'll hear about it. You bet.
Next Chapter
And please hurry. The never-ending Selikor garbage saga. Just when we have been told there was a Happy Ending, we now hear that GMN health minister Pietersz-Janga wants Selikor to come across with more "management agreement details." She hopes to have the matter arranged in the first half of 2023. (Means, before July 1.)
Well Done!
Once again, our Bleeders have shown that there's one thing where they're good at: delays. Even Dutch state secretary van Huffelen admits that the Coho consensus deals, made so the kingdom would lend Curaçao (and Aruba/St. Maarten) still more money, are disappearing "over the horizon." Delays until pigs have wings, I meant to say.
Watching a tv-screen somewhere while waiting I saw a news message come by, that the people needed to be educated to better financial responsibilty. Didn't say more than that, but this must have come from our esteemed government.
Which rather contradicts minister Silly Vain's recent statement in Malta that Curaçao plans to become the mafia gambling center of the world.
Another Prediction of Doom
CPA port authority organized a conference where an outfit presented a document in which it's predicted that by 2250 sea level will rise by 24-28cms; but hold it: in 2100 it will (not may, will) be 47-86cms.
The document includes a map that indicates what areas will in consequence be flooded. Which of course includes a large part of Downtown Willemstad, including seashore hotels (you bet; just like in the Maldives?) and Negropont plus more of Isla refinery.
Elsewhere we read, however, that sea level rise is not growing more than in the past. (Nor are hurricanes, also predicted.) Take your pick.
What else can you call management of a company that proudly announced we will be among the top countries dependant on fickle wind energy? On the same day we read that Danish Vestas and German Siemens wind generation departments are making incredible losses? (Siemens, 1 billion US$s or €s this year already.)
What we'll actually be is one of the last countries to fall into that trap and maybe temporarily save part of the industry, while wasting our money. Much money. But Aqualectra wouldn't worry: wind energy is free—and we'll pay for it, anyway. Who's the sucker here?
Wait for It... Again
After a visit by GMN ministry to the Selikor garbage facilities, the utility was reassured that the money Selikor sorely needs would come through ASAP.
Which doesn't mean a thing.
More Good News
The ATR42-500 just bought by WinAir has a fuel economy of 2.54 nautical mile/gallon. So, on a flight SXM-CUR it would burn 487/2.54=192 gallons or say 1350 pounds, the equivalent of 16,875 pounds of batteries: 1.4 times the present payload.
Only a fool would seriously consider electric planes. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
(Electric car) batteries weigh 1,000 pounds which replace just 80 pounds of gasoline.
Move that Mud, Already
We had occasion to drive along the Helmin Wiels Boulevard yesterday. Twice. Not a sign of the road renewal activities that minister Cooper said would start on November 24. They would take a month; of which 3 weeks have passed already.
You get used to it after a while; and we've had plenty of time for that.
Total delays now 10 weeks; at least; should have started still earlier and will still take 4 weeks to do.
What a Relief!
Isla refinery releases a statement that it keeps to international sanctions and expects its clients to do the same.
And also, main take-over candidate CRP releases a statement that they're still in the game. (The delays that never seem to end are not mentioned.) And CRP as well denies that they help Venezuela bypass sanctions.
Must be a coincidence that they both feel the need for those statements? Hardly.
Funny though how we were first told that the oil would be shipped from India.
Clumsy. But What Did You Expect?
The new proposed law prohibiting the use of plastic has lots of little problems. For starters, offenders can't be fined, for some overlooked legal reason. Then, to me most important, it was forgotten to include exceptions where plastic packing was necessary for health reasons. As they often are. For example, plastic bags offered by restaurants for take-away food are prohibited.
Much too late, as always. It's all over anyway: even Greenpeace seems to have given up on this dead-end street.
One of the top figures in the Mei 69revolution riots, Stanley Brown has just died, age 84. After his revolutionary start, he later wised up, maybe: at any rate, he started several movements to prevent our leaving the Kingdom and becoming independent. These had appreciably less influence than his earlier actions.
Walking Out
Since an explanation in parliament in March, nothing has been done. What did we expect, anyway? A result is that teachers leave their jobs in the middle of the season, leaving the pupils on their own. Something must be done now, DOEN union says. After all, education is supposed to be the instrument for the country's development.
Which explains and confirms a lot.
Surprised? You Must Be New
The BIZ [Police Bureau for Internal Affairs] doesn't seem to function very well. If at all. There's no yearly planning and control in workspaces is watered down. There also are no rules for integrity investigations.
They have too much work pressure, is why.
M*F*K finance minister Silly Vain is really serious in wanting to curb the gambling mania. He now wants a national institute so local gamblers without a bank account can still pay the gambling industry. The government is working hard to make the island a 'major player in the online gaming industry', he says. Sure is.
Yes, that's Striking
Even though the Tayer Soshal [social workplace] of Santa Martha has officially finished activities this year, there's still an amount of 2.8 million reserved in next year's budget. M*F*K Seferina wants to know more. So would we.
Just WOW
A woman who has been exploiting a taxi for 30 (thirty!) years now wanted to ask for a license. But she won't get it, as she has no drivers license.
She won't get recompensed for her alleged damages either.
It may not be as bad as you'd think, she uses a licensed driver for the actual taxi driving. At least, that's what she says.
Ees Troo, Señor
M*F*K MPs Nita, Brownbill and Seferina want to get onderstandtrekkers [welfare receivers] back to work, "so they'll have a chance to contribute to the government cashbox." That would be revolutionary! They say there are hardly any jobs for people with only high school education, and have questions about the government's idea that tourism development has priority. "Not everybody wants to work in tourism," they say, and those who don't want to should have possibilities as well.
Ain't That Great
The first shipment of 600,000 barrels of oil delivered to Bullenbaai oil terminal in September is reputed to have been loaded, evading USA sanctions, in Venezuela's Amuay harbor. Tanker Colon, built in Iran, is registered in Togo.
So that's done by CPR, still main candidate for Isla refinery take-over. Not nice to know. We keep following developments with considerable interest.
Where in hell is Togo? we ask. Well, in fact just there: pressed in between Ghana and Bhenin. On the Slave Coast, that's right.
Will It? Finally?
Renovations of the Stadhuis city hall, one of the most impressive buildings in Willemstad's center which has been sitting empty since 2018, may finally get on their way. At least, so a committee has decided. Costs in 2018 were estimated to be 24 million guilders. Meanwhile, the court has been renting from APC pension fund for a total of 2.2 million/year.
Reason restoration has been delayed that long was lack of funds.
Let's Throw a Party
APC pension fund will organize festivities to celebrate the 25 years of Willemstad being on the World Heritage List. It's now called "Road2Plaza", which gives me rather unfortunate associations with the old, campy Bob Hope/Bing Crosby film comedies. We read that redeveloping of the Plaza-area (now called the Waterfort Plaza project must be done carefully in consultation with Unesco to prevent that Willemstad's heritage status will be endangered. You said it, bro.
Plans are expected by end of this year.
After All, We've Plenty of Money
The Tax Person has allowed 235,000 tax assessments to lapse because of too long delays. Worth 473.6 million guilders. But what are a few millions between friends?
So Do It, Already
A MoU has been signed in Aruba, where 6 islands solemnly declare that they will try to reduce costs of travel between the islands. Against the backdrop of our aviation history, let us hope they are sincere. Even then, they will probably try to achieve this by flying with electric planes, an already perished hobbyists' daydream, so don't count on any practical results.
So color me skeptical. With a broad brush.
How Fast! How Nice!
For the gambling enablers. M*F*K minister of finance Silly Vain announced at a congress in Malta that our government will try to have a LOK law ready by 2023 QII, after which the gambling gangs will have 18 months to apply for new licenses. During that time, they may continue their activities, as-is.
The government will get all this fixed with the new CGA gaming authority, which will cooperate closely with the gambling enablers. Promising, huh?
By 2025, hopefully we'll have another government. But if that will stop this cancer?
Have Fun, Will Travel
Pack those suitcases, honorable MPs! There is money again for joy trips in the rest of the year (thankfully, that's not very long). There is money left in the budget and that of course has to be wasted spent.
You and I would put it in the bank, but we're not in politics.
Talk About Chutzpah
Two Haïtians who we met before have an (illegal, wotyouteenk?) banana grove behind Dam Pretu. But because of the heavy rainfall, their trees are drowning in a lake. The story is they plan to damage the retaining dam, so the water can flow out and their precious trees will be saved.
Why has nothing been done yet about those two and their activities?
"We Miss Knops"
Who could ever think we'd hear those words from Aruba? But we did. Opposition party ACCION21 (so, meanwhile old hat already) is complaining that, although Cft financial supervision asked for them, state secretary van Huffelen did not give the Aruba government any instructions.
Sure Sounds Familiar Begroting lees soos fiksie draaiboek - Nee, dis net praatjies. For those who don't understand Afrikaans, here's the translation: "Budget reads like fiction scenario - No, it's just talk."
And the link-text says "government money and ideas have gone." Our Big Leeders would deny that as well, and especially Silly Vain.
Act First, Think Later
Now, after the judge sent him away with a couple of fleas in his ear, PNP economic development minister Ruisandro wants a meeting with agents/importers on the Makuto Básiko to ask them how he should proceed. After getting their advice (no deadline) he will consider it with his juridical advisors.
Or, keep on breathing.
Always Late
Buskabaai NV has not delivered yearly accounts since 2018. Don't act so surprised, it's another SOE so what did you expect?
Buskabaai is supposed to be clearing and exploiting the infamous asphalt lake. They expected to recover 75,000 tons/year, but their subsidiary (? not clear) did not manage to deliver 20,000 tons. At this rate, it won't take the expected 5 years but at least 20. No matter, it has been sitting there since WWII so what's the hurry?
Buskabaai is contemplating suing ALR Asphalt Lake Recovery nv because of the delay. That I want to see.
Not What We'd Like
"Government works on waste tax" is the headline in Curaçao Chronicle. But no, they're not gonna tax their own waste! No, they're (finally) planning to do something about the princely sums we all pay to "Kodsel", in fact Aqualectra, which are supposed to arrive at Selikor but don't seem to.
At least, we won't have to pay tax on their waste.
So They Remain
Dutch Koninklijke Marine [Royal Navy] announces the barracks will be upgraded. The Wacawa facilities have just been expanded as well. Which can only mean the Dutch Navy plans to stick around for a number of years. Maduro won't like that! and neither will the anti-neocolonialists. But others may, will, appreciate it; those who'd prefer not to become a Venezuelan colony. Neo-colony!
No Worries!
We've got plenty of money, plenty. Right? So Reda Sosial wants to attract capital from foreign countries to invest in home improvements and sociaal-maatschappelijk (which means social-social; really!) projects. In other and realistic words, more loans.
They'll have quite a job getting them.
Good for Him
Much as I dislike FakeBooc, I heartily support minister Silly Vain's announcement that he will not stop his messages there. The soiled rats would like him to, because he is inciting the people aginst the Tax Persons. They say.
The people don't need much incitement, I guess.
The Tax Persons have now opened a page of their own. That'll teach him!
Ball Bounced Back
Now it's in your court, PM Prickie: Dutch state secretary van Huffelen says no coercion was used by the Kingdom to force Curaçao to adopt the measures demanded for the Covid loans. In reply to the Beardo's claims that the salary cuts for spoiled brats, ministers and MPs plus SOE managers were forced under pressure. It was take it or leave it for our Bleeders, and they took it.
Like the Dutch say, "who burn their buttocks must sit on the blisters."
Meanwhile, Curaçao keeps asking for renewed loans or even quittance of the old ones.
What Consequences?
Dutch prof van Gestel says, Holland will have to pay for the consequences of climate change in the Caribbean islands. Sure; Greenpeace is even taking Holland to court to do something about Bonaire.
Because Greenpeace claims one fifth of Bonaire will drown in the sea. I'd say, before you go to court, wait until it has happened.
Eat Your Sushi
That finance minister Silly Vain sure is active. Now, he's stopped Selikor's liquidity support becauise the garbage disposal unit hasn't kept to the agreements. One more reason to stop collecting it. Tough if your Kliko is filled to the brim.
Another thing, the minister wants ministers to ask permission to spend over 100,000 guilders on "charges and expenses". Used to be ,ax. 10,000 in the 1990s. Exceeds inflation, and explains a lot about budget deficits.
Not Their Fault
Of course not! The tax workers are fed up with minister Silly Vain's remarks on FakeBooc about them and their slow results. It's all BearingPoint's fault, they say. As if they worked faster before that was introduced. They want Silly Vain to stop his messading. In a meeting with the unions, the minister just left after ten minutes when someone started recording the meeting, leaving them aghast. One keeps getting novel experiences.
Reason for their complaint now is, many tax payers have come to collect their restitutions as promised by the minister, and then there are often harsh words. I can imagine.
Commented the recordist, "I'm no psychologist, but never experienced this before." Whatever that's supposed to mean. 2022-11-11
New Terms
Now the illegal immigrants into the USA are called "Climate Migrants". Because, naturally! they prefer to live in the freezing cold than in a nice and warm tropical country.
But Dutch parliament doesn't go for involving climate considerations in the slavery commemorations next year. The Wokies call that "Climate Racism".
Add both to the ever-growing list.
Oh, Go to Work
The soiled rats' trade unions do not agree with the government's (semi-illegal) announcement that they'll get their money, and want action. For now, palavering... but wait...
Kill 'Em All!
A Mobocon team will be visiting all 6 islands to collect mosquitoes and their larvae, to check how many sorts of those pests are around. This, with all the rain we're having, is a good time. Not that this will lead to less of them, for now.
Doesn't Help Much, Does It?
97 car drivers were fined on one day at one crossing, for the usual reasons. But in the first place, 30 more were fined for driving through red.
One guy was fined for not wearing his safety belt, despite reassuring the cops that he had just loosened it. Sure! 300 guilders. He'd done it to reach his papers in the glove glove compartment, he said. (But they were no good anyway.)
That, Too
In sharp contrast with other news, M*F*K PM Wearded Beirdo announces there are discussions with Aqualectra utility and Isla refinery on using LNG for future power generation. This in fact is only logical; the more "green, alternative" sources are put into use, the more fossil fuel generation must be used as a back-up. Because the wind doesn't always blow, as even Jonis knows.
Now That
In Dutch parliament, professor van Gestel said that citizens and environmental organizations probably can successfully object against reopening Isla refinery. He expects their chances will become better in the coming years.
Then again, it doesn't entirely look that way; what with Europe largely switching back to fossil fuels. To name but one reason why not.
Oops, Correction
Meant was 1 billion guilders, which is the gringo term for 1 milliard, as price of the new lunaparkwindmill park. Let's see... It's generally accepted that those beasts last for about 20 years; say 25. That means a yearly cost of 1,000,000,000/25=40,000,000 guilders. Or 50 million, who knows?
And then, what to with the remains after they expire?
But this may be all wrong, I concede: in other media I read a price of 50 million dollars; so the 550 may have been a typo?
Or not.
By a coincidence, one of the oldest and certainly the largest wind generator manufacturers in the world, Danish Vestas, sends out the message that the promise, which we have been getting for decades, that wind generation would become cheaper in the future will not be fulfilled. Vestas itself is hanging by its nails, with a yearly profit now of less than 5%. Which suggests 'suggests energy transition is lower priority.' Smart move, Jonis. But what else would you expect?
No Problem, Mon
That's our social minister PNP Larmonie-Cecilia's comment on our present dismissal law. What makes everybody think so? It's a great law, no matter that businesses have been trying to get it changed for years and years.
Which wouldn't be fair, because we're in a small community and when somebody is fired it's not easy for hir/hem (dig my correctness!) to find new work. I dare say.
Dream On...
On the Aruba congress, "Parties share a vision on improving interisland connectivity by making it more affordable, efficient, and sustainable" we read in Curaçao Chronicle.
That's because they want to start using to electric planes. A pipe dream if I ever had a nightmare. Israel has just announced planned production of such a 9-passenger plane—of which the battery makes up half the plane's weight.
No Kidding?
Aqualectra director Jonis (one of the super-salaries) proudly announces that, shortly, "Curaçao will soon Lead the World with up to 70% of power production from wind energy." To achieve this, a new wind "farm" will be started, with a max. capacity of 21.1MW; costs USD550m (or ANG1 milliard). Which will bring the "possible" total to 67.45MW. He omits to tell us how much tariffs will be lowered because we will then use natural resources.
Mark the weasel words 'up to' and '"possible" total'. That's only when the wind generators are at full power production, which almost never happens here. In fact, as I've explained before, the average wind speed here is the bare minimum to make a wind generator worth while.
Thank Jonis the "farm" will be built at Koraal Tabak, on the other side of the island. Down here, the strobe lights at night to warn air traffic drive people out of their skulls.
ABVO union boss George Hernandez is fed up with the allegations of abuses at TeleCuraçao. The social media are full of redu [gossip] about them, but if people have complaints they should file them with the Public Ministry. (I do hope someone does.)
That George has the same family name as Terry can only be a coincidence. Or is it?
They're Not
That's the short answer to the, sounds like rethorical, question Amigoe asks: How (financially) healthy are government-subsidized institutions?" The paper goes on to analyze, but in fact, we all know the anser.
The susbsidies have been cut, much deeper than the government salaries, and to make it worse, are often paid out with long delays. If at all.
Except for sports, hey! There's money to be made there.
ID for Tax Persons
Workers at the Tax Office will have to carry IDs when at work. Still better, when communicating with "customers" [tax paying cattle] they will have to mention their first and last names, function, email address and direct phone number.
Minimum Wages
VBC entrepreneurs' club agrees that the minimum wages should be raised, but not without consultations between social partners, like CBCS central bank. And VBC warns the government for effects it may have on its own salary costs. Flanking measures should be taken.
Not a word on the AOW welfare pension, not adapted since 2013. Let them old farts eat sawdust.
You Could Have Fooled Me
Aqualectra utility claims its tariffs are not the highest in the Caribbean. They're about in the middle, at least, for electricity.
But they go on to say that, where it's cheaper, that's where there are natural sources (like wind? solar? hah!) or it's subsidized. Which, as you and me know, it's paid from the people's pockets via taxes anyway.
Fuel Cost
Air Belgium states that on Hato Airport, fuel is 20% more expensive than in Bruxelles. Which is one more reason to stop flying BRX-CUR.
What we need is a refinery?
Sure They Will
M*F*K PM Hairy Prick announces that all salary cuts will be abolished. But first, the ministers and MPs will get their sumptuous salaries back; and then the soiled rats and "equals"—whatever that means. Ministers and PMs in July 2023, spoiled brats 6 months later. According to the budget proposal.
But RvA advisory council wonders (as they well might) if this will happen. Not when the Kingdom still insists on the maximum salary norm for SOEs; not to mention CMC hospital and SVB social deficits. And then the economy troubles all over the world.
PNP MP Osepa calls the Schiphol Amsterdam 100% drug control checks a political stunt. And it's bad for CUR-AMS air traffic! Maybe Osepa isn't aware of the mulas flying over to smuggle coke. Which makes us presume he can't read.
Did You Notice?
Neither did I: personnel of TeleCurçao seems to be on strike. They don't like "bullying" Terry Hernandez, appointed by Mudbelly Cooper.
No, He Won't
Dutch PM Rutte does not wish to confirm that the cabinet will apologize for past slavery. In one way, I agree; in another, is that skilful politics?
But it doesn't matter much, after all. In Curaçao some think it merely a first step which means follow-up (AKA money); and also, Nederlandse Bank and large communities (Amsterdam and Middelburg, among others, I guess) and the Roman Catholic Church should offer apologies. And to slaves' descendants in other countries, which imported slaves from Curaçao, as well.
I wish them good luck but think there are more pressing issues. Except for the money angle, right.
Maybe even Hoorn—think Kaap Hoorn—though that's not a "large community" by any stretch.
Why Should They?
Rich lands don't honour commitments to pay for climate financing. Meant is, what else? to pay poor lands for the damage done to them; real or imaginary, who cares? Pay up!
Small wonder they don't—economy problems of their own a'plenty.
They Get Off
Quackie and her ex; if not scot-free. For the fraud and money laundering committed with surgeons' masks. They appealed their sentence, but it all took so long, they will get a smaller jail term. Instead of 21 it should become 15 months.
Let's Wait for It
The €U wants to support RAMSAR area Klein Curaçao with €372.9925. It5's not only a nesting area for birds, but also has a 600m beach that's used by sea turtles for breeding.
Now let's see who wins: tourism or conservation. Judging from the past... but let's be positive!
Ain't That Great
The Dutch cabinet will offer their apologies for the slavery in the past. And my wife offered me her apologies for that apple Eve offered Adam in the Garden of Eden; not a minute too soon. So we're back on speaking terms.
UPDATE: Dutch PM Rutte wants to think it over, first.
Pay and Shut Up
The government doesn't want CMC hospital to use other services than ADC; only if they offer those services via ADC. Who cares if ADC sends fraudulent bills? It's all in the game.
Got Off
Two #$$es racing each other at night killed a Dominican couple in an oncoming car while overtaking each other. Both drove stolen cars and had no drivers' licenses. They got off with 24 months in jail (8 conditional—what conditions?) and may not drive a car for 3 years.
As if that will help; they weren't allowed to anyway.
Or glue your stupid noggin to an irreplacable work of art, like in the Hague Mauritshuis: you'll get one month.
Ooooh... We're Doomed!
Future hurricanes will grow less in number but will become much stronger and will go on longer. Now I would be scairt; if this wasn't just one more prediction. Because of Global Warming, what else?
Which meanwhile has paused for over 8 years—again.
Won't Make No Difference
The trust sector, in fact the enabler of all those legal and/or illegal gambling enablers, will remain an important player when the new gambling law will be introduced. But don't worry: "the Curaçao trust sector meets high standards" and thus is guaranteed to go on keeping it all kosher.
Just like in the past.SER [social-economic council] calls the lottery sector a "free for all".
Who Cares? Not Corendon
Corendon Hotel has plenty of seats available on the Europe-CUR flights. In fact, they may have a shortage of rooms instead. Even with the flights cancellation by KLM.
It gets even better (at least, according to Corendon): surely, Air Belgium will continue its flights next year.
Fine With Me
The Dutch government will not reach their planned targets to prevent Global Warming, whatever you want to call it. They are planning for a 55% reduction of 1990 emissions, and to make sure they went for 60%. But as the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) has calculated, they won't achieve more than 42 to 52%.
Yes, Please Do Tell
PNP MP Gerard asks Mudbelly Cooper why locals have to wait much longer for a decision on getting a terrain from Domeinbeheer [domain management] than foreigners.
We can guess, but that might be libel or even slander.
Oh Joy! CTB tourist office will be reorganized. No, don't jubilate: it's existence will be continued. It will be done under the bleedership of Hepple, who has been director before. The present director Seferina-Rojas will go in September (what year?) because "she doesn't fit in the new structure". Could mean a lot of things, that.
If I interpret the news okay, she's gone already.
Question of Timing
Just now, when our Bleeders are planning to restart the misery, we read that the bankruptcy proceedings against DCA have finally been finished. Reason is, there is no money left. Like the Dutch say, "you can't pluck feathers from a frog."
That Will Work!
"Top Dems Urge Biden To Nationalize Oil & Gas Industry" we read. Just like Chávez did in Veneuzuela, remember (I hope you do). Of course, here it's like that already, for all practical purposes, and look where it got us.
But I'm Thirsty
Who cares? The International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights may stipulate that everybody has a right to clean drinking water; only, it isn't binding. So, doubtably, we may have a right to that, but not without paying for it.
Which wouldn't change a thing; we're paying for the illegal thieves already via our tariffs; or it would come from our taxes.
Big Deal
Aty some congress in Aruba, much noise is being made on the first Caribbean electric flight taking off from there. You can look at the actual plane here. It's about the size of an Ultra-Light, but much heavier, and made for flying lessons (carrying 1 instructor and 1 pupil). We are not told what the range is; perhaps understandably?
I am not impressed.
Oh wait, the congress is about electric flying. No future in that.
The makuto básiko will not be expanded with more consumers' articles. The judge has kicked the government out, with the comment their Evil Plan was contrary to the principle of care and the principle of motivation, but also to the prohibition of arbitrariness and the principle of proportionality. Whatever. Many words, all meaning: No Way.
As a consummate capitalist (you just might have noticed) I must cheer the judge.
Just What We Needed
Now Air Belgium has announced as well they're stopping flights: Brussels-CUR, as from March 2023. Reason, high airport tax and fuel price in the República Dominicana, where the flights make a stop in Punta Cana.
Oh No, There We Go
Dutch staatssecretaris van Huffelen is giving in, it looks like: in a letter to finance minister Silly Vain she gives Curaçao "room to deviate" from the National Ordinance Top Incomes Norm. Exceptions on the Dutch example can be made if there is a well-founded and transparent reason. And there we go, mark my words.
Well-founded reasons? Sure, they all want all their money! Transparent? Sure, we all understand that reason!
And only a few days ago, she said that would be violating the agreement.
Looks Good
Most shuttered oil refineries in the USA will not restart, we're told. As we have read time and time again, reason for closing them down was because president Biden and cohorts wanted to force Green Energy down our throats: swallow or choke!
No matter what, that would be good news re. rebooting Isla refinery. If ever.
Oh, So
The government plays an important role in CMC, declared "quartermaster" Monte. He said that in reply to a journalist asking who the owner of CMC was.
So now we know. Or rather, we don't.
Kwartiermaker is the word Monte used. Whatever that is supposed to mean.
Say, Why? (Or Not)
The ministry of finance (=Silly Vain) is investigating why Curazoleños, or rather, Antilleans including Aruba, who have been studying in Holland are or are not returning to their island of birth. Will cost money, but most of us can guess the reasons:
Holland may be a political mess to be sure, but here it's worse. Much worse.
Is Zat So
41% of drivers have been DUI: driving under influence. Maybe not all of the time, but it surely looks like that. And that's only alcohol. There's plenty more drugs... plenty.
But only 5% have ever had an accident because of DUI. They say.
The flights cancelled by KLM will cost the island 35 million guilders. I call bullshit. In fact, I accuse them of lying through their teeth.
As any entrepreneur knows, a turnover doesn't equal a profit. There are costs to subtract first; like, importing food for the tourists and supplying them with water and energy. Not to mention... you can figure all that yourself. But the horekaffers and our B. Leeders can't.
Talking About Delay
It's now almost 2 months ago that the deliberations between Isla refinery and CPR should have been finished and an agreement reached. 2nd week of September.
A terrifying silence ensued.
Powerful Action
That's what we need, without delay, to prevent a bankruptcy of CMC hospital; or so thinks the entire M*F*K faction. I'm glad they agree, with each other and me. Only question is, will we get it? Not to mention it's a bit late. It's all libel and slander of course that their predecessors, and then some (what you'd almost call a free-for-all), actually caused the problem.
Good Name; or not?
Don't Give Up
Economy minister Cijntje en PM Prickie are still relishing the idea to start another wee airline of our very own, to replace KLM's cancelled flights.
CTB has been told a month ago that the Christmas flights were fully booked, but KLM denies this. Are both lying? Could well be.
Not That?
Than it's of no use, is my guess. The Kingdom wants to re-establish relations with Venezuela, after that country shut off the borders with the Dutch islands. But that will not mean we'll recognize the results of the last elections where president Maduro "won" (with a little help, it's suspected).
You think Venezuela will go for that?
For Once
PM Prickie announces that he'll not allow CMC hospital to go bankrupt. To prevent it, the recommendations of NZa Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit [Dutch care authority] will be followed literally.
I wanna see that!
No Worries Staatssecretaris van Huffelen sees no reason to interfere in the government because of the Curaçao nursing homes. They have so little funds that the oldies sometimes have to share meals; promised subsidies are not coming through.
But she does say it's not good that this goes on, and she cares about it. Wow! that's good to know.
Too Bad if You're Ill
The general practitioners threaten they'll go on strike if health minister Dorothy-Pieters will not have a doctor's office opened in CMC hospital 3 weeks from now. They're fed up, they say. So are we.
So Sollee!
(That's all wrong, you know. Many Asians can't pronounce the "l", but the "r" just rolls of their tongues.)
Have had some computer trouble the past week. I'm trying to make good. Just like with our politicians, You Must Have Patience. Only, in this case it may bring you somewhere. Thanks for visiting! 05-11-2022
"To derive climate catastrophes from these computer games and to scare Mankind to death is a crime."
Certainly a refreshing viewpoint, if not optimistic: The threat is Global Cooling. You don't even have to read between the lines any more: people are getting fed up with "Eco-Warrior" and related loons, and their antics.
But Who Cares? KLM's flight reductions will cost the island many millions of guilders, and the Dutch government can't dictate KLM policies.(Even if it wanted to, an extremely moot point.) The soiled rats will still get "their" money; one way or the other, we'll have to cough that up. While inflation keeps growing.
But the 2023 Carnival plans are ready, so rejoice! All in all the festivities will take 7 (seven) weeks; almost 2 (two) months.
The entire show costs 1.4 million guilders, of which 550K is expected to come from the business world. CHATA is mentioned specifically. Those same guys complaining their world has collapsed because of KLM, right.
And in 2025, Carnival is expected to be independent from government subsidies.
They Won
The spoiled brats' 12.5% salary cut will be ended, the government has told the trade unions. However, this is not conform the Dutch conditions; minister Silly Vain hopes to get state secretary van Huffelen's reply next week.
It will have to be fased out gradually, anyway. So the brats will fight on, little doubt about that!
Van Huffelen has already declared she doesn't like it one bit: Curaçao is violating the agreements. What else is new? It's our culture!
Where Silly Vain thinks to get the money from is another question. Can he think? Good point.
You'll Never Guess
In August consumer prices have gone up compared to July. Oh, you did guess? You must have cheated.
Price index went up by 1.1%, and inflation rate to 5.8%.
Right on Time
The promised renovation of the Helmin Wiels Boulevard has just started. Will take a month.
That's a mere 7 weeks after September 1 when the works should have been started. Update: it will only start next Monday, the 24th.
Join the Club!
ABC bus company, a government company, is in such a deplorable (to coin a word) state that taxes and social premiums can't be paid.
Not only have they been selling much less tickets, the subsidy has also been reduced. Then there's the higher diesel fuel price. Resulting in a total loss of 200K guilders/month. It will take a month for SOAB tax accounting to look at the problem.
What ABC wants is to go back to the old subsidy, and then a little bit more. Sure. We can afford it.
Oh No! Please Not!
Minister Cijntje seems to toy with the idea to start another airline? Really? For transport between CUR-AMS. We'll tread where KLM passes!
Those suckers never learn their lessons. But we did. At any rate, I'd guess there's no money for such wild idiocy. Good.
Didn't Know That
PIN party says that we shouldn't focus exclusively on tourism. See? Even auntie Sushi can be right sometimes. One thing we're told now is that Hato Airport is more expensive than comparable airports around here, so that's why KLM prefers flying to Japan instead. Didn't KLM know that 2 weeks ago? We all did.
At any rate, there she comes again with her cannabis-farming and other hobbies, like water should be cheaper for agriculture. The logical answer to me seems, if water is too expensive, do something else.
And Mudbelly Cooper should make haste upgrading Hato back to category 1 status. As if.
That Will Help
PM Prick Pisas has met tourism bosses to see what can be done about KLM's decision to halve the number of AMS-CUR flights (not much, just my idea) and promised it will be looked into what compensation they could get. That's beyond risible. We should pay because they make less money? So do we.
Now Prick will write a letter to Dutch PM Rutte. That will get his panties in a wad and make him shake in his boots!
KLM wants to use the 777-300 on flights to Japan, instead. They hope to make more money that way, I guess. Which is the name of the game.
Just Stop It
Merely my private opinion. But SER social economic council also has many doubts about the proposed lottery law changes. First, control will be next to impossible. And the large amount of money involved just ask for money laundering with all its consequences.
More Roman than the Pope
Holland is getting out of the ECT [energy charter treaty] because, as minister Jetten claims, it "hinders the Paris climate goals rather than contributes to them."
It treats the fossil fuel companies (those bastards) too kindly, he adds. Imagine: they would be allowed to sue the government for compensation claims!
Don't Make Us Laugh
The designer of Curaçao's new logocoat-of-arms maintains she drew the images used in there herself.
Well, doesn't look like that at all. They're just copied'n'pasted; or it may be a coincidence. Three coincidences!
Dolphins Lost
They don't have to be flown back to Curaçao. As has happened to others, Animal Rights was too late in starting the court case. Also, the judge thought Animal Rights had no legal interest.
Nobody asked the dolphin-slaves, of course.
Maybe unexpectedly, the Makana ferry connecting the Windward Islands had transported 9090 passengers in this year's first 7 months, while 7625 flew. Dutch state secretary van Huffelen concludes that, therefore, the ferry is more popular. Genius!
No kidding, very good for Makana after the struggles to get the show on the road sea.
Sure, That's How They Work
"Work" in quotation marks? D'accord. Since a thunderstorm three weeks ago, 2 of Flow's (formerly UTS) digital antennas are out of order, with the result that some areas don't have any cell-phone or even land-line service at all; and Flow doesn't seem to be able, or willing, to do anything about it. Neither the cabinet and parliament can do a thing. They say.
Maybe that info is wrong; it's what I understand from an letter to Ye Editor.
VBC entrepreneurs club thinks the tax burden for businesses is too high. The government does everything to fight its deficit, they say, which may not be the optimal solution.
Yes, they do almost everything—except lower their own costs; which just maybe might help more.
Just One Question
MP Nita wants to fight poverty by forcing onderstandtrekkers [welfare receivers] to go find a job.
What job?
Endless Bickering
Now SEHOSpital is fighting the country about old debts, which Sehos thinks the country must pay. But of course, what else? the country thinks different. It's all because Sehos was originally supposed to take over the new hospital, but then that became SMC's function.
Maybe Sehos should be happy it has not been addled with that white elephant as well.
Why Them
SOAB tax accounting bureau has been asked to look into the selection procedure for the country's new coat-of-arms. Looks like monkey business has been going on. May I say it? So stop me, already: would be in style!
Number Five?
Not sure about that; but in which case, a majority of our ministers is ''outlandish' as it may be called. Now it's justice minister Hato for an Interpol conference in New Delhi.
I Was Waiting for That
Please note how I refrained from comments on the new Curaçao coat of arms. I just wondered what it was good for, right from the announcement. But now, criticism has burst loose. The kolibri hummingbird is the wrong color (blue instead of green); the cactus is not a Curaçao type (more like a saguaro); the fishing boat looks more like a Venezuelan go-fast (I can't see it, but would be very appropriate—our economy makes much more money on drug deals than on fish); Mi País (my country) uses an accent which is incorrect. Not only in Papiamentu, but also on capitals.
Worse, the designer (who lives in Holland, yes) is accused of having won because she has a family member in the jury. And the elements used in her design have been downloaded from Shutterstock. Well, that's what Shutterstock is for.
Some people like it, but it's only now people seem to be realizing that this will cost much money; which we don't have (so what?) Letterheads must be adapted, and so must coffee cups. Coffee cups? Yes, that's mentioned. I may add, driver's licenses, sedula IDs... much more. Nobody knows what this tomfoolery will cost. And I mean nobody.
That's how the tourism industry calls KLM's decision to halve the number of flights AMS-CUR, two weeks after announcing they were doubled. Really, I can understand they don't like it, but after all, we're merely back at where we were only just now.
What I can't make out is why KLM would do this. Weird is the woid. They must have been making pots-o-money on the route and all of a sudden they decide it isn't worth it?
Forty Million Dollars
For DOK/Damen Shipyard. Well, that's something. Maybe this will stimulate the economy? Maybe: half of that is meant to pay old debts.
They Steal, You Pay
Aqualectra figures 18% of electricity is stolen, and even 28-30% of water. That used to be called "leaks" but there's no getting around the fact that it's just theft.
Used to be 11% and 20%, but since the 20% economic Virus downfall it has gone up in a frightening way. You ask me, it was frightening already. So why didn't Aqualectra take adequate measures to stop this in the past?
Because they just kept raising the tariffs for paying consumers to cover the thefts. Now, they blame politics.
5 Licensees
Minister Silly Vain gives Antilliaans Dagblad the names of all legit gambling license holders: Antillephone—Cyberluck—Gaming Services Provider—Curaçao Interactive Licensing—The Elite Turf Club.
The other tens? hundreds? then must be illegitimate.
No Way
KLM's canceled AMS-CUR flights will result in half the number of stay-over tourists next season. Tough. Now PNP minister Cijntje wants TUI and Air Belgium to have more flights from Brussels, to compensate. But those two are flying at full capacity already.
Seems KLM is blaming Schiphol Airport troubles, but they have problems themselves which may have caused the reduction.
Tain't So!
PAR ex-finance minister De Lannooy claims ex-PM Shorty made 200 million guilders disappear via a special CBCS central bank account. But present minister Silly Vain says it's all nonsense, the money is still there for use by the island, and PAR is just sowing disruption 12 years later.
12 years? A bit less, I can only figure.
Large part of the money went to cover pension fund deficits.
You Think They Can?
M*F*K party wants a new law of prison reform. But RvA advisory council wants them to come across with all relevant reports referred to in the Memorie van Toelichting [explanatory memorandum]. Within 6 weeks, or the bill will be returned to the planners.
Not for Us to Know
MP Thodé has asked PM Prickie about the developments on the Isla refinery take-over. But Prickie is only prepared to answer his questions in a closed meeting of the College of Seniors. Just imagine that we commoners would get to know what's going on!
No Joke?
For 2022, Curaçao may have a budget deficit of 4 million guilders. What can we do but wait and see?
And for 2023, the budget must fulfill all norms. I take it, no deficit? But wait: State Secretary van Huffelen says that's because, according to the World Health Fund, we've had a powerful economic recovery in 2021 and 2022, and the inflation is expected to shrink next year.
Well, maybe; but I strongly doubt that. Also, did you notice any 'powerful growth'? Neither did I.
So, There It Went
Most of the €86.4 million Holland paid Curaçao because of some tax deal called BRK went to fill up the financial hole left by the Girobank debacle. Which means, come right down to it, it can't be used for other things; which we, then, are left to pay for.
Lovely to Read
As a tax payer who has had many years of struggles with the Tax Person, I am warily applauding the announcement that, first, old bezwaarschriften [objections] will be handled faster, if they're about a small amount. "Faster" doesn't mean so much; delays often took years. And years.
The Tax Person admits that many objections have been lost in the fire and in the following move to other locations. Very sloppy, that last one. Trust 'em...
Also, much better still, the Tax Person will try to improve the integrity of basis administrations and raise the percentage of declarations that are processed correctly.
You mean, they weren't in the past? I am shocked! Shocked! I tell you!
Fancy That!
Now that KKC's Nardy Cramm has won the process against the gambling institutes, she's permitted to call the sub-license system "illegal" without running a chance of getting a further complaint by those institutes. Which was the real cause for the court case.
In fact, because Cyberluck (and I guess, others as well) did sub-license other gambling sites they may well have been acting illegally themselves. Once more, hearty congrats to Nardy Cramm. Maybe she can even return to leading a normal life? Don't count on it.
Now What?
KLM is almost halving the capacity AMS-CUR in the coming season (December-March). The "double-daily" flights will be reduced to one. Because of the Schiphol overload troubles.
Naturally, tourist business will suffer. Goes to show you, once again (but some people are hard learners) that it's just not a reliable economy pillar.
Oh, We're Used to That
Of the 9 ministers, 4 are outlandish right now. I'll spare you the reasons.
Aha! Good One!
"Ecocide is human impact on the environment causing mass destruction to that environment." God Wikipedia says so, therefore it must be true.
Be it ever so vague; so much the better. A great word to add to the ever-growinglist.
More Power to Red Tape
In spite of all promises, nothing has been done to remove the bureaucracy's obstacles to start and run a business. Why should we expect different? "It's our culture!"
Our Weirded Beardo PM says it's because the government has capacity problems, which lead to delays. While our idea is that, the more people work there, the longer everything takes.
So Amigoe mentions, not in passing, that the government is still working on increasing its income, not to lower its costs. That's our culture as well; the soiled rats wouldn't want it different.
Cute Colonialism
Tomorrow, a statue of swim champion Enith Brigitha will be unveiled. In Almere, where she lived for twenty years. Brigitha has been living in Holland since her 15th.
Small wonder that the statue won't be here, where she was born.
No More Tokos
As from October 1, no new permits will be given for super-, mini- and subminimarkets. Their profilation is getting out of hand. In fact, has been doing so long since. Many of them are driven by Chinese and incorporate snacks (mainly for beer-swilling).
The interrogation marks apply to the source of the news: Kralendijk. Huh? Anyway, Aqualectra seems to start collecting the back-fees for garbage collection, which they often haven't taken the trouble to do.
Small wonder, as I seem to remember the Garbage Tax wasn't passed on to Selikor. So it was just extra income for the government.
Fee was raised last year or so to 35 guilders/month.
May Be Good News—for Some
SEHOspital, now SEF foundation, has suggested the government to take over 57% of SEF's debts. This is not so unreasonable, as it's largely the government's fault those debts exist. Then, the government would participate in the new exploitation project.
Please don't! Let the government take care of government affairs, not ours.
I can only hope this won't give Bas Filippini a new chance.
For PAR's MP Paulette, who starts a diatribe against our ministers and other MPs, telling them that it's about time they start looking forward instead of keeping up their boring wining about the past.
And besides, she adds, Holland keeps telling us time and time again that we're free to get out of the kingdom anytime we wish. (Only, the people are not enthusiastic, as per divers referenda.)
M*F*K PM Prick Pisas asked for two weeks' time to think it over.
Tough, Kids
Court has taken a decision: the case against the new gas station at Malpais, started by pump holder associations, is not valid and the new gas station may continue building, and open later.
Now let's see if the other stations will start demolishing it, as they claimed they had a right to do.
That's Plain Plum Crazy
Curaçao was the top 4th destination of travelers using Schiphol Amsterdam Airport in July-August. Only surpassed by New York, Atlanta and Dubai.
That's Fine! A Real Relief!
Parliament head America-Francisca tells us that the recent working visit to Holland was fruitful.
So it was no waste after all?
Good. Sic 'Em!
O.M. public ministry will appeal the case against the cops, "allegedly" involved in the bold theft of 600 kilos of drugs fromm police HQ Rio Canario. The three main caharcters were found "not guilty".
What We Need
Water! Maybe not these days when we have some rain; but that's never enough; and won't last. Someting the optimists don't seem to get through their skulls.
The Dutch Heritage projectAwa pa Kòrsow [water for Curaçao) which wants "to repair the watersheds of the natural and cultural-historical Curaçao water system." Sounds fine, but then the doubting starts. It will be a Living Lab... say, where did we read that term again? Oh yeah. The theme is "energy transition and sustainability", modish enough for you?
Dutch government will invest €2.5 million, supplemented by €4.4 million by Dutch provinces and municipalities.
We Know
The maintenance of government buildings is deplorable. You just have to look at many of them while walking by to nitice. There are a lot of reasons, but they all boil down to "No Interest Exists".
Now, a workgroup will be installed to look at the [problem.
Gee, I wonder how much the members of that workgroup will be paid; and for how long.
Let's Hope It Works
But I don't have much confidence. It is announced that a new, not-yet-there, Gaming Law LOK will end the present GCB Curaçao Gaming Board and replace it with CGA Curaçao Gaming Authority.LOK will not only regulate Curaçao gambling but also, in fat a main objective, the international gaming institutions.
The new law will enble better cotacts with international authorities, but (uh oh) also insists on cooperation with the gambling industry itself.
For starters, the practice of master licensees enabling sub-licensees was already prohibited. As so often, it's not a matter of having laws: it's maintaining and applying them. For that reason, a new law may not really mean any difference.
What's the Difference
The IMF int'l momentary monetary fund predicts that next year, 2023, will "feel like a recession."
Ya mean this and last year didn't?
No; like I keep doing, they add "You ain't seen nothing yet."
Inflation will peak at 9.5% this year and only slow down to 4.1% in 2024.
I Shouldn't Wonder
According to Soab tax accounting the BearingPoint deal, supposed to improve tax efficiency, has cost the community 20 million guilders, which is characterized as "frittered away". This doesn't include costs made by Tax Persons from 2015 to 2019.
Blame for the debacle is loaded on the shoulders of Vanessa Gijs & Bertha, daughter of PAR's then minister of finance.
The Sandals swimming pool, which sort of exploded a while ago, is almost ready for re-use. How nice! Hope for the best...
Three ministers are present in Parliament to discuss the traffic safety problem. All three have a say: in licenses, traffic and planning. Mudbelly Cooper says it may take a week to answer all questions. I dare say. He mentions the "Three Es": Education, Engineering and Enforcement. Which last E is translated as Financing. LOL.
Not Only Here
SVB social insurance wants the patients to pay themselves for OTC over-the-counter medicine, which will save SVB 4.9 million/year. The botikas/drugstores protest and call this nothing but an artificial premium raise. But in fact, this is a trend in many other countries; among which Holland and Aruba.
That May Help
For those who are fed up with the government's laissez-faire approach to the gambling cancer, welcome news: court has decided that all gambling sub-licenses are illegal.
International criminal organizations use (not only?) illegal sublicenses for laundering profits of drugs, arms, and human trafficking deals. Which often serve to support terrorism as well.
Both KKC's Nardy Cramm and her lawyer Roel Bijkerk (and his family) have been doxed by the gambling mafia in attempts to stop them.
This is the court of appeals, where Cramm applied to after the first case. Makes you curious about what the Gambling "Industry" will do now.
No More Support
Dutch liquidity support for Aruba and Curçao will be ended for this year. And next year as well, when they may not deviate from the budgetary norms. As Cft financial supervision says no support is asked for, this shouldn't have any consequences.
And Holland has made 20 million € available anyway in support of Damen Shiprepair/CDM Dok.
Improvement? new Curaçao Coat of Arms 2022-10-11
Good Job!
It has finally been leaked: the 3 managers of CMC hospital have a salary of almost half a million guilders/year.
Which rather causes us to view their lamentations about the hospital's budget deficiencies in a different light.
That's All
A quote from Curaçao Chronicle says it all: "The Curaçao police do not have their own integrity monitoring in order. This is according to the Law Enforcement Council. The Council conducted research into the way in which the force examines its own integrity and takes a disciplinary approach."
The Officer of Justice doesn't properly do his job, either, concludes the Council.
Looks Good? No!
The Dutch Heritage Deal, with Monument Fund, focuses on Curaçao's freshwater supply. Would be a good thing, but for starters, they plan to restore water-catching dams. Good, except for the fact that it's often impossible because of infrastructure and (road) building. Still, what there's left, please do. Presto.
But another thing is, they want to start grubbing; which means removing all vegetation upstream of the dams—which seems a good thing but isn't. The idea is that plants drink water which must be caught behind the dams instead. But they should read frater Arnoldo's fulmination against this practice, where on the advice of Commissie Krul (1949) the terrain bordering Julianadorp was completely denuded. Arnoldo's idea is, the vegetation breaks the force of falling rain and then, via the roots, enables it to penetrate the soil and thus creating a large number of miniature dams.
Frater M. Arnoldo-Broeders, Handleiding tot het gebruik van inheemse en ingevoerde gewassen op Aruba, Bonaire en Curaçao, Curaçao 1967.
Wasn't end September supposed to be the final closure date for the Isla refinery take-over?
Yes, it was— only, it was not.
Longer Control
RFT Rijkswet financieel toezicht [kingdom law Financial Supervision] will remain in force at least until 2024 for Curaçao and St. Maarten.
Among other arguments, that's because the countries from 2018-2020 didn't keep to the RFT norms. But oh no, it's not their fault; they couldn't help it!
There was this Irma hurricane and the close-down of Isla refinery. And a lot of other things; read on.
Are They Ever?
The Bloke di 6 spoiled rats' unions re not satisfied with the deals proposed by the RvM council of ministers on their holiday bonus and all. They complain that "nothing is guaranteed", and demand there must be an accorded budget, plus the SOE managers' top salaries must be arranged.
Just like RvM said.
It Could Be Worse...
Energy users in Britain were paying 64.21 Euro cents per kilowatt hour for electricity in August, according to analysis produced by the Household Energy Price Index.
We pay Aqualectra ANG0.9341/kW (max), or €0.52935.
Someone Has to Say It
For the last time, in an exhibition of den Haag, Holland's Nationaal Staatsarchief, the original record by father Schink's 1795 conversation with slave revolution leader Tula will be shown. Without denying this is a touching document, it has always looked to me more like heavily romanticized than like a literal quote of Tula's actual words. In the first place, the Dutch is much too intricate. Without knowing anything about Tula's education (nor, fair guess, really does nobody) it does look rather unlikely that he would have been able to express himself like that—in Dutch.
There can be little or no doubt he expressed himself in Papiamento.
It's Schinkel's version of the conversation that, as we have nothing else, is always being quoted as a literal quotation of what Tula said. Highly questionable: as Schinkel only wrote it after the conversation, it can only have been edited—and embellished?
There We Go
RVM Ministerial Council has accorded paying out the holiday bonus (6%) and the annulment of curtailment of vacation hours (3.5%) in 2023. For the spoiled brats, the rest of us have to make do with whatever they can get. It's coupled to introduction of the maximum salaries for SOE managers, accordance by parliament of the 2023 budget (it will be) and Curaçao's liquidity position by then.
Let's wait for how that develops.
Bad News
Prices have gone up by 0.9% in July, bringing the inflation to 5.5%. Peanuts compared with Holland and the USA, to name but a few. But costs of living have gone up with 8.2%; still lower than elsewhere.
Others say it's only 5.4%. Still high.
Just a Chance
Oh, that's why the governments want a piece of the action. There's a chance, however remote it may be, that there's oil in the 35 km^2 area the Kingdom wants to concede to Santo Domingo. That may cost us tens or hundreds of millions of dollars!
Then again, there may not be oil or whatever to be found there.
In any case, Dutch minister Hoekstra tells the island governments that the Kingdom's rights to the area are unsure, and the islands are satisfied with that. So why I even discuss it, I don't understand.
Maybe to show that our reps hardly know what they're making noises about. Once again.
It's Like That, Huh? Juridische Zaken [judicial affairs] have three (3) times advised negatively on Mudbelly Cooper's reversal of the Spaw Oostpunt marine protection zone, they emphatically declare.
But the minister can still do what he wants, after all, they add. What's the use? So he did.
Oh, Great
The meeting on the 12.5% spoiled brats' salary cuts has been postponed. But here's the good news: the 25% cut on ministers and parliament members will be ended next year June. If they're in a hurry and want it sooner , a Landsverordening [law] must be introduced.
More work...
Meaning, We
The Country will have to pay for the Girobank debacle. Which of course means, you and I. Finance ministry is looking for solutions. Why, that's an easy one: raise taxes! or take money away from, like (just examples) health, environment, education, road maintenance... See? Plenty of possibilities.
Just don't lower salaries!
We'd All Like to Know
DOEN teachers' club wonders if education really is a priority in this country. The government said not long ago investment was needed "based on policy and vision" but that was all we heard.
What's the Difference?
Being no economist, I couldn't tell you. But in July, prices have gone up by 0.9% and inflation to 5.5%. No doubt they're related.
At least much lower than in the USA or Holland.
But Naturally
It seems to have been a busy weekend, with the result that several MCBank ATMs had a shortage of cash supply, which has been adjusted by now. Comments MCB, "Of course we try to have customers use their debit cards instead of cash." Of course! The bank makes a percentage on card transactions; not when you pay cash.
Besides, that way the Tax Person can be sure s/he get their cut.
"No Comment" Milieu en Natuur [environment and nature] director Murray doesn't want to comment on Mudbelly Cooper's decision to discard the Oostpunt coastal buffer zone just like that. "I'm nog going to make polarizing statements" he says. He also tells an Amigoe journalist that it's not ethical for him to ask more questions.
Ethical huh? Look who's talking.
Back to Stealing
After last having heard that the number of atrakos and burglaries had gone down, that seems to be over again. Past week we had 3 atrakos, 14 home, 6 business and 6 car burglaries. But weirdly, no car thefts.
Don't Laugh, Please
A Dutch MP has asked state secretary van Huffelen questions about the 12.5% salary cut for civil servants. He thinks this should have been researched first, by considering Caribbean prices.
The Dutch MP is a member of PvvD, the Party for Animals. I refrain from further comment.
Let's Waste More Time
MPs will discuss decolonization once again. Even though the United Nations has repeatedly declared that we are no colony; who cares? As long as parliament can spend waste more time discussing it. In Dutch the expression is oeverloos which may be (weakly) translated as 'boundless'.
Stop that Nagging
Please? M*F*K Staten/parliament head America Francisca starts nagging about the maritime agreement between the kingdom and Santo Domingo. She has no problem with the agreement as such, she says; so what's her problem? Well, she just raps about a "democratic deficit" because the governments of those teeny weeny islands weren't involved. So more time could be wasted.
We Pay, Anyway
Finance minister Silly Vain says those SOEs don't pay any dividends, and the exorbitant top salaries are paid through the tariffs.
Just one question, doesn't have the government anything at all to say in its own enterprises?
CMC Woes
CMC management is cutting into personnel; and not in operating rooms either. Their salaries will be cut. It's up to the government to fix the structural deficit of 300 million guilders, says CMC.
But CMC management denies the news as published. You go figure.
And the government wants to get rid of CMC director Martina, who is one of those getting a salary higher than the PM's.
Enough, Already
People living in Julianadorp are fed up with the heavy truck traffic speeding through their neighborhood. One road has been reduced to rubble (so what's new?) and it will get worse since new building at Blue Bay has been announced.
Julianadorp has originally been built as a residential center for Shell Isla staff members. Well do I remember there were guarded barrier gates at the entrances, much to the disgust of (black) Curazoleños wishing to enter there. The gates disappeared with Shell; in fact even earlier. Maybe it's time to bring them back.
Familiar Story Gets Still Older
Fuel station associations have gone to court to stop a new illegal station, now being built by Malpais on the road to Westpunt. It has no licenses or permits whatsoever, is against the rule that distance between 2 stations should be 5kms; and will be unsafe (adding injury to insult), they claim. Further, the building illegally occupies public grounds.
If the country does not comply, the associations say they are qualified to tear the building down themselves. Pass the popcorn, and more butter, please.
This is the very same station that caused someone to complain to Google to stop their advertising on my Circus page when I wrote about it. Good riddance, anyway. I( figured it was Pinhead Martina, but could be wrong.
If It Works
MEO ministry of economic development is working on an app where prices in several supermarkets can be compared, so you can decide where to go shopping.
I can see one possible drawback: the digital prices will be taken down during supermarket price checks. Which may be more than the government apparatus can handle.
This is supposed to replace, maybe, the makuto básiko arrangement which may come to an end.
Geography Lesson
Mudbelly Cooper announces, and the press just takes it over to publish, that the "Road to Westpunt" will be resurfaced. At least part of it: the part between Santa Cruz and Lagun.
Only, that's not "the" Road to Westpunt at all. Both roads are in a deplorable condition, true enough.
Mudbelly also says 80% of the roads are in bad condition. I guess my demands are higher than his.
Might Help... Maybe
So KLM (and Transavia, much the same thing as far as I know) will ban "unruly" passengers from flights for 5 years. Meanwhile, if you're stuck with one as your neighbor, you're still struck.
Here's the Answer Amigoe asks in a headline: "How realistic and substantiated is the budget?"
Then the paper proceeds to give, realistically and substantiated, the answer: it isn't any of these things. Neither for income nor for costs.
Just as you'd expect.
It's a Trend
More and more airline passengers get unruly during a flight. Which is not hard to follow: they're pitched together in steadily shrinking seats which calls for all sorts of frustration. Which some people work out in getting aggressive
Now KLM has announced measures to prevent that. Now, passengers get a warning for physical violence; later they will get one for unacceptable verbal expressions. Oh, I'm sure that will help.
Humbly submit a better solution would be not to crowd the passengers like that. Yes, prices per seat would go up. So be it. You get what you pay for.
Finance minister Silly Vain continues, maybe for good reasons, to blame Bhillie's PAR for having sold our autonomy to Holland in exchange for a bag full of money. First, he says, many PAR-associated business have made millions on the NOW Corona-relief deals. I wouldn't wonder. But PAR's Cuales denies that Bhillie has coupled the Dutch loans to the 12.5% soiled rats' salary cut.
This can go on for years—without leading anywhere.
Makuto Mash
Economic minister Cijntje went ahead and adapted the makuto básiko [basic basket] with 74 products; without listening to the agents/importers. So they went to court (October 17). With the result that we now may expect a shortage of foodstuffs.
Cijntje figures a fixed mark-up will take care of raising prices, while the importers warn that this does not include higher transport costs (both oversea as local).
Integrity? Hey, Not Yet
The Integrity Bureau, planned for 2023, will be delayed a bit. At least, it will be installed (more soiled rats on the payroll) but will only become operational later.
The bureau is supposed to work both preventively and repressively against corruption and fraud in the government. Small wonder it's delayed.
This while PNP Martina when the budget was being discussed was of the opinion that we didn't need yet another bureau with high personnel costs.
Here's Your Chance!
Now that the Campo Alegre seems to be turning into a white elephant, festeringly stuck like a fat thorn in the side of our government, there's still other ways to get a decent job. The Dolphin Academy is looking for a new manager, whose job will entail maximizing the academy's financial performance. Quite a challenge in these difficult times.
He Said It
Comenencia, himself a plenpotmin in den Haag from 2004-2009, had a few words to say about our Curaçaohuis. What the islands need is an enormous effort to strengthen their departments in Holland. We don't want a staff of friends and family members there, but a team of knowledgeable advisors and jurists.
A rather obvious put down of the way the Curaçaohuis has been run. We only need to think back to Fräudlein Wiels and the present plenpotmin Manuel to see what he means. And to agree.
Just Nastily Nagging
Not really. But we keep reading about how Curaçao agriculture is doing so well these days, and must be promoted. Nothing against that. Only, it's not agriculture they're talking about: it's horticulture. Which is fine, and can be successful. Looking back, we had the Chinese gardens (which quietly died when the Chinese discovered there was more money in restaurants and supermarkets) followed by the Portuguese (who in turn started supermarkets, with some of them now specializing in garden plants).
Don't fool yourself: unless we get a way to grow stock food in large quantities, forget about feeding our population with our own produce. Which means factories, in fact. Which would still need imported chemicals and all that.
The End of the Affair
A newspaper ad informs us that the bankruptcy of Dutch Caribbean Airlines DCA has been "lifted in the absence of benefits". So that soap has finally come to an end.
Why Should They
Everybody must join in the wholesome family fun! The Pride manifestation is pissed off because no official government delegation joined the festivities and wave rainbow flags.
Is this now an obligation?
The Prides were also disgruntled because the Emma pontoon bridge had to be opened for a freighter during the march, and wasn't even lighted in their rainbow colors. Maybe if they paid for it themselves? A mere suggestion.
Don't get me wrong: they have their rights! So do we.
Wait and See
Biding our time. The Sentro pro Arte theater, which was burned down during one of those peaceful demonstrations riots should be rebuilt. Three possible locations are mentioned: the old one and two in Willemstad center.
As the building burned down in 2016 and had been standing unused then for twenty years, I don't see any particular hurry. Of course, it's an nice object to spend, and just possibly make, some money on.
Well Enough Is Too Bad
The Bloke di 6 block of Spoiled Rats unions not only want their 12.5% salary cut eradicated; no, they want all that deducted money paid out retroactively. Same for secundary work conditions.
To spell it out, what do they care about our Covid-ruined economy? How like them.
A workgroup will shortly come out with recommendations. We all know what they will be already: Pay Us.
Really? Is That What They're for?
Our friendly neighborly president Maduro of Venezuela has announced there will be new marine basis on the Caribbean cost (they have no other one, so ça va sans dire).
They're supposed to help fight drug dealing. Don't make me laugh.
This is no laughing matter, to be sure. Next, we may need more USA FOL operations and Dutch Koninklijke Marine/Royal Navy units.
Maybe that's why Holland is ordering 4 new submarines? Don't think so.
That's Telling Him
I mean you, Calmes. IPKO conference has decided that the language to be used is Dutch, and if somebody wants to speak a different one, he has to provide an interpreter.
At his own cost. Heh heh.
How Did That Go Again?
Something with horses and locked stables... Now, the fire brigade stations are getting security, since they were burglarized and their stolen equipment used to equip heist attempts.
Great Business!
The gambling industry may rest contented. In only the Netherlands until July, €486 million was spent on gambling.
You'd think the gambling corps. would have enough left from that to pay the winners. Not so? Anyway, they don't (always) do.
Bad Idea
Minister Mudbelly Cooper has ended a bufferzone of 100ms around Oostpunt, which served to protect the Marine Park there. One fell swoop. Raad van Advies [advisory council] was against this, but what does Mudbelly care?
Poignantly, the bufferzone was installed after the destruction of coral for the building of the second cruise-ship pier, the Tula pier. Stands for our liberation, right? But not from politicians' excesses.
Much as I agree with the Maal family that they should be able to develop their property, I think this is a bad way to go about it. Opens the road to wanton destruction.
Even auntie Sushi has protested Cooper's U-turn and doubts his motives.
Not If I Can Help It
An expert has just been promoted on her thesis that Curaçao must join the €U in a UPG status, because of the way the €U "effectively and efficiently handles the present world's challenges".(Really! No fooling!) Which would mean the €U's a-democratic bureaucracy's regulations will become the letter of Law here.
Just what we needed. Remember how several countries' referenda where the people did not agree with what the €U wanted were just swept aside? Among which one in the Netherlands. Not to mention Poland, Hungary and since last week Italy.
But expert Rekwest is manager of a setup called Europe Direct Curaçao, which doesn't exactly make her an unprejudiced voice.
Oh No...
There's a regiegroep [steering group] at work with CMC hospital to find solutions to its problems. It's led by lawyer Chester Peterson, member of the infamous Peppi & Kokkie gang.
It Happened!
A tanker has delivered 600,000 barrels of fuel oil at the Bullenbaai Terminal. Long time no see. The terminal has been partly adapted from crude oil storage by Curaçao refinery CRU and also made "compliant with the high-security standards required."
The storage is part of the agreement between Refineria di Kòrsou (RdK) and the intended operator. Who? 20 ex-Isla workers have been rehired.
Still lots of loose ends. Negotiations continue to reach an agreement on the Refinery acquisition. Amigoe calls this 'Bullenbaai is in full operation'. Rather optimistic: Bullenbaai has 6 piers with 1 now, temporarily, in use.
In Style
At the IPKO conference, our Staten head M*F*K America-Francisca thinks it's a remnant of colonial times to ask our government to accept conditions which may not agree with voters' decisions in future elections.
Sorry, miz; it's called continuity of government, a principle that also exists in the private world. When you agree on something, the idea is that the agreement will be honored by all parties in the future. Or you're nowhere, man.
You Can!
Only, nobody will understand you. Trabao pa Kòrsow MP Calmes, now in Holland for IPKO meetings, got all excited about the fact that he couldn't speak in Papiamento—in Dutch parliament. He asked for an interpreter.
The word that comes to mind is "entitled".
Well, Calmes, MPs from Friesland and Limburg speak ABN (general Dutch) in parliament just like that. And, even though Dutch is still one of our 3 official languages, I'd like to hear one of our own MPs here speaking in Dutch. S/he wouldn't have the nerve.
Apart from the fact where Calmes will be after next elections. Doesn't matter, you're right. Doesn't matter at all.
They Just Go On
Foundation for Representation of Victims of Online Gaming (SBGOK) is now proceeding against 1XBet, a gaming consortium originating in Russia. However, the 4 main bosses have fled to Cyprus to evade the court cases Russia started against them. Russia and Ukraine have stopped its activities, which resulted in them being banned from the UK as well.
Not here though, are you kidding?
1XBet is supposed to be bankrupt here, but is still accepting bets. Hey, why not? They still have sponsorship deals with FC Barcelona, Italy's Serie A, Olympique Lyonnais, Paris Saint-Germain and the Confederation of African Football (CAF). Vive le sport!. They also have attracted a porn star as ambassador.
17 losers are now combined in the action against 1xBet, hoping to be turned back into winners.
So those sporting clubs are involved in illegal gambling, porn and probably drugs dealing and money laundering as well. Let's be realistic: doesn't surprise me one tiny bit.
Steal Drugs Scott Free
But first, become a cop! All three suspected of stealing hundreds of keys of drugs from police office Rio Canario have been found not guilty in court. There were only witnesses statements against them, with no corroborating proof.
Only one has been convicted to 6 years in jail, but that was for being involved in illegal drugs import and dealing plus stealing his official gun. Five others have been convicted of drugs dealing.
OM public ministry is considering an appeal.
That Will Help
M*F*K PM Prick wants an interim management for CMC hospital. He thinks the present leadership is guilty of mismanagement. (So is his minister of health, am I right?) Besides, we've seen this before oftentimes. Like when the Venezuelan government fired most of the PdVSA oil workers and replaced them with military people—pronto resulting in almost total destruction of the company's worth.
Don't They?
The influx of Venezuelans in Aruba and Curçao is called heavy. True enough: "as if Holland is accepting 2 million immigrants" it's said. Which raises the question, how many immigrants did Holland admit? Well, that's over 250,000 in 2021 alone.
Not counting emigrants.
Good News
Since July 21 Knipselkrant Curaçao has been as good as dead because of cyber-attacks. I don't doubt this had to do with the gambling "industry".
But this morning, I found them up and running again. Congrats, KKC! We sorely missed you.
Yes, We'd Like That
At the IPKO conference, Aruba and Curaçao complain that they're being punished by Holland. And why not? Both behave like troublesome pupils in a classroom. But an Arubian delegate says Holland ought to turn the loans into a gift.
Great idea! I'll ask the bank to cancel my mortgage, too.
I'll be the first to admit, not everybody will look at it that way. But CTB tourist board has started a tourism curriculum on several schools; starting in the fifth grade and later to be extended to 6th and 7th. It should stimulate knowledge of tourism's importance, and foster interest to work in this dynamic industry (CTB's words).
You know what? Better teach 'em English, Spanish and, these days again, Dutch. And manners.
Yes, Right
At the interparliamentary IPKO meeting in Holland, M*F*K America Francisca complains that our dependence from Holland keeps growing. Every time we borrow money, autonomy shrinks. Right. Just when you and me go to the Bank for a loan: they have their demands—or no deal.
Instead of keeping whining more and more about slavery, long past, why not look to the future for a change?
Oh, It's Just Greenpeace
Climate change will be a disaster for Bonaire! they say. One fifth of the island "may" disappear under water. Then again, if you ask me, it may not.
That would mainly be the saltponds in the South of the island, which are hardly or not above sea-level anyway.
And once again, Greenpeace and some others of the same blood want to go to court to force the Dutch government to take measures.
They'd better ask the Chinese government, but...
Oh, It's All PAR's Fault
The astronomical debts M*F*K ex-PM Shorty left behind can't be blamed on him, poor baby. It was all PAR party's fault, who "sold our autonomy to Holland for a bag full of money" says the present cabinet.
Shorty never borrowed money from Holland. He didn't need to, (true, as Holland had just largely eradicated all our debts so Shorty had available plenty of money, plenty), they say, to the contrary: Shorty's government owns the record of not borrowing. Which is an easy one.
But PAR's PM Bhillie accepted a 1 billion loan from Holland to fight the Covid-effects.
Our Culture? Who Cares
Neighbors went to court on the noise pollution by a villa "The Retreat". This was not only going on in the week-ends, with parties until the small hours, with loud music, much shouting and yelling, hooping cars and even fireworks.
From now on, the place may not organize events where noise volume exceeds 60 dB (conversation) between 17:00-19:00; 55db (office) between 19:00-23:00; 48db (less than refrigerator) 23:00-07:00. Previous noise levels measured between 23:00-24:00 were 79 (truck) and 84db (garbage disposal).
Looks like good times are over for The Retreat.
Bad Luck
The Spoiled Brats' unions haven't found an occasion yet to meet in the all together on the 12.5% salary cut. Keep trying, boyz! It's urgent!
Very Good Question
At the IPKO conference between the kingdom partners, held in Holland, a question by our parliamentarians was "What's the use of these meeting?"
Well, you get a luxurious business-class flight over there with sumptuous accommodations. All paid by us. Some people are hard to satisfy.
Losing Battle
Chinese business Pow's owner was warned by a cop that an arrest was expected, connected with car and car parts theft. Little did the cop now that telephone conversations with Pow were routinely listened in to.
Same bad luck for a BAB tax accounting official, who warned Pow that an inspection was coming along.
The cop got 80 hours of community service, the BAB guy 120. But they weren't fired because the judge thought they didn't have bad intentions.
Carmabi Slap-in-Face
No need to go into details but Mudbelly Cooper has expressed his opinion that Carmabi has nothing to say about Oostpunt's development and has no "mandate". Oh, did they have one? Make the story short, Cooper wants all power concentrated in his ministry.
Wishing Upon a Star
The Kingdom wants good relations with Venezuela. So do we. Who wouldn't?
Won't help us much, will it? Those things have to come from two sides.
Gone Klesch Group, once presenting themselves as a serious candidate for Isla Refinery take-over, are out of the game. Definitely. The company is in the process of being disbanded and eradicated.
Would Be Nice, Sure
PAR party wants to discuss the problem of street pollution, which just gets worse and worse despite of all actions. PAR wants to know what the government plans to do about it, when and how.
As we all remember, this problem is nothing new and only kept growing; as well during all those years PAR was the political party in power.
So You Drive a Mercedes-Benz?
Good car, is the general idea. Too bad the importer went bankrupt months ago, and it's impossible to buy parts. Now here's your chance: for one (1) week AutoCity will give you a chance to have a mechanic to look at your car.
However, from what I read in their ads, you'll only get reports on the state of your car and all that. No fixing of problems.
Don't Make the Guard Angry
This week, an Ecuadorian ship's crew member has died at Mambo Beacht, "after a struggle with a security guard". In fact, that's all I've been able to find out. Nice, huh?
Do What We Say
After all, this is a democracy. Importers are angered by the new proposals for the makoto básiko and went to court. Which means the measures which were supposed to be valid on September 1 have been delayed. Importers think new prices must be applied to goods which still must be imported and not to what already is in the supermarkets and shops.
Is What They Say
28 million guilders will be invested in a new Brakkeput LXRY Resort. Complete with yet another shopping center. It will have no effect on the traffic density of Caracasbaaiweg.
Maybe the people will fly there and back?
You Bet Ur #$$ They Are
The new anti-pollution laws are urgent in case the refinery restarts, is a remark in the design-budget 2023. They would mean more personnel and new investments.
Not Funny At All
50% of school pupils are discriminated against. Especially those with a very dark or very light skin.
So who's bullying them? Not those with very dark or light skins, I bet. Oh wait, those who feel bullied often have been guilty of bullying themselves. Hopeless, or as some here bastardize it, "helpless" [(in Dutch) hulpeloos].
Parties who receive a government subsidy have to pay it back, if they didn't cut their workers' salaries by 12.5%.
Car gas will go down to 2.58/guilders/liter; diesel to 2.14 (good for the minisbus-drivers?). Cooking gs will remain the same, and water/electricty will go up slightly. Because the wind generators hardly produced in August. Ain't Free Energy great?
Will go up further still, because they hardly produce this month as well.
Dark Car Windows
As from now, car windows may be darkened enough to cut 35% of the incoming light.
Forget It, Prickie
The Dutch government will not refinance Curaçao's debts, as M*F*K PM Prick Pisas requested. It would mean an extra fine for Curaçao as otherwise it would result in money loss for Holland.
Further, Holland isn't sure it wants to lend still more money to Curaçao. Which sounds smart to me. Curaçao would have to borrow still more money to pay the interest.
Not Good at All World Israel News writes that Iran has acquired over 1 million hectares (2.5 million acres) in Venezuela under a "multidimensional" 20 year contract.
"The land grant will ostensibly be used to grow staple crops, such as corn and soy beans, allowing water-starved Iran to better feed its population. Iran's current use of Venezuela, however [...], combined with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), raise the possibility that Iran and its surrogate terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah and Hamas, might be using the vast acreage for military and terrorist operations." Writes WIN.
Ya think it's a "possibility"? Knowing Iran, it definitely is. Also, right now, 10% of our population already is from Venezuela; even if they're supposedly refugees. Watch it.
And Isla Margarita, quite close, has been a Hezbollah hotbed fortress for some time.
That Sounds Fine?
The government, in these hard times, is fully aware of the need of expenditure control.
They sure fooled me.
We read that, first, investments must be made in order to arrive at structural expenditure reduction. Sure.
They Just Keep doing It
Driving through red lights, I mean. 25 drivers were fined for that, out of a total of 166 who drove around without safety belts, valid papers or licenses, no license plates and driving the wrong way. Not to mention the darkened windows and the fact that 7 have been towed to the owners' residences. Under conditions, it's added.
Which Is It?
A few days ago (I didn't think it worth mentioning—now I see why) we were reading that the tourism industry was doing better than before the Virus problems. But now, we're told that hotels had 0.3% less clients last August compared with 2021. It's not a big difference, but it's definitely less.
Not to mention it's 5.9% less than in 2019, before the pandemic started.
New air quality norms have been agreed upon, which the new exploiter of Isla Refinery will have to keep to.
But let's face it: it often (not always) is not the law that doesn't satisfy; it's the application of the laws in practice. Or: control.
Won't Help Us Amigoe publushes an article telling us that, according to FAO United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization prices for raw foods have gone down. For the 5th month already!
Too bad the prices we have to pay for the finished food products keep going up.
Let's Hope They Won't Find It
The government is busily looking for money to reverse the 12.5% salary cut for Soiled Rats. Whose unions declare "We must get what we have a right to."
Good Hint!
Two guys were busy committing an atrako on an 84 year old woman, who told them to shoot her when they asked her where she kept her money, as she had Covid and was dying anyway.
They left in a hurry.
But I'm Innocent!
The cops who have been illegitimately inspecting pupils' crannies at Marnixschool have been in court. OM public ministry found it worrisome that one of them remained convinced that he'd done nothing wrong.
OM wants conditional work sentences.
Not a word on Aubrey Wiels's role in the affair.
Check that Gambling
SER social-economic council advises the minister on the upcoming gambling law. If this isn't following the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations on money laundering and terrorism financing (ML/TF), that may lead to the exclusion of the lottery sector from primary banking services (de-banking) and to de-risking, with international correspondent banks terminating the provision of services to local respondent banks.
In Sweden, gambling outfit Casineia has been forbidden. It was directly acting on the Swedish market, website in Swedish and all, but turns out to be run by Curaçao's Easy Gaming.
On Google maps, the Abraham de Veerstraat 9 office shows up as "For Rent".
New Master Plan
Next year we'll have a new tourism law. It should restructure and reinforce tourism and make it more sustainable. The Master Plan will be revised (about time, too). Best of all, we'll get a 'Destination Marketing and Management Organization'. Just hope we can afford all those new workers' jobs.
Oh, That Road
The Don Martina Boulevard is being re-covered with a new asphalt layer. So there's actually a promise being fulfilled! Will take three weeks, mostly in nightly hours.
If you wonder what road that is, Curaçao Nu obliges by mentioning that it's better known as Nieuwe Havenweg [New Harbor Road].
The New Harbor, and road, dates from the early 1950s and as far as I know, this is the first time it gets a real rebuilding. Which says a lot about the quality of the road work, done by Dutch contractors as far as I know; they even put in bicycle paths which still exist in a rudimentary form, only discernible to archaeologists. Hardly anybody ever used them.
Almost Funny
SBAB tax accounting bureau has a deficit of over 65 million guilders. Because the government pays them less than their budget. Like, in 2020 the budget was 20 million (as this year's) but government paid out 12 million, after initially promising 15.
Nor Do I
There's little (or no) confidence left in Dutch Rutte cabinet; it "plummets"—73% of voters have no confidence in it. 64% blame the energy crisis, 59% housing market, 58% immigration and asylum, 56% inflation, and 55% healthcare. We all could have seen this coming for a long time, but PM Rutte is one of the great Merkel-€U fans and steams on never minding the torpedoes, mines and booby-traps.
No matter, the Prinsjesdag Troonrede government declaration just yaps about a better future for the entire kingdom.
The troonrede is delivered by our mighty king, who always made his way over there in the so-called Gouden Koets [golden coach] but this is now over; thought shameful because it's a relic from the colonial past. At any rate, as we always knew it's wooden, with a thin gold leaf covering. The gold for that didn't come from Indonesia as you'd expect, but from Suriname.
Thanks, I'll Pass
We're all invited to vote for the new Curaçao emblem. Go to and follow instructions. Strictly speaking for myself, I don't see any reason to prefer any of the designs above the present coat-of-arms. But what the hell, let them have their fun. What does it matter, after all? And we have plenty of money... plenty!
Now That You Mention It
IMF monetary fund is kinda worried about how the Curaçao government neglects a lot of their recommendations. "In practice it has been shown that Curaçao government isn't good at following agreements that serve to improve the financial and social-economic stuation." "It's also known that self-righteousness of local administrators is high." "Reformations have been promised time and time again." Yes, we've noticed all that.
You said it, IMF. Have a coconut or a cigar. Except, those governments are not any good at keeping agreements at all. 2022-09-20
One Smart Guy
"By 2035 all Bonaireans will have to drive in electric cars." Also sprach MPB party; and many parties agree with it. So does Holland. Too bad most of the people disagree. But what do they have to say? This is a democracy, folks!
PDB's Abraham wonders how other than rich people will be able to pay for those expensive cars. But import duties will have to be lowered, (others want tax lowered as well) and a lot of charging stations must be built. He also wonders what they'll do with those wasted batteries in the future.
In 2014, Bonaire was 42% "green", but this has now (2021) been reduced to 29%. What with growing tourism and immigration.
Sigh of Relief
The government has finally decided that no more face masks are neeeded in CMC hospital. Oh no, beg pardon: it's CMC themselves. Other medical institutions and public transport still want them. As far as I can tell.
You Mean They Didn't?
Finance minister Silly Vain wants yearly accounts and reports from Wega du number [number game].
They were missing.
Just My Take
The Dutch government wants Bonaire to be totally Green by 2035; just like the other BES islands Saba and St. Eustatius. And like Holland itself, where they just planned by 2050 there'll be 70GW worth of windmills in the North Sea. (Until now, by 2023 the total capacity—on paper—is 4.5GW.) The minister calls it "very ambitious", right.
And like California to mention just one other example where it's guaranteed not to succeed.
Doesn't matter what the Voters want; just like in Sri Lanka. And China... no need to go on.
More and More Kustwacht coast guard again intercepted a GoFast with drugs on board; this time over 1200 keys. Which brings the total, since Royal Dutch Navy ms Groningen started operating, to over 16,000 keys.
If it wasn't worth while by enough getting through, those smuggling transports would have stopped already. Don't you agree?
Don't Get Your Hopes Up
There are tensions in the coalition. M*F*K PM Prickie doesn't like the criticism of PNP partners on the CuraçaoHuis business. As long as you don't expect that will lead to a fall of the government, with as consequence forfeit of the members' outrageous salaries. They may be stupid, but are no fools. In that sense.
Cft financial supervision wants the expected tax receipts for coming years to be adapted to the growth estimates. Cft thinks it's not realistic to figure the (modest) recent growth will continue.
Also, Cft worries about the growing government personnel costs, which are expected to grow by 15 million/year.
Let's Wait a Bit Longer
The education budget will remain the same, not only for now; no, for the years up to and including 2026. After all, there's no hurry! Or is there? In any case, the government prefers to wait until they have the results of the nulmeting zero measurement which I'm sorry I just don't really get. I do know that the school boards don't like it, but who cares what they say?
And Wait a Bit More Staten head hopes that the law proposal for maximum salaries will be ready by early December. But only then MPs can start discussing it. Meanwhile, the salaries keep being paid out. Naturally!
Let Us Figure
If, or when, the government finds a new exploiter of Isla refinery, that will pay 4 million a month. Or (where's my machine?) 48 million a year, am I right? Plus 800 + 1000 jobs, and extra income for the Tow company and others. Good.
But if the Spoiled Rats get their 12.5% back, for which they're still fighting, that will cost the government 230 million guilders in the next 4 years. Back to the machine: that's 57.5 million/year.
You know what? Don't give it back. Easy, huh?
Do Tell
The what I prefer to call a-social media are a danger to democracy, says Michael Hernandez, head of Fundashon Kòrsow Transparante. The problem is too many people are prepared to believe the fake news items freely published there. True enough.
Of course, FakeBooc and others are not the only places where fake news is published. Which doesn't lessen the problem.
In fact, dare I go there? Sure! The government itself is often guilty of publishing Fake News. Talk about transparency...
Good Point
There's supposed to exist a "Plan B" for a solution to the max. salaries of SOE managers. Skipping the boring details, this would supposedly mean a plan by those managers to collect 1 billion guilders to pay the Dutch loans back. In which case, of course, the Dutch conditions would become void.
But finance minister Silly Vain says, if Plan B succeeds, he'd rather use that billion to invest in infrastructure, education and economic development.
Hope for Better Days
The Curaçao Police gets a new chief. Ellis. He says he wants to remove the rotten apples from the basket. Where did I hear that one before?
He's got quite a job, then.
Mudbelly Cooper thought the former chief,.Werner, could remain in function.
Drug Tsunami
Royal Dutch Navy's Groningen has intercepted 4 drug transports during the past 3 weeks; total 4,800 keys of coke and weed. That makes a total of 13 since end of April, total 15,000 keys.
How many got through is anybody's guess. Rule-of-thumb used to be, 10% gets caught. Don't know if that's still valid of course.
Lifetime Job
Actor/filmmaker and several more not very successful things John Leerdam seems to have finally made it. He got a job as maatschappelijk kwartiermaker [social quartermaster] for the slavery museum that will be established in Amsterdam. Definite decision will be taken a year from now.
It's unknown yet where the museum is supposed to be located. If and when, looks like Leerdam will become Boss there. Congrats, John!
They Want More
Question: #MeToo—but will I get it? Further question now is, will they? The SOEs' managers are not satisfied with the proposed 295K guilders/year top salary. They want 445K. That's still less than what they said 3 months ago they needed, 535K.
If they don't get what they want, it looks like they'll sue.
Hope that Works
3 persons who were in court for traffic violations like driving through red light or under influence of the sauce have been convicted to follow five 2-hour sessions to learn to pay attention to conduct rules in traffic, the responsibility of the road user, and the consequences of wrong driving behavior.
My feeling? That's sad.
He'll Pay Attention
In a meeting with Nardy Cramm of SBGOK (Foundation for the Protection of the Interest of Duped Online Gamblers ) and lawyer Roel Bijkerk, minister Silly Vain promised in the future he'll pay attention to safeguarding the safety of players in the online gaming sector. Presently, they're often deceived and have to sue the online casinos to get their due.
No More Use
The government has retracted the court case(s) against the Spoiled Rats' unions. As long as they've gone back to work.
So we'll pay their salaries during meeting hours after all.
Guess that's Coincidental
The cops have found a large number of items stolen from the Barber Fire Dept a while ago. They also confiscated 427 marihuana plants; it's a fair guess those didn't come from the Fire Dept. Maybe from Boase?
Sue the Bastids
The government is going to court to prevent further (illegal) Spoiled Rats' union actions. They still want their 12.5% salary cut back and are against the max top salaries for SOE managers.
Only SITEK educators' union didn't join the last meeting during work hours. But they do plan to go on strike.
And minister Silly Vain as well has requested Dutch state secretary van Huffelen to uncouple the 12.5% cut from the max top salaries deal.
Instead of the earlier proposed 263K guilders/year, the government now wants to fix the SOE max income at 295K. Silly Vain figures that's what the PM reallyearns gets.
The top managers still won't like it; it's much less than what they're accustomed to.
Hey Silly, that's the Problem
Finance minister Silly Vain wants to take measures against the insulting messages directed at Tax Persons on a-social media. "They're just doing their jobs" he says.
What he proposes to do about it remains vague.
CBCS central bank director Doornbosch still expects, with the inflation, an economic revival for Curaçao (+5.5%) and St. Maarten (+5.8%). The guy must be a real optimist.
It's because tourism is doing so well.
For now.
And Why Not?
I'll admit it: Mudbelly Cooper has a bright idea. Why not use the old Bestuurscollege building, which as been standing empty since 10-10-10 for the Staten/parliament? After all, BC was replaced by Staten who now govern Curaçao; just like BC used to. And which was supposed to result in less spoiled rats.
Only, restoring that dilapidated building might cost more than building a new one.
Oho! It's Like That
A third cop has been relieved from duty. Turns out, she was involved in running an escort service. Just like the other ones, one of which we now learn was female, too.
Aqualectra utility announces there's a power shortage. So as from tonight we'll get what in Afrikaans is called beurtkrag: in turn neighborhoods will be cut off for a period (no telling how long). This will happen between 19:30 and 00:30.
Aqualectra doesn't tell us at what times this will happen.
Maybe they have no idea...
Never Give Up!
A trade union group calling themselves Bloki di 6 will have a meeting. During work hours, ça va sans dire
—they're spoiled rats. And they want to keep on fighting to get their 12.5% back.
This while finance minister Silly Vain has already announced he's busy on getting rid of that salary cut.
Maybe they don't trust his promises?
Hear, Hear
CBCS central bank director Doornbosch says that price controls may be necessary to control the climbing costs of living. However, he warns at once for the disadvantages: it may result in inefficient allocation of resources, with the risk of shortages in the regulated market and even black markets. Maybe the distributors should be compensated?
Too bad, no matter what measures are taken, value of our money will go down.
And governor Wout at the opening of the parliamentary year says structural reforms are needed. You think? I can think of some without hardly trying. She does mention government finances.
On the Other Hand
CMC hospital wants to stop cooperation with ADC diagnostic center. CMC point out they find discrepancies in the invoices ADC sends. But M*F*K Prick wants the cooperation to continue.
Then, the union of medical specialists gets all excited, with good reason, about the minister's decision to stop sending people abroad for operations that can't be done here. It means she prefers saving some money, which can only result in a death warrant for the patients.
Too bad if you need a heart, lung or liver transplant.
Now It's a Volcano
The Weather Gurus finally admit that we're way below average as hurricanes are concerned this season. (They actually have the guts to use the words "as yet".) But look! they've found an explanation. After much searching of course. It's the Tonga volcano that put a lot of water vapor in the atmosphere, which shields us from solar input. (And we keep hearing that the water vapor helps cause global warming.)
This Tonga eruption took place on January 15, long before those extra-intense-hurricane-season warnings were released. But I congratulate the Gurus on finally having found an excuse for their faulty predictions.
Still, we keep getting warned we're all gonna be cooked 25 (or whatever) years from now if we don't mend our ways.
A parliamentary delegation will go to Holland for a maritime accord between Santo Doming and the Mighty Kingdom. Three MPs will participate. But not to worry about travel costs, they'll then be in Holland anyway for the IPKO meeting.
Some More
A police dispatcher has been relieved from duty, because he ran an escort service in his free time. Let's hope they keep paying the poor bastard his salary.
And police spokespersonman Zwerver may not go to work for the time being either. He's accused of showing preferential treatment to some colleagues; probably the same women he's said to maintain a relationship with. I guess.
They Keep Telling Us That
CMC new hospital's financial situation is untenable. Is what we all understand. From way before building started, it was obvious. For a welcome change, CMC prefers negotiating above going to court; but ministers Pietersz-Janga (health) and Silly Vain (finance) don't respond. And the 2022 budget even isn't ready yet.
Problems are the care budget, the COVID costs and the care for uninsured (read: undocumented) persons. To which no reaction has been forthcoming.
Clean Up Day
Today's the last day to register for participants in World Cleanup Day, next Saturday. 1000 more are needed to get the desired total of 3500.
Next, let's see how long the island stays clean...
Pay Up
A list has been made up of people who rent out vacation homes, without paying any taxes. And presented to the Tax Person by CHATA hotel club. While I agree those guys must pay up, it's obvious CHATA wouldn't care one little bit if this weren't dishonest competition for them. Is to say, those guys make more profit; does not necessarily mean CHATA gets less customers.
Who Cares
Now it has been in Parliament, but we knew already: the CuraçaoHuis affair. Prickie called PlenPot minister Manuel a most promising young politician, but also warned him that he shouldn't waffle so much to so many, in order to prevent more problems in the future.
That's "transparency", folks!
What Else? Staten/parliament does not agree an investigation is needed on the infamous den Haag CuraçaoHuis and its tyrannical boss, Manuel, our plenpot minister. What else did you expect, anyway?
M*F*K PM Prickie wonders if past governments have handled the CuraçaoHuis seriously. Right this time, Prickie; but it leaves us to wonder how seriously his government handles the matter.
Let's Hope So
The minister of health makes it known that an international company, Royal Haskoning (sounds Dutch to me) has been approached to support the air quality standards.
No Kidding
Two experts point out that the Curaçao economy is spiraling down, with as threatened results impoverishment and decay. Tourism is not the all-in solution, they say. Hear, hear.
For once (?) the experts are right. But we all knew already.
How About That? Amigoe newspaper analyzes statements by finance minister Silly Vain, and in consequence has several good questions. Like, Silly keeps telling us that the country receives more taxes than expected, but CFT financial supervison in March reported for 2022 expected tax receipts of 1357 million guilders, but now Silly estimates a total of 1101m. An appreciable difference: only about 1/4. Amigoe thinks the minister should not tell half lies truths but instead would do better to keep to his assertions that he wants transparency.
Go Figure Staten/parliament denies M*F*K PM Prick's allegations that the budget has been submitted too late. Also, no question of budget exceedance. Well, what do I know? What do they know? What does anybody know?
Good for Maal c.s.
After many years of fights with Carmabi, Fundashon pro Monumento and Fundashon Defensa Ambiental court has finally given Maal family the go-ahead for the development of Oostpunt. The EOP island development plan, in which originally the property was protected, has been revised.
Condition remains that nature, environment and cultural-historical values must be protected. An environmental impact report is called for.
And more future court fights are expected.
Rinse & Repeat
The economy will be doing even worse than the hardly optimistic projections predicted. Because of Ukraine, you know. And then some.
Good or Bad? You Decide It seems in January 2020 there were 700 oil refineries in the world, but 140, 20% are expected to close before 2025. Which will result in "shortages and inflation in perpetuity as demands for the products manufactured from crude oil are continually exceeding the supply."
Good news for our economy; if and when, sure.
Next good question: Where are the batteries?
The race is on to produce more lithium for the major component of EV batteries, but is already being compromised Which may be a prelude to an American rejection of strip mining. The Chilean Supreme Court stopped the mining of lithium in Salar de Atacama, holding 55 percent of the world's known deposits of lithium. And the European Chemicals Agency's (ECHA) committee aims at labelling three lithium compounds as dangerous for human health,
Please buy an EV car now that you still can!
What Train?
Dutch air tickets tax will triple next year. The government wants (stop me if you heard this one before) more money, and also to have people take the train.
Present €7.95 will become €28.58.
Once again the plans for a "Hippódromo" near Brievengat have turned up. (We never missed them.) In the past, still-in-function Tilly Pikerie was involved but nothing happened there but illegal diabase digging/selling. Now, we read that the gambling laws have to be adapted to make international gambling on sporting events possible.
Why not, we're working on those laws anyway.
Monte assures us that the "International Horse Race Track of Curaçao" will offer jobs for many unemployed people. (And to mafiosi.)
It's Their Fault!
M*F*K PM Prickie blames Staten for the fact that the 2023 budget has been turned in too late. Also, it's 3.7 million too high (peanuts!) Now, on our own Prinsjesdag September 13, he'll keep to the max, and he asks Parliament to the budget before re-presenting it.
It should have been ready by the end of May, but only came in July 21. Naturally; MPs are much too busy traveling.
Also, No Wind
Aqualectra Utility is reaching the top of their capacity (135mW)—and beyond. Due to the extreme heat. Also, there's hardly any wind; as always when the heat is extreme, so that maximum capacity is some 30mW short anyway. Several neighborhoods were cut off. Is what in South Africa is called beurtkrag: wait for your turn.
Aqualectra asks us all for our cooperation. Sure, switch off that airco and die from heat.
Hey, let's put in some more windmills!
But then, He's Not an MP
Minister Cijntje will be visiting the USA with queen Maxima. For a working visit.
I hope they behave themselves.
It's a Miracle!
No other word will fit. M*F*K parliament Martina says there's no more money for trips. In fact, it has been gone long since, leaving only negative budgets wrecks behind. No third trip to Parlatino this year.
Parliament members want to take money out of other posts to go on tripping. She says it's not responsible. But the IPKO visit to Holland will go through.
Paid from what budget, she doesn't say.
All old wasted aircraft still occupying space on Hato Airport have finally been removed and will be shredded. There were nine of them, hanging around pending court procedures starting in 2019.
So much for those guys bragging they could readily sell those old MD8X and Fokker F-50 wrecks and turn in some money to compensate for InselAir's outrageous losses after all. Paid by us, remember?
No kidding: i had forgotten the name of that company...
"Tourists can now enjoy the beautiful sights upon take-off," is a comment by Hato Airport. Are they serious? What tourists get to see is the Chute/Shute (still there!) and the barren remnants of the old-rust depository.
And also, the wrecks will be moved to the East end of the airport—the direction in which aircraft take off.
Today's auction of Campo Alegre will not take place. There were no candidates who fulfilled the required conditions. There's no new date known yet.
Who Cares
TeleCuraçao television station is as good as bankrupt. Mudbelly Cooper has installed Hernandez as interim director, against the advice of SNBTO (I'll spare you what that stands for). Now Cooper complains that there's a spraakbericht [speech report] going the rounds, which he protests.
TeleCuraçao has been losing money for as long as I can remember and mainly served as a government PR organ. So if they stop doing that, why should the government, we, keep paying for that shot?
Nice, Huh?
CMC Hospital is for 150 million guilders in the red. I'm surprised they even know.
Director Martina explains that Curaçao health is bad with many cases of diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases; the Virus pandemic took a lot of money; and undocumented uninsured people take care of 17 million.
Plenty Good Idea
SER social-economic council has advised to check the collected premiums for AOV welfare pension with the sums that are supposed to be collected. A vague idea exists that this could explain the shortage of money, which would now be compensated for by cutting the AOV receivers living in foreign countries with 10%.
Fact is, the premium collection is in hands of the Tax Person. No more needs to be said.
And it's a ridiculously small amount in the first place. Not adapted since 2013.
I'm Lost
Here and now, I'm not taking a stand for one way or the other. But I can't help observing that, for "progressives", the words "reproductive rights" have come to stand for "the right to abort fetuses". Weird; wouldn't that be a right for non-reproduction?
What a Pity
The biggest cruise ship ever built, Global Dream II, a 1,122-foot vessel that features an outdoor waterpark and a cinema and was designed to carry up to 9,000 passengers, which cost $1.8 billion to build, may now be sold for scrap while the builder and its Malaysian owner are going bankrupt. Because of the Virus blow to the industry.
The biggest cruise ship around now is Royal Caribbean's Wonder of the Seas, capacity 6,988 pax. Or 4% of our population.
Can't Be Done Scuba Lodge is supposed to remove all new structures they have illegally built, and to restore the place (and sea) to their original condition.
Which can't be done. If you ask me.
But mark: now CTB, in the eyes of many a notoriously corrupt and money-devouring institute, gets involved by asking that Scuba Lodge may leave the new structures as-is. It's so great for tourism!
Just Rehashing
Is what it sounds like:
1—In a Koninklijke Marine/Royal Dutch Navy container meant for transport to Holland packages of drugs have been found. It's not known how many and how much. They have been burned. We're told.
2—At a traffic control 20 drivers have been fined for driving through red; 20 more for the usual reasons of no safety belts, telephoning, no papers and darkened windows
3—The government yearly accounts for 2019 and 2020 have still not been established.
4—Neither are there any audited yearly accounts for CMC hospital since 2018.
It's our culture!
Now They Listen?
There will be a new IPKO meeting in Holland shortly. But M*F*K Thodé wants to halve the delegation; other MPs are enraged. "Our democracy is trodden under feet" (is what they do on a daily base—but that's just me) TPK Calmes says. Finally, it was decided they will all go to Holland. Regardless of Thodé's arguments that there have been protests about all those trips.
At our expense; thanks, Calmes.
IPKO = Interparlementair Koninkrijksoverleg [Interparliamentary Kingdom Consultation]
Old and Boring Story
Boring Point.... oops, Bearing Point would/should have delivered a new tax system in 18 months. But it now has taken 5 years already and isn't finished yet.
Small wonder there's trouble a-brewing.
Hey, What Is This?
They keep telling us we're doing so great. But our Bleeders once again try to get the Dutch government to refinance our loans. Against lower interest, of course.
They tried this in March, for 0%. Now the tune has changed to 1.82%. Finance minister Silly Vain says, if they get it done for 3/4 of that (1.37%) the country can invest 14 million/year without enlarging its debts.
My question is, what more unholy projects does Silly Vain want to invest in?
It's only for loans between 2010-2014.
There Is
A Free Lunch. For politicians, there is. No wonder they always go for it!
Too bad we pay for it after they've gone.
When I See It
Then I'll believe it. Today a start will be made with total renewal of five roadways. But it's added that this only applies to "part of" those. I wouldn't call that total reconstruction, but maybe (hah!) by now I'm biased. Really needed is 300 tot 600 million guilders, but we'll have to make do with 9 million. There's no more money available. Tell us about it.
And Mudbelly admits that filling potholes is not satisfactory. Yes, thanks, we noticed.
It's almost over, not before we were ready for it. A total of 287 COVID patients has died; test results keep going down. So does the number of tests, though.
It's Like That?
RdK/Isla refinery manager Newton denies Martha's claim the the deadline for the deal with CPR has passed. Negotiations progress satisfactorily; he says.
Also, he points out that Monk's allegations that Ruiz is a crook are based on a confusion with his son; something that has happened more often.
Like son, like father?
That We Want to See
Importers have taken the government to court for the arbitrary way they are now (since September 1) permitted to charge profits on their products for the Makuto Básiko. Their problem is this makes it impossible to charge less for cheaper products and compensating by charging more for the higher priced ones. With the result they can't afford to sell cheaper products anymore.
Join the Club
Half of the Dutch in Holland (AKA Dutch Dutch) have no confidence in their government. Gee, what could cause that? It's a democracy, they got what they voted for?
Just like we here.
Cheaper & Cheaper
But still not what you'd call 'cheap'. As from today, gasoline will cost 2.62/liter and diesel 2.22.
To the Point
In a letter to Amigoe, George Lichtveld comments on the deal between $horty and the public ministry: "Not Good". He quotes jurists' remark that "any country gets the criminals it deserves" and expresses the feeling, so we do.
Is that Good?
Instead of a positive saldo of 88 million guilders, it's 123 million, including 2022QII. We have paid more taxes, that's how.
Here's the Answer
There has been much criticism on all the luxury trips by MPs, among others to Parlatino. But the MPs do not want to explain what's the use of those visits. That's not surprising: they can't. It's no use.
Also, the ministers have made 16 business trips in 2 months. Not counting 5 private trips (during which they keep on getting their sumptuous salaries. But of course!)
Move Along
The Curaçao Tourist Bureau Europe will be moving to the Curaçaohuis in den Haag. After all, there's plenty of unused room in there; plenty—with all those people not turning up for work.
Still Fussing
Educationists (is there such a word?) are still palavering about the so-called nulmeting [zero measurement] about which I couldn't say a smart word (no snappy come-backs here, please). They still think the language problem is in search of a solution. I won't deny it.
So (are you ready?) they want to install 4 (four) new entities: a regievoerende raad voor taalbeleid [Compassing Council for Language Policy], an uitvoerend instituut voor taalbeleid voor de ontwikkeling van het Papiaments [Executive Institute for Language Policy for the development of Papiamentu], a commissie voor spelling en standaardiseren [committee for spelling and standardization] of same, and cooperation between the ABC islands.
Forget about the last point right away; Aruba has a different Papiamentu and a different spelling approach.
Gee, I wonder how many new Spoiled Brats will be hired for all that; and at what costs.
Trouble Brewing
"Revenge Travel" is coming to an end. I'd never heard of it, but it seems people take longer vacations where they spend more money, after having been locked up during the Hysteria Pandemic. Which would explain the unexpected recent tourist boom.
Come Right Down to It
I don't trust him, either. "Him" is Monk, ex-PS™ ex-minister Monk, who protests the appointment of Luigi as Isla refinery manager. Monk says Luigi as a director of Stanford Bank was involved in a Ponzi scheme; Stanford Bank bankrupted in 2009.
And lawyer Rutsel Martha is still agitating to replace chosen CPR with his fav., GIK. He claims that, as the final closure date has been moved to end September, PCR hs failed to fulfill stipulated conditions.
But M*F*K PM Prick is only prepared to discuss the matter in the College van Senioren; in other words, not in public. He must have his reasons.
Oh, That's Where They Got It
Not so much is heard by now about the Doughnut Economy where we were supposed to trade with each other, which would magically result in an iron-clad economy. Maybe because it has recently become painfully clear we still have to import almost everything? Don't count on it: a free lunch is to politicians what a honey-jar is to bears. Or, better analogy, flies.
At any rate, one of the plans was to cover the island, and the sea around us, with many millions of windmills producing electricity to electrolyse water with, resulting in hydrogen which we could sell all over the world. Doubtful, all. At any rate, I just found out where they got that idea. It's a 1920 thought of J.B. Haldane, who later became a geneticist, where he did much better. In his biographies, the windmill/hydrogen idea mostly isn't even mentioned. Only a century old... 2022-08-31
Yes... Lamentably So
The Curaçao traffic situation is totally screwed up, says ex-cop Ruiter. Until July we had 7584 traffic accidents (normal average 10,000/year), and 1200 people had to be transported to hospital; not to mention 12 deaths, already. It's mostly young hotheads between 26 and 35 who cause accidents (the same as all over the world, for all I know).
Ruiter says there are plenty of programs available to fight all this, but (as so often) we here are busy reinventing the wheel.
Many people wait a bit when their light becomes green, to avoid being knocked over by some @$$ jumping his red. Which doesn't improve things; those @$$es start counting on it.
I've said it before: get rid of the time lapse between red for one side and green for the other. This "safety" margin has an adverse result: drivers jumping red lights count on that already.
What is a growing trend as well: in traffic jams more and more drivers just get over in the other lane, not caring about oncoming traffic.
A ms. Cristina of Veilig Verkeer [safe traffic] has a nice of not really practical rap about the three Es: Education, Engineering and Enforcement. It's a 3-leg stool, she says, and if 1 leg fails, the stool falls down.
Too bad here all 3 are failing by now.
What Else?
Last year we had to Negatively Grow 70 million guilders in the health care sector; but only 20-25% of that was realized. To put it clearly, we were over 50 million guilders short there.
New Building, But First Committee!
After all, we need a committee to discuss this. It concerns a new Staten Parliament building. Presently parliament and parties have to make do with three buildings, all within 150 meters from eah other; which of course is untenable (maybe even unsustainable, to coin a term). So the committee will look at the possibilities to build a new accommodation, where all the happy family will be cozily together.
Some rot about if Pinhead Martina may be part of the committee, as he is leaving his party (or maybe not?) need not concern us.
Gee, I wonder how much those committee members will get paid—and by whom. And this is just the first one; at least one more will follow after they've finished their work.
Give the Cops What They Want
The fact that the police recently have twice had a union meeting in work hours doesn't mean that their salary will be cut. After our fearless minister announced it would be, he quickly reconsidered when the unions had expressed their displeasure. They will get paid.
Makes Me Curious
OM public ministry says they do have a deal with $horty, where he will pay his entire $1 million debt. In terms. How many, and how long it will take, they don't tell.
And besides, the question remains how much $horty will pay back. It's a Secrick! OM doesn't clue us in, which makes us think the worst.
"Heatwave" Sissies
Germany has redefined the term "Heatwave". Used to be "a period of 5 consecutive days with highs over 30°C" but as from now it's "just three(!) consecutive days with a high of 28°C or more". Which means, here we live in a continuous heat wave from July to half October.
A miracle we're still alive. Most of us, that is. If only hardly. Gimme a siesta!
Our maximum average temperature extends all through the year: 30° to 32+°C. Only in January we get a temporary relief: it's "only" 29.5°C then.
But the Germans want to promote the "global $%@" scare of course. Wait for next winter, Jerries... With no gas coming in.
First Victim
One of the five dolphins sent on the sly by Dolphin Academy, AKA "Slavequarium", from Curaçao to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in a Flight by Night has expired. The story is, the animal collided at high speed with the concrete side of a basin.
That doesn't explain very much, does it? How large was that basin, etc.? (From what we read, it might well be suicide by concrete.)
The court case on how Dutch Simon Legree managed to dodge the export stop is still pending; will serve September 7th.
Who was it said "chutzpah"? We read this in a Slavequarium ad in Amigoe.
Sounds Good? Read On
The tax person is going for prevention of new objections. Alas, that doesn't mean they'll stop their willy-nilly policy of assessments; rather, they want to clear their "system" of double CRIB ID numbers so entities will not receive double assessments.
It's not simple for their personnel, they say. No... they have to get to work asking their computers to look for those double ID numbers.
Hope It'll Work
After all those cases of meat stored by importers and supermarkets for long after the expiration date, ministry of health has announced that as from now, controls will be much more vigorous. Not that funny is that the inspection had the authority long since already; it's only now they decided to do something.
Stop This Guy
Millionaire (?) Ansary, ex Ennia debacle guy, reportedly still goes around claiming he's the owner of multiple assets he lost when his business fell apart. Court has now decided to fine him $100,000 when he does this again, max. total 10 million.
Keep Flying Trying! SLM Surinam Airlines is in trouble. Debt is some 75 million (€s or Dollars, don't make no difference these days, mon), and two of their top guys are suspected of fraud. Both wisely have already left the country. Still, SLM announces they will keep on flying!
Reading the story, there's a remarkable similarity with our ALM story.
But Are We?
Venezuelan Falcón province governor announces he's ready to resume relations with the Dutch islands. Independent or not, he has to approach Holland to work it out. Is that the governor's job? you ask. But it seems president Maduro has given the go-ahead.
Better NOT Believe It Wega di Number [number games] warns that on a-social media there are sites claiming they know the winning numbers, which you can order from them. It ain't true... it's a trick... a scam! says Wega die Number.
Still, it's hardly surprising people would believe such a thing to be possible.
Oh, Jeez
Now I stumbled my toe on "climate dystopia" which is a really good one. It's "An imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror."
Mark the operative word: "imaginary"!
Definition by Wordnik.
Wait for It!
In the early Monday morning hours, we learn that $horty may not go ƒree after all. Looks like Amigoe newspaper just copied his comments on a-social media. Let this be a lesson to you, Amigoe: never trust $horty!
Today, the OM public ministry will tell us what's really going on. We wait in awful suspense.
And to me, the lesson is, never trust the media. As if I shouldn't have known already.
Here's the Answer
PNP MP aks when the work on road improvement promised by Mudbelly Cooper will actually start. We're all curious, but we already have been told "by the end of this month."
True, that would be between now and next Wednesday. And how much it will help is a much better question.
Let's Have It
PAR MP Croes has several questions for PM Prickie, about the take-over of Isla refinery by CPR. To give you a selection:
How about the Bullenbaai oil terminal, which CPR is allowed to use for 7 million barrels of crude? I don't read what Croes actually asks, other than that he wonders if CPR actually does have the $107 million for terminal upgrade.
He also asks if CPR can actually show they have the $543 million needed for upgrading the refinery. And also, if work on that has already started.
Now it's only 543m, huh? A far cry from the 2 billion mentioned in the past.
$horty'$ $cott ƒree
Ex PM Shorty has made a deal with the OM public ministry on his 1.8 million guilders (equals $1m) debt, which results in his 3-year jail sentence being canceled.
Both parties refuse to give details on what the deal entails. However, there'll be a joint press meeting next week.
It's hard to believe Shorty will ever be able to pay all that money. Till now, he managed to pay 21,000 guilders. Only.
But he still drives a Porsche...
Remember the club which was going to look at "sustainable" tourism? Let us wish them the best of luck; they'll need it:
—The tourists arrive here by airplane, burning jet fuel
—They stay in airco hotels using more water than we do
—Rent cars and go on tours
—Most of their food and drink has to be imported
Now, you tell me how to make all that "sustainable".
Other Way Round
While in Spain and other countries people are admonished to keep their air conditioning to 27°C or so, energy shortage, dig? a CMC hospital patient has gone to court to try and get a higher temp than 23°C in his room. It was too cold. (He lost.)
You and me suspect that we pay more per kW than 'the' Spaniard does, just likes CMC. Small wonder they lose money.
They Said It Amigoe newspaper comments on the makuto básiko and other measures, where entrepreneurs' incomes are cut by up to 43%; while the government doesn't do a thing to cut its own costs. And points out the resemblance with Venezuela, where the same measures led the country to drop from one of the richest countries to one of the poorest, in a matter of a few years.
You think this will help? I don't either. As long as they have their salaries.
Car gas and diesel prices go down, but water and electricity go up.
Sure, Why Not?
The spoiled brats working for the police had a union meeting during work hours, we paying them to be there. And me thinking this was not allowed. Who cares? Only marks on paper. Also for the cops.
They had a repeat perfopranc e a few days later.
Enough, Already
Because we've had no hurricanes to speak of this year, the weather gurus feel obliged to warn us that then they must come in the rest of the season. Never give up! is their motto. And they warn us that two present disturbances can get dangerous. In fact, the National Hurricane Center informs us both will amount to next to nothing.
Yes, I check the Hurricane Center every morning all through the season. I may be crazy, but hope I'm not stupid.
No Good
There has been a nulmeting [zero measurement] for education, but the results are not worth a thing. Might as well, much better, have saved the effort. It's not even clear from press reviews how and why the results aren't worth considering.
That is to say, to me it's not clear. But I often lose patience half-way through.
Nature Lovers
Flamingoes' safety is threatened because so many are sending drones after them, hoping for a viral hit on the a-social media. Many of the birds visit no-fly zones. Which don't apply to the birds, but do apply to the drones. Laws? Who cares.
Don't Slam the Door
MAN Pinhead Martina is leaving as a political leader. Maybe he's made enough by now? Never!
Oh Goody!
Let's have a new plan to develop tourism! says CBCS central bank's Henriquez on a CHATA hotel keepers' meeting. Tourism must become sustainable! Sure, let's blow some more money.
Come to think of it, what happened to that Master Plan?
The makuto básiko prices are going up, because prices of imported goods are going up, say the supermarkets. So the government can say what they want, it won't help. (And not only my take: it will get worse.)
But minister Cijntje is not impressed by their arguments. "If they make a loss, they ought to prove it." If food is not available locally, there is no import duty. Let's face it, when the ministry says there's monkey business going on with the import invoices that's probably right. Still, lower invoice prices to save on duties would on paper mean lower profits as well.
One result is, cheap "water bread" is not baked anymore; so everybody who wants bread has to buy expensive "milk bread".
And in June, we had 5.1% inflation.
As Expected
SVB social insurance announces that they will start losing money soon if things go on this way. Illness costs are going up, even tough number of insured persons goes down. CMC new hospital is a factor in higher costs.
How Nice
On Aruba, a Coat Guard staff member was arrested by traffic police because he had passengers in his car with invalid documents.
Commerce Is Holy
PNP MP Osepa really sounds like a genius. He asks if Curaçao is able to carry the financial consequences of the San José treaty, which results in more and more drug transports being stopped in our territorial waters. As these are not meant for Curaçao but for other destinations, why stop them?
Let 'em through, already, so we can make some money. On laundering as well....
Makes you wonder what Osepa has been snorting.
Fancy the Coast Guard captain politely inquiring where those hundreds of keys are going before taking action? "Oh no, not to worry, only these 25 keys are meant for the island."
It Will Happen Again
Is what Suveco supermarkets club says about the government's idea to restart working on the makuto básiko: result will be that many articles will just disappear from the stores, resulting in empty shelves. You can't very well force them to sell at a loss, so they won't sell at all.
Certainly is an argument.
Am agreement on air traffic has been signed between Curaçao and Mexico and CUR-Iceland. So scheduled flights between the countries will be possible. Between CUR-Mexico, that's possible. But CUR-Iceland? Even though Icelandic/Lofleidir did fly to Nassau, Bahamas, in the past, maybe still does, the contingency seems to be a remote one as Jeeves would have said.
How Loftleidir almost killed me.
Maybe Now
After ten years of delays, MAN MP Williams wants to restart work on compulsory basic pensions.
The AOV welfare pension has to be finished, as with more and more oldies the workers can't pay for them any longer.
The problem with AOV, just like in Holland, is that premiums were not an investment like life insurance, in which case old people would have it much better than they do now. But the socialists thought the child-wave would go on forever. Smart huh? Leave it to them.
Watch that Traffic Grow
Next month, car gas and diesel prices will go down with 35 cents/liter.
Now, the minibus drivers are dissatisfied as well. They are hard to please.
It's not enough, they say. Which admittedly is a good point.
It's a Trick
Leave it to ex-PM Shorty... Now that his ex-moll Cicely has finally gone to jail, he demands custody of his children.
That way, he hopes to avoid getting his next term himself. Cicely doesn't like it one bit; I don't have to guess, for other reaons.
I Didn't Know That
But it's pretty bad; and of course, hardly ever mentioned: "critical lithium shortages are expected by 2025." To rub it in, that's at most 3 years from now.
And what then? You think I have an answer to that? Except of course, "nothing much..."
This is not only about batteries, wind generators and solar panels; it's also about TVs, fridges, and all household electrical goods.
Congrats, Ya All
There is no discord inside PNP government party, we're told. It was supposed to be related to the Curaçaohuis machinations, but it has all been satisfactorily arranged.
So we'll keep the present coalition after all. What a relief!
And we're still stuck with the Den Haag PlenPot minister Manuel as well.
Parking Still Free
In December 2020, parking management has been won by Downtown Management Organization, but an agreement with the government still has not been signed. It is hoped DMO can start in January next year.
It may surprise you, or quite possibly not, that Mudbelly Cooper is responsible for this affair. Antilliaans Dagblad couldn't reach him for comment.
Get Lost, Keep Paying
SVB wanted all general practitioner MDs to pension themselves of when reaching the age of 65, but court has decided there's no such lawful age distinction. SVB has to keep on reimbursing the GPs, who are dependent on SVB for 90% of their patients.
If not, it would also result in a shortage of GPs.
In the coming months, all pending tax objections will be approved. The backlog is so enormous, there's no way to process them.
Now if the Inspector would in the first place just look at the assessments in a reasonable and realistic way instead of trying to screw us as much as thought possible, that would save everybody a lot of work. And grief.
The problem also is that a lot of tax workers have left on early retirements. And replacements still have to be learn their jobs.
Say, since how long has it been known those workers would leave? Just asking.
Asking for Inflation
Just like in the USA... The Dutch government wants to boost the economy by helping low-income households. It involves billions of Euros.
Of course those lower incomes are hardest hit, but it has been shown time and time again such well-meant measures have the opposite effect from that intended.
That May Work
Finance minister Silly Vain says parliament must make haste with the matter of top salaries, otherwise the spoiled brats will not get a pension indexation. I haven't taken the trouble to figure that one out, but it's sure to hurt them. And as the spoiled brats have the power, who knows?
A guy driving a Mercedes knocked over and killed two persons working on road cleaning (in fact, literally tore one to pieces). Unconfirmed stories say he drove 120kms/hr to catch a green light. Now, prosecutors are checking how he could have missed the warning signs limiting speed to 40kms/hr (normally, 80).
I have my own ideas about that, while not knowing a thing.
At any rate, now Mudbelly Cooper is blamed by MP Williams; but Cooper tries to pin the responsibility on Selikor. Update: the OM public ministry is investigating.
Blow Me Down with a Toothpick
Cicely, ex-PM Shorty's ex-moll, has really gone to jail after all. Upon entering (in a Porsche Cayenne), she complained to the press that she thought it deplorable the life of an innocent person is disturbed like that.
Well, the court didn't find her that innocent.
Discard It
The makuto básiko [basic basket] must be discarded as it's of another time, when importing agencies ruled the world. The government stopped figuring out prices in 2014 (really?) and is now considering a "simple, uniform and accessible price calculation system". That I want to see. I should live so long.
PSB savings bank must pay out interest after the account holder has died. An account holder's daughter had to go to court for that. Matter of fact, she had to go to court to even have the account balance transferred. Imagine... They have been doing this for a century, since 1905!
Of course Swiss banks are still sitting on Nazi money and gold. And also, in other countries on defunct dictators' treasure chests.
Thanks for the Mud
Only last Saturday, Amigoe newspaper published two photos of sewerage roadway puts, full of muck with grass growing on top. With the warning that next rainstorm, Euwensweg would be flooded. Again.
Last night we had a rainstorm. Amigoe was right. Thanks, Mudbelly!
For some readers, it must be pointed out that Euwensweg borders the mangrove park. Aw, what's the use.
You Wouldn't Kid Me
Curaçao is 4th on the list of Caribbean islands "attractive to investors" for reasons specified as rule of law, open economy, economy growth (?!), interest, government debt and participation rate. Whatever that last one means.
Not a word about never-rolled-out red carpets, dismissal law and bureaucracy.
Cuba is last on the list.
Give It Back
Forget it... 117 million guilders more tax have been collected than was budgeted for. No problem mon, so spend it all already.
Warda un Rato
"Wait a bit..." Almost 2000 patients are awaiting their turn for operations in CMC hospital. There's a shortage of operation room personnel, says the director. Like many others, they're packing their stuff and flee to Holland, so only 4 of 7 operation rooms are in use.
Covid-waves were a factor as well. Sure.
So Are We
TPK MP Calmes is disappointed in the present coalition.
No doubt he would feel better if he were part of it.
Panic for Nought
Is what I feel. 1 (one) person returned from abroad infected with monkeypox. Hir/hes sex has not been given, but I betcha it's male. Now our Bleeders want to introduce a Landsverordening [say, Law] to declare it a infectious disease (as if we all didn't know it was one, already) so proper measures can be taken.
Yet another waste of resources. It's widely known how the disease is spread: by male homosexual contacts. If those guys would just play it cool for a while, the problem would go, and stay, away. Looks like too many are just not able to do that.
Before you get me wrong: go ahead and be gay. I don't care. Have fun. But being a hetero myself, I still never had an STD. There are well-known ways to avoid that—with a little care.
A "cadre of experts has come to believe that sex between men — anal as well as oral intercourse — is likely the main driver of global monkeypox transmission. The skin contact that comes with sex is probably much less of a risk factor." And "sexual transmission, particularly through seminal fluids, is occurring."
That Will Help
Not much; or, not at all. The government will shortly publish a PPA price publication app, so then you can see how much more than last time you have to pay for products. It won't stop prices going up, that's for sure.
"When prices go op, consumers' purchasing power diminishes and it becomes harder for them to fulfill their primary necessities of life" the ministry advises. Seriously?
Don't count on it. We are promised a parliament meeting on the Curaçaohuis in den Haag, Holland. But if it will do any good is a question I don't have an answer to. Except, I expect not.
What For?
Economical development minister Cijntje wants to keep the "sleeping" Curaçao Development Institute around.
There's no money to subsidize it, but a new member of the board will be installed anyway. Or so I understand. That's as far as my admittedly limited power of understanding goes.
One More Mess
PNP economic development minister Cijntje wants to talk with supermarkets and food importers, and "spar" with them on additional ways to keep product prices on an acceptable level. As if they, or he, could do anything on the world economy problems. His solution is more control on prices to conform to the Makuto básiko [basic basket]; and also, he seems to have ideas to put more products in that basket.
But SER social-economic council asks if that extension is a solution (as they well might), and also wonders why the 2020 advise by that same MEO ministry are disregarded.
Now SS&C from Breda, Holland are in a fight with SEF Sehos Foundation about what will happen there. SSC denies that the agreement with SEF (read: our friend Bas Filippini) has been canceled.
Methinks, I smell rotten fish.
But quite possibly, that stench permanently stuck to my nostrils.
Wising Up?
It's hardly worth it for private persons On Bonaire to use solar energy; only for businesses where the airco is running all day long, we read in Antilliaans Dagblad.
No opinion is given on why it should be different for utility companies.
Elsewhere, we can read that those "green" wind generators make extensive use of balsa wood, which causes this source to run into danger of being depleted. China is cutting them rücksichtlos in the Amazon for use in propeller blades.
Sue the Bastids
A British couple on a 24,000 guilder honeymoon in Sandals Resort, has filed an official complaint. They praise personnel but call management's attitude "abhorrent".
Daily Mail writes that 20, not 11 people were "swept out to sea." But they also say there were 20 persons in the pool when the blow-out occurred, which makes you doubt the police statements that there were too many in there for a party.
It's Final
The judge has kicked Promo's appeal against the monster Marichi building out of court.
In other good news, we read that the work on Waterfort Plaza has started.
Por Fin
Ex-PM Shorty's ex-moll Cicely van der Dijs will finally be welcomed in prison next Monday. We were wondering all the time when and especially, if. I'll believe it when it happens. She's supposed to get 15 months lock-up.
That's Easy Amigoe newspaper asks the question: Who's paying for the world-wide inflation?
Well, we of course. Who else. Not the banks or governments. It's a tradition.
Virus Count
Two more deaths; total now 285. 47,000 people have now had the booster-injection; let's hope they'll survive it.
Time Will Tell
Finance minister Silly Vain makes it known that there is a 2023 government budget with GEEN [NO] deficit.
We'll have to wait a couple of years until Rekenkamer accounting has figured it all out.
There's still hope to develop the old SEHOSpital property, as keeps being announced. A deal was in the making with Breda, the Netherlands', Schonk, Schul & Compagnie, but was canceled because the group seemed to exploit the financial situation for their own purposes. I dare say.
But no worries: a guy Bas Filippini has been trying to get the building plus that of neighboring Thomascollege in his grabbing hands, and the St. Elisabeth Foundation and he have now joined forces.
Filippini, huh? Is that the same guy who has been f*cking around with the Scuba Lodge, by any chance? By all chances he is, betcha.
Does It Help a Bit?
Doesn't seem to. On Monday, 115 fines were given to drivers and yesterday, 50 more. No papers, no driver's license, too dark windows. Just goes on and on.
Add cell phones, no safety belts or helmets.
Water Scam
So-called "Kangen Water" is delivered free in a bottle that costs you 3 guilders to buy, and 2 to replace. Refills are free. The stuff is derived from regular drinking water, which is "cleaned from impurities" by electrolysis; like Cl2. Chlorine is an impurity? Is what Greenpeace claims—so better beware. Removal from drinking water resulted in several deadly epidemics. No wonder Kangen Water is called a scam and a hoax.
Users say it makes 'em feel good. Fine with me. At least nobody seems to make money of it, for now; or so it's claimed.
Economy Up
Says the government. 44% more taxes were raked in than same period last year.
Meanwhile, everything is getting more expensive. Count your profits.
Also, finance minister Silly Vain announces that the report on Bearing Point, which cost the government 20 million, is expected soon.
Bad, Bad, Bad Knipselkrant Curaçao is still unserviceable because of hacking attacks. According to director Nardy Cramm, these are by gambling institutions—which obviously still have too much power. Don't expect our Big Bleeders to act up, beyond insisting they get their cut.
Not Enough Public Notaries
Enormous delays are caused because those who we have just can't handle the amount of work. There's a (legal) maximum of ten, which will may be enlarged.
Bad Luck
Or, asking for it. A woman tourist was bitten in her fingers by a nurse shark, at what's called Animal Encounters. Boy, good name, that! She still has them all. Seaquarium will check the safety measures. They'd better.
At least some of those tourists are a pest, and cost dearly. Once again, a helicopter had to pluck 2 wounded ones from St. Christoffelberg, and another one had to be saved from Klein Curaçao island; also by helicopter. Wonder who's paying the bills. I expect, we.
That's Right
"After much delay" we read in Amigoe newspaper, by end September finally work will start on the sewer pump station near the Rif mangrove park. This should have been done in 2020. The container with parts has "finally" (le mot juste) arrived (no reason given why that took so long) and work can start. By end of October it should be finished.
Meanwhile, the mangrove park has been opened to the public and, amazingly, all I read is remarks on how clean the water is. Now. Already.
Just What We Need
The intended law for normalizing top salaries will have profound effects on Curaçao SOEs, warns Aqualectra director Jonis. Unsurprisingly, he is a member of that top club. Because those guys have less money to spend, that will have consequences for the economy. Also, tax receipts will go down.
Jonis doesn't like either that the salaries will be published. I can imagine.
Wait for More
After Panaderia Isa already charged 10% more for a bread not long ago, they announce another raise by 10%. The Boss says, it should be 50% to cover costs; and he has nothing to do with what the government says he may charge in the makutu básiko [basic basket] deal. He just, like all other bakeries, does not bake "water bread" anymore, but only the better (using milk and butter) sort. New price, for now, 3.60 guilders.
He hopes to be able to lower price again. Hah! When Mudbelly sprouts wings.
So that's the Real Problem
The government is missing out on millions because of the way the gambling laws are set up. It's true enough... No wonder finance minister Silly Vain wants to do something about it.
After all, why should he care about other aspects of the gambling mafia? Like gambling addiction and money laundering? As long as we get our cut!
Join the Fun
We too have a monkeypox case! It's a person who came back from abroad.
Not so funnily, the media make no mention of the fact that infection is almost exclusively by homosexual acts.
Don't Bother Amigoe newspaper asks Staten and government to help finance minister Silly Vain out, by taking measures to clear up the sensational mess which, as he admits, causes the middle class to pay by far the largest part of taxes. The rich too often just dodge their share, and the poor don't pay at all.
Good luck with that, Amigoe!
And come right down to it, it's like that all over the world. There may be exceptions, but I don't know any. The rich can pay expensive accountants for "creative bookkeeping".
There's a website on the new Curaçao coat-of-arms, Un Emblema Nobo, which gives Antilliaans Dagblad reason to wonder who exactly is supposed to be allowed to compete for a new design. They have a point.
But for me, the funny part is that everybody who has been born here or been living here for 16 years is now entitled to call himself Yu di Kòrsou [Curaçao child]; even those who have no Dutch nationality.
And me all those years thinking it was a racist thing. Not to put a too fine point on it, a Yu di Kòrsou was supposed to be black; pardon me all over, a Person of Color. Just ask Helmin Wiels—oh no, sorry.
You used to have persons called Landskind[country's child]. Skin color didn't matter, as long as you were born here. My now deceased brother was the first Landskind born in Holland and still officially decided to be one; because my parents were Curaçao residents at the time. Go figure.
The website is in Papiamentu only; that at least does figure.
That'd Explain It
The University of Curaçao Lofo training for base education teachers delivers people who are "insufficiently qualified". And there we all go.
There's a lack of knowledge of the Dutch language, math skills and "intrinsic motivation" (read: they couldn't care less).
The tug Orca VI was sold for more than the book value, KTK towing company says; without saying how much that was. They already decided in 2015 to sell the beast. Sure took 'em a long time. The ocean-going tug was bought in 2012; but fer-cryin'-out-loud, why?
Aint True!
KEM Martines denies he's involved in the drug stealing scandal. How can we think such a thing?
(It's easy.) "Such an accusation causes irreparable damage," he says. If only.
Great Idea
Piet Emmer writes how Dutch MPs had better visit a library than make trips overseas to study the effects of slavery.
Would save a lot of money too. And not only applies to Dutch MPs and slavery.
You Do, Do You?
VBC entrepreneurs' club resents the way the unions complain about how they're treated by the Sandals Resort. Especially that they feel like slaves. I guess it's bad for Sandals' reputation.
Well, not knowing Sandals' working conditions, I often feel that many people in the hotel/restaurant people are treated like slaves.
For Once
He's right! Finance minister Silly Vain says we've got a very bad reputation, because of the gambling sector. This has to change, he adds. And he's working on it with the trust offices.
Funny: he doesn't care about what those guys do, as long as it doesn't affect our precious reputation.
How Can That Be?
Many expected guests at Sandals resort are having second thoughts and look for other places to spend their holidays. Cijntje tourism minister deplores all the criticism, as Sandals is of enormous importance for our economy.
Well, you get what you get paid pay for, Cijntje.
To top it all off, MAN MP McWilliam wants a thorough investigation into the alleged exploitation of workers at Sandals. Nice resort, don't you think?
Update: two tourists have been ambulanced to the hospital when the concrete wall and "several glass panels" collapsed.
But Naturally
In the court case on the 600 keys drugs theft out of the Rio Canario police HQ, now an MP's name has been mentioned as a... yeah, what exactly? Isn't so clear yet. It's KEM's Martines, who says it's a lie by political enemies that part of the catch was delivered at his home. Sure Martines.
Big Help
The so-called mitigation of fuel prices will be continued for 3 months. Which means they would be 24 cents/liter higher, otherwise. Which also means next month price will go down with "at least" 17 cents/liter. It's now 2,61/liter for diesel and 2.96 for gasoline ($1.45 and 1.63.)
And not to worry (as if we would): it's all responsible as OB sales tax has paid 90 million more than the 450 million budgeted. So, if you drive a car, you get some of your money back.
After I've been hearing for years that school classes are too large and much better results are obtained with fewer students, school boards now go around telling us that the schools are too small and must be merged. No money, dig?
New Trucks
Five new garbage collecting trucks have arrived for Selikor. So now maybe the garbage will be collected as it's supposed to. Minister Pietersz-Janga says the problem of the government debt "at" Selikor has been resolved. I'm not sure what that means: is Selikor in debt or is it the government?
Yes? But...
Damen Shipyards, co-owner of CDM/DOK has a record order portfolio. Good, right? Catch is, that's the Dutch conglomerate and the question is, how much will be picked up here? Nobody knows. There's a business plan but it seems to have little to do with reality.
Progress! But When Here?
A new system of mini-nuclear generators is on its way, capacity 1-20mW. They fit on a truck, are transportable by air, sea and (obviously) land, can integrate seamlessly into distribution grids and are expected to run continuously for about 10 years without refueling. Once the core is spent, it can be exchanged for a new one.
To compare, all Aqualectra windmills together theoretically deliver 45.6mW. When they're working full capacity, that is; which they rarely do: our wind speed mostly is just sufficient to make them turn at all.
Price is not quoted, sorry.
Thanks for the Big Laugh
We'll be having a symposium, and I'll spare you all the details except the subject: Un Carnaval Duradero i Sostenibel pa Kòrsow [a durable and sustainable carnival for Curaçao]. As if. Contradiction in terms; or oxymoron (both terms are super-valid here). Costumes and floats are meant for one-time use; and thankfully, hangovers don't last that long either. Only the resulting deafness and kids are more or less permanent.
The idea is to get a strategy for carnival in the next five years.
Sandals Scandals
The newly upgraded luxury resort doesn't seem so great. First, many customers complained. But now, in the "Infinity" swimming pool part of the glass enclosure has broken away, resulting in the loss of water and, worse, wounding of 11 tourists. Some (how many?) were transported to CMC hospital.
May also have been a locally (where else...) built concrete retaining wall. Do you really care?
Police's first impression is, the pool was too full during a pool party.
Or were there too many fools in the pull?
More Later The theft of 600 keys of drugs (in fact, it was less, 540 kg coke) out of Police Station Rio Canario finally came in court. It's just starting, but from what the prosecutor says, it's mostly about a police officer, who should have taken care that the Kustwacht [coast guard] would not stop a transport of 200 keys of coke; but that went wrong. Two murder cases are also related. Well, well, well.
Not Even a Palliative
The subsidized institutions will get a one-time 6% higher subsidy, to compensate for reversing the 12.5% salary cut for their workers. Which I'd guess goes on every month, so the 6% may be spent next month.
And then, let's hope they get their subsidy in the first place. Many haven't had any for years by now.
By end of the year, the plans for the Waterfort Plaza project are expected to be ready. It should all be finished by 2026.
Which is announced by the Heritage Plaza Consortium with the sentence "By which the unique character of the UNESCO World Heritage is guaranteed and respected." One grasps in vain for whatever may have inspired them to come out with such a load of nonsense.
Finished? You mean, built and all?
More and More
In two days, 2 boats have been intercepted between Curaçao and Bonaire, carrying 13 people, nationality not mentioned, and more to the point, almost 2900 keys of drugs.
Next in Line
After eggs have gone up 12 cents/each in price, bread just has to follow. Flour is now 70 guilders/bag, against formerly 27. Other components listed are cinnamon, raisins and sugar. Which I don't need in my bread.
M*F*K MP Yung asks about something we haven't been told, yet: the Orca VI tug which KTK towing has just sold, has cost 16 million ten years ago and has brought up 2 million. Dollars.
Yung wants to know about how this has been decided. I would like to know more about how KTK, a daughter of CPA Curaçao Port Authory, is managed at all. Sounds like stench.
Nice Word
The APC bank, started by APC pension fund, is supposed to become a "phygital" bank. I have a vague idea what that may mean. APC Bank has already taken over PSB [post savings bank] and directors are being changed as well.
It's Started
Tanker Ridgebury Astary is on its way to deliver 2 million barrels of crude oil to Bullenbaai. From Chennai, India. People in the know judge this is risky, as it may mean negotiations on the Isla refinery take-over come to a halt while the oil terminal is taken over anyway. Shouldn't have been split.
So There
It's getting more and more difficult to get teachers. Many are leaving for Holland or Bonaire, where they get paid better and conditions are better, as well.
Also, a point may be that there the instruction language is Dutch. Just my take?
Will They Last?
In these times, with air flights more expensive than they've been in years, new Santo Domingo start-up Arajet offers twice-weekly flights to Curaçao and 9 other destinations from September 15. Tickets to CUR will cost $65.23, one-way.
Ex education minister Leeflang agitates against the new plans for language instruction on schools. She says that the new name for FPI Fundashon di Planifikashon di Idioma [foundation for idiom planification (who thinks those names up, I ask myself once again)] in fact means Akademia di Papiamentu which gives away government plans to, once again, get rid of Dutch as instruction language, so to force Papiamentu down our throats. Now, schools are at liberty to choose their language, but that will be ended; says Leeflang.
It's Our Culture!
Police and Garbage Utility Selikor got rid of furniture illegally placed along the public roadway. It was occupied by domino-players, who became a public nuisance (which for now is now abated) by loudly screaming and yelling; as is their won't.
A car graveyard has been discovered behind Landhuis Papaya. Many stolen cars were found there, stripped for parts. Until recently the old building was in use as an addiction kick-off center for alcoholics, Yabi de Libertad [key to freedom].
So Why But It?
In the first place... KTK Tug Orca VI has been sold to Greece. It wasn't fit for harbor work, we're told; it actually was an ocean-going tug.
No wonder KTK got problems.
More Deaths
We've now had 283 deaths of the Virus. How many expired because of the vaccinations we're not told. It's probably not counted.
They almost got me with that; I kid you not.
There's just no stopping it. Another go-fast has been intercepted by the Kustwacht—this one had 1600 keys of coke aboard.
Which begs the question: how many get through?
Near Aruba, 6 vessels were stopped in July alone. Mostly coke, some weed, but also guns and ammo.
4 of them were registered in Aruba, and more and more Arubians are involved.
Times Have Changed
Dutch princess Amalia has quit some student club two weeks after a "sexism scandal". In my wasted years as a student, only nekkid wimmins were allowed at the student society club.
Not that one ever entered the Holy Halls, more's the pity.
Bullenbaai's Back
The new, future, Isla refinery exploiter CPR will start using the Oil Terminal there. Sure looks like they will take over, doesn't it.
Well, That's Something
By end this month work will start on repairing 5 (five) roads. Not completely, wot you tink, mon? Only part of them.
Not Here
Car gas and diesel fuel will go down 10% tomorrow—on Aruba.
Two Ministries
Minister Pietersz-Janga will also start work on the illegal Jeremi and Pietermaai activities, with Mudbelly Cooper. And APC pension fund, to whom the Jeremi terrain belongs, as well. What kept them so long>?
Never Give Up!
Meteo Curaçao warns that we may not have had much of an intensive, as predicted, hurricane season as yet; in fact, we had nothing at all, but watch out for the rest of the year! Then, it will intensify. They say.
Hopefully it won't.
Idea! Why Don't We?
A movement in the UK, Don't Pay, is proposing to stop paying the outrageous energy bills "from October 1, if they are not reduced to an acceptable level." Whatever that is.
Average yearly UK energy bills have gone up from £1400 (2016) to £3358.
While ours have not gone up that much, yet, they were plenty high enough to start with.
Get Lost
The Buena Vista neighborhood center is protesting PNP social minister Larmonie-Cecilia's plans to take it over and make it a government affair. In response, the center has withdrawn the request for support (for renovating its building). Danke schö as the Germans say; anything but that. We'll manage after all.
And We?
The police will pay more attention to safeguarding tourists against crime. Like car burglaries and atrakos .
Too bad for us non-tourists.
Car Test Trouble
Because of illness and personnel shortage, it will take you hours to have your car tested, as is (don't laugh, please) obligatory. Only drivers are permitted in the test facility.
I know, if I don't really understand how they do it: many cars drive around without having been tested.
More Drugs
In the past 3 weeks, 6 drug transports have been intercepted by the Kustwacht and the KM Royal Dutch Navy. Total catch 4000 keys.
In my simplistic view, the more drugs they catch, the more drugs are transported.
Here's a Tip
OM Public Ministry will investigate crime with an eye out for criminal groups, which are responsible for atrakos and car theft.
And how about the politicians?
So, Maybe
Negotiations on the Isla refinery reboot are going well; or so we're told. October 1 they should be finalized.
Rumors that CPR Caribbean Petroleum Refinery (Luis Gusti group) should not have the necessary money ($650 million) are disregarded. Because of, or in spite of, the energy crisis, oil companies are making record profits; many refineries all over the world have been closed down; and with the Guyana and Suriname oil discoveries Curaçao has a great geographical position.
Those 650 millions are needed for upgrading the refinery during the first 2 or 3 years after reboot. Which still is much less than the 2 billion quoted in the recent past. Also, no date is mentioned on when the refinery will actually start operating, which is of importance because of pollution fears.
Jeremi Ditch
It turns out APC Pension Fund is the owner of the terrain where people act as they like. Mudbelly Cooper says his ministry is following the developments. Great. But nobody does anything about it. Well, something: APC has summoned the owner (Jeremi Ocean Resort) to stop the activities, and held him liable for the damages.
Mudbelly Cooper wants the terrain back from APC as government property.
Workers at the shipyard are on strike; again. This time, it's because they don't like their work schedule.
Where Are They?
Remember how we were warned this year's Hurricane Season would be above average? (Like every other year I remember, snide side remark.)
Well, up to now we here have had only one, Bonnie, in fact number two; in fact only a storm. Which of course doesn't mean more may not follow. Anyway, no matter how you count, this year has definitely been "below average" for now.
Oho! Izdatso? Here's a list of the ten richest people in Curaçao. Supposedly, as Elias isn't even listed, and I've seen him called "the richest". (A guy who I expect to be in the know calls it "total nonsense".) Be that as it may, here's their lowdown:
10. Amparo dos Santos (AKA "Dos Diablos")
9. Daniel Hodge
8. Nelson Navarro
7. Abdul Nasser "Sheikh" El Hakim (in fact, I thought he'd moved away)
6. George Ranshid Mohammed Jamaloodin (AKA Imalootin, now in jail)
5. Bernard Denzil Whiteman
4. Lucille Andrea George-Wout (our governor)
3. Eugene Rhuggenaath ("Billenaad")
2. Ivar Onno Odwin Asjes ("Arsjes")
1. Gerrit Fransisco Schotte ("Shorty"; so he can't pay those lousy 1.5 million bucks? Really not?)
Finance minister Silly Vain confirms what we all knew long since: it's the middle class that catches it from the Tax Person. Like they always do, all over the world.
That's how the government acts in too many cases. As if we hadn't noticed... Requests from Ombudsman and ARC Rekenkamer in the majority of cases just don't get a response. As if the Big Leaders could give one.
That's Good?
The pothole filling scheme is right on schedule, we are assured. We even get a list of the roadways that are next. Good to know, as we have not been noting any worthwhile differences until now. But what do you want for a lousy 10 million guilders, anyway?
Holland: No New Connections Possible
You may be forgiven for thinking this has to do with the Green Adventure, which turned out to be a True-Life one: there is just no power available any more so businesses, schools, and hospitals will not be hooked up anymore. People are now buying solar panels en masse, but overproduction cannot be fed back into the net. It just cannot carry the capacity. Curaçao Chronicle writes: "The fact that people want to build large solar parks in places in the Netherlands where the land price is low does not help either." Truer words were never spoken, boy.
Count Me Out
Next September, we'll get a new vaccination round for the China Communist Party Virus. I can only say, I took the first two dabs and got punished with severe problems. Of course, as officially these are carefully not mentioned nor looked at, it's not really possible to get that scientifically confirmed. But enough is sufficient, as Wodehouse said.
New Document
Wait and see, as I so often think. "Language proficiency in Curaçao is experienced as insufficient" (ya think?) and therefore government wants a higher language level in the 3 official languages Papiamentu, Dutch and English. And Dutch will be taught as a "foreign language". That's logical, ain't it?
Way back in the 1980s, MAN education minister Veeris designated those three languages as the official ones. At the time, however, we were still part of the Netherlands Antilles, including Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten, where English is commonly spoken.
It's a Lie!
At a control of building personnel at Marriott Hotel, it turned out that 3 of 4 workers there were illegals, from Colombia. They had no permits, let alone insurance etc,; nor did they pay taxes. They come here on a tourist visum, get board and lodging plus pocket money, while they are paid in Colombian pesos. Back home.
Of course the building company denies this. What else is new?
The builders say they have a deal with contractors (who are the actual employers) according to which all legalities must be kept to. Sure, sure.
Turning Good News into Bad
So many civil servants have now got an early pension, that ABVO spoiled brats' union is worried the service to the public will worsen. As if it could get much worse. So, of course, their solution is to newly hire still more spoiled brats, thus negating the desired effect of that early pension.
Oh, Really?
Curaçao harbor is part of the Unesco World Heritage Site. Which 25 year old fact is being celebrated this year.
The Wharf. See? You can not even make out the Maritime Museum façade to the right behind it.
Tell Us about It
Finance minister Silly Vain reacts to the news our taxes are insanely high that this is "also" caused by defaulters and tax evaders. I dare say.
So go get them already instead of making us pay their share.
The important word still is "also".
Association HiMA [people and environment] is going to court to force the government to deliver water to poor people, read "defaulters". One quarter of the population lives below the poverty line, and many households are not even connected to Aqualectra's distribution net.
Uh Oh—Who?
Now that (bankrupt) Kura Hulanda Lodge near Westpunt has changed owners (as yet unknown), turns out that the government has ground leased nearby Playa Kalki beach to Kura Hulanda as well, with the result the locals can't make a decent cent there. (Yes, we still have cents here.) So this should be reversed. Nor can fishermen access their usual rocks.
For those who visit Playa Kalki, be warned that the isolated parking place is a welcome attraction to car burglars. I couldn't say if they are local.
We're not told under what cabinet the government this lease was given out.
I never met a female fisherperson yet, sorry girls. I'm sure they exist, though.
Will It Help? Kadaster land registration will remeasure the Jeremi terrain to check about the probably illegal and surely illegitimate activities by at least one owner there.
Say, hasn't that been done already? Before plots were sold? Kindly explain.
You need that piece of paper to get the plot registered with a public notary. It means, we'll pay twice for redoing a sloppy job.
Mudbelly says he can't interfere in private property. If he's right, that's plum ridiculous.
Solution? Hah!
The old SEHOSpital foundation has a debt of 40 million with the government, which now considers to take shares in the foundation (to be turned into a company) for that amount.
Another SOE? watch those salaries! Plus the negative profit (AKA "loss"). Oh well, we're used to that.
It's a Record
The World Bank thinks when it takes three months to start a business, that's way too long. On Curaçao and St. Maarten, it takes twice that time. Caused by Red Tape, which we have been promised the government would get rid of since... who can remember that long ago?
So Swim
The Dominican Republic as of next Wednesday has stopped all flights between there and SXM, executed mainly by WinAir. Many passengers will be stranded in Santo Domingo. A solution is being sought.
Sounds like just pestering Winair by Santo Donmingo.
We're Saved
A local plastic recycling industry has been set up. Waste plastic, collected along Mambo Boulevard, will be turned into new products (plastic ones, sure) in a plant offering work to local workers. How many, we're not told.
In other news, we read that a law limiting plastics use may be ready for parliament discussion in August.
The new products will be "holiday souvenirs". Really useful, that.
To fly CUR-BON or vice versa, you get on a waiting list that is only beaten by the medical specialists'. There are just not enough seats available.
An unholy thought: let's start another National Airline!
Dutch waters are too polluted for the €U taste. They contain among other things too much nitrogen, "half of which is from agricultural manure and waste water purification." So stop purifying it, simple? But not to worry, the quality of Dutch water as a whole is not substandard. "Much depends on the way pollution is measured." You said a mouthful there.
Start Your Own Collection Selikor lets us know that the problems with garbage collection will go on until October, when new garbage trucks are expected to arrive. A great chance to start your own valuable garbage collection! Collect-it-yourself until then.
What to Do? Amigoe gives us a list of all that's wrong with education, with the headline "there's more wrong than right." They list 7 Pros against 17 Cons.
Education minister M*F*K van Heijdoorn says it all will be fixed in 2025. By then, hopefully or not, he may have been replaced.
One rather important item, there's too little time reserved for language education; in both Dutch and Papiamento—or, preferably of course, the other way 'round. Tell us about it.
Everybody Must Join In
PWFC [petroleum workers union] chairman complains about the fact that "strange forces" want to stop reopening the refinery. We must all work together so that the take-over can go ahead and stop working against Curaçao's development.
He mentions how the 12.5% salary cut of spoiled brats, which the government wanted to undo, must go through because of "foreign" (read: Kingdom) influences. And now there's a foundation trying to stop reboot of Isla refinery!
No doubt he means Clean Air Foundation, which has declared it is not against the reopening of Isla refinery; only that it must be done without transgressing pollution laws. Than which nothing could be more desirable.
Who Cares?
The mini-bus drivers, not so much about the 11 cents/liter diesel price raise. Their union boss states, as if we didn't know, that the fuel gets more expensive all the time but the tariffs aren't raised. "Maybe we must wait until the drivers think enough is enough," he says.
Can't Be Done
Mudbelly Cooper's VVRP ministry now wants Scuba Lodge to restore the situation to what it was before building the new pier was started. "At once" which is said to mean two weeks. As Cooper has already declared the maritime damage is irreparable, you may well wonder what's the idea here. Other sources say, the pier has to be "partly" demolished.
Old Story, Never Boring
Now it's at Jeremi where some guy just decided he'd hack a substantial part out of the coast cliffs. It's 5 meters wide and judging from the photos, even deeper and certainly longer. Looks like the idea is to give him access to the sea, as he is behind the first coastal row. The owner has been warned but just continues.
In fact, he doesn't even own the plot, it's government terrain. He's not the first one either, but in an earlier case the owner stopped his activities after being warned.
Interestingly, a large part of Jeremi is owned by APC pension fund, who as we now read plan to develop it into a tourist area à la Jan Thiel. Which has been an important factor in traffic delays on Caracasbaaiweg. We can confidently look forward to getting the same problem on the Weg naar Westpunt.
Mudbelly Cooper hasn't done a thing about it yet. He "has his hands full" with the Pietermaai Scuba Lodge. Get off your behind, Cooper!
And as long as we're at it, that Weg naar Westpunt is regarded as the most dangerous road of Curaçao already. Two deaths last week-end.
Pay Up!
They won't get away with that... Always on his toes with an eye out for money, minister Silly Vain warns former Isla refinery employees that they have to include their redundancy pay in their tax returns.
They Keep Coming
Now, it's "Climate Meltdown" or still better, Total Climate Meltdown... ooooh... I'm scared. It's unavoidable and can't be stopped! says an "expert".
So why bother.
Or, maybe still better, have a look at these graphs from Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore, who pretty soon got out as fast as he could run. While carbon "poison" went up from ~20 to 390ppm, temperature as good as stayed the same. Is what that same Meltdown guy calls "climate appeasement".
From 1850 to 2015, temperature went up by 2° Fahrenheit—or 1.1°C.
Get Lost
5% of Bonaire kukukus may be confiscated and their residents kicked off to build "social housing" instead. These people have been living there for generations but their property rights have never been legitimized.
Not so long ago Bonaire had no public notary. Twice a year or so one came over from Curaçao for a few hours; small wonder there are no property deeds for many of those kunukus. But a former Netherlands Antilles governor is supposed to have declared that when a kunukero had been using a terrain for thirty years he became the owner. In actual fact, many families have been there for over a century and even have paid land tax in the past.
The "owners" may get an offer to sell "their" terrains.
Go Get 'Em!
Minister Mudbelly Cooper has filed a complaint against Scuba Lodge for doing like they wanted while building a pier, disregarding terms of their permit(s). They also stole Domeingrond [government terrain] and irreparably damaged the maritime environment. Fine could max. be 1 million guilders; or 4 years in the dungeon.
Scuba Lodge owner Filippini says, they may have gone a bit too far out from the coast by misinterpreting the design drawings; and what a pity it all is because the new pier will beautify the island.
We Are No Mice, But...
Diet at an early age (first 1000 days) can be responsible for obesitas later on, says a study presented by scientist van Heijningen. At least in mice. By intervening early, later obesitas can/may be prevented.
Even if we are no mice, sounds there might be something to it. Next problem: how to convince parents not to gorge those babies.
Housing can be a problem as well; it's not entirely clear from what we read. As mice (like we) are social animals, I seem to understand that isolation can lead to stresses which later again leads to obesitas.
Follows what sounds like a commercial for a new Nutricia baby feeding product.
Oho! Those Board Members
SNTNO [Stichting Supervision and Standardization of Government Entities—once again you ask yourself, who thinks up those names?] calls attention to how the way board members of SOEs are chosen, which doesn't follow the legal procedure. Maybe worse, but in the same vein, for years no effort has been made to install an entity that advises the government on selecting those board members (and directors). This entity is required by law; which is once again "only marks on paper."
Instead, board members are chosen on the advice of the companies themselves. Which is asking for trouble.
Hope It Helps
Extra garbage containers will be placed at several locations: total at least thirteen (10+3+?). And the previously announced big clean-up of the island will officially start tomorrow.
In fact, where we live it started earlier last week, already. The amount of rubbish found and removed was not so large, but wait until the action continues further along the road where there are no houses built, resulting in lack of social control. Such as it is.
Wait for the Rest
Minimum price as from August 1 for electricity 0.7469/kW; for water 9.3015/m^3. I'd guess, though because it's not mentioned, this excludes OB sales tax.
Bario Center, Huh?
The Kura Hulanda Hotel will reopen in September as an Adults Only resort under the name Hotel Botanica. It's supposed to be welcoming couples, lovers (is there a difference?) and business persons. Emphasis on privacy.
So much for the promisedBan Bario Bek integration in the Otrabanda town part.
In other press articles, we read that Kura Hulanda will be named Kura and be a Living Lab, "a testing garden for different kinds of innovations and activities for community building." Vague enough for you? Sounds a bit different from the "privacy" concept; take your pick.
That's Good. Or Not?
There is no disharmony at all between coalition partners M*F*K and PNP, caused by the Curaçaohuis Soap Opera. According to rumors there were, but the Bleeders (=Big Leaders) deny it. So there can't be.
A pity.
Maybe So, But I'm Here Already
Wiser than the average ass... Curaçao has been selected as El Numero Uno to work remotely in. At least, that's what Zenefits software company thinks. Enough to throw a fit for Aruba (only number 5 of 10 out of 50 islands).
More Delays
The top salary earners at SOEs get until August 5 (was July 22, which is a week ago—who cares?) to prepare their statements on why they want more money than the 130% of what our PM earns makes.
That's Good!
MAN Pinhead Martina assures us that he doesn't take it easy when on one of those foreign trips. He works just as hard as ever, he says.
Five workers at Curaçaohuis have written a letter to defend plenpot min Manuel's actions. Would that be the same ones who are still at work, in contrast with the 13 others who're sitting at home?
In other news, M*F*K PM Prick Pisas can (and must, you ask me) be held responsible for Manuel's capriccios. Good. I mean, the guy must be held responsible for something!
Yeah, That Figures
Action of the islands alone makes not enough difference in fighting climate change, says Henriquez of SER social-economic council on an Athene congress. We knew it all the time. As long as it doesn't mean we have to join the Global Reset hysteria.
Hey, another instance of a luxury trip at our expense?
Note the Emergency Exit
There's a Plan to coordinate the large konvooi buses withn the small mini-busses rourtes. Hopefully it will work.
But we also read that electric buses will be used shortly. Hope they don't catch fire, as they maybe not often, but still too often do elsewhere.
"Environmentalism is an Environmental Hazard"
So writes Daniel Greenfield in Frontpage Mag, and I would advise to read it all. Several of his remarks I have touched on already, but a new one is this: to get rid of wind generators which lose their power after a mere 20 years or so, the fiberglass blades have to be cut up before they can go to the landfills. Which results in fiberglass particles in the air, all ready to enter your lungs. Where they can lead to nasty diseases.
Not to mention poisons like cadmium and lead getting into groundwater from discarded solar panels, producing "300 times more toxic waste than high-level nuclear waste."
Whatever that means, right.
Can't Take Their Loss Knipselkrant Curaçao has been down again; for a week already. Caused by cyber-attacks, "probably" (hah!) by the gaming world, which KKC is very critical of.
Not without results, either.
Dutch Gas Prices
Highest price in Europe is in Sweden, where the gas price is €.2379/kW; in Holland (2nd place) it's 0.2319. Or in ANG 42 cents.
We pay Aqualectra 72 cents/kW. Minimal.
Other Sounds
Basis education in Curaçao has a lot of problems. Yes, we know. What is surprising is that the educators complain that there are too many and too detailed laws which hinder their task.
Pay-walled Amigoe runs a first-page article on the awful Global Warming effects. Plus an editorial on how mulish everybody else here is by not seeming to mind.
Well, everybody else may have a point. It seems hard to blame Global Warming all at once for years of drought in Chile and at the same time floods elsewhere on the continent. The (doubtable) large-scale melting of glaciers and ice masses, also quoted as dear warnings, has since the late 19th century not resulted in higher seal level increases. And so on.
For example:"While CO2 has gone up, Arctic sea ice has RISEN over past decade"; "Antarctica continues long-term upward sea ice trend"; and about Sea Levels: "Coastal Land Area Is Expanding So Fast That 'Catastrophic' Sea Level Rise Cannot Keep Up"
Why Not? Sure!
Some guy Silvano wants to turn July 26th, the day that Alonso de Ojeda "discovered" Curaçao (a long time after the Indians did) into an official day of celebrations. Much more important than the Dia di Bandera [flag day or vlaggetjesdag] he says.
Yeah mon, give all the spoiled brats another day off. Paid, of course. We can afford it!
You Can't Win
The Yankee Dollar has gone up versus the €uro, with the result that at least some vacation rental prices have gone up with 25-30% for Europeans, which is too high for them. So what: we take in Yankees instead? Not so fast! They may well prefer going to Europe, that has become much cheaper for them.
Kill! Kill!
One of 6 crew members of a go-fast transporting 1620 keys of drugs (cocaine is a good guess) was shot and killed by Kustwacht coast guard. Street value in Holland, €81 million. Not that this dead guy would have made 13.5 million out of that.
The only country CBCS central bank mentions with a higher tax total than Curaçao, 43.7%, is France, where bureaucracy was invented: 45.5%. In Holland's welfare state it's only 39%; in St. Maarten a mere 23.3%.
Note that countries like France and Holland also have to pay off enormous war debts. To the contrary, Curaçao had an oil boom in WWII.
For Who Can Afford It
There's an enormous shortage of optometrists. Even the minister of health noticed. Results in crazy waiting lists for operations at CMC hospital. Many patients fly to Colombia for surgery instead.
It Never Stops
Now it's at Pietermaai, where instead of the (permitted) wooden deck some guys are building a stone pier instead. Even Mudbelly is mad. It's also mentioned that, at Parasasa, illegal coast excavations are on their merry way.
Pietermaai Scuba Lodge owner Filippini says that they only want to improve safety and build a nice boardwalk. "It looks like they may have gone a bit over the red line," he adds. Nice try, Filippini; bet you win.
In Jan Sofat where there have been complaints as well, the owner after all got the permits he wanted and even added a nice gazebo.
So Much for That
Central Bank may project a "negative shrink" for this and next year, but IMF International Monetary Fund is more pessimistic. Take your pick: from 2021 to 2023 the growth will drop from 6.1 to 3.2% (Global), 5.3 to 1.4 (advanced countries) and 6.38 to 3.9 (developing countries). I concede, that's still growth. After a minimalist fashion.
New Gambling Law
Not being a legal expert, what do I know? I do know that I have some trust in the experts who say that the new gambling law is full of holes. Come right down to it, what else did you expect?
It was largely influenced by a guy Mateo, a Maltese gambling expert. Who is now subject to a criminal investigation, mainly suspected of fraud.
A real confidence builder.
End This Year
That's when the refinery will be reopened, says director Newtion. A far cry from the first of this month, but not too far; maybe. Then again, can he be trusted?
Just Waiting
And then, possibly some more... The Rescue Plan for Damen Shipyards/DOK is ready. Now we have to wait until it's been accorded. And then, until they find money for it?
Curaçao pays 20 million, Damen the other half. But in fact, only 2 of the 4 docks will be "upgraded" now; another 50%. Or, put it in laypersons' words, half. Rest comes later...
Too Much to Mention Amigoe runs an article on bureaucracy. As we all know, we have nothing but; at least in government circles. These things tend to work through in private business as well, alas.
If oops when you must declare taxes and it's too complicated for words, you're forced to hire "experts" and there we all go.
Too Bad
It's the minister of justice Hato whose car hit another one. Both drivers stated they were avoiding potholes.
If there were real justice, it should have been the responsible minister, Mudbelly. However, we must figure Hato is as big a spender, if in another field. Aren't they all?
Nobody's Safe
Cost of living in Curaçao has gone up with 6.6% in the period May 2021-22. Rest assured they have grown even more since.
M.P.s have questions about the camera surveillance in den Haag Curaçaohuis. Their take is, the cameras serve to check on the personnel's behavior. But Minister Mudbelly has quite another point of view: it's to protect their own safety! Or maybe plenpot min Manuel's threatened safety?
Of the 13 workers, only 5 are actually at work; the rest sits at home because of conflicts with Manuel. I hope they get paid. After all, we have plenty of money... plenty!
Which Ones?
Only "a small part" of insurers take the trouble to report their financial statements to CBCS central bank, as they're supposed to by law. Is what CBCS reports; alas, without telling us which ones do. Might or would come in handy when choosing a insurer.
There's a Hole in My Donut
Re. that fata morgana of the "Circular" Doughnut Economy, where we were treated on the prospect of covering the island and the sea far around with wind generators to produce hydrogen gas, more on the subject. In the first place, it's still not at all so clear if hydrogen really is such an ideal fuel. You'd say it is because, of course, it burns like hell.
Remember the Hindenburg
Also, it leaks much too easily, which makes it dangerous for car use. Then, it contains many less calories per weight than gasoline or diesel oil. Which makes it a no-no for aircraft and ocean surface transport.
But probably much worse, there are plenty of natural hydrogen deposits to be found, notably in Australia and Mali. These seem to be renewed by chemical reactions. Costs for bringing it to the surface are estimated at $2.30/kg, versus production cost of $6 for manufactured hydrogen.
Put that in your pipeline and smoke it. It needs saying again and again: "There's no such thing as a free lunch."
PAR wants info from PM Prick Pisas about the future of the refinery. So would we all. After all, the key of the installations would be handed over on June 1 but this date, like so many before it, has come and went by without the promised action.
PAR has five questions, of which the (to me) most pressing is: how about giving us a new date?
As if Pisas knows.
And also, as if the answer would mean a thing.
Criminality on the island is increasing, because of the worsening economy and the influx of ondocumented aliens. And also, Amigoe tells us, because amounts of money meant for the Criminaliteitsfonds disappear in the bureaucracy. My, Justice Ministry can't even say how much money should be coming in.
It's Gone
There was an item here about the obesity of what I therefore called "truly a people's rep!" but on second thoughts I decided to remove it. Doesn't bring us any further.
Not that most of the Circus does.
Also, there was this small matter of infringing Amigoe copyright.
Our plenipot minister in Den Haag, Manuel, is "disappointed" because of the allegations against him and Curaçaohuis. This time it's about invasion of personnel's privacy. Manuel says it has been discussed in his M*F*K party and that measures will be taken. Do tell!
As for us all, we can hardly say we're disappointed in Manuel. By now and long since, abuse of power has been the mode in that Curaçaohuis. What else did we expect?
Our politicians are good at it, and we don't need to wonder that SOE managers are as well. Finance minister Silly Vain still has not received info he says he needs on those top salaries, which is supposed to come in before July 26th.
He doesn't explain why that info is needed; a top salary is a top salary. Over and out.
Welcome Change
In attitude. Refineria Isla has no problems with the court's verdict that the pollution laws must be kept to.
And neither has GIK, now back in the game? represented by Rutsel Martha. A bit surprising that, as they claim to need much less money than the estimated amount needed to upgrade.
Let's Hope So
The refinery states that they will keep to the judge's verdict that upon reboot pollution norms must be maintained.
Mainly because it does make a difference (to them): AOW welfare pension receivers will get 25 guilders a month extra.
Le Mot Juste
"Alarmingly high": in 2016-20-20 Curaçao taxpayers paid 47 cents out of every guilder earned in tax and social premiums.
This was mainly caused in 2013 when the government decided to raise both social premiums and welfare pension age. That would have been PS™, PIAS and PNP. The last party is part of the present government; the first two have Gone with the Trade Wind, regretted by hardly anybody. Know your enemies!
I Like That
Government has decided to stop prosecution of all sinners er... criminals who didn't follow the anti-Covid rules. Mainly because the judge reduced 1000 guilders fines to 95.
But government will appeal first cases and, if successful, will restart prosecution on other cases. I heartily wish them bad luck.
Won't Change a Bit
CTB tourist board has a new director. Just in case you'd like to know. Ho Hum.
Is What the Court Says
The emergency measures of CBCS central bank to reorganize ACU credit union will go through, after ACU brought the matter to court. Doesn't matter what the management and the members want; CBCS has been watching ACU with concern for several years.
The members don't like this; tough.
That, Too
Curaçao and St. Maarten's idea to get rid of the civil servants' 12.5% salary cut does not conform to the RMR kingdom ministerial council, state secretary van Huffelen reports. She does not mention possible consequences.
Other Side of the Ledger
"Climate Insanity". Interpret as you please, so does everybody anyway.
There now are suggestions to have "climate lockdowns" analog to the COVID lockdowns, when CO2 levels came down to what at least some people consider to be "acceptable". Just great! Remember what it did to our economy? No need to look further.
To Quote Groucho
"You think so, huh? Then there can't be much to it."
In response to Paul de Geus—yes, he's still around, no doubt drawing a top salary—who says that no matter how and if, the reopening of Isla refinery is only temporary and we'd better invest hundreds of millions in Green Energy.
This while in Europe and other continents the insight is winning that there is not even enough copper available to switch, as many people still want, to "alternatives". Let alone even rarer materials.
De Geus has got a point, I'll admit: the refinery is "temporary". So is de Geus.
Spare Us. Please?
M*F*K PM Prick Pisas announces that it's parliament that must be looking at PAN Rojer's proposal to hold yet another referendum, and to take steps to realize it. If I haven't lost count, please excuse me, number four in 30 years: this time about the Coho Kingdom support deal, which some, or even many, hotheads find unacceptable. No matter that the former government has accorded it.
Pisas mentions that the government won't be obliged to follow the result of such a referendum. So what's the use? Would only cost money.
New Coin
As from January 1, 2024 Curaçao and St. Maarten will get a new coin, the Caribbean Guilder. This to replace the Netherlands Antillean guilder, which in fact should have been defunct since 10-10-10 when that country ceased to exist. The new guilder will still be coupled to the US$, exchange rate 1.79 to 1. A good thing it's not a Chinese Petro-Yuan...
As long as it isn't crypto.
ACU Change
CBCS central bank announces introduction of a new governance model, chosen by ACU's General Meeting of Members. The new rules can be implemented in a matter of days. After all. ACU stands for Ambtenaren Credit Union, an institute that works exclusively for civil servants.
Damen DOK Repair
Damen Shipyards has, finally, begun repairing the dry dock, formerly heart of CDM "Dok". Took 5 years and 2 million guilders. Now we're still waiting for the decision if an overall renovation will start. The other two (floating) docks have defects as well.
That's Progress?
I don't know yet how this has ended, but German parliament wants to reconsider shutting down what's left of their nuclear power plants. Jubilated by almost everyone, Merkel decided to do this when the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan was damaged by a tsunami. As everybody knows, there are many tsunamis all the time all over Germany. Dangerous!
Now, the energy situation is becoming so desperate that coal power plants are being reopened. And thought is even given to going back to burning wood for heat.
Next, we may have cars and trucks with wood gas generators, like Europe had in WWII. Even diesel trains had 'em. Nice Green Pure Nature!
But I'll frankly stand up like a man (oops) and admit it: I'm what's now known as a "climate criminal".
Bad Luck
Like anybody, spoiled brats will have to pay tax &tc. over their 1750 guilders bonus. Which results in the higher their salary, the lower their bonus.
Good News! Really!
CAE foundation has, again, won in court. The judge found, with them (and us all) that the country is obligated to follow the law and, with a refinery restart, must immediately follow the law as regards pollution norms.
The country wanted to postpone this until 2025.
This may seriously impede the reboot plans.
No Tire Money
The cops have no money for spare tires, which means surveillance will have to be reduced.
Here's an idea: fix the potholes! Will save not only the police cars' tires; which all have to be imported.
Not There Yet
Curaçao has been downgraded to US level 3 in Human Trafficking: countries whose "governments do not fully meet the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) minimum standards and are not making significant efforts to do so." And that even before Campo has been reopened!
The government deplores this. Well, do something about it!
Next year, we'll get new car license plates, for the first time in umpteen years. We used to get them every year, but the Landfill couldn't handle the volume of discarded aluminum. And now it can? I strongly doubt it.
Just maybe, somebody stroke a well-paying deal with a license plate maker? Hey, I mention no names!
People and companies who haven't paid their car taxes over past years will soon get assessments.
Looks like a job for Green Force.
USA CDC stops reporting on Virus infections aboard cruise ships. Presumably, the cruise companies can handle the problem on their own.
Prepare for thy Doom! Just what we needed.
Even in Taiwan, tourism is getting a bad name.
We just read that, in June, tourist records have been broken. As long as it lasts, of course.
Next Step
Logically building out South African's Eskom Evil Plan to make you pay the difference between what you used and what is the average use, why not pay us for what we use over and above the average?
New One, Good One
"Climate Insanity"—your choice to whom that should apply.
No, Not
The bonus that after all will be paid out to the spoiled brats this month is against the Coho deal made with the Kingdom, Holland, on the Virus support loans. So says Staatssecretaris van Huffelen. But minister Martina says Curaçao does not agree with the conditions; which were accepted to start with. "That's not the first time" adds Martina. He got that right. And judging from his attitude, won't be the last time either.
Until Holland has had enough, of course.
Show Down
Finance minister Silly Vain wants all top salaries to be known, to him at least, before July 26 so a "good maximum" can be determined. Now, they're secret; sure. Imagine us plebs knowing... Looks like even Silly Vain doesn't know them now.
Don't count on it that we will get to see them! Also, this seems to be dodging the 130% deal in advance.
Of Course Not!
The Care institutes protest health minister Pietersz-Janga's claims that they're top-heavy. Not at all, they say, and there are no extravagant salaries being paid either. It's the smaller subsidies that kill them.
Who could possibly know what's the truth here? Guessing, both have a point.
Keep 'em Coming: Entertain Us
UN "chief" Guterres wants 100 milliard/year in climate aid now to developing countries "who are still waiting". $$s or €€s, what's the difference since this week? Question: are India and China "developing countries"? Need money so they can import more coal and oil, that's it!
Otherwise, we're all collectively committing "climate suicide".
Also Good
In the Philippines the newly elected major of Mulanay, Luzon has ordered the spoiled brats (which they seem to have there as well) to force a smile when helping people. These are said to complain about unfriendly treatment when for example they come pay. (My guess is, those people in front of the window don't smile so much.)
The brats will be fined with six month's salary (sure beats 12.5%) or even be fired.
Too bad tourists have so little to do with the spoiled brats here; might work fine. Though we've heard plenty of complaints about their treatment by immigration on arrival at the airport.
Weak point seems to be, how can you tell if somebody is smiling or not when he's wearing an anti-virus face mask?
Great Idea!
Proof that South Africa's Eskom, they of the beurtkrag [power-on-turn; wait for yours!] is way ahead of "our" Aqualectra! If you start using less electricity, (only for example) because you installed solar panels, you have to pay Eskom more so they keep on getting as much money. With "less" is meant, less than the average household consumption.
So you might as well buy an airco to keep up with the Joneses: you'll have to pay for it anyway. Result will no doubt be that the "average" consumption will go up. You can't win.
Let's Hope So
Selikor garbage utility announces that, as from today, garbage will be collected as usual. Again, after the strike. "Maybe".
We'll see. Or, maybe, not.
One More
People living around Ronde Klip are at the end of their wits. There's a terrain there where trash is dumped and burned, all on a regular base, leaving them in the stench. The government does nothing to stop it, despite repeated complaints.
Strikes a much too familiar chord, that.
No Doubt
Not a fan of health minister Pietersz-Janga, I must admit that she's probably right when she says that, while subsidies "may" have been lowered (hah!) for Care institutions, their overhead costs are "insanely high". Like almost everywhere else around here; look who's talking! Still...
It Started
And, to be sure, in one of the most progressive states in the world: California. The old and wasted rooftop solar panels, by now 25-30 years old, are starting to hit the landfills. Where they will, or may, if you prefer, poison the environment with their heavy metals. Only 1 in 10 is being offered for recycling—an almost impossible and at any rate very costly job in itself.
Oh irony: those panels have been heavily subsidized because they're so "green"; which is still going on. At any rate, we will be spared from part of that because here, you are even supposed to pay taxes for the privilege of installing them.
I'm pretty curious as to what Green Force's plans are to deal with that little little problem in the not-so-distant future. Or the planners of the Eco-Industriepark.
Thank You!
The Dutch parliament committee has taken note of the Curaçao's parliament motion on the 12.5% spoiled brats' salary cut, and will take no further action. Dutch MPs can use the contents as they wish.
I can help them with several suggestions.
Remember that Sandals flop? It's still going on: tens of complaints have come in. A shower discharged in the room; some rooms don't even have water. Waiting times for the restaurant are "enormous" and you have to wait for 20-30 minutes before you get your beach drink. Days may pass before your room is cleaned. Rooms close to the beach are bombarded with loud music.
The place is supposedly "tip free" but you'd better tip anyway or service is rotten.
Not everybody shares those viewpoints. Aw, you'll always get curmudgeons.
Get On With It. Already
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman argued that "The problem of gasoline in the United States is more a function of the lack of refining capacity in the United States than a shortage of actual crude oil."
Sounds good. To me. Better petro-$$s than tourist-€€s. Petro can be clean; tourism not so much.
Hold It. Please?
Successful filmmaker Jandino seems to have bought Hòfi Mango near Santa Cruz. Now he wants to promote agricultural activities. Up to here, fine with me.
However, one of the first things we get to hear is that the future farmers must be assured of getting cheap water. Figure with me: this necessarily means that all the rest of us, one way or the other, will have to pay for that. Is this economy? No, it's throwing away money. Our money. It would be much more economical to import foodstuffs. Eggs as well, come to think of it.
I'm not going into this now. It's well-meant, like so many past projects—that ultimately failed. Like Helfrichdorp. No need to go on.
To be sure, there have been developed forms of horticulture that are less water-dependant. Better teach the future farmers about those! Much better.
You Have to Sue
Because they stick to it like glue...
Court has decided that the Tax Person must pay a company back the 95,000 guilders that were overpaid in profit tax. Plus interest. The amount can, legally, only be paid back after the Inspector has sent a verminderingsaanslag [reduction]; which he doesn't. Will he now? The judge expresses the hope that the country will keep to the law.
Is he naïve or what?
Cute Culture
CBCS central bank and also Ennia companies suspect ex-minister Gibson of having been bribed. On his departure as board member he received a "golden handshake" of 2 million guilders. You think that's a sure sign? Well, it's been shown to be quite usual.
Thing is, first you have to become a board member.
No Kidding
No official figures yet, but the word is out: the exodus to Holland is growing to a full blast. No need indeed to wonder why.
To repeat my advice to Chong, auntie Sushi and other Bleaders: if you want more voters tax payers, take care they like it here instead of chasing them away.
Good Term
Used, but probably not invented by CBCS central bank: as from 2016 the Curaçao economy shows a "progressive image of decline". Translation: we're getting poorer and poorer faster and faster. This because the Virus-pandemic (which in fact only started years later) made clear that we're totally dependent on imports. Really? Give it to us! Here's one more item: the refinery stand-still had a negative effect. Trade went up! because we had more imports. No need to go on.
Big Deal
The RvM council of ministers has approved new laws to limit the gambling "industry". Oh, watch them shake in their boots! I won't bore you with details; who cares in the first place? Certainly not the controllers.
For one example, Cyberluck or whoever of their hangers-on now will have to pay out €125,000 to some gamblers. They had to go to court to get their peanuts money.
Too True
Negotiations are still going one between OM public ministry and ex-PM Shorty. He has to make a "substantial" down payment on his 1.8 million debt. But right now Shorty is in Colombia where his daughter is participating in a concours hippique—something definitely reserved for the well-to-do. So why negotiate? Pay up or get locked up! Instead, he gets the chance to get and maybe stay away...
We're also still waiting for Shorty's accomplice, his ex-moll Cecilia, and Quackie Constantia; she of the surgeon's masks, to go directly to jail. And who knows who else that escaped our attention.
Wow! Or, Ouch?
I forget at what occasion, just seems to me to be the Tula Museum at Landhuis Knip, where everybody who turned up at some festivity got 1 (one) Moringa seed to plant in their own gardens.
For these things the price is 20 guilders/kilo, so I'd guess that's about 2 cents' worth; maybe 4. Ah well, it's a gesture. A cheap one, though.
Old Fart
It seems one in three persons here has at least one tattoo. In my misspent youth, only sailors and savages had them. As we don't have that many sailors, looks like the savages have largely taken over. To me, it's self-mutilation.
Let's Hope So
By the end of next year (which is a pretty long time) new hospital CMC should be out of trouble. That's the plan.
If it will work? You know who's proposing all those ideas... Essentially, the successors of the same guys who saddled us with that building in the first place.
Over HALF?!
The €uro has gone down, again. It's now worth a Yankee Dollar. Which has its consequences for Curaçao; among which we're told that the island is more than half dependent on €uropean (read: Dutch?) tourists. Who may not afford to come in such throngs any longer.
It may also result in less "second homes" for &europ;uropeans here. Good; now maybe we can afford a house ourselves, and maybe even pay less OZB real estate tax.
But we also hear our vacation to €urope will become cheaper in consequence. Big deal. What vacations? Also, flight tickets will go up in price.
Take a Taxi
SVB social insurance pays back only 2/3rds of an ambulance transport. Leaves you with 915-660=255 guilders to pay. That's for an A1 emergency trip. But the ambulance foundation complains that tariffs have not been adapted for 14 years and there's not enough money for investments etc.
They hope two months from now new tariffs will be adopted. Which leaves us with the question: how much will we have to pay out of our own pockets then?
Playing Tough
Finance minister Silly Vain says he's not afraid gambling institutes will leave for better pastures, when our standards are raised. That's easy to follow. In the first place, what standards? They're as good as non-existent. Secondly, the country hardly makes any money there, so let 'em go. Already.
Selikor on Strike
Don't make no difference, mon... Hadn't enough trucks to collect the garbage, anyway. Which is why they were on strike—until yesterday afternoon.
Heard That Before
The Tax Person has advised finance minister Silly Vain to stop trying to collect the oldest years of unpaid waste collection taxes. Don't you feel like a sucker for having paid all those years? Join the club!
And stop paying as from now.
Doesn't matter, because collector Aqualectra didn't transfer the funds to garbage utility Selikor anyway.
Give It to Us
The egg price, which has been fixed for ten years at almost 4.88/dozen, has to go up. Chicken feed is not "chicken feed" these days, and has to be imported; and local transport has been going up as well, as we all know. So pay up...
No Confidence
The government is not really confident that the take-over and reboot of Isla refinery will actually proceed. At least, that's what we read. Sure is a different take from what they've been telling us until now. On the other hand, it nicely fits in what by now is a tradition of broken-down negotiations.
And we're promised a new law to regulate air pollution. Until we get that, Clean Air Foundation (and others, among whom we) are afraid that for the time being, a reboot would allow the refinery to operate under the old, unsatisfactory, laws.
For as long as I can remember, in oher countries building tools have been stolen from hardware stores to commit burglaries elsewhere with. It's only recently our esteemed criminals here discovered this easy (and cheap) way to help them get into other places.
I'd guess the idea has been imported by guys who've lived in Holland or so for a while. Cultural appropriation!
A Pity
The Tax Person still has to collect 5.6 billion guilders here and there. Among which 37 million from outside the country. (My advice: forget about those.) The arrear is caused by the remediation measures, we're told; without any indication of what these measures entail.
Of course, a special unit is busy trying to collect those foreign guilders. May well cost more than it's worth. And I may well be wrong here.
Good Plan
On St. Eustatius, all freely roaming cattle (which includes goats, sheep, cows and pigs) will be shot to death as from today. This concerns 12,000 to 14,000 animals. Although this is forbidden, the owners don't care as the law is not maintained anyway; which may be costing human lives because of the resulting erosion caused by overgrazing.
Statia's total 2019 population was 3,138 on 150km^2.
With an incredible effort, hear my muscles groan, I've managed to refrain from comments on how to follow this great example here. Applying it to other fauna.
As always, Climate Change is mentioned as one of the problems, but sorry, with most voters I can only feel that's among the last of our worries.
Messy Selikor garbage utility personnel has started an action. Despite Promises! Promises! there a crippling lack of garbage collection trucks. Personnel says 20 are needed, but last week ended with only 4 available.
For Now...
Dutch minister of defence reassures us all that the air quality in Julianadorp, where many of the military live (they can afford it?!) is better than at other locations (in Holland).
What will happen to same air quality when the refinery is rebooted is anybody's guess, though.
Oh. Sigh.
MCBank announces monthly account costs go up from 3.71 to 5.30. "The increase is related to investments in digitization and compliance." And we thinking, and probably rightly so, that digitization would and should result in lower costs. Also, compliance with what? The government's demands?
Too bad if you're forced to have a bank account because the government won't pay your welfare any other way.
Now Go Waste It
IN 2022QI Curaçao received more money in taxes than the government bargained for. Result is, there's 102 million more to throw away than figured out. Hurrah brats! Now let's see if governor Wout will permit you to get the bonus.
Aha! She did! The spoiled brats will get their bonus with their salary this month.
Still There?
It's a long time since we heard about the Blue Water cooling-by-seawater project at Zakitó. Now they're back in the media as the Zakitó District Cooling Project. They say they were all ready to start when the Virus broke out, which disrupted everything; to wit financing which we're told was completely finished when the Covid pandemic started.
They're now trying to reboot financing, for which they need 50 million (guilders, I guess) which will result in 400-600 more jobs, less CO2 (only 5%—of what?) and 100 million/year of macro-economic impact. They're optimistic because of the present high oil prices, but still, national and international financing institutes hold back because of the crisis. Which isn't over yet by a long way.
M*F*K MP Monte opines that the discussion shouldn't be about the top salaries, but about how cost of living could be reduced for the rest of the people. As if that's not one way among, I admit, many.
By withholding extremely sumptuous sums to reward them, top functionaries will not be motivated to give their utmost to lead their companies. They will be seduced into taking money out of the company in other ways, to keep their standard of living.
That would be what's popularly called "stealing", Monte. In such a case, they should be arrested and thrown in jail. No wonder an MP gets such an idea; it might be his worldview.
Wot Bull
ACU (civil servants' credit union) does not agree with CBCS central bank's idea that ACU is, in fact, a regular financial institute and should thus keep to the regulations that apply. (Giving you the bouillabaisse point.) Of course it is: ACU quacks like a bank etc. But ACU would much prefer to do as they want without that awkward interference in their affairs.
The [law] on normalization of top incomes will get changes. Three points: the components of the incomes; the term of transitional arrangements; and level of dismissal arrangement.
The top salary earners all agree that the proposed 2016 law (that never has been accorded) in which the transition time was limited to two years, should be changed to seven years. And parliament complains that they omitted to give any suggestions on how the salaries' should be structured. Many of the workers in the same companies don't even make rnough to bring them on the poverty line.
We will follow future developments with the utmost interest. Especially the "dismissal arrangement" piqued our attention.
That Will Help
Parliament Head America-Francisca requests all MPs to limit foreign trips to the minimum, as well as the number of people they take along. "We must firstly consider how important and necessary the trip is.
As if it needed saying? Better still ask, will a "request" make any difference?
Medical Reasons
PM Pisas and minister Silly Vain are out of the country. For medical reasons, we're told. As it would be unethical to tell us what are their problems are, that gives us freedom to make guesses.
Do they have an STD, what used to be called VD? Or is it a psychiatric necessity?
Minister Cijntje is gone as well, to Santo Domingo to palaver with Ay-rabs. And we thinking it was Prickie over there.
In KKC Elisabeth Hollander tells is that in 2019, on the Dies Natalis of UoC, economist Michel Savage figured out that top salaries in a country should not exceed 10 times the poverty line. Which here is 20,000 guilders, so the salaries should be limited to 200,000.
A lot they care. "Nami! Nami!" 2022-07-09
After a peak around 2019, crime figures have been reduced to about half of 2017 levels. Traffic acidents, criminal or not (you ask me, many are) as well.
The Virus pandemic is largely blamed for that.
Will That Work?
The tax "system" in Curaçao as far as business is concerned misses economic vision and is a mere agglomerate of 27 laws. Says an independent organisation.
Only one thing that offers some hope here, reforming taxes is part of the COHO-deal; which however our government (including PMs, ministers and spoiled brats) fights to the hilt.
The expensive trip by government people to Dubai has been fruitful, M*F*K PM Prick P. Sas (sounds even better in Dutch) says. Curaçao is one of the few countries receiving an invitation for a follow-up conference.
So off once again, Prickie! To bad it's only in Santo Domingo.
Curaçao delegation consists of representatives (how many?) of MEO and Cinex interim-director Jeanette Bonet.
Tell Us About It
The Netherlands', Holland's, Dutch minister of legal protection (mein Himmel, do they have ministers for everything there?) thinks Curaçao insufficiently supervises its gambling sector. Whatever gives him that idea?
Besides, is that "our" gambling sector? Good question, huh?
Not Offical
The story in the streets is that the Dia di Bandera (Flag's Day] and Seú Harvest Feast of the past weekend have resulted in an increase of CCP Virus infections. How surprising! Hasn't been confirmed, understandably. So keep on feasting.
Crumbling Away
What's locally called the "Town Hall", Stadhuis is, or rather was, the center of the courts of justice. But since they left two years ago for greener pastures, nothing at all has been done to start urgently needed renovations of what may be called one of the more impressive monuments downtown.
Rather, our Great Leaders want to build new buildings, turning Willemstad into what the Kinks' Ray Davies called a monstro-city. Like Marichi; or the Wharf; or Waterfort/Plaza-Montmartre. Better not go on, it might just give them ideas. Hey, that's where real money can be made!
Also, just mentioning it in passing, the Court complains that three countries have not paid their dues for three years now. You think that would be the ABC islands, and that the Dutch-province BES islands did pay? My, you must be a clairvoyant!
Really Cute
Oil products meant for local use are stored at Isla refinery, which is not really equipped for that but meant for international distribution. But Curoil says that makes those products so expensive on the local market. (Must be one of more factors, am I right?) Also, Curoil has safety concerns.
Curoil has now started its own LPG terminal and is not dependent on the (Isla-Aqualectra) BOO plant anywmore.
Can't Be the Same
One third of all school pupils is being bullied—or is a bully. That's rather vague. Doesn't mean a thing to me.
Interestingly, bullying is often related to discrimination; but there's more discrimination than bullying. Even more interestingly, skin color has not much to do with bullying or, just a guess, being bullied.
Our Hearts Bleed
For those poor top-salary earning SOE guys who could spare two entire days from their demanding jobs for explaining to our ultra-bright parliament members how they really need over half a million/year to keep breathing.
"We are being demonized!" they say. They do not waste money like maniacs, they say. They say a lot more but who cares?
It's Our Culture!
ARC Rekenkamer [accounting] complains that "not all ministers" take the trouble to report on their finances as obligated by law. In fact, less than half do so. Not to mention Staten/parliament hardly has any follow-up. ARC deplores all this.
267, 400 or maybe 567 Million Gone
Just like that... Depends on who's counting... That's what CBCS director tells us the Girobank debacle has cost Curaçao. Oh well, let's ask Holland for another loan, and later on ask 'em to have pity please and scratch paying it back.
Most guilty parties? Girobank director Garcia, IIG Capital of New York, Pension Fund APC, the board of directors (commissarissen) and Central Bank, who only started intervening in 2013.
And Meanwhile...
While the minibus drivers are complaining that their tariffs should be raised, the police warns for illegal minibuses who do seem to find it worthwhile to drive around transporting passengers.
Admittedly, at least one of them had no insurance, license plates or even a drivers' license.
So There. Read and Stop Whining
Lawyer Moenir-Alam explains in KKC that since in 1955 the United Nations adopted Resolution 945(X), ending the Kingdom's duty to report yearly about the Netherlands Antilles and Suriname, this means that since the Statuut these countries were removed from the UN list of not self-managing countries.
Which, making a long and well-reasoned story short, the Kingdom, "like any money lender", is perfectly entitled to have conditions for lending Curaçao money; much as our present Great Leaders may deplore this.
I have restricted this a bit because of the present Prick Pisas c.s. COHO protests; but it applies just as much to other movements to give the ex-colonies more independence. We are ex-colonies and independent, got it?
Ex-PM Shorty is still negotiating with the M public ministry on the 1.8 million guilders (US$10m) he's supposed to pay back, or return to jail for 3 years. He was given 2 weeks to pay up last May.
Gee, I wish the Tax Person gave me that much leeway. But then, (I hope) I'm not a crook.
Try Again...
After the PAR Bhillenaath government wanted to waste still more money on a new Curaçao coat-of-arms about which thankfully we didn't hear any more, don't worry that such a fine and much-needed idea has gone down the drain! No, now culture minister van Heydoorn has picked it up again, after the committee that had to look at it hadn't been installed yet by July last year. This time, the new design should be ready on October 10 (12 years after). And a new committee will be installed.
Gee, I wonder how much those committee members will be paid.
The present coat-of-arms was adopted in 1964.
Double the Mon, Double the Fun
The top SOE managers will come explain to Parliament why they can't possibly accept the maximum salary of 130% what the PM is overpaid. They do not fight the idea there should be a top salary, oh no; only, it's much too low. It should be twice that.
Their 'splanations will take two days. Wasting the money of our overpaid MPs at the same rate.
The Dutch government thinks the timing is not right for slavery apologies. Too much social unrest right now. Oh. Is that an excuse? Oh well, wait a bit longer; it's only 150 years since slavery was abolished after all.
And I thinking the king had offered apologies.
No Kidding?
The Ombudsman (no, not a person; a mere male) complains that the government turns his institutution into a farce. My words, not his. He especially refers to the community mail boxes he has protested on October 3, 2016 but hasn't had a reaction yet. While the government has just gone on executing the Evil Plan. There's more, of course. Much more.
We've had some troubles with connecting to our server the past week. Looks like it's over!
Welcome back, again...
Prickie P*d Off
M*F*K PM Prick Pisas is not very satisfied about the people neglecting his "hurricane that never was" curfew. They had good reasons: all of a sudden it was changed from a 16:00 start to 11:00. Of course many people were still on the road then! Not to mention the fact that Bonnie was what's popularly called a nothing-burger. Nobody could have known that.
Not even our "commander in chief" the Bearded Weirdo. Because, what does he know? Anyway?
Another Feast
This time, the Seú harvest feast. If only we had a harvest to celebrate! No matter, it's a three-day party and (not only) our Bearded Weirdo PM Prickie has even bought a new clowns' suit for the occasion. I guess we pick up the price tag.
Yes, We Know
In a nutshell, giving you just the headline: "Curaçao less attractive for entrepreneurs due to bureaucracy and high costs."
If only our esteemed Leaders and their Servile Servants knew; or cared.
One More
Now MPs PNP Osepa and M*F*K Yung have gone off to Panamá for another most important meeting.
No Harm in Telling Us Again Amigoe once again compares several spending posts of Holland versus Curaçao. I omit a lot of figures here; for one thing I feel that if you're interested, go out and Pay their Wall. So let's limit ourselves to SVB social insurance. All in ANG guilders.
In Holland, the yearly payout is 90 billion per 5.6 million persons; here, 1 billion per 245,000; or 161,070 versus 4,081. In Holland, personnel count is 293; here, it's 3500. Top salary Holland €186,913, say 375,000 guilders; the top salary here is kept a secret, but according to leaks it's almost 1 million guilders.
Business as usual... Just before the non-storm did not hit us, Mudbelly Cooper's ministry reassured us that all roois [ditches] had been cleaned, so there would be no flooding problems.
Hah! VBC entrepreneurs' club comes out with the message that they were not cleaned, and that it's only thanks to rains keeping away that we did not have flooding at critical points.
Wait, Wait...
RVM council of ministers has responded to governor Wout, and claims all her questions have been replied to. We'll have to see if Wout thinks so, too.
It's about the 1750 guilders [whatever] the spoiled brats are supposed to receive.
Sounds Bad
Water is becoming 60% more expensive in Aruba. Yes, it is bad—but read on: It's still about 2 guilders/florins per m^3 cheaper than here in Curaçao. 7.25 versus 9.07.
Some More Fun
Over half of the loans given out by, thank the Lord, now defunct Girobank turns out to be "non-performing". Ain't that great. A through investigation should find out who and whom are concerned.
Who Said That, Again?
"Don't Panic"... Once again, the announced hurricane turned out to be a storm in a teacup. Even this morning we read in the media "The worst is still to come" and "the storm will come earlier than expected".
Well, it can hardly get any less worse, so to speak. We had no wind to mention, it only turned about 90°ree;, from the North; no lightning and thunder; but we did get 63mms of rain here.
Curfew was lifted 04:00 this morning.
Look at it this way: the spoiled brats got 1.5 days extra free. Except those on standby for emergencies, sure; at overtime rates.
We're also told that the rains will go on until Monday, but they stopped before 00:00 last night.
Yes, But...
Ministry of finance has approved the 1750 guilders bonus for the spoiled brats. Governor Wout had refused to accord this.
Will she now? Good question. We wait in suspense.
Sounds Smart
Or maybe Stupid. The Central Bank CBCS warns that the budget deficiency may not be solved too fast, as that may result in slower (or no) economic recovery.
Where has CBCS been the past years? Let's look at the years since 10-10-10 only, but in fact robbing of us all by the greedy crooks in Fort Amsterdam has been going on much longer. When there's money around they'll take their cut.
Afore I forget, CBCS has "adjusted" the growth prognosis from (March) 6.6 to 5.2%. Inflation estimate 2022 6.1%. "Real" growth 2023: 3.0%. Which I predict will not even cover inflation, so what is CBCS talking about, and from where else than the back of their necks?
One Step Ahead
Aruba parliament has accorded the normalization of top incomes in SOEs, something our esteemed money-grabbers here have not been able to accept as yet.
There Go My Plans
"Visiting the prison is not possible on Wednesday." And ex-PM M*F*K Shorty still hasn't made an arrangement for paying 1.8 million back. Deadline was May 12. Lock him up!
Don't Panic
A deep depression is on its way. One source warned it would grow into a hurricane, but more responsible ones advises it can go to a "tropical storm". Buckets of rain, not before we were ready for it. Tonight's the night. Supermarkets close today at 14:00 (or maybe 15:00), gas stations at 16:00, reopening tomorrow at 12:00. Curfew from today 16:00 until further notice (so how do the gas stations plan to reopen?)
Spoiled brats have another day off tomorrow, and today from 12:00! "All events and activities will be canceled on June 29 and 30."
That I Want to See
Will be good for some hearty belly laughs. A report is being prepared on the sumptuous luxury foreign trips of our esteemed B. Leaders.
What they tell us about all that now doesn't mean a thing. To me at least.
How Much?
Aqualectra utility is losing so much electricity and water that it has been decided to make us pay only half of that by charging us in our January through June bills. Big deal! We'll pay one way or, in this case, the other.
How much they lose they carefully avoid stating.
Not Here
Now warnings are starting that the expanding space tourism is a danger to the climate. "Soot particles emitted by rockets are almost 500 times more efficient at holding heat in the atmosphere than all other sources of soot combined (surface and aircraft)," we read.
On the other hand, it would take a lot of rockets to get at the same amount emitted by all the rest. And besides, it's only "3D modeling".
At any rate, since the space plans for Hato airport have been stopped, at least we here are not guilty. Unless, of course, the Isla refinery reboot will also result in a lot of millionaires going on space trips.
Fine with Me
Holland will not allow the next round of support loans to be used for helping out the poor Spoiled Brats. Which makes me ask myself what turns our minister Silly Vain will have to swing to keep, oops, should be "make" them satisfied.
CBS statistics has an optimistic, in fact overly optimistic, view on the economy. It grew by over 4% last year! Thanks to tourism.
But let's not forget all those years before 2021 when we shrank and shrank. There's still a lot to catch up with: -26.7+4.2=-22.5%. May well be more. We have been shrinking for longer than five years.
Different Take
Quite refreshing, to me, after all those worst-you-can-get synonyms for what the Climate Gods (don't forget the -esses) will do to us in their frustrated revenge. Take that, (remember?) Greta! et al
"The Green Lemmings."
The Europeans have just quit that losers' game, forced by reality.
Curaçao and Finland will sign an agreement on air relations. This is supposed to promote trade, investments and tourism. It includes landing rights and overflights. Overflights? As Jeeves would say "The contingency is a remote one."
Please Don't Laugh or Even Smirk
It's not funny. Four tax inspectors have been accused of tax evasion and will be criminally prosecuted. We don't get further details.
Passing Strange
Strangely, FKP social building doesn't understand why the Rif inhabitants are worried about the future of their homes. This while Mudbelly Cooper himself has assured them time and time again they have nothing to worry about!
The worriers have found a letter that FKP wants to sell their houses to "the company of former MFK politician Rudney Garmes". But, says FKP, that doesn't mean their renting contracts will be ended.
Not necessarily, no; we have to admit.
The RIF-people also protest against the advancing gentrification of the inner city. This will result in higher prices which will force many people to move to the city parts farthest from the center.
They certainly have a point there. The same applies to the entire island: the €uropean (read Dutch) yuppies overflow the real estate market, forcing prices up and up. And with it the OZB property taxes. This has been going on for years and years, on the neighboring islands as well, forcing many people to abandon residences where their families have been living for decades.
Long live tourism! (or do I bore you?)
Makes governor Wout's reaction understandable. The dossier she received on the gratification of vacation money or whatever you want to call it, minister Silly Vain's own words, contained no juridical nor financial advise; even the basis for a new law making it possible had no juridical footing.
Male Cow Manure
The SOE tops' protest that lowering their salaries will have a lowering effect on all salaries in those companies has been analysed long since by CBS statistics, we read in Antilliaans Dagblad". CBS statistics concludes that it's correct, but only talks about a "slight" [lichte] lowering.
Which may not be bad at all. For the rest of us.
Wait for It
Anti-inflation measures in the USA will (among other fine things) mean that the credit card interest will go up to 20%.
Will the saving accounts now start paying a decent interest?
Interestingly, the average credit card rate there now is 14.6%. While I here pay 18%; if you ask me, that's usury already. Will we follow? You know the answer already; but maybe we're both wrong.
At least, I would have to pay that if I was forced to skip a monthly payment.
A house owner in Jongbloed has been extending his building like crazy, much against the desires of his neighbors, and wrongful because of the stipulations of the local housing association. Now the court has judged that, despite the owner's building permit, building has to be stopped and extensions have to be demolished.
A Way Out
More and more spoiled brats report sick and don't turn up for "work". Because they earn so little money. "Actions" in protest are close now, says trade union voice Thaïse Isidora Lo-A-Njoe.
One result, my personal take, is government personnel costs keep growing because of so much overtime.
The implementation of subsidy management by SOAW social affairs will be improved. A vitalnecessity. Permit me to be skeptical.
For starters, a team of 10 more spoiled brats has been hired as a "special unit" to work on a pilot project.
Another Hotel
With yacht harbor, at the East coast of Piscaderabaai. 300 luxury rooms for "high quality" visitors (read: people with plenty of money). They will supposedly boost the economy as they are expected to stay year round and spend their money freely.
An open question is if the future reopening of Isla refinery will not lead to the same smoke (etcetera...) pollution problems Blue Bay development was bugged by in the past as well. Many took their leave from there because of that.
And "Otrabanda is booming" we read. Also because of tourism.
Wait for the Next Round
On June 28th, gasoline will go up to 2.951/liter; that's over 10% more. Diesel oil will follow the same course. Only LPG gas will stay at the same level, 80 guilders/100 lbs.
As regards electricity, the base tariff for domestic use <250kW/month will go up to 0.7236/kW; all other tariffs will go down. Water mirabile dictu will become a tiny bit cheaper.
Of Course Not
Several measures to lower medical costs have not been implemented, Cft financial supervision warns. They were not only supposed to help pay for CMC, but also to guarantee the social system costs in the next years.
Chile, Here We Come!
A delegation of 4 MPs will go visit Santiago de Chile for a Parlatino agriculture conference. You and me ask ourselves if the entire yearly tax sum paid by our agriculturists will cover the costs. But that doesn't matter. We're reassured that the entire parliament committee has approved all Parlatino-related travels, last January.
Fat chance that they would not have approved all those luxury trips for themselves.
So Get Lost Already
The managements of the SOEs warn that, when their top salaries will be cut, this will have consequences for those below them (without explaining why). Which will result in an enormous brain drain; as internationally, those sumptuous salaries are quite normal. At least, that's what they say. And it will be difficult to attract staff and other personnel at those "low" salaries.
Meanwhile, the law has ground to a halt in parliament, awaiting a "technical briefing".
If you wonder who would want to hire no-goods like the present obviously incompetent staff members, so do I. Not to mention the politicians' salaries in themselves are on the high side, to put it mildly.
I was supposed to pay last month's Aqualectra utility bill on May 28th, so I did. On May 30th, the company sent me a letter warning that if I meanwhile hadn't paid they might come cut off my supply. I received the letter on May 21st. By mail.
If their accounting dept. was on its toes, that useless letter might have been avoided. Who knows how much this costs Aqualectra every month? A fair guess is, they themselves have no idea.
Go Ahead, Don't Wait
Brilliant! TMF (taskforce marketing and financing) advises the entire basis insurance system must be revised. One idea is, move a packet to a private Dutch insurance company and in the process, save lots of money.
That's capitalism versus socialism, folks.
A Reminder
The slavery wailers want Tula rehabiliated. Allow me to reach back in history and tell you a little story about the De Witt Brothers, who were locked up in the Gevangenpoort [prisoners gate]. A mob 'somehow' managed to penetrate their prison and got them outside, where they were castrated, their bellies cut open (and guts literally eaten by some of the mob) and their corpses hung up upside down. Here's a painting.
The House of Orange didn't like them; need I say more? (This is denied by some.)
Johan and Cornelis were never rehabilitated. They did get a statue in 1918, only 246 years later. Tula got one sooner than that.
Oh, Really?
The directors of SOEs agree with the idea that there ought to be a top on their salaries. Only, it should be much higher! Instead of the 263,000 guilders a year it should be 535,000. Like they told us before, they have arranged their lives according to their present income and it would be asking too much to give all that luxury up. Poor babies...
Here's a list of those who protest (know your enemies):
ADC Algemeen Diagnostisch Centrum - Aqualectra - Bureau Telecommunicatie en Post - CAH Curaçao Airport Holding - Curinde - Curoil - DC-ANSP Dutch Caribbean Air Navigation Servce Provider.
Two companies have written their own letters: CPA Curaçao Ports Authority - KTK Kompania di Tou Kòrsou
And another letter is expected from CBCS Central Bank Curaçao St. Maarten
"It may seem like a group of well-paid functionaries want to defend their income coûte que coûte" they say, "but that's absolutely not the case." I'm glad they removed that wrong impression; I had been fooled as well.
A Well-Known Scenario
An investigation is going on into scams by medical professionals, who are alleged to have received for years er... compensation from "a supplier of medical devices", for prescribing its products. The doctors may have, make that probably received millions of dollars for this. Searches have been made, also in Holland and Germany.
I'm afraid this just comes with the way the medical world is set up. To use their own term, "it's chronic!"
No Coho
For a while; who knows for how long? The kingdom partners have not been able to reach a deal during Aruba negotiations. Which is Bad News, no matter how you look at it. As if our Bleeders cared.
Future Feast
M*F*K education (plus a lot else) minister van Heijdoorn wants a symposium of the future of Carnaval. One of the questions is, how can this become "sustainable"—which here sounds like a contradiction in terms. Or an oxymoron, take your pick.
F*k Off
The spoiled brats have not found a willing ear when they asked staatssecretaris van Huffelen to get rid of the 12.5% salary (whatever) cut. Obligations must be fulfilled first, says van Huffelen. Then we can start working on it.
Now, all their hope is for the 1750 guilders compensation; which, however, looks like governor Wout has laid her ears back and refuses to sign.
One of van Huffelen's conditions is, only the lower-paid civil servants will get their 12.5% back. Minister Silly Vain calls this "discrimination". He also says that if the 1750 guilders sum is paid out, forget about the 3% vacation money.
Hear Them Yell
In Amigoe newspaper ms. de Hollander has an article (paywalled and in Dutch) about how not all slavery is "black and white"; and explaining that in actual historical fact, the Curaçao slaves were pretty well off, especially compared with those in the rest of the region. She bases her opinion on an interview with historian Jandi Paula (new name-giver of former Peter Stuyvesant College) by Kees van Langeraad for his 1988 documentary Antilliaans verhaal.
De Hollander's pupils were much surprised that they were never informed of all this. Of course they were not; it would ruin the story. The term is "doesn't fit the narrative."
Full disclosure: I worked on that television series as a sound technician.
Forget It
We're told that it's impossible to lower taxes of car gas/diesel further.
Small wonder. (You need no links here, just read on ad random.)
That strikes a familiar chord... Amigoe newspaper writes that the Curaçao public sector is the most expensive in the region, spending 12.5% of GDP. Hey, where did we encounter that figure before?
Oh yes, that's what the spoiled brats keep protesting against. Amigoe asks where we can see that their salaries indeed were cut. "Nowhere" is a fair guess, or we'd be certain to have it been shown already. To the contrary, it cannot be discerned from the published figures.
And this while the rest of us have seen our income shrink by 20% because of the Virus.
Twenty Five!
Yes, 25 of our esteemed leaders plus adherents will visit the Atlanta Braves sponsor festival. For at least 3 days. Their sorry excuse is, the spendings of CTB tourist board must be checked.
Which in itself would not be a bad idea—not at all. But this...
Interestingly, economic development minister Cijntje takes along 6 members of his department. Judging from their names, all dames ladies. Some party, kids!
CTB itself joins the fun as well.
The director of Dames Shipyards has been replaced by a new one. There were plenty of complaints about his predecessor, who could never be reached and never replied to requests etc. It's Damen's intention to continue activities.
Aqualectra has send a letter to the trade unions that the intended cut for top salaries will also have repercussions for lower salaries. The total amount paid per year per job may not exceed 263,000 guilders, which includes all costs. So other salaries will have to go down as well and not be over 12,700/month.
Which means the present CAO [collective workers agreements] cannot be maintained.
If all this is something more than lobbying to keep the status quo is a very good question.
Hope for the Best
Negotiations will start this week on the Isla refinery take-over. A company CPR Curaçao Petroleum Refinery has been set up, part of CPR Holding, a consortium of 6 USA and 1 Brazilian concerns. Hopefully an agreement will be reached before September 1st, which is also mentioned as the start-up date.
The idea is to lease the facilities for 30 years with an option for 10 more; Bullenbaai oil terminal will be re-opened "at once". 650 million dollars will be invested during the first three years (which is appreciably less than earlier quotes of 2 billion supposedly needed) for a "safe" reboot of the refinery. LNG will be used for fuel, so not asphalt pitch as formerly. 2000 workers will be needed for renovating the installations, which will then offer jobs for 800 people.
For now, several questions remain unanswered here.
Praise the Lord
The Virus pandemic is over—at least for us here. Epi Izzy will soon retire with a well-deserved pension.
Bad news is, they're looking for a replacement.
Three Days!
That's how long the celebrations for the Flag Day Dia di Bandera will last this year. It wil be combined with Emancipation day in memory of the end of slavery (in 1863...) and the Seú harvest fest. Not that there's much harvest; who cares as long as we can feast.
I can't tell you if the spoiled brats will have three days off.
Hold It
Governor Wout has not (yet?) signed the proposal to pay the spoiled brats (not the rest of us) 1750 guilders compensation. She has several questions, says our Beerded Weardo Lieder PM Prickie. So do we have questions.
Can't Wait
At Kas di Palu Maishi you can now treat yourself on a new delicacy: moringa croquettes.
But not to worry, the cook who thought (and serves) them up assures us they don't taste of the moringa tree at all.
Cute, Mudbelly
The inhabitants of Rif/Otrabanda have held a meeting on the plans of FKP social housing. They're afraid their homes will be sold away from under 'em. And M*F*K minister Mudbelly Cooper advised them not to show up there. A hundred were there anyway.
Oh Goody-Oh!
Take a deep breath and celebrate: the Campo Alegre bordello's auction has merely been postponed. Until "somewhere in September."
That's More Like It
Oh, he did think about it! Ex-MP Cijntje also considered, next to Scharloo, the sad state of Otrabanda quarter which was ruined first by a viaduct cutting it in two parts, and later by hotel Kura Hulanda shutting another part off from the locals.
My personal view? Cijntje of course has good points, those viaducts are a disaster. They should never have been built; if not some politicians had made tons if not millions of money there, it never would have happened. But really, I can't see how they can be removed. It will only lead to congestions elsewhere.
Excellent Question
"How will this get paid for?" asks Antilliaans Dagblad about the grandiose plans for Porto Kòrsou. They also asked the initiators and got an answer that, to me, sounds pretty vague. One of the final sentences is: "A favorable investment climate must be created. [...] The government's commitment is a necessary condition."
So forget it? The government seems to be enthusiastically committed to an Isla refinery restart.
Oh, So
It's MPVX now. Rather obviously, MP stands for Monkeypox; and VX till now was a "human-made chemical warfare agent classified as a nerve agent."
Right On
They would like that, our Bleeding Leaders: get rid of an obligatory Referendum to decide on our independence. But Kingdom's Raad van State [Council of State] has advised against it. Even though Dutch VVD party started moving for it.
Many Dutch would like to see us go, but there are laws.
Anyway, in all referenda up to now (3 or 4, one loses count) the people clearly opted for remaining in the Kingdom. So better not ask them who are concerned.
It's a Start
Justice Dept. has started visiting car and car part dealers to check on illegal activities. Not only money laundering is looked into, but also dealing in (second-hand parts from) and stolen cars and other related items
Not Again
The well-known club of slavery wailers is at it again. They have six points (my interpretation): 1 Holland must apologize in a manner the descendants of former slaves accept as "well-meant" — 2 "Reparation payments" must follow — 3 slave revolution leader Tula must be rehabilitated — 4 decolonization must be started and finished — 5 the Tula Museum must become carried by the Kingdom — 6 Papiamento must be recognized as one of the basic Kingdom languages.
You can write a book commenting on this but I'll try and keep it snappy. 1: as far as I know Holland's king years ago apologized already; 2: who should and who should not get those payments? An unsolvable legal knot; 3: okay, if not done already; 4: apart from the fact the UN seems to think that's been achieved, they contradict themselves here in points 5 and 6: when they want out of the Kingdom, why should they care what the Kingdom does, or have a say in it? And don't get me started on Papiamento, the introduction of which in education has led to nothing but problems.
No Campo
The planned auction of bordello Campo Alegre next Tuesday has been postponed. The official reason is, there was plenty of interest but none of the eager candidates managed to get the guarantee sum of 5 million guilders together. Others add that there were only two, one of them a Colombia lord.
Plenty of Money—Really?
This may be how. Cft financial supervision and the country disagree on the delay in payments of the Girobank debts. Curaçao figures this can be postponed till 2026 (when we'll have another government). Hey, it's only 170 million guilders. Loaned by Holland, who else?
Hope That Works
A (for now unnamed) external bureau is investigating Curaçao's financial management. Related to the Coho loan deal. Should be ready in September. The idea is to result measures and recommendations to enable the controlling instances to fulfill there tasks still better.
Still better? That must be a joke.
Some ass tried to steal a Curoil fuel truck by climbing on top of it. A nitwit procedure. So the driver went to straight to the police office, where the guy was arrested.
As if those drivers carried more cash than any other driver. And where to go with the fuel?
More Tourists
At least, that's the intention. If they'll come? ABC tourism investment group is pushing for one thousand new hotel rooms on the ABC-islands.
Because of the hardships they underwent with the Virus measures, the spoiled brats get a compensation of 1750 guilders each.
Don't spend those wooden nickles in one place!
How Could He
PNP MP Mercelina, now in Jamaica with what we're told is a 3-man oops person delegation (I'd bet they have their assistants along) had no idea the budget for those sumptuous trips had been exceeded. Why should he check on boring little details like that, anyway? He's only chairman of the Economic Development Committee and that's Parliament head America-Francisca's job.
Laugh and Shrug; if You Can
They make me sooo tired... As you may have noticed, the Communist Party Virus Covid-19 (not really) has a successor: Monkeypox. But now the WHO wants to rename it; that's discriminatory! And the same goes for it's two clades (family members, so to speak) the "West African" clade and the "Congo Basin" clade. Should be replaced with numerical identifiers.
The same humorless attitude as with the hurricane names, where half the female names have long since been replaced by male names.
Also, the WHO is worried that the LBGT+ community will be discriminated against because most of the disease's outbreaks have been linked to homosexual men. As if hetero bigots can be blamed for that. And as if bigots automatically think "blacks" when we think "monkeys". Or are the monkeys that sensitive now? Or are regions of Africa?
And how about the chickens, huh? Shouldn't we rename the chicken pox? (Think of chicks, too!) And the hives, so as not to offend bees? I'm sure there are more examples if you look for them.
Too Big for Comfort
Now there's a new plan to replace the refinery: Porto Korsòu where the Isla refinery waterfront will be replaced by a super-yacht harbor. This to replace the Greentown idea, which by now can only be called a flop. Porto Korsow is inspired by the Plaza market in downtown Punda; I have to admit: it's round and has crenelated roofs. Consists of 3 towers and, "just like Plaza", will be a popular meeting point—which is news for me. For millionaire yacht owners, maybe.
Another confidence builder is the supposed similarity with Sidney Opera House in Australia. Here we go with the megalomania again. Not to mention that the Opera House is infamous for having surpassed all building budget estimates by several factors. So the Porto Korsòu initiators may have a point after all.
Original costs for Sidney Opera were estimated at 7 million dollars, but ended up at 102 million. Construction took 14 years instead of the estimated 5 years. There are more familiar features about it.
They call it a "fairy-like building" which describes the idea nicely.
Manuel Wised Up
"Our" plenipot man(uel) in den Haag after all decided not to sue blogger Godfried Adem. Jurists figured he had not a chance to win. Good, saves us money as no doubt Manuel would have paid with government's money.
Adem blogged about the Curaçaohouse nepotism.
Not Good At All
Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro and Iran's presidents Ebrahim Raisi recently signed a 20-year cooperation agreement. Maduro thanks Iran for helping out the Venezuelan people by shipping over oil in tankers. More than crazy: Venezuela has just about the largest crude oil reserves in the world but managed to lose as good as all production because of incompetence.
At any rate, does this mean Iran can install ballistic missiles in Venezuela (aimed at the USA with us inbetween)?
That's Better?
Aqualectra Utility will reduce the number of workers from (2019) 616 to (2026) 468, saving 13.9 million guilders/year.
Alas, this is only to try and subvert the 12.5% salary cut: Aqualectra will pay less on salaries, but those in themselves will remain just as high.
Broaden Their Horizons!
We'll gladly pay. They need it badly. Travel costs for MPs this year have passed the 400,000 guilders mark already. This while the total year's budget has been set on 300,000.
But don't despair, MPs: next year the budget will be back at 560 thou.
The MPs now use money out of other budget posts to cover costs. We're not informed which ones.
Right now, there are 3 of them in Jamaica.
Good Plan
M*F*K party suggests to make the AOV welfare and other pensions tax-free. Which should be compensated for by taxing the casinos.
Just a suggestion: why not, after all those years, raise the AOV pensions? Have been on the same level since 2013.
Howzdat Again?
Pretty recently we read that the Digital Immigration Card will be canceled. (This may be wrong, only my memory.) At any rate, the Tax Person is dependent on it to find the non-tax-paying places they rent. Problem there again is, most of those guys are not Curaçao residents, which makes it difficult to collect their sales and other taxes.
Casha hotel club keeps complaining that this is unfair competition, and of course they have a point. Welcome, penshonados and €uro yuppies!
Big Help
I'll spare you Mudbelly Cooper's excuses, but in July finally a start will be made with renewing the top asphalt layer on "14 or 15" roads, cost 10 million guilders. And that's only roads which are in reasonable condition, Cooper's words. For the heavy cases which need a through tackling, 310 million is needed in 6 years.
Hopefully, Mudbelly will be gone as a minister 2 years from now, but don't count on it. Change party if need be!
Let's Hope So
Two weeks from now, the continued tug-of-war between Holland and our spoiled brats on their 12.5% salary cuts will be decided.
Not before we were ready for it.
It will be announced in a press conference.
He Did It
Success, after all! Plenipot Manuel finally succeeded in giving his bro Carlton a well-paid steady job in our his cosy den Haag Curaçaohuis. This backfired before. How matters now stand with Manuel's aunt Carla and two of his musician friends we're not told. By a DJ name of The King.
Figures. Or not?
The government thinks the lower top salaries in SOEs will not result in more money flowing into Ali Baba's Cave coffers. But the costs for the consumer will go down.
Is what they say.
And the subsidies will go down as well. I didn't know there were any left by now.
Those top salaries have been in the fight for two years now.
Old Story
The makutu básiko [basic basket] price control system where certain products have upper price limits results in other products growing more expensive, say the supermarkets. Which again makes living costs in general higher.
Because the supermarkets must keep earning just as much as always, right? It's only logical.
Keep It Up
Animal Rights is back in court against Uncle Tom's Dolphinarium on June 28. What good that can possibly do (for the dolphin slaves) I don't see. But by all means keep hassling Dutch "Simon Legree" Schrier, it's bad good for his blood pressure.
We Beg to Differ
An article in Curaçao Chronicle looks back on the happenings with Isla refinery's possible take-over, asking if Isla will ever open up again. It's the elite and Holland, a pack of nuisance makers, who are against re-opening. Meanwhile, elsewhere we read that the preferred Giusti SOCAP group may invest only 80 million to get the show on the road again, which is a far cry below the earlier mentioned 2 billion dollars.
Others say it's madness to try and reopen it, as in the near future we'll all go Clean and Green, yippee! No more fossil fuels!
And still others let us know that Exxon-Mobil and Saudi-s Aramco have made record profits last year, Aramco even surpassing Apple as the largest company in the world. And a shortage of refineries is making itself felt all over. In fact, there's talk of a (Black) Gold Rush! So reopening Isla may not such a bad idea at all.
I said it before and will say it again: a clean refinery if much preferable above a tourist-based economy. A refinery just sits there and yes, spits, but tourism has a habit of spoiling the entire island—for us.
Fight Back!
The Caribbean civil servants of Curaçao, Aruba, Sint Maarten and Suriname have decided to go together in resisting their governments, who keep trying to lower costs which results in lower salaries and worsening of other conditions. Poor babies.
I never knew Suriname was in the Caribbean. But they do fit in this scheme, that's for sure.
Rotsa Ruck
15 MPs have asked questions about the control on expired imported foods, since another enormous batch was recently confiscated. Minister "Dotty" Pietersz-Janga is supposed to answer in 3 weeks, so we all can rest assured it's in capable hands. Prevention is the answer. You don't say...
Another "Surprise"
FKP social building, nor any of her associated companies, has ever since 2012 presented consolidated and accorded yearly accounts. So says new director Peter Bongers. It's our Culture!
You Don't Say
In the future, trips by government members will not only be considered in terms of costs, but also of added value. But don't get all excited:
One of the trips that will fit is a delegation visiting the 'Nights of the Braves' baseball games in Atlanta, where tickets go from $16 to 9378. Because this is an opportunity to check on the spendings of CTB; which, as you should know, are all paid by us.
And no doubt, it will broaden the visitors' cultural horizons. What a farce.
Towing Down
KTK towing company is in the third and, for now, last phase of shrink: 20 of the 79 nine personnel have to go which results in a 25% saving in costs.
If the refinery restarts, which should result in more ship traffic and thus towing needs, those who have been working there less than 3 months ago will have priority to be rehired. Too bad that won't happen until 2023.
The sargassum seaweed which in recent years has started to become a pest on our North coast, catching turtles and in the process drowning 'em, is unfit for use as feedstock or for compost. It's chock full of heavy metals, it turns out.
Earlier this week, we were informed that 98.66& of former Girobank account holders have been paid out. Which still leaves 3879 accounts open, totaling 19 million guilders. To get there, CBCS central bank has put in 267 million, which it wants back. Now it's up to finance minister Silly Vain to find a way to pay.
Should be no problem, as he keeps bragging the government has plenty of money... plenty.
Get Rid of Them
Not meant are the Spoiled Brats this time. Sigh. We're stuck with 'em... No, ex-PM 'Mac' Cijntje wants to get rid of the "monster" viaducts crossing Willemstad center. Strangely, his attention is focussed on the one in Scharloo/Punda which I can only see as a much smaller obstacle than the one in Otrabanda, which really forms an almost criminal separation of the old quarter.
But I guess Cijntje is a bit delusional. No, I can see no way these two can be eradicated: they're essential in feeding the Julianabridge. Time to have stopped them is long past; that was before they were built.
What Did They Expect
It takes thieves to steal from thieves (those residing in Ali Baba's Cave, AKA Fort Amsterdam.) The tokos and minimarkets barely fulfill their tax duties, according to SOAB tax accounting bureau. I'll spare you the assortment of tricks they have to accomplish that without the Tax Person being able to catch 'em: they manage to lower their sales on control days.
Which has resulted in much lower taxes paid in 2021 compared with earlier years. So much for minister Silly Vain's claims.
Now He Makes Haste
Finance minister M*F*K Silly Vain wants to get the top salaries deal arranged ASAP. Reason (are you ready?): only then the 3% vacation bonus for the spoiled brats can be paid out.
According to the registration in KKN Chamber of Commerce, or so we're told, the managing director of the holding company that leased the dolphins to Slavequarium is Rudolpho Pizziolo Jr., who also holds a a master license holder for online gambling. And Dutch Schrier AKA Simon Legree is supervisory director.
What a bunch of hypocrites, those animal lovers. And makes you question the capability of that judge as well; not to mention hes/hir inegrity.
Next Round
La Rivera Development's Stadt has been forced to go to court again, because the illegit builders Jewel Investment of an apartment complex in Willemstad's Pietermaai, may have had yet another new building permit. They keep coming as needed from VVRP (in other words, Mudbelly's ministry now).
Stadt demands demolition of the building.
Oh, Wait
Big Brats Boss Begina has retracted his fiat of half of the normal vacation money being paid out.
Delay Some More
That's one thing our Bleeders can do, and they keep showing it. The Rijksministerraad [kingdom minister council] meeting planned for tomorrow is postponed because Curaçao government isn't ready yet with the promised and accorded measures on salaries. All others are.
Curaçao is reneging, again, and is asking questions on the salary cuts for ministers and MPs.
Not So Fast
Animal Rights is going back to court after 5 dolphins, owned by Uncle Tom's Slavequarium or whoever, have been moved in the legal darkness of night to Jeddah. They ask Dutchy for a 200,000 guilders fine per dolphin. That should teach him?
Nothing will teach Uncle Tom Simon Legree Schrier, I fear. He loves money more than he loves dolphins and will still be in the black figures. Only mark that he hasn't quoted the exact text from the CITES requirements.
Full disclosure: so do I love money better than dolphins. Only, I don't make the dolphins pay for it.
Also, questions are arising on how that GMN export license suddenly turned up. Oh, it's Dorothy Pietersz-Janga? Makes you think a bit. Which party she belongs to? Do you have to ask? M*F*K.
And for the first time I read a comment that shifts part of the blame to the suckers who keep visiting the Slavequarium.
Shut Up For Once
M*F*K Mudbelly Cooper doesn't like the fact that PNP Osepa wants to see the "confidential" info on parliament's "domestic committee"". For transparency.
He says Osepa has no knowledge of the law, that says that info is confidential. But Osepa happens to be a lawyer, while Mudbelly is... yes, what is he?
The Horse's Mouth
M*F*K MP DOran asks himself what all those government (=you and me) paid foreign party trips concretely result in. But others reply that we need more knowledge to broaden our horizon. And PNP Mercelina says, the budget for that has been accorded by parliament, so it's okay.
See? Nothing to get excited about. The MPs themselves voted for their trips and that's that.
They're Smart?
IMF is meant. They foresee a further deterioration of our economy. We all see that.
But here's what IMF says: they're more optimistic than CBCS central bank with a negative shrink of 6.5% versus CBCS 5%, but an inflation of 6.8%. Resulting in even less money for all most of us.
Lock Him Up!
Ex-PM Shorty has not reacted as yet to the OM public ministry's summons to pay 1.8 million guilders, so it's back to the calaboose for him. To quote Curaçao Chronicle: "A payment arrangement must be in proportion to the debt of 1.8 million guilders. A substantial monthly amount is then required. "
It's a Miracle!
The spoiled brats' unions have agreed to receive only half (3%) of their vacation bonus. Only, the disagree with the name 'holiday allowance'.
Too bad.
That's Funny...
In September 2021 social building FKP signed a declaration of intent with HDM Urban Development Village, which company however was only established in 2022. Which sort of makes you sit up and listen more carefully to the worries of Rif inhabitants on the sale of their houses. Especially after guided tour led by, among others, ex-PM he's-still-around Shorty and he-again Rutsel Martha. Those inhabitants were asked if they were prepared to leave their houses.
But Mudbelly Cooper says they've got nothing to worry about, so that must be true.
Sandals: Flop
The new Sandals Hotel that opened last Friday, which I forgot (on purpose) to report, and which was received with jubilant reports by all media I saw, is a disaster. "A group of tourist", no mention how large, left the place looking for greener pastures. They woke up to the merry sound of construction sounds, which left the corridors filthy with debris; there are not even menus and the bartenders "don't know the difference between white and red wine".
I'm not surprised. This is the same chain in which a few weeks ago in the Bahamas three occupants were found dead, poisoned by carbon monoxide from the airco system. "Luxury resort" my left ass.
One More
Aqualectra wants to join the growing gang of Telecommunication providers. They say, we have a glass fiber netwerk all over the island, which we hardly use (so why did they put it in? and made us pay) so why not exploit it? They merely need to invest 10-20 million guilders, which they hope to make back in 3-5 years.
Disgrace Curaçao Chronicle publishes an article that yesterday morning 5 dolphins have been flown to Jeddah.
And we here thinking that this was stopped by court.
But wait: the article is signed by Dutch Schrier, infamous dolphin-slave (they're almost human...) exploiter. May be just his big fat mouth; or maybe he just sent them away regardless. Which turns out to be the case: Crutch of the matter is, the dolphins were not owned by Seaquarium or Dolphin Academy, but leased from another owner who somehow does have an export license. That owner is not named by Schrier but according to Animal Rights lawyer Braam "is part of the same club." To be sure.
Good Plan
Before the central market will be renovated, maintenance work should be done.
After all those years.
Should Be a Warning SLM Surinam Air canceled the Monday flight Paramaribo-CUR-AUA. Reason, the company executing the flight, Spanish Aura Airlines, couldn't get the needed licenses from international air authorities.
Count yourself lucky you're spared.
For That?
A parliament meeting will be held to discuss the 29,000 kilos of expired deep freeze products, recently confiscated. The importer has apologized—a fat lot of good that does.
Why waste time? Fine the bastards.
Not that the PM-ers don't almost always waste precious fatly paid time on whatever.
It Starts
Foundation CAE Clean Air Everywhere is going to court to make sure that during the refinery's announced start-up period the pollution requirements as stipulated by WHO, which have been confirmed after long court fights, will not be exceeded.
The idea is to stop the Country from issuing nuisance permit contrary to the court's decision of June 1 last year, which hasn't been appealed by any party. CAE asks for a 100,000 guilders/day penalty.
Good. I Hope.
As from yesterday, it's possible to reach Aqualectra utility via WhatsApp +5999 563 0135. "A new era has dawned with Mi Aqualectra Digital" we read. Hope this works for reporting outages as well. If you have internet at such a time, that is.
Short Notice
But ominous. Not only are 70 professionals needed for the Isla refinery reboot, this is planned beginning next year. Which seems mighty soon for the promised intense overhaul.
Further, negotiations will soon start with Giusti's SOCAP group for the acquisition of the refinery. Acquisition? Not what we thought we were bargaining for at all.
New? Trick
Just a warning. It happened to a lady we know. She got a flat tire after leaving a shop; a guy who turned out not to be gentleman offered to help her, but robbed her of a necklace instead. For all she knows, he may have caused her tire to deflate while she was in the shop.
Better Give Up. Please?
The government gives the highest priority to the new gambling laws. Hey, just imagine the Awful Majesty of the Kingdom will interfere! End of mafia and all it means in extra income. And mind, tax-free as well.
The minister is meeting the stakeholders virtually every month, we're told. Draw your own conclusions.
Suggestion by a KKC reader: make the casinos pay taxes.
Please Have Mercy!
Finance minister Silly Vain says he agrees with Cft financial supervision that we don't want more debts. But, he adds, to get out of the present situation Holland must have patience and show lenience.
Here's the way out: so stop borrowing, already. Get your house in order. You'd be amazed how much money we have.
By "lenience" Silly means, refinance the loans or forget them completely (much better, that). 2022-06-06
Is How We Do It
Mudbelly Cooper has given a director's function to Terry Hernandez without any solicitation procedure. Says Mudbelly, Hernandez's predecessor got the same job from Coopers's predecessor the same way, "so it's legit". Is how we do it here. Is our tradition—our Culture!
Sad but true.
All 3 members of Curaçao Data and Television's board have resigned in protest.
An interesting aspect of the deal is, ATM's Telecuraçao may become independent from the government. So no propaganda (paid out of your tax) channel for the parties in charge anymore?
By the end of the year, we'll have a new gambling law. But don't expect too much. From what we read, it merely means that some of the money will arrive in Ali Baba's treasure chest. Peanuts: 40 million guilders/year. And as the gambling gangs must have some of their work done here, we may get a (small) influx of workers who'll have to pay taxes and shop in our supermarkets. Count your profits!
Then also, many, or some, of the gambling gangsters may depart for greener pastures.
Dolphins Stay
The court has published the sentence before it's really official: Seaquarium's 5 dolphins may not be exported to Jedda, or they must pay 200,000 guilders/dolphin.
Dolphin "Academy" also claims they want to get rid of aggressive males. Their breeding program has been too successful. So let 'em rip each other to schreds in Jedda.
Earlier this year, a Dutch court forbid the export of 8 dolphins from Harderwijk, Holland to China.
Sounds Good
But in fact, no, it's the other way around: "Crime Fund Misses Out on a Lot of Money". But in fact, it's the other way around: it's the Anti-Crime Fund that's meant. The organization is not really good at all and the Afpakteam [grabbing team] doesn't function.
Which means there's less money available to fight crime than there should be.
It's not as bad as it was twenty years ago, but bad enough. The last 5 years, 9272 more persons left the island than came in, leaving us here with 151.066 people. That's over 6%. Which entails an economy shrink, as if we needed any. But we read in Amigoe that's good for the Climate Change. Whatever. Some relief!
Too bad for Chong and auntie Sushi who instead want to double the number of tax payers inhabitants. Here's an idea: clean up your act (not only #U-2) and maybe more people will stick around.
So Are We SMOC Foundation wonders about the reboot of Isla refinery, to wit if it's correct that burning pitch asphalt for fuel is actually forbidden. Which of course is not the only problem. All of that has, finally after a struggle of many years, been ordered by High Court. But they know about our Bleeding Leaders better than we do. The Law? "Only marks on paper."
One good thing is, Socap's Giusti was a high guy in PdVSA before ex-Venezuela president Hugo Chaávez, for reasons of his own, fired him with a large number of other staff and personnel and replaced them with nitwits who did what he told them to do. Which you may say was the end of PdVSA.
Worries on Justice
The Law Enforcement Council is worried about several matters obstructing the law maintenance. Among which shortage of personnel, also in essential positions. As a result, cases take much too long; and if one (of 4) Kingdom country gets into problems, that will influence the entire Kingdon.
No Problem
Five MPs have flown to Panamá (business class, of course) for a Parlatino meeting on "human rights and economic and social developments". As if we have any.
Won't Work
Only my guess: two Dutch MPs have started asking questions on the Curaçao gambling scene and if action is being taken.
Don't count on it. Our Clowns like the gambling sector far too much, a proven fact; and they will start yelling about interference in our precious independence. (From the Mafia?)
So Much for Great Plans
We're used to it. This time it's the renovation of Willemstad Punda's Marshe Nobo central market, announced a few months ago by minister of economic development Cijntje. Since then, "the rest is silence." Meaning, the grandiose plans to have a center for agricultural and creative activities will not be realized, for now. As if we could pay for 'em.
Turns out, since the building of the Marshe Nobo in the early 1970s no substantial maintenance has been done. Small wonder: in fact there was no money even to pay the €EC loans back. Nobody needed that thing, which was built by Italians contractors. That's the €EC for you!
That Will Help
Venezuelan illegal immigrants tried to set fire to their living quarters in prison, in an effort to escape. And this while we were told they'd be moved to Barber police HQ. Instead, they will get new barracks.
Sorry, Rutsel
The government agrees with RdK Isla refinery's choice for a take-over of activities: ex-PdVSA head Luis Giusti of Socap corp.
Closer Look
Those spoiled brats, which I figured to be 12.5% of the population. Comes close, until you realize that it would be the entire population. Including kids and oldies. Say the average family has 4 members, of whom 2 may have a job, the percentage of civil servants comes closer to 50%.
I see no way to get to a closer estimate, sorry. But bad it is.
They Lost
Cyberluck and Usoftgaming have been ordered in court to pay 5 winners. Another hit for lawyer Bijkerk, representing Stichting Belangenbehartiging Gedupeerden Online Gokspelen [Foundation Interests Representation of Duped Online Gambling Gamers—what a term].
It's about many thousand of British pounds. They can afford it.
Don't know if they'll appeal. I wouldn't bother. Then again, I'm not a gambler.
Isla-Viana Rutsel Martha, who is quoted as "knowing Curçao through and though" (all too true, I'm afraid) claims Viana will only need $60 million for a refinery reboot. A far cry from the much higher figures we read elsewhere, like 1 billion. Which would explain why the 150 million Viana is said (at least, by Martha) to have available would be ample.
In actual fact, Martha resides in London.
Oh Goody!
Part of the terrain owned by Isla refinery will be used for an Eco-Industriepark. It will contain a solar "park" for electricity to be used by future battery-operated ABC-buses, later to be enlarged from 1 to 5 MwP capacity.
And green stuff will be planted to collect dust and CO2. I have my doubts: what will we do with those solar panels twenty years from now? And let's hope those buses don't go up in flames or explode when you're inside.
Is What They Say Green Force seems to have published a press release worrying about the impact of the planned seaplane flights. But DCI's director pooh-poohs it and says Green Force should have contacted them first.
As for me, I do wonder if DCI won't be making use of ANSAR areas. Maybe, possibly, not? One lacks information.
Dutch king and queen have been talking to unnamed persons on the process of verzoening, reconciliation. Especially related to the Dutch slavery history.
One thing already decided, the wooden golden coach will not be used again. For now. It's decorated with pictures of the colonial past. Quelle horreur! 2022-06-01
Oh No
The scandalously bankrupt Banco di Caribe n.v. will be taken over by United Group Holdings b.v. Which is controlled by Gregory Elias. This is promised to help restore the Ennia Group.
In another news item, we learn that University of Curaçao has signed a cooperation agreement with Fundashon Bon Intenshon [translation superfluous] to work on the UoC's International Hospitality and Tourism Management program. The Fundashon, or so we're informed by KKC, is affiliated with, once again, Elias.
It's Over?
The government will stop testing for the Covid virus, and the emergency law will expire on June 5th.
Maybe premature?
Animal Slaves
The Dolphin Academy and Seaquarium will be in court tomorrow to defend themselves against an Animal Rights complaint, for flying five dolphins to Jeddah "or any other country".
Dolphin Academy claims they have an overpopulation. So set them free, already? Nooo... These dolphins are worth money.
After all, they're justs beasts. Like slaves.
Could Be; Or Not
Last year, even some so-called "climate skeptics" or even worse "climate deniers" predicted a rougher-than-usual hurricane season. And this year, our own trusty Meteo joins the gang: it may be even worse!
Don't let it keep you from being prepared. I'm serious. But still, 2021 "Hurricane Activity Close To Lowest On Record" in 40 years—which goes to show you.
What's the Use
Because spoiled brats have been removed by the VVU-deal [voluntary outflow] the government wants to hire new ones to replace them. Only on Curaçao? Not really. Governments will be governments. Remember Parkinson—again.
The 6 oil workers' unions unanimously state they support the Headhunting's Committee choice of Venezuelan Gusti's Socap Corp for a take-over. This is in conflict with the refinery's preference for GIK/Viana. They are fed up with the ongoing conflict and want a decision by July 1.
Rutsel Martha, associated with GIK/Viana which in turn is associated with Corc, now denies that Corc lacks sufficient money to continue refinery activities. Which was the reason Corc got scratched in the past. But suddenly, Brazilian Viana now asserts that he has nothing to do with Corc.
The unions not-so-tactfully refer to 30th May 1969 in their statement.
Yes? No?
The 12.5% salary cut for the spoiled brats can't be abolished just like that: there are conditions. First, the top salaries deal for SOEs has to be realized. Then, the money's lacking to restart paying the full wages and it's not allowed to come from Dutch liquidity support loans.
There are more conditions, which we voter cattle can heartily agree with. Topped off by the fact Cft financial supervision must agree they're all fulfilled.
Amigoe quotes an IMF number of 12,000 workers in the public sector; that would be 12.5% of the population. Interesting coincidence, that.
Still Minus
The financial position of the island is better than the prognosis, we read. On the other hand, it's not clear how much of the 102 million guilders received still has to be paid out on charges still to be materialized, 133 million.
All in all, the deficit is 123 million anyway. So it's lower than the prognosis? Big deal. It's still a deficit.
Cyberluck has been trying to stop transmission by Dutch VPRO-TV of an Argos production, calling it 'one-sided, tendentious, and abusive', by fighting it in court.
Now we learn a new regulatory law is in the making. Hope for the best, expect the worst: the online gambling sector "helps" in realizing it.
Waking Up, Huh
Don't count on it. Dutch parties are now clamoring for a thorough investigation of the Curaçao gambling world. This has been going on for scores of years, and now they take note? Thanks to those publications and Nardy Cramm's KKC they now finally sit up and notice?
As if the Dutch politicians as a class haven't been reaping the benefits during all that time.
Not so Easy KKC publishes an article where Curaçao farmers complain that supermarkets want to pay them less than what they pay for imports. As their products are only marketable for a few days without refrigeration, this is seen as a form of blackmail. Not that I see the word mentioned.
Too bad, though, that down there on that page they complain the same supermarkets buy from countries around where incomes are much lower than here, resulting in much lower prices. There's the rub.
They now want market protection by higher import tariffs on fresh produce. That's not the way that leads to "lower local prices" as they claim. Not at all. In the past, with "protection" firmly in place, prices just kept going up keeping the island more expensive than in countries around us. (But the government grew, and still grows, fat on those tariffs.)
More and Still More!
PNP MP Osepa wants to hire more police personnel.
To protect police personnel.
Next step, hire more to protect the protectors. And so on ad infinitum.
After much criticism, also international, the "strangers' barrack" where Venezuelan immigrants were held under what's called inhuman conditions, has been closed. But they have been transferred to the Barber police station, where they share space with regular criminals.
One More
There have now been 277 Virus deaths. Out of 2081 tests, 343 were positive: 16.5%. Better than last week's 21.9%, but still much too high. There are now 2 patients in CMC hospital, of whom 1 in ICU.
Now I'll Believe Anything FOOL KEM Godett wants more transparency in the Huishoudelijke Commissie [household committee]. His complaint seems to be that ministers cause leaks to damage other ministers' reputations. Quite possible. Wouldn't put it past them.
But the Committee responds that their function is secret, as stipulated by law, except what they publish in reports.
Remember: Godett isn't even an MP now.
More Panic
The Leuvel (Belgium) university prof. van Gestel sends out a message that we may have to change the Trias Politica; even if I don't see him actually using the term. It's because of climate change or even the coming climate crisis. Which by the way seems to be more and more a very moot point. He says the judicial powers may have to confront the government, parliament and coalition, to take proper measures.
Sorry mr. prof: the judicial system has to follow the law and keep away from being woke and agitating against the law's provisions. That's its function and that's what it should remain.
One More
Next please! Antillephone gambling license holder and MOA have to pay out €19,000 to a casino player living in Germany. MOA claims they didn't pay because the gambler was guilty of fraudulent acts, but the judge was not convinced.
They make pots o'money but then refuse to pay out.
Too Bad
Customs people are much too busy and have too much to do, so inspections of imported goods are a joke. Their come-back is, "if we follow the book, clients would have to wait much too long."
Here's an idea: hire more! Not that it's a new one. Or that it would help. Remember Parkinson.
No yearly account either, but we knew that without having to be told.
Oh Yeah, Sure
In style: Groene Amsterdammeralso writes about judge Kimberly Lasten, who used to work as a lawyer for the gambling gangs and has signed several summons and claims for damages letters to try and silence KKC. Lasten really should recuse herself, but sees no reason to.
The old stadshuis Swaen which with surrounding buildings has been falling into ruins for longer than I could say, is now in the news again, trying for a new chance. Tens of years ago, we were involved in an effort to get it restored, maybe even becoming part of the old Curaçao island Bestuurscollege (now defunct of course) but it all came to nothing.
However, a Fundashon Swaen i Bisendario has now applied to the government, trying to get a ground lease of the buildings, so they may restore it. It's now become a center for illegals, junkies and drug dealers and will only deteriorate further.
But there's no money to be made there, so forget it? A real pity.
Wait a Little Bit
In Papiamento, warda un rato mostly translated to Dutch as wacht 'n beetje. Much to my surprise, the take-over candidate for Isla refinery is close to being selected. At least, that's what we're told. But not so fast: the refinery has selected three candidates, but their order of preference is different from the RMC ministerial council.
Nobody's talking (fancy that!) but the refinery is said to prefer the Viana group. Uh oh: it's a former partner of Corc and represented by our old acquaintance Rutsel Martha. Whom I trust as far as I can throw Mudbelly Cooper. But the RMC is said to prefer the ex-PdVSA boss Giusti.
But hold your breath, or in fact keep breathing: we're also told that rebooting the refinery may take two years, after a deal has been reached from now in 8-10 weeks.
Maduro Won't Like That
The Dutch Army (still Royal) sent over a drone squadron to Hato Airport. To fight drugs smuggling. Of course, many of that comes from Venezuela, reputedly with full government support.
The gambling "industry" is reportedly in panic because of Dutch Groene Amsterdammer and VRO publications. They send out press releases, referred to in Curaçao Chronicle talking of "character assassination" with "so many inaccuracies in the publications that there is no start [sic] to name them all. The publications are one-sided, tendentious, grievous, and cause great damage to the reputation of the online gaming sector but also to Curaçao in general."
How touching of them to worry about our good name.
The Public Prosecutor is also quoted as saying the matter is "too complex".
Too Slow
What did you expect, anyway? The committee working for Playa Piskado (since August last year) complains that very little progress has been made. The fisherpersons took much of the work in their own hands to get it done. The public tender for the renewed pier was much too expensive because of the wood prescribed. And so on.
Thieves and Crooks
Those good hard-working spoiled brats at the Tax Dept from now on will have to count and deliver their receipts in the presence of their chief. Will this help? Depends on circs. which I won't mention in detail; I don't feel like being sued for libel and slander.
Correction, it's not 'from now'; it still has to be recorded in writing. Maybe implemented in 2022-QIV.
She Makes Me Sick
Dutch staatssecretaris van Huffelen is back here for a few days. She held a speech for entrepreneurs' club VBC, where she told them that not all initiatives should come from the government. She got that straight... And then she urged us to pay our taxes as good citizens. That will help, especially as she told us not to complain when they go up, as that may be necessary.
She showed us where she's at by quoting an old tired JFK saying (which he in turn stole from the welcome speech he was given at some school): "Don't ask what the government can do for you, but what you can do for Curaçao.".
It's Our Culture!
The longer they have time to think, the less our Bleeders feel for Coho Dutch support conditions. The more we hear, the more obvious it gets why not: as always, they want to go on grabbing all the loot that's floating around.
It's Just Gossip
That's how the gambling gangs club COGA chairman Bergmann characterizes the Groene Amsterdammer article; of which they tried to stop publication. It's worse: slander! There are no links with the criminal world at all, and everything is with knowledge and consent of Curaçao government. That "consent" part is correct, we can only concede.
It's only now we learn that a "secretive" 2020 change in tax laws has freed all Curaçao brievenbusfirma's [letterbox companies] from paying taxes. That was under Bhillie's PAR/MAN government, with a fast push trough by finance minister Gijs & Bertha: no profit tax for foreign firms.
Reason for that tax deal? Otherwise they'd all leave the island—who cares? Except those who get money under the table, of course. They're all crooks.
The Sky's the Limit
After a short time of lower fuel prices, what everybody expected has happened: they're up again. "Mogas" 2.563/liter, diesel 2.359, LPG 80/100lbs. Wait for the water tariff to go up.
Oh, Great! One More Carnival!
A committee (but for once unpaid, is a very good guess) has started actions to organize a carnival p'ariba [upwind, or East]. Because the Gran Marcha parade is not allowed to cross the harbor via the pontoon bridge. But hey, they don't want to start competing with the start-of-lent festivities; no, this will be in summer with their own prince, Pancho, queen, marcha and tumba fest.
You think the spoiled brats will get another day off when it goes through? I think so, too.
What Else?
It's only natural Godett (former FOOL, now KEM party) wants the government to restore the street sign "Kaya Wilson Godett" in honor of his father. Too bad everybody keeps calling it "Pietermaai" anyway. Even badder, he wants it done before May 30th when the 1969 riots will be commemorated. Tough, Godett; all civil servants who should do the job have got time off until then.
Worse and Worse
And will still get worser! Curaçao care centers have so little money, because government subsidies are not coming in, that two of them are forced to have their patients share the meals they receive. Personnel is actively collecting in the streets so there's at least some money.
Maybe the only good thing about it is, at least one of them has stopped paying the Tax Person, to use the money for better purposes.
But Rijksministerraad [kingdom ministerial council] still has to decide about stopping the spoiled brats' salary cvut.
Do Tell, Please
Research platform Investico confirms what we've all known, or could and even should haven known since long: "The gambling sector rules in Curaçao." "... facilitated by Cura&cccedil;ao;ao legislation, politicians, wholesalers in sub-licenses, trust offices, accountants and lawyers, while [...] nothing to fear from the Public Prosecution Service and even judges" we read in Curaçao Chronicle. They also refer to "the trust king of Curaçao, Gregory Elias." He again.
Investico also claims there are many former-Eastbloc owners involved, who this way evade sanctions against Russia and satellites.
Still Nowhere
The fight between several conservationist groups and the Maal family on Oostpunt has been thrown back by court into the lawmakers' face. All the protests have been declared not valid (whatever the legal term is). It's the law that must be adapted. Or not, of course.
Just So
Ms. van den Kieboom sarcastically reacts in KKC to van Huffelen's idea that the poor spoiled brats may get their 12.5% salary cuts back. She points out that the rest of us have gone 20% down. Not to mention the recent inflation, which is sure to grow worse.
Our government here has the chance to do something about all that without any hated Dutch interference, she remarks. But it won't (I remark).
Much Too Positive
CBCS central bank's economic lookout for Curaçao and St. Maarten is "careful and slightly negative". Born optimists they must be. The "negative" applies to the pension sector. No word about AOW welfare pension; as if we'd expected that.
Good thing: CBCS wants a guaranteed deposito system. Long time behind; so when, already?
The trade unions of mainly the spoiled brats, AKA civil servants, are peed off because Dutch staatssecretaris van Huffelen had the temerity, the incredible insolence, the immortal crust, of not meeting with them on her recent visit to Curaçao. And this while she had expressed the desire to talk with the Curaçao people!
Methinks van Huffelen has a point. The trade unions are not "the people". Just my personal prejudice.
What she did to meet "the people" is another matter; I couldn't say.
Hurrah for the Music!
The Carnival great parade will follow the old route through Otrabanda after all. The musicians say it's bullshit that the CMC hospital would be bugged by the loud volume ("It's perfectly isolated"), and that old buildings run a risk of falling apart because of it has never been shown. Nooo, noise disturbance is no problem at all!
Fine; But When?
Now that the 12.5% salary cut for spoiled brats has been abolished, naturally they ask when they'll get more money. Well, that's not so clear.
First, the government must come with a plan how it can be done; and Holland will not come across with further loans for that.
Then also, the SOE top salaries can't be reduced just like that. Figures; those filthily rich guys have adopted a life style based on those salaries and they can't just go back. You and me, si. Eat less and walk more, it's good for you.
Good thing is, politicians will keep their lower salaries.
Restore Now
The former Curaçaohuis in den Haag. It has just been sitting there since Fräudlein Wiels thought she could make some money (she was right) by moving the show to Prinsegracht. Which hasn't done the state of the building any good, especially since the last storms. Dutch law makes it obligatory to restore the damage, or the den Haag municipality will do it; at our costs. But that means we can't take bribes for the work! So naturally Mudbelly Cooper and Plenpot Manuel want to have the job done.
Hey, just good-natured kidding! I'm not accusing those guys of anything illegit, got it? (wink wink)
"Pure Madness"
That's PAR MP Walroud's reaction to the idea to build a new building for Staten/parliament. What's the matter, Walroud, are you jealous because you're not a committee member? Which may be working for 2 years after the first 2 have gone by.
Walroud accuses Staten of a "building syndrome", pointing at several expensive recent nonsense buildings all over the islands. He omits the planned new Tax Building ad 60 million guilders. Only.
Big Surprise
Dutch Tweede Kamer/parliament agrees that the CAS islands must have more to say in the Coho deal. The population here has as much to say in this as Holland, they say.
Their next step is, our parliaments must have as much to say as the Dutch government. Would be logical—if only our parliaments were really democratic. One has doubts.
Shared in Amigoe by Martinus, who (much simplified) submits that Coho "should be replaced by the governor". Not a bad idea, were it not that many people already have their doubts about the governor's function in a democracy.
No Such Luck
The efforts of Cyberluck to stop VPRO/Groene Amsterdammer publishing info on Nardy cramm's and Roel Bijkerk's deep investigations of Cyberluck's activities have been kicked out of Dutch court. Putting it in a nutshell, "How does Cyberluck want to stop publication of an article they haven't even read?" (Let alone ask for rectification.)
Groene will publish it in next week's edition.
There You Have It
The people of Otrabanda's Rifwater area have started protesting against the plans of turning their living neighborhood into a tourist attraction. For one thing, because they're afraid of being kicked out of their houses. But the government assures them they have nothing to fear.
How weird that they don't seem to trust those promises! But they refer to other occasions, where people were kicked out and fences were built to keep them out of projects. Could they by any chance talk about Kura Hulanda?
Seem to have learned their lesson from the past— unlike our Bleading Leeders.
Here's Your Chance! Here's your chance to become a government-licensed pimp! Just put in a bid at the June 21 auction. Also good for drugs and weapons dealing, money laundering; whatever tickles your fancy. And no tax worries at all.
They'll Lose
The Christian Pastors protest against the planned re-opening of giant bordello Campo Alegre. They claim, and one must admit they have a point, it will lead to more crime, not less. They mention domestic violence and human trafficking, to which many more forms of crime committed by the former owners can be added.
To protect our virtuous women and girls, let those whores from Santo Domingo and Colombia come here to take over.
We're Saved
A mobile water distillation unit will be installed, the Xploration Coastline concept. It's meant for emergencies, will work on so-called clean energy (an oxymoron, but okay) and will deliver 1 million liters/day. Which is 1000 m^3; or not very much. At any rate, good to know hospitals and all will have water available.
No More Cut Staatssecretaris van Huffelen will allow the governments to cut the 12.5% salary cut. Because living has become so much more expensive.
True. For the rest of us, as well.
Especially for old farts on welfare pensions.
But politicians and other top salaries will remain cut.
Now We're Clean Selikor garbage service has caught up with collecting trash. At least, they say they may have done so next week.
This means collecting trash in the weekend. Overtime anyone?
We'll have a Carnival next year! Complete with parades. Preparations may start, says education minister van Heydoorn.
Only if we don't get too many new Virus infections, though. Which, by the way, infections are still going up a bit.
But the quarrels have started already, right on cue. The Big Parade would be outside the Otrabanda town center along the Helmin Wiels Boulevard, which the carnival committee (of course we have such a thing) declares unacceptable.
Cyber out of Luck? These guys want to stop an article published by VPRO and Groene Amsterdammer on their misdoings activities. They're afraid that the Dutch radio/tv station and weekly magazine will act "contrary to truth" and will publish facts on Cyberluck's efforts to gag a well-known critic and a prominent lawyer acting against them by suing them in court. A well-known tactic. They have plenty of money to do that... much too much, in fact.
Also, they're worried about their 1800, probably illegal, sub-licensees which the Curaçao government doesn't touch.
Cyberluck wants VPRO and Groene Amsterdammer to refrain from publication, penalty €250,000, and rectification.
The well-known critic would be Nardy cramm of KKC and the lawyer Roelof Bijkerk.
Something Else Entirely
The number of bezwaarschriften [objections] with the Tax Person is still just as large as a year ago: about 36,000 which still have to be answered. Thanks to the hard work of the spoiled brats M*F*K finance minister Silly Vain keeps bragging about. They'll have to hire a bunch of "temporary" workers to cope with it.
Hah! Hah! HAH!
The Spoiled Brats will get an extra day off on May 27th. Minister Martina says it's to reward them for their hard work.
Here's Proof: It's Over
Long time no see: Amigoe has an article on chicungunya. Nobody worried about that one during the past two years when it was all about the Communist Party Virus.
Also, those stupid masks are abolished almost everywhere.
Sorry, Kids
The announced loontrede yearly salary raise for civil servants has been frozen. Again. There's no money, kids. They will get 3% vacation money. It goes without saying (so I'll do it anyway) that the unions are incredibly pissed off.
€uro versus US$
For the first time in 20 years it looks like the € will lose so much of its value that it will equal the US dollar. Means the Antillean guilder will cost the Europeans 2.19 instead of 1.88 now. Which is bad for the tourism hausse everybody is so enthusiastic about.
Well, almost everybody.
What Else
After contractors had complained about two Spoiled Brats' corruption, about 6 months ago they were fired pending criminal investigations. Well, not fired; as far as I can make out they still got their salaries.
At any rate, Mudbelly Cooper has hired them again, pending the investigation. They just won't have anything to do with contractors. If you're surprised, you must be new here.
The fuel station owners do not agree with the way their tariffs are analyzed by BT&P. They want their margin raised from the present 17.53 cents/liter to 25.44. They have no confidence in BT&P as independent regulator.
If they get what they want, gasoline en diesel oil will become still more expensive.
No Joke
Dutch Dolfijn submarine has arrived in Curaçao, to participate in the Velas Latinamericanas, June. While a submarine does have a "sail" one does wonder.
So What?
The Dutch Court of Audit finds that the ABC islands must be told more clearly how matters stand with their total 2 billion debt. That's okay and even fine, but we'll still have to pay.
Too Bad if You're No Tourist
2.5 million guilders will be spent to clean up 35 locations. Only touristic ones, though. It's bad for our image, got it? That's the reversal of NIMB—not in my backyard.
There's more news here. All public beaches will get a toilet and an eat facility. You want to enjoy peace and quiet? Stay at home.
Will save your tires, too.
Now It's SVB
Social Insurance Bank. Spoiled brats' trade union wants to go to court: nothing else will serve to check the management-proposed measures to cut on personnel costs. There's not even money to send workers with VVU (early voluntary retirement).
Hurray! Another Committee Staten/parliament, now distributed over 3 buildings, wants to build a new one. After all, we have plenty of money... plenty. Main reason I see mentioned is, after 10-10-10 there's been personnel growth. And we thinking the prime reason for island independence (from the Netherlands Antilles) was to save on personnel!
A committee has been installed for two years' duration to look into the problems. Gee, I wonder how much the six members and their assisting experts get paid.
The Hague, kingdom's political center, is worried about the political influence of crime in the CAS islands (CUR, AUA and SXM). They might well be.
In a, maybe related? court case against No Limit Soldiers the lawyers argue that OM public ministry has illegally used privileged info obtained from listening to phone conversations between lawyers and their clients. OM denies this. Amigoe newspaper carries an article wondering how member L. of NLS, who declares a taxable income of 17,000 guilders/year, could buy a number of airplane tickets, two Audi cars and other vehicles, boats, a motorcycle, jewelry, and watches with more enormous expenditures.
L. paid 390,000 cash for the Audis and also bought a Chevrolet Tahoe (173 thou) and a Land Rover (135 thou). 540,000 was spent on the house he built.
Tell Us About It
In Antilliaans Dagblad Mitchell Karman of Ernst & Young mentions a frightening number of facts about how the Tax Persons treat the citizens. To name just one example, objections often do not even get a reply, this while the law stipulates that you have to protest at the Raad van Advies court within a given period. Which leaves you without anything.
But M*F*K finance minister Silly Vain is so proud that he got the spoiled brats there to get to work, and how much money is coming in as a result! Why, we don't even need Coho support from Holland anymore!
Wait and don't see. RvA advisory council informs us, again, that since 10-10-10 not a single yearly country account has been approved. They advise several remedies. Will they work? Will anybody even take the trouble to read them at all?
Good Question
Lawyer Roel Bijkerk, in the ongoing court case against Cyberluck, asks in his statement: "How will this go on in Curaçao with this sector, which has enriched many foreign casino-exploiters, led to much misery for players, led to profit for very few Curaçaoans, and gives Curaçao a bad name?"
The Cyberlucky gang has gone so far as to publish Bijkerk's private address, his then minor son's, and that of KKC refugee-in Holland's Nardy Cramm. Complete with a photo of her parents' home.
Bijkerk mentions Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galzian, who was blown up a few years ago because of interference in the gambling affairs of boss Jorgen Fenech.
Closer by, the names of Helmin Wiels and Imalootin' come to mind.
How Like Him
Ramon Chong, "who narrowly escaped a prison term for alleged fraud" (There's Still Hope) speeches that we need a new economic approach, where people are central. He omits to say which people, but we have our ideas about that. For this, the population must grow.
Free malicious translation: is what auntie Sushi keeps saying as well; would result in more taxes and thus more money available to those who see a use for it.
Too bad, Chong.
Chong now is party head of coalition-partner PNP.
Minibus Price Up
SER social-economic council after all does advise a tariff raise of 5 to 15 cents. Not much, but research has shown the tariffs already have been too high for several years. Not that the mini-bus drivers complained about that, are you kidding?
Still Way too High
The Virus test ratio, sparing you most of the ugly details, still is over 11% positive; and growing. Total deaths now 275.
Don't Count on It
M*F*K MP Brownbill has an idea: why does Curoil not lower the prices at their own 4 fuel stations? It would stimulate competition, he says. Sure. Too bad for the other fuel stations, who also charge the maximum price allowed.
If You're Lucky
Our esteemed Tax Person has a web page, Belastingdienst Curaçao, where you're supposed to send ALL your declarations. Too bad they don't have an email address or form to send your complaints to.
For example, they just sent us an assessment for Sales Tax with a 2500 guilders fine for not having declared on time. However, 1/ we did declare on time and 2/even if not, the first time is free; gradually going up to the max. of (you guessed it) 2500. So, this was not even the first time.
So where to complain?
Then, on that page they tell you: Call us — You can reach all departments by phone — Here are all phone numbers
Just try it. But only if you got time to spare. Plenty of time. And to avoid disappointments: don't count on them picking up.
Even Worse
We've had our Hato airport scandals, remember? But St. Maarten, as so often, is even worse. 3 more persons have been arrested because of fraud, bringing the total to 5. The airport got money to help in restoring and cleaning up after Hurricane Irma, and of course much of it got stolen and sluiced away.
As I understand it, the work still has not been finished.
Guess Who Pays?
We do, of course. American Airlines announce resuming the second daily flight MIA-CUR. Because of the much-vaunted opening soon of the Sandals Resort at Santa Barbara.
The media don't mention it, but in any case, we know all too well that AA wouldn't do this without a guarantee of CTB tourist board. Us. You and me.
Always Never
The minibus union complains that the lower diesel prices come too late and are still too high.
That goes for all of us, but what else? What can the government do? Must all of us together subsidize them from taxes?
Like we do the large konvoois indeed, you got that straight.
It's an Old, Old Song
But contrary to the old hit, it still has the same meaning. Now it's Domeinbeheer/domain management that comes into the picture because of an alleged "anxiety culture". Alleged by an ex-worker, who got himself pensioned off last year, but still receives many complaints by people still there. The director is almost never to be found at work, so temporary workers (whose contract isn't secured after years and years, so they can kicked out instantly) are terrorized by an unnamed boss figure, who yells and screams at them.
Worse for us all, many urgent affairs are delayed for years because nobody takes the trouble to finish them. No wonder many workers are said to be leaving when they see a chance.
One third of the people who get support by Voedselbank/food bank are on old-age welfare. Small wonder; their payments are still on 2013 level.
But the spoiled brats... ah, it's no use. Let it go.
What Else Did You Expect? Damen Shipyards have not fulfilled any of the promises they made 5 years ago, when they took over CDM/DOK's activities. They have lost all confidence of the contractors and the financial world.
What happens next? Good question: nobody knows.
Ex-PM Shorty is suing Orco Bank, who have blocked his account for donations. Orco: "The donations are meant to repay debts Schotte has received illegally." If the donations are stopped, Orco will unblock the account.
It is claimed by Shorty's lawyers that, before the blocking, 10,000 guilders per day were received on the account. Which is not nearly enough anyway, as the pay date is past Monday, May 9th.
The judge said, Shorty and the bank have to sit down and talk. Good luck, Shorty!
Also, a comment in KKC tells us that Shorty is still driving around in a Porsche-mobile. Poor baby.
Who Cares
Not M*F*K finance minister Silly Vain. Cft says the countries budgets do not meet Kingdom law standards, but Silly has already told them they'll stand, regardless. Worst maybe is, "the announced decrease in personnel costs is not substantiated."
Let us sue him!
Krazy, Mon
Importer Livoni Agencies, where what's now numbered as 55 pallets have been confiscated, stops importing deep-freeze products. Boss Vos will concentrate on other products, like beer. Comments Vos: "Himalaya salt is 500 million years old but nobody complains." Well, there is a difference, #$$-0.
Is that an argument? The earth is much older but we all make do with it, as well.
Small Wonder
Aqualectra utility complains that more and more people don't pay their Selikor 35 guilders/month fee. They should shut up. For years, they omitted to transfer the money received to Selikor but stuck to it themselves like glue.
Then also, the complaints about Selikor's service are steadily growing.
Nonpayers are now threatened their accounts will be transferred to Landsontvanger tax reveiver. Watch out!
Oh, Bother...
Finance minister Silly Vain will not take the trouble to follow up on the Cft recommendations. After all, the government has plenty of money... plenty.
For now.
Count Your Blessings
Count 'em one by one, or you'll be finished much too soon. As from today, at the pumps gasoline will be 25 cents cheaper and diesel 28 cents. That's not even 10% for gas.
The lower prices will be valid until end this year, but if Curoil (whoever) decides to raise them nevertheless, that's the price that will count.
It's all rather vague, but I guess nobody has any real doubts. The criminal street gang No Limit Soldiers had political ambitions and wanted to infiltrate the government. Names mentioned are "Dick, Dok, Davelaar, Zita, Pik, Nashonal and Pais." Hardly unrecognizable. NLS was especially interested in Justice and Economy. Ya bet. Join the Gang of Crooks!
This is still in court and we hope to read more, later.
Only 4600 Kilos
25 pallets totaling that weight of expired foods have been confiscated at wholesalers. Almost makes you think "It's our culture!" Much of the stuff had already expired in 2019 and 2020. It was meant for sale to restaurants, cafetarias, hotels and supermarkets.
Fata Morgana
The Circular Economy (better called "Doughnut Economy") propagators have been visiting Radulphus College high school to indoctrinate the students. Sounds pretty good (recycling materials and all that) until we hit on the sentence that, then, "waste doesn't exist".
Which goes to show you that the learned guys from Dutch Saxion University don't seem to be aware of the Laws of Thermodynamics.
What Else, New?
The spoiled brats' trade unions want their full 6% vacation money, not merely 3%. And damn the torpedoes!
Wait Some More
A new Isla Refinery exploiter should be known two weeks from now. Story is, there are 3 candidates left but Isla management is not talking.
Media are pretty vague and contradict each other; according to some, Bullenbaai oil terminal will be reopened first, and the refinery later; others seem to tell us the refinery is out of the picture for now.
At any rate, the refinery can't be rebooted just like that; it should be upgraded to conform to present international standards.
As there is talk about reopening the border with Venezuela, the way mayo be open to import Venezuelan crude for refining. Again.
DIY Economy
Crime has been doing well this month: say twice as many burglaries as in March-April.
Good for Us?
Remains to be seen. But for now, the judge has canceled health minister's Pietersz-Janga's budgets for 2020/1. She must deliver new budgets in 3 months' time, and now considering CMC hospital's protests. Which is something new, imagine.
Throw the Key Away After all, the OM public ministry seems to be open to accepting a payment arrangement for ex-PM Shorty's fine. But not in 10 or 20 years; or even a century (!); ultimately before September 2023.Shorty has received 3 warning letters already, the normal standard before lock-up.
At any rate, his lawyer's letter to OM has not been replied to yet.
Antillephone, a gambling operation with a license, has to pay up to a winner: 1.5 million guilders plus all his (court) costs to get it. Antillephone thought to escape payment by claiming it was a sub-licensee that lost out, but they're not allowed to sub-license.
They can afford it.
They Want More
So do most of us, only, we get less and less. But for the Tax Person it's different of course. They will get the extra money they say they need for a more efficient operation. Translation: to screw us better. Automated, not manually.
PNP Osepa says there's a brain drain: well-educated people are leaving in drones for greener pastures. To Holland and, now, that's surprising! Bonaire.
Osepa calls it "disturbing". He got that straight. What's really disturbing is why. And you're part of it, Osepa: that would be our government.
Last year, 2227 more left than came in, 1.5% of the total.
Lock Him Up! Regardless, Shorty has asked the OM public ministry for a paying arrangement. They haven't responded yet.
Bordello Campo Alegre, soon to be auctioned, didn't take the trouble to produce yearly accounts. (Even our government does; if only after a fashion.) "The management didn't trouble to run an administration." Small wonder; would you register all those illegal deals with money laundering, drug dealings and who knows what other crimes?
The daily turnover was 20K guilders, or 7 million/year. But that would be whoring only, plus I'd guess the bar and such.
Once again I can only remark "Don't try this at home." How the fuck did they get away with this for all those years? Small wonder our BLeaders want the place reopened.
Please Don't Laugh
Bad luck, Shorty. You'll have to come up with the total over 1.8 guilders or you'll have to join the Prisoners' Gang for the full 3 years anyway. The OM public ministry accepts no installment payment plan.
So after all, it's to the good: pay up to help him, you suckers; so we'll have more money in the anti-crime fund.
No Problema
Shorty, whose Orco bank account has been blocked, was able to open two foreign account to enable suckers to pay up for his misdeeds. If you want to know more details, please look elsewhere.
To Be Continued
Bordello Campo Alegre will be auctioned off June 21, expected proceeds 8.9 guilders (lower than previously thought). That money would go to the OM public ministry's anti-criminality fund.
M*F*K party has already announced there's nothing against continuing the whoring activities. Plus money laundering and all that? We'll have to see.
A workgroup has been installed to check on all that: further illegal activities. The group will report in March, I take it, next year. Gee, I wonder how much the workgroup members get paid.
Coho Postponed
Parliaments of Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten will get one more week to (dis)approve the Coho deal. Which promises to delay the whole shot for several more months.
It will be interesting to see who'll blink first.
Hold It There
It's not sure yet if the spoiled brats will get their vacation money, we hear now. Only, their trade unions merely still have to accord the decision; then they will get it anyway. So count on it.
Correct: the government has decided to turn back the 12.5% salary cut. Gee, and I here thinking they were still protesting its application.
Stop Me if You Heard this One Before
Education needs to be reformed, says the inspector. A familiar tune for years, but nothing happens.
Not Sporting
A soccer player has been shot right before a match in SDK sports center. Some 30 empty cartridges were found; he was hit by 10 bullets and expired not long later. It's a disgrace! several cars around were hit by bullets as well.
On the other hand, this sportsman is said to have been involved with two murders; he was arrested for one and illegal gun possession, and released a few months ago.
More Money
The spoiled brats will get their vacation money this year. Last year they didn't, now they'll get 3% or possibly even 4%!
Orco Bank has stopped transferring the donations to Shorty's account. Looks like he'll be in for the duration?
Not so fast, he's fighting back "by means of summary proceedings." By now, 40,000 guilders (just over 2%) have been donated, of which 30,000 went direct to the Public Persecution Service.
Doesn't look good. For Shorty.
Orco Bank, where ex-PM Shorty has an account, is supposed to report his donations to Meldpunt ongebruikelijke transacties [Reporting point unusual transactions], set up to prevent money laundering and all that.
Shorty says his 8-year old daughter has informed him that God is helping him. How does she know? Huh? And he will spend the 1.8 million for people who need it. Like Shorty h.h.
Priorities Kinderoord [children's place] Brakkeput is in trouble. Reason, in 2018 their subsidy was cut by 15%. (Compare with the spoiled brats 12.5% cut which still hasn't been carried through.) A 2021 Teleton fetched 13,000 guilders (compare again). The director is talking with government reps. Hey, we all know: talk is cheap. One of them, infamous Larmonie-Cecilia, says the Kinderoord should start managing their own affairs instead of keeping asking for money. Look who's talking.
Suckers Galore
Well, not that many... Ex-PM Shorty claims he has received 21,000 guilders already to pay his fine. Not enough by a long way, in fact just over 1% of what he needs; but "donations are pouring in"—he says.
On the social media, a film has been released combining his plea for support with a list of people he has robbed, for how much.
His by now ex-moll Cicely has not spent an hour in the calaboose. As yet?
The magic date on which Shorty has to pay is May 12; a week from now. Maybe he can use the money he gets to bribe prison guards while locked up.
One More Mess
Now containers seem to be stuck on the quays, stacked up of course, because there are not enough chassis available to transport them. That's what the customs people say. Whose fault, then, is that? The transporters', as I figure. But what do I know?
So naturally they are angry and have started actions.
Oh Dear
The tourist biz may be running better than ever, but from comments you hear from the suckers, this may not last long. The complaint is that Curaçao is much too expensive. Which of course is quite true, and will only get worse these days.
It's a Lie!
Is what M*F*K minister Mudbelly Cooper has to say on rumors that he was involved in the sale of FKP social housing houses to a private enterprise. The rumors appear on the so-called "social media". But for some unfathomable reason, many if not most people seem to believe them. Who could explain that?
That private enterprise allegedly has connections with Corendon hotel, which will renovate the buildings and house people in there.
Move It, Silly
Cft financial supervision has given finance minister Silly Vain until May 13 to adapt the proposed budget to Cft's requirements. Like, what is the government planning to do about "Control of the costs"? Good question. Reply? Wait a week or so, then we'll get one. Maybe. More maybe, even a good one.
Tourist Taxes
The country loses about 1.5 million guilders/month on taxes, because many tourists stay at locations that don't pay. It would be simple to charge those renters, as all tourists fill out the info where they'll be staying on arrival. But the Tax Person never bothered to check that out.
What's the Use
... of having them around, then? CBS statistics is unable to give figures on inflation. The business world is surprised, which is not surprising. With imports mainly from the USA and Holland, where inflation is 8.5% and 11% (if not more) inflation in imported as well.
CBS blames the problems on the "enormous bureaucracy" in the government, which again is no surprise.
VBC entrepreneurs' club wonders how the government can negotiate on the 12.5% salary cut for spoiled brats, when nobody knows what's really going on.
Sounds Great—But Wait
Yup, it will take a few years. No doubt about that. But it's a definite start, and for once, in the right direction.
It's the Daily Mail quoting an article in Nature: an enzyme has been found that will consume PET plastic, which constitutes 12% of the mountains of garbage filling our landfills and drifting around in the seas. And fast, too.
Now the Daily Mail certainly is not the worlds's most reliable source, but Nature is another matter.
Building on this discovery, an end to the Asphalt Lake and Isla refinery ground pollution looks definitely possible. If in the future. I have been speculating on this in the past.
Poor Baby's Chutzpah
Ex-PM M*F*K Shorty has to pay his 1.8 million guilders fine for fraud, and more, next week, or it's back to the slammer; for three more years. He's now asking the public to please help him avoid this, because he has always meant so well. No kidding... If he can find 100 suckers to pay him 18,000 guilders, he'll be saved. Or 200 for 9,000; whichever comes first.
Don't count on me, Shorty.
Oh Joy
For me, but maybe not so much for some others.
Back in business after much struggle and strife to move the site to a new server.
Might Possibly
Economic development minister Cijntje has been visiting Miami, with two reps of Curaçao Port Authority, adding to the growing list. He's enthusiastic about a meeting he had with Carnival Lines, where it turned out that it might be possible to have local people work about cruise ships on their visit here.
The ministries of health and environment will maintain strict pollution norms for the reboot of Isla refinery. More stringent than WHO's, we're told. Frankly, I have no idea how stringent those are. Let us hope for the best, what else can we do?
So Much for Auntie
Remember how auntie Sushi wanted the population of Curaçao doubled? More people means, more tax and more to steal use, after all. Well, a real scientist, Gert Oostindie, comments on the recent CBS figures of a changing population. For starters, half of Curaçao people lives in Holland already, and the trend to move out is growing again. But, says the prof., there's just no room on the island for more people. The solution would rather be better schooling and after-school education, thus avoiding a continued brain drain.
Ten months later, we finally have a government program. No matter, after all these years we're quite used to the fact that very little of it will be accomplished.
"The government will at all times put the people's interest in the first place." That's nice to read. Would be a change for sure.
The Road That Leads Nowhere
The entire parliament has voted to continue the negotiations on the Coho support deal. Our precious independence!
No matter that the former Bhillie government and the present Prickie coalition have accorded the deal. Only marks on paper.
But How Then?
Some professor (forget who) gives as his opinion that we shouldn't call the Venezuelan immigrants "illegal". Sure, prof, anything you say.
But that doesn't make them "legal". So please tell us, what word should we use?
So There
The Curaçao Think to Do Institute has recently published the results of a look into the FSI Fragile States Index. On a list of 179 countries, we're at 144. Not good. I'll spare you the recommendations, for one reason because my guess is they won't be followed up.
Why not? For one thing, the Institute thinks the Coho deal is a good thing.
Good? Bad?
We get to read that end June/begin July a definite agreement will be signed with some party on the take-over of Isla refinery. This is not the first time, by a long way. It's expected (not hoped) that by 2020-QIV the funnels will smoke again. But the use of pitch crude, say, asphalt, as an energy source will be stopped and instead LNG will be used.
Also, we now read that there are three candidates left: one from South America, one from the Middle East. The other one? you ask. So do we.
We're further told that the refinery is in a pretty good competitive position because so many have been closed down, and Isla still is in a decent state. Nevertheless, it's expected reboot will take until end 2023.
And now the fossil-fuel LNG is called "sustainable"? Also, does this mean we're stuck with the Asphalt Lakein secula secularum?
Virus Woes
Still around: total deaths now 273; new infections down (again) to 317, still over 12%.
Crime, Inc.
The crooks are doing fine, thank you! We're back to almost daily atrakos, burglaries and car thefts.
Big Surprise! Amigoe newspaper has it on the front page: "Exploitation refinery as good as completed." The story is, there are two Venezuelan partners involved. Ouch?! Parts of the refinery may be rebooted in June, but it may take a while longer before "smoke is coming out of the funnels." How nice to read it put ominously like that! Bullenbaai Oil Terminal is also in the picture.
But Economic Development minister Cijntje says he hasn't seen anything black-on-white; PM Prickie is responsible.
This should save KTK towing as well.
Oh, Nice
Dutch VVD party wants to lower the threshold for St. Maarten and Curaçao leaving the kingdom. We won't need no referendum, mon, not even a 2/3 majority in parliament. Don't panic (yet), this has been proposed before.
And in one fell swoop, if the BES islands, now part of Holland, want to leave that will be made easier as well.
Another minister went on a trip, this time to Suriname. Minister Hato, for a High Level Security Conference. The delegation, how large it is we're not told, comes back next Sunday.
78 workers have been fired by Damen Ship Repair. Much to the surprise of the government, we read. Don't they follow the media?
Now for the riots? I hope, not.
Makes You Think
VBC entrepreneurs' club states, among many other interesting things, that if the Curaçao economy doesn't grown with 25%, we can forget about the autonomy achieved in 2010.
So forget it, already?
That Will Help
Two Curaçao ministers are now protesting Holland's attitude in the Damen Shiprepair affair. "That's not how you treat people!" they tell the media, asking for more protests and unrest. Even if they're partly right, it just might be preferable to strike a less enflaming attitude.
Meanwhile, the police are preparing for the riots they expect. Everybody who wants to enter downtown Punda is asked what he's there for, to avoid ugly scenes like we had in the recent past.
Do Us a Favor
... Don't come back. Six parliament members will go on a trip, this time to Colombia; in connection with auntie Sushi's cannabis project. For visiting an exhibition on medical marihuana.
60 Million... Poof
So much, just about one third of the total, has to paid back to Holland right away from the Liquidity Support, Coho or not.
"Because the Netherlands did not offer lower interest rates in 2020," says bearded PM Prickie. As if Holland had any obligation to do that.
Just What We Needed
Damen Shipyards/CDM-DOK staff is on strike because of the expected mass layoff; to be announced today.
Only 2 of the 4 dry-docks are in use; the story is they were in bad condition already when they arrived here—with a lot of fanfare. 65 of the 265 workers may have to be fired. The government is willing to invest $20 million, on condition Damen does so too. But the company is in trouble.
Next, riots and arson? By now we're used to that.
KTK towing is in trouble as well; kept hanging on until the refinery reopens, which is delayed time and time again. If ever.
But the Tax Persons get their overtime paid.
Who's That?
Now PAN party wants a referendum on the Coho deal: parliament should give the power in this decision back to the people. We're not told, and PAN certainly has no idea, how much that would cost. Look PAN, our government accorded and signed and that should be it. That's what we're supposed to have continuity in government for.
PAN even has a date already: 10-10-2022. Twelve years after the Great Date... Good reminder to all of us how precious our autonomy is and how much good it did.
No Dollar, But Guilder
They seem to have made up their minds. We'll get a Caribbean guilder instead of the old Antillean one, and will not change to the US Dollar as coin. They = the Central Bank, of course. Now wait for the clamoring by the non-expert know-better amateurs to start.
Oh Yeah?
They're telling us there are other ways to achieve the 12.5% salary cut for the Spoiled Brats. They want to cut higher salaries more than the lower ones. Fine with me.
But will it work? You can hear 'em squeaking already.
Now That...
The Curçao government thinks Holland charges too much interest on their loans; without telling us how much. They'd rather get it interest-free, of course. Large part of the support in fact is free of interest.
Or still much better, pay-back free.
They government right away had to pay back 60 million guilders on interest from the new loans. You know what? Don't borrow so much.
Schools Merge
Because many schools are partly empty (average 31%), the possibility of merging them is looked into. This is an easy way to save some real money.
Dolphin Slavery
Not Dutchie, the Seaquarium's Boss. They are considering exporting 5 dolphins to Saudi Arabia's Fakieh aquarium, which doesn't have such a good name for treating the animals. Protests are underway, but will they help? I'm afraid we all know the answer to that.
We're moving the site to another server, so by the time you'll read this, oor comments are behind the times a bit. Sorry! Thanks a lot anyway for coming back.
That, Too
Not only do the Spoiled Brats still absolutely refuse to accept a 12.5% salary cut, we're getti9ng more and more of the pests. More than we were promised. Aren't you surprised? No?
Then you probably expected what's now been confirmed: looks like the government is on another delaying tactic with the Coho deal. Just push it ahead of you and eventuallu, the other side will get tired and forget about it. This has much too often worked in the past. This time, I'm not so sure. I hope.
Give Us More Staten/parliament's travel budget has been augmented to pre-Virus levels; they get 50,000 guilders/year now which is 260K more than they were getting during the past few years; almost double.
Let's face it, they need it.
The Virus
Total deaths now, 271; 8 patients in hospital; 501 infections (still over 13%).
Well, Maybe
Ex-PAR minister Alcalá-Wallé has published a book La Puerta [the Gate] in which she describes the attacks in court by her political adversaries. Of course they're all false! she claims. It has cause enormous damaged to Bhillie's cabinet, and even culminated in a criminal prosecution.
Too bad we don't read how that ended. But maybe the show is still on.
The minister went under the popular alias KLM-Wallé because of the many flights, in function of course, she made to Holland, where her children live.
No Go
Our minister of Health will, after all, not depart for Palau. She has yet another Virus infection; which she denies.
So our ocean will not be saved. Tough.
But no worries, minister Silly Vain and Central Bank director Doornbosch will be visiting Washington for some IMF deal.
Right On
PAR, now opposition party, has no good words about the idea of 2 million more for the running of Staten/parliament per year. No matter, it will be accorded anyway.
Strong Doubts
"About the reality of the 2022 budget" (CFT financial supervision) How do they think up things like that? We're solid like a rock and don't need any more neo-colonial Coho support!
That's not the only problem, what do you think? Our Bleeders also conveniently forgot the island has to pay back 140 million in 2025 for a 2010 loan.
Nice Work, and She Got It
Health minister Pietersz-Janga is off to Palau, Micronesia for a 2-day conference on The Ocean. However, she departed 4 days before the conference starts and will only return 5 days after it's closed.
Dutch AMRO Bank offers deepfelt apologies for having made money in slavery in the past. But there will be paid no compensations.
Would be pretty hard to do, anyway, let's face it. Who gets compensated, and who not?
Not Impossible
A Dutch constitution expert lawyer has told Dutch parliament that the Coho deal does not interfere with the CAS islands' autonomy. Anyway, if the islands (still) agree with the deal it will go through; if not, support will cease after hearing both sides.
A Bit Extreme?
ACU Credit Union is starting lawsuits against disgruntled members, because they tarnish the image of the organization.
On the other hand, Amigoe says that's all wrong, and ACU does not plan to do this.
Oh Goody!
We're getting ready for a new census; after all, it's ten years ago already. Maybe now we will find out how many illegals we have.
For this year, there'll be an amount of 14 million guilders available for road repairs. A far cry from what Mudbelly Cooper said is needed: 300-500 million.
Be thankful for small favors, and prepare to buy new tires and shock absorbers.
Sure, Why Not?
After all, we've plenty of money... rolling in it. So, let Staten/parliament have their own building. They're now spread out over (at least) three locations in downtown Punda, with the opposition nicely separated from the coalition. (Does this mean that with a different election outcome they'll all have to move? That costs money as well.)
For now, we'll have a committee to look into the possibilities. For which there's a budget of 60,000 guilders; which partly answers our usual question.
The End of the Affair?
To quote another well-known source, maybe "the beginning of the end". And maybe not. The assets of giant bordello Campo Alegre will be auctioned off. They're held by a British Virgin Islands company, which used Campo to launder drug dealing money and who knows what else. It took years of investigation to get to the truth.
And now our government considers reanimating that stinking corpse.
It's culturally endemic... Now the 3 police unions are protesting the appointment of one Jules Ilario as chief of police. They filed a lawsuit against against the government, the Minister of Justice, and the governor. The appointment took place without an application procedure.
Better and Better
PNP claims M*F*K PM Prickie never told them about his letter to Holland protesting the Coho deal, and wishing to renegotiate it. Not that she doesn't agree with the contents. Sigh... another one going back on their given word.
You Know?
Tomorrow the 4th Virus booster prick will start in the old SEHOSpital. We've had three, and my partner got infected anyway. What's the use? I'll skip. This has long since begun to look like superstition.
Not to mention side effects, which may be exaggerated and/or pooh-poohed. I lack sufficient information to judge on that.
"Reduces the risk by 50%; for 4 to 6 weeks."
More of the Same
Mermaid Trips, organizing boat trips to Klein Curaçao, has been sold. And now we may get a new problem. Mermaid has been building, illegally of course, on a terrain totaling 3000 m^2 there. They first had a concession to use 625 m^2, which was ended by Domeinbeheer. Who cares? Mermaid just went on. You have to know here, Klein Curaçao is protected under Ramsar. Again, who cares? It's our culture!
Question looming up: what will be the attitude of Mermaid's buyer? Next question: when will the government start controlling the islet? When fish have wings... Oh, some do, don't they?
Oh... So That's It?
The Weird Beard M*F*K PM Prickie has no other choice but to renegotiate the Coho deal with Holland: if it is accepted as-is, he will lose his parliament majority and might as well abdicate at once. At least, that's what Curaçao Chronicle opines, and I feel they're probably right.
For one thing, Prickie didn't even bother to tell his PNP coalition partners about his infamous letter to Staatssecretaris van Huffelen: they read all about it in the media.
Won't Work, Silly
More and more, instead of less and less, are coming in on illegal trash dumping and, maybe even worse, burning. The smoke poisons neighborhoods. Good luck if you happen to have lung problems! Who cares? Not the dumpers, that's for sure. "It's our Culture!"
Now minister Silly Vain wants to enable the people to dump free at the Malpais Landfill once a week. Which means they have to take it there, meaning a 2-hour car trip, easy. You think that will help?
Hey! I have this antique pontoon bridge for sale. Cheap.
Good and Bad
Opposition in Staten/parliament has no good words for Weird Beard PM Prickie. They call his attitude on Coho a "clown shown" (hey, where did you get this from?): first he accords it before sending it to parliament, and then he starts obstructing the deal. While he really should defend it in parliament.
But M*F*K Doran praises Prickie for his courage. "He has listened to the voice of the people." Doubtful in the first place, what the people thinks of this.
Mark my words, all this won't change a bit. M*F*K has decided the Coho deal impairs our precious autonomy, which they don't want. Rather continue stealing.
The Dutch are considering introducing army conscription. They have 9000 canon-fodder bodies less than needed. My, helps you understand Trump's complaints that the European countries don't fulfill their NATO-obligations. In my time, us Slaves to Queen Juliana were forced to stick it out for 2 whole years: despite the Nieuw Guinea problem the Dutch NATO contingent had to be fulfilled regardless.
Indonesian PM Sukarno dreamed of uniting Malaysia, New Guinea, the Philippines and who knows what else in one country, of which he of course would be Big Boss. The UN thought it a fine idea. But somehow, Papua New Guinea and the others never made it. Weren't Dutch, got it?
But take heart, girls: as from August here you may become part of the local militia. A not even unexpected consequence of the Feminist Fight. Congrats! At least, you're not conscripted—yet.
Nothing to It
That complaint about police misconduct? Looks like unfounded. Yes, I know the cops are always ready to claim that—so are the victims. The way a bystander describes it, a policeman was having a quite normal conversation with a woman, when her son started mixing in. With a joint in his big fat mouth. Talk about tactful... So the cop flipped that joint away, which got translated as "he punched him in the face."
End to Solidarity Staten/parliament has enlarged their budget with 10%, back to the 2019 level of 21.4 million. Back then, the budget was reduced for "solidarity" with the people's Virus hardship. As if that's over now.
But I admit, that's more than the Spoiled Brats &c. have been prepared to turn in: nothing. Zilch.
Oh, It's Like That
Members of ACU Ambtenaren Credit Union are protesting, because the board has been in function for for or five years, while there haven't been any members' meetings all that time. Director Davelaar shrugs his shoulders as a reaction: "We know who that is" he says.
This may go much deeper than Davelaar suggests.
Virus Keeps On
484 positive Virus tests out of 3300, or 14.6%: 4 times the safe number. 3 more died, total 270.
Do Tell
The Think to DO Institute publishes a report where Curaçao is described as a fragile state, which "appears to be in a perpetual political, and socio-economic limbo that can last for years and, in several cases, decades."
Also, characterized by "characterized by distrusted governments, fractured societies, insecurity, weak economy, weak institutions, and extreme vulnerability to internal and external shocks."
No kidding; now explain it to our Bleeders. Maybe then they'll shut up. (Maybe.)
There It Is
The Curaçao government wants to renegotiate the Coho deal for Dutch liquidity support loans. It's bad for the autonomous status.
If only they'd thought about that before they agreed. Untrustworthy pirates. But we knew that already.
The letter to Holland, which was sent in secret, has been leaked to the media anyway. That's transparency for you! Only two weeks ago our Bearded Weirdo PM told us all that upon refusal, we'd lose even more autonomy because then we'd get an aanwijzing. So let's have it.
Like, WHAT?!
The large-scale illegal building activities in a conservation area have been going on for 13 years, writes Amigoe newspaper. You don't need a machine to figure that's even from before 10-10-10.
Now the illegals are complaining that the police treated them badly; which the cops deny. And the illegals are ready and willing to help legalize the fruits of their investments. Gee, we all wish they'd thought of that before they were, finally, caught with their pants down.
Anarchy reigns. I'm prepared to bet in the end they will get what they want from our weakling B. Leaders. What this needs is a thorough criminal investigation. 2022-04-08
I Like That
Aqualectra has signed an agreement with Eagle, Texas for the supply of LNG to feed their generators. This will come in via a terminal of Aruba Refinery. A different cry from the so-called green windmills and solar panels they were full of (and maybe still are).
I'd Like That Myself, Too
Now it's them... VBC Curaçao entrepreneurs' club wants new negotiations between Curaçao and Holland on the Coho support loans. These should come as gifts, not loans says VBC. We are all part of the Kingdom and should be treated just like the BES island (Bonaire, St. Eustatius, Saba). Looks maybe good until you consider that Curaçao opted for an autonomous status.
Pretty Bad
An enormous illegal project of house-building has been discovered and, for now, stopped. The way I figure, it's about 7 hectare large (about 18 acres), with some 90 buildings in the process of just being started to almost finished. Plots look like they have been measured by professional surveyors.
The whole thing is largely in a so-called conservation area.
You wonder how this is possible? It's easy! Some money must have changed hands in the past to enable what must have been an organization to set this up. Too bad they don't seem to have been paying dues to follow-up with the government change last year. Or can you think of a different, if not better, explanation?
Looks like the plots have been sold, illegally. Complete with public notary's acts and all? For which you'd need a cadastral measurement note? Very good questions!
At Least
Mudbelly Cooper says that repairing the Cueraçao roads will cost 300-500 million guilders. That's a rather big difference.
Don't worry, there's more than enough money to be made on that amount. I don't give no details on how, mon, last thing I need is going to court for slander. But everybody can figure it out for themselves.
The government will look to the public sector through a magnifying glass, we read. One of the things calling for our attention: the spoiled brats' salaries will be stopped when they have wrongly been receiving a salary, and a start will be made with a firing procedure.
Also, there will be a investigation on the efficiency of SOEs. "Does the public sector serve public interests and are the objectives achieved?" Also a good question!
RMR kingdom ministerial council has asked Aruba and Curaçao to introduce the maximum salaries of high SOE functionaries per July 1st. Even though this has been accorded, no steps have been taken to execute it (max salary 130% of the PM's).
The 12.5% spoiled brats' salary cut also is still under discussion by our government. They'll never give in; but we'll see about that.
Sorry, Guys
SER social-economic council wanted to give the mini-bus drivers a price raise, but decided not to. SER says present tariffs are much too high already. And consumers complain the service is rotten. So there.
Can't Blame Them
Fuel stations refuse to sell under the government's maximum prices; and why should they? They make very little per liter as it is: 17.53 cents.
This also goes for Curoil, official sole gas importer, which exploits 4 stations; each with an extra margin of 11.13 cents/liter.
Of Course
The illegal car junk dealers, many of whom sell stolen car parts, say it's governments departments as well who are their customers. Naturally; the poor babies have no money. And they're thieves anyway.
So it's a choice; pay more tax or run a larger chance to have your car stolen.
Let's Hope So
The police have announced they will take firm action against polluters, who dump trash all over. As we all know. Not only do the tourists get a bad [if correct] impression, it's bad for our people as well.
The community must carry part of the responsibility and take care the island gets clean, says minister of Health Pietersz-Janga. As I remarked before: but it's our culture!
That's Competition, Folks
The bakers complain about "dishonest competition" by minimarkets, who have less personnel cost and thus can sell bread cheaper than the bakers do. The bakers want the fixed bread price of 1.50 per kipashi [sliced bread] go up to 3.50.
My question is, how come those supermarkets can sell that same bread for the present fixed price and make a profit? They pay the same higher price for Russian and Ukrain wheat. So...?
Ain't That Great
In its eternal wisdom our Great Government has decided to cut 24 whole cents from the car gas price. That's out of their 69 cents tax per liter. There's plenty to spare anyway as sales tax is expected to hit a total of 509 million instead of 450 m guilders.
Price for gas will still be 2.40 and for diesel 2.23 per liter.
And Then There Were Three
That's how many interested parties are now left in the Isla refinery take-over game, out of 20 and then 6. A decision on who's the lucky winner will be taken "midst of the year" (pretty vague, right?)
Of course, we're not told any of the company names. That's transparency, folks!
Yes, We Agree
We didn't need MAN's Pinhead Martina to tell us that the government's plans to pay back the Coho loans aren't worth the envelopes they're written on. Maybe the government will listen, you say?
As if they have an idea at all what to do.
Or contradictio in terminis: Cyberluck gambling company has adopted a "responsible gaming code" for both gamblers and gambling enablers. It doesn't mean much: strong measures will be taken against companies that are not physically in Curaçao. Cyberluck's ceo says this gives our gambling instututes a bad name. "Wrongly" she says.
And not only this.
Wised Up?
4 out of 18 base schools have announced they'll switch from Papiamento to Dutch as instruction language. Local Papiamento just doesn't make it in secondary education, say those who oughta know.
Which means 5 out of 27 schools will use Dutch, and 1 English as instruction language.
For the pupils at those 22 other schools, tough, kids. But remember, you don't have to follow a secondary education to make a living from crime.
So Would We
APR Aliansa pro Refineria wants to know how far the governments plans for an Isla refinery take-over have proceeded. For better or worse, APR has a new candidate, from Rotterdam Holland, which is prepared to invest 10 billion. (1 to 2 billion are urgently needed.)
Of the 20 candidates mentioned before, 6 are still in the game; and there's enough crude around to get the refinery back to work; like from Venezuela, Guyana and Suriname. Plus Trinidad.
Hope It Works
New implementation plan in the works. Should start next quarter of the year. One of the things, maybe one of the least vague, is there must be found a way to arrive at an approved accountant's statement on the yearly Curaçao financial statements.
After all those years.
More Coming
Inflation will be even worse that formerly predicted, says Central Bank. Quelle surprise! We knew it all the time. Now it's said to become 4.9% for Curaçao. You wanna bet it won't be higher? No? I thought so...
More good news: the €uro will go down relative to the US$ which will cause Europeans to think twice before they come over here.
Lié Lié
CBCS central bank director Doornbosch may mean well, I hope, when he advises that the structural deficits of the island governments must be corrected by a "poko-poko" [easy does it] approach. But he's asking for more trouble. Trouble for us. All those Bleeders have had time enough—more than enough—for that, and it only kept growing worse.
Over—and Out
The changes in the Statuut on kingdom relations which were supposed to be discussed in Dutch parliament next May will most probably be forgotten and discarded. So I don't have to get into the ugly details. We're stuck with the same old, same old.
Give Us More Time
The government is working on a lot of things, which have to be "fundamentally" resolved before action can be taken. It's only about the labor market, education, the CMC hospital, ministry of social affairs' subsidy politics, domain management, criminality fund, and better functioning of the government's organization.
And we here wondering if all that will be finished before we get a new set of crooks. In fact, all that should have been fixed many decades ago. And in that same vein, ABVO and SSK trader unions are still whining that the 12.5% salary cuts for government personnel (so-called Spoiled Brats) is unnecessary and should be forgotten.
And to top it off, KEM party is wasting everybody's time by protesting the Coho deal with the European parliament. Holland is forcing us to borrow more and more, while demanding more and more in turn. Gee, and me thinking it was the other way around.
Just What We Needed
PdVSA has entered a bid for take-over Isla refinery exploitation, after they left it behind in a rotten state in 2019 when their contract expired. Another Venezuelan company is in the running as well. In total, there are 20 parties interested now. At least, that's what the government says.
Who also promised a definite agreement would have been reached by the end of March. April Fool!
Gee, a Committee!
This one will have weekly meetings, also with trade unions, to look at personnel management problems in the tax dept. They have a long list of items which I'll spare you. We're not told how many members the committee will have. But they're supposed to accomplish all that before a year from now.
Gee, I wonder how much they pay those committee members.
Yeah, Well...
In Dubai, a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the World Free Zones Organization and Curaçao. WFZO will advise Curinde on automation and robotization of logistics and industrial processes, as they do in 3000 other Free Zones all over the world. Dubai port, already building a harbor in Suriname, "showed interest to study the possibilities in Curaçao."
There We Go Again
Health minister Pietersz-Janga announces this year there will be an immense island cleaning campaign. This will be coupled with an awareness campaign so the island won't turn back into an trash heap right away, again. Not the first time such a thing is planned, by a long way.
Do nothing for lack of money is not an option, says the minister.
What can we do but wish her good luck? "It's our culture!"
Saved by the Bell
SEHOSpital foundation is not declared bankrupt; they got suspension of payment [surséance van betaling] instead.
But CMC new hospital has a deficit of 4 tot 5 million guilders per month, and thus is on the edge of bankruptcy as well. The government pays far too little for the service quality delivered, which is in court now. CMC still gets paid according to a 2001 tariff list.
For Now
AirBnB will be paying sales tax directly to Curaçao government, as from later this year. However, it's just a plan for a new law. Also, AirBnB is just one of many agencies. Still, CHATA and CASHA think it's a good thing.
Happy Days Are Here Again
THE US CDC has lifted all Virus cruise travel restrictions. Prepare for a busy inflow!
If not money, then at least tourists.
Yesterday there were 10,000 tourists (day trippers) around in town. This month, 55,000 are expected. What fun!
Only non-US citizens must still show a proof of vaccination.
Good Point
Someone, musta been an ultra-right fascist bastard conservative, pointed it out: men who say they are women compete in women's sports, and win prizes; but for some undiscernible reason, women who say they are really men do not compete in men's sports.
Oh, Great
We'll have to pay 16 cents less per liter of car gas, because some form of tax has been reduced. Count your blessings (it won't take long).
It may be somewhat more or less than 16 cents, this is from memory.
Fired, Anyway
The director of the Humanistic Erasmo college has been fired, after he, after all, was not convicted of rape and fornication of a girl pupil. But this time, the judge thought the school was right, and he remains fired.
Good News?
Mudbelly Cooper wants to fight illegal building. I forget how many times I've heard a minister declare that already; doesn't mean a thing.
Except maybe, those who have plans must pay somebody before they go ahead? It's an idea.
Poor Baby
Plenpot in Holland Manuel has hired a lawyer to get a blogger to rectify what he wrote about him. He doesn't like it. The blogger, Godfried Adem, wrote on FakeBooc that Manuel's staff sits there "twiddling their thumbs" while he fires F&F to do lucrative jobs.
Sorry, I can't tell you who's gonna pay the lawyer. Maybe it will come out in the wash.
Went to get a new Sédula yesterday, cost 15 guilders. This Ausweis is prescribed by law. So you have to show your driver's license to ID yourself; plus the old sédula. Seems sort of superfluous, isn't that old thing valid anymore as it hasn't expired yet?
But it went amazingly fast, have to admit it.
Now the new one is valid for 5 years; while the drivers' license is valid for ten. But that's an international thing. You can't expect our bureaucrazy to keep up with all them changes.
Recycling We Will Go
Not much longer. At Centrum Piscadera supermarket is one of those bins. It has 4 holes, and you have to select carefully which one you select: softdrinks clear, blue or other colors; aluminum cans; and other bottles, like used for cleaning fluids. In that hole you have to discard the tops of softdrink-bottles as well. Have to throw all that in one by one. Took me all in all some ten minutes to get rid of the lot.
And some overly full, and all too filthy to touch. Thank you, Green Force! More like Brown Farce.
My, How Times Have Changed
A quote from Ed McBain's 2005 novel Alice in Jeopardy. Only 17 years ago...
"... this is a perfectly reasonable question to ask in law enforcement, where a person's color or lack of it might be a clue to the person himself or herself—yes, and how about that, for example? For example, is it wrong to ask if a person is a man or a woman? Is that profiling, too? You can carry all this stuff just so far."
As Expected
The government wants to get rid of the 12.5% cut in personnel salaries as needed to get the Coho support deal. Finance minister Silly Vain claims we have plenty of money... plenty. So there we go again.
They never learn their lesson, do they?
Meanwhile, Central Bank CBCS has lowered the economic expectations for this year. Which we voting cattle saw coming all the time. But we are no highly paid experts; au contraire, we pay up.
Why Only Now?
Good question. Aqualectra has (finally; after 6 years) paid off the money we all pay monthly for trash collection to... not Selikor, that would be too simple. No, to the government, who will pay Selikor the money they need. We all hope.
Broke and Bankrupt
Aqualectra says the old SEHOSpital has a debt of 3.7 million guilders and they have no more patience. No payments are flowing in. The Country and the Tax Person also claim enormous amounts from the Saint Elisabeth Foundation, for a total of (Aqualectra says) 101 million guilders. Which possibly may be reduced to 40 million by the real estate value.
That's What You Say
Now... Finance minister Silly Vain says no more liquidity support from Holland will be needed. I say, wait and see.
Same All Over
Now it's UoC university that's falling apart, because there has been no maintenance money for years. First renovation phase will cost 350,000 guilders. And no doubt, following then some.
Thanks for Letting Us Know
A press release (really! Would I kid you?) tells us that one of the highlights of our reps' visit to Dubai was the High-Level Sheik Horse Race Dubai World Cup 2022 where there was high-level networking going on. Serious business! Good thing "our" guys must have had enough sejourn money for high-stakes gambling, so they wouldn't have felt left out.
What am I saying? With their sumptuous salaries they have enough money anyway. More than enough.
Cultural Trend
It's a trend: burglars first steal some heavy equipment and then go on to use it for a heist. This time it was the Fire Dept. and the Central Post Office (in that order) where they got 50,000 guilders from a safe. A larger and presumably heavier safe they couldn't open.
Don't they have night security over there? Now I understand how many mail items never arrive! "Gone with the Wind" - "Without a Trace"
106 Containers
After having been stuck in Jamaica for 2 months, they will now be arriving in Curaçao.
Shipowners prefer shipping to larger countries, because of high fuel prices and a shortage of tonnage. So much for our much vaunted mini container terminal, with which some optimists dreamed we would rival Hong-Kong, Singapore and Shanghai. To name but a few.
Jes Fine, Ma'am
As from now, or rather a bit earlier, every adult Curaçao inhabitant is entitled to open a bank account. It should be available 10 days after applying for it. But if you have committed an economic delict (laundering, fraud, scams) you're out.
Leaves the question unanswered how much such an account is going to cost you.
Here's Your Answer
FPK consumers' union wants to hear from the government what plans they have to fight the expected price increases caused by the Unkraine war.
The answer is "None"—at least, none that will work.
So That's "Plan B"
M*F*K finance minister Silly Vain has published three ways to get out from under the Dutch Coho conditions. Sparing you the details, 1 won't work because the money (1 billion guilders) will then be stuck in the Central Bank CBCS. Same for 2: a crisis levy of 5% for financial institutions to pay, which they may not charge to their customers. Forget it, they're in trouble enough already, says Silly Vain. The there's 3, the (in)famous Plan B: financial institutions deposit money in a government account, for which they'll get 1% extra interest. But, says Silly (you don't mind me calling you by your first name, do you?), that costs 50 million guilders a year and the government doesn't have that money.
My conclusion, the government has no way to get out from under the Coho deal. My opinion: good.
Aw, Get Lost
Auntie Sushi is now claiming the new Coho deal (loans from Holland) is in conflict with the Statuut principles. Three basic ones of them, nonetheless.
"We are doomed to fail," she exclaims. Well, auntie, we failed already; may I say "spectacularly"? And thanks to you, too. As the Dutch are wont to joke, snappez-vous? 2022-03-29
So DO We
CRA restaurant owners' club finds the price increases "worrying". Right. Hard to raise prices, as restaurants are already considered expensive, CRA says. So do we. And it will become worse. What else is new?
Go Get Them
But it will cost... 16,000 people (includes minors) who have left the island since 2018 have also left behind tax debts of 36.8 million guilders. Now the Tax Dept. is going after 'em.
Time for remarking that in that same period we were forced to start two court procedures, maybe more, against the same Tax Dept. Which were canceled by that same Dept. before they came in court. Just wasting their, our, and your money.
Not that we'll have to pay less when they catch those guys. Dream on...
Enjoy the Trip with my Tip
It has been figured out that driving with airco off and windows open instead, does not save any fuel. Because of aerodynamics. This naturally only works with a bit higher speeds. But downtown, where you can't drive fast in the first place, it's hard not to use your airco. It's a godsend!
So forget the government's advice and use it.
Only Two?
During a multitude of checks, of which I'll spare you the details, only 2 fines were given for noise disturbance. Oh no, not fines; warnings. We're not told if they helped any. As long as the inspectors were around I'd say, yes. But afterwards?
Still Around
Two new virus deaths now, total 467. The 2 were in CMC hospital.
Since 2 weeks, travelers from all over the world may enter Curaçao freely without any tests or other restrictions.
Forget It, Guys
Fisherpersons in Marie Pompoen have gone to court to try and get rid of the jet-skis, which they say prevent the masbangu/mackerel from spawning there. But the judge thought that the jet-ski pest had hardly existed in the Virus time, with almost no tourists, and there were no masbangus to catch anyway.
It doesn't really matter, as it's the same all over the world: fisherpersons and farmers have to go so the tourists can occupy their space.
Here's an Idea
Free, for PM Prickie. Since 2019, China has invested 2.1 billion dollars in Jamaica. From our neighbors, only Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina, and Bolivia got more. What are we waiting for? Dubai? Hah! S.O.S... Sell Our Souls!
Jamaica seems to wish cutting ties with the UK and get more independent (sounds familiar?) and might rather opt for the infamous Belt and Road initiative, which has already in fact cost many countries their independence, as they got in heavy debt with China. Talk about neo-colonialism.
Maybe the Jamaicans will now fix the only railroad they had, which was ruined after the British left? Don't count on it.
Impotent, Tiresome
The government advises us to use less airco when driving around and to make shorter trips. That will save us money. We don't need to water our garden every day, either. This at a time when a movement has started to grow your own veggies.
Thanks... for nothing. Not that the government can do more about it; totally beyond their power.
For the Good of the Cause
M*F*K PM Prickie uses just about that term to defend his, and others', recent money-wasting trip to Dubai. He deplores the criticism. It's a Big Chance for Curaçao, he says. Look at Jamaica, where the UAE are investing like crazy (le mot juste).
We also read that he wanted a direct flight CUR-DXB. For which he'd have had to charter a plane, thus wasting even more money. Our money.
The item title of course is that of a Solzhenitsyn 1963 novella. He had seen, and felt, where all that stuff had led to in the USSR.
#We Too!
The minibus drivers are fed up with the high diesel price. They complain the last price adjustment is from 5 years back, and they just can't make ends meet anymore. Lots of them are out of service for lack of maintenance money, and others ride on even while they should in fact be fixed, which calls for trouble.
Maybe worse, those who are still around drive more recklessly, consequently endangering us all. As if they were so fanatically sticking to the rules before.
It's Our Culture
By now, it looks like it. 10,000 kilos of meat have been confiscated at Centrum Supermarket, worth over 100 thousand guilders, far past the expiration date. But Centrum won't be fined; that law stems from 1933 with a max fine of 150 guilders. To collect it would cost far more.
A new law is in the works, we're told. That's a relief!
Take Your Time
Dynaf has introduced an app where you can find all 57 charging points for electric cars, of which there are about 500 now on Curaçao. Charging time averages half an hour, "as long as a supermarket visit." Tough if the point is occupied when you arrive.
Started me wondering about how prices work out, gasoline versus Aqualectra charge. Found out that 1 liter of gasoline produces 8.8kW. Presently 1 liter costs 2.474, and 8.8kW 8.8*06477 = 5.699 guilders. Saka bo som. Both prices may and will change, you're so right.
Yeah, Well...
A St. Maarten parliamentary wants his salary paid out in crypto coins. But it looks like it can't be done. Next, "somebody wants his salary paid out in goats," is one comment. And another one compares the bitcoins to the old Dutch tulip craze—a mania which ended in a disaster.
Boils down to, bitcoins are not legal tender (yet).
That's Good?
Depends... Holland has for a while delayed the pay-back of the recent loans for Covid-relief, until October 2023. That's 911 million guilders for Curaçao. Which probably, surely, means it will become a hot item for our next elections, 2024. Not so good.
Uncool, Unwise
Now it's PAR IJs who's protesting the Coho loan deal with Holland. He says, and it's just the old well-known story, that Coho and Dutch foreign minister get too much to say.
Which is fine with me. Don't leave it to the clumsy fools we have to make do with.
Saying "No" now is premature, IJs concludes. Thank you. I agree. Very much so.
Not that the Dutch are that great, but that's another and different story.
What a Bore
San Sebastian, which is being developed as a rural country side, in consequence allows only one building per plot. Still, a place that was building 14 of them and was stopped by court order, is now claiming they got a permit for those and has resumed building.
Between you and me, I'm convinced myself that they do have those permits. It's happened before and it will happen again, as long as we have people like Mudbelly Cooper in charge.
Hey Cooper, some free advice: if you didn't get your cut, you'd better stop this now.
Now She Comes with That
PAR ex-minister Jesus-Leito proposes to cut up the road tax in smaller portions, to stop discounts for older cars, and to have us pay online. And finally she wants a road fund paid out of those taxes. Too bad there once was one, but she herself abolished it in 2018 when she was minister. At least, that's what a comment claims.
At any rate, she was too busy grabbing money to arrange all that while a minister.
So That's Why It Hurts?
It certainly may be a factor. Chata has been protesting against tax evasion by rent-a-room outfits, and it turns out these are much more popular with tourists than the official hotel industry. Small wonder, anyway: that's not the unfair competition Chata complains about.
That's Only Auntie Talk
Auntie Sushi says the Coho (get money from Holland) law is a big mistake and will lead to trouble. She may be right, but who cares about what she says?
Besides, we already have a new minister of justice. Don't waste your money, Braam.
What We Were Waiting For
Car gas/diesel will go up, and so will water and electricity. This will get worse before it's over, as you don't need telling. And for once, stinking and polluting diesel will cost more than gasoline.
M*F*K Eduard Braam has appealed the court's verdict that excludes him from becoming a minister, for debauchery with a patient conviction in the past. Mulish is the word that comes to mind. A good thing we won't have that guy for a minister. Of justice, none the less.
Don't Celebrate Yet
The downtown parking agreement still has not been signed. In fact, it hasn't even been seen yet. Was supposed to have been arranged in January. Downtown management hopes for a 10 year deal, but expect only 5.
Meanwhile, deliberations are still going on about what to do about the 6 million guilders the former Parking Authority still owes the government. You know what I think? Forget it.
Minister Silly Vain says, intrepid as he is, that a structural solution must be found for Selikor. Great! What a thinker!
In fact, Selikor did pretty well until just a few years ago, when they published a book celebrating how well they were doing.
Say, That Was Easy!
The government in its great wisdom has instructed Aqualectra to transfer the Kodsel money to Selikor. That's the 35 guilders/month which we all have to pay for trash collection.
Oh wait, it's not going to Selikor, that would be too simple. It's going to the government which will then pay what Selikor needs. The rest goes... yeah, where? Good question! To which the standard come-back is "Too bad I don't know the answer."
And what has Aqualectra done all the time with all that money? An even better question.
Naughty, Naughty
Last year's police action at Marnixschool, where several pupils were obliged to take their clothes off, has finally resulted in Openbaar Ministerie [public ministry] concluding the cops went too far and had no occasion to require that. But it hasn't resulted in a court action—yet.
Those things seem to take time.... especially if it involves cops. Sigh. Hey, and how about Aubrey Wiels who according to the pupils enjoyed watching the act?
But don't worry, the cops have had a paid holiday since September last year.
Sic 'em, Already
Now it's car dealers who get visits of a bunch of controllers from several (I won't list 'em all) instances to check for money laundering. Cash payments and overly young clients who want to register a car for a foreign company are automatically suspect; but an eye is kept open for stolen cars/parts etc. as well.
Pay Up
"The government", which means, you and me, has to pay a fireworks dealer 106,000 guilders for 400-500kgs of stuff stolen from their gunpowder house. That's the third time it's happened. I don't know about you, but I have taken measures so it won't easily happen to me.
But Mudbelly Cooper has another solution: "in the future owners will have to find a place for storage themselves and take their own safety measures." As if they're allowed to store that dangerous stuff elsewhere now. (The answer is "No".)
Did You Notice?
Now that those flimsy plastic supermarket bags have been, or are being phased out, you can still get 'em. But with the text "Biodegradable" printed on the side.
First, the print ink was black. But now they're still better: the text is green!
Get Them
Right on! Amigoe newspaper writes that those who have escaped paying taxes because of corruption in the Tax Office, should be prosecuted. What are we waiting for? And the same for the enablers; or worse. Come on, come on!
Extreme Measures
Our government is looking for ways to lower taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel! This to avoid still higher pump prices; which, if you ask me, will follow anyway.
Presently, while the pump owner makes 17.5 cents per liter, on a total price of 2.47 the government makes 89 cents. Wholesaler Curoil makes 11 cents/liter.
Our bleeders will try to figure how the loss of income will be covered. To help them out, here's an idea, and here.
Werner Expired
I wish I saw how not to put it so bluntly, but it may save us money. Werner , one of the family, former chairman of the multidisciplinary project team (MDPT) died unexpectedly. Werner signed the agreement, dissolved by PAR's PM Bhillenaath, with China company GZE for the refinery take-over.
You think I should feel compassion for the dead? You should read the comments I get to see.
Go, Prickie, Go!
And please don't come back... We read that M*F*K PM Pisas's trip to Dubai's Expo 2020 will cost the country over 70K guilders (only). Economic development minister Cijntje is going there as well, with a total crew of 7. How much that'll cost is unknown. What for is a riddle as well.
"Expo 2020 is intended for companies that are looking for buyers in the Gulf region for their sustainable innovations" to quote Curaçao Chronicle.
Now, Get to Work
Not only do we have a government program now; we also have all ministers' posts filled. Now how about some action to fix the mess?
There We Go
KLM's tickets have become more expensive, because of higher fuel costs. Inevitable. No doubt others will follow.
Another Run to the Judge
Until now, only a threat: Our Man in the Hague, Manuel, threatens to have blogger Godfried Adam in court, for slander and libel, because Adams writes about the 'culture of fear' in Manuel's Curaçaohuis, causing personnel to leave en masse.
But will Manuel dare to?
Does That Need Saying?
Finance minister Silly Vain opines that all ministers, not only he, have to be involved in discussing the Coho ('borrow-or-die') deal with SER social-economic council. Comments hold him responsible anyway, but I feel he definitely has a point.
Let's Go to Court!
(Not only) our Bleeders' hobby. Now it's about the court's verdict that homosexuals must be allowed to marry as long as there are no equivalents available, like a registered partnership. The lesbian couple that started the case appealed as well, because they feel it didn't go far enough: they want to marry with the whole shebang. And the government appeals as the law states a marriage is only possible between a man and a woman.
Mini Scandal
Our plenipot minister in Holland, Manuel, poses with some (unnnamed) people in front of not the king's photo, but one of our Bearded Weirdo PM. Who keeps protecting him in all his irregular activities; an old, old story.
Question asked is, have we become a republic? Answer: forget it. For now.
So There
M*F*K PM Prickie warns that, if Coho is not accepted, an aanwijzing [instruction] from the Hague will follow and "then we'll have nothing to say anymore." As far as I'm concerned, we've been waiting for that for years. So please go ahead with your referendum!
The Good News
We'll have a Koningsdag [king's day] again this year. Mark your calendar, April 27th. The first time in 2 years.
Now That
Banco del Caribe has been sold to some consortium, but now ex?-owner Ennia Caribe Holding (read: Ansary) claims that the sale is unlawful. Worse, ECH says, it makes coverage of Ennia Life insurances impossible. ECH say they'll fight it in court.
Boy, am I glad I don't have to figure that one out. Leave it to the court and lawyers. May take years.
A New One
Creative, aren't they? This time "Global Warming" becomes "A Red Line for Humanity". Just passing it on; I know it's not important.
For fixing the Curaçao infrastructure, 310 million guilders are needed. This includes not only roads, but also everything belonging to them, like bus stops, traffic lights, bridges... you name it. This will result in 0.4% of economy growth, provided it is done efficiently. (What! With Mudbelly taking care of it?) Besides, we have been told earlier it would cost 720 million.
By a coincidence, the money taken out of the road taxes and used for other purposes is 320 million.
The point is, do we have to borrow or what? Dumb question; we have to borrow. But Central Bank CBCS says it will not influence the country budget; "only" the debt burden.
The new owners of Kura Hulanda hotel, BMG Asset Management, say they want to integrate the place as part of Otrabanda town part. Ban bario bek is the new populist shout. That will be a change, after the original plans effectively broke up the neighborhood by closing it off, making it a completely separate entity.
BMG is also looking for new renters. Whatever that means. Probably, regular people are supposed to live among the tourists? But elsewhere they are looking for entrepreneurs who wish to become a part of the Kura Hulanda project.
Forget It! But...
ProMo's protest against the plans for a new hotel at Punda's Marichi has, in appeal, been bounced by the judge. As before, it was too late.
Still, the same judge told VVRP (Mudbelly's department) where they got off. Getting the pertinent info on building permits is much too hard and inaccessible, which can only lead to situations like ProMo found itself in. This must change. But will it?
But Cooper congratulates the judge on having more eye for development than the people with "full bellies". Look who's talking! Ad hominem, sure—but he asks for it.
I said that before, didn't ? So does he.
Dirty Water
Inhabitants of Bandabao, the west part of the island, complain about the dirty Aqualectra utility water. Those who use filters report they are colored orange in a jiffy. But Aqualectra, after having flushed the supply system, says the pipes are 40 years old and there's no money to replace them. So drink that sh*t, suckers. And don't forget to pay or you'll be cut off.
To Be Sure
PNP MP Gerard criticizes all those fancy trips by parliament members to foreign countries. "Looks like every two minutes one of them is boarding a plane" he says. (There are not that many flights, but you get his meaning.) Gerard mentions Panamá, Aruba, St. Maarten, Amsterdam. Business class, one can only guess, with a solid daily allowance.
He does not mention the ministers, who are off just as, or more, often. Santiago de Chile, Dubai, to name two recent trips.
After all, we have money enough! Besides, it's a tradition... Our Culture!
We'll See
Eventually. The discussion about replacing the Antillean guilder with the dollar is still going on. But CBCS central bank announces we'll get a new Caribbean guilder instead. By end 2025. Plus ça change, plus ç'est la même chose? 2022-03-17
Take Your Pick
3 board members of FKP [people's home foundation] have taken their leave. At the request of Mudbelly Cooper; and under protest. But rumors are, it's because he wants to replace them with goons of his choice. Take your pick of what you believe. I've done so myself.
For Now
Or to give the exact quote: "At this time" the USA will not buy oil from Venezuela. One consideration is, the money would go straight to Russia in debt payments, which would help Russia to fight on in Ukraine.
I read some Letter to Ye Editor which was all excited as this would mean reopening the refineries Isla-CUR and Lago-AUA. AUA? Is that even feasible any more?
Big Help
Economic develop minister Cijntje has had a meeting with importers, so the food supply will be guaranteed. Like, CPS port services will arrange that 26 containers with flour will be shipped from France, where they're stuck now. Question: is that CPS's job? How?
Also, the importers will make an effort to find out what foodstuffs are lacking at their customers. They call this a "concrete action".
There were 11 shop burglaries last week, which is a big improvement on the 5 in the week before.
Waste Makes Haste
Finance minister Silly Vain lets it be known that to make use of his tax sanitation proposal, you'll have to get in touch before April 1. Now they have had 3000 requests.
Nothing more has been heard about PAR ex-PM Bhillenaath for a new Curaçao coat of arms. Not that I'm complaining, don't get me wrong. Should have been there around January or so.
See? Even lack of money can be a good thing.
Forget It
Right now. VBC entrepreneurs' club worries about the ongoing inflation, which they say, is largely imported. Of course: we import almost everything. And it will get worse. VBC does not believe the 6% growth promised by CBCS central bank will be achieved. The €uro is predicted to sink to the level of the US dollar, which also means tourists will tend to remain in Europe, the more so as flight tariffs will go up with higher oil prices.
VBC's main solutions? Lower OB sales tax to former levels, which will mean revenues will remain the same as imported goods will become more expensive; lower import duties; be less aggressive in tax collection; and finally, ask for more help from Holland.
We can hear the spoiled brats howl with rage already.
Oh, Goody!
Jurists say a referendum on the Coho deals is legally possible, after all. Fine! Let's waste some more patanzas; we can afford it—thanks to those Dutch loans!
Next Year
The Tax Person announces action will be taken against illegal tourist apartment rentals who do not pay taxes as required. They say there's a long list of suspects.
But first, new spoiled brats will have to be hired to arrange all that. Count your profits!
Also, tourists may not come in the droves predicted, which means the new tax workers won't have much to do. What else is new?
It's Come to That
Police are now allowed to shoot at drivers trying to hit them to avoid being stopped at traffic controls. This is happening more and more often.
Jussa Minit
Verkade writes a letter to KKC with a not-so-gentle reminder that in the past court has stipulated that before the refinery can be reopened, a new law must be installed stipulating the pollution norms. If not, the stringent WHO norms must be held to.
And a ministerial order as proposed by then-minister auntie Sushi (leave it to her) is insufficient.
To repeat, reopening the refinery without new pollution norms is not possible. Still better, our PM and other government functionaries can be held personally responsible.
This upgrading operation would cost between 1 and 2 billion dollars. Now to find some sucker who'll pay that.
Tough, Kids
The people who want to take their leave from ACU credit union have to sit out their cancellation period of three months, the board of directors has decided.
Good Point
The health care sector is worried. The government wants to shrink the salaries there with 12.5%, like for the spoiled brats. But the sector has troubles enough already to keep working, and is afraid this will make it much worse. They point out that the means salary is 45% lower than that of the spoiled brats already, and less means a rabbit punch to the workers.
The Tax People want to start actions against the illegal apartment exploiters, who don't pay taxes! Damn crooks... (Meant is OB/Sales Tax, 7%. Disregarding the crooks who take part of it home.) Maybe that will help stem the flood of tourists? Chata hotel club of course is all for stopping this illegitimate competition, as well.
It's the old boring story: those who are registered get to be hassled by the Tax Person, and the freeloaders are left alone.
Big Deal
The Council of Ministers has agreed with the government program. As if they wouldn't.
Bet Your Balls
The Ukraine conflict "will likely push international food and feed prices 22% higher and a 'considerable' supply gap will linger going forward if the war persists and energy stays expensive." Not my opinion, but Yahoo's.
I can't predict anything on the war persisting, but energy surely will stay expensive. Only more so.
The government will have a brainstorming session next Monday, to see what can be done in tax measures to make life cheaper for us voting cattle. But you say, "don't you need brains for that?" Touché!
The best they can come up with (till now, don't lose hope—yet) is, maybe they can cut car gas tax. It's now 41 cents/liter, not counting OB sales tax of twice 6%; total about 70 cents/liter. Or almost 1/3rd of the liter price. More than the gas stations make; much more.
They'll also have a look at income tax, but the effects of that would only be felt next year; in fact, later.
Hey, how about less tax on alcohol? That may well turn out to be what we really need these days.
Not Only Petrostates
"Petrostates are vulnerable to what economists call Dutch disease, in which a government develops an unhealthy dependence on natural resource exports to the detriment of other sectors" (a term coined during the 1970s after the Netherlands discovered natural gas in the North Sea.)
Council for Foreign Relations
First it was salt; then we got a bunkering harbor; then we got Shell Oil; finally Off-Shore business. All died in our hands, except the harbor. But we're working on that.
And now it's gonna be tourism. Good luck, fellas!
Agreed, all the time we had some trade going on. As described in the early 1980s film Antiyas, Triangulo pa Futuro where a case was made to bring back the golden trade times between Europe, Africa and the Americas. The film never mentioned this totally relied on slave trading.
What Could Go Wrong?
APC spoiled brats' pension fund is taking over four botikas [drug stores] which are on the point of going bankrupt. This while the government is trying hard to lower prices for medicines; for importers as well as botikas.
APC is well known for investing in a lot of projects that may not be sure-fire profitable; like tourist hotels.
Never, Wanna Bet?
Our Big Bleeders are now looking at a possibility to let the police use cars which are now in use by spoiled brats, who don't really need them. Would save costs; they are now renting cars because the official cops' cars are five years old and as good bad as wrecks. (My own car is about that age and I've just been assured it's good for a few years more. As many other people are figuring these troubled times.)
Still, it makes you ask, why ever did those spoiled brats get those cars if they don't "really" need them?
Please, No
Politicians are still looking at a new referendum: shall we accept the Coho loan from Holland deal or shall we proceed on the road to poverty except for spoiled brats, politicians and SOE workers?
But the PAN party meeting planned for Willemstad Punda's Wilhelminaplein, a party complete with music bands has not got a permit. PAN's 'Broertje' Rojer says this is too important to leave to politicians, it must be decided by the people. Looks like the politicians are finally figuring "a bit less is better than nothing at all."
A Bit Late?
The agreement between CDM/Dok and Damen Shipyards needs to be evaluated. I dare say; it dates from 2017 or so. Seems (stop me if you heard this one before), during the last two years maintenance has been deplorable. Dock pumps have broken down, cranes and generators are in bad condition. Damen is hiring equipment instead of having it fixed, which results in higher exploitation costs and also in higher repair costs for customers. Also, workers' safety is in danger.
Is Damen by any chance exhausting the facilities, to turn to another project later on? Like PdVSA? I don't know but it wouldn't be the first time in history by a long way.
Hard to Say
Who's lying? A good guess is, both. Amnesty International has published a devastating report con Curaçao's treatment of Venezuelan refugees. But M*F*K PM Prickie says, for starters, we don't see them as refugees. Also, Amnesty reports they were shot at with rubber bullets during a prison riot (true), but omits to say it was the Venezuelans who started the riot by lighting fire(s) in jail.
Do Tell
Curaçao will also be hit hard by the oil price raises. No kidding?
But Curaçao wants to cooperate with the other oil producing countries in the region: Suriname, Trinidad and Guyana, says minister of economic development Cijntje. He doesn't mention Venezuela.
Well, they have 2 weeks left to announce their Isla refinery solution. Could that be related? Possibly maybe?
But Cijntje says there's a third party that's "most interested" in taking over. They're having their third meeting already! But who? We'd all like to know but it's a Big Secret.
Infights, We Pay
CPS port services say it's not their fault that unloading containers takes so much time: it's because the importers are hoarding goods. I see no further explanation by CPS.
Everybody gets their container within 10 days, adds CPS. Methinks that's mighty slow.
What's Wrong with Me?
1 in 3 Curaçao people have been bothered by sexual intimidation. I've been saved from that.
I feel discriminated against! Am I that unattractive, or even repugnant?
They will be soon... Police can't afford to buy new cars so they will rent them.
Not from me, that's for sure.
Meanwhile, grab your chance: justice personnel is on strike until a solution has been reached for their transport problems.
Should Be Good
The UoC university with the longest name in the world has been accredited. Well, not, actually, as that term is reserved for Holland and Belgium. But we're assured the UoC is just as good.
There's Still Hope
The Campo Alegre, which to some people's joy and others' chagrin, may still be re-opened legally. Not even with a toleration policy. Thus speaks sinister Silly Vain, who also is minister of justice. He thinks it's possible to keep criminal activities (like cocaine dealing) separate from prostitution.
I'm not so sure.
The old names still have roles in Campo's setup: Leslie Franklin and Anthony Godett, both (but that's surely a coincidence!) top FOL members. Others have meanwhile expired, like Nelson Monte, Komproe and van Ierland.
Next! Please?
A Spoiled Brat working for SOAB tax accounting service has been arrested for bribery and violating professional secrecy, by passing on (read: selling) classified info.
May more follow.
That Could Be Fun
Iran is delivering drones to our friendly neighbor, tyrant president Maduro of Venezuela. It's the latest Mohajer-6 type, range 200kms. Not enough to reach Miami, but plenty to get over here.
Both the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and Libanon's Hezbollah have a strong foothold in Venezuela. But their Carnival is great! Ask CTB.
What Else
The public beaches are a mess, just like the rest of the island. Transporters may blame Selikor for the high landfill prices which makes them dump anywhere else, but it's all the same. Beach visitors leave behind bottles and even still-burning charcoal, with a thin layer of sand on top so you'll burn your feet when stepping on it. Not to mention the rest.
I once saw a Dutch granny rinsing her grandchild's diapers in the sea at a public beach, so it's no good blaming only our own people for it.
Deep in the Red
Curaçao now has a debt of over 4.2 billion guilders (USD2.3b). That's 280,000 per head. Remember this was achieved in 11 years? But auntie Sushi and others think it's not enough by far, and protest against Coho measures to limit our politicians' independency.
And Partido PAN has now asked the governor for a referendum on Coho. As if she had anything to say about that. (Parliament didn't want to hear about it, either.)
Cover Up: Like Islam
Girls themselves are to blame for their sexy dressing, when they are molested by boys. It's official! Wise men, and who knows women as well, will go to the schools to lecture the girls.
Dress Islamic burqas, girls, or whatever. You know what? Go all the way and buy a body bag.
That's Fine
... with me. MAN party announces it's out of the question that Pinhead Martina will be removed as party head.
It takes much too long to unload a container in harbor, according to importers because of CPS port services. Which causes the ship owners to charge extra. Which "unreasonable price increases" have now been forbidden by the government.
It's a safe bet they will charge extra somehow, anyway. Why should they have to pay for what's the government's fault?
Count on still higher prices, is what it finally means, and blame our Bleeders.
Get Out
While the going's good. 2227 more (registered) citizens left Curaçao last year than came in. That's 1.5% of the total.
Not counting the illegals, of course. Officially, the population on January 1 2022 was 151,066.
Taking a Line through Palestine
Buses will no longer pass through Seru Fortuna at night time. They are often pelted with rocks and stones and think it's too dangerous.
Too bad if you live there? Or a problem you caused yourself?
Maybe... Not Impossible
The people who took their leave at ACU say it's because they asked critical questions that those appointed by Central Bank CBCS didn't get along with them. Which is the opposite from what you'd expect at first sight.
If true, that makes you question CBCS. Who knows? Maybe we'll find out later. Maybe.
But Still...
Cft financial supervision is worried about the 2021 personnel costs of Curaçao government. They are almost back at 2019 pre-Virus level, and overtime even is over the yearly limit of 10 million guilders.
What else is new?
For one thing, the complete Supervision Council of ACU (spoiled brats' credit union) take their leave, as they refuse their role as a rubber stamp for what CBCS central bank orders. Until now, they did as they liked.
This Stinks
High tax officials have had preferential treatment for years with the Tax "Service". Minister Silly Vain talks about the same for family and friends. Quelle surprise! But wait, it's even worse than we all thought anyway, much worse.
Ministers, parliament members, department heads, directors/commissoners of SOEs, or any high-placed functionaries in the public sector didn't pay without approval by tax higher-ups. They might have millions of tax debts, but got an arrangement to pay 500 or 1000 guilders per month, which meant they'd never pay those debts off. But it's even worse: they paid that 2 or 3 times and, to Quote the Raven, "Nevermore."
Silly Vain says that this "Apartheid" (his word) is a thing of the past. We all sincerely hope so.
But the lower tax people have shown great cooperation, says Silly Vain. They may be as disgusted as we all are.
Apartheid means, in this case here, government people are treated different than the decent folks. Don't we know it. Take that, spoiled brats! But still, as Antilliaans Dagblad comments, why has the head of the Ontvanger [collector] Department not been kicked out yet?
2 more Virus patients expired, bringing the total to 264.
Yesterday's anti-Coho demonstration, organized by PIN auntie Sushi, is reported to have been "well visited". I wasn't there, of course, but it looks more like "poorly" on the photos.
Be that as it may, it can't possibly make a difference.
Wait And Don't See
Now we read that end March, not February as promised, a binding agreement will have been reached for the exploitation of Isla refinery. At least, RdK "hopes" so. And by June this should be made definite.
Six candidates are left out of thirty twenty. RdK says.
Don't Even Think It CTB tourist board has flown a delegation to Caracas to enjoy Carnival there. After all, they couldn't spend enough of their our money here this year, as the Grand Feast was canceled.
But we shouldn't think this has any political meaning, oh no!
Just Read It
Don't know if it's true, but it sounds so: we need 720 million to fix the roads, for which we'll ask (are you ready) Holland for money.
The Tale with a Tail
(Sorry, Lewis.) The Group of Six has sent a letter to M*F*K Mudbelly Cooper, inquiring about what's going on with the mangrove park. But Cooper replied onbeschoft en schofterig [rudely and boorishly] with "a total contempt for the people", as we're by now accustomed to, that the Group should go somewhere else. "Obviously the government has something to hide" the Group says. You think?
Maybe? Who Knows
Finally, long after we were ready for it, M*F*K education minister van Heydoorn is having a look at the language problem; because that's what it is. Ex-minister Dijkhoff gives her opinion: we have four languages (Dutch, Papiamento, Spanish and English—not necessarily in that order of importance) which is too many for a small country like ours. Only 20% plus 45% of grade school pupils goes on to higher education; the rest doesn't make it, Dijkhoff says, because they have to change to a to them foreign language later on. Alas, her solution sounds far from ideal.
The Fundashon pa Skol foundation must be replaced by "Akademia di Papiamentu", mis-translated as Raad voor Taal (Language Council). Which of course will need extra money. Where from?
We didn't have that problem when the Fraters and Soeurs forced all pupils, much against their wishes, to learn Dutch first and took it from there. But Papiamento is holy and must therefore be used!
"A government measure to control the prices of imported goods seems to lead to a price increase" we read in Curaçao Chronicle. Unintended result: less cargo space, because of maximum prices, so less imports, so higher prices.
And moreover, CPS Curaçao Port Services does not unload cargo in the weekends. Welcome to Modern Times Curaçao style. (Hint: I'm sure the trade unions are to blame.)
Don't I Know It
M*F*K finance minister Silly Vain wants to end the discrimination in tax collecting. Some people are treated much more lenient than "regular people" he says. Right.
But if he can end it?
New Round
Two more Virus deaths. Over 11% of tested infected. This is supposed the government's last daily update; from now on only Fridays.
I ask myself how long that will keep up...
Bonaire shared the list of places where all measures are ended. Watch it, Bonairianos!
The new roads on Rif, all for the tourists! have been decorated with trees. Le mot juste, as they won't give much shade for quite a few years. Amigoe tells us they have been bought for 650 guilders each, while only recently (at SDK sport center) the price was 400. Not only that, they look like about 75 centimeters high, while the other ones were 1.80m.
Mudbelly Cooper was not available for comment. Not that we need any.
But inflation! you may say. Aw, shut up.
Come Back, China Virus!
Over 11% of new infections, which started going up right after it was announced we'd get only weekly new announcements. Uh oh.
You'll Miss Me
Tomorrow we'll have a big manifestation to protest against the Coho deal, which mainly serves to force Curaçao to finally start fighting corruption.
One of the speakers will be Auntie Sushi, which tells enough. She's a strong opponent. It may be somebody's guess why, but anybody can guess the answer.
Small Wonder
Curaçao has now reached absolute bottom status, Tier 3, in human trafficking. But our PM Prickie says there's no money to work on the problem. Poor bearded baby.
This in a country where people are always nagging on about how badly they were treated as slaves.
They're All the Same
Finance minister Silly Vain has published a press release where he accuses his predecessor Gijs & Bertha of irregularities, a "farewell policy" connected with his daughter.
I have little doubt he's right.
Now wait for his follow-up to accuse him. 2022-03-04
Howzabout Isla? Huh?
You may well ask. We were supposed to get news last month, which ended last week. Remember? with Carnival. A "definite interim" choice would be made between 20 candidates stampeding each other to take over Isla refinery operations. Or was it 30?
Doesn't matter, the actual number is zero. The Media forgot all about it as well.
Dark Car Windows
A test will be done for two years allowing them, after which it will be checked if this has led to (still?) more accidents or (still?) more crime. Our smart MPs said it was to prevent skin cancer, among other things.
But no research into that has been done here at all, says Dick Drayer. Nor has been looked at international requirements. No matter. We'll get them.
Drayer also says that the 20 deaths and 5,000 wounded transported by ambulance to hospital cost 200 million guilders per year.
You can fix a lot of roads for that, Mudbelly. Even if you insist on getting your cut.
Count 'Em
One in five cars was involved in an accident (2020). 88,000 cars were registered with insurance; in 2019, there were 4,000 more. Where did they all go?
Watch your back, front and sides while driving...
Real Pros
Three teenage boys have been arrested shortly after they attacked and robbed a tourist family talking a walk in a nature park. They threatened them with a gun, but ran away when the tourists starting throwing stones.
Don't laugh, they were in training.
What an Ass
Meant is MP Trabao pa Kòrsou's Calmes, who first wants our PM to tell the world (which is sure to listen) that our island is peace-loving and does not want to hinder Venezuela tyrant Maduro in his activities. He'd much sooner have Maduro come over here and take our, Dutch, money away as well.
This genius also wants an inquiry into the 2020 Fòrti happening, when the police had the use tear gas against rioters, who then proceeded to commit arson and vandalism in Willemstad. Those poor innocent rioters didn't deserve such a fate!
How did this circus comic ever make it to parliament? Rhetorical question, you might ask that about most of his fellow members.
During the next 5 years, 340 million guilders will be invested in infrastructure. This is expected to result in (slightly) less unemployment. The country budget will not be influenced, but our debt will grow. Sure. Got it. Another Dutch loan, what else?
Tough, Vanessa
Finance minister Silly Vainia is not prepared to publish a rectification on his remarks about Vanessa, Gijs & amp; Bertha's daughter. I'll spare you the arguments, but he mentioned 3 good ones why he was right when he claimed that her father was wrong to give her the position.
The court agreed.
Which means, Pinhead Martina is to blame as well.
That's BAD
The average debt of Curaçao households was 88%. To explain, for every 100 guilders of income they have 88 guilders of debt.
But this was before the Virus and "there is a suspicion" it may be more now. Really? You think?
Small wonder the government is in the same position; or worse. It's what's called "endemic".
Putin Shakes in His Boots
MAN party has denounced the Russian invasion of Ukraine. That's telling them!
Also, our Big Bleeders have discovered that this will cause our prices to go up even more. They're so smart!
Well-Known Problem
The judge judged Irie Tours was quite right when they fired the captain of one of their tourist boats,. He was as drunk as captain Haddock; many captains habitually are, as they have nothing to do but carry their responsibility. In that deplorable state, he helped cause 10,000 guilders worth of engine damage.
That's Fine Amigoe newspaper has two headlines, online right next to each other: both are about projects that will have "a positive effect on the economy." Great! Remain positive, even if the economy doesn't.
Darkness Reigns
Opposition parties in parliament have given up: dark car windows will be accepted soon. M*F*K has a majority, so that's it.
The M*F*K-PNP government program is ready! Finally! Took 'em a year.
And it's only a concept.
Same Here
It's definitely over, for now at least. Virus numbers will from now on be given once a week. Last test count was 3.4 infections.
Pro Stuff
Crooks have robbed Baoase luxury hotel, or resort, who cares. First they went to Barber fire dept to steal some heavy material, which they used to break into the safe after overpowering the security guard. We're not told how much they got away with.
Debts All Over
Now it's Selikor where the government has to pay 60 million guilders to. Or Selikor will go bankrupt in less than five years. Not one cent of what we pay per has reached Selikor.
Since 10-10-10, the government hasn't paid. Ain't independence great? We want more of it!
The Morning After (Carnival)
February 28: 12 new Virus cases, 2.6%; no imports. 9 in hospital, 4 in ICU.
February 27: 19 new Virus cases, 3.2%; no imports. 11 in hospital, 6 in ICU.
February 26: 20 new Virus cases, 2.8%; no imports. 8 in hospital, 3 in ICU.
Psst! Need drugs?
The prison in 2019 was chock-full of drugs, knives and (196) telephones with chargers. Even USB cables were found. My fav is, two balances to weigh out drugs.
They say it was better in 2020, but that may have several explanations. Not all of them good.
4 drones were captured. And we read how Amazon is using them to deliver packages in the USA. Once again, we're far ahead of the game.
That's It
Used to be easy: when the flight from Amsterdam came in and there was somebody on it we were supposed to pick up at the airport, we got into our car and leisurely drove up there. But these days, those flights do not come in over our heads: for some reason, they make a detour around Westpunt and approach the airport over Bullenbaai. So we have to watch the arrival times on the internet.
I'm so smart, it took me years to figure out why. But of course! It's to avoid flying over those blasted wind generators spoiling our view over the sea. For safety, right?
I wonder if somebody figured out how much extra fuel those jets use to make the detour, and compared it with the fuel saved by them damn windmills. No, I don't really wonder: I'm sure nobody did.
Also Again
The government is considering to retract media concessions. Stop me if you heard this before: they just don't pay and get away with it? Mudbelly Cooper says there's hundreds of thousands of guilders' worth in back payments.
We have 26 licensed FM stations. On 160,000 people. No wonder they lack the money to pay up.
So Who Does Get It?
The Selikor personnel's trade union wants discussions top guarantee that the 35 guilders/month we all pay for trash collection will go to Selikor, where they are sorely needed. You may doubt that, but that's what they say.
But it raises the question, where does that money go now?
Please stop... Some people want a new referendum. That would be number 4, or maybe I lost count. They'd rather go on running off the cliffs then submit to Holland's COHO rules for yet another millions loan. One of these is PAN's 'Broertje' Rojer.
But M*F*K's parliament head America-Francisca says the law is being discussed in parliament, which is the highest democratic organ, so a referendum is not needed.
From next week, public is allowed again at parliament meetings. One more way the China Virus interfered with democracy.
Cft financial supervision suggests the way out of the economy problems is (you'll never guess) higher taxes and higher import duties. To prevent more poverty?
The one thing I can agree with, higher casino taxes. Are there any worth while? I sincerely doubt it.
Just So
We have no traffic policy in Curaçao, says the union of driving school operators. With 15-25 deaths per year on a 160 thou population, we're high up in the world list. (For a not so welcome exception.) The union reminds us that in 2016 an accord was signed to turn the island traffic into one of the safest in the world, remember?
There's a plan to use fines money for road improvement, but until now the money just keeps falling into the well-known bottomless pit called Fort Amsterdam, without a trace.
They Well Might
Education union DOEN is not very happy that the former Bhillenaath cabinet members get all their not used-up vacation days paid out (from 4000 to 86000 guilders). The teachers get their 12.5% abatement, and on top of that have to pay for materials themselves. The government just isn't forthcoming with the lettuce.
DOEN will try to figure out what to do. Just like all of us: there's nothing we can do.
Many teachers are considering to find other jobs. Just what we need these High Crime days.
Oh, He
It was Pinhead Martina who, as interim minister of finance, signed Vanessa Gijsbertha's lucrative contract. Only, he can't remember doing so.
It's a Thought
PAR party there's more to the Ukraine war than higher fuel prices. The Russian minister of foreign affairs has announced military troops may be sent over to Cuba and (there you go) Venezuela.
In that case, there goes tourism again. For a final dive?
PIN (read: auntie Sushi) 's reaction is, once again, clamoring to stimulate agriculture so we can supply our own food. Just like New York? Paris? Forget it.
And what can our government do about it? Forget it? Oh, ask Holland for more money! Right ho.
Busy Guy
Venezuelan Correa certainly left a trail of ruined projects. Curaçao Chronicle calls out the latest: Curaçao Airport Hotel. Once again, the project amounts to nothing more than an attempt to defraud investors.
Way to Go
"Iceland Ends All Restrictions, Says it Wants 'As Many People as Possible' to Catch Covid" we read in The Independent. They want to achieve widespread societal resistance. PCR tests, curfew and limits n large gatherings are abolished as well.
It's over, folks. Let's go back to enjoying life.
What Do They Care
Only 1 out of 18 fractions in Dutch parliament has shown any interest in the proposed sea border adjustment with Santo Domingo. CDA asked why such a treatment, and for which reason. CDA also ask3ed if Curaçao and Aruba were asked about it. Good question.
Answers are supposed to come later.
Tell Us About It
The high number of violent crimes have a negative influence on Curaçao society, say the police.
Gee, so they noticed?
In 2 weeks there were 4 atrakos, 12 domestic, 3 car and 16 business (among which 3 schools) burglaries. 4 cars were stolen and 16 cases of domestic violence were reported.
And a guy got 6 months in jail for stealing 2 bottles of whiskey. Musta been Macallan? He couldn't make it on his welfare, he said. Maybe he oughta switch to denatured alcohol.
On the other hand, I can't take this too seriously: 50% women complained about getting wolf whistles in the streets. But 22% of boys had the same sort of complaint. What gender was playing wolf here, I ask myself.
Some US lawyer says COHO is inhumane and illegal. It's a shame our governments have to take measures to economize if they wish to borrow money!
Gee, I wish the guy started suing the banks for the 18%/year credit card interest.
People say it's the same guy we, and St. Maarten, are paying fat sums to protest neo-colonialism with the United Nations, but I haven't been able to check that. Figures, though.
Good to Know
The Army (ministry of offense) reassures the fisherpersons they don't have to worry. They're perfectly safe!
Agreed, safer then ashore. Much safer.
Take That and Pay Up
I'm far from a sayer of sooth, but confidently predict worse will follow. Car gas will go up with 14 cents/liter, and diesel about the same: 2.474 and 1.90/liter. Gas bombs 100lbs/80.00 (same as February).
Domestic water will cost 8.9134/m^3 (was 8.582) for less than 9m^3/month; electricity 0.7540/kW (was 0.7415) for 250-350kW/month.
My, we've beaten Germany at their own game! Except, as yet, for electric car battery exploding charging: in München €0.69/kW (=ANG1.38).
Don't Say It
I'll do it for you: I was wrong. The Russkis have invaded Ukraine this morning. God help us all so it won't go any further. For starters, prepare for higher energy prices. If it were only that...
Next, Taiwan. Hong Kong went like a breeze, after all.
Genius! Amigoe newspaper tells us that central bank CBCS figures, things go on like this, 65,000 people here will get below the poverty line. Soon. It's not clear how many families that entails, but in 2018 the labor force was 70,153 people. So it would be practically the Spoiled Brats (3400 in that same year) plus a small lucky number that will not be below the poverty line.
You'll never guess the solution proposed. More Tourism! For honesty's sake, several other things, minor, are mentioned. Let us hope they will have some effect.
Politicians Pipe Dream?
Curaçao must become a paradise for digital nomads. They'll hang out on the beach here, do their laptop work while enjoying a piña colada; and the 625 of them are supposed to bring in 125 million/year. That's 200,000 each.
Is the idea.
I'm in the wrong business... But I knew that already.
Chance Lost
If you were out to get minister Silly Vain, you're too late. Two of his bodyguards, who quit because he told them "they were not on his level" went back to work.
Not That Bad, Yet?
In South Africa, ten robbers have been shot dead in what sounds like a regular battle with the cops. The only surprising thing is, there were cops who didn't join the robbers? Who were armed just as well as the police and the army, we read.
Oh wait, we are ahead of the game there as well. Remember that war at Hato airport, a few years ago?
New Trick
It really is an old one: thieves hit your car from behind and when you get out to look at the damage, they attack and rob you. Police warn you to be on your guard. And then? Hit the gas, I guess.
Getting hit from behind happens all too often in the first place, with all those tailgaters.
Can't See It
This is supposed to be the new version of the former West-End cinema façade. You think that looks likes the original? Somebody at Studio 8 Design must be blind. Or you and me are crazy.
You say, "But why should it look like the original?" My very first thought as well. Still, that's what they claim.
And by the way you know, who needs a clock these days? In all my life I never saw a public clock here that kept running for longer than a few months.
Shoot to Kill
Maybe not, but close enough. "In the past" near Wacawa, where the Dutch Army trains, a fishing boat was fired upon. We take it, accidentally. The boat was severely damaged, but the fishermen escaped. And now, these persons go in fear of their lives and want the problem solved.
"New" West End
A developer has, finally, received a building permit to rebuild the space where West End cinema once stood. There will be shops and apartments, but the façade will be rebuilt. This took since 2001, and building will take 12-15 months.
We Won!?
42 positive Virus cases out of 1516 tested; 2.8%. 8 imported cases. 8 in hospital, 4 of them are in the ICU. 1 more dead, total 261.
The Return of the 10,000 Bulls
And their manure. Sounds like a horror film title, not? Maybe it is. In Canada, bio-fuel company Clean Energy is collecting crap from dairy firms to process. You think we're safe from that here, do you? 'Coz, where to collect all that BS from to process at Bullenbaai?
Well, think again. Remember Pinhead Martina's friend with his grandiose plans? Well, go ahead with those now and we're all set.
Take Heart
Only ten more years, then we're back at GO. Says Central Bank CBCS. First, the 2022 growth expected (by them at least) will be canceled by the inflation. This after during 24 years before 2020 the economy grew negatively by 11.4%. Unemployment will first go up to 24%; at least, if not even more people flee to Holland.
It's a structural problem, CBCS says. Ya think?
Quite the Fashion
Now it's minister Silly Vain who's accused of "sexually exceeding behavior" [sexueel overschrijdend gedrag— by PAR; curious term]. PAR says it's for the judge to decide if and what he did wrong. We wait.
National Pride? Not So Much
Our National Library, for which author Frank Martinus was honored by giving it his name, is in such a bad state that it will have to move. Aircos all broke down, and consequently books are deteriorating. The building dates from 1988. Government didn't bother to maintain it properly.
A new location has been found but it's kept a secret.
Cheaper Meds
The judge threw out the protest by Big Pharma (well, not that big; only local) against fixed maximum drug prices. Which is good for SVB/CMC but not so good for the drug agents.
It's Over?
As good as, looks like. 23 new Virus cases out of 1424 tests, 0.16%; 13 imported. 10 in hospital, 4 in ICU.
What Did You Expect?
A request for more openness in top salaries never made it to where it should have. Which means the advice of workers, entrepreneurs and independents has been trashed.
Also, a letter by the Dutch Staaatssecretaris on the subject will not be made public.
That's Transparency, Folks! Not to mention Democracy. It's our Culture, not to mention our genes (of some of us).
Filthy Trick
It's almost a crime! Some Swedish company has been heavily fined for selling fake Viagra pills; to Curaçao, USA and the Netherlands.
For the innocent readers, that's erection pills.
That's More Like It
February 19, 38 new Virus cases, 1799 tested (2.2%), 8 imports. 8 in hospital, 4 in ICU.
February 20, 23 new cases, 1643 tested (1.4%), 12 imports. 10 in hospital, 4 in ICU.
Time to join the Free World?!
Spare Me
If I hear the words "sustainable" and "cautionary principle" one more time I'll start screaming. Hysterically, yes.
There are more like that, "gender-fluid", but here I'll spare you.
MAN wants a Monument to the Virus. I kid you not, as author Boeli van Leeuwen used to quote Herman Wouk. And we should have a Remembrance Day, March 13.
Last thing we need. I wonder who's supposed to create it. Any relation there, by some coincidence?
What's Worse?
Take your pick: a guy has been arrested for exporting 41 keys of coke, at least drugs; plus having child porn on his phone. The drugs still have to be analyzed and he says the porn pics were sent to him by others, and he plum forgot to wipe them from his phone. Sure, Akeem.
Forget It
M*F*K Mudbelly Cooper says he awaits to know the costs of suing the former parking authority Global Metals and what the government may expect to get before making a decision. That's ominous; as far as I remember Global Metals never paid a nickel and owes the island over 6 million guilders. A court process costing more than that? Even by the waste makers in Forti? Hahaha.
Remember Global Metals got the contract in 2010, another ominous fact; when M*F*K was king—like now.
Big Deal
The country budget 2022 has been published.
As if it meant anything at all.
Parliament is finally getting ready to formalize the parking agreements. Of which the main result will be, as from then the government will actually get part of the receipts!
Took ten years huh? Do we discern ex-PM Shorty's not-so-subtle hand here?
Sic 'Em, Nardy! KKC's Nardy crammm, in her continuing fight against the gambling mafia, is now challenging judges because the court doesn't give impartial and accessible judgments in laundering affairs, tax practices and gaming licenses issued on Curaçao.
She also complains that her personal details are given out to her antagonists.
Nardy had to move from Curaçao to Holland as she was in fear of her life.
Virus Count
52 new cases out of 1553, just over 3%; 10 imports. 7 in hospital, 4 in ICU.
At It, Again?
Sinister of unhealth Dotty Pietersz is rumored to have asked two hospital patients to keep quiet about their bad experience with two Dutch nurses, sent out free to help out with the Virus.
What to think? I don't know, really. The patients may be right, and so may be the nurses (and even at the same time); it may be how you look at it. The inspectorate of health will investigate.
Oh Yeah?
As from 2030, "half of the number of travelers between the ABC islands will have to fly electrically and by 2035 every passenger." The Dutch say so; at least their Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management.
Oh wait, it's only a Master Plan. Masterly! Prices are expected to go down "considerably", because as everybody knows by now, solar and wind energy are free.
Go Out and Spread
Contrary to earlier news, the Virus curfew will be abolished as from today.
But we're still expected and supposed to wear those ridiculous masks. You may come closer than 2 meters though. Cummon, give me a Kisss, big and sloppy please...
But I'll have to shave more often again, that's the drawback.
Mr. Nice Guy
PNP MP Gerard accuses M*F*K finance minister Silly Vain of speaking derogatively about his colleague minister of health; for which I personally think he may be excused. Two of Silly's security guards also complain about his attitude.
But PM Bearded Weirdo defended him, saying he still has to learn how to express himself as a politician. That's a quote!
MP Vandal
Castro (no relation; only spiritually) was not satisfied with his democratic powers as (ex-)MP; he went out with a spray can to vandalize walls. Too bad a police [patrol came by and arrested him, while he was at it.
Castro has been accused of slander before, and has also been convicted for drug smuggling to Holland.
Why Bother
I'm getting curiouser and curiouser about that deluge of candidates trampling each other to death for the Isla refinery take-over. You think we'll hear about them this month, as promised? Less than two weeks to go...
Then we'd get another deluge, of greenie/warmists protests. Who never touch upon the fact that China pollutes more than the rest of the world—combined in total.
Is That Good? Or Bad?
Between 2010 and 2020, the number of notifications of money laundering and terrorism has increased tenfold. This while personnel at Financial Intelligence Unit Curaçao has been reduced.
Oh Well
We're used to that. PAR is worried about the "poisoned atmosphere" in den Haag Curaçaohuis caused by our plenipot Manuel. There were times when it wasn't so, but that seems like prehistoric by now.
79 new infections in 1948 tests, just over 4%. 14 imports, 7 in hospital, 4 in ICU.
Oh yeah, Austria is ending "almost all" mandates against the unvaxed, as well. But the WHO (who have been mostly wrong from the pandemic's start) warn all these countries "are moving too quickly." Thanks, WHO! For nothing.
Just Wait
Inflation over last year was 3.8% but price index was 4.9% higher. Which after all is what we really care about.
No news on what's expected this year. As if they knew, right.
That's Telling 'Em, Huffie!
Dutch Staatssecretaris van Huffelen makes it known that the Spoiled Brats' 12.5% salary cut must go through as long as the islands need liquidity support. Or until independence? You choose (it's not really hard).
So there.
Did Ya Notice?
Russia did not invade Ukraine yesterday, as confidently promised by the USA boss. So no WWIII, as yet.
Sure, it may still happen. Next year... month... week. Or century. Relax already. Have another pill!
Great News!
Pardon my sleepiness (Ho Hum), but there's a lot of excitement about an interactive map of Curaçao. You click on it, you get an ad about a tourist attraction. Hardly as many as on Google Maps, though; in fact, embarrassingly less. Who needs it, except the people charging money for those ads?
Sure, I forgot: it may be subsidized. By you via CTB.
Who Cares
The committee deciding who'll get a knighthood from our Mighty King is being politicized. Now, non M*F*K members are being thrown out and replaced. Yes, by M*F*K members, did you really have to ask? As if it wasn't politicized by definition.
Gee, I wonder how much these committee members get paid.
Problem for M*F*K
Now that Braam is out, who shall become their, and our, minister of justice? Till now the Weird Beard fulfilled that function. Now they seem to be thinking of Shalten Hato; only one problem: he's a member of MAN party.
So change partners, Shalten! See? It's easy when you think it over.
TPK MP Calmes is afraid we'll get the feared aanwijzing from the Kingdom on Justice: there's chaos and corruption there. And we still don't have a Police Chief either. He may be afraid, some of us are waiting for it!
What Else Did You Expect?
Rhetorical question: answer "nothing". The trade unions are against normalization of SOE top salaries. At the same time, the 12.5% cutting of workers' salaries there is protested.
Oh, Marvelous
Curaçao is on the road to tourism's recovery, CTB announces. And we thinking, misled by their previous bragging, that we were there already. No matter: the number of USA tourists shrank by almost half, compared with December. 74% came from Europe (read Holland), which will soon be over, when the Virus restrictions end.
Nos Futuro
Over 20% of jail prisoners are between 18 and 24 years old. There are only 11 females locked up.
One in five (same percentage) of prisoners comes back to prison soon.
Yes, yes, I know the official name is SSDK now. My name still is much better and more to the point. Q.E.D.
We must make use of the economy's recovery to strengthen it, says Cft financial supervision. Then they say how: the budget deficit must be turned into a surplus; the government debt must be reduced to an acceptable level (opinions on what's to be considered acceptable will differ); and reforms must be implemented to guarantee social securities for future generations (as if they're guaranteed now).
All perfectly easy.
It's of great importance to balance next year's budget, says Cft. That would be a revolutionary change.
One Two More
Northern Ireland is relaxing Covid rules. So is Aruba, as from today. Soon, I'll stop listing those who do. Italy is planning so by end March.
We here are expected to have the curfew starting later, at 01:00.
Only 29?
That's the number of trash dumping grounds on Curaçao, reports Amigoe newspaper. In fact, they're talking about large places, each with what you might call an infrastructure of their own. There seems to be no real way of fighting it. Not with our Spoiled Brats corps.
Apart from those, I can point at many more; smaller ones, admittedly. But I never started counting them: it's just hopeless.
Who Follows?
Hensley Basilio, top Spoiled Brat at DOW public works, has appealed his being fired for fraud and corruption. But that didn't work, the higher court still found him guilty. Several projects of his are mentioned for their "exorbitant" costs; you don't need to know of which ones. There's plenty more, we're all sure.
There You Have It
CBCS central bank reports an "enormous growth of house prices" (in Dutch here). Because of all those makambasbuilding here.
We're Winning
Only, for how long? 73 new Virus infections out of 1955 tests, that's below 3.8%. 24 imports, 6 in CMC hospital, 4 in ICU. 2 More deaths, alas; total now 260.
Good Story
The cop who's been arrested in Holland for his connection to the 600 keys of cocaine stolen from the Rio Canario HQ, "fears for his life" when he's moved to Curaçao jail.
Mariano says our local mafia has good, solid and strong (my translation) connections within the police corps. He must have a point. Only, does the Dutch mafia not have connections in the Dutch police corps? I'm sure they do.
At any rate, both Coast Guard and Police have been pointed at for corruption before.
Correction, we now read it was "only" 530 keys.
Soda Tax? So What!
There's a lesson in there. I'm sure... if I could only find it.
In Seattle, a soda tax was introduced. Just like here (or not yet?) to save us all from the Horror of Obesity. Which I admit doesn't look nice. But only suckers don't see that the real reason is, it brings in money to the Government Coffers.
In Seattle, they tried the same thing, in 2017 (so that's where aunt Sushi got her idea from). So (first 5, then 7% of them... up and up) the Drinkers switched to beer. Which, apart from the "bad" alcohol content, carries 200 calories/portion versus soft drinks 160. Count them and enjoy!
Yes, don't I know it, alcohol is even more heavily taxed. Not my point.
Name Them? Staatssecretaris van Huffelen says that she sees "1000 chances for Curaçao" without naming any. She doesn't even specify if they're positive or negative. We have to cooperate, she says.
Spouting clichés as is politicians' wont.
Good, Great!
Out of 1429 Virus tests, 16 positives. That's hardly over 1%. 10 imports; 2 more died, total now 258. 8 in CMC hospital, 6 in ICU.
CBCS Central Bank Curaçao St. Maarten must be watched carefully, so it doesn't lose its independent status from the governments. Antilliaans Dagblad mentions 4 points: It's almost impossible to hold the management responsible for negligence or serious task neglect; in practice, the governments can influence the bank (which has been tried several times in the past); nomination of director etc. is sensitive to political influences.
There are more points, more or less emphasizing these.
They Buy, We Pay
Because so many Dutch kaaskoppen [cheese heads] come over to buy houses here, the building sector is doing as well as ever, in spite of the stagnated Virus economy. So prices don't go down but rather, trend up.
Is because mortgage interest in Holland is extremely low. Here, not.
Not Good, But Better
On the 12th, we had a Virus infection rate of just over 4%, which had dropped to 3% next day. 14+9 imports, 10 in CMC, 7 in ICU; 1 more death, total 245.
Meanwhile, Norway has joined the growing list of countries ending all COVID restrictions.
Stop That
Braam retracted his slander that ex-justice PAR minister Girigorie was, er, way too fond of little girls. Or maybe boys, it never got that far in the media. Looks like it was no more than a #HeToo campaign.
Now we're still waiting to see if Silly Vania keeps it up against Vanessa Gijsbertha. Or might be the other way 'round, it does get confusing with them politicians.
Darwin Day
Yes, I celebrate.
Stop Me if You Heard This Before
The Tax Brats are afraid of their hides. They accuse M*F*K finance minister Silly Vain of having replaced the dept. head with a friend (which is called nepotism) and fear the same will happen to them.
Frankly, I don't know what to think. Having had my struggles with the Tax Person, I wouldn't mind to have them all replaced. If only the replacements would be better... Sigh.
That, Too
Many cars drive around with fake license plates. Especially trucks and trailers often have no license plates in back at all.
A mini-bus has been stopped and fined for this. You can only hope it had insurance. And pray that the minibus you're in has as well.
Keep on Suing
Not only ex-minister Girigorie, his security staff as well, have filed complaints against Eduard Braam. Braam should retract and correct his remarks on Girigorie.
Vanessa Gijsbertha has filed a complaint against minister Silly Vain, also asking for rectification; including on Fakebooc. The complaint is against him personally, not as a minister, so this time we won't have to pay for his court costs.
She Could Have Fooled Me
New Dutch staatssecretaris van Huffelen, follow-up of Knops, is over on a visit and has assured Curaçao school boards that there is perspective for the future.
95 New Virus Cases
Out of 2209 tested, that's still (just) over 4%. 18 imports, 10 in hospital, 7 in ICU. 4 more died, total now 253. 45% had Omicron, total booster shots now at 40,000.
Not a Joke
But you're excused for thinking so. Curaçao has joined the international network against corruption, called the Global Judicial Integrity Network. Which falls under the UN organization United Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Where is the UN at, anyway? Reminds you of China, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela being members of the Human Rights org.
Way Out
The 12.5% salary cut for spoiled brats will end on June 30, 2023. And the lower ones on the scale will not get cut that much, or their salary would come below 125% of the minimum wage. So they must make more than the "normal" citizen; it's official.
ProMonumento, Here's Your Chance
For the grandiose (well, pass the salt please?) plans with the Plaza hotel, no building permit has been applied for yet. Maybe now for once ProMonumento will be in time? But I can't remember reading they have anything against the plans.
At least now's the first time we hear that *&%$#@ tower will be demolished.
Braam's Revenge? The guy is now accusing ex-minister Girigorie of indecent, "lewd", behavior with kids. Even touching them where he shouldn't. Guess he means on their bodies, not the geographical location. At least, that's what Braam says his bodyguards say. (Sure, Girigorie kept 'em around in case the kids acted up, figures.)
Girigorie wants Braam to rectify his statements. Pop that corn!
Getting There
Slowly, but surely? Anyway, 99 Virus infections out of 1560 tested, that's about 6%. Still too high.
9 imported, 13 in CMC hospital, 10 in ICU. 1 more death, total now 249.
"Germany is the world champion in electricity prices — no country pays more for electricity" says; and they're right! German households now pay €0.3619/kW, which equals ANG0.7403; while Aqualectra charges only ANG0.6352/kW. As long as you use less than 250kW/month, that is, which hardly anybody does; from 250-350 kW it's ANG0.7415 and for more, ANG0.7857/kW.
So we're still the champ, as the German price is "average". Makes you feel good, right? Or at least better? No?
All because Germany switched to "free" alternative energy.
Same Old Song
Extra measures must be taken to prevent tourists being victims of atrakos. Poor babies! Of course they're selected as they have expensive cameras, cell phones and whatever; not to mention more money. We mere inmates seem to must fend for ourselves.
Curaçao police reports more burglaries and domestic violence in the recent past.
Killer Trucks
Looks like the cops are getting serious in fighting traffic violations. Now, they have stopped and fined 60 trucks in one morning for no valid car tests; no insurance; no safety belt worn; no license plate in front; colored windows; phone calls while driving; and technical things like uncovered loads.
That Took Time
The ministerial council has finally agreed to accept the law to limit top salaries in Government owned entities; plus, the personnel's salaries must be lowered by 12.5%. Top salaries are now limited to 263K/year, or 130% of what our PM makes. After his salary has been cut with 25%.
This must still pass Staten/parliament, though.
The 3 guys who set fire to the Tax Office have been convicted of 8, 6 and 6 years of prison. Also, they must pay the Tax Person 50K guilders for damage, each.
Peanuts, as the Smart Ones in Fort Amsterdam are still considering to demolish the building and replacing it with a new one. For 60 million guilders.
That's Bad
CMC hospital, as if they didn't have enough to worry about, gets more and more patients. 11% more last year. That can't go on, but as long as our Bleeders keep blaming CMC and not their own predecessors, it will go on until it implodes.
Right On Amigoe newspaper writes about the fact that at more and more government institutions it becomes impossible to pay cash: you have to use plastic. This is allegedly because of the robberies. Okay, so stop them. Already.
No mention is made of corruption, facilitated by cash payments.
But the consequence is, you need a bank account, which many people just can't afford. In the first place, MCBank charges you 2.50 guilders a month if the account balance goes below 1000 guilders (regularly, I hasten to add). If you eke out a living from your AOV, that's a hardship.
Hope It Works
That guy in Cas Grandi now has gotten a building stop from ROP Dept. Will it help one bit? Good question. Wait for the answer.
Steamboat Fuels?
Part of the former COT Bullenbaai terrain will be put to use by the Curaçao Steamboat Fuel company. But it really is a Texas company. They want to use it to produce "sustainable" fuel, meaning diesel from vegetable oils.
This will result in 600 new jobs during constructions followed by 130 permanent jobs after 18 months. Decision will be taken in QII.
The diesel oil is called "environmentally friendly" but you have to know, opinions differ on that. If it is made from fast-food restaurants' discarded frying oil, it's pretty much okay. If it's made from specially grown crops, not so much: extra fertilizer is needed to grow those, which may be bad.
That's funny...?
Aqualectra utitility's turnover was down last year (Virus of course), but profits were higher.
Well, it figures. They always make a loss, so the less they sell, the less the loss. Got it?
"concerns about autonomy not allayed"
Is what Curaçao Chronicle writes about the COHO deal (on Hollands's financial support loans). Good. If they were allayed, then we'd get concerned. It's full of loose ends, CC says.
"Why the governments in Willemstad, Oranjestad and Philipsburg are now suddenly satisfied with an open end is not explained." adds CC. As if they could. But we can: they need money. Now.
Dutch NRC newspaper writes that corruption in Curaçao's police corps goes much deeper than previously thought. That's what you think NRC.
For us, it may go still deeper. Not to mention other places.
Like the Spoiled Brat in Social Affairs SOAW who collected money from fraudulent Virus supports.
Tough, Ed
Eduard Braam is not satisfied with the court's judgment, who's have thought it? He thinks the court went into too much detail on what he went into. "The truth will come out" he says. What did you come out of, or in to, Braam?
Maybe he'll appeal, great!
Braam's M*F*K party will react later this week. Oh, the awful suspense.
So That's Compliance
M*F*K finance sinister Silly-Vain is shouting from the rooftops that his tax compliance measures work so well. More and more tax receipts are flowing in.
But Amigoe newspaper tells us that all that is strictly necessary because not all of those cost-reducing measures have been implemented. Among others, spoiled brats' salaries.
And finally, we're told that if tax income doesn't go up, AOV welfare pension, which hasn't been inflation adapted since 2013, must be reduced. But spoiled brats' salaries? Deadly silence.
Get Lost, Braam
Eduard Braam who wanted to become M*F*K minister of justice, was stupid enough to go to court protesting the screening law. We escaped from having him in that function. The judge told him to get out; he had been convicted of statutory rape (lechery with a 16-year old girl) way back when, and that matter of fact was a crime. That he hadn't been locked up doesn't mean a thing.
And this man wanted to become sinister of justice? We truly escaped.
Braam's thinking it over, we read. He says the verdict's not clearly "No" nor "Yeah". You think, Eduard?
Will he appeal? More popcorn!
Roll On, Mighty Virus
45 positives today, 19 imported; 1 more death, total 247.
Eat Your Words, Silly
And he did. He retracted his Fakebooc (how long will that asocial thing still be around? just a thought) remarks against Gijs & Bertha's daughter on the Bearingpoint debacle.
His lawyers told him to.
Does this stop Vanessa's court action? I hope not.
Come On...
Everybody is all excited because a Big Noise at CNN bedded his secretary, or another cooperating female, for years. So what else is new? Yaaawwwnnn... Now he must go!
Ya Think? Fancy That!
Finance minister Silly-Vain thinks it's unjust not to catch taxes from everybody. Like, that the good sheep people pay for the bad goats ones. No, you're excused for getting mixed up, but he is not referring to Spoiled Brats and Corrupt Politicians.
He wants to do something about it. Good Luck!
You understand, if the bad ones are forced to pay up it doesn't necessarily result in lower taxes for the good ones. Oh, you got that already?
Only 63
New Virus cases. Still way too high, but at least below 100.
Makes Won 1der
That Cas Grandi place where the owner was doing as he liked, and the neighbors complained? Nothing to see here, the same happened with the Taams/Advent Clinic in Mahaai, another residential neighborhood, where some residents now have been putting up a fight for years. Same thing; in fact, worse. But there, no results.
Go Boil Your Head—Cook on Gas
In the USA, airco use may outstrip electricity supply by 2030. Because of calamitous global warming, you know. Oh, you guessed already. The warmer it gets, the harder your airco has to work; figures. So between 8% and 13% more juice must be used, which just isn't available—even now, let alone when fossil fuels are phased out. Or aircos must become 8% more efficient. What causes that difference, is not explained; doesn't matter, I'm all for it! Will save me money no matter how.
Sure, it's only predictions, as usual; both the warming and the airco bit.
I remind myself that since the inverter aircos came along, my airco bill dropped by at least 50%, so what are we talking about?
And by the way you know, that warming has been missing in action for the past 7 years and 3 months.
The Wave Goes On
4 more people have died of the Virus, total now 246. I must have missed out on some... Still over 100 infections/day.
Loan Shark
Deputy plenipot minister Manuel tells in an interview how he used to charge usurious interest on loans to his fellow students. 200 guilders over 1000, that's 20%, am I right? The loan term isn't mentioned, probably wisely. The guy has no idea that's considered immoral and is even illegal (not the same thing as we are all sadly aware).
He certainly learned his lesson: grab it while and where you can.
Oh, re. that Budget Accord
Holland agrees with a 2022 budget deficit of 161.2m guilders. Only. Now we can go on borrowing.
Cutting Doctors Back to the Job
CMC hospital announces that operations have been restarted.
What Else Did You Expect?
Two out of three "sick" workers turn out to have no health problem at all. That was three years ago; KKC calls it "remarkable". Ya think?
Even more remarkable is that now, three years later, nothing has been done about it.
Small wonder. Workers often have to work in much too small rooms, with little light, mildew on walls, leaking aircos, flickering FL-tubes.
Por Fin
The Mighty Kingdom and Curaçao have finally reached an accord on the COHO deal, without which no further money support would be forthcoming.
Now wait for the anti-colonials to erupt in rage and Spoiled Brats to try to get out from underneath.
Oh So Fine
Curfew has been changed! We may now hit the road (no other objects, please?) until 24:00. Let us all gratefully kiss the 4$$es of our Great Bleeders who always mean the best for us.
Meanwhile, yesterday there were 5 more Virus deaths.
Busy As a Bee
But watch his sting! The same guy who was working on illegal activities in Jan Sofat has now been reported by his neighbors for the same sort of thing in Cas Grandi, where he's expanding a residential house so he can exploit it as a hotel. Hey Mudbelly, where are you?
No Ambtenarenpaleis After All
Our government, at least the present one, seems finally to have discarded the idea of collecting all the Spoiled Brats and their "services" in one building, the so-called civil servants palace as it has been called in the Hague, Holland, where the people know where it's at. The plan is now to cluster related departments, and work with modern solutions, says sinister "Sid" Martina (no relation). (As far as I know.)
Still Around? Parlatino's first meeting since 2020 will be visited by not all of our parliament members. Nobody else missed those useless canceled meetings much.
But M*F*K Likes Them
In the discussion on darkly tinted car windows M*F*K says it's a "misconception" that criminals use those to commit atrakos: criminals prefer to use stolen cars for that. M*F*K points out that recently 2 cops were shot at from a car— with transparent windows! See?
They Needed a Scan for That?
A QuickScan of the Tax office showed that it needs improvement. We knew it all the time. "Customer friendliness" is high on the list. I can imagine.
Gee, I wonder how much a QuickScan costs.
Here's the solution: hire more personnel! Oops...
Working Cops
In 1 hour, they caught and fined 19 drivers who jumped the lights, at 1 single crossing.
Productivity Too Low, Tariffs Too High
For taxis. Boy, are we surprised. SER social-economic council says so and you know what? They're probably right.
Average number of rides 3 (three!?) per day. Are you serious? With which the drivers are supposed to earn the minimum weekly wage. ANG9.62/hour times 40 makes 384.40/week, so they make, you pay, like 25 guilders/ride. No wonder tourists (and everybody else) prefer other ways of transportation.
Sorry, this is too ridiculous for words and I stop here.
Slowly But Surely
Turn on those screws. Leave it to Mudbelly. The higher airport tax was canceled, but everybody will have to pay ANG4.50 anyway on arrival, to pay for the airport's FAA upgrade.
When that's expected to finally come along, we're not told. That's about 3 times the amount needed of 1.3 million guilders—per year! It's called a "security charge".
Wow, Speedy Gonzalez Hits the Road!
The government program will be published this very month! As they have been actually governing us, if only after a fashion (hope I'm not insulting them) for a while, let me remind you: that's since June 14, 2021. That's 7 months.
Didn't They Have One Already?
The the Hague Curaçaohuis is advertising around for a new manager. Quaint.
Yes, It Was a Cop
The brain behind the Great Coke Robbery of 600 keys of coke from the Rio Canario police station has been arrested, in Holland, and will be returned here. Yes, as we all suspected from the first moment, he was a cop himself. Another guy will accompany him home.
So maybe that meager reward has after all been of help?
I Must Be Wrong?
PNP MP Osepa holds a discourse in which he states that it's our own fault that we keep needing Holland's Help. So he, a politician, agrees with me? Makes me think a bit. He points to "shameless persons, rats" who're just out to fill their pockets and accuses all political parties of being on the same track since 2010.
And before, I may add.
232 Deaths And Counting
Now it's the oldies who die of the Virus. Most of them have not even had 2 shots.
Uh Oh... No Kidding?
M*F*K, our Big Bleeder's party, is trying to get the public ministry to take action against anyone who insults our PM. I didn't mean it... honest. It's because our Commander-in-Chief is called "Pik" which means "Prick" in Dutch; so I figured he's just asking for it. "It's a bad example" says Thodé. Kindly explain who's setting the bad example here?
Beirded Weardo stands, though. That's not an insult—it's a description. And why might he not be insulted, just like anybody else? Are we sliding into Nazi Germany, or a Commie state?
On second thoughts, yes, looks like it.
Threats, now yes, that's different all right.
Not so long ago, somebody somewhere was accused of something like that, but the judge concluded that his victim was asking for it as well and let him go free. It comes with the position.
Oh wait, it's only for insulting Pisas! That's a relief.
Sounds Familiar
While South Africa back in 1993 (3 years after Apartheid ended) was the 64th rich land out of 193, it has now dropped to 88 out of 101. That's from the top 3rd to the bottom half; or from the 28th top economy to the 38th. Unemployment has grown incredibly, and so has inflation.
No foreign investments is one of the factors.
Reminds me of another place I know. When was our 1st referendum again? 1993, you say? Sounds about right.
So There We Are, Right Now
"Fascism was defined by Mussolini as a merger of state and corporate power."
In actual fact, we were there ever since the Dutch came in. What else was the West-Indische Compagnie? But our own Great Bleeders never let it go; too many opportunities in there. Let me sum up: KLM's ALM, taken over by the government and then going down the drain. Shell's Isla refinery, taken over &c.; OGEM, taken over by Kodela/Aqualectra &c.; CDM/DOK; SEHOSpital, run by the Catholic church; Smit's Tugs, now TOW or whatever; ABC bus company—this is getting boring, fast....
But Fascism isn't Nazism, you say. True. It's awfully close, though, and both are close to Communism and Socialism.
That Boss-in-Chief
CMC hospital announces they know nothing about Bearded Weirdo's plans to get Cuban slaves to assist us in the Virus pandemic. Doesn't matter, does it? Big Prick is commander-in-chief and we'll have to follow his orders.
Put another way, we're all our government's slaves. No kidding.
Who Cares?
M*F*K Mudbelly Cooper doesn't, that's for sure. He has hired a person called Gerda Willems for a (no doubt lucrative) job as commissary/director of Woningbouw [building] against the advice of SBTNO, who say she doesn't have the necessary knowledge or training, nor the requisite 5 years' experience in a leading position. There's more.
But maybe she has other qualifications. Mudbelly is not talking about those. Be discrete!
Please Pass the Popcorn
Great, if not wholesome, entertainment is sure to follow. Vanessa Gijsbertha, Gijs & Bertha's daughter, has filed a complaint for libel against Silly Vania, the new minister of finance. Silly Vain blames her for the Bearing Point disaster, and also claims she got her job at Finance ministry in an "irregular" way.
Of course, Vanessa, Gijs & Bertha both deny all allegations.
Oh, That's Great
Our economy will grow this year (at least, that's what the pundits say: 6.6%—but they've been wrong before etcetera) but don't get all excited: inflation will grow faster and more, so we'll all be worse off as a result.
At least Doornbosch of CBCS central bank admits it's all unsure.
They Keep Dying
Yes, bad news. Still far too many Virus infections: 118 new cases; 41 in hospital; total deaths 229.
Hear Here!
"Electromobility is nonsense promoted by politicians with no technical knowledge," says Stefan Pierer, the Austrian CEO of KTM Group, which includes includes names like Husqvarna, GasGas and Rieju.
"A 500-kg battery to substitute 20 liters of fuel" ... "a stupid idea."
You ask, "but what do politicians know, anyway?" I'm not going to try and answer that one; even if the answer could be very short.
Smart Parking Downtown
Which means, you can pay with an App; no meters. Big deal. To be introduced in May.
Be really smart: don't go Downtown. Leave it to the tourists.
Co Vadis
2 more died, not in CMC. Total now 227.
They Never Learn, Do They?
Our Big Prick, M*F*K PM Pisas, comes with an old and well-worn tried-out solution for CMC hospital's personnel problems. We'll get them from Cuba! Just like in the past: import slaves and damn the consequences. I point at CDM/DOK, now Damen Shipyards, where some escaped which even led to an international Curaçao boycott.
This while there's an international report on the slave conditions for Cuba's (not only) medical workers. But we always wondered whether Big Prick can read, anyway.
Amazing how a people where there's always whining and nagging going on about the great injustice (which it is, don't get me wrong) of slavery never shrinks back from starting it anew themselves. Those Filipino workers at BOO who were made to disappear in a great hurry, remember? Hey, and what price those dolphins? The smart almost-humans.
And also auntie Sushi who wanted to import, and sell! Cuban 'medicine'. She wasn't the only one, either. I'm as well reminded of a former South African minister of health, who told people to drink red beet juice to stop HIV/AIDS; then herself went to a foreign country to have her liver, ruined by alcohol, replaced.
Oops, sorry, Auntie's plans may have been Chinese quackery. Not mutually exclusive, you're so right.
Where Is That?
Fortuna Ariba? Does it really matter? Another instance of some guy just filling up a valley, this time with building debris, because he feels like it and will probably get away with it. Spend some money, it's all for a good cause. Progress can't be stopped!
Oh Wait
Same all over. We excusably thought when reading the newspaper head "Give us new roads, not emergency repairs" that it was about Mudbelly. No, this was from Bonaire. Join the club, Bonairianos... One Happy Family!
Almost Over?
Let's hope so. Epi Izzy says the Virus peak has passed but we need to keep watching. You bet. Two more deaths, total now 227.
Weak... Very Weak
The Mighty Kingdom (AKA The Louse That Bored) has made adjustments to the borders in the Caribbean Sea. We gave up 35 square kilometers! that's over 13 square miles... and will never get 'em back.
There's a lot of tuna fish in that area. Maybe.
There We Go—Again
Ten more lockdown days, 3rd time. This while the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Bolivia and the Czech Republic are ending (almost) all anti-Virus measures. Sweden, Norway and Finland have announced they will follow soon. Enough is quite sufficient and it doesn't seem to help much anyway.
For what reasons it doesn't is another matter, and I won't go into that. I certainly don't know more than the officials, who don't seem to know more than I do either, and keep contradicting each other.
Curfew from 23:00, but businesses have to close down by 22:00. Those breathtakingly stupid masks are now obligatory outside as well, where you can't keep enough anti-social distance.
The Man for the Job Amigoe newspaper editorializes that Mudbelly Cooper should be able to find out where all those fake permits come from, and how. They have a good, even strong point: if there's anyone who'd know, it would be he.
I clam up at this point. Hey, I may be crazy but not a fool!
God Help Us
She oughta punish them fools. A recent deadly accident was caused when 2 pick-up trucks were racing, and one "lost control of the wheel" (how do you do that?) and the guy behind had to change lanes. Where a mini-van had the bad luck to drive in the other direction. 2 deaths resulted; in the mini-van of course. Pick-up drivers? Not a scratch, I understand.
A Bit Late
Who cares? We're used to that. As from Monday February 31st we can join the long line to pay our car tax. That's only 1 week later than announced and only the very day when those taxes should have been paid. It's the law. What law?
You Don't Say
The Tax Person's office is a mess. Yes, we know. But journalist Dick Drayer sums it all up. All? It can't be done... Anyway, he's done his utmost and lists 14 points that cry out for improvement. Fast.
But a Quickscan shows reforms will take a long time. Yerss.
Doesn't Work... Mostly
We now have 222 Virus deaths. Many car drivers don't care and hit the road after Sperrzeit lockdown hours; and frankly, I can't see many problems with that in itself. Where they come from or go to is another matter, sure. When these drivers approach a roadblock they make a sudden stop or turn into a side road. Where the cops say they are ready and waiting as well.
Many cars have no proper documents. These are said to be confiscated. The cars, not the documents: there aren't any!
Only Half
... of businesses makes tax returns in time. Gee, how do they get away with that? I distinctly remember how I was a week late a number of years ago and was fined more than the entire company was worth.
A makamba woman temporary worker ended that foolishness in one fell swoop.
Drip, Drip, Drip
Girobank director Capella has, after all, been convicted to pay over 7 million dollars back to "his" now bankrupt bank. Still, that's only a small fraction of the 170 million guilders the bank had to loan from Holland (colonial usurpers).
Capella claims everybody is guilty, except he himself. Wish indeed I had guiltily caught part of all those millions.
Pay Up, Or Else
Accountancy firm Jourdain has been ordered by court to reimburse 4.1 million that should not have been paid out by BVZ (sickness costs). A blow not only for Jourdain, but also for sinister of sickness Pietersz-Janga, who almost had to lift her seat from her plush chair, but after all didn't have to. Hey, what's a few million among political friends? And it's a mere part of the "hundreds of millions" that went up in smoke during ex-PM M*F*K' Shorty's reign; but at least for this he won't have to pay.
Emigration Up
Since 2017, population has been shrinking again. After years of modest growth, people split for better locales. Why could that possibly be?
6667 until this year, that's over 4% of the total population.
Not counting illegals, right.
PAR and MAN parliament fractions have asked for a meeting on SVBZ, an investigation into the affairs of which last year was suddenly canceled by sinister of unhealth Pietersz-Janga, and then restarted when her salary job ran into danger.
Ain't That Nice
14 liquidations in 2017 haven't been solved yet. But the police is still working on them, so no worries.
Also, in 4 years 6 Glocks have disappeared from the Marine base. Here, still better: inquiries are in full swing!
That Virus
One more death, total now 216. 79 new cases, 29 imported. 57 in CMC hospital, 16 in ICU. Getting better; slowly.
Go Ahead, Make Us Laugh
A Dutch flight school will open a Bonaire business next year with the first Caribbean electric flight school. I keep wondering about that. Didn't these guys learn at least arithmetic at their own flight school? Quote: "The amount of energy that can be stored in an aviation-grade battery (143Wh per kg15) is currently almost 90 times less than the energy in a kilogram of kerosene."
Happy Landings, as they used to say? Better say: Lucky Take-Off!
Yes, But
In KKC, Paul Comenencia tells us that the drive for inpedence will not lead anywhere, and no doubt his right. Being sovereign is only worth it in a larger set-up. But when he continues to state that we therefore should join the €U, I'm not so sure.
In the first place, for how long? Good question, huh?
Hope It Helps
In the last 3 days the cops have fined 70 drivers for driving through red lights. A modest start.
Trouble in Tourist Paradise
Actually, just at the cruise ship megapier. Tourists were only allowed to board touring buses, so they'd be easy to find when one or more got infected. So-called bubble management. But the management had forgotten to inform the taxi-drivers, who wasted their time waiting there to pick up loads. No loads were forthcoming, though.
The taxi-drivers then sang the National Hymn. A fat lot of good that always is.
Now 215 Virus deaths, 55 in CMC, 16 in ICU. 33 imported cases. Right ho!
Blame CMC
Take the easy way out. Sinister of Sickeness Pietersz-Janga has allowed costs to rise until they're so high, SVB social insurance has no money to cover them.
And who's to blame? Well, maybe not this sinister, I grant. But not CMC either.
They Don't Understand It
Well, we do. The guy who went ahead cutting down mangroves, building piers and who knows what else at his Jan Sofat property was able to show the necessary permits.
ROV dept doesn't understand how that's possible. But we think it's easy. In fact, it's the usual.
Is That Wise?
Sinister of Sickness Pietersz-Janga wants better contact with the press. Most of questions were answered by the Wearded Beirdo, M*F*K PM Prickie, until now. But she warns that requests directed to her personal WhatsApp may take some time to answer, because she's so busy.
There You Have It
The government hardly troubles with controlling (and inning taxes) on illegal rentals. So there CASHA, do something about it.
Like we have been trying to do about government actions for almost 20 years now. Frustrating, ain't it? Tell us all about it.
Even ABVO...
... the Spoiled Brats' Union is not convinced by the sinisters' reasoning that more cabinet personnel will save on costs.
But on second thoughts, of course not! ABVO would rather have spoiled brats in those functions.
Easy to Remember
Next month is a popular month for new marriages, we read. Figures: you won't soon forget to come home with a bunch of flowers, whatever, if you married on a date with only 2s and 0s in it. Saves struggle and strife.
Wish we had a way to forget 10-10-10!
For How Long?
And about time, too, anyway. The government debt is being reduced. Boy, are we impressed: it's now only a mere 78% of the GNP.
Hold Your Sarcasm
RdK Isla refinery has "asked" a "number of companies" to submit a binding proposal for exploitation before end of February. Leaves us to wonder, how many of the announced 30 will actually do so?
Amigoe mentions only 20 new potentials. Oh, where did they all go?
Now They Think About That
A workgroup advises looking for a "sustainable" solution for the CMC hospital. Gee, I wish they'd thought of that ten years ago.
Virus Figures
310 new positive cases out of 2029 tested; 19 imports. 54 in hospital, 16 in ICU. 1 more death, total now 211.
Too bad there's one more patient who should go to the ICU. Sorry pal!
Soft Slap on the Wrist
"Naughty, naughty": the auditors of Ennia will get disciplinary action, by 'temporarily' removing them from the register. Oooo... that will hurt!
No word on the commissaries/directors.
Still No Stickers
They were ordered from China, need I say more? And they will definitely not be ready for paying your car tax on the 24th.
The Tax person calls it onmacht, not quite impotence. So do we, but quite.
Not Good?
Depends on your viewpoint. There were 4 cruise ships in harbor yesterday (this month 51 are expected, just as many as before the Virus), but they're only half full.
If that.
So Sorry!
That would be of local interest only, but there'll be no Tumba festival this year. Again. A bit late, that: it was supposed to start 10 days from now.
Oh Dear
That dog that's keeping us out of the Mangrove Wood Park will be removed, says Mudbelly. It was chained next to the entrance, had no drinking water all night, was in an advanced state of pregnancy and had faeces strewn all around it. Responsible was the owner, a security firm (which is not mentioned by name). Someone's family relation, by any chance?
Missed One?
Total Virus deaths now 210 (2 more added to 207?); 422 positive tests out of 2749 (15%); 25 imported cases. 54 in hospital, 17 in ICU.
Round and Round
Curaçao ministers may hire more personnel. There's no money to pay them, but does that matter? Don't be a spoilsport! 7 instead of 5 per cabinet. And they'd rather hire relatives or friends; figures, as they get 25% more than regular spoiled brats. 2-3 million more costs per year. Don't worry, we have colonial liquidity support.
Which you and me will have to pay back, later.
But sinister Martina says that's all wrong, those extras save money! Alas, I can't follow his explanation—what there is of it. No link, I'm sure nobody can; let alone he himself.
There were 3 cabinet personnel allowed before PAR Bhillenaath's cabinet took over. Judging from the results, they must have had easy jobs. Still easier now.
Always Complaining
Now that hotels are fuller than ever, of course! naturally! Chata hotel club is complaining there's not enough personnel available. Seems the remedy is simple: don't accept that many visitors for a while.
Some actually have done that. Problem is, many former workers are afraid to take up their old jobs because they'll be kicked out presto when a new problem arrives. They have a point.
Yes, We Know
CMC hospital needs more money, but our Sinister of Sickness will not give them any. Is what looks like an impasse. CMC says the tariffs are too low, but SVB social insurance won't raise them. Result, CMC's losses total 114 million (guilders) and its debt over 68m.
It's in court now.
You know, I think some cash or crash will have to follow.
So Much for Predictions
Oil demand levels are expected to grow to pre-Covid levels this year. Sorry, Greenies and Warmists.
But you don't have to worry, our government is almost guaranteed to miss out on its predictions for a new Isla exploiter in February.
Hey Mudbelly, How's Your Bank Account?
Good question; but will it be answered? "Fat!" like the owner? (Yes, yes, that's ad hominem, bugger off; con mucho gusto.) Yet another guy is building piers to his heart's content in Jan Sofat. Amigoe newspaper says it's the third one since May 20, 2021. This particular person got an official building stop 8 months ago (that's May as well). But why should he care? As long as PAR's Jezus-Leito and her follow-up VVRP sinister M*F*K's Mudbelly get their money (I mean their salaries as ministers, don't get me wrong, huh huh) nothing else will happen.
On another page, Amigoe points out that Mudbelly is obliged shortly to take a decision on the Jewel apartment complex in Pietermaai. A fight between the builders and the neighborhood reps has been going on since 2013. Where VVRP has been desperately trying new ways to give Jewel new permits after the court kicked the older ones out. Happened time and again. Unavoidably makes you think, "what's in there for those ministers?" But better not say it out loud, they may sue you for slander and libel; and may win some more money, your money, to boot as you couldn't possibly prove it. They're smart enough for that, you have to concede.
Yair, I know Pietermaai is called Godett now; has been so for a long time. Just doesn't seem to stick. But if Jewel wins this time, that "new" name certainly is appropriate.
So Do We
The BES (Bonaire-Statia-Saba) people will start paying more taxes. Aren't you glad we're independent?
Er... how much do we pay, compared?
They Did It!
Our Great Bleeders admit the number of Virus infection is dropping (sharply) but ten days of lockdown more "is too short". Why not prolong them ad infinitum? Good question, but I like the answer even better.
Moscow warns that Russia is considering moving troops to (again) Cuba and (new) Venezuela. Which leaves us in the pressure center.
We can only hope that Holland will not give up their neo-"colonialism.
The Russkis plan that to help Trump replace Biden, sure. We can guess that will work, just as surely.
Which Leaves Us as Masked Bandits
The UK and the Czech Republic have ended all visum mandates. But not our Great Bleeders. Only tourists are still welcome!
And the USA Center for Disease Control admits that masks are no good and serve no purpose. Except interfering with your breath and freedom, there's that. Here, still 9 days or so to go.
Next to expect from CDC, of course is moving up to surgical masks. Much better, no matter how you look at it.
ProMo: Maybe Yes, Maybe No
ProMonumento is appealing the cases they lost on Marichi and the Wharf. In both instances the judge ruled they were too late in objecting. But they now [!] have a real lawyer who doesn't accept that.
We all hope the appeal works. Both projects are ridiculously, even criminally, planned and should never have received permits. Not that it would have made a difference.
Good Going
Only 5 atrakos last week, 3 houses and 5 businesses/schools were burglarized, and 3 cars broken into. The cops asks for help from the public to fight this. So much for their great plans.
One More, Ten More
Of the 53 Virus patients in CMC hospital (13 in ICU) one has died, bringing the total to 207. The government says the lockdown has worked, and so prolongs it for 10 days. Because they say it works.
How they are sure about that, we're not told.
Aber eine Organisation!
The punch line of a WWII joke about the way a visitor is sent by department after department in his quest for an item, only to be told at the end it isn't available. Upon which he exclaims "But what a great organization!"
So we went to the CMC hospital a long time ago to get registered there, and we were. After a long long wait. Why it was necessary at all, as we were registered at the old SEHOSpital? Now, I got an appointment there and the first they tell me, I have to register again! That first one doesn't count. More time wasted, for me and for them.
Meeting Canceled
The planned parliament meeting on decolonization has been canceled; there are more urgent matters to discuss. Right.
Well, Really
Two cars have been confiscated for "fevering" (driving like maniacs, turning rounds with screeching tires while endangering foolhardy lookers-on) and will probably be destroyed; 21 have been fined for jumping red lights; 24 for other reasons; and the cops plan to start fining badly parked cars.
So it looks like they are following their plans? For as long as it lasts.
Dual Language
One school (sorry, forget which; protestant) plans to give lessons in two languages from now on. But Papiamento is not in the deal: no, it's gonna be Dutch and English.
You Don't Say!
Casha, club of room owners, complains there are many people who rent out their rooms without paying any taxes. A disgrace! Illegit competition! Casha says brokers say many second houses are bought for rental purposes, payments come in at foreign accounts and that's it.
And the Tax Person only goes after the registered owners; the others are untouched; has been going on for 15 years. This is a very familiar story for income tax as well; has been going on since dinosaurs roamed the earth.
Time-Out Extended
For ten days, so until January 27. At least, this will probably be announced later today. Weard Beird Big Prick says the Virus situation would have been worse without the time-out. How does he know? Huh?
And it might also have been better without imports.
Schools reopen today, but without sufficient teachers.
Better and Worse
The first time I encountered it: not climate problem, emergency, crisis, catastrophe, but apocalypse. My, I'd be shaking in my boots—if in this tropical climate I weren't barefoot.
Howz by you the winter, up there?
Meanwhile, green countries are in trouble because (I mean you, Deutschland and England) they shut down their nuclear reactors and now have to buy gas from the Russkis. On conditions, sure. Also because all of a sudden there's so much world demand for (horror!) coal and (worse!) lignite, there's not enough to go around.
So the German vice-chancellor takes the logical step to install more solar panels and wind generators. Must be a smart guy... He plans to bring consumer prices back down to an acceptable level by moving the Green surcharges to the state. In other words, the Krauts will pay less per kW; but more tax.
More Virus
1 death, total now 206; 339 new cases (14.5% of those tested), 25 imported; 47 in hospital, 13 in ICU.
Great Timing Staten/parliament will hold a meeting on decolonization and liquidity support. They do have one-track minds, don't they? I've said it before: we're effectively decolonized when we don't need to apply for liquidity support. Take care of your finances, and you're free.
Only PAR Pauletta thinks it's "inopportune" to start discussing that right now. At least, she's the only one expressing that opinion. "Shouldn't we now be discussing the situation in CMC hospital instead?" she asks. To name but a few.
Sounds Rotten
If (and when) the situation in Venezuela runs out of hand, the Dutch government is prepared to protect its Caribbean parts of the kingdom. For example by taking measures to take in large numbers of refugees, and to evacuate Dutch passports holders in Venezuela. This by using the Dutch military units already here, like the Marines and Navy, plus Coast Guard etc.
Let's hope it won't be necessary, but with a crackpot tinpot dictator...
Big Prick Is Bitter
Really angry, if not foaming at the mouth. Those uncouth Fuikbaai visitors don't care what his Excellency the Boss-in-Chief ordains. So from now on the cops (who have more to do than they can handle already) and the Coast Guard (which is supposed to watch for dope smugglers and human traffickers and to help boats in trouble) must do everything so the Prick gets His Way.
Fine... Just fine...
After all, we can start paying car taxes on January 24. The license plates date from 2009, but we're not getting new ones. No money: millions of car tax have not been collected. 13,000 of the 90,000 registered cars have not paid their taxes last year.
We're not told when we're supposed to have paid. Doesn't matter, right you are. 15% never paid...
So Dutch
The Dutch king will stop driving around in the so-called Gouden Koets [Golden Coach]; for a while.
It's mere gilded wood, anyway, and he only does so once a year, when the cabinet opens in september. The mighty king thinks it's outdated, but the public is disappointed.
More Virus
Over 11 thousand active cases, 43 in hospital, 13 in ICU. 3 dead, total 202. 21 imports.
So here on the island, 1 in 13 now has Covid, but very few have to go to hospital or die.
1300 people have been fined for not following his Excellency the Big Prick's orders.
Maduro's Border
Venezuela's president Maduro wants the borders with Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao reopened. He was the one who closed them, but that's how dictators work. OK with Curaçao, but not with Aruba where they keep delaying for three months. Eventually it will end, and they will reopen, of course. Too close for comfort.
But the floating market has sunk long since.
Mangrove Drama
The Group of 6 which has been expressing considered opinions on the idiocy around the Rif Mangrove Wood, now (or in actual fact much later) Park, makes its conclusions known again. They have taken a look at what has been accomplished and don't like it much.
In spite of the politicians, the only ones who seem to have had an official look around, saying it was all so great, it's a mess. What has been finished, which is only a small part of the total, is already warping and rotting: like the boardwalks and the wooden benches, which don't seem to have been properly conserved. The boardwalks don't even have railings everywhere; nice for the kids. Paths are partly covered with gravel, making it hard for wheelchairs. Sewage problems have not been solved, and the place stinks heavily. All this may explain why the public is not admitted yet.
Millions more must be invested after the millions spent already. This may make many people happy (more bribe fees!) But Mudbelly Cooper was not available for Amigoe newspaper to comment.
More Trouble for Maal?
Carmabi's lawyers have started a new action, this time against the country. Their claim is the government in 2016 illegitimately changed the EOP so development of Oostpunt could proceed.
Could go on for years. Already has...
Police Plans
Among other things, they plan to start regulating the "traffic chaos" (their quotes) by controlling traffic violations. License checks, wearing safety belts, driving through red traffic lights, DUI, tinted windows (my estimate, 1 in 5), unallowed overtaking, speeding and "fevering".
Question, why only now, when there's a personnel shortage? These things have been going on, and growing worse, for years. If the cops had taken action earlier, it wouldn't be such a chaos now. Besides, any chance of success now seems remote.
They asked for it: remember how PAR/MAN's PM Bhillenaath was bragging how traffic would become safest in the world?" Then they put up millions of traffic signs, in my improvable guess each with a hefty fee for the minister.
Tourists Go Free
Eight visitors to Curaçao who arrived with fake PCR tests will not go to prison: there's no room for 'em there.
Private Enterprise
Enormous numbers of Virus antigen self-tests have been distributed among businesses, for their personnel on condition the workers don't have to pay for them. In turn, many of these are being sold in the streets. In wholesale quantities.
Inspection of health is "worried" and warns the quality of those can't be guaranteed; without really explaining why not. "May" have been damaged, etc.
Not so long ago, self tests were not allowed but since Omicron started blossoming, we may use them. Why not before? Power kick?
You're supposed to pay your car tax before February 1. (I can't remember that ever really happens.) Anyway, not only is the car test facility as good as closed (the Virus, you know), the stickers for your wind screen to prove you paid haven't been delivered yet. Won't happen long before February.
You have to show the proof of testing or you can't pay. Theoretically, at least.
Oho! There We Go!
The problems at Curaçaohuis are caused because plenipot minister Manuel was in such a hurry to give his aunt Pensioen-Provence the, one may assume well-paying, job of interim-director, he started by taking away the powers of the present director. Without firing her, so we may be paying 2 salaries now.
But Human Resources judged that Manuel's aunt wasn't fit for the job. So nothing happened and the central heating broke down. Small wonder, the building is much too large and was badly maintained when it was bought, in the first place. Fräudlein Wiels, remember? She bought it, we paid.
Can't See a Thing
We need a "black lens" to look at slavery history say the organizers of a Dutch parliament meeting. But first, it looks like next time they need better planning.
To me, as a photographer, the mere idea of a black lens is utter nonsense.
Spend More, Learn Less
Here's another one! During the last 5 years, 13-15 million guilders were overpaid to schools. Mainly, because when pupils move to another school both schools keep getting money for them. Is dissa system? Minister of education wants to digitize the process. As if there weren't computers around five years ago. But the minister needs money for the process! As if there is any around.
Hey, Wait!
You've got me all mixed up now. First, we had to get a shot. Then, a second shot. Then, a booster shot. And promised 2 per year from now on. Or more.
But WHO has changed thoughts, once again. All those shots weaken your immune system, so better stop. Oh, and while they're at it, all those vaccine passports don't make it either.
Bad luck for Big Pharma. Now they have to be content with those useless cholesterol medications. Which many people seem to discard unused anyway.
Oh Joy
The Monday following Carnival will remain an official free day.
Oh, We're Used to That
The Hague Curaçaohuis lacks a manager. With results: in this January winter heating has been U/S for a week already. Personnel has been given space heaters. No doubt electrical; we'll pay the high costs.
But no worries, M*F*K PM Prickie has taken measures yesterday! A vacancy for the manager function will be published "shortly". That guy is really on his toes; just don't step on them.
That's how many died on Curaçao because of the virus. Not good! 30 in hospital now; 53 imports.
But our dear Unhealthy Minister (where do they find these types?) is out of isolation. She's sent out a WhatsApp that "during her isolation, she could think." Help!
Sigh. That's Not News.
The government's salary administration is not in order, notes Amigoe newspaper. Really? Yes: in only 25% of cases registered mutations follow the law. The total of wrong payments from 2010-2019 is "estimated" at 55 million guilders. It's mainly overtime; who'd have thought that.
That's about 150 guilders per family, total. Ain't life sweet?
Friendly Guard Dogs
In the mangrove park, stillnot open to the public, dogs have been observed by passers-by. Now we're told that these are supposed to prevent 'unauthorized' persons to enter the park. Means, people who haven't paid, I guess.
Friendly, no?
Now That You Mention It
Schools are supposed to reopen on February 28, Monday after Carnival. But that's an official day off! So the teachers, naturally, are protesting: they have had umpteen days off already because of the virus, but don't plan to let this one get away from 'em.
And we're not even sure yet how much of Carnival will be canceled anyway.
What's the Use, Anyway
The meeting on rising consumer prices between minister Cijntje, parliament and "the" consumer association (in fact, we have two) has been canceled.
Waste of time, right? They can't do a thing about it.
Stop All That
CMC hospital is forced to stop all operations, because 200 people working there have been grounded by the Virus.
¡Qué Viva Turismo!
We read that its a custom by now: evert Sunday some 12 charter boats filled with 30-40 tourists each hit Fuikbaai to sow the virus freely around with no limitations. The cops are just unable to stop this omicron-orgy. But now the public ministry has had enough, the tourists will all be fined after having been found from their photos and videos, freely to be found on the anti-social media.
In Zanzibar, another "famous" tourist center, the situation got out of hand so far that the owner was knocked down, arrested and removed bleeding. The Zanzibar management is shocked!—by the cops' behavior.
That'll teach 'em all? I fear not, but at least the country will get some more money to throw away.
The charter boat and bar owners get to be blamed. How else can they avoid going bankrupt? But tourists are welcome! "The island is more popular than ever with Dutch tourists" publishes Dutch paper De Telegraaf.
So, No
The grandiose plans, which we figured were doomed anyway, with the old Sehospital are stopped in their tracks. The debts of Sehos are so enormous that nobody can pay them. 80 million guilders. When did we hear this before? Too often to think about it.
Looks like another Shorty-Arsjes-Auntie... you name 'em, inheritance.
And So Do We
M*F*K PM Prickie "laments" not going into the 2022 year with an approved budget.
The Dutch Get Smart
After the winter's energy disaster, they announced to go on with nuclear power. Their one and only present nuclear reactor will keep operating, plus they will build two water-cooled new ones.
This is quite a U-turn from a while back, when a judge ordered the government to go All Green, much to the hysterical joy of the superstitious lot of Warmies and Greenies. Here? Don't even ask... Aqualectra plans to go on with their evil solar plant plans.
The Bastard Sues
Venezuelan entrepreneur Correa is suing Curaçao Chronicle, who accused him of fraud in connection with his Piscadera Harbor Village. That's libel and slander, claims Correa's lawyer, who wants CC to retract their remarks.
But CC is fearless and up to now refuses. Good!
Correa never told CC what exactly they were alleged to be slandering about.
Virus Woes On
749 new positives, 73 imported. 26 in hospital, 7 in ICU.
Going down a bit. But CMC hospital lacks 200 personnel who are out by the virus themselves.
And in Fuikbaai it was just as full of vessels as on the normal Fuikdag, traditionally held in the first week of January.
What's the Use
Royal Caribbean scratched all their cruises until November. When recently their Odyssey of the Seas came into Aruba and Curaçao harbors, passengers were not allowed to come ashore. 55 crew members were infected, and 3 passengers.
Nobody is allowed aboard without being fully vaccinated. A lot of help that turns out to be.
One more patient died, total now 193. Of 20 hospitalized, 6 in ICU. Last April there were half as many infections, but 130 in hospital.
Who Cares
Almost half of the cabinet ministers are sick or in other countries. Who'd know that from results? There are none, just as always. As long as they get their salaries.
So Would We
Dutch Staatssecretarius Knops would like to have continued in his job at kingdom relations. He will be replaced by a lady who started by declaring she'd have to study the job info first. Promising: they couldn't get one who had shown some interest before?
So Do We All
The government deplores the way the 2022 budget went down the drain. In a manner of speaking: was there a budget at all?
Just What We Needed
Holland is stopping financial support for refugees because our government does not live up to human rights obligations. But the building of barracks will go on regardless, M*F*K PM Prickie promises. Where else to lock 'em up, after all? And he adds, we'll come with a plan later. Much later, I'd guess.
Going Down
Less virus infections, but 3 more deaths added: total now 192. 87 imported cases (yesterday 106). 23 patients in hospital, 6 in ICU.
Got Him One!
Now for the next. A 56 year old guy has been arrested after having "terrorized" Bandabao during "the past time". With atrakos and burglaries, what else. Not many bomb-throwers here. (Arsonists, yes.)
Plenty more where he came from.
So? Yawn..
The 2022 budget has not been signed, which is a first time, Hurrah! so the 2021 budget remains in force.
As it that one was worth it to be reckoned with.
The governor decided not to sign as the Kingdom's ministerial council RVM has not accorded the deviation from the standards.
So Listen, You Scum
We Have 7 times as many Virus patients as Holland has. Relatively, of course. So M*F*K PM Prickie got his wish. As from now, curfew from 22:00-04:30. Schools will remain closed till January 17th. Think Positive! at least the traffic will be endurable for that long.
Also, more than 100 personnel of CMC hospital have been infected. Say, weren't they vaccinated?
Jeff's Sarcastic
Jeff Sybesma, the same man who spoiled a lot for us when he published a booklet listing all Curaçao beaches, so you can't go anywhere anymore without finding milk-bottle (because of their pale skin) tourists there, now seems to have come to his senses. Too late.
He publishes an article where he points out what a waste tourism carries along: a waste we are paying for because they don't.
First, he points out that all those showers after having had a swim result in the used water arriving directly in sea, as the sewage system just doesn't work. (Methinks that's much worse than showers.) Then, there are many tons of solid tourist waste arriving in our soon-filled-to-the-brim landfill. There's more, of course. Too bad he refers to the Rio 1992 "Earth Summit"conference where a lot of that climate rigmarole started. Finally, he points out that governments tend to be very sensitive about what's published on "social media", and he wants visitors to express their negative feelings there.
As if they cared and would. As if our bleeders could and would read. It would interfere with their main interest: filling their pockets.
Back to Normal
There were four atrakos in merely one-and-a-half hour yesterday. Police advises not to take expensive stuff along when you leave home; we understand, they don't do a thing.
Only, one of those atrakos was at a home address.
Must be because tourism is back in business as well, see? Yet another atrako was on a tourist home in Jan Thiel.
Oh, Got It
All those millions extra we paid for ì fonds perdu went to overtime.
Wait... Who Was That Again?
Journalist Yves Cooper gets his wish: the judge ordered minister Mudbelly Cooper (no relation) to make public the documents, based on which the government decided in 2019 to give InselAir a 33 million loan. Cooper (Yves) requested disclosure of the economic and technical license of the airline, the report of the Dutch Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (NILT), the loan agreement and the Pledge and Usufruct Agreement. The government first claimed those documents didn't exist. Really? but it would have surprised nobody either.
In actual fact, the loan was given by the Wise Men, remember? in 2016; by Korpodeko, Uncool IJs and PM Bhillenaath.
Two More Illegal Buildings
Next to Landhuis Groot Kwartier. A report has been made on them, out of which I just must quote: "It looks like the contractor and the project developer were not hampered by knowledge of construction practices." Heh. The judge has fined heavily; now let us see if that works.
Some Surprise
The government's accounting is such a stinking mess, the past ten years have cost us an extra 55 million guilders, overpaid to ministers and spoiled brats. If you want to know more, check it out in the media; I don't and won't.
Just this: over 2020/21, only 16.84% of salary mutations were lawfully, correctly and timely processed. After all, we can always borrow more money from the Colonials.
Oh, Sure
The University of Curaçao (the one with the long name) is a mess as well. "Weak financial and budget management." Again, I don't need to know more. Besides, we knew already without knowing.
Hospital Full
With 28 Virus patients, 8 in ICU, the hospital is full up and no more patients can be admitted. Nobody can imagine the strain on nurses, says the management.
To turn a 100 kilo patient on his side so he can get a few breaths, 6 nurses are needed. We are explained that's labor-intensive. No kidding: I myself turn on my side on my own power.
Of 270 patients hospitalized between July and January, only 14 had been fully vaccinated (I take it, 2 shots). 1 in 40 Curaçao persons is infected.
Serves Her Right
Our minister of health, Pietersz-Janga, was tested positive for the Virus on December 2021. So much for her recommendation of a "healthy lifestyle".
But she never resigned.
With What?
A Dutch know-it-all says our government invests too little. Especially in Willemstad. And he adds that investing costs the government more than it returns. Hey, so why should they?
Also, the government has no money, only debts. Heaven spare us from them "investing" more in losing projects.
To name but a few.
One More Chance
Now I'm scairt... M*F*K PM Prickie warns the people they have to keep to the Virus restrictions. (They haven't—are sick of it all, and it don't work.) Or else?
Restaurants have their rules, curfew starts 1 AM, blah blah. Prickie says his minister of health is not hiding. He says he's responsible, "I am commander in chief". Now really. Like Generalissimo Franco? Reichsführer Adolf? This is how the guy thinks; and all our other bosses.
Tourists? Not a word!
In Germany, 96% of all Omicron infections had been fully vaccinated (2 shots) and among those, 28% had had the booster shot.
2 More Deaths
The Virus, of course. That was on December 30, bringing the total to 189. Bad. Today, we have 411 positives, with 17 in hospital. 4039 active infections.
Oh, and now, we may self-test. Because of Omicron. As for now, no lockdown.
Won't Help a Bit
CDC's (USA Center for Disease Control) latest travel warning: "Just say no to cruise vacations whether you are vaccinated or not," we're told. But people kept going on those ships, "fuller of meat than an egg" when in the past there were all kinds of diseases making the rounds on them, regardless.
While Epi Izzy predicts two more weeks of high infection rates here, South Africa says there the Omicron wave is over with very few fatalities. After which, who knows? the desired population immunity may have been reached.
Which will definitely help a lot.
Poverty Reigns
Was a sad spectacle yesterday night. Normally, and even last year, we can count on at least a slightly spectacular display of firework rockets celebrating the New Year. But last night? As good, or bad, as nothing. Hey, these things cost money!
I heard only 2 pagaras go off. Not that I complain about that.
Sounds Good, Huh?
Venezuela now has Iran-built UAV's (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, popularly called "drones"). These rockets are designed to gather intelligence, and to strike surface or air targets, either by launching missiles and bombs, or conducting a suicide explosive attack by diving into the target.
They are capable of reaching Miami in the USA. We're in between.
Could He Be Right?
Lord Monckton, depending on how you look at it and where you stand an infamous or glorious Climate Change "Denier", publishes an interesting article. It boils down to this, to keep in style: the influence of the sun on earth temperature is so over-important that even if all countries achieved net-zero by 2050 ("which we won't" he adds), the warming abated would be less than 1/13°K (or 0.08°C). Which would cost not many trillions, but quadrillions. Quite different from what the media keep pushing down our throats.
Monckton claims that he has submitted such a paper to a scientific journal, which in a year hasn't found a way to refute it. Which, he says, explains why the Greenies/Warmists are getting in a pantie-wadded panic: "It's game over, and they know it.""
If only.
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